My version numbering system, which today I think is silly, consisted of forever using 1. as the major version number, and incrementing the minor number for important releases.
Don't ask-- it was how things worked at my place of employment, and I knew no better.
Since I didn't imagine CoffeeMud being anything more than this fun thing I tinkered with, I kept poor records and absolutely no old version control. For this reason, piecing together exact dates and features is difficult.
Unfortunately, it also means an entire version is gone.
However, the most likely scenario, considering the dates, is that 1.1 consisted of a lot of new Standard Items and MOBs. At that time it was still my intended direction, and I had lots of help, principally from my coworkers, Lee Fox and Michael Rundell, who vanquished their own boredom in the java source code of CoffeeMud.
But the real revolution was still a version away.