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=CoffeeMUD Builder Information=
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Targets: Areas, Mobs
Parameters: (MIN="TICKS") (MAX="TICKS") (CHANCE="0-100") ("var=value" ...)
Examples: minquests=3 maxquests=5 template=normal_capture1
Description: This behavior will generate a random quest inside a host area, or generate a random quest on behalf of the host mob. The arguments are all optional, and are numerous:

MIN, MAX, and CHANCE determine how frequently an attempt will be made to generate a quest. Be generous with this, as quest generation is a cpu-intensive process. Default is 10-20 ticks.

MINQUESTS, MAXQUESTS determine how many quests will be generated at one time. If any existing quests ellapse, then new ones will be generated. Default is 1-3 quests. If multiple quests are offered by the same mob, then, by default, the player must complete each one in order.

PATH is used to specify the xml document to read the random quest data from. Default is randareas/example.xml.

TAGID is the tag of the QUEST object inside the PATH document to generate. Default is "all_quests".

EXPIRE is the amount of time a quest will run for before expiring forever. Expiration occurs even if a quest is accepted moments before. The default is "3 hours".

MAXATTEMPTS is the number of attempts that will be made to generate a particular quest. This is necessary because not all areas, people, or circumstances will support evey quest type. The default is 3.

The following are not aspects of this behavior, but are variables passed on to the percolator who generates the quests, and are only meaningful because of their definitions in /resources/quests/random/*.xml.

TEMPLATE is the name of the quest template to use. Default is normal.

AVOIDSCANS can be set to YES to avoid quest templates that scan an entire area.

AREA_NAME can override the name of the areas where the announcer is found.

SOURCE_NAME can override the name of the quest announcer.

TARGETAREA_NAME can override the name of the area where the quest occurs.

MULTIAREA can be set to YES to allow the quest to occur other than the source area.

TARGETNAME is quest-type specific, but can mean the name of a quest target mob or item.

NUM_TARGETS is quest-type specific, but can mean the number of items/mobs to target.

AGGRESSION is quest-type specific, but can be set to YES or NO.

XP_AMOUNT_AWARDED is the amount of xp to award for completing a quest.

GOLD_AMOUNT_AWARDED is the amount of money to award for completing a quest.

QUEST_POINT_AWARDED can be set to YES or NO.

QUEST_MULTIPLE can be set to YES, NO, or PREV

ANNOUNCECHANNEL can be anything from SAY, LOCAL, QUESTCHAT, etc.

TARGET_MIN_AREALEVEL AND TARGET_MAX_AREALEVEL to set a range for randomly picked target areas

