This page has all of the current base Sculpting recipes as of 3/8/2019.
Sculpting Recipes
Materials Amount
Materials Type
Special Requirements
Draft List
Delete this list after putting into table format.
WikiTitle WikiLevel (time) WikiAmount (value) (type) (field6) (field7) (field8) (Special Affects)
% toy 1 10 5 1 GenItem
crushed % 2 15 1 1 GenResource
% stepping stone 2 30 15 1 GenItem
% coaster 3 10 2 1 GenContainer 5 2048
% pet rock 3 10 2 1 GenItem
% plate 4 20 4 1 GenContainer 5 131072
% flower pot 5 10 10 1 GenEmptyDrink 10 65537
% fire pit 6 50 100 250 GenRideable 25 0 Burning
chipped % 7 15 1 1 GenResource
% weight 8 10 14 1 GenItem
% ornament 9 20 2 2 GenItem
% bird bath 10 100 200 2000 GenEmptyDrink 100 1
% cup 11 20 2 3 GenEmptyDrink 5 1
% bowl 11 20 3 4 GenEmptyDrink 6 131073
small % flower pot 12 15 5 5 GenEmptyDrink 5 65537
% chessboard 13 80 30 320 GenItem
powdered % 14 15 1 1 GenResource
% mug 15 20 3 7 GenEmptyDrink 5 1
% fireplace 16 60 250 2400 GenRideable 50 0 Burning
large % flower pot 17 20 40 110 GenEmptyDrink 50 65537
% plaque 18 10 10 10 GenItem
% paver 18 30 10 50 GenItem
% end table 19 60 40 450 GenRideable TABLE 20 0
% eye 20 20 1 4 GenLimb
% fountain 20 120 500 12500 GenFountain 0 1
% ballast 21 10 140 175 GenItem
% planter 22 30 20 120 GenEmptyDrink 25 65537
% six-sided die 23 40 1 9 GenDice 6
small % stool 23 20 10 40 GenChair CHAIR 1 0
small % plate 24 20 2 8 GenContainer 3 131072
% four-sided die 25 50 1 13 GenDice 4
% gravy boat 25 30 2 14 GenEmptyDrink 5 1
% pillar 25 30 50 350 GenItem
% stove 26 40 100 1000 GenRideable TABLE 100 0 Burning
small % bed 26 25 100 600 GenBed BED 1 0
% eight-sided die 27 50 1 13 GenDice 8
% ten-sided die 29 60 1 17 GenDice 10
small % bench 29 40 40 450 GenChair CHAIR 2 0
% coffee table 30 90 80 2200 GenRideable TABLE 50 0
% twelve-sided die 31 70 1 22 GenDice 12
% figurine 31 40 3 36 GenItem STATUE
% book shelf 32 40 70 875 GenContainer 30 384
% sarcophogus 32 40 500 6125 GenBed BED 500 64 Prop_NoPurge
% stool 33 20 50 300 GenChair CHAIR 1 0
% tub 33 60 400 8000 GenTub CHAIR 2000 0
% saucer 34 15 2 9 GenContainer 5 2048
small % box 35 15 20 90 GenContainer LID 50 0
% bed 36 30 200 2050 GenBed BED 2 0
% oven 36 60 500 10750 GenContainer LID 50 0 Burning
% twenty-sided die 37 80 1 30 GenDice 20
% steps 37 80 400 12000 GenRideable LADDER 3 0 Prop_NoPurge
% table 38 30 250 2700 GenRideable TABLE 150 0
% bench 39 80 180 5600 GenChair CHAIR 4 0
% vase 40 50 6 118 GenEmptyDrink 15 65537
% box 40 30 40 455 GenContainer LID 150 0
% bust 41 80 150 5000 GenItem STATUE
% wand 42 10 5 17 GenWand 20
large % six-sided die 43 50 2 43 GenDice 6
% platter 44 30 10 126 GenContainer 20 0
large % four-sided die 45 60 2 54 GenDice 4
% goblet 45 40 2 36 GenEmptyDrink 5 1
% scroll case 45 30 8 105 GenContainer LID 6 256
% ice box 45 60 200 5400 GenContainer LID 250 131072 *Prop_IceBox;
% pipe 46 50 3 69 GenPipe 200 8192
% forge 46 80 1200 44000 GenContainer LID 1000 0 Burning
large % eight-sided die 47 60 2 57 GenDice 8
% podium 48 30 80 1100 GenRideable TABLE 40 0
large % ten-sided die 49 70 2 69 GenDice 10
large % box 50 40 60 1175 GenContainer LID 300 0
large % twelve-sided die 51 80 2 82 GenDice 12
% statue 51 120 450 28000 GenItem STATUE
% chair 53 40 80 1650 GenChair CHAIR 1 0
% roman tub 53 60 500 16000 GenTub CHAIR 2400 0
% serving tray 54 40 12 255 GenContainer 50 0
small % chest 55 50 40 1100 GenContainer LOCK 100 0
king-sized % bed 56 50 600 16700 GenBed BED 4 0
% kiln 56 80 800 36000 GenContainer LID 1500 0 Burning
% lamp 57 30 25 415 GenLantern 0
% altar 58 100 300 17200 GenRideable TABLE 100 0
large % twenty-sided die 59 90 2 107 GenDice 20
long % bench 59 160 400 38500 GenChair CHAIR 8 0
% jewelry box 60 25 20 290 GenContainer LOCK 10 0
% sink 60 120 100 7300 GenFountain 100 1
% monument 61 400 2000 500000 GenItem STATUE
% thirty-sided die 62 90 1 57 GenDice 30
% charger 64 20 6 72 GenContainer 20 0
% hundred-sided die 65 100 1 66 GenDice 100
% chest 65 75 60 2950 GenContainer LOCK 250 0
large % ice box 65 120 600 47000 GenContainer LID 1000 131072 *Prop_IceBox;
four poster % bed 66 60 800 31500 GenBed BED 4 0
% hearth 66 100 1000 65250 GenRideable 250 0 Burning
% ladder 67 40 100 2625 GenRideable LADDER 0 0
% desk 68 30 300 5950 GenRideable TABLE 100 0
small % crate 70 30 60 1225 GenContainer LID 500 0
% giant statue 71 1000 5000 3600000 GenItem STATUE
ornate % sarcophagus 72 100 1500 109000 GenBed BED 500 64 Prop_NoPurge
% throne 73 180 150 20000 GenChair CHAIR 1 0
% jacuzzi 73 80 600 35000 GenTub CHAIR 2600 0
small % storage barrel 75 40 40 1180 GenContainer LID 100 0
% sleigh bed 76 60 1000 45500 GenBed BED 3 0
great % forge 76 120 2500 230000 GenContainer LID 5000 0 Burning
large % chest 80 100 100 8050 GenContainer LOCK 500 0
humongous % statue 81 5000 20000 82000000 GenItem STATUE Spell_Enlarge
% crate 85 35 100 2925 GenContainer LID 2500 0
huge % ice box 85 150 2500 321000 GenContainer LID 5000 131072 *Prop_IceBox;
canopy % bed 86 70 800 48000 GenBed BED 4 0
% storage barrel 90 45 80 3200 GenContainer LID 500 0