Build 5.7.0
Revision as of 19:35, 27 October 2014 by Bozimmerman (talk | contribs)
Build 5.7.0
Released 3/10/2011
- Can now enter I3 RESTART or IMC2 RESTART to reconnect to the intermuds
- Language: Undercommon
- Property/skill: TemporaryAffects (for timer-dependent behaviors/properties)
- Property: Prop_LanguageSpeaker, Prop_ModFaction
- INI entry: WIZLISTMASK -- WIZLIST command modified to support it.
- MUDGrinder Map editor now has a Scripts editor button on the map screen.
- Internal: Lots of refactoring done. Lots.
- INI entries: OBJSPERTHREAD, TICKTIME, MILLISPERMUDHOUR -- control time and thread spawning!
- Web & SMTP server INI files have some tweeking options for performance (MAXTHREADS/REQUESTTIMEOUTMINS)
- MERGE command can now be used to merge different database instances of areas/rooms/etc..
- Added an all-skills configuration file: /resources/skills/allqualifylist
- IP service (CM1Server) -- a new, more formal-syntax mud interface -- see guides/CM1ServerGuide.html
- DISABLE flag: LOGOUTS (keeps characters in game world even if they log out)
- Another playable race: Duergar
- Apprentice can now play only level 1 -- we had too many people playing all the way to 5 and regretting it.
- IMPORT now supports areatype parameter for converting to different types.
- MODIFY [TYPE] [NAME] [STAT] [VALUE] command syntax has had its first expansion since CM 1.0!
- CLAN ROLE IDs renumbered (internal). System will attempt to fix most values, but enchanters/treasurers will be confused.
- ACT_PROG P clarified in the Scriptable document.
- New DISABLE flags in coffeemud.ini: DARKNIGHTS, DARKWEATHER
- EMAILREQ (player emails) can now be set to disabled in coffeemud.ini file.
- FakeDB now supports PreparedStatements, and Apache Derby support is now complete.
- Skill Recipes: Skill Component entries can now be substituted for ingredient amount in skill recipes. Make items from other items!
- WebMacro NumPlayers supports ALL, TOTAL, TOTALCACHED, and ACCOUNTS. See Web Guide for more info.
- New command: POSE, with new filter INI entry for it: POSEFILTER. DISABLEd in coffeemud.ini file by default.
- Old accounts will now be purged when they run out of characters. See INI entry: ACCOUNTPURGE
- New Scriptable Functions: ISSPEAKING, ISCONTENTS, WORNON
- Clan types (governments) are now configurable with clangovernments.xml, create, modify, destroy, mudgrinder
- Racial Effects are now implemented as inexpensively as possible. See genraces in command line & mudgrinder.
- Clans (via their governments) now support custom help entries, clan effects, and clan abilities.
- COMPARE command can now be used to compare container capacity
- Can now create exception lists for DEFCMDTIME and DEFABLETIME in coffeemud.ini file/control panel.
- Commands LOAD/UNLOAD now can be done manually by players for ranged weapons requiring ammunition.
- Affect now shows disposition, and time remaining on spells.
- Gathering skills are a 1/3 more stingy, and Crafting skills sort their lists by level now.
- Foreign CharSet localization support (char names, lists.ini (file loading/saving in general), web file editor, misc problems...)