Help and Support
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mud
Need help with something not covered here? Check with the CoffeeMUD Yahoo Group. The Yahoo Group also has some useful files on it.
Getting Started
- This is the introduction FAQ sent to all new members of the CoffeeMUD Yahoo Group upon joining.
- Installation Guide
- Archon's Guide
- Game Builders Guide
- Reference Guide
- Scripting Guide
- Random Areas Guide
- Mud Chat Guide
- Web Server Guide
- SMTP Server Guide
- MUDGrinder Guide
- Programmer's Guide
Common Issues
- CoffeeMud won't compile! It keeps asking for files in org.mozilla.javascript.*;
- You have to add js.jar and jzlib.jar to your build path. It is located at CoffeeMud Folder/lib/js.jar and Folder/lib/jzlib.jar.
- Set your JAVA_HOME variable to the location of your Sun Java JDK directory.
- CoffeeMud won't compile! I'm using OSX!
- sudo mkdir -p /opt/jdk15/
- sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5/Commands/ /opt/jdk15/bin
- When prompted for your JAVA_HOME, respond with "/opt/jdk15"
How In The Heck?!
Articles for "When you're just trying to figure out what to do"
- How do I import CoffeeMUD into Eclipse?
- Download and extract CoffeeMUD somewhere.
- Open Eclipse and create a new project.
- Drag the folder com from the CoffeeMUD folder into the Eclipse project's icon in Eclipse. This will copy the source to your current workspace.
- Copy all of the other files and folders from the CoffeeMUD folder into the folder with your project in it
- Finally, add js.jar to the buildpath to use the org.mozilla.javascript.*; libraries. Do this by right clicking on your project in Eclipse, then going to Build Path -> Add External Archives. js.jar is located at CoffeeMud Folder/lib/js.jar
- How do I change the default prompt for new characters?
- Modify the defaultPrompt variable in com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Common.interfaces.PlayerStats
- How do I change the default colour scheme?
- Search coffeemud.ini for COLORSCHEME.
- How do I make exits appear in one line instead of on multiple lines?
- Near the very bottom of com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Commands.Look (line 139 in my version) change the line CMLib.commands().lookAtExits(mob.location(),mob); to CMLib.commands().lookAtExitsShort(mob.location(),mob); This will change the exits for when the players type 'look.'
- To change it for when the player types exits, simply change the line CMLib.commands().lookAtExits(mob.location(),mob); in com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.Commands.Exits to CMLib.commands().lookAtExitsShort(mob.location(),mob);
- Why is CoffeeMUD running so slowly?!
- More likely than not, this is because you are using fakedb instead of a real database such as MySQL. With a real database, one can read from the disk without using the CPU (or using the CPU to do other things) and searching the database will be quicker as well.
- So how do I switch CoffeeMUD from fakedb to another database, such as MySQL?
- It's easy! Thrinntu wrote a tutorial on switching to MySQL for the Yahoo support group ( ). With only minor modifications you can make it work with any OS. Remember to add the .jar files to your build path!
- How do I create more Archon Manuals?
- As your Archon character, type create manualarchon.
- Why does my semi-colon act like an enter key when I am building and entering parameters?
- Check if your client uses command stacking. If it does make sure the ; is not used as the command stack character.
Related Links:
- ===Official Development===
- ===Modification===
- ===All About Building===
- ===Feature Requests===