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=Racial Categories=
Amphibian     Animal     Arachnid     Avian     Bovine     Canine     Celestial     Demon     Devil     Dragon     Dwarf     Elemental     Elf     Equine     Fairy-kin     Feline     Fish     Giant-kin     Gnome     Goblinoid     Halfling    Humanoid     Illithid     Insect     Mephit     Metal Golem     Mustelid     Ophidian     Ovine     Pachyderm     Porcine     Primate     Pteropine     Reptile     Rodent     Sea Mammal     Slime     Stone Golem     Undead     Unique     Unknown     Ursine     Vegetation     Wood Golem     Worm    
Description: All manner of animal-human hybrids, in virtually every ratio. One might even say that certain tribal animists fall under this category, socially and culturally modeling themselves after animals. If it's furry, or has animal ears and a tail, pick this one.
Stat Adjustments: dexterity+1, constitution+2, charisma-1, wisdom-2, save vs fire-20, save vs cold+20, max dexterity adj.+1, max constitution adj.+2, max charisma adj.-1, max wisdom adj.-2
Racial Abilities:
Cultural Abilities: Hunting Butchering Shape Shift
Racial Effects:
Bonus Languages: Fey
Bonus Abilities: infravision
Experience Modification: 0%
Life Expectancy: 78 years
Starting Equipment: a fur wristguard, a small hide loincloth
Wear Locations: head neck torso arms left wrist right wrist left finger right finger feet held wield hands floating nearby waist legs eyes ears body mouth back
Qualifying Classes: Apprentice Artisan Assassin Barbarian Bard Burglar Cavalier Charlatan Cleric Doomsayer Fighter Gaoler Illusionist Mage Minstrel Necromancer Oracle Pirate Sailor Scholar Shaman Thief Trapper

Character Information

Start Area Cora Isle
Player Ambassador
Racial Cities

How to Play

"Beastkin" are not one species, but a collection of somewhat-related beings resembling the beasts of the forests and plains, but standing on two feet. Many are tribal, few have writing systems, and most of them have only oral accounts of their history. Their origins are attested only in myths.

Outsiders may not know this; each race has a different stereotype of what a beastkin is. Elves and fae are the most friendly, as they respect animals, spirits, and all other parts of nature, and a given beastkin is one of those or another. Humans or dwarves tend to be more judgmental, disregarding them as "creatures of near-human intellect" and equating them with gnolls or goblins.

Common terms for some kind of beastkin include:

- Wolfskin: Any Beastkin who resembles a wolf. The Wolfskin of the Silver Temple undergo constant training to control their tempers, fearful that they may become as mindless as a common werewolf if they neglect their duties.
- Kitsune: Any Beastkin who resembles a fox. They say there is a secret Fox Village somewhere, an awful experience for new visitors, but a powerful ally to those who earn the foxes' trust.
- Taguel: Any Beastkin who resembles a rabbit - especially the secretive denizens of the Mad Hare Plains, who transform into horrible "dire bunnies" to jealously protect their homelands from intrusion.

But not all beastkin who resemble the same animal are of the same tribe or nature. Some can change their form and others cannot. It is a very human error to assume that what looks alike is alike.

Class Selection


  • Beastkin are excluded from Bard, Charlatan, Oracle, Mage and Illusionist classes.
  • Beastkin are allowed to be Missionaries and Templars (I don't know how to exclude these classes).
  • Beastkin don't butcher into parts. (I will do this "soon". Whenever I say may take a little push as I have lots on my plate, so if you haven't seen butcherable beastkin in a month, please give me a little push).
  • Beastkin gain Shapeshift as an ability, and can select non-beastly shapes, such as fish and reptiles.