Cofudlet(Client Addon)

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A sample output in MUDlet with Cofudlet installed.
MUDlet with Cofudlet.

The package is an add-on for MUDlet developed by Cizra for use by CoffeeMUD players. This project can also be found on

From the developer


  • Contains a map of many areas, some of which are manually laid out (TODO: figure out how to easily share the map)
  • Displays your current position in the map
  • Creates new rooms as you discover them
  • You can use the Mudlet UI to create special exits
  • When mazes reset, and you bump into an exit that has disappeared, now the mapper will delete all exits in that maze. This makes it much easier to re-map the whole maze.
  • improved detection of mobs. Walk into a room with mob, then hit Keypad-5 or click on its name that appear in the miniwindow (mid-bottom) to consider them and attack, if the level is appropriate.
  • mob ls lists all the mobs you've seen in this area, with levels if discovered. Discover the levels by considering them with Keypad-5.
  • mob go and mob run to go to the mob's location. Forget if it's the first or last seen location, probably first. Try it in Midgaard: mob run Hassan
  • map path command to find your way around without actually going there
  • map cover generates a path that visits every room in the area. Dunno what it's useful for, but it was so easy to code.
  • probably something else, check Git changelog at

Missing features

  • Many areas in CoffeeMUD are not laid out on a grid, so you'll need to adjust the position of rooms manually, until they fit.

Do share your layouts (let's figure out technical details)!