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Effect: Age
Targets: Items, Mobs
Examples: 106222323232

10 +9999

Description: The ability to age from infancy (an item) to adulthood (a mob). The normal argument is the birth time in real-life epoc milliseconds. A number smaller than 32768 will be interpreted as a number of years old. An argument beginning with a + will adjust the milliseconds birth time backwards by the given number of mud-hours.

This affect can be used to set a mob's age (in MUD YEARS) with a value below 64000. It will not automatically adjust any of the mob's stats beyond indicating a particular age, although certain functions are age related (such as diseases or the ability to procreate).

For determining a mob's adjusted height and weight by age group use the following table.

Age Category Height Factor Weight Factor
Infant *0.2 *0.1
Toddler *0.25 *0.15
Child *0.5 *0.5
Young Adult *0.9 *0.9
Adult *1 *1
Mature *1 *1
Old *1 *1
Venerable *1 *1
Ancient *1 *0.9


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