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Revision as of 17:09, 6 July 2023 by Loki (talk | contribs) (→‎Notes)
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=CoffeeMUD Player Information=
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World Deities     Areas     Property     Quests     Clans     Triumphs Items Items     Crafting     Ships
=CoffeeMUD Areas=
A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       J       K       L       M        N       O       P       Q       R        S       T        U       V       W        X       Y        Z
=CoffeeMUD Regions=
Alramia       Calinthia       Dark Continent       Domhan Bol       Ofcollia       Otherworldly       Thalosia       Thera       Tyrithel       Unknown       Ven'rasyl      
Description: The land of elves and drow.
Author: Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 146 Population: 99
LevelRange: 3-80 MedianLevel: 30
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral

Useful Items


Pub Dweller Quests

These are random quests to specific areas available from various mobs who hang out in Pubs.

Name Location Target Quest Area Approximate Level
Sam The Gaping Maw Valley of the Elves 6
Laslow The Back Room Mirkwood 11

Connected Areas


Type Shopkeeper Name Room Sample Inventory Notes
Services The Healer Adept By the Altar of Magic Convert (to Bella), Bless, Cure Disease, Remove Curse, Heal, Restoration, Forgive
Items Stradi Ranasael Stradi's Various Instruments a variety of musical instruments
Items Blane the Tavern Keeper The Gaping Maw a variety of alcoholic beverages
Pets/Servants Jeaves Thou Good and Faithful Servant, Inc. a variety of servants and pets
Items Kal'ille M'Gorn Elven Trading Post a variety of useful adventuring gear
Items Delyron of Argille The Butcher Block A variety of cooked meats and raw fruits and vegetables. He will also buy fresh meats.
Items Nech'lir the blacksmith The Armory mithril chain armor
Items Sarn'otha Vent'Mir All That Glitters jewelry
Items Gethnir'Rah F'nith He Who Lives By The Sword (R) Weapons Botique Weapons
Items The Necromancer-Alchemist Necromancer' Supply Shoppe miscellaneous magic items (like wands)
Items Nalfein House of Teken'Duis - Elixers potions
Items Drizzt Drizzt's Trinkets and Magical Components miscellaneous magic items
Items Ethnali'daunali Flisparean A Stone's Throw ranged weapons and ammunition
Pets Elanai Elanai Farms various livestock
Items Brandelorian Brandelorian Boats Boats
Items Lutharial Lutharial's Resource Exchange Various crafting resources
Items Erestenos Lanathil Tools of the Trade Gathering tools



  • Silarana, in Silarana's Inn on Commerce Street can provide directions to anywhere in the world.
  • The citizens of Elvenhame worship the goddess Bella above all others. Her magic is what guides the world, shaped by Malla's Light and Kortamus's Shadow.