CoffeeMUD |
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=CoffeeMUD Player Information= | |||
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=CoffeeMUD Groups= |
Combat Followers Pets Hirelings Retainers Slaves Nannies |
Groups in CoffeeMUD allow multiple players and/or mobs to travel together with less risk of separation. Using the FOLLOW command, players may follow a mob or player that has sufficient charisma to accept the additional follower. The person being followed is the group leader, and the group leader must have sufficient charisma for all members of the party. You cannot daisy-chain followers to create a larger group than the leader's charisma allows at the time the follow command is issued. Certain abilities may only be used on fellow group members.
Forming a Group
Groups are formed in several ways. Whenever you Spell_Charm or Summon a monster (or similar effects), if your charisma is high enough, the creature will form a group with you. Other players may FOLLOW you, or you can buy a Pet from a shopkeeper.
Leaving a Group
- You may leave a group at anytime by using the NOFOLLOW.
- A leader can eject a party member by using NOFOLLOW (party member name). This can be done even if the party member isn't in the same room as the leader.
- All but the most loyal of party members will be forcefully ejected from your group if you are arrested.
Useful Group Commands
- GROUP: This command will show you the current condition of all party members.
- ORDER (Party member) REPORT: A party leader can use this command to cause the party member to report their status verbally. See the ORDER command for other variations.
- FORMATION: This command can be used to keep certain party members at a higher range from their target. This is particularly useful to put mages and archers in the back rows of a formation. The party leader is always in the front row.
- GTELL: This command allows communication with all group members, without broadcasting the message on a channel or to others in the room. This command may not be available on Role-playing servers.
In general, when one member of a group enters combat against a mob, all other group members will enter combat as well.
- Most harmful area-of-affect spells will not harm other members in your group.
- If you directly target a member of your group, they will take damage as normal, and fight back.
- While in a group, experience for killing mobs is split amongst all group members, although a slight bonus is applied for being in a group.
- Bards provide a larger group experience bonus.
- Undead do not split XP with a necromancer, instead gaining bonus XP alongside their master.
- Animals do not split XP with a beastmaster, instead gaining bonus XP alongside their protector.
- Summoned creatures do not split XP, nor do they earn XP.
- While in a group, all gold looted is evenly split amongst party members.
Followers is a term that refers to any MOB in a group that is not the leader. Followers can be ordered by the leader. While it is possible to have a nested command of leaders (Mob C follows Mob B, who follows Mob A), only a leader may issue orders to a follower. Note: The overall party leader must have a high enough charisma to account for ALL followers in the group, even those following other members of the group.
- While in a group, the leader can ORDER followers around. This can be useful, but caution should be used when following other players. Report abuse to your admin immediately, using the ASSIST command.
Pets are followers bought at a store and remain with you until dismissed.
Hirelings are a special type of follower which the leader pays for their services. Once the total time of paid services expires, the hireling will make their way back home.
Retainers are a special type of follower which the leader pays for their services. If placed on AUTOGUARD on property owned by the leader, the retainer will stay on that property and draw his pay from the owner's bank account until dismissed, but the retainer can be removed from the owner's group without causing him to be dismissed.
Slaves are intelligent mobs that have been enslaved and can be bought and sold. You must maintain their loyalty by providing them food and water.
Nannies are special mobs that will watch over certain types of things (mobs, children, wagons, boats, etc).
- In order to leave a follower with a nanny, you need to issue the NOFOLLOW command to the follower (So, NOFOLLOW (follower name)) to get them to stay with the Nanny. They will rejoin your group when you return and pay the nanny.