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Domain: Epicurean
Available: Arcanist(1) Assassin(1) Barbarian(10) Jester(1) Ranger(1) Thief(1) Trapper(1)
Allows: Quick Cooking Identify Poison Quick Worker Advanced Cooking Poisoning
UseCost: Movement (24)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Skill  : APOTHECARY


Example  : mix pot

: mix list
: mix list slumber
: mix list 5-10
: mix list all

This skill allows the player to create a deadly poison from basic ingredients. The player must be near a fire over which the poison can be brewed. The ingredients must be placed in a fire-safe container, like a pot or pan. A pot may be filled with water or other liquids, if water or the liquid is required for the recipe.

Poison List

Name Level Effect Duration Requirements
Flysting 1 2 damage, CON - 1 10 ticks, 2 delay Insect Guts, Water
Glowgell 1 Glows items. (Unknown duration) Insect Guts, Water
Beesting 1 2 damage, CON - 1, STR - 1 10 ticks, 2 delay Insect Guts, Lemon
Bloodboil 5 1-2 damage, CON - 1, STR - 5, Attack - 20 20 ticks, 2 delay Undead Blood, Water, Lemon
Peppersauce 7 Blindness, CON - 1 10 ticks, 1 delay Pepper, Water
Slumberall 9 Sleep 50 ticks, 1 delay Poultry, Milk, Seaweed
Venom 10 2-10 damage, CON - 7, STR - 3 25 ticks, 2 delay Snake Blood
Mindsap 12 CON - 1, INT - 10 50 ticks, 1 delay Lead, Water, Lamp Oil
Heartstopper 15 2-20 damage, CON - 1, STR - 1 8 ticks, 1 delay Lamp Oil, Seaweed, Potato
Goblin Drip 16 2-4 damage, CON - 1, STR - 10 50 ticks, 5 delay Goblin Blood, Copper
XXX 18 2-100 damage, CON - 5, STR - 1 25 ticks, 2 delay Snake Blood, Lead, Troll Blood
Decrepifier 20 2-4 damage, CON - 10, STR - 10, DEX - 10 25 ticks, 5 delay Essence of Golem, Tomato, Water
Ghoultouch 25 Paralysis, CON - 1 7 ticks, 1 delay Undead Blood, Knuckle Bone

