Difference between revisions of "Ships(GenSailingShips)"

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Revision as of 12:33, 7 May 2017

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Boats        Ships        Ship Combat        Sailing Commands

Ships can be bought or captured from a number of areas throughout the world.

Where to buy a ship

Alramus has a shipwright who sells ships and a clan shipwright who sells ships to clans. Both are located at the docks on the west side of the city along Creation Row.

New Thalos sells ships from the Ship Builders Guild outside the east gate of New Thalos, and a clan reprentative who sells ships to clans. There is also a dockmaster who sells boats along the Ishtar river at the Boat Ramp.

Areas with ship combat

Ship Stats

Ships vary in size, speed, cost and capacity. The table below displays some of these statistics for specific ship types. It is possible that an individual ship may vary from the base-line ship statistics listed below.

  • Type - This is the name of the type of ship. Ships bought from a vendor are given individual ship names based on the type of ship.
  • Speed - This determines how many navigation actions a ship may take during combat.
  • Cost (if a title is owned) - This is the base price (before charisma modifiers) of selling the ship to a ship vendor. To sell a ship to a vendor, you must have the ship title or a copy of the ship title. Ship titles are obtained at ship vendors when you first purchase the ship. Additional copies of ship titles are also available at ship vendors for a small fee. Picking up a title does not make the ship yours, but if the ship's owner GIVES you the title (or a copy of the title), then you become the new owner. Capturing a ship at sea does not reward a title.
  • Total number of rooms (ROOMS) - The total number of rooms of a ship determines how much damage it can take in combat.
  • Number of non-weapon deck rooms (NWD) - These are deck rooms that generally are not intended to have weapons.
  • Max capacity of non-weapon deck rooms (NWD CAP) - These are the item and weight limitations of the room type in the form of -/10. A dash means no specified limit.
  • Number of light-weapon deck rooms (LWD) - These are deck rooms that are intended to have light ship weapons.
  • Max capacity of light-weapon deck rooms (LWD CAP) - These are the item and weight limitations of the room type in the form of -/10. A dash means no specified limit.
  • Number of weapon deck rooms (NWD) - These are deck rooms that are intended to have normal ship weapons.
  • Max Capacity of weapon deck rooms (NWD CAP) - These are the item and weight limitations of the room type in the form of -/10. A dash means no specified limit.
  • Number of heavy-weapon deck rooms (HWD) - These are deck rooms that are intended to have heavy ship weapons.
  • Max Capacity of heavy-weapon deck rooms (HWD CAP) - These are the item and weight limitations of the room type in the form of -/10. A dash means no specified limit.
  • Number of cargo hold rooms (HOLDS)- These are below-deck rooms used for cargo.
  • Max Capacity of cargo hold rooms (HOLDS CAP) - These are the item and weight limitations of the room type in the form of -/10. A dash means no specified limit.
  • Number of quarters (QTR) - These are enclosed rooms above or below decks.
  • Max Capacity of quarters (QTR CAP) - These are the item and weight limitations of the room type in the form of -/10. A dash means no specified limit.
Thalosian Corvette 4 1 3 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 2 unl 1 unl 0 N/A
Midgaardian Frigate 3 1 4 0 N/A 0 N/A 3 100/600 0 N/A 1 1000/10000 0 N/A
Alramian Battlebarge 1 1 7 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 6 -/1100 1 -/10000 0 N/A
Achaean Bireme
Trojan Bireme
small junk
pleasure barge 1 50000 18 4 100/200 0 N/A 0 N/A 2 -/1100 8 1000/10000 4 100/-
  • The Pleasure Barge comes with a Spa with a Jacuzzi and a Galley with an oven.