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(Created page with "{{CoffeeMUDWikiTOC}} {{CoffeeMUDAbilitiesTOC}} __NOTOC__ {{SkillTemplate|Name=Forest Tactics|Domain=Nature Lore|Available=Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbaria...")
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{{SkillTemplate|Name=Forest Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(22)]] |Allows=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in forests. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
{{SkillTemplate|Name=Forest Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(22)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in forests. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

Revision as of 16:31, 6 September 2016

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===Forest Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(22)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (72)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in forests. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

