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{{ClassTemplate|Name=Abjurer|Description=Abjurers are specialist mages who concentrate their studies towards the mastery of protective magic.  So adept have they become that they automatically gain every known abjuration spell when they gain levels, including spells which only the abjurer may master.
Although the Abjurer will not have the benefit of Enchantment spells, they are still formidible foes.  Their protective magic lasts much longer than that of other mages, and they still have access to many of the most dangerous spells.
|PrimeStat=Intelligence|Qualifications=Intelligence 9+|Practices=6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]|Trains=3 +1 per level|Hitpoints=20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl]|Mana=100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl]|Movement=100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl]|Attack=+(Int/18) per level|Damage=+1 damage per 30 level(s)|MaxStat=Intelligence (25), Others (18)|Bonuses=At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Abjuration as levels advance.  At 10th level, receives double duration on your Abjuration magic, and half duration from malicious Abjuration magic.|Weapons=Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.|Armor=Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.|Limitations=Unable to cast Enchantment/charm spells.  Receives penalty damage from Enchantment/charm as levels advance.  Receives double duration from malicious Enchantment/charm magic, half duration on other Enchantment/charm effects.|StartingEq=a wooden quarterstaff|Races=[[Drow|Drow]] [[Elf|Elf]] [[Githyanki|Githyanki]] [[Gnome|Gnome]] [[Half Elf|Half Elf]] [[Human|

Latest revision as of 15:24, 22 August 2024

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=CoffeeMUD LIST WIKI Commands=
=CoffeeMUD LIST WIKIHELP Commands=

This page has a sample of the output of a LIST CLASS WIKIHELP command from the Official CoffeeMUD. It is highly recommended when using any of the CoffeeMUD LIST WIKI commands that you save your results to a log file for easy cut and paste.

Modifying this page

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Special Modifications

Since the Apprentice Class has only 1 level, I have created a special template (ApprenticeTemplate instead of ClassTemplate) for this class. Please manually modify this heading every time you import new data.



Description: Abjurers are specialist mages who concentrate their studies towards the mastery of protective magic. So adept have they become that they automatically gain every known abjuration spell when they gain levels, including spells which only the abjurer may master.

Although the Abjurer will not have the benefit of Enchantment spells, they are still formidible foes. Their protective magic lasts much longer than that of other mages, and they still have access to many of the most dangerous spells.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Abjuration as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Abjuration magic, and half duration from malicious Abjuration magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Enchantment/charm spells. Receives penalty damage from Enchantment/charm as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Enchantment/charm magic, half duration on other Enchantment/charm effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Magic Missile    Iron Grip    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Repairing Aura    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Revoke    Anti Plant Shell    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Memorize)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Resist Poison    (Obscure Self)    (Clog Mouth)    (Detect Undead)    (Summon Steed)    (Blur)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Shrink)    (Enlarge Object)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Summoning Ward    Song Shield    Fire Building    Resist Gas    (Summon Companion)    (Feather Fall)    (Grease)    (Dream)    (Floating Disc)    (Deafen)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Detect Metal)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Resist Acid    Mage Armor    (Detect Poison)    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Water Breathing)    (Frost)    (Acid Arrow)    (Friends)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Resist Cold    Charm Ward    Resist Bludgeoning    (Lesser Mend)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Faerie Fire)    (Wall of Stone)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Resist Electricity    (Weakness to Acid)    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Detect Invisible)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Find Familiar)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Minor Mana Shield    Resist Fire    (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Invisibility)    (Monster Summoning)    (Darkness)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Resist Disease    Teleportation Ward    (Faerie Fog)    (Spellcraft)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Shatter)    (Elemental Storm)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Lightning Bolt)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Counterspell    (Flameshield)    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Magic Mouth)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 Resist Arrows    (Arcane Mark)    (Teleport)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Mute)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Improved Repairing Aura    Resist Piercing    (Change Sex)    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Mirror Image)    (Weaken)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Claireaudience)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 Globe    (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Delirium)    (Destroy Object)    (Clairevoyance)    (Fly)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Resist Divination    Resist Paralysis    (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Giant Strength)    (Earthquake)    (Gate)    (Reinforce)    
14 Arcane Possession    (Mass Invisibility)    (Scribe)    (Silence)    (Wall of Air)    (Know Value)    
15 Mana Shield    (Climb)    (Blink)    (Polymorph)    (Fake Weapon)    (Ensnare)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Free Movement    (Choke)    (Mage Claws)    (Chain Lightning)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Dismissal)    
17 Chant Shield    (Portal)    (Fools Gold)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 Resist Petrification    Deflection    (Reverse Gravity)    (See Aura)    (Web)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Resist Slashing    (Improved Invisibility)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 Prayer Shield    Repulsion    (Nightmare)    (Improved Polymorph)    (Cloudkill)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 Immunity    Divination Ward    (Alchemy)    (Mass Haste)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 Greater Globe    Resist Indignities    (Disenchant Item)    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 Mind Block    Kinetic Bubble    (Combat Precognition)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    (Cogniportive)    
24 Mass Repairing Aura    Anchor    (Returning)    (Delay)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    
25 Major Mana Shield    Spell Turning    (Disintegrate)    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Achilles Armor    


Description: Alterers are specialist mages who concentrate their studies in the mastery of altering the world around them. Their all-purpose skills serve them wonderfully in combat, in the maintenance of their own health and equipment, and in becoming successful adventurers. So skilled are they in the alteration of the universe that they gain all known alteration spells, including some which only the alterer may gain.

The Alterer suffers from a lack of access to the Evocation school of magic, the long duration and heavy impact of their spells plus the general usefulness of their school makes them a good choice for all mages. Since they have their own kind of destructive magic, they will find they don't miss evocations at all.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Alteration as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Alteration magic, and half duration from malicious Alteration magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Invocation/evocation spells. Receives penalty damage from Invocation/evocation as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Invocation/evocation magic, half duration on other Invocation/evocation effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Magic Missile    Harden Bullets    Iron Grip    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Read Magic    Wands    Erase Scroll    Revoke    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Memorize)    (Wizards Chest)    (Spider Climb)    (Repairing Aura)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Animate Item    Enlarge Object    (Obscure Self)    (Clog Mouth)    (Detect Undead)    (Summon Steed)    (Enchant Arrows)    (Blur)    (Shrink)    (Resist Poison)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Feather Fall    Shape Object    Wizard Lock    Fire Building    (Summon Companion)    (Grease)    (Summoning Ward)    (Sleep)    (Dream)    (Deafen)    (Detect Metal)    (Resist Gas)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Burning Hands    Friends    Flaming Arrows    (Detect Poison)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Resist Acid)    (Water Breathing)    (Mage Armor)    (Acid Arrow)    (Endless Hunger)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Lesser Mend    Mystic Shine    Harden    (Resist Cold)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Charm Ward)    (Spook)    (Faerie Fire)    (Wall of Stone)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Meld    Keen Edge    (Weakness to Acid)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Charm)    (Detect Invisible)    (Resist Electricity)    (Find Familiar)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Refit    (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Tourettes)    (Resist Fire)    (Invisibility)    (Monster Summoning)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Shatter    (Faerie Fog)    (Spellcraft)    (Fear)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Resist Disease)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Teleportation Ward)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Magic Mouth    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Awe)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 Arcane Mark    Slow    Mass FeatherFall    (Teleport)    (Resist Arrows)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Mute)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Heat Metal    Suppress Aroma    (Change Sex)    (Improved Repairing Aura)    (Mirror Image)    (Weaken)    (Claireaudience)    (Feeblemind)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 Haste    (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Delirium)    (Laughter)    (Confusion)    (Clairevoyance)    (Fly)    (Globe)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Increase Gravity    Reinforce    (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Giant Strength)    (Frenzy)    (Gate)    (Resist Paralysis)    
14 Store Aromas    Silence    (Mass Invisibility)    (Arcane Possession)    (Wall of Air)    (Know Value)    (Animate Weapon)    
15 Alter Substance    Ensnare    (Climb)    (Blink)    (Irritation)    (Polymorph)    (Fake Weapon)    (Hold)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Choke    Improved Harden    (Mage Claws)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Free Movement)    (Dismissal)    
17 Slow Projectiles    (Clarify Scroll)    (Siphon)    (Fools Gold)    (Recharge Wand)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 Reverse Gravity    Greater Mend    (See Aura)    (Resist Petrification)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Mass Slow    Stone Flesh    (Improved Invisibility)    (Forget)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    
20 Timeport    (Nightmare)    (Improved Polymorph)    (Enchant Armor)    (Repulsion)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 Polymorph Object    Mass Haste    (Command)    (Alchemy)    (Immunity)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 Gravity Slam    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Greater Globe)    (Enchant Weapon)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 Fabricate    Time Stop    (Combat Precognition)    (Mind Block)    (Cogniportive)    
24 Wizards Mark    (Returning)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    (Frailty)    (Anchor)    
25 Duplicate    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    (Geas)    (Spell Turning)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Limited Wish    


Description: An Apprentice may not go past level 1, and qualifies only for the games most common non-combat skills. You are free to move around in the game like anyone else, in order to learn some of the ropes before choosing a more permanent career. When you have decided which of the main classes to go to, you may use the TRAIN command with an appropriate teacher to become the class of your choosing. If you can't find an appropriate teacher, remember that a player of the proper class may be able to help you. Be sure to save yourself a training session for this purpose!
Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 5+, Intelligence 5+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+5 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 6 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/9)+(1d4) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/10)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18)-1 per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Others (18)
Bonuses: Gains lots of xp for training to a new class, and gets bonus common skills.
Weapons: Must use dagger-like or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Starting Equipment: a small dagger
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Climb    Write    Recall    (Swim)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Hand to hand combat)    (Caravan Building)    (Bandaging)    (Clan Crafting)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Meat Curing)    
8 (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
10 (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
12 (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
15 (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
18 (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
20 (Branding)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: Also known as the Arcane Rogue, the Arcanist is the thief who has become fascinated with all things arcane, but has little or no innate magical power. He is an accumulator of wands and scrolls; making good use of his limited knowledge to create, improve, and most especially use these items to his devious ends. Arcanists are also just knowledgable enough to learn spells simply by observing their usage, although, lacking any innate power, he forgets them as soon as they are used.
Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 9+, Intelligence 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/5)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (22), Dexterity (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Magic resistance, 1%/level. Huge discounts when buying arcane potions after 5th level. Ability to memorize spells learned through SpellCraft. Can see wand charges at level 30.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Climb    Write    Recall    Read Magic    Scroll Scribing    (Alchemy)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Apothecary)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Erase Scroll)    (Hide)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Wands    (Enchant Arrows)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Clarify Scroll)    (Sneak)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Paper Making    (Revoke)    (Detect Traps)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Pick Locks)    (Dodge)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Spellcraft    (Identify Poison)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Use Poison)    (Disarm)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Parry    (Remove Traps)    
10 (Repairing Aura)    (Recharge Wand)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Trip    (Lore)    
12 (Enchant Armor)    (Rodsmithing)    (Wand Making)    (Scribe)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Disenchant Wand    (Make Maps)    
14 (Enchant Weapon)    (Rapid Shot)    
15 Power Grab    (Enchant Wand)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Improved Alchemy)    (Ward Area)    (Detect Invisible)    
17 Shadow    (Second Attack)    
18 (Use Potion)    (Knock)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Refit    (Detection)    
20 (Greater Enchant Armor)    (Branding)    
21 Observe    
22 (Dampen Auras)    (Greater Enchant Weapon)    
23 Lesser Mend    
24 (Comprehend Languages)    (Disenchant Item)    
25 (Store Spell)    (Slippery Mind)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Magic Item    


Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Must be granted by another Archon.
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d6)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 1 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (25), Intelligence (25), Dexterity (25), Constitution (25), Charisma (25), Wisdom (25), Others (18)
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Starting Equipment: a wooden staff
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Disguise Undead    Scrapping    Climb    Write    Magic Missile    Annul    Invisibility to Undead    ClanEnchant Mind    Mark    ClanEnchant Poison    Scroll Scribing    Searching    Lore    Cooking    My Plants    Sculpting    Paper Making    Tanning    Aquatic Pass    AutoSwim    Nothing    Predict Tides    Farming    Healing Hands    Weaving    Find Ship    Wand Making    Harden Skin    Deaden Smell    Stability    Animal Bonding    Mycology    Sense Life    Siegecrafting    Harden Bullets    Plant Lore    Lacquering    Track    Ranged Weapon Familiarity    Kick    Decorating    Costuming    Hand to hand combat    Carpentry    Edged Weapon Proficiency    Paper Making    ClanEnchant Electric    Polearm Specialization    Gardening    Masonry    Food Preserving    Staff Specialization    Blacksmithing    Turn Undead    Marry    Boatwrighting    Recall    Disown    Stop    Hammer Specialization    Meat Curing    ClanEnchant Fire    Ranged Weapon Proficiency    Memorize    Leather Working    ClanEnchant Gas    Convert    Shape Shift    Rope Swing    Awareness    Belly Rolling    Ship Lore    Predict Phase    Shards    ClanEnchant Paralysis    Scrimshawing    Summon Flower    Magical Aura    Parry    Summon Pool    Superstition    Clan Crafting    Cause Light Wounds    Restore Smell    Cage    HammerRing    Appraise    Bandaging    Painting    Construction    Black Marketeering    Armor Specialization    Resist Magic Missiles    Shepherding    Animal Husbandry    Scribe    Weaponsmithing    Wood Chopping    Unbinding    Speculating    Protection Bless    Shield    Hammer Proficiency    Herding    Detect Bombs    Control Undead    Axe Familiarity    Dodge    AutoClimb    Cobbling    Anti Plant Shell    Distilling    Staff Familiarity    Sense Pregnancy    Divine Luck    Shield Familiarity    Apothecary    Pottery    Cure Light Wounds    Relics    Insatiable Thirst    Marketeering    Spellcraft    Half Attack    Summon Marker    Alchemy    Sword Proficiency    Textiling    Repairing Aura    Read Magic    Befriend    Wands    Summon Seaweed    ClanEnchant Disease    Read Prayer    Blunt Weapon Proficiency    Analyze Item    Bestow Name    Christen    Warrants    Flailing Weapon Specialization    Fire Building    Hide    Butchering    AutoCrawl    Jewel Making    Druidic Pass    Excavation    Phosphorescence    Caltrops    Swipe gold    Baking    Landscaping    Rodsmithing    Taxidermy    Glass Blowing    Wood Clappers    Juggle    ClanEnchant Water    ClanEnchant Cold    Break    Blunt Weapon Familiarity    Shrooming    Trip    Revoke    Axe Specialization    Sword Familiarity    Extinguish    Tailoring    Summon Fungus    Staff Making    Cover Defence    Shield Specialization    Embroidering    Prestidigitation    Monkey Punch    Produce Flame    Divorce    Wizards Chest    Spider Climb    Edged Weapon Familiarity    Infuse Discipline    ClanEnchant Acid    Ship Building    Read Runes    Natural Weapon Proficiency    Infuse Unholiness    Improved Boarding    Mounted Combat    Summon Hail    Mining    Armorsmithing    Can-Can    Summon Herbs    Branding    Swim    Wainwrighting    Racial Mount    Dyeing    Engraving    Smelting    Fish Lore    Tempo    Food Prep    Axe Proficiency    Strategic Retreat    Trawling    Cage Building    Whip Specialization    Clumsiness    Studying    Locksmithing    Iron Grip    Fish Gills    Fletching    Ember    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Composting    Haggle    Sword Specialization    Edged Weapon Specialization    Baiting    Erase Scroll    Blunt Weapon Specialization    Find Home    Summon Plants    Sea Lore    Charge    Wilderness Lore    Staff Proficiency    Predict Weather    Hammer Familiarity    Animate Skeleton    Ventriloquate    (Smoke Rings)    (Instrument Making)    (Caravan Building)    (Animal Training)    (Animal Taming)    (Domesticating)    (Animal Trading)    (Play Instrument)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Wind Color    Darkvision    Sense Good    Flutes    Dirt    Undeath Guard    Paladin's Resistance    Clear Moon    Animate Item    Moonbeam    Tether    Runecasting    Preserve Body    Detect Undead    Gaol Food    Foxtrot    Curse Flames    Rot    Create Water    Trophy Count    Locate Alcohol    Mask Faith    Purify    Sense Poison    Resist Poison    Armor Tweaking    Obscure Self    Sea Legs    Infuse Holiness    Summon Steed    Seeing    Sense Evil    Labeling    Sense Undead    Underground Connections    Infravision    Sense Water    Clog Mouth    Forearm Block    Enchant Arrows    Rhythm    Infuse Impunity    Shoddy Aura    Detect Bombs    Dagger Specialization    Drunkenness    Rescue    Sneak Attack    Enlarge Object    Protect Item    Bow Specialization    Summon Water    Blur    Light    Shrink    Death Guard    Identify Poison    Find Water    Locate Animals    Hold Your Liquor    Cause Fatigue    Locate Plants    Repurpose Text    
3 Feather Fall    Shape Object    Life Echoes    Graverobbing    Speak With Animals    Knock    Resist Gas    March    Groin    Color Spray    Call Steed    Sense Age    Body Piercing    Summon Food    Sanctimonious    Song Shield    Floating Disc    Cave Fishing    Eaglesight    Summoning Ward    Darkening Aura    Identify Bombs    Sacrifice    Deafen    Minor Infusion    Avoid Traps    Counter-Tracking    Know Alignment    Grease    Sense Allergies    Track Animal    Two Weapon Fighting    Summon Companion    Know Province    Pale Moon    Desecrate    Bury    Feed The Dead    Kill Log    Dream    Summon Ivy    Wizard Lock    Detect Metal    Filter Water    Cause Stink    Summon Chum    Infuse Balance    Sleep    Combat Log    Remove Death Mark    Lighten Item    Snuff Flame    Delay Poison    Fidelity    Case Joint    Rope Tricks    QuickChange    Restore Mana    Helping Hand    Belay    Valor    Watchful Hound    Tarantella    Disguise    Palm    Drums    
4 Bronco Busting    Repel Vermin    Detect Poison    AutoSneak    Summon Vine    Detect Water    Boulderbash    Attune Scroll    Background    Stowaway    Sneak    Cure Fatigue    Babble    Waltz    Frost    Fake Food    Holy Strike    Nourishing Food    Sense Metal    Intimidation    Ride The Rigging    Protection Undead    Love Moon    Mage Armor    Illuminate Scroll    Burning Hands    Harps    Shield Bash    Suave    Protection Good    Abandon Ship    Water Breathing    Awe Mounts    Weapon Sharpening    Protection Evil    Fake Spring    Tangle    Friends    Deplete Scroll    Calm Animal    Position    Drug Cutting    Protection Fire    Slapstick    Sense Alignment    Bear Hug    Summon Fire    Endless Hunger    Eel Shock    Freedom    Stoicism    Organizing    Group Status    Resist Acid    Empower Scroll    Detect Traps    Free Vine    Unholy Strike    Clarify Scroll    Protection Law    Animate Zombie    Death Knell    Find Driftwood    Unholy Armament    Summon Dustdevil    Acid Arrow    Cold Moon    Protection Chaos    Flaming Arrows    
5 Create Food    Nipple Twist    Water Cannon    Salsa    Fatigue    Strike The Set    Dark Senses    Cleave    Mimicry    Buried Treasure    Melody    Weakness to Gas    Dismounting Blow    Purge Invisibility    Dispel Divination    Charm Ward    Resist Bludgeoning    Spook    Water Walking    Fortify Food    Sense Chaos    Protection Cold    Dispel Magic    Faithless    Whipsmack    Call Mount    Resist Cold    Shrink Mouth    Faerie Fire    Smoke Signals    Control Fire    Deafness    Cure Deafness    Whiplash    Headlock    Woodland Hide    Feel Hunger    Birds Eye    Strike Barren    Lesser Mend    Cymbals    Light Placebo    Cheetah Burst    Grass    Mystic Shine    Harden    Dissertating    Identify Traps    Set Polearm    Detect Magic    Detect Gold    Scalping    Feel Electricity    Deep Darkness    Tag Turf    Sense Law    Soul Peering    Wall of Stone    Detect Weaknesses    Armor    Tune Instrument    
6 Battle Cry    Prying Eye    Detect Invisible    Summon Sun    Crow's Nest    Knee    Barkskin    Morse Code    Grace Of The Cat    Resist Electricity    Augury    Airy Aura    Keen Edge    Mold    Stinking Cloud    Sense Injury    Cause Serious Wounds    Subdue    Fluency    Honey Moon    Wenching    Titling    Sense Sentience    Minor Image    Find Familiar    Lay Minor Traps    Sunray    Animate Ghoul    Call Undead    Earth to Mud    Love Song    Fence Loot    Calm Wind    Second Totem    Tongues    Sense Traps    Guitars    Fierce Companions    Sense Disease    Meld    Charm    Magnetic Field    Pick Locks    Soothe Mount    Heresy    Songcraft    Weakness to Acid    Venom Ward    Summon Coral    Combat Recall    Struggle    Righteous Indignation    Cure Serious Wounds    Illusory Wall    Refresh Runes    Flame Weapon    Treeform    Store Prayer    Shocking Grasp    Dagger Defense    Disarm    Clog Dance    
7 Clan Ship Building    Knife Hand    Avoid Currents    Morph Unholy Weapon    Observe    Telepathy    Adoption    Darkness    Insect Plague    Star Gazing    Weakness to Cold    Light Sensitivity    Rapid Shot    Hunt Chaos    Forceful Hand    Know Plants    Mana Burn    Tie Down    Graceful Dismount    True Shot    Distract    Detect Hidden    Book Editing    Hunt Law    Brightening Aura    Deflect Projectile    Animal Friendship    Rage    Minor Mana Shield    Lightning Ward    Tourettes    Inflict Cannibalism    Use Poison    Hunt Evil    Deep Thoughts    Muddy Grounds    Pass Door    Natural Balance    Draw Treasure Map    Hunt Good    Invisibility    Unearth Demography    Invisibility to Mark    Sense Faithful    Disease Immunity    Feel Cold    Capoeira    Water Cover    Paladin's Mount    Ghost Sound    Tend Mount    Electric Strike    Cast Blocking    Goodberry    Endure Rust    Imitate    Refit    Fireball    Tattooing    Monster Summoning    Bite    Carol    Prayercraft    Sense Devotion    Peek    Clarinets    Plant Self    Informant    Resist Fire    Brittle    Bless    Mark Trapped    Curse    Bloody Water    
8 Animal Companion    Fodder Signal    Favored Enemy 1    Cold Ward    Natural Communion    Lesser Image    Favored Mount    Revival    Root    Second Attack    Sense Magic    Remove Traps    Violins    Muting    Forgive    Water Hammer    Faerie Fog    Make Sea Maps    Gutbuster    Grow Club    Swing    Wall of Darkness    Walk The Plank    Forceback    Empower Shield    Fur Coat    Weakness to Electricity    Rearguard    Lightning Bolt    Anti Undead Field    Blues    Ax Kick    Shadow    Identify Object    Natural Order    Protection Paralyzation    Blood Brother    Fear    Prison Assignment    Resist Disease    Remove Paralysis    Berzerk    Paralyze    Dehydrate    Tap    Underwater Action    Conjure Ammunition    Warp Wood    Shatter    Elemental Storm    Reveal Text    Decipher Script    Den    Lay Traps    Teleportation Ward    
9 Leg Hold    Arm Hold    Wilderness Sounds    Shield Block    Rockfeet    Sense Invisible    Flameshield    Back Hand    Plunder    Call Companion    Divine Guidance    Indoor Riding    Gills    Summon School    Read Language    Counterspell    Scatter    Magic Mouth    Camelback    Mind Light    Diving    Mirage    Ice Sheet    Ballad    Dispel Evil    Body Toss    Continual Light    Plant Pass    Faithful HellHound    Fire Ward    Moderate Infusion    Earthshield    Dispel Good    Break A Leg    Recharge Shards    Forgery    Critical Strike    Killer Vine    Fire Breathing    Daydream    Oboes    Animate Ghast    Piercing Moon    Borrow Boon    Weakness to Fire    Listen    Rope Trip    Farsight    Blind    Transcribing    Earthpocket    Comprehend Languages    Torture    Godlight    Scout Ahead    Roofie    Mass Waterbreath    Serenity    Curse Metal    Solve Maze    Wind Gust    Awe    Behemoth    Airyform    Basse    
10 Spying    Joke    Teleport    Recharge Relic    Breakout    Ugliness    Curse Mind    Enhance Body    Recharge Wand    Hog Tie    Tango    Detect Traps    Drown    Toughness    AutoMark Traps    Gust of Wind    Slow    Book Naming    Blind Fighting    Heal Mount    Whisperward    Locate Object    Back Stab    Restore Voice    Charm Animal    Cure Vampirism    Sea Charting    Incite Dead    Waterguard    Improved Revoke    Distraction    Woodland Sneak    Improved Hiding    Golem Form    Instrument Bash    Crystal Growth    Plant Form    Horns    Summon Tree    Silent    Arcane Mark    Body Flip    Resist Arrows    Command Mount    Feel Heat    Smuggle    Spring Attack    Phantom Hound    AutoDetect Traps    Mass FeatherFall    Revelation    Friendship    Cause Exhaustion    Retreat    Herbalism    Mute    
11 Mirror Image    Secret Writing    Suppress Aroma    Healing Moon    Pressure Points    Fertility    Breath Color    Charge!    Dead Reckoning    Turf War    Change Sex    All Defence    Weaken    Monolith    Protection Poison    Deflect Prayer    Sense Hidden    Venomous Bite    Omnipresence    Jungle Tactics    Shockshield    Plant Bed    Improved Repairing Aura    Unholy Poison    Channeled Missiles    Remove Poison    Unwavering Mark    Arms Length    Brainwash    Steal    Call Mate    Acid Fog    Resist Piercing    Preserve Knowledge    Third Totem    Chaos Rage    Cave-In    Benediction    False Arrest    Lightness    Misstep    Hunters Endurance    Acid Ward    Claireaudience    Polka    Feeblemind    Comprehension    Skillcraft    Wall of Ice    Lesser Warding Glyph    Heat Metal    Summon Seeds    Warning Winds    Reef Walking    Bull Strength    Stoneskin    Bind    Advancement    Vine Weave    Invisibility Sphere    
12 Cure Exhaustion    Weapon Break    Sea Navigation    Plague    Delirium    Plant Wall    Swamp Tactics    Protection Disease    Fly    Child Labor    Enlightenment    Shelter    Manipuri    Commoner Honorary Degree    Arresting Sap    Point Blank Shot    Mounted Tactics    Slow Fall    Pin    Fountain of Life    Racial Lore    Shillelagh    Xylophones    Enchant Armor    Catch Projectile    Treemind    Dispel Chaos    High Tide    Dispel Law    Moon Calf    Religious Doubt    Yearning    Globe    Rags Sharqi    Wind Shape    Improved Peek    Flying Kick    AutoCaltrops    Spying Stone    Snatch Light    Cure Disease    Health    Mount Taming    Cargo Loading    Destroy Object    Laughter    Mercy    Graffiti    Sober    Set Snare    Slip Item    Confusion    Reveille    Rockthought    Hold Undead    Clairevoyance    Haste    
13 Dual Parry    Handcuff    Favored Enemy 2    Enchant Shards    Detection    Drifting    Summon Animal    Grove Walk    Gate    Speak with Dead    Mass Freedom    Reinforce    Sanctuary    Feign Death    Center of Attention    Detect Scrying    Disenchant Wand    Favored Mount 2    Empower Relic    Capsize    Deplete Relic    Sap    Mass Sleep    Ridethrough    Plant Item    Scuttle    Sanctum    Blood Curse    Ice Lance    Distant Vision    Increase Gravity    Prisoner Transfer    Red Moon    Paladin's Courage    Make Maps    Cataloging    Resist Divination    Clinch Hold    Desert Tactics    Frenzy    Protect Health    Hold Animal    Analyze Mark    Paladin's Fear    Desecrate Land    Symphony    Distant Growth    Vanguard    Arsonry    Sonar    Word of Recall    Distant Fungal Growth    Giant Strength    Earthquake    Fortress    Land Lungs    Cotillon    Feign Invisibility    Resist Paralysis    War Cry    White Moon    Purple Moon    Silencing    Stance    Blue Moon    Attune Relic    Summon FlyTrap    
14 Bribe    Kinetic Pulse    Paladin's Purity    Arcane Possession    Fertilize    Feeding Frenzy    Confident Vanity    Dirge    Trumpets    Pieces of Eight    Aura of Healing    Mercy    Shadowpass    Cats Grace    Transfer Bane    Waking Moon    Heal Undead    Silence    Know Value    Pirate Shanty    Release Prayer    Paladin's Corruption    Calm Weather    Illusionary Forest    Toughness II    Plant Maze    Holy Wind    Summon Peace    Sense Professions    Transfer Boon    Cleanliness    Critical Shot    Sea Maneuvers    Lure    Upstage    Enchant Weapon    Thorns    Tar And Feather    Animate Weapon    Hear Thoughts    Fighter Honorary Degree    Cause Critical Wounds    Mass Invisibility    Ballet    Animate Spectre    Animate Limb    Assassinate    Lassoing    Store Aromas    Wall of Air    Improved Throwing    Mounted Retreat    Earthfeed    Song Ward    Research Region Map    Cure Critical Wounds    Hippieness    Dexterity    Surrender    Demonshield    Improved Swipe    Stonewalking    Mountain Tactics    Aura of Harm    
15 Research Item    Weapon Snatch    Great Curse    Tumble    Power Grab    Sacred Earth    Grow    Fake Weapon    Ignite    Blink    Hawkeye    Breakup Fight    Know Origin    Summon Heat    Hide Other    Polymorph    Song Write    Lower Law    Youth    Conceal Item    Mass Deafness    Cartwheel    Sweep    Elbow Lock    Control Plant    Disguise Self    Woodland Lore    Fertilization    Irritation    Freeze Metal    Chantcraft    Alarm    Peace Moon    Holy Shield    Enchant Wand    Alter Substance    Sense Plants    Guardian Hearth    Fungal Bloom    Protection    Enchant Relic    Ditty    Summon Houseplant    Jousting    Hold    Remove Curse    Call Pirate Familiar    Rope Disarm    Silent AutoGold    Calm Seas    Poisonous Vine    Flay    Holy Aura    Mana Shield    Ensnare    Placebo    Elbow Jab    Feign Life    Flaming Sword    Wings    Jitterbug    Incite Fight    Sense Parish    Rockskin    
16 Torturesmithing    Summon Moon    Animal Spy    Hideout    Solo    Tremor    Silent AutoLoot    Prophecy    Cut Throat    Dismissal    Calm    Pianos    Side Kick    Blend In    Water Tactics    Meditation    Sense Ores    Anger    Roll With Blows    Attribute Training    Unholy Mount    Fierce Mount    Make Pub Contacts    Ward Area    Sanctify Room    Choke    Siege Weapon Specialization    Spread Hate    Chain Lightning    Improved Alchemy    Thiefcraft    Summon Jellyfish    Free Movement    Blood Hearth    Mounted Charge    Improved Harden    Daily Bread    Letter of Marque    Fourth Totem    Awaken    Improved Warding Glyph    Safecracking    Rally Cry    Blight    Shuffle    Butoh    Conviction    Recover Voice    Aura of Fear    Know Fate    Etherealness    Bard Honorary Degree    Sense Skills    Mage Claws    Brown Mold    Pacify    Holy Mount    Greater Image    Forecast Weather    Cure Cannibalism    Body Shield    Grow Item    Exit Stage Left    Mystic Loom    Choke Hold    Fake Armor    Dazzling Caltrops    Soaring Eagle    Mana    
17 Bone Moon    Major Infusion    Deep Breath    Magnetic Earth    Fertile Cavern    Piety Curse    Flippers    Lead Foot    Portal    Unholy Portent    Shush    Wrist Lock    Make Bombs    Digsite    Find Plant    Ki Strike    Mind Fog    Desperate Moves    Whomp    Slow Projectiles    Speed Birth    Blindsight    Chant Ward    Hills Tactics    Armored Vanity    Marker Summoning    Divining Eye    Illusory Disease    Courante    False Faith    Blindness    Give Life    Plant Constriction    Siphon    Silent Drop    Plant Snare    Forked Lightning    Summon Plague    Far Shot    Careful Step    Invigorate    Summon Cold    Infuse Moderation    Chant Shield    Circle Parry    Hard to Port    Leeching    Quake    Pet Spy    Quickness    Fools Gold    Cure Blindness    Wall of Fire    Poison Immunity    
18 Reabsorb    Control Weather    Thief Honorary Degree    Recollecting    Flood    Favored Enemy 3    Mass Tongues    Silent Open    Linguistic Comprehension    Harmonicas    Vampire Vine    Doom Aura    Delude    Summon Rain    Third Attack    See Aura    Blessed Hearth    Fungus Feet    Labyrinth    Favored Mount 3    Combat Repairs    Blade Barrier    Scratch    Hibernation    Neutralize Item    Warning Shot    Reverse Gravity    Wave    Drain    Toughness III    Gas Ward    Protection Elements    Animate Ghost    Sense Digs    Trample    Lullabies    False Service    Thanks    Summon    Musette    Enervate    Resist Petrification    Find Planar Familiar    Dream Feast    Track Criminal    Use Potion    Set Decoys    Greater Mend    Endurance    Ant Train    Robbery    Collect Bounty    Flight    Spotters Orders    Tithe    Dispel Undead    Chlorophyll    Retribution    Mounted Leap    Web    Seekers Prayer    Lethargy    Greater Claireaudience    Deflection    
19 Master Fishing    Satire    Rock Flesh    Speed Aging    Corpse Walk    Acid Spray    Bloodhound    Flesh Stone    Acid Rain    Designation    Companion Mount    Paladin's Aura    Empower Holy Weapon    Malediction    Curtain Call    Chain Strike    Empower Sacred Weapon    Forget    Safehouse    Greater Clairevoyance    Hellfire    Plant Choke    Breadcrumbs    Hold The Line    Foul Weather Sailing    Two Dagger Fighting    Salvaging    Prayer Ward    Rust Curse    Silent Hold    Improved Invisibility    Tremor Sense    Sense Chants    Pay Off    Levitate    Mug    Faithful Mount    Protection Death    Wall of Force    Curse Luck    Godstrike    Spread Apathy    Knowledge    Running Fight    Resist Slashing    Sift Wrecks    Sense Law    Air Wall    Flesh Rock    Summon Wind    Nectar    Aura of the Divine Edict    Reflect Prayer    Toadstool    Swords    Mass Slow    Simulacrum    Arrest    Silent Wield    Thunderbolt    High Marks    Enthrall    Distant Overgrowth    Empower Unholy Weapon    Stone Flesh    
20 Timeport    Behead    Set Alarm    Imbue Shield    Condemn Mark    Marker Portal    Stone Friend    Publishing    Blasting    Grapevine    Tubas    Divine Beauty    Monologue    Find Directions    Mage Honorary Degree    Absorption    Mass Mobility    Sapling Workers    Prayer Shield    Sense Fluids    Devourer Curse    Animal Growth    Charge Metal    Repulsion    Scry    AutoBash    Mass Paralyze    Refuge    Hard to Stern    Pocket    Peace Ritual    Feint    Summon Insects    Improved Polymorph    Flamenco    Blind Fighting    Cloudkill    Sense Snares and Pits    Defile Shield    Distant Wind Color    Pet Steal    Favorable Winds    Add Limb    Nightmare    Greater Enchant Armor    Footlocks    Accompaniment    Sense Songs    Alertness    Break Mount    Heroic Reflexes    Mass Blindness    
21 Treehouse    Empower Just Weapon    Steal Boon    Share Boon    Empower Modest Weapon    Mass Haste    Sense Resistances    Opponent Knowledge    Philosophy    Command    Remove Inhibitions    Spiritual    Divination Ward    Lucky Vanity    Moral Balance    Gateway    Resurrect Mount    Jingledress    Stasis    Awe Other    Sense Gems    Caravan Tactics    Empower Foul Weapon    Planar Lore    Naval Tactics    Know Pain    Phantasm    Fly Merchant Flag    Mark Spying    Summon Fog    Discipline    Protection Outsiders    Exploiting Aura    Stoning    Condemnation    Harm    Tide Moon    Fifth Totem    Ice Storm    Strip Item    Animate Mummy    Worms    Tap Room    Strength    Gouge    Immunity    Polymorph Self    Summon Enemy    Urban Tactics    Corruption    Drunken Stupor    Shapelessness    Conceal Door    Polymorph Object    Set Timer    Heal    Teleport Object    Vine Mass    Camouflage    Demonic Consumption    Inflict Vampirism    Articles    Righteous Defense    Racketeer    Encrypted Writing    Panhandling    Spell Ward    Atonement    
22 Lobotomizing    Sense Spells    Meteor Storm    Tap Grapevine    Find Sacred Item    Ad Lib    Greater Invisibility    Sweeping Trip    Greater Enchant Weapon    Shove    Snipe    Unbreakable    Gravity Slam    Surveying    Lullaby    Greater Warding Glyph    Know Bliss    Greater Globe    AutoHammerRing    Forest Tactics    Summon Animals    Dampen Auras    Ride To The Rescue    AutoSwipe    Planar Distortion    Haunted    Grow Forest    Homeopathy    Improved Shield Defence    Curse Item    Detect Sentience    Neutralize Poison    Ambush    Slave Trading    Consecrate Land    Bless Item    Treemorph    Rig Ramming Speed    Resuscitate Companion    Flank    Manic Moon    Summon Lightning    Resist Indignities    Disenchant Item    Grow Food    Improved Distraction    Bloat Bomb    Morris    Tribal    Improved Steal    Smugglers Hold    Command Horse    Druid Honorary Degree    Hungerless    Circle Trip    Organs    
23 Conjure Nexus    Favored Enemy 4    Amplify Unholy Weapon    Ankle Lock    Kinetic Bubble    Lower Resistance    Pimping    Intercept Ship    Fabricate    Divine Perspective    Plant Trap    Butterfly    Curse Minds    Lecturing    Favored Mount 4    Single Mindedness    Linked Health    Bullrush    Mind Block    Befoul Shrine    Unicorns Health    Enslave    Mass Heal    Find Ore    Distant Ingrowth    Astral Projection    Summon Mount    Frame Mark    Mast Shot    Change Weather    Magma Cannon    Judgement    Hammer of Darkness    Empower Sacred Armor    Harmony    Mass Harm    Wind Snatcher    Time Stop    Howlers Moon    Blademouth    Mass Cure Disease    Silent Wear    Empower Unholy Armor    Hammer of Light    Mass Fungal Growth    Doomspout    Weapon Catch    Rope Dismount    Combat Precognition    Runover    Find Mate    Disguise Other    Create Idol    Tidal Wave    Big Mouth    Animate Dead    Empower Holy Armor    Death Warning    Flying    Dragonfire    Joyous Rapture    Con    Cogniportive    
24 Plains Tactics    Eavesdrop    Macabre    Detonate Bombs    Woodland Creep    Conceal Walkway    Holy Word    Master Trawling    Detect Ambush    Summon Flyer    Neutralize Land    Summon Elemental    Lightning Strike    Waterspout    Returning    Disabling Caltrops    Find Gem    Snake Staff    Incite Divine Feud    Summon Sapling    Wizards Mark    Counter-Attack    Word of Law    Escape Bonds    Sense Prayers    Fragmentation    Mass Hold    Protect Sacred Item    Riding Fight    Hide Ship    Undeniable Faith    Death Moon    Frailty    Portal Other    Delay    Divine Resistance    Disgust    Superior Image    Paladin's Goodness    Charm Area    Volcanic Chasm    Mystical    Alternate Reality    Cloud Walk    Cleric Honorary Degree    Sun Curse    Mass Repairing Aura    Summon Fear    Summon Squall    Anchor    Death    Slave Marketeering    Jail Key    Regional Awareness    Nullification    Paladin's Wickedness    Word of Chaos    Trombones    Thirstless    Whip Strip    Unholy Word    Called Strike    
25 Await Ship    Transformation    Slippery Mind    Fishy Fecundity    Divine Constitution    Crossbreed    Meteor Strike    Imbue Sacred Weapon    Shamblermorph    Dragonsight    Imbue Modest Weapon    Imbue Just Weapon    Crushing Aura    Store Spell    Espionage    Sweet Scent    Flaming Ensnarement    Book Loaning    Above The Law    Rogue Limb    True Sight    Heroism    Feralness    Puppeteer    Enrolling    Disintegrate    Elemental Aid    Planar Plague    Abiding Aura    Geas    Rend    Mark Disguise    Deep Cut    Whirlpool    Trap Immunity    Endless Road    Finger Lock    Battlehymn    War    Chirgury    Limb Rack    Demon Gate    Ice Healing    Hide In Plain Sight    Embezzle    Stone Body    Speed Time    Imbue Unholy Weapon    Spell Turning    Squatting    Animate Vampire    Acid Healing    Caravan Commander    Rebirth    Summon Rock Golem    Protection Curses    Imbue Foul Weapon    Deaths Door    Duplicate    Kamikaze    Summon Tornado    Regeneration    Electric Healing    Mass Fly    Called Shot    Metal Mold    Return Projectile    Major Mana Shield    Protected Mount    Imbue Holy Weapon    Resurrect    
26 Master Floristry    Planarmorph Self    Greater Levitate    Imprisonment    
27 Lighthouse    Planar Timer    Eternal Item    
28 Planar Adaptation    
29 Planarmorph    Greater Scry    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Buffoonery    Summon Army    Conduct Symphony    Atemi Strike    Master Leather Working    Grow Oak    Master Distilling    Deathfinger    Reincarnation    Silent Running    Master Foraging    Master Food Prep    Shadowstrike    Magic Item    Square    Master Butchering    True Resurrection    Sermon    Future Death    Limited Wish    Shrug Off    Majesty    Fire Healing    Clone    Mass Grave    Craft Unholy Reaver    Achilles Armor    Ode    Mass Disintegrate    Master Drilling    Stable Mount    Master Weaponsmithing    Tsunami    Alter Time    Feel The Void    Master Cooking    Nondetection    Restoration    Pack Call    Master Lacquering    Bulldog    Death Trap    Master Wood Chopping    Craft Holy Avenger    Coup de Grace    Master Dyeing    Move The Sky    Master Farming    Mass Forgive    Guildmaster    Master Costuming    Aura of Intolerance    Master Gem Digging    Contract Hit    Sacred Imbuing Quest    Master Mining    Master Gardening    Master Tailoring    Master Shearing    Contagion    Animal Frenzy    Permanency    Explosive Decompression    Master Baking    Avatar    Master Armorsmithing    Spellbinding    Holy Day    Hire Crewmember    
31 Planar Block    
32 Planar Banish    
35 Plane Walking    Monkey Grip    Planar Tactics    Maligned Portal    Krakenform    Planar Ward    Planar Mount    Planar Link    Planar Burst    Improved Planarmorph    Planar Bubble    Improved Teaching    Cosmic Adaptation    Planar Defiance    Planar Veteran    True Name    Planar Enemy    Benigned Portal    Elemental Portal    Uplift    Planar Travel    Planar Extension    Improved Planar Distortion    Planeshift    Planar Enthrall    Saudade    Planar Pilgrimage    


Description: An Artisan is a professional tradesman who specializes in the common skills that make civilization work. Artisans who focus their skills in particular trees will see their apparent class name reflect this due to Artisanal Focus. The Artisan will never be a great fighter, which makes him a poor choice for exploring those monster filled dungeons. However, the Artisan is still able to advance by using his skills and gaining experience while he does! Artisans, like Apprentices, may still choose to go into a more adventurous profession, but like Apprentices, they are unable to go back.
Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Strength 9+, Dexterity 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+3 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/10)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18)-1 per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Intelligence (22), Dexterity (22), Constitution (22), Charisma (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Gains experience when using common skills and no common skill limits.
Weapons: Must use dagger-like or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Starting Equipment: a small dagger
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Recall    (Baiting)    (Trip)    (Scrapping)    (Climb)    (Scrimshawing)    (Mining)    (Write)    (Carpentry)    (Stability)    (Find Home)    (Armorsmithing)    (Construction)    (Edged Weapon Proficiency)    (Blunt Weapon Proficiency)    (Mycology)    (Siegecrafting)    (AutoSwim)    (Axe Familiarity)    (Locksmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Dodge)    (Plant Lore)    (Edged Weapon Familiarity)    (Farming)    (Warrants)    (Irrigation)    (Parry)    (Fletching)    (Branding)    (Lacquering)    (Gem Digging)    (Marketeering)    (AutoClimb)    (Gardening)    (Cobbling)    (Ship Building)    (Clan Crafting)    (Baking)    (Leather Working)    (Drilling)    (Swim)    (Landscaping)    (Shepherding)    (Rodsmithing)    (Animal Husbandry)    (Wainwrighting)    (Sword Familiarity)    (Masonry)    (Dyeing)    (Taxidermy)    (Engraving)    (Natural Weapon Proficiency)    (Searching)    (Half Attack)    (Weaving)    (Lore)    (Tailoring)    (Food Preserving)    (Distilling)    (Staff Familiarity)    (Fire Building)    (Cooking)    (Smelting)    (Sword Proficiency)    (Foraging)    (Glass Blowing)    (Blacksmithing)    (Herbology)    (Textiling)    (Fish Lore)    (Wilderness Lore)    (Sculpting)    (Staff Proficiency)    (Play Instrument)    (Cage)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Wood Chopping)    (Floristry)    (Ship Lore)    (Boatwrighting)    (Composting)    (Ranged Weapon Familiarity)    (Staff Making)    (Kick)    (Speculating)    (Food Prep)    (Axe Proficiency)    (Find Ship)    (Haggle)    (Shield Familiarity)    (HammerRing)    (Wands)    (Hammer Familiarity)    (Butchering)    (Fishing)    (Appraise)    (Strategic Retreat)    (Decorating)    (Bandaging)    (Pottery)    (Meat Curing)    (AutoCrawl)    (Instrument Making)    (Cover Defence)    (Hunting)    (Trawling)    (Jewel Making)    (Mounted Combat)    (Tanning)    (Wand Making)    (Excavation)    (Blunt Weapon Familiarity)    (Smoke Rings)    (Ranged Weapon Proficiency)    (Shearing)    (Painting)    (Embroidering)    (Caravan Building)    (Costuming)    (Cage Building)    (Shrooming)    (Hammer Proficiency)    (Herding)    
7 (Clan Ship Building)    
30 (Master Fishing)    (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Butchering)    (Master Trawling)    (Master Cooking)    (Master Tailoring)    (Master Leather Working)    (Master Wood Chopping)    (Master Mycology)    (Master Gem Digging)    (Master Armorsmithing)    (Master Weaponsmithing)    (Master Mining)    (Master Gardening)    (Master Shearing)    (Master Drilling)    (Master Distilling)    (Master Dyeing)    (Master Foraging)    (Master Costuming)    (Master Baking)    (Master Lacquering)    (Master Food Prep)    (Master Farming)    


Description: Assassins reflect the darkest and most wicked side of the rogue. The dealing of death becomes a goal in itself, the epitome of evil. The assassin becomes so centered on this art that he begins to slow his pace, learning and contemplating each "mark" as the best method of killing them becomes clear. They also learn skills in keeping track of and tracking down their marks, as well as other means of making life for the targeted miserable, and short. The assassin can use any weapons, unlike the standard thief, though his armor is still restricted.
Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 5+, Wisdom 5+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Strong resistance to all poisons at 21st level.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Climb    Write    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Recall    Mark    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Apothecary)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Kick)    (Hide)    (Dagger Specialization)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Sneak Attack)    (Kill Log)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Identify Poison)    (Sneak)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Dirt    (Detect Traps)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Dagger Defense    (Pick Locks)    (Dodge)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Invisibility to Mark    (Hand to hand combat)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Disarm)    (Shadow)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Parry    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    
10 (Spying)    (Back Stab)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Trip    (Critical Strike)    
12 (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Use Poison)    (Two Weapon Fighting)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Analyze Mark    (Observe)    
14 (Shadowpass)    (Assassinate)    
15 Second Attack    (Axe Specialization)    (True Shot)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Half Attack    (Choke Hold)    (Dual Parry)    (Cut Throat)    
17 Critical Shot    (Hammer Specialization)    
18 Scratch    (Sap)    (Peek)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 High Marks    Silent Hold    (Polearm Specialization)    (Two Dagger Fighting)    (Silent Wield)    
20 (Stability)    (Lay Traps)    (Branding)    
21 (Mark Spying)    (Tap Room)    
22 (Flank)    (Ambush)    
23 Frame Mark    (Cleave)    
24 (Tumble)    (Eavesdrop)    
25 (Deep Cut)    (Espionage)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Shadowstrike    


Description: Barbarians are the wild warriors of the frontier. Their ability to deal large amounts of damage in combat, as well as inspire combative behaviors in others makes them especially ferocious. They are fond of mastering numerous weapons, and building up their bodies, though they distrust metal armors, and may not wear them without difficulties.

How to play: Barbarian combat skills make them desirable as group members. While their non-metal armor restriction can sometimes hurt their nomination as tanks, their ability to deal and absorb large amounts of damage can more than make up for anything lacked. Because of this, the Barbarian flourishes as well alone as in groups.

The Barbarian is every bit as strong a fighter as a pure Fighter, and has that extra combative edge that many players look for in a Class. Players who dislike subtlety and enjoy straight up hack-and-slash playing will enjoy the Barbarian's simple destructive style.

Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Strength 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 3 +[(Wisdom/6)-1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 4 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d7) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/8)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[8X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Constitution (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Damage reduction 1pt/5 levels. A 1%/level resistance to Enchantments. Bonus conquest and duel experience. Bonus max dex/15 levels when torso and body are bare.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Limitations: Requires a Chaotic alignment to become a Barbarian.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Armor Specialization    Recall    Charge    Sword Specialization    Shield Specialization    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Hand to hand combat)    (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Wilderness Lore)    (Play Instrument)    (Axe Specialization)    (Hammer Specialization)    (Polearm Specialization)    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Kick)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Parry    (Two Weapon Fighting)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Bear Hug    (Shield Bash)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Smoke Signals    (Scalping)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Cleave)    (Battle Cry)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Disarm    (Dodge)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Blood Brother    (Berzerk)    (Rescue)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Second Attack    (Leg Hold)    (Armor Tweaking)    
10 (Headlock)    (Spring Attack)    (Apothecary)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Dirt    (Bronco Busting)    (Jungle Tactics)    (Graceful Dismount)    
12 (Mounted Tactics)    (Swamp Tactics)    (Intimidation)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 War Cry    (Clinch Hold)    (Desert Tactics)    
14 (Mountain Tactics)    (Breakout)    (Improved Throwing)    
15 Weapon Break    (Climb)    (Whiplash)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Rally Cry)    (Sweep)    (Herding)    
17 Mounted Combat    (Hills Tactics)    
18 (Endurance)    (Trample)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Identify Poison    
20 (Scrapping)    (Half Attack)    (Branding)    
21 Roll With Blows    
22 (Forest Tactics)    
23 Bullrush    
24 (Plains Tactics)    (Fragmentation)    
25 Stone Body    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Shrug Off    
35 Monkey Grip    


Description: Bards are traveling singers, whose "songs" can possess powerful magic. They are highly desired group members for the inspiration they bring to their team members, and the great stings they provide to their enemies. They possess the same weapon and armor restrictions as thieves, but also qualify for many thief skills.

Bard is the basis for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain levels in at any time. These sub-classes include the Charlatan, Dancer, Minstrel, and the Jester.

How to play: The great strength of the bard is in his wide assortment of skills, and in his powerful songs. The bard may try his hand as the lonesome traveler, but will find his skills still put him behind his peers. It is in the company of other, more powerful classes, that the bard will flourish. And because of the unique nature of his magic, and how his skills will always affect groups, that groups will always want to have a bard along.

Bards are as weak as thieves in combat, and lack their general sneakiness, so in the company of others must the bard find his path to greatness, filling any skill gaps in almost any group with the appropriate magic or ability.

Primary Stat: Charisma
Qualifications: Charisma 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Cha/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Charisma (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives group bonus combat experience when in an intelligent group, and more for a group with players. Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Half Elf Halfling Human Merfolk Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Write    Nothing    Recall    Haggle    Befriend    Awareness    (Hand to hand combat)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Seeing    (Lore)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Valor    (Climb)    (Hide)    (Wands)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Suave    (Appraise)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Armor    Babble    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Clumsiness    (Combat Recall)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Rage    (Dodge)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Muting    (Distract)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Serenity    (Peek)    
10 Friendship    Revelation    (Unbinding)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Drunkenness    Comprehension    
12 Health    Mercy    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Make Maps    Silencing    (Trip)    
14 Dexterity    (Two Weapon Fighting)    
15 Protection    (Song Write)    (Detect Traps)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Mana    (Read Magic)    
17 Quickness    (Second Attack)    
18 Lethargy    Flight    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Knowledge    (Swipe gold)    
20 Blasting    (Branding)    
21 Thanks    Strength    
22 Lullaby    Distraction    
23 Flying    (Steal)    
24 Death    Disgust    
25 Rebirth    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Ode    


Description: Like Tarzan or Grizzly Adams, the BeastMaster is the lord of his particular jungle, being both the guardian and master steward of the animal kingdom. Unlike the other druids then, the beastmaster takes great pride in his animal changing abilities, and receives many more animal forms as he progresses in level. The beastmaster is also more accutely aware of the dangers of the wild, and is thus a much more physical and able fighter than other druids tend to be.

How to play: The Beastmaster is the perfect loner druid class, though he is never truly alone with all the animals he can summon to his side. He also has numerous ways of enhancing his own innate fighting ability through magical chants, making him formidable even when adventuring without animal companions.

Primary Stat: Constitution
Qualifications: Dexterity 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d7) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Con/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 15 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Constitution (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: When leading animals into battle, will not divide experience among animal followers. Can create a druidic connection with an area. Benefits from animal/plant/stone followers leveling. Benefits from freeing animals from cities.
Weapons: Must use wooden, plant-based, or leather weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Limitations: Must remain Neutral to avoid skill and chant failure chances.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Aarakocran Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Half Elf Human Lizard Man Merfolk Ogre
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Climb    Write    Animal Bonding    Bestow Name    Read Runes    Shape Shift    Recall    (Hand to hand combat)    (Revoke)    (Swim)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Wilderness Lore)    (Sense Pregnancy)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Shards)    (Druidic Pass)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Harden Skin)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Locate Animals    (Sense Poison)    (Kick)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Speak With Animals    Fire Building    (Eaglesight)    (Sense Age)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Calm Animal    (Dodge)    (Searching)    (Eel Shock)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Cheetah Burst)    (Feel Hunger)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Second Totem    (Cleave)    (Venom Ward)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Animal Friendship    (Bite)    (Natural Balance)    (Identify Poison)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Trip    (Natural Order)    (Animal Companion)    (Fur Coat)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Call Companion)    (Disarm)    (Camelback)    
10 Charm Animal    (Intimidation)    (Enhance Body)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Third Totem    (Call Mate)    (Bronco Busting)    (Fertility)    (Bull Strength)    
12 Fish Gills    (Pin)    (Yearning)    (Second Attack)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Summon Animal    (Bind)    
14 (Cats Grace)    (Observe)    
15 Hawkeye    (Blind Fighting)    (Animal Training)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Fourth Totem    (Animal Spy)    (Herding)    
17 (Speed Birth)    (Summon Plague)    (Give Life)    
18 Hibernation    (Ant Train)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Bloodhound    (Speed Aging)    
20 (Scrapping)    (Soaring Eagle)    (Animal Growth)    (Branding)    
21 Fifth Totem    (Berzerk)    
22 Neutralize Poison    (Half Attack)    (Summon Animals)    
23 Bear Hug    (Find Mate)    (Unicorns Health)    
24 Summon Fear    (Ambush)    
25 Rend    (Dragonsight)    (Crossbreed)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Pack Call    
35 Uplift    


Description: The burglar is the thief who has made the accumulation of wealth and power his center of being, to the detriment of all else. The taking of the property of others by stealth, wits, or even charm makes him the bane of the rich and lawful alike. This most purist of thieves also has superior skill at being undetected in the performance of these dastardly deeds, though he stands at a slight disadvantage to better trained thieves if caught.
Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 9+, Charisma 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Bonus experience for using certain skills.
Weapons: Must use sword, daggers, flailed, blunt, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Climb    Write    Recall    Swipe gold    (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Black Marketeering)    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Underground Connections)    (Hide)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Appraise    (Palm)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Sneak)    (Intimidation)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Detect Traps    (Tag Turf)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Pick Locks)    (Dodge)    (Fence Loot)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Peek    (Informant)    (Observe)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Disarm)    (Remove Traps)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Listen    (Forgery)    
10 (Improved Hiding)    (Back Stab)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Steal    (Turf War)    
12 (Slip Item)    (Improved Peek)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Detection    (Plant Item)    
14 (Bribe)    (Improved Swipe)    
15 Silent AutoGold    (Read Magic)    (Hide Other)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Rope Disarm)    (Silent AutoLoot)    (Safecracking)    (Herding)    
17 Second Attack    (Silent Drop)    (Blind Fighting)    
18 (Make Maps)    (Silent Open)    (Robbery)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Silent Hold    Sense Law    (Mug)    (Safehouse)    
20 (Footlocks)    (Half Attack)    (Lore)    (Branding)    
21 Strip Item    (Racketeer)    
22 (Improved Steal)    (AutoSwipe)    
23 Tumble    (Analyze Item)    (Silent Wear)    
24 (Con)    (Linguistic Comprehension)    
25 Embezzle    (Hide In Plain Sight)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Contract Hit    


Description: Cavaliers are mounted fighters who ride into battle on their favored steed. They patrol the countryside in service to their lieges, providing security, assaulting weak flanks, or performing quick strikes.

How to play: Cavaliers live and die from the back of their steeds. They can prove valuable group members, dealing ferocious damage to particularly difficult foes. They can also flourish ranging alone for prestige and glory, or escorting and commanding mighty caravans on over-land pilgrimages.

The Cavalier is a strong and brave fighter, but due to his or her love of riding, is also never alone, and always a two-for-one proposition.

Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Strength 9+, Dexterity 9+
Practices: 3 +[(Wisdom/6)-1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 4 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/8)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[7X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Dexterity (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Bonus conquest and duel experience. Does not divide experience with his or her mount.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Starting Equipment: a spear
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Racial Mount    Recall    (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Armor Specialization)    (Axe Specialization)    (Polearm Specialization)    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    (Swim)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Unbinding)    (Hammer Specialization)    (Bandaging)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Shield Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Rescue)    (Mounted Combat)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Parry    Fire Building    (Call Steed)    (Rope Tricks)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Bronco Busting)    (Searching)    (Awe Mounts)    (Shield Bash)    (Armor Tweaking)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Set Polearm    (Branding)    (Dismounting Blow)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Find Home)    (Soothe Mount)    (Herding)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Dodge)    (Tend Mount)    (Rapid Shot)    (True Shot)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Favored Mount    (Disarm)    (Rearguard)    (Forceback)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Indoor Riding    (Scout Ahead)    (Bestow Name)    (Second Attack)    
10 (Cleave)    (Headlock)    (Command Mount)    (Hog Tie)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Graceful Dismount    (Unwavering Mark)    (Hunters Endurance)    
12 (Mount Taming)    (Point Blank Shot)    (Mounted Tactics)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Favored Mount 2    (Vanguard)    (Ridethrough)    
14 (Mounted Retreat)    (Confident Vanity)    (Lassoing)    (Arm Hold)    
15 Jousting    (Climb)    (Rope Trip)    (Critical Shot)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Rope Disarm)    (Fierce Mount)    (Mounted Charge)    
17 Trip    (Far Shot)    (Armored Vanity)    
18 Favored Mount 3    (Mounted Leap)    (Sweep)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Companion Mount    Hold The Line    (Faithful Mount)    
20 Half Attack    (Break Mount)    
21 (Lucky Vanity)    (Caravan Tactics)    
22 (Sweeping Trip)    (Ride To The Rescue)    
23 Favored Mount 4    (Rope Dismount)    (Runover)    
24 (Regional Awareness)    (Plains Tactics)    (Riding Fight)    
25 Protected Mount    (Caravan Commander)    (Called Shot)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Stable Mount    


Description: The Charlatan is the master of deception and disguise. Often praised because of his natural acting ability, as well as his highly social nature, the Charlatan can be quite antisocial if he chooses, and extremely annoying to other players almost without trying.

How to play: The Charlatan is also a natural spy in muds with numerous players, and has an extremely wide assortment of skills. More than any other class, the Charlatan can taste the powers of all other classes, sometimes with real skill, and sometimes only in seeming. For this reason, the Charlatan is ideal for those who want a taste of all classes, or at least to seem like he is. He is a natural group member, being able to fit almost any role by using his varied skills, or by tricking his group members into thinking he belongs in the role they require.

Primary Stat: Charisma
Qualifications: Charisma 9+, Wisdom 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d6)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Cha/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Charisma (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives 2% resistance per level to mind affects, 4% resistance per level to divination spells. Non-class skills become cheaper at 30th level. Gains a random non-class skill or spell every other level! Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Beastkin Drow Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Nothing    Recall    Haggle    Befriend    Sword Specialization    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Hand to hand combat)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Costuming)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Revoke    (Swipe gold)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Disguise    (Climb)    (Hide)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Suave    (Mark)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Weaving)    
5 Light Placebo    Strike The Set    (Rescue)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Songcraft    (Read Magic)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Imitate    (Cast Blocking)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Relics)    (Mask Faith)    (Distract)    (Decipher Script)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Prestidigitation    (Warrants)    (Break A Leg)    
10 (Dodge)    (Awareness)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Comprehension    False Arrest    
12 Spellcraft    (Track)    (Magic Missile)    (Rage)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Make Maps    (Trip)    
14 Analyze Mark    (Upstage)    
15 Chantcraft    Placebo    (Protection)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Thiefcraft    Shuffle    (Exit Stage Left)    
17 (Summon Plants)    (Second Attack)    
18 Prayercraft    (Cure Light Wounds)    (Mana)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Knowledge    (Curtain Call)    
20 Detection    Monologue    (Branding)    
21 Thanks    (Locate Object)    
22 (Parry)    (Ad Lib)    
23 Con    (Strength)    
24 Disgust    (Frame Mark)    
25 Mark Disguise    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 (Master Costuming)    


Description: Clerics are the great vassals of the Gods. Through them the wonders of both good and evil are possible. Clerics possess great magical abilities in their numerous "prayers". While their weapon choices are limited to their alignment, they may wear any type of armor.

The Cleric is the general of priests, appeasing all the gods equally, or choosing to focus on one at his whim. However, should the cleric wish to show true devotion, he can gain levels in specialist classes which may or may not be available to him, depending on his disposition. These classes include: Templar, Shaman, Doomsayer, Necromancer, Missionary, Purist, Healer, or Oracle.

How to play: The first, last, and greatest strength of the good Cleric is in his ability to heal, just as the ability to harm aids the evil Cleric. A Cleric is unique in his ability to flourish either alone or in groups, being moderately skilled in combat, and having the healing ability to last a long time in a tough fight. Clerics are highly desired for groups, however, as the lead fighter in the group will want the Cleric's healing touch in battle.

The only weakness of the Cleric is offensively, which the evil Cleric will make up for with harmful magic, and the good Cleric will compensate for with healing spells to last out the battle. With a balanced approach, the Cleric can gain experience with the efficiency of a fighter.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Wisdom (25), Others (18)
Weapons: Evil must use polearm, sword, axe, edged, or daggers. Neutral must use blunt, ranged, thrown, staff, natural, or sword. Good must use blunt, flailed, natural, staff, or hammer.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Using prayers outside your alignment introduces failure chance.
Starting Equipment: a small mace
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Read Prayer    Convert    Recall    (Cure Light Wounds)    (Relics)    (Revoke)    (Divorce)    (Annul)    (Christen)    (Swim)    (Cause Light Wounds)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Restore Smell)    (Play Instrument)    (Marry)    (Disown)    (Bandaging)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Sense Life)    (Sense Evil)    (Sense Good)    (Death Guard)    (Undeath Guard)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Desecrate)    (Bury)    (Sacrifice)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Protection Good)    (Death Knell)    (Protection Undead)    (Searching)    (Protection Law)    (Protection Chaos)    (Protection Evil)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Control Undead    Turn Undead    (Sense Chaos)    (Sense Law)    (Deafness)    (Cure Deafness)    (Create Food)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Sense Injury)    (Cure Serious Wounds)    (Cause Serious Wounds)    (Create Water)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Sense Alignment)    (Bless)    (Curse)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Protection Paralyzation)    (Anti Undead Field)    (Paralyze)    (Freedom)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Sense Invisible)    (Dispel Evil)    (Dispel Good)    
10 (Silent)    (Restore Voice)    (Sense Magic)    (Incite Dead)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Protection Poison)    (Unholy Poison)    (Remove Poison)    
12 (Protection Disease)    (Hold Undead)    (Plague)    (Dispel Law)    (Cure Disease)    (Dispel Chaos)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Sanctuary)    (Blood Curse)    (Protect Health)    
14 (Mercy)    (Cause Critical Wounds)    (Cure Critical Wounds)    (Sense Hidden)    
15 (Great Curse)    (Holy Aura)    (Remove Curse)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Awaken)    (Anger)    (Sanctify Room)    (Calm)    
17 (Infuse Balance)    (Blindsight)    (Blindness)    (Infuse Impunity)    (Infuse Discipline)    (Cure Blindness)    (Half Attack)    (Unholy Portent)    (Infuse Unholiness)    (Infuse Holiness)    (Infuse Moderation)    
18 (Protection Elements)    (Blade Barrier)    (Drain)    (Dream Feast)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Godstrike)    (Corpse Walk)    (Thunderbolt)    (Hellfire)    
20 (Mass Mobility)    (Devourer Curse)    (Mass Paralyze)    (Mass Freedom)    (Branding)    
21 (Heal)    (Harm)    (Protection Outsiders)    (Stasis)    
22 (Bloat Bomb)    (Bless Item)    (Curse Item)    (Neutralize Item)    
23 (Mass Harm)    (Mass Heal)    (Linked Health)    (Joyous Rapture)    
24 (Word of Law)    (Unholy Word)    (Snake Staff)    (Nullification)    (Word of Chaos)    (Holy Word)    
25 (Regeneration)    (Resurrect)    (Protection Curses)    (Animate Dead)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 (Restoration)    (Deathfinger)    (Contagion)    
35 Planar Travel    


Description: Conjurers are specialist mages who concentrate their studies in the mastery of movement. They are adept at transporting themselves and other creatures, as well as items and entire armies with their powerful spells. So adept are they at conjuration that they gain all known conjuration spells, including some which only the conjurers may understand.

The Conjurer may lack Transmutation abilities, but he does not miss that strange magic. After all, it's always better to be yourself, wherever you might find yourself.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Conjuration as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Conjuration magic, and half duration from malicious Conjuration magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Transmutation spells. Receives penalty damage from Transmutation as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Transmutation magic, half duration on other Transmutation effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Magic Missile    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Summon Marker    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Revoke    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Memorize)    (Wizards Chest)    (Spider Climb)    (Repairing Aura)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Summon Steed    (Obscure Self)    (Detect Undead)    (Enchant Arrows)    (Blur)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Enlarge Object)    (Resist Poison)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Summon Companion    Grease    Watchful Hound    Fire Building    (Feather Fall)    (Summoning Ward)    (Sleep)    (Dream)    (Floating Disc)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Detect Metal)    (Resist Gas)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Acid Arrow    (Detect Poison)    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Resist Acid)    (Frost)    (Mage Armor)    (Friends)    (Endless Hunger)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Water Cannon    Wall of Stone    (Resist Cold)    (Lesser Mend)    (Charm Ward)    (Spook)    (Faerie Fire)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Find Familiar    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Charm)    (Detect Invisible)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Resist Electricity)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Pass Door    Monster Summoning    Insect Plague    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Tourettes)    (Resist Fire)    (Invisibility)    (Darkness)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Conjure Ammunition    Wall of Darkness    (Faerie Fog)    (Spellcraft)    (Fear)    (Shatter)    (Resist Disease)    (Elemental Storm)    (Teleportation Ward)    (Lightning Bolt)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Ice Sheet    Scatter    (Flameshield)    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Awe)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Magic Mouth)    
10 Teleport    (Arcane Mark)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Resist Arrows)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Channeled Missiles    Wall of Ice    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Improved Repairing Aura)    (Mirror Image)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Claireaudience)    (Feeblemind)    
12 Shelter    (Delirium)    (Destroy Object)    (Laughter)    (Confusion)    (Clairevoyance)    (Globe)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Word of Recall    Gate    (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Earthquake)    (Frenzy)    (Resist Paralysis)    (Reinforce)    
14 Wall of Air    (Mass Invisibility)    (Arcane Possession)    (Scribe)    (Silence)    (Know Value)    (Animate Weapon)    
15 Blink    Flaming Sword    (Climb)    (Irritation)    (Fake Weapon)    (Ensnare)    (Hold)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Dismissal    (Choke)    (Chain Lightning)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Free Movement)    
17 Marker Summoning    Wall of Fire    (Clarify Scroll)    (Portal)    (Siphon)    (Fools Gold)    (Recharge Wand)    
18 Summon    (Reverse Gravity)    (See Aura)    (Web)    (Resist Petrification)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Acid Spray    Wall of Force    (Improved Invisibility)    (Forget)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 Marker Portal    (Nightmare)    (Enchant Armor)    (Repulsion)    (Cloudkill)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 Teleport Object    Summon Enemy    (Command)    (Alchemy)    (Immunity)    (Mass Haste)    
22 Meteor Storm    (Disenchant Item)    (Greater Globe)    (Enchant Weapon)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 Conjure Nexus    Cogniportive    (Combat Precognition)    (Mind Block)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    
24 Returning    Summon Flyer    (Delay)    (Frailty)    (Anchor)    
25 Demon Gate    Flaming Ensnarement    (Disintegrate)    (Geas)    (Spell Turning)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Summon Army    
35 Planeshift    


Description: The Delver is a stolid druid of caves and the underdark, being the guardian of the rocks and stone and the cold caverns of the deep. The Delver is unconcerned with plants or the sky or the doings of the weather, or any of the creatures that live upon it, relying rather on the solid earth to draw his power from. For this reason, the Delver is particularly at home among the rocks, and is able to call upon them to aid him at need.

How to play: The Delver requires little in the way of precasting or planning, so long as he stays in cave or rocky environments. He is able to instantly call upon the rocks and stones to help him in combat, and is friend to golems and stone creatures. For this reason, the Delver is better able to fit into groups who wish to adventure in the mountains and the underground, and can be a valuable leader when its time to enter the deep dark.

Primary Stat: Constitution
Qualifications: Strength 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Con/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Constitution (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Can create a druidic connection with an area. Benefits from freeing animals from cities.
Weapons: Must use stone, crystal, metal, or glass weapons.
Armor: Must wear stone, crystal, or metal armor.
Limitations: Must remain Neutral to avoid skill and chant failure chances.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Drow Duergar Dwarf Githyanki Gnoll Goblin Half Elf Human Lizard Man Merfolk Ogre
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Climb    Write    My Plants    Summon Fungus    Recall    Summon Pool    Fishing    Read Runes    (Wilderness Lore)    (Revoke)    (Play Instrument)    (Mycology)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Summon Water)    (Tether)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Cave Fishing    (Darkvision)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Boulderbash)    (Sense Metal)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Shards    (Deep Darkness)    (Strike Barren)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Mold)    (Magnetic Field)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Endure Rust    (Deep Thoughts)    (Brittle)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Den)    (Fodder Signal)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Earthpocket    (Rockfeet)    
10 (Golem Form)    (Crystal Growth)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    
11 Plant Pass    Shrooming    (Cave-In)    
12 (Rockthought)    (Snatch Light)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Drifting    (Distant Fungal Growth)    
14 (Stonewalking)    (Earthfeed)    
15 Sacred Earth    (Fungal Bloom)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Sense Ores)    (Brown Mold)    
17 Quake    (Magnetic Earth)    (Fertile Cavern)    
18 (Fungus Feet)    (Labyrinth)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Tremor Sense    (Rust Curse)    
20 Sense Fluids    (Scrapping)    (Stone Friend)    (Branding)    
21 Sense Gems    (Worms)    
22 (Homeopathy)    (Unbreakable)    
23 Find Ore    (Mass Fungal Growth)    (Magma Cannon)    
24 (Volcanic Chasm)    (Find Gem)    
25 Metal Mold    (Summon Rock Golem)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 (Explosive Decompression)    


Description: Diviners are specialist mages who have mastered the arts of uncovering secrets, and obtaining knowledge. The entire world is an open book for them, just waiting for the pages to be turned. So adept do these mages become at divination that they gain all known divination spells, including some which are even secrets to the other mages!

The Diviner's love of knowledge means he loses the knack of casting spells of illusion. However, they make up for this by being the most popular of advisors and group members when strange and amazing treasures are uncovered, or some secret needs to be told.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Divination as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Divination magic, and half duration from malicious Divination magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Illusion spells. Receives penalty damage from Illusion as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Illusion magic, half duration on other Illusion effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Magic Missile    Iron Grip    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Revoke    Analyze Item    Recall    (Memorize)    (Wizards Chest)    (Spider Climb)    (Repairing Aura)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Detect Undead    Detect Bombs    Infravision    (Clog Mouth)    (Summon Steed)    (Enchant Arrows)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Shrink)    (Enlarge Object)    (Resist Poison)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Know Province    Detect Metal    Fire Building    Know Alignment    (Summon Companion)    (Feather Fall)    (Grease)    (Summoning Ward)    (Sleep)    (Floating Disc)    (Deafen)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Resist Gas)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Detect Poison    Group Status    Detect Water    (Spellcraft)    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Resist Acid)    (Water Breathing)    (Frost)    (Mage Armor)    (Acid Arrow)    (Friends)    (Endless Hunger)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Detect Weaknesses    Detect Magic    Detect Gold    (Resist Cold)    (Lesser Mend)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Charm Ward)    (Spook)    (Wall of Stone)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Prying Eye    Detect Invisible    Augury    (Weakness to Acid)    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Charm)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Resist Electricity)    (Find Familiar)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Telepathy    Detect Hidden    (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Tourettes)    (Resist Fire)    (Monster Summoning)    (Darkness)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Natural Communion    Identify Object    (Fear)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Shatter)    (Resist Disease)    (Elemental Storm)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Teleportation Ward)    (Lightning Bolt)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Farsight    Solve Maze    Comprehend Languages    (Flameshield)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Awe)    (Magic Mouth)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 Locate Object    Detect Traps    (Arcane Mark)    (Teleport)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Resist Arrows)    (Mute)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Claireaudience    Arms Length    (Change Sex)    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Improved Repairing Aura)    (Weaken)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Feeblemind)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 Spying Stone    Clairevoyance    (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Destroy Object)    (Laughter)    (Confusion)    (Fly)    (Globe)    (Titling)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Distant Vision    Detect Scrying    (Giant Strength)    (Earthquake)    (Frenzy)    (Gate)    (Resist Paralysis)    (Reinforce)    
14 Know Value    Hear Thoughts    (Arcane Possession)    (Scribe)    (Silence)    (Wall of Air)    (Animate Weapon)    
15 Know Origin    (Climb)    (Blink)    (Irritation)    (Polymorph)    (Ensnare)    (Hold)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Forecast Weather    Know Fate    (Choke)    (Mage Claws)    (Chain Lightning)    (Meditation)    (Free Movement)    (Dismissal)    
17 Divining Eye    (Clarify Scroll)    (Portal)    (Siphon)    (Recharge Wand)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 See Aura    Spotters Orders    Greater Claireaudience    (Reverse Gravity)    (Web)    (Resist Petrification)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Greater Clairevoyance    Breadcrumbs    (Forget)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 Find Directions    Scry    (Improved Polymorph)    (Enchant Armor)    (Repulsion)    (Cloudkill)    (Branding)    
21 Know Pain    (Command)    (Alchemy)    (Immunity)    (Mass Haste)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 Know Bliss    Detect Sentience    (Disenchant Item)    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Greater Globe)    (Enchant Weapon)    
23 Combat Precognition    Death Warning    (Mind Block)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    (Cogniportive)    
24 Detect Ambush    (Returning)    (Delay)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    (Frailty)    (Anchor)    
25 True Sight    (Disintegrate)    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    (Geas)    (Spell Turning)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 Greater Scry    (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Future Death    


Description: Doomsayers are very special servants of the gods, whose proclaimations of fire and brimstone give them resistance to fire attacks, as well as special powers controlling it. They are an evil aligned class and chaotically inclined and so will fumble good or lawful prayers. However, the Doomsayer can use many dangerous edged weapons, any kind of armor, and gets numerous special prayers that only the doomsayer can claim.

How to play: The Doomsayer is easily the most wicked, cruel, and hated of all the Clerics. He is best played as a loner in cities, bringing the wrath of his God wherever he goes.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Strength 9+, Wisdom 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives 1 pt damage reduction/level from fire attacks.
Weapons: Must use polearms, axes, swords, daggers, or edged weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Always fumbles good prayers, and fumbles all prayers when alignment is above 500. Qualifies and receives evil prayers. Using non-aligned prayers introduces failure chance. Vulnerable to cold attacks.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Ember    Write    Read Prayer    Revoke    Recall    Polearm Specialization    Convert    (Relics)    (Divorce)    (Play Instrument)    (Annul)    (Protection Bless)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Rot    (Curse Flames)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Desecrate    (Darkening Aura)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Protection Good    (Protection Fire)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Deafness    (Faithless)    (Sense Law)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Tongues    (Flame Weapon)    (Cause Fatigue)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Curse    (Hunt Law)    (Protection Law)    (Inflict Cannibalism)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Paralyze    (Protection Paralyzation)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Curse Metal)    (Intimidation)    
10 Sense Magic    (Curse Mind)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Unholy Poison    (Protection Poison)    
12 (Dispel Law)    (Protection Disease)    (Plague)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Blood Curse    (Fortress)    
14 (Demonshield)    (Aura of Harm)    
15 Great Curse    (Mass Deafness)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Sense Parish)    (Daily Bread)    (Anger)    
17 Blindness    (Infuse Unholiness)    (Infuse Impunity)    (Half Attack)    
18 (Mass Tongues)    (Protection Elements)    (Doom Aura)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Hellfire    (Religious Doubt)    (Curse Luck)    
20 (Mass Paralyze)    (Mass Blindness)    (Branding)    
21 Corruption    (Condemnation)    (Demonic Consumption)    
22 Curse Item    (Neutralize Item)    
23 (Curse Minds)    (Doomspout)    
24 Unholy Word    (Nullification)    (Word of Chaos)    
25 Elemental Aid    (Regeneration)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Fire Healing    


Description: Druids are mystical guardians of the natural world, and the wielders of natures grandest powers. They may not wear metal, and can only use a small set of natural weapons, but their notorious health and magical chants more than make up for this. Like the natural world, Druids are restricted to a moderate neutral alignment in order for their chants to work reliably.

Druid is the starting point for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain levels in at any time. These sub-classes include: Delver, Beastmaster, Gaian, Mer, and SkyWatcher.

How to play: The druid is the most complex class to play. Most of his magic requires the assistance of numerous spells to bear fruit, but the benefits make the complexity well worth it. The druid is also best fit for travelling with animal armies of his own creation. In groups, the druid can assist with some extra fire power at high levels. For the most part though, it is alone that the druid will flourish, forming his own animal groups to make up for his weakness in combat.

Although weak in melee combat, due to equipment and skill limitations, the druid is capable of marshaling all the powers of animals and plants to aid in the vanquishing of foes for experience. At higher levels, as the powers of weather come into play, the Druid will find their magical prowess unequaled by any other class.

Primary Stat: Constitution
Qualifications: Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d7) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Con/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Constitution (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: Will gain random qualified chants. When leading animals into battle, will not divide experience among animal followers. Can create a druidic connection with an area. Benefits from animal/plant/stone followers leveling. Benefits from freeing animals from cities. Benefits from balancing the weather.
Weapons: Must use wooden, plant-based, or leather weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Limitations: Must remain Neutral to avoid skill and chant failure chances.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Aarakocran Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Goblin Half Elf Human Lizard Man Merfolk Ogre
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Climb    Write    Swim    Read Runes    Shape Shift    My Plants    Recall    Druidic Pass    (Hand to hand combat)    (Revoke)    (Summon Plants)    (Bestow Name)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Staff Specialization)    (Herbology)    (Wilderness Lore)    (Play Instrument)    (Predict Weather)    (Bandaging)    (Shards)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Harden Skin)    (Foraging)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Sense Poison)    (Summon Water)    (Locate Plants)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Moonbeam)    (Summon Food)    (Life Echoes)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Locate Animals)    (Tangle)    (Summon Fire)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Feel Electricity)    (Eaglesight)    (Fortify Food)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Calm Animal)    (Sunray)    (Treeform)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Natural Balance)    (Feel Cold)    (Goodberry)    (Feel Hunger)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Control Fire)    (Natural Order)    (Venom Ward)    (Warp Wood)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Water Walking)    (Call Companion)    (Calm Wind)    (Barkskin)    
10 (Brittle)    (Feel Heat)    (Grow Club)    (Animal Friendship)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Plant Pass)    (Venomous Bite)    (Wind Gust)    
12 (Whisperward)    (Fish Gills)    (Treemind)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Plant Bed)    (Hold Animal)    (Lightning Ward)    
14 (Illusionary Forest)    (Earthfeed)    (Hippieness)    (Cold Ward)    
15 (Plant Lore)    (Fertilization)    (Charm Animal)    (Herbalism)    (Calm Weather)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Summon Peace)    (Fire Ward)    (Shillelagh)    
17 (Quake)    (Summon Plague)    (Distant Growth)    
18 (Reabsorb)    (Hibernation)    (Gas Ward)    (Plant Maze)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Sense Sentience)    (Summon Animal)    (Summon Heat)    (Nectar)    
20 (Scrapping)    (Summon Insects)    (Summon Cold)    (Grapevine)    (Branding)    
21 (Sense Fluids)    (Animal Spy)    (Plant Snare)    (Sense Pregnancy)    (Summon Rain)    
22 (Neutralize Poison)    (Summon Wind)    (Sense Plants)    (Treemorph)    (Find Plant)    
23 (Summon Mount)    (Sense Ores)    (Find Ore)    (Grow Item)    (Summon Lightning)    
24 (Find Gem)    (Summon Fear)    (Sense Age)    (Charm Area)    (Sense Gems)    (Summon Elemental)    
25 (Speed Time)    (Feralness)    (Summon Sapling)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Reincarnation    
35 (Plane Walking)    


Description: Enchanters are specialist mages who can always seem to bring out the best magical aspects of whoever or whatever they turn their attention to. And when angered, the Enchanter can also twist their enemies to their will. So adept are they at this art of change that they gain all known enchantment spells, even those which only the enchanter may learn.

Enchanters love change so much that they neglect the protective magic of abjuration, and find themselves unable to use that magic. However, the Enchanter does not fear the snake's poison, or the dragon's breath, especially when he can snap his fingers and make them both his pets!

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Enchantment/charm as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Enchantment/charm magic, and half duration from malicious Enchantment/charm magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Abjuration spells. Receives penalty damage from Abjuration as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Abjuration magic, half duration on other Abjuration effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Magic Missile    Wizards Chest    Spider Climb    Iron Grip    Scroll Scribing    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Revoke    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Memorize)    (Insatiable Thirst)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Enchant Arrows    (Obscure Self)    (Clog Mouth)    (Detect Undead)    (Summon Steed)    (Blur)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Shrink)    (Enlarge Object)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Sleep    Fire Building    (Summon Companion)    (Feather Fall)    (Grease)    (Dream)    (Floating Disc)    (Lighten Item)    (Deafen)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Detect Metal)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Endless Hunger    (Detect Poison)    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Water Breathing)    (Frost)    (Acid Arrow)    (Friends)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Spook    Fatigue    (Lesser Mend)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Faerie Fire)    (Wall of Stone)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Charm    (Weakness to Acid)    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Detect Invisible)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Find Familiar)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Tourettes    Mana Burn    (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Invisibility)    (Monster Summoning)    (Darkness)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Fear    (Faerie Fog)    (Spellcraft)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Shatter)    (Elemental Storm)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Lightning Bolt)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Mind Light    Awe    (Flameshield)    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Magic Mouth)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 (Arcane Mark)    (Teleport)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Mute)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Advancement    Feeblemind    (Change Sex)    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Mirror Image)    (Weaken)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Claireaudience)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 Laughter    Confusion    (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Delirium)    (Destroy Object)    (Clairevoyance)    (Fly)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Mass Sleep    Frenzy    (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Giant Strength)    (Earthquake)    (Gate)    (Reinforce)    
14 Animate Weapon    (Mass Invisibility)    (Scribe)    (Silence)    (Wall of Air)    (Know Value)    
15 Irritation    Alarm    Hold    (Climb)    (Blink)    (Polymorph)    (Fake Weapon)    (Ensnare)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Choke)    (Mage Claws)    (Chain Lightning)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Dismissal)    
17 Clarify Scroll    Siphon    Mind Fog    Recharge Wand    (Portal)    (Fools Gold)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 (Reverse Gravity)    (See Aura)    (Web)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Enthrall    Forget    (Improved Invisibility)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 Enchant Armor    (Nightmare)    (Improved Polymorph)    (Cloudkill)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 Command    Awe Other    (Alchemy)    (Mass Haste)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 Enchant Weapon    (Disenchant Item)    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 Lower Resistance    (Combat Precognition)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    (Cogniportive)    
24 Frailty    Mass Hold    (Returning)    (Delay)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    
25 Rogue Limb    Geas    (Disintegrate)    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Permanency    


Description: Evokers are specialist mages who can bring from nothing the powers of light and darkness, heat and cold, lightning and ferocious wind. So adept are these mages are the creation of these magical elements that they automatically gain all evocation/invocation spells, even those known only to evokers.

Evokers are so impatient to create from nothing that they have neglected the study of the alteration of already existing things, and will find themselves unable to use alteration magic. However, the Evoker is the horror of all specialist mages, death in both fingers, and is envied by all for his power.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Invocation/evocation as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Invocation/evocation magic, and half duration from malicious Invocation/evocation magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Alteration spells. Receives penalty damage from Alteration as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Alteration magic, half duration on other Alteration effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Produce Flame    Magic Missile    Iron Grip    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Revoke    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Memorize)    (Wizards Chest)    (Spider Climb)    (Repairing Aura)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Light    (Obscure Self)    (Clog Mouth)    (Detect Undead)    (Summon Steed)    (Enchant Arrows)    (Blur)    (Shrink)    (Resist Poison)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Helping Hand    Floating Disc    Knock    Fire Building    (Summon Companion)    (Grease)    (Summoning Ward)    (Sleep)    (Dream)    (Deafen)    (Detect Metal)    (Resist Gas)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Frost    (Detect Poison)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Resist Acid)    (Water Breathing)    (Mage Armor)    (Acid Arrow)    (Endless Hunger)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Dispel Magic    Purge Invisibility    (Resist Cold)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Charm Ward)    (Spook)    (Faerie Fire)    (Wall of Stone)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Stinking Cloud    Shocking Grasp    (Weakness to Acid)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Charm)    (Detect Invisible)    (Resist Electricity)    (Find Familiar)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Fireball    Forceful Hand    Darkness    (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Tourettes)    (Resist Fire)    (Invisibility)    (Monster Summoning)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Elemental Storm    Lightning Bolt    (Faerie Fog)    (Spellcraft)    (Fear)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Resist Disease)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Teleportation Ward)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Flameshield    Continual Light    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Awe)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 Gust of Wind    (Teleport)    (Resist Arrows)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Mute)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Acid Fog    Shockshield    (Change Sex)    (Improved Repairing Aura)    (Mirror Image)    (Weaken)    (Claireaudience)    (Feeblemind)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 Destroy Object    (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Delirium)    (Laughter)    (Confusion)    (Clairevoyance)    (Fly)    (Globe)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Ice Lance    Earthquake    (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Giant Strength)    (Frenzy)    (Gate)    (Resist Paralysis)    
14 Kinetic Pulse    Scribe    (Mass Invisibility)    (Arcane Possession)    (Wall of Air)    (Know Value)    (Animate Weapon)    
15 Ignite    (Climb)    (Blink)    (Irritation)    (Polymorph)    (Fake Weapon)    (Hold)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Mystic Loom    Chain Lightning    (Mage Claws)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Free Movement)    (Dismissal)    
17 Portal    Forked Lightning    (Clarify Scroll)    (Siphon)    (Fools Gold)    (Recharge Wand)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 Web    (See Aura)    (Resist Petrification)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Levitate    (Improved Invisibility)    (Forget)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    
20 Pocket    Cloudkill    (Nightmare)    (Improved Polymorph)    (Enchant Armor)    (Repulsion)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 Ice Storm    (Command)    (Alchemy)    (Immunity)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 Disenchant Item    Shove    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Greater Globe)    (Enchant Weapon)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 Dragonfire    Blademouth    (Combat Precognition)    (Mind Block)    (Cogniportive)    
24 Delay    Portal Other    (Returning)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    (Frailty)    (Anchor)    
25 Disintegrate    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    (Geas)    (Spell Turning)    
26 Greater Levitate    (Improved Alchemy)    
27 Lighthouse    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Mass Disintegrate    


Description: Fighters are brutish weapon masters, skilled in the art of killing. They may specialize in any weapon type, and learn numerous new fighting techniques as they advance in level. Fighters receive more hit points and attack bonuses per level than any other class, and are invaluable in a close melee.

Fighter is the starting point for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain levels in at any time. These sub-classes include: Monk, Ranger, Paladin, Cavalier, and Barbarian.

How to play: The fighters strength is in his domination of pure combat. When playing alone, a fighter is fully capable of gaining the necessary experience. However, the fighter may choose to lead a group to gain an even greater advantage. As the tank (primary melee combatant) in a group, the fighter will give the group the benefit of his superior armor and fighting skill, while benefitting from the healing spells of a cleric, or the magical aids of a mage.

The fighters greatest weakness is his inability to move secretly, or get into or out of tricky spots. For this reason, the fighter outside of a group should steer towards simple combat areas, and be content only with the treasures obtains from his kills.

Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Strength 9+
Practices: 3 +[(Wisdom/6)-1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 4 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d7) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/8)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[7X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives bonus conquest experience and bonus duel experience.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Hand to hand combat    Blunt Weapon Specialization    Write    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Armor Specialization    Axe Specialization    Recall    Hammer Specialization    Polearm Specialization    Flailing Weapon Specialization    Sword Specialization    Shield Specialization    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Kick)    (Armor Tweaking)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Parry    (Two Weapon Fighting)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Weapon Sharpening)    (Shield Bash)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Rescue    (Cleave)    (Set Polearm)    (Whipsmack)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Disarm    Subdue    (Dismounting Blow)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Dodge)    (Rapid Shot)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Second Attack    (True Shot)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Critical Strike)    (Shield Block)    (Leg Hold)    
10 Blind Fighting    (Headlock)    (Toughness)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Mounted Combat)    (Dirt)    
12 Weapon Break    (Knee)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Dual Parry)    (Clinch Hold)    (Stance)    
14 Trip    (Toughness II)    
15 (Climb)    (Elbow Jab)    (Sweep)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Roll With Blows    (Choke Hold)    (Critical Shot)    
17 (Whomp)    (Forceback)    (Desperate Moves)    
18 Third Attack    (Toughness III)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Point Blank Shot)    (Endurance)    (Hold The Line)    
20 Tumble    (AutoBash)    (Branding)    
21 (Urban Tactics)    (Opponent Knowledge)    
22 Improved Shield Defence    (Berzerk)    
23 (Cover Defence)    (Weapon Catch)    
24 Counter-Attack    Called Strike    
25 (Heroism)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Coup de Grace    


Description: The Gaian is the druid of the green earth, watching over the plants, trees and all growing things. The gaian has a very special relationship with the plants and trees, having special abilities to make almost any location he steps into a sanctuary for his leafed friends. So in tune with green things is the gaian that sunlight can actually give his green tinted skin additional powers, though the darkness will slightly weaken his chanting stamina. The gaian can also call on the plants and trees around him to aid in him combat, to hide him from foes, or even to provide him with the things one would normally have to seek civilization for.

How to play: The Gaian, so long as he stays around green plants, is a formidable foe to all enemies of nature. The gaian can call all aspects of the plants to his aid, and can always find sanctuary in the green plants during times of trouble. The gaian is weak in native combat abilities, like the other druids, but can make up for it with creative pre-casting, and good use of the power of nature during combat.

Primary Stat: Constitution
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d7) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Con/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Constitution (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Attains Greenskin (sunlight based bonuses/penalties) at level 5. At level 30, becomes totally undetectable in wilderness settings while hidden. Can create a druidic connection with an area. Benefits from animal/plant/stone followers leveling. Benefits from freeing animals from cities.
Weapons: Must use wooden, plant-based, or leather weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Limitations: Must remain Neutral to avoid skill and chant failure chances.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Aarakocran Centaur Elf Githyanki Half Elf Human Lizard Man Merfolk
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Foraging    Climb    Write    My Plants    Summon Plants    Recall    Read Runes    Druidic Pass    (Hand to hand combat)    (Herbology)    (Summon Flower)    (Wilderness Lore)    (Revoke)    (Play Instrument)    (Summon Herbs)    (Bandaging)    (Shards)    (Swim)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Floristry    (Locate Plants)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Summon Food    (Summon Ivy)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Free Vine    (Summon Vine)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Fortify Food)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Barkskin    (Sense Sentience)    (Summon Sun)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Know Plants    (Goodberry)    (Plant Self)    (Woodland Hide)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Root)    (Grow Club)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Plant Lore    (Plant Pass)    (Killer Vine)    
10 Plant Form    (Herbalism)    (Summon Tree)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Farming    (Summon Seeds)    (Vine Weave)    (Plant Bed)    
12 Plant Wall    (Shillelagh)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Summon Seaweed    (Summon FlyTrap)    (Distant Growth)    
14 Plant Maze    (Earthfeed)    (Thorns)    
15 Sense Plants    (Control Plant)    (Summon Houseplant)    (Poisonous Vine)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Grow Item)    (Blight)    
17 Find Plant    (Plant Snare)    (Plant Constriction)    
18 (Chlorophyll)    (Vampire Vine)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Distant Overgrowth    (Plant Choke)    
20 Grapevine    (Scrapping)    (Sapling Workers)    (Branding)    
21 (Vine Mass)    (Treehouse)    
22 Tap Grapevine    (Grow Forest)    (Grow Food)    
23 (Plant Trap)    (Distant Ingrowth)    
24 Summon Sapling    (Charm Area)    
25 (Shamblermorph)    (Sweet Scent)    
26 (Master Floristry)    
29 (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Grow Oak    


Description: The Gaoler (pronounced like Jailer), is the ancient dungeon keeper. He specializes in those implements and activities which reflect the worst and most sadistic side of human nature. Although not much use as an adventurer, a player with a Gaoler background can be a valuable member of a clan, or a man-for-hire.
Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Strength 5+, Dexterity 5+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/10)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18)-1 per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (24), Dexterity (24), Others (18)
Bonuses: Gains experience when using certain skills, screaming victims from certain skills per hour, sleeping by an occupied cell, and feeding inmates bad food. After 20 levels, torturing locals also affects conquered area loyalty.
Weapons: Must use flailed weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Starting Equipment: a long leather whip
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Climb    Write    Flailing Weapon Specialization    Recall    Smoke Rings    (Hand to hand combat)    (Clan Crafting)    (Baking)    (Swim)    (Cooking)    (Play Instrument)    (Food Prep)    (Bandaging)    (Caravan Building)    (Floristry)    
2 Gaol Food    (Butchering)    
3 Body Piercing    Fire Building    (Groin)    
4 (Searching)    (Drug Cutting)    (Tanning)    
5 Blacksmithing    (Whipsmack)    (Nipple Twist)    
6 (Carpentry)    (Black Marketeering)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Tattooing    (Meat Curing)    
8 Gutbuster    (Locksmithing)    (Prison Assignment)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Warrants    (Roofie)    
10 (Informant)    (Hide)    (Siegecrafting)    
11 Brainwash    (Leg Hold)    
12 Arresting Sap    (Child Labor)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Handcuff)    (Prisoner Transfer)    
14 Tar And Feather    (Arm Hold)    
15 (Headlock)    (Flay)    (Whiplash)    (Composting)    
16 Spread Hate    (Torturesmithing)    
17 (Leeching)    
18 Collect Bounty    (Track Criminal)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Spread Apathy    (Arrest)    
20 Behead    (Branding)    
21 (Stoning)    
22 Slave Trading    (Lobotomizing)    
23 (Enslave)    (Pimping)    
24 Jail Key    (Slave Marketeering)    
25 (Chirgury)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Amputation    


Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: None
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Others (18)
Weapons: No limitations.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Starting Equipment:
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Meat Curing)    
8 (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
10 (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
12 (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
15 (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
18 (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
20 (Branding)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: The gypsy is a traveling soothsayer who is very connected with their ancestral roots and the world as a whole. They are not bound to any one location as druids or shaman are, instead viewing the whole world (perhaps even the whole cosmos) as one interconnected essence. They borrow druidic magic from the land and spirits to create powerful wards and charms.

How to play: Often misunderstood by other societies, gypsies roam the world freely and learn skills necessary to survive these social biases. Some gypsies embrace their pariah status and use it as an excuse to break laws and customs. Others seek a higher connection with the past, present and future as fortune tellers. While still others are expert craftsmen and ritualistic protectors who sell their wares where most needed in the world.

Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/10)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[10X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Constitution (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Huge discounts when buying druidic potions after 5th level. Ability to memorize chants learned through ChantCraft. Can see druidic scroll charges at level 30.
Weapons: Must use staves, swords, daggers, axes, or blunt weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Starting Equipment: a small hammer
Races: Aarakocran Centaur Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Half Elf Human Lizard Man Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Staff Specialization    Climb    Write    Apothecary    Read Runes    Unbinding    Recall    Swipe gold    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Play Instrument)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Hide    Runecasting    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Shards    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Sneak    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Jewel Making    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Refresh Runes    (Pick Locks)    (Dodge)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Peek    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Use Poison)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Parry    (Recharge Shards)    
10 Herbalism    (Haggle)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Steal)    (Lore)    
12 (Listen)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Enchant Shards)    
14 (Plant Item)    
15 (Power Grab)    (Caravan Building)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
17 (Second Attack)    (Shadow)    
18 (Use Potion)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Detection    
20 (Branding)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: Healers project the most benevolent aspects of their gods by bringing life and good health to those around them. The Healer is so adept at these arts that his or her healing prayers are more powerful than those cast by any other cleric. The Healer gets a special prayers known only to the Healer, including the great Aura of Healing at 30th level. The Healer is a good aligned class and chaotically inclined.

How to play: More than any other cleric, the Healer is a most desirable group member. There is no ailment, no weakness, no problem almost that the Healer can not cure through the power of his god. In the heat of battle, or in the periods in between, the Healer is a valued friend to those who take the brunt of battle. The Healer can also try it alone if he likes, if he is willing to use patience and plenty of cure spells to outlast his opponents.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Charisma 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Charisma (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: All healing prayers give bonus healing. Attains healing aura after 30th level.
Weapons: Must use hammers, staves, flailed, natural, or blunt weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Always fumbles evil prayers. Qualifies and receives good prayers. Using non-aligned prayers introduces failure chance.
Starting Equipment: a small mace
Races: Aarakocran Dwarf Elf Githyanki Half Elf Human Lizard Man Merfolk Pixie Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Hand to hand combat    Write    Read Prayer    Cure Light Wounds    Turn Undead    Revoke    Recall    Swim    Convert    (Restore Smell)    (Relics)    (Play Instrument)    (Marry)    (Annul)    (Bandaging)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Infuse Holiness)    (Infuse Impunity)    (Sense Evil)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Sacrifice    (Remove Death Mark)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Cure Fatigue)    (Protection Evil)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Cure Deafness    (Fidelity)    (Sense Law)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Cure Serious Wounds    (Sense Disease)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Brightening Aura)    (Protection Law)    (Bless)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Freedom    (Remove Paralysis)    (Forgive)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Godlight)    (Dispel Evil)    
10 Restore Voice    (Cure Vampirism)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Benediction)    (Remove Poison)    
12 Cure Disease    (Cure Exhaustion)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Mass Freedom    (Protect Health)    
14 Cure Critical Wounds    (Aura of Healing)    
15 Holy Shield    (Holy Aura)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Pacify    (Cure Cannibalism)    
17 Cure Blindness    (Invigorate)    
18 (Blessed Hearth)    (Dispel Undead)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Godstrike)    (Protection Death)    
20 Half Attack    (Peace Ritual)    (Branding)    
21 Heal    (Atonement)    
22 (Consecrate Land)    (Bless Item)    
23 Mass Heal    (Mass Cure Disease)    
24 (Divine Resistance)    (Word of Chaos)    (Holy Word)    
25 (Divine Constitution)    (Deaths Door)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 True Resurrection    (Mass Forgive)    


Description: Illusionists are specialist mages who have mastered the art of deception and illusion. They can make anyone believe anything, and can fool the senses into believing whatever they wish. Illusionists are sly and playful, and so adept at their art that they gain all known illusion spells, even those known only to illusionists.

So lost in their dreamworld is the Illusionist, that he forgets what is true, and finds himself unable to remember his divination spells. However, the Illusionist is the greatest and most fun of the social mages, with a nice mix of defensive magic that can save him in times of need.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Illusion as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Illusion magic, and half duration from malicious Illusion magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Divination spells. Receives penalty damage from Divination as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Divination magic, half duration on other Divination effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Beastkin Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Disguise Undead    Write    Prestidigitation    Magic Missile    Iron Grip    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Magical Aura    Revoke    Recall    Ventriloquate    (Memorize)    (Wizards Chest)    (Spider Climb)    (Repairing Aura)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Obscure Self    Blur    Shoddy Aura    (Clog Mouth)    (Summon Steed)    (Enchant Arrows)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Shrink)    (Enlarge Object)    (Resist Poison)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Color Spray    Dream    Fire Building    (Summon Companion)    (Feather Fall)    (Grease)    (Summoning Ward)    (Sleep)    (Floating Disc)    (Deafen)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Resist Gas)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Fake Spring    Fake Food    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Resist Acid)    (Water Breathing)    (Frost)    (Mage Armor)    (Acid Arrow)    (Friends)    (Endless Hunger)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Faerie Fire    Dispel Divination    (Resist Cold)    (Lesser Mend)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Charm Ward)    (Spook)    (Wall of Stone)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Minor Image    Illusory Wall    (Weakness to Acid)    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Charm)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Resist Electricity)    (Find Familiar)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Invisibility    Ghost Sound    (Spellcraft)    (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Tourettes)    (Resist Fire)    (Monster Summoning)    (Darkness)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Faerie Fog    Lesser Image    (Fear)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Shatter)    (Resist Disease)    (Elemental Storm)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Teleportation Ward)    (Lightning Bolt)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Daydream    Mirage    (Flameshield)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Awe)    (Magic Mouth)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 Ugliness    Phantom Hound    (Arcane Mark)    (Teleport)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Resist Arrows)    (Mute)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Mirror Image    Invisibility Sphere    (Change Sex)    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Improved Repairing Aura)    (Weaken)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Feeblemind)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 Delirium    (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Destroy Object)    (Laughter)    (Confusion)    (Fly)    (Globe)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Feign Death    Feign Invisibility    (Giant Strength)    (Earthquake)    (Frenzy)    (Gate)    (Resist Paralysis)    (Reinforce)    
14 Mass Invisibility    (Arcane Possession)    (Scribe)    (Silence)    (Wall of Air)    (Animate Weapon)    
15 Disguise Self    Fake Weapon    (Climb)    (Blink)    (Irritation)    (Polymorph)    (Ensnare)    (Hold)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Fake Armor    Greater Image    (Choke)    (Mage Claws)    (Chain Lightning)    (Meditation)    (Free Movement)    (Dismissal)    
17 Fools Gold    Illusory Disease    (Clarify Scroll)    (Portal)    (Siphon)    (Recharge Wand)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 (Reverse Gravity)    (Web)    (Resist Petrification)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Simulacrum    Improved Invisibility    (Forget)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 Nightmare    Divine Beauty    (Improved Polymorph)    (Enchant Armor)    (Repulsion)    (Cloudkill)    (Branding)    
21 Phantasm    (Command)    (Alchemy)    (Immunity)    (Mass Haste)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 Greater Invisibility    (Disenchant Item)    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Greater Globe)    (Enchant Weapon)    
23 Disguise Other    (Mind Block)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    (Cogniportive)    
24 Superior Image    Alternate Reality    (Returning)    (Delay)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    (Frailty)    (Anchor)    
25 Endless Road    (Disintegrate)    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    (Geas)    (Spell Turning)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Feel The Void    


Description: The Jester is the joking, annoying, and sneaky fellow that few Bards like to claim. Like the Charlatan, they remain associated with Bards due to their highly social nature and their charismatic attitudes. The Jester is also amazingly dextrous and slippery, due to the slapstick style of maneuvers he practices and specializes in.

How to play: As the levels progress, however, few could argue the seriousness of the Jesters power, should his goofy smile, for some reason, be turned around. The Jester is still, clearly, a group player. He needs the strong tanking of fighters, and other support classes to flourish, though he can still hold his own if he manages not to take life too seriously.

Primary Stat: Charisma
Qualifications: Charisma 9+, Dexterity 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[7X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Cha/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives 2%/level bonus to saves versus poison. Receives extra natural damaging skill. Receives group bonus combat experience when in an intelligent group, and more for a group of players. Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Halfling Human Merfolk Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Belly Rolling    Write    Juggle    Clumsiness    Nothing    Recall    Haggle    Befriend    Sword Specialization    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Apothecary)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Identify Poison    (Drunkenness)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    QuickChange    (Climb)    (Hide)    (Rope Tricks)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Slapstick    (Babble)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Mimicry    (Wands)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Awareness    (Lay Minor Traps)    (Struggle)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Prestidigitation)    (Dodge)    (Graceful Dismount)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Use Poison    (Rage)    (Distract)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Fire Breathing)    (Rope Trip)    (Peek)    
10 Joke    (Distraction)    (Sneak)    (Breakout)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Bind)    (Lightness)    
12 Slow Fall    (Seeing)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Center of Attention)    (Trip)    
14 Clog Dance    Stop    (Mercy)    (Critical Shot)    
15 (Rope Disarm)    (Detect Traps)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Stability    (Read Magic)    (Suave)    
17 (Second Attack)    
18 Tumble    (Thanks)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Swipe gold)    (Satire)    
20 Avoid Traps    (Critical Strike)    (Muting)    (Branding)    
21 (Steal)    
22 Feint    (Quickness)    
23 (Single Mindedness)    (Blind Fighting)    
24 Cartwheel    (Disgust)    
25 Puppeteer    (Roll With Blows)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Buffoonery    


Description: Mages are masters of magic, and wielders of the great elemental powers. While weak in hit points and in fighting skill, their spells are the most widely prized and powerful of all the classes. They may not wear any metal or leather armors, or use most weapons. However, the sting of their magic missiles and the armor of magic they wear makes up for any loss.

Mage is the basis for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain levels in at any time. These sub-classes include: Abjurer, Alterer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, Transmuter, and Wizard.

How to play: Mages are among the most versatile of classes, being able to make spell choices which carve out the path the Mage would like to take. For the loner Mage, the emphasis on offensive magic will make him a powerful opponent in battle. In groups, the mage may focus on protective magic to make him a more desirable companion. And even the playful mage may focus on the role-playing magic to make his mudding as fun as possible!

The mage is almost useless in weapon combat. The mage must be smart and creative to use his spells to give him the edge. But the versatility of the mage gives him the ability to do just that, using magic and guile to trick monsters to their death, granting experience for the mage.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Beastkin Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Magic Missile    Iron Grip    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Revoke    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Memorize)    (Wizards Chest)    (Spider Climb)    (Repairing Aura)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Obscure Self)    (Clog Mouth)    (Detect Undead)    (Summon Steed)    (Enchant Arrows)    (Blur)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Shrink)    (Enlarge Object)    (Resist Poison)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Summon Companion)    (Grease)    (Feather Fall)    (Summoning Ward)    (Sleep)    (Dream)    (Floating Disc)    (Deafen)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Detect Metal)    (Resist Gas)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Detect Poison)    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Resist Acid)    (Water Breathing)    (Frost)    (Mage Armor)    (Acid Arrow)    (Friends)    (Endless Hunger)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Resist Cold)    (Lesser Mend)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Charm Ward)    (Spook)    (Faerie Fire)    (Wall of Stone)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Weakness to Acid)    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Charm)    (Detect Invisible)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Resist Electricity)    (Find Familiar)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Tourettes)    (Resist Fire)    (Invisibility)    (Monster Summoning)    (Darkness)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Faerie Fog)    (Spellcraft)    (Fear)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Shatter)    (Resist Disease)    (Elemental Storm)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Teleportation Ward)    (Lightning Bolt)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Flameshield)    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Awe)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Magic Mouth)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 (Arcane Mark)    (Teleport)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Resist Arrows)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Mute)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Change Sex)    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Improved Repairing Aura)    (Mirror Image)    (Weaken)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Claireaudience)    (Feeblemind)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Delirium)    (Destroy Object)    (Laughter)    (Confusion)    (Clairevoyance)    (Fly)    (Globe)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Giant Strength)    (Earthquake)    (Frenzy)    (Gate)    (Resist Paralysis)    (Reinforce)    
14 (Mass Invisibility)    (Arcane Possession)    (Scribe)    (Silence)    (Wall of Air)    (Know Value)    (Animate Weapon)    
15 (Climb)    (Blink)    (Irritation)    (Polymorph)    (Fake Weapon)    (Ensnare)    (Hold)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Choke)    (Mage Claws)    (Chain Lightning)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Free Movement)    (Dismissal)    
17 (Clarify Scroll)    (Portal)    (Siphon)    (Fools Gold)    (Recharge Wand)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 (Reverse Gravity)    (See Aura)    (Web)    (Resist Petrification)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Improved Invisibility)    (Forget)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 (Nightmare)    (Improved Polymorph)    (Enchant Armor)    (Repulsion)    (Cloudkill)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 (Command)    (Alchemy)    (Immunity)    (Mass Haste)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 (Disenchant Item)    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Greater Globe)    (Enchant Weapon)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 (Combat Precognition)    (Mind Block)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    (Cogniportive)    
24 (Returning)    (Delay)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    (Frailty)    (Anchor)    
25 (Disintegrate)    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    (Geas)    (Spell Turning)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Spellbinding    


Description: The Mer Druid is an aquatic nature lover who has mastered the ability to live and dwell with sea creatures. The Mer Druid is most suited for aquatic areas, and excels at water and ship combat, using the forces of the ocean with an amazing display of power and destruction. So connected is he to the tides that his strength and powers will fluxuate during the day, ebbing and rising with the high and low tide.

How to play: Like a fish, the Mer Druid is nearly useless out of the water. But when either above or beneath the waves, the Mer is an unstoppable force. Grouping with others on land and taking charge of the situation when the waves roll in is the way for a Mer Druid to flourish.

Primary Stat: Constitution
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+, Dexterity 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d6)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Con/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 15 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Constitution (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: May breathe and cast spells underwater. Attains Tidal Changes (tidal phase based bonuses/penalties) at level 5.
Weapons: May use polearms of any kind or other weapons made from wood, plant-based materials, or leather.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Limitations: Must remain Neutral to avoid skill and chant failure chances.
Starting Equipment: a trident
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnoll Goblin Half Elf Human Lizard Man Merfolk Ogre
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    My Plants    Recall    Summon Seaweed    Swim    Read Runes    Shape Shift    Phosphorescence    (Hand to hand combat)    (Climb)    (Herbology)    (Aquatic Pass)    (Revoke)    (Play Instrument)    (Predict Tides)    (Sea Lore)    (Polearm Specialization)    (Fish Gills)    (Bandaging)    (Shards)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Sense Water    (Darkvision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Filter Water    (Animal Bonding)    (Snuff Flame)    (Bestow Name)    (Summon Chum)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Eel Shock    (Find Driftwood)    (Locate Animals)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Water Walking)    (Speak With Animals)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Summon Coral    (Airy Aura)    (Calm Animal)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Bloody Water    (Feel Electricity)    (Natural Balance)    (Know Plants)    (Water Cover)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Natural Order)    (Animal Companion)    (Underwater Action)    (Water Hammer)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Summon School    (Call Companion)    (Calm Wind)    (Animal Friendship)    
10 Drown    (Waterguard)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Reef Walking    (Call Mate)    (Venom Ward)    
12 High Tide    (Charm Animal)    (Whisperward)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Land Lungs    (Capsize)    
14 Feeding Frenzy    (Observe)    (Muddy Grounds)    
15 Calm Seas    (Warning Winds)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Summon Jellyfish)    
17 Second Totem    (Flippers)    
18 (Hippieness)    (Flood)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Sift Wrecks    (Rust Curse)    
20 Favorable Winds    (Sense Fluids)    (Branding)    
21 (Animal Spy)    (Tide Moon)    
22 Animal Growth    (Neutralize Poison)    (Half Attack)    
23 (Sense Gems)    (Tidal Wave)    
24 Waterspout    (Charm Area)    
25 (Whirlpool)    (Fishy Fecundity)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Tsunami    


Description: The Minstrel is the master of instruments and musical tools. So capable is a minstrel in this art that he or she is able to draw forth magical and wonderous powers from the instruments played. The Minstrel is able to craft and draw unique powers from any of dozens of different musical instruments, with the only drawback being how the chosen instrument impacts fighting or speaking ability while it is being played.

How to play: The Minstrel is as social of a bard as the others, but due to his many hours of lonely practice, the Minstrel also has an almost arcane like ability to use instrumental magic for more solitary or unique benefits than the simple Bard or Dancer. In the end, the Minstrel may become an orchestra of power unto himself, capable of bringing tremendous benefit and joy to his group, or terrible retribution to his foes. Therefore, if a player is looking for a bard to play when groups are not available, this is the one to pick.

Primary Stat: Charisma
Qualifications: Charisma 9+, Intelligence 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Cha/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives group bonus combat experience when in an intelligent group, and more for a group of players. Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword, pan pipes
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Nothing    Tempo    Recall    Befriend    Break    (Wood Clappers)    (Hand to hand combat)    (Climb)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Instrument Making)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Rhythm    Dirt    (Flutes)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    March    (Drums)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Background    (Harps)    (Find Water)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Tune Instrument    Melody    (Cymbals)    (Relics)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Love Song    (Guitars)    (Armor)    (Trophy Count)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Carol    (Clarinets)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Blues    (Violins)    (Rescue)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Ballad    Dodge    (Serenity)    (Oboes)    
10 Instrument Bash    Retreat    (Horns)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Charge!    
12 Reveille    Listen    (Xylophones)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Symphony    
14 Dirge    (Trumpets)    (Parry)    
15 Ditty    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Solo    (Pianos)    (Herding)    
17 (Quickness)    (Second Attack)    
18 Lullabies    (Harmonicas)    (Struggle)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Thanks)    
20 Feint    Accompaniment    (Tubas)    (Branding)    
21 (Spiritual)    
22 (All Defence)    (Tribal)    (Organs)    
23 Harmony    
24 (Trombones)    (Mystical)    
25 Battlehymn    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Conduct Symphony    


Description: Missionaries are the crusading adventurers for the gods, exploring and spreading the good word of their deity far and wide. So energetic and mobile are the Missionaries that they seem like the wind, and in fact gain many powers of wind and electricity. The Missionary is a neutral aligned class and lawfully inclined.

How to play: Although Missionaries can flourish with other missionaries, they do their best work alone, bringing the word of their god, as well as his wrath when necessary, to the unwashed masses. Missionaries will sometimes be asked to join groups so as to deliver some of that "olde-tyme neutral punch", and can even be useful to them if he strikes a careful balance with the good and evil prayers he qualifies for.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Dexterity 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Never fumbles neutral prayers, and receives 1pt/level luck bonus to all saving throws per level. Receives 1pt/level electricity damage reduction.
Weapons: Must use swords, staves, natural, ranged, or blunt weapons
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Using non-neutral prayers introduces failure chance. Vulnerable to acid attacks.
Starting Equipment: a small mace
Races: Aarakocran Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Restore Smell    Read Prayer    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Revoke    Recall    Divine Luck    Convert    (Relics)    (Play Instrument)    (Marry)    (Annul)    (Protection Bless)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Sense Life    (Sense Evil)    (Sense Good)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Bury    (Infuse Balance)    (Infuse Discipline)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Position)    (Protection Undead)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Sense Chaos    Create Food    (Birds Eye)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Create Water    (Sense Traps)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Hunt Chaos    (Electric Strike)    (Sense Devotion)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Protection Paralyzation    (Revival)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Airyform)    (Minor Infusion)    
10 Sense Magic    (Sense Invisible)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Sense Hidden    (Protection Poison)    
12 (Protection Disease)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Sanctuary    (Blood Curse)    
14 (Holy Wind)    
15 (Wings)    (Remove Curse)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Etherealness)    (Sense Parish)    (Herding)    
17 Blindsight    (Half Attack)    
18 Retribution    (Protection Elements)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Chain Strike)    
20 Mass Mobility    (Monolith)    (Branding)    
21 Discipline    Moral Balance    (Gateway)    
22 (Moderate Infusion)    (Neutralize Item)    
23 Linked Health    (Change Weather)    
24 Nullification    (Undeniable Faith)    
25 (Electric Healing)    (Elemental Aid)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Sermon    


Description: Monks are the agile and graceful masters of their own bodies. Combining quick reflexes with intense study of the martial arts makes them a powerful and intimidating opponent. Although Monks may use weapons, most of their power and unique ability comes when they are completely unarmed. And since they depend so heavily on their agility, they will find themselves wearing only light cloth armors.

How to play: Either alone or in groups, the Monk is a dizzying class to play. Capable of more pure attacks than any other class, and loaded down with dozens of Monk-specific physical feats makes the Monk almost mage-like in complexity. In fact, the player who loathes worrying about staying up-to-date on equipment, but who enjoys the pure fight may be especially attracted to Monk.

Like all fighters, the Monk will gain experience principally through the vanquishing of foes. Although the armor restriction can seem daunting, the Monks extra dexterity bonus to armor, and the wide variety of attacks and defences makes them every bit as powerful (if not much more) than the other fighter classes.

Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Strength 9+, Dexterity 9+
Practices: 3 +[(Wisdom/6)-1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 4 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(2d7) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/8)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18)+1 per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 20 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Dexterity (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives defensive bonus for high dexterity. Receives unarmed attack bonus. Receives bonus attack when unarmed. Has Slow Fall ability. Receives trap avoidance. Receives bonus conquest and duel experience.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Starting Equipment:
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Goblin Half Elf Human Mindflayer Orc
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Hand to hand combat    Blunt Weapon Specialization    Write    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Armor Specialization    Axe Specialization    Kick    Recall    Hammer Specialization    Polearm Specialization    Flailing Weapon Specialization    Sword Specialization    Shield Specialization    (Monkey Punch)    (Play Instrument)    (Hide)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Forearm Block    (Climb)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Parry    (Two Weapon Fighting)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Stoicism)    (Dodge)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Rescue    (Headlock)    (Armor Tweaking)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Knee    (Sneak)    (Disarm)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Deflect Projectile    (Knife Hand)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Trip)    (Ax Kick)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Back Hand    (Body Toss)    (Arm Hold)    
10 (Body Flip)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Blind Fighting    (Pressure Points)    
12 (Flying Kick)    (Catch Projectile)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Weapon Break    (Pin)    (Clinch Hold)    
14 (Detection)    (Dirt)    
15 Sweep    (Elbow Lock)    (Cartwheel)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Elbow Jab)    (Side Kick)    (Body Shield)    
17 Circle Parry    (Wrist Lock)    (Ki Strike)    
18 (Half Attack)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Tumble    
20 (Weapon Snatch)    (Branding)    
21 Endurance    (Gouge)    
22 (Sweeping Trip)    (Circle Trip)    
23 Listen    (Ankle Lock)    
24 (Lightning Strike)    
25 Return Projectile    (Finger Lock)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Atemi Strike    


Description: Necromancers are the dark lovers of death and the dead, serving the gods in this special and little appreciated realm. The Necromancer is an evil aligned class but moderate inclined, and so will fumble good prayers. However, the Necromancer can use many dangerous edged weapons, any kind of armor, and gets numerous special prayers known only to the Necromancer, such as the ability to animate all kinds of wicked undead, even at low levels. Eventually, the Necromancer may even become a Lich himself!

How to play: Unlike most clerics, the Necromancer is not a good group player. He does best alone with the friends he "makes" out of the dearly departed, so long as he is careful to keep them magically Fed and Healed long enough to gain useful levels. The necromancer is hated in towns, and may even be arrested if he brings his undead "friends" to town for a visit. If the Necromancer keeps his charisma high, he can lead a truly formidable army before which all others will surely tremble.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Constitution (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Can sense deaths at Necromancer level 15, and becomes a Lich upon death at 30. Undead followers will not drain experience.
Weapons: Must use polearms, axes, swords, daggers, or edged weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Always fumbles good prayers. Qualifies and receives evil prayers. Using non-aligned prayers introduces failure chance.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Write    Read Prayer    Control Undead    Revoke    Invisibility to Undead    Recall    Animate Skeleton    Convert    (Relics)    (Divorce)    (Play Instrument)    (Protection Bless)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Preserve Body)    (Sense Life)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Desecrate    (Feed The Dead)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Protection Undead    (Animate Zombie)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Deafness)    (Dark Senses)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Animate Ghoul)    (Call Undead)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Curse    (Cause Fatigue)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Paralyze    (Protection Paralyzation)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Animate Ghast)    
10 Sense Magic    (Silent)    (Sense Invisible)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Unholy Poison    (Protection Poison)    
12 Plague    (Protection Disease)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Blood Curse    (Sense Hidden)    
14 (Animate Spectre)    (Animate Limb)    (Heal Undead)    
15 Great Curse    (Feign Life)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Anger    (Aura of Fear)    
17 Blindness    (Infuse Moderation)    (Blindsight)    (Half Attack)    
18 (Infuse Unholiness)    (Animate Ghost)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Hellfire    (Designation)    
20 Mass Paralyze    (Branding)    
21 (Animate Mummy)    (Inflict Vampirism)    
22 Curse Item    (Neutralize Item)    
23 (Cause Exhaustion)    (Animate Dead)    
24 Unholy Word    (Nullification)    
25 Regeneration    (Animate Vampire)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 (Mass Grave)    


Description: The Ninja's line of work earns her many enemies, but it is a list that she frequently reduces through assassination and misdirection. These rarely seen killers are masters of death and infiltration, who use the mystical powers of the shinobi to achieve their deadly goals.
Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 12+, Strength 12+, Requires the following account achievement: Gain 30 levels in Thief.
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+3 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Dexterity (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Bonus experience for using certain skills.
Weapons: No limitations.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Starting Equipment: a yoroi, a long hakama, a bokken, a pair of wooden sandals, a knitted weapon belt, a hooded cowl
Races: Drow Githyanki Gnoll Goblin Half Elf Human Lizard Man Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Caltrops    Kick    Sword Specialization    (Revoke)    (Play Instrument)    (Energize Chakra)    (Bandaging)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Ranged Weapon Specialization    (Stone Chakra)    (Hide)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Counter-Tracking    (Flare Chakra)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Strategic Retreat    (Sneak)    (Wind Chakra)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 AutoCrawl    Ninja Crafting    (AutoSwim)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Dirt    (Dodge)    (Drone Chakra)    (AutoClimb)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Deflect Projectile    (Blaze Chakra)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Trip    (Ghost Chakra)    
9 (Pick Locks)    (Parry)    (Disarm)    
10 AutoCaltrops    (Blood Brother)    (Iron Chakra)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Catch Projectile)    
12 (Clone Chakra)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Improved Throwing)    
14 Shadowpass    Slick Caltrops    (Death Chakra)    
15 Dazzling Caltrops    (Cartwheel)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Set Decoys    
17 Diamond Chakra    (Distract)    
18 Running Fight    (Lightning Chakra)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Lava Chakra)    (Silent Wield)    
20 Disabling Caltrops    (Smoke Chakra)    (Branding)    
21 Shadow    (Flank)    
22 Improved Caltrops    (Improved Distraction)    
23 (Cyclone Chakra)    (Silent Wear)    
24 (Escape Bonds)    (Hide In Plain Sight)    
25 (Gouge)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: Oracles are those who seek the infinite wisdom of their god, forever probing the vastness of divine knowledge. So knowledgable are the Oracles that they actually begin to gain arcane divination spells in addition to their assortment of prayers. Beyond 30th level, the Oracle begins to gain skills from other classes previously unknown to him, as the mysteries of the universe begin to be revealed. The Oracle, being a seeker of knowledge, is a good aligned class and moderate inclined.

How to play: The Oracle is an often consulted player, much like the Arcane diviner, for his ability to see beyond the obvious to the important truths around him. For this reason, the Oracle may be often picked for grouping. The Oracle himself, however, will need to determine if such a course is divinely inspired.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Intelligence 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives a non-class skill at 30th level, and every Oracle level thereafter.
Weapons: Must use hammers, staves, flailed, natural, or blunt weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Always fumbles evil prayers. Qualifies and receives good prayers. Using non-aligned prayers introduces failure chance.
Starting Equipment: a small mace
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Dwarf Elf Githyanki Half Elf Human Merfolk Pixie Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Read Prayer    Revoke    Sense Life    Recall    Flailing Weapon Specialization    Swim    Convert    (Cure Light Wounds)    (Relics)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Sense Evil    (Sense Undead)    (Sense Good)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Sacrifice)    (Sense Allergies)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Sense Alignment    (Freedom)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Cure Deafness    (Turn Undead)    (Soul Peering)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Cure Serious Wounds    (Sense Disease)    (Fluency)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Sense Faithful    (Cure Fatigue)    (Bless)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Prayercraft    (Minor Infusion)    (Remove Paralysis)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Wilderness Lore)    (Divine Guidance)    
10 Sense Magic    (Restore Voice)    (Sense Invisible)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Remove Poison    (Preserve Knowledge)    (Omnipresence)    
12 Skillcraft    Sense Hidden    (Cure Disease)    (Titling)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Speak with Dead    (Protect Health)    (Sanctuary)    
14 Sense Professions    (Cure Critical Wounds)    
15 (Holy Aura)    (Sense Parish)    (Lower Law)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Thiefcraft    (Prophecy)    (Sense Skills)    
17 Blindsight    Cure Blindness    (Half Attack)    
18 (Infuse Holiness)    (Infuse Moderation)    (Seekers Prayer)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Godstrike    Sense Chants    (Cure Exhaustion)    
20 Sense Songs    (Mass Freedom)    (Branding)    
21 Heal    (Philosophy)    (Sense Resistances)    
22 Sense Spells    (Bless Item)    
23 (Divine Perspective)    (Mass Heal)    
24 Sense Prayers    (Holy Word)    
25 (Resurrect)    (Above The Law)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: Paladins are holy fighters, possessing many of the traits of both Fighters and Clerics, though in less intensity than either class alone. They may learn Cleric spells at higher levels, and possess numerous fighting techniques. Their weapons and armor choices are unlimited, but Paladins are restricted to a good and lawful alignment. A Paladin that is no longer lawful/good is known as a Fallen Paladin, and loses access to many of his paladin abilities and prayers. Fallen Paladins that fully embrace their vile darkness become Anti-Paladins, gaining access to harmful divine magic and abilities.

How to play: Paladins have the potential of being the most powerful of classes, and the most desired of group members. Their powerful combat skills and auras of power make them the perfect tanks for groups, especially since their Cleric healing abilities can allow them to fill this gap in a group. Alone, they can also flourish, vanquishing evil with the efficiency of the fighter. Fallen Paladins must rely upon their martial prowess and equipment (including relics and scrolls) for survival. Anti-Paladins use powerful evil prayers in combat, in addition to corrupted versions of their paladin abilities.

The only weakness of the Paladin is his reliance on purity. In most muds, this limits his adventuring choices greatly. However, his strengths for lasting and winning in combat are so broad, he will quickly advance.

Fallen Paladins struggle with survivability and damage, and should seek atonement or embrace their darker side to attain power.

The only weakness of the Anti-Paladin is his reliance on wickedness. In most muds, this limits his adventuring choices greatly. However, his strengths for winning in combat quickly are so broad, he will quickly advance.

Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Strength 9+
Practices: 3 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 4 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/8)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[7X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives bonus conquest and duel experience.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Must remain lawful/good or chaotic/evil to avoid prayer/skill failure chance.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Githyanki Human
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Armor Specialization    Healing Hands    Recall    Sword Specialization    Shield Specialization    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Hand to hand combat)    (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Axe Specialization)    (Polearm Specialization)    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    (Swim)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Hammer Specialization)    (Bandaging)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Rescue)    (Paladin's Resistance)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Parry    Fire Building    (Armor Tweaking)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Searching)    (Holy Strike)    (Shield Bash)    (Unholy Strike)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Set Polearm)    (Cure Light Wounds)    (Cause Light Wounds)    (Call Mount)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Sense Evil    Sense Good    (Revoke)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Read Prayer    Disease Immunity    (Relics)    (Dodge)    (Paladin's Mount)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Protection Good)    (Disarm)    (Protection Law)    (Protection Chaos)    (Protection Evil)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Second Attack    (Sense Chaos)    (Sense Law)    (Deafness)    (Cure Deafness)    
10 (Headlock)    (Heal Mount)    (Cure Serious Wounds)    (Cause Serious Wounds)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Chaos Rage    All Defence    (Bless)    (Curse)    (Mounted Combat)    
12 (Blind Fighting)    (Paralyze)    (Freedom)    (Mounted Tactics)    (Graceful Dismount)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Paladin's Fear    Paladin's Courage    (Clinch Hold)    (Dispel Law)    (Dispel Chaos)    (Dispel Evil)    (Dispel Good)    
14 (Paladin's Purity)    (Restore Voice)    (Paladin's Corruption)    
15 Incite Fight    Breakup Fight    (Cleave)    (Climb)    (Unholy Poison)    (Remove Poison)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Unholy Mount)    (Cure Disease)    (Holy Mount)    (Mounted Charge)    
17 Poison Immunity    (Sanctuary)    
18 (Trip)    (Cure Critical Wounds)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Paladin's Aura    (Holy Aura)    (Hold The Line)    
20 (Half Attack)    (Calm)    (Branding)    
21 Cure Blindness    (Resurrect Mount)    (Exploiting Aura)    (Righteous Defense)    
22 (Cure Fatigue)    (Blade Barrier)    (Ride To The Rescue)    (Command Horse)    
23 Sweep    (Hammer of Darkness)    (Hammer of Light)    
24 (Paladin's Goodness)    (Paladin's Wickedness)    (Mass Freedom)    
25 (Heal)    (Crushing Aura)    (Abiding Aura)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Craft Unholy Reaver    Craft Holy Avenger    


Description: The Pirate is a rogue and scourge of the high seas, a master of ship combat, and ruthless to those who refuse to surrender their booty. The Pirate is most suited for combat from the deck of huge sailing ships, being able to get the most out of their ship, their weapons, and their landlubber contacts. Their brutal lifestyle even gives them combat bonuses with fake limbs. However, Pirates also get harsher treatment from the law, and are so greedy for gold that they can literally be paid to walk away from combat.

How to play: The Pirate is a middlin' fair rogue on the land, and can survive well enough among landlubbers, but absolutely excels in command of a ship in pursuit of weak seabound targets. Clans would do well to keep a former-independent Pirate around to captain their ships for when the real ones come calling.

Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 5+, Charisma 5+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Bonus XP in ship combat, and combat bonus for each fake limb.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Limitations: Get less leniency from the law, no limb recovery after death, and can be paid to leave combat.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Write    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Recall    Superstition    (Climb)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Improved Boarding)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Rope Swing)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Locate Alcohol    (Hold Your Liquor)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Belay    (Hide)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Sea Legs)    (Searching)    (Ride The Rigging)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Buried Treasure    (Sneak)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Wenching    (Dodge)    (Find Ship)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Draw Treasure Map    (Peek)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Make Sea Maps)    (Walk The Plank)    (Disarm)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Plunder    (Ship Lore)    (Parry)    
10 (Sea Charting)    (Back Stab)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Dead Reckoning    (Trip)    (Steal)    
12 (Listen)    (Sea Navigation)    (Two Weapon Fighting)    (Gardening)    
13 Scuttle    (Bind)    (Fence Loot)    
14 (Nothing)    (Pirate Shanty)    (Pieces of Eight)    (Curse)    
15 (Conceal Item)    (Call Pirate Familiar)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Make Pub Contacts    (Letter of Marque)    (Stability)    
17 (Pet Spy)    (Second Attack)    
18 Warning Shot    (Silent AutoLoot)    (Combat Repairs)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Salvaging)    (Foul Weather Sailing)    (Distract)    (Pay Off)    
20 (Pet Steal)    (Alertness)    (Branding)    
21 Fly Merchant Flag    (Articles)    
22 (Rig Ramming Speed)    (Smugglers Hold)    
23 (Intercept Ship)    (Mast Shot)    
24 (Half Attack)    (Hide Ship)    
25 (Await Ship)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Silent Running    


Primary Stat: Strength
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d6)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 1 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (25), Intelligence (25), Dexterity (25), Constitution (25), Charisma (25), Wisdom (25), Others (18)
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Starting Equipment:
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Meat Curing)    
8 (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
10 (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
12 (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
15 (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
18 (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
20 (Branding)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: The immortals.
Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: None, Allows only levels greater than 91.
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d1) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d1)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18)+1 per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 1 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Others (18)
Weapons: No limitations.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Starting Equipment:
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Bandaging)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Hush    Mark OOC    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Metacrafting    Acidbreath    Banish    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Shame    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Wrath    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Accuse    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Meat Curing)    
8 (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
10 (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
12 (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
15 (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
18 (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
20 (Branding)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: The Dancer is the graceful master of dance, who entertains and leads others in the joyous and powerful maneuvers of his craft. Like the Bard, the Dancer is a highly desired group member for his "group affecting" skills, which include the magical dances in which he specializes.

How to play: Due to his weak fighting skill, the Dancer will likely look to groups for his primary advancement, much like the other bards. Dancers also gain a select set of powerful fighter skills to prove the worth of their diligence in maintaining his body. This makes them valuable group members, even without their powerfully enhancing dances.

Primary Stat: Charisma
Qualifications: Charisma 9+, Strength 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[8X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Cha/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives defensive bonus for high dexterity. Receives group bonus combat experience when in an intelligent group, and more for a group of players. Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Drow Elf Githyanki Half Elf Halfling Human Merfolk
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Can-Can    Recall    Stop    Befriend    Sword Specialization    (Hand to hand combat)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Foxtrot    (Lore)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Kick    Tarantella    (Climb)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Waltz    (Appraise)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Salsa    Grass    (Dodge)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Clog Dance    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Capoeira    (Distract)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Tap    Swing    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Basse    (Disarm)    
10 Tango    Body Flip    (Breakout)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Polka    (Spring Attack)    
12 Rags Sharqi    Manipuri    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Cotillon    (Trip)    
14 Ballet    (Two Weapon Fighting)    
15 Jitterbug    (Tumble)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Butoh    
17 Courante    (Second Attack)    
18 Musette    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Endurance    Swords    (Cartwheel)    
20 Flamenco    (Branding)    
21 Jingledress    (Roll With Blows)    
22 Morris    
23 Butterfly    (Blind Fighting)    
24 Macabre    
25 War    (Circle Trip)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Square    


Description: Purists are the idyllic representatives of the goodness of divinity. They are so strict in their goodness that they seem to many cold and unyielding. This nature is so ingrained, in fact, that the purist gains many cold and cold-based attacks and defensive prayers. This includes special powers over water and purity. The Purist is a good aligned class and lawfully inclined.

How to play: The Purist is a wonderfully social cleric, though only in the sense that he is often found with other people. His strict unyielding prayers can sometimes get annoying glances from group members, though the Purist should remain resolute in his convictions that he is right. Overall, the Purist is a good balanced cleric who can hold his own, as well as a valued group member (so long as he keeps his mouth shut).

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Charisma 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Charisma (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives 1pt/level cold damage reduction.
Weapons: Must use hammers, staves, flailed, natural, or blunt weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Always fumbles evil prayers, and fumbles all prayers when alignment is below pure neutral. Qualifies and receives good prayers, and bonus damage from good spells. Using non-aligned prayers introduces failure chance. Vulnerable to fire attacks.
Starting Equipment: a small mace
Races: Aarakocran Dwarf Elf Githyanki Half Elf Human Merfolk Pixie Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Restore Smell    Read Prayer    Turn Undead    Revoke    Recall    Hammer Specialization    Swim    Convert    (Cure Light Wounds)    (Relics)    (Play Instrument)    (Marry)    (Bandaging)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Extinguish)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Create Water    (Purify)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Sanctimonious    (Sacrifice)    (Fidelity)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Protection Evil    (Protection Undead)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Sense Chaos    (Create Food)    (Protection Cold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Cure Serious Wounds    (Righteous Indignation)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Protection Chaos    (Hunt Evil)    (Sense Devotion)    (Bless)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Protection Paralyzation    (Freedom)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Cure Fatigue)    (Gills)    
10 Restore Voice    (Sense Magic)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Monolith)    (Protection Poison)    
12 Protection Disease    (Fountain of Life)    (Dispel Chaos)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Protect Health)    (Sanctuary)    
14 Cure Critical Wounds    
15 (Holy Aura)    (Freeze Metal)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Calm    (Infuse Holiness)    (Infuse Discipline)    (Conviction)    
17 Piety Curse    Cure Blindness    (Blindsight)    (Half Attack)    
18 (Wave)    (Protection Elements)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Godstrike    Aura of the Divine Edict    
20 (Mass Mobility)    (Mass Freedom)    (Branding)    
21 Heal    (Atonement)    
22 (Bless Item)    (Neutralize Item)    
23 Judgement    (Mass Heal)    (Linked Health)    
24 Nullification    (Word of Law)    (Holy Word)    
25 (Elemental Aid)    (Ice Healing)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 (Aura of Intolerance)    


Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Must be granted by an Archon.
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d6)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 1 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (25), Intelligence (25), Dexterity (25), Constitution (25), Charisma (25), Wisdom (25), Others (18)
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Starting Equipment:
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Meat Curing)    
8 (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
10 (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
12 (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
15 (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
18 (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
20 (Branding)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: Rangers are noted primarily for their ability to track their friends and enemies, though their knowledge of the natural world has also given them great magical strength. They are a cross between the fighter and the druid, gaining druid chants at higher levels, and numerous fighting techniques.

How to play: Rangers can provide a unique opportunity for experience advancement in a mud. Their combat skills make them desirable as group members as tanks. Their ability to use scrolls gives them access to magic that grants them some of the druids versatility. Meanwhile, the druidic chants they learn gives them a unique affinity with animals, allowing them to form their own groups as well.

The Ranger, like the Paladin, is not quite as strong a fighter as a pure fighter, but makes up for this using his magical animal affinity. Also, the Ranger will have to be careful to maintain a moderate neutral alignment in order for the druidic chants to become useful. In the meantime, the ranger must use runes and other druidic items to supplement his natural fighting skill.

Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Strength 9+, Intelligence 9+
Practices: 3 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 4 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/7)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[7X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Intelligence (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: When leading animals into battle, will not divide experience among animal followers. Receives bonus conquest and duel experience. Benefits from animal followers leveling.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Must remain Neutral to avoid chant failure chances.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Centaur Drow Elf Githyanki Gnoll Half Elf Human Lizard Man Merfolk Ogre Orc
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Armor Specialization    Track    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Recall    Sword Specialization    Shield Specialization    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Hand to hand combat)    (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Animal Bonding)    (Axe Specialization)    (Polearm Specialization)    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    (Swim)    (Play Instrument)    (Hammer Specialization)    (Bandaging)    (Apothecary)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Find Water)    (Bow Specialization)    (Rescue)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Delay Poison    Fire Building    (Parry)    (Track Animal)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Repel Vermin)    (Searching)    (Shield Bash)    (Two Weapon Fighting)    (Armor Tweaking)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Predict Weather)    (Shards)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Locate Plants    (Revoke)    (Fierce Companions)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Dodge)    (Identify Poison)    (Rapid Shot)    (True Shot)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Favored Enemy 1    (Moonbeam)    (Disarm)    (Life Echoes)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Locate Animals    (Eaglesight)    (Bestow Name)    (Second Attack)    
10 (Cleave)    (Headlock)    (Calm Animal)    (Woodland Sneak)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Hunters Endurance    (Mounted Combat)    (Feel Hunger)    
12 (Control Fire)    (Point Blank Shot)    (Set Snare)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Read Runes    Favored Enemy 2    (Clinch Hold)    (Animal Friendship)    
14 (Summon Peace)    (Venom Ward)    (Woodland Hide)    
15 Woodland Lore    (Natural Balance)    (Climb)    (Natural Order)    (Plant Lore)    (Fish Gills)    (Critical Shot)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Hold Animal    (Animal Companion)    (Wind Gust)    
17 (Trip)    (Earthfeed)    (Far Shot)    
18 Favored Enemy 3    (Sweep)    (Cold Ward)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Air Wall    (Charm Animal)    (Lightning Ward)    
20 Half Attack    (Water Walking)    (Sense Snares and Pits)    (Branding)    
21 (Camouflage)    (Gas Ward)    
22 Summon Animal    (Sunray)    (Resuscitate Companion)    
23 Favored Enemy 4    (Summon Insects)    (Speak With Animals)    
24 (Regional Awareness)    (Animal Spy)    (Woodland Creep)    
25 Called Shot    (Summon Mount)    (Neutralize Poison)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Animal Frenzy    


Description: Reliquists are devout thieves who seek out divine artifacts that don't belong to them, and are able to "borrow" and store divine power into relics and other objects.

How to play: Reliquists often work directly with the clergy to recover artifacts for the faithful, and to deliver powerful enhancements to the equipment of fellow members of the faith. Some Reliquists work as agents of their god to sew discontent and anarchy amongst other deities' faithful, or go it as loners, seeking artifacts and power for themselves with their deity's blessing.

Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 9+, Wisdom 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/5)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Magic resistance, 1%/level. Huge discounts when buying holy potions after 5th level. Ability to memorize prayers learned through PrayerCraft. Can see prayer scroll charges at level 30. Can see prayer boons and banes on marked.
Weapons: Must use edged, dagger, blunt, hamer, polearm, staff, or flailed weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Starting Equipment: a small hammer
Races: Aarakocran Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnome Goblin Half Elf Human Merfolk Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Climb    Write    Read Prayer    Whip Specialization    Recall    (Polearm Specialization)    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    (Swim)    (Staff Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Hammer Specialization)    (Bandaging)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Mask Faith    (Protect Item)    (Hide)    (Repurpose Text)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Relics    Fire Building    (Graverobbing)    (Blacksmithing)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Mark    Illuminate Scroll    (Attune Scroll)    (Sneak)    (Searching)    (Deplete Scroll)    (Empower Scroll)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Carpentry    (Revoke)    (Whiplash)    (Detect Traps)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Fluency)    (Pick Locks)    (Shield Bash)    (Tongues)    (Store Prayer)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Prayercraft    (Sense Devotion)    (Unearth Demography)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Sense Magic    Empower Shield    (Decipher Script)    (HammerRing)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Borrow Boon    Read Language    (Remove Traps)    
10 (Cure Light Wounds)    (Cause Light Wounds)    (Recharge Relic)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Trip    (Lesser Warding Glyph)    (Deflect Prayer)    (Lore)    
12 Religious Doubt    (Scroll Scribing)    (Staff Making)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Attune Relic)    (Make Maps)    (Deplete Relic)    (Empower Relic)    (Reveal Text)    
14 (Research Region Map)    (Transfer Bane)    (Release Prayer)    (Transfer Boon)    
15 Research Item    (Enchant Relic)    (Power Grab)    (Whipsmack)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Blend In)    (Improved Alchemy)    (Improved Warding Glyph)    (Sense Parish)    
17 False Faith    (Second Attack)    (Digsite)    
18 False Service    (Use Potion)    (Sense Digs)    (Neutralize Item)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Empower Holy Weapon)    (Empower Sacred Weapon)    (Empower Unholy Weapon)    (Reflect Prayer)    (Detection)    
20 Condemn Mark    (Defile Shield)    (Heroic Reflexes)    (Imbue Shield)    (Branding)    
21 Alchemy    (Empower Foul Weapon)    (Empower Just Weapon)    (Steal Boon)    (Share Boon)    (Seekers Prayer)    (Empower Modest Weapon)    
22 (Greater Warding Glyph)    (AutoHammerRing)    (Find Sacred Item)    
23 (Befoul Shrine)    (Empower Unholy Armor)    (Empower Holy Armor)    (Empower Sacred Armor)    
24 Incite Divine Feud    (Whip Strip)    (Protect Sacred Item)    
25 (Imbue Holy Weapon)    (Imbue Unholy Weapon)    (Imbue Sacred Weapon)    (Imbue Foul Weapon)    (Imbue Modest Weapon)    (Imbue Just Weapon)    
27 (Eternal Item)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Sacred Imbuing Quest    


Description: Sailors are the workmen of the high seas. These common folk spend their lives gathering resources, traveling, transporting goods, and exploring seas, rivers, and lakes. On large sailing vessels, their skills are unparalleled, and no ship should be without plenty of them.
Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Constitution 5+, Dexterity 5+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/9)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18)-1 per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 15 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (24), Constitution (24), Others (18)
Bonuses: Sailors earn twice as much XP as other commoners when trawling, sea explore xp, and double experience in ship combat.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Starting Equipment: a belaying pin
Races: Beastkin Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Climb    Swim    Unbinding    Recall    Fishing    (Hand to hand combat)    (Write)    (Play Instrument)    (Wood Chopping)    (Bandaging)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Floristry)    
2 Sea Legs    (Carpentry)    (Cooking)    (Butchering)    
3 Fire Building    Belay    
4 Abandon Ship    (Stowaway)    (Searching)    (Tanning)    
5 Boatwrighting    Trawling    
6 Crow's Nest    Find Ship    (Morse Code)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Avoid Currents    (Tie Down)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Make Sea Maps    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Diving    Ship Lore    (Ship Building)    
10 Sea Charting    (Baiting)    (Breakout)    
11 Dead Reckoning    (Fish Lore)    
12 Sea Navigation    (Cargo Loading)    (Gardening)    
13 Scuttle    (Bind)    
14 Sea Maneuvers    
15 (Siegecrafting)    (Composting)    
16 Water Tactics    (Siege Weapon Specialization)    
17 (Hard to Port)    (Deep Breath)    
18 Combat Repairs    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Master Fishing    (Salvaging)    
20 (Foul Weather Sailing)    (Branding)    
21 (Naval Tactics)    
22 Rig Ramming Speed    
23 Intercept Ship    (Hard to Stern)    
24 Master Trawling    
25 Await Ship    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Hire Crewmember    


Description: Scholars are the researchers, teachers, librarians, curators, students and other academians that protect the knowledge of advanced civilizations and pass down the wisdom from previous generations. They excel at educating, organizing, cataloging, and categorizing. Fighting? Not so much.

A Scholar earns no combat experience, but won't hinder their party's experience either. Scholars should focus on teaching others what they learn, writing about their adventures, seeking out libraries and bookstores, and using various lore and calligraphy abilities. Scholars may level slower than traditional adventurers, but they can also level without putting themselves at great risk.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+, Wisdom 6+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/9)+(1d3) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/9)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18)-1 per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 50 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (24), Wisdom (24), Others (18)
Bonuses: Earn experience from teaching skills, making maps, writing books, visiting bookstores/libraries, and using certain skills daily. Gives bonus proficiency gains for group members.
Weapons: Must use staffs or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Earns no combat experience.
Starting Equipment: a wooden staff, Scholar's Logbook
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Herbology    Write    Floristry    Studying    Recall    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Labeling    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Paper Making    (Combat Log)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Mark)    (Organizing)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Dissertating    (Smoke Signals)    (Wands)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Morse Code    Titling    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Book Editing    Know Plants    (Identify Poison)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Make Sea Maps    (Reveal Text)    (Decipher Script)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Transcribing    (Wilderness Lore)    
10 Speculating    (Siegecrafting)    (Book Naming)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Shrooming)    
11 Lore    (Secret Writing)    (Skillcraft)    
12 Racial Lore    (Commoner Honorary Degree)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Cataloging    (Make Maps)    (Songcraft)    
14 (Fighter Honorary Degree)    (Observe)    (Analyze Mark)    
15 (Research Item)    (Plant Lore)    (Spellcraft)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Attribute Training    (Bard Honorary Degree)    (Taxidermy)    
17 (Shush)    (Prayercraft)    (Appraise)    
18 Recollecting    (Thief Honorary Degree)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Chantcraft)    (Scroll Scribing)    
20 (Mage Honorary Degree)    (Publishing)    (Branding)    
21 (Planar Lore)    (Encrypted Writing)    
22 Surveying    (Druid Honorary Degree)    
23 Lecturing    
24 Linguistic Comprehension    (Cleric Honorary Degree)    
25 Enrolling    (Book Loaning)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Guildmaster    
35 Improved Teaching    


Description: Shaman are those who worship the gods in the most primitive and basic ways of the earth. The Shaman is thus granted special powers over the earth by the gods, including resistances to acid attacks, at the expense of vulnerability to electricity. The Shaman is a moderate and neutral aligned class, meaning that he will never fumble on neutral prayers, and has a much smaller fumble chance on good and evil prayers. The Shaman is restricted to neutral weapons, any kind of armor, and gets numerous special prayers known only to Shaman.

How to play: The Shaman is a typical village priest, having powers from his deity well suited to almost any daily concern. His neutrality shows his wisdom, and his power earns him respect. The Shaman can fill almost any role in the game, whether it be as a group member, or a lone adventurer seeking an inner peace far from home.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Constitution (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Never fumbles neutral prayers, receives smallest prayer fumble chance, and receives 1pt/level of acid damage reduction.
Weapons: Must use swords, staves, natural, ranged, or blunt weapons
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Using non-neutral prayers introduces small failure chance. Vulnerable to electric attacks.
Starting Equipment: a small mace
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Blunt Weapon Specialization    Write    Restore Smell    Read Prayer    Revoke    Recall    Convert    (Cure Light Wounds)    (Relics)    (Play Instrument)    (Marry)    (Annul)    (Protection Bless)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Cause Light Wounds)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Sense Life    (Sense Evil)    (Sense Good)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Minor Infusion)    (Bury)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Nourishing Food    (Protection Good)    (Protection Law)    (Protection Chaos)    (Protection Evil)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Sense Law    Create Food    (Alchemy)    (Deafness)    (Cure Deafness)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Create Water    (Earth to Mud)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Adoption    (Curse)    (Bless)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Protection Paralyzation    (Paralyze)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Moderate Infusion)    (Earthshield)    
10 (Restore Voice)    (Sense Invisible)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Protection Poison    (Unholy Poison)    (Remove Poison)    
12 Protection Disease    (Sober)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Sanctuary    (Sanctum)    
14 (Fertilize)    (Cleanliness)    
15 (Guardian Hearth)    (Rockskin)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Tremor)    (Infuse Balance)    (Improved Alchemy)    (Infuse Impunity)    (Sanctify Room)    (Herding)    
17 (Blindsight)    (Major Infusion)    (Cure Blindness)    (Half Attack)    
18 Protection Elements    (Retribution)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Rock Flesh)    (Flesh Rock)    
20 Mass Mobility    (Refuge)    (Branding)    
21 Remove Inhibitions    (Stasis)    (Moral Balance)    (Drunken Stupor)    
22 Curse Item    (Neutralize Item)    
23 Linked Health    (Meditation)    
24 (Nullification)    (Neutralize Land)    
25 (Elemental Aid)    (Acid Healing)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Holy Day    


Description: The SkyWatcher is the master druid of the stars and heavens, being the very powerful steward of the great wheel in the sky. The SkyWatcher maintains a special connection with the moon, and gains numerous special abilities to summon great powers from luna. So connected are they to the moon that strength will wax during a new moon phase, and wane during the full moon. A master of wind and weather, the SkyWatcher is also very capable of bringing the heavens down upon his enemies at need.

How to play: More even than the other druids, the SkyWatcher must concern himself with pre-casting. That is to say, the SkyWatcher must be aware of his environment at all times in terms of weather, time, temperature, and locale, and must be fully prepared to alter these conditions to make them favorable to the chants he means to use against his enemies in combat. All SkyWatchers must also realize that their effectiveness when not outdoors will be almost nil, as practically every chant requires the use of outside conditions and resources.

Primary Stat: Constitution
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d7) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Con/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (22), Constitution (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Attains Lunar Changes (lunar phase based bonuses/penalties) at level 5. Can create a druidic connection with an area. Benefits from freeing animals from cities. Benefits from balancing the weather.
Weapons: Must use wooden, plant-based, or leather weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Limitations: Must remain Neutral to avoid skill and chant failure chances.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Aarakocran Centaur Elf Githyanki Half Elf Human Lizard Man Merfolk Ogre
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Summon Hail    Climb    Write    Read Runes    Predict Weather    Recall    Predict Phase    (Hand to hand combat)    (Revoke)    (Swim)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Herbology)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Shards)    (Druidic Pass)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Clear Moon    (Moonbeam)    (Wind Color)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Snuff Flame)    (Pale Moon)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Love Moon    (Summon Dustdevil)    (Summon Fire)    (Searching)    (Cold Moon)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Control Fire)    (Woodland Hide)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Calm Wind    (Sunray)    (Honey Moon)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Star Gazing)    (Muddy Grounds)    (Lightning Ward)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Dehydrate    (Cold Ward)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Wind Gust    (Piercing Moon)    (Fire Ward)    
10 Whisperward    (Woodland Sneak)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Warning Winds)    (Breath Color)    (Acid Ward)    (Healing Moon)    
12 Wind Shape    (Dirt)    (Dispel Law)    (Dispel Chaos)    (Moon Calf)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Grove Walk    (Purple Moon)    (White Moon)    (Blue Moon)    (Red Moon)    
14 Calm Weather    (Song Ward)    (Waking Moon)    
15 Summon Heat    (Peace Moon)    (Herbalism)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Recover Voice)    (Summon Moon)    (Soaring Eagle)    
17 Summon Cold    (Chant Ward)    
18 (Control Weather)    (Observe)    (Summon Rain)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Summon Wind    (Prayer Ward)    (Acid Rain)    
20 Distant Wind Color    (Scrapping)    (Charge Metal)    (Blind Fighting)    (Branding)    
21 Summon Fog    (Shapelessness)    (Spell Ward)    
22 Summon Lightning    (Meditation)    (Manic Moon)    
23 Wind Snatcher    (Howlers Moon)    (Astral Projection)    
24 (Summon Squall)    (Cloud Walk)    (Death Moon)    
25 Meteor Strike    (Summon Tornado)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Move The Sky    

Specialist Mage

===Specialist Mage===
Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Abjuration as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Abjuration magic, and half duration from malicious Abjuration magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Enchantment/charm spells. Receives penalty damage from Enchantment/charm as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Enchantment/charm magic, half duration on other Enchantment/charm effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Magic Missile    Iron Grip    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Repairing Aura    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Revoke    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Memorize)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Resist Poison    (Obscure Self)    (Clog Mouth)    (Detect Undead)    (Summon Steed)    (Blur)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Shrink)    (Enlarge Object)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Summoning Ward    Fire Building    Resist Gas    (Summon Companion)    (Feather Fall)    (Grease)    (Dream)    (Floating Disc)    (Deafen)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Detect Metal)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Resist Acid    Mage Armor    (Detect Poison)    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Water Breathing)    (Frost)    (Acid Arrow)    (Friends)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Resist Cold    Charm Ward    (Lesser Mend)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Faerie Fire)    (Wall of Stone)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Resist Electricity    (Weakness to Acid)    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Detect Invisible)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Find Familiar)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Resist Fire    (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Invisibility)    (Monster Summoning)    (Darkness)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Resist Disease    Teleportation Ward    (Faerie Fog)    (Spellcraft)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Shatter)    (Elemental Storm)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Lightning Bolt)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Flameshield)    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Magic Mouth)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 Resist Arrows    (Arcane Mark)    (Teleport)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Mute)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Improved Repairing Aura    (Change Sex)    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Mirror Image)    (Weaken)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Claireaudience)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 Globe    (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Delirium)    (Destroy Object)    (Clairevoyance)    (Fly)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Resist Paralysis    (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Giant Strength)    (Earthquake)    (Gate)    (Reinforce)    
14 Arcane Possession    (Mass Invisibility)    (Scribe)    (Silence)    (Wall of Air)    (Know Value)    
15 (Climb)    (Blink)    (Polymorph)    (Fake Weapon)    (Ensnare)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Free Movement    (Choke)    (Mage Claws)    (Chain Lightning)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Dismissal)    
17 (Portal)    (Fools Gold)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 Resist Petrification    (Reverse Gravity)    (See Aura)    (Web)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Improved Invisibility)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 Repulsion    (Nightmare)    (Improved Polymorph)    (Cloudkill)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 Immunity    (Alchemy)    (Mass Haste)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 Greater Globe    (Disenchant Item)    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 Mind Block    (Combat Precognition)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    (Cogniportive)    
24 Anchor    (Returning)    (Delay)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    
25 Spell Turning    (Disintegrate)    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: None
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d6)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 1 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Others (18)
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Starting Equipment:
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Meat Curing)    
8 (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
10 (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
12 (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
15 (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
18 (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
20 (Branding)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    


Description: Templar are those who pursue power and glory in the name of their god. They are the great weaponmasters, wielding their arms to conquer the world in their gods name. The Templar can use any weapons and armor, and can specialize in many weapons as they increase in levels. Their Aura of Strife, and their increased number of attacks makes them a formidable foe of all who oppose the will of their god. The Templar is an evil aligned class and lawfully inclined.

How to play: The Templar is a brutal and formidable warrior, who wields death and power in the name of his god. His devastating power makes him a great ally for groups, but also a successful glory seeker when alone.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Strength 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives Aura of Strife which increases in power.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Always fumbles good prayers. Using non-evil prayers introduces failure chance.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Infuse Unholiness    Blunt Weapon Specialization    Write    Read Prayer    Revoke    Recall    Infuse Discipline    Convert    Sword Specialization    (Relics)    (Divorce)    (Play Instrument)    (Annul)    (Protection Bless)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Cause Light Wounds)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Sense Life)    (Cause Fatigue)    (Sense Good)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Desecrate    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Protection Good)    (Unholy Armament)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Deafness    (Sense Chaos)    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Parry)    (Cause Serious Wounds)    (Heresy)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Curse    (Sense Devotion)    (Protection Chaos)    (Hunt Good)    (Morph Unholy Weapon)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Paralyze    (Polearm Specialization)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Faithful HellHound)    (Behemoth)    (Hammer Specialization)    
10 (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Cause Exhaustion)    (Dispel Good)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Unholy Poison)    (Protection Poison)    (Half Attack)    
12 Plague    (Protection Disease)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Blood Curse    (Desecrate Land)    
14 (Axe Specialization)    (Cause Critical Wounds)    (Shield Bash)    
15 Great Curse    (Hand to hand combat)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Blood Hearth)    (Anger)    
17 (Bone Moon)    (Blindness)    (Graceful Dismount)    
18 Tithe    (Drain)    (Deflect Prayer)    (Enervate)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Hellfire)    (Malediction)    
20 Mass Paralyze    (Whiplash)    (Absorption)    (Branding)    
21 (Harm)    (Corruption)    (Second Attack)    
22 Curse Item    (Haunted)    
23 (Amplify Unholy Weapon)    (Create Idol)    
24 Unholy Word    (Word of Law)    (Sun Curse)    
25 (Regeneration)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Avatar    


Description: Thieves are skillful, sly, and devious. They may only use daggers and swords, and may only wear leather armor at best. However, they come with numerous skills allowing them to survive in the dog-eat-dog world, including swiping and stealing; hiding, peeking, and sneaking; trapping, poisoning, and many others. Thieves also qualify for many devious fighting abilities.

Thief is the starting point for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain levels in at any time. These sub-classes include: Assassin, Arcanist (Arcane Rogue), Burglar, Reliquist, Pirate, and Trapper.

How to play: The thieves strength is in his ability to obtain money, and in his ability to navigate tricky situations. By accumulating the wealth of others, the thief can stay comfortably equipped with the latest and best money can buy. When playing alone, the thief thrives as the only class able to get into and out of any secret place without stirring up unnecessary trouble. Although not generally appreciated in groups, a group benefits from these skills, as well as the thiefs unique ability to deliver enormous amounts of backstab damage.

The thief is only moderately skilled at combat, but can make up for it by using his wealth to obtain favors, good equipment, and the necessary potions and scrolls necessary to survive the experience gaining battles.

Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: Bonus experience for using certain skills.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Write    Unbinding    Recall    (Climb)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Swipe gold)    (Bandaging)    (Apothecary)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Sneak Attack)    (Hide)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Case Joint    (Counter-Tracking)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (AutoSneak)    (Sneak)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Detect Traps    (Dirt)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Pick Locks)    (Dodge)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Peek    (Identify Poison)    (Use Poison)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Disarm)    (Decipher Script)    (Remove Traps)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Observe    (Parry)    
10 (Smuggle)    (Haggle)    (Back Stab)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Steal    (Trip)    (Wands)    
12 (Listen)    (Graffiti)    (Two Weapon Fighting)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Detection    (Bind)    (Arsonry)    
14 (Surrender)    (Rapid Shot)    
15 (Conceal Item)    (Read Magic)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Silent AutoGold)    (Hideout)    (Detect Invisible)    
17 Careful Step    (Second Attack)    (Shadow)    
18 (Silent AutoLoot)    (Set Decoys)    (Linguistic Comprehension)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Silent Hold    Distract    (Weapon Snatch)    (Silent Wield)    (Ventriloquate)    
20 (Alertness)    (Half Attack)    (Lore)    (Branding)    
21 Panhandling    Sap    (Conceal Door)    
22 (Black Marketeering)    (Flank)    (Improved Distraction)    
23 Warrants    (Lay Traps)    (Silent Wear)    
24 (Escape Bonds)    (Bribe)    (Conceal Walkway)    
25 Ambush    (Squatting)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Nondetection    


Description: Transmuters are specialist mages who can transform the likeness and composition of anyone they touch. Transmutation is the most feared of magics, and the Transmuter is so skilled at his art that he gains all known transmutation spells automatically, including the most secret and ugly of spells only the specialist may learn.

Transmuters care nothing for conjuration, and so they soon neglect that kind of magic, being more fascinated with the many shapes of things right here at home. Although the Evoker believes himself the king of specialists with his harmful beams, the Transmuter is the most feared and hated of specialists for the terrible and awesome consequences of his spells.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: At 5th level, receives bonus damage from Transmutation as levels advance. At 10th level, receives double duration on your Transmutation magic, and half duration from malicious Transmutation magic.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to cast Conjuration spells. Receives penalty damage from Conjuration as levels advance. Receives double duration from malicious Conjuration magic, half duration on other Conjuration effects.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Deaden Smell    Write    Iron Grip    Resist Magic Missiles    Scroll Scribing    Read Magic    Wands    Shield    Revoke    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Memorize)    (Wizards Chest)    (Spider Climb)    (Repairing Aura)    (Play Instrument)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Clog Mouth    Shrink    (Obscure Self)    (Detect Undead)    (Enchant Arrows)    (Blur)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Enlarge Object)    (Resist Poison)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Deafen    Fire Building    Cause Stink    (Feather Fall)    (Summoning Ward)    (Sleep)    (Dream)    (Floating Disc)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Detect Metal)    (Resist Gas)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Water Breathing    (Detect Poison)    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Resist Acid)    (Frost)    (Mage Armor)    (Friends)    (Endless Hunger)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Weakness to Gas    Shrink Mouth    (Resist Cold)    (Lesser Mend)    (Charm Ward)    (Spook)    (Faerie Fire)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Weakness to Acid    Grace Of The Cat    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Charm)    (Detect Invisible)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Resist Electricity)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Weakness to Cold    Light Sensitivity    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Tourettes)    (Resist Fire)    (Invisibility)    (Darkness)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Weakness to Electricity    (Faerie Fog)    (Spellcraft)    (Fear)    (Shatter)    (Resist Disease)    (Elemental Storm)    (Teleportation Ward)    (Lightning Bolt)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Mass Waterbreath    Blind    Weakness to Fire    (Flameshield)    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Awe)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Magic Mouth)    
10 Mute    (Arcane Mark)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Resist Arrows)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Change Sex    Weaken    Misstep    Stoneskin    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Improved Repairing Aura)    (Mirror Image)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Claireaudience)    (Feeblemind)    
12 Enlightenment    Fly    (Delirium)    (Destroy Object)    (Laughter)    (Confusion)    (Clairevoyance)    (Globe)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Giant Strength    Sonar    (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Earthquake)    (Frenzy)    (Resist Paralysis)    (Reinforce)    
14 (Mass Invisibility)    (Arcane Possession)    (Scribe)    (Silence)    (Know Value)    (Animate Weapon)    
15 Polymorph    Grow    (Climb)    (Irritation)    (Fake Weapon)    (Ensnare)    (Hold)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Mage Claws    (Choke)    (Chain Lightning)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Free Movement)    
17 Lead Foot    (Clarify Scroll)    (Portal)    (Siphon)    (Fools Gold)    (Recharge Wand)    
18 Delude    (Reverse Gravity)    (See Aura)    (Web)    (Resist Petrification)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Toadstool    Flesh Stone    (Improved Invisibility)    (Forget)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 Add Limb    Improved Polymorph    (Nightmare)    (Enchant Armor)    (Repulsion)    (Cloudkill)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 Polymorph Self    (Command)    (Alchemy)    (Immunity)    (Mass Haste)    
22 Hungerless    (Disenchant Item)    (Greater Globe)    (Enchant Weapon)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 Big Mouth    (Combat Precognition)    (Mind Block)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    
24 Thirstless    (Delay)    (Frailty)    (Anchor)    
25 Transformation    Mass Fly    (Disintegrate)    (Geas)    (Spell Turning)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Clone    


Description: The trapper, possibly the most cowardly of thieves, has spent late nights tinkering with springs and switches, learning to kill indirectly through the devices of his art. Trappers also view fauna as means to his ends, accumulating animals both live and dead with amazing efficiency. Trappers alone have the greatest access to the most deadly traps, as well as exclusive access to skills that turn animals into his own personal play things, whether it be as items of sale, or as trained devilish pets.
Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Constitution (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Benefits from animal followers leveling. Gets experience for selling foreign unconjured animals of comparable level.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Limitations: Sneak and Hide attempts will fail outside of the wild.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Detect Bombs    Write    Carpentry    Recall    Wainwrighting    Taxidermy    (Climb)    (Caltrops)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Apothecary)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Hide)    (Trophy Count)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Avoid Traps    (Identify Bombs)    (Blacksmithing)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Detect Traps)    (Find Water)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Strategic Retreat    (Identify Traps)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Dodge)    (Sneak)    (Herding)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Use Poison    (Identify Poison)    (Mark Trapped)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Lay Traps    (Rope Tricks)    (Remove Traps)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Listen    (Wilderness Sounds)    (Sneak Attack)    (Rope Trip)    
10 (AutoDetect Traps)    (AutoMark Traps)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Masonry)    (Shrooming)    
11 Parry    (Bronco Busting)    (True Shot)    
12 (Track)    (AutoCaltrops)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Observe    (Wilderness Lore)    (Sap)    
14 (Lure)    (Plant Item)    
15 Back Stab    (Read Magic)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Dazzling Caltrops)    (Bind)    
17 Second Attack    (Make Bombs)    
18 (Animal Taming)    (Detection)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Cage Building    (Running Fight)    
20 (Scrapping)    (Pin)    (Set Alarm)    (Branding)    
21 Cage    (Domesticating)    (Set Timer)    
22 (Snipe)    (Half Attack)    
23 Shadow    (Animal Trading)    
24 (Disabling Caltrops)    (Detonate Bombs)    (Animal Training)    
25 Kamikaze    Trap Immunity    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Death Trap    


Description: Wizards are great specialist scholar mages who have mastered the study (but not the art) of arcane magic. They are capable of memorizing and casting any basic arcane spell, but their lack of mastery means they forget the spell as soon as it is cast. This means that the wizard is constantly engaged in study, carrying around and/or creating numerous arcane scrolls to serve as the source for their next bit of magic. Since they don't specialize or train in particular arcane spells, but can learn any spell, the Wizard is the most versatile Mage, though not necessarily the easiest to engage in combat with.

The Wizards manner of study requires that he expend his spell-casting mana when he learns or memorizes a spell, but this mana is released for use after the spell is cast. Wizards can be invaluable as group members, and as clan members, but will struggle adventuring alone. A wizards lack of need to expend training time on individual spells means he can work on other aspects of himself, including stats or expertises, making the Wizard very powerful in the long run.

Primary Stat: Intelligence
Qualifications: Intelligence 9+
Practices: 6 +[(Wisdom/6)+4 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/6)+(1d5) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/3)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[3X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Int/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Intelligence (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: Can memorize any spell for casting without expending a training session.
Weapons: Must use daggers, staves, or natural weapons.
Armor: Must wear cloth, vegetation, or paper based armor.
Limitations: Unable to learn spells permanently; can only memorize them.
Starting Equipment: a wooden quarterstaff
Races: Drow Elf Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Human Merfolk Mindflayer Orc Pixie Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Memorize    Spellcraft    Scroll Scribing    Scribe    Paper Making    Read Magic    Wands    Revoke    Recall    (Prestidigitation)    (Magic Missile)    (Wizards Chest)    (Spider Climb)    (Iron Grip)    (Resist Magic Missiles)    (Repairing Aura)    (Play Instrument)    (Shield)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Erase Scroll)    (Magical Aura)    (Swim)    (Bandaging)    (Ventriloquate)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Obscure Self)    (Clog Mouth)    (Detect Undead)    (Summon Steed)    (Enchant Arrows)    (Blur)    (Animate Item)    (Light)    (Shrink)    (Enlarge Object)    (Resist Poison)    (Infravision)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    (Summon Companion)    (Grease)    (Feather Fall)    (Summoning Ward)    (Sleep)    (Dream)    (Floating Disc)    (Deafen)    (Wizard Lock)    (Knock)    (Detect Metal)    (Resist Gas)    (Know Alignment)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Detect Poison)    (Burning Hands)    (Searching)    (Fake Spring)    (Resist Acid)    (Water Breathing)    (Frost)    (Mage Armor)    (Acid Arrow)    (Friends)    (Endless Hunger)    (Fake Food)    (Detect Water)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Resist Cold)    (Lesser Mend)    (Weakness to Gas)    (Charm Ward)    (Spook)    (Faerie Fire)    (Wall of Stone)    (Mystic Shine)    (Harden)    (Dispel Magic)    (Detect Magic)    (Detect Gold)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Weakness to Acid)    (Stinking Cloud)    (Meld)    (Grace Of The Cat)    (Charm)    (Detect Invisible)    (Shocking Grasp)    (Resist Electricity)    (Find Familiar)    (Illusory Wall)    (Augury)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Weakness to Cold)    (Pass Door)    (Refit)    (Fireball)    (Tourettes)    (Resist Fire)    (Invisibility)    (Monster Summoning)    (Darkness)    (Ghost Sound)    (Detect Hidden)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Faerie Fog)    (Fear)    (Weakness to Electricity)    (Shatter)    (Resist Disease)    (Elemental Storm)    (Wall of Darkness)    (Teleportation Ward)    (Lightning Bolt)    (Identify Object)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Flameshield)    (Daydream)    (Farsight)    (Mirage)    (Ice Sheet)    (Blind)    (Awe)    (Comprehend Languages)    (Magic Mouth)    (Weakness to Fire)    
10 (Improved Revoke)    (Arcane Mark)    (Teleport)    (Gust of Wind)    (Slow)    (Resist Arrows)    (Ugliness)    (Locate Object)    (Mute)    (Phantom Hound)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Change Sex)    (Acid Fog)    (Heat Metal)    (Improved Repairing Aura)    (Mirror Image)    (Weaken)    (Suppress Aroma)    (Claireaudience)    (Feeblemind)    (Stoneskin)    (Wall of Ice)    
12 (Enlightenment)    (Shelter)    (Delirium)    (Destroy Object)    (Laughter)    (Confusion)    (Clairevoyance)    (Fly)    (Globe)    (Haste)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Feign Death)    (Distant Vision)    (Giant Strength)    (Earthquake)    (Frenzy)    (Gate)    (Resist Paralysis)    (Reinforce)    
14 (Mass Invisibility)    (Arcane Possession)    (Silence)    (Wall of Air)    (Know Value)    (Animate Weapon)    
15 (Climb)    (Blink)    (Irritation)    (Polymorph)    (Fake Weapon)    (Ensnare)    (Hold)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Choke)    (Mage Claws)    (Chain Lightning)    (Fake Armor)    (Forecast Weather)    (Meditation)    (Free Movement)    (Dismissal)    
17 (Clarify Scroll)    (Portal)    (Siphon)    (Fools Gold)    (Recharge Wand)    (Wall of Fire)    
18 (Reverse Gravity)    (See Aura)    (Web)    (Resist Petrification)    (Summon)    (Delude)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Improved Invisibility)    (Forget)    (Wall of Force)    (Flesh Stone)    (Stone Flesh)    
20 (Nightmare)    (Improved Polymorph)    (Enchant Armor)    (Repulsion)    (Cloudkill)    (Scry)    (Branding)    
21 (Command)    (Alchemy)    (Immunity)    (Mass Haste)    (Summon Enemy)    
22 (Disenchant Item)    (Meteor Storm)    (Hungerless)    (Greater Globe)    (Enchant Weapon)    (Detect Sentience)    
23 (Combat Precognition)    (Mind Block)    (Dragonfire)    (Time Stop)    (Cogniportive)    
24 (Returning)    (Delay)    (Thirstless)    (Summon Flyer)    (Frailty)    (Anchor)    
25 (Disintegrate)    (Demon Gate)    (Mass Fly)    (Geas)    (Spell Turning)    
26 (Improved Alchemy)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)