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{{AreaTemplate|Name=The Torian Temple|Description=The ancient Torian Temple sits on the Torian river swallowing it into a waterfall out the other side.  Centuries ago the beautiful goddess Toria granted wisdom and guidance to her visitors.  But the temple has gone dark in recent years with no one daring to approach since the devout have closed their doors and gone into seclusion within.  Power still lies inside the temple, there is no question.  But will they share it?  The adventure requires the coordinated teamwork of 4 across multiple classes for success.  Each class must leverage the advantages of their unique skills and the secrets of the temple will be won.|Author=Din|Rooms=199|Population=63|Currency=Gold coins (default)|LevelRange=24-40|MedianLevel=26|AvgAlign=somewhat evil|MedAlignment=pure neutral|RECOMMENDED=Recommended for levels 25 through 40 where players outside that range will not receive experience points.  All four players must be within 10 levels of one another.}}  
{{AreaTemplate|Name=The Torian Temple|Description=The ancient Torian Temple sits on the Torian river swallowing it into a waterfall out the other side.  Centuries ago the beautiful goddess Toria granted wisdom and guidance to her visitors.  But the temple has gone dark in recent years with no one daring to approach since the devout have closed their doors and gone into seclusion within.  Power still lies inside the temple, there is no question.  But will they share it?  The adventure requires the coordinated teamwork of 4 across multiple classes for success.  Each class must leverage the advantages of their unique skills and the secrets of the temple will be won.|Author=Din|Rooms=199|Population=63|Currency=Gold coins (default)|LevelRange=24-40|MedianLevel=26|AvgAlign=somewhat evil|MedAlignment=pure neutral|LANGUAGES=|ECONOMY=|RECOMMENDED=Recommended for levels 25 through 40 where players outside that range will not receive experience points.  All four players must be within 10 levels of one another.}}  

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Latest revision as of 16:06, 15 November 2023

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===The Torian Temple===
Description: The ancient Torian Temple sits on the Torian river swallowing it into a waterfall out the other side. Centuries ago the beautiful goddess Toria granted wisdom and guidance to her visitors. But the temple has gone dark in recent years with no one daring to approach since the devout have closed their doors and gone into seclusion within. Power still lies inside the temple, there is no question. But will they share it? The adventure requires the coordinated teamwork of 4 across multiple classes for success. Each class must leverage the advantages of their unique skills and the secrets of the temple will be won.
Author: Din Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 199 Population: 63
LevelRange: 24-40 MedianLevel: 26
AvgAlign: somewhat evil MedAlignment: pure neutral
Recommendation: Recommended for levels 25 through 40 where players outside that range will not receive experience points. All four players must be within 10 levels of one another.

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