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*The Miden'nir Plains connect Midgaard in the west to Haven Lake, Moria, the ruins of Thalos, Kendermore, Gnome Village, the Holy Grove, the Sands of Sorrow, and New Thalos in the far east.
*The Miden'nir Plains connect Midgaard in the west to Haven Lake, Moria, the ruins of Thalos, Kendermore, Gnome Village, the Holy Grove, the Sands of Sorrow, and New Thalos in the far east.

Latest revision as of 17:40, 14 November 2023

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===Miden`nir Plains===
Description: The Miden`nir plains extend to the north and east of Midgaard, leading to Elvenhame in the north and New Thalos in the east.
Author: Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 23 Population: 7
LevelRange: 1-15 MedianLevel: 10
AvgAlign: good MedAlignment: pure goodness
Recommendation: Not a particularly good adventuring area, but a safe area to travel through.

Useful Items


Connected Areas




  • The Miden'nir Plains connect Midgaard in the west to Haven Lake, Moria, the ruins of Thalos, Kendermore, Gnome Village, the Holy Grove, the Sands of Sorrow, and New Thalos in the far east.