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Latest revision as of 22:16, 12 April 2021

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Examples: wield sword
Description: Places a weapon that is presently in your carried inventory into one of your free hands for wielding. Only a wielded weapon will be used during combat.


  • If you are holding an item and attempt to WEAR or WIELD a two-handed item, the action will fail. Remove the held item first.
  • If you lose a hand, it is assumed that your HOLD hand was lost, and that you still have the ability to wield a weapon.
  • If you find that you cannot release an item you are wielding there are several AFFECTS you could be under:
    • If a mage or item has cast the IRON GRIP spell on you, you must wait out the duration of the affect, dispel it, or if it is generated by an item such as a locking gauntlet, remove the item.
    • If the weapon you are using is cursed, you will need a REMOVE CURSE to release the item.