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{{BehaviorTemplate|Name=Drowness|Targets=MOBs|Usage=|Examples=|Description=The behavior of the drow differs slightly between males and females.  This behavior is therefore an entire kit, including weapons, armor, spells, and combat behavior.  DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT use this behavior with any CombatAbilities derivitive, unless you want an unfair and utterly deadly opponent.  Also, do NOT add any equipment to the mob with this behavior.  The kit will supply the mob with weapons and armor.}}


Latest revision as of 13:15, 11 April 2021

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Targets: MOBs
Description: The behavior of the drow differs slightly between males and females. This behavior is therefore an entire kit, including weapons, armor, spells, and combat behavior. DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT use this behavior with any CombatAbilities derivitive, unless you want an unfair and utterly deadly opponent. Also, do NOT add any equipment to the mob with this behavior. The kit will supply the mob with weapons and armor.

