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{{#section-h:LISTTHIEF|Set Decoys}}
{{SkillTemplate|Name=Set Decoys|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Thief(Thief)|Thief(18)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |UseCost=Mana (34) Movement (34) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SETDECOYS, DECOYS|Usage=SETDECOYS|Examples=setdecoys|Description=This skill sets a series of decoys that, during the heat of combat, will fool the thiefs opponents into thinking that he or she is actually where the decoy is.  The victim is fooled into running towards the decoy until they realize their mistake.  This has the effect of putting the victim at a distant range from the thief for a time.  After the trap is set, the decoys will
begin popping up every so often for a duration.}}


Latest revision as of 17:26, 21 March 2020

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===Set Decoys===
Domain: Deceptive
Available: Ninja(16) Thief(18)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (34) Movement (34)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Rooms
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: setdecoys
Description: This skill sets a series of decoys that, during the heat of combat, will fool the thiefs opponents into thinking that he or she is actually where the decoy is. The victim is fooled into running towards the decoy until they realize their mistake. This has the effect of putting the victim at a distant range from the thief for a time. After the trap is set, the decoys will begin popping up every so often for a duration.

