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*Any type of wood may be used for the instruments made from wood.
*Any type of wood may be used for the instruments made from wood.
===Draft List===
Delete this list after putting into table format.
a pair of Clappers 1 10 2 14 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD WOODS
Pan Pipe 1 10 2 40 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL FLUTES
a pair of Cymbals 2 15 3 60 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD METAL CYMBALS
a pair of Maracas 2 30 4 38 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD WOODS
Kazoo 2 30 6 42 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD CLARINETS
Cowbell 3 20 2 60 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD METAL CYMBALS
Fife 3 50 3 56 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD FLUTES
Tambourine 3 30 6 42 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD DRUMS
Lyre 3 40 8 56 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HARPS
Hunting Horn 4 50 6 160 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL HORNS
Shawm 4 60 6 72 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD OBOES
Triangle 4 30 6 120 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD METAL CYMBALS
Trumsheit 4 60 12 84 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD GUITARS
Flageolet 5 75 4 190 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL FLUTES
Ukulele 5 40 8 56 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD GUITARS
Drum 5 50 10 70 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD DRUMS
Bongo 6 30 6 42 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD DRUMS
Piccolo 6 30 6 120 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL FLUTES
Crwth 6 50 14 78 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD GUITARS
Zurna 7 60 8 76 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD OBOES
Fiddle 7 60 12 84 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD VIOLINS
Timpani 7 60 20 100 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD DRUMS
Tuba 7 100 50 700 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL TUBAS
Flute 8 60 12 240 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL FLUTES
Sackbut 8 120 20 440 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL TROMBONES
Bass Drum 8 100 40 180 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD DRUMS
Lute 9 50 10 70 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD GUITARS
Oboe 9 50 10 70 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD OBOES
Bugle 9 60 12 240 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL TRUMPETS
Gong 9 100 20 400 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD METAL CYMBALS
a pair of Castanets 10 30 6 42 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD WOODS
Recorder 10 20 6 32 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD FLUTES
Sousaphone 10 150 38 680 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL TUBAS
Basset Horn 11 60 14 88 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD HALFELF CLARINETS
Harp 11 100 20 140 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD ELF HARPS
Marimba 11 80 40 560 GenPiano 1 METAL DWARF OGRE XYLOPHONES
Banjo 12 50 12 74 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HALFLING GUITARS
Bagpipes 12 100 20 140 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD HUMAN DWARF OGRE OBOES
Posuane 12 130 22 480 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL HALFELF TROMBONES
Carillon 12 100 36 560 GenPiano 1 METAL GNOME XYLOPHONES
Cornet 13 50 10 200 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL HALFLING TRUMPETS
a pair of Cymbals 13 60 10 220 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD METAL DWARF OGRE CYMBALS
Cithara 13 100 20 140 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HUMAN GUITARS
Violin 14 80 16 112 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD ELF VIOLINS
Chimes 14 100 18 380 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD METAL HALFELF GNOME CYMBALS
Clarinet 15 70 14 98 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD HALFELF CLARINETS
Celesta 15 120 18 420 GenPiano 1 METAL ELF XYLOPHONES
Baritone 15 120 40 640 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL DWARF OGRE TUBAS
Cello 15 120 40 200 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HUMAN VIOLINS
Tenor Drums 16 40 8 160 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD METAL ELF DRUMS
French Horn 16 180 20 560 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL HALFELF HORNS
Viola 16 100 20 140 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HUMAN HALFLING VIOLINS
Basson 17 100 20 140 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD HALFELF OBOES
Double Bass 17 120 30 180 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HUMAN VIOLINS
Helicon 17 140 40 680 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL GNOME GOBLIN TUBAS
Bass Clarinet 18 80 16 112 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD HALFELF CLARINETS
Trumpet 18 100 20 400 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL DWARF OGRE ELF TRUMPETS
Dulcimer 18 180 24 228 GenPiano 1 WOOD HUMAN HALFLING PIANOS
Glockenspiel 18 200 60 1000 GenPiano 1 METAL GNOME GOBLIN XYLOPHONES
English Horn 19 80 16 112 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD HUMAN OBOES
Clavicord 19 180 30 240 GenPiano 1 WOOD ELF PIANOS
Euphonium 19 140 36 640 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL GNOME GOBLIN TUBAS
Mandolin 20 120 24 168 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HUMAN GUITARS
Xylophone 20 150 30 600 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD METAL GNOME GOBLIN XYLOPHONES
Alto Clarinet 21 80 12 104 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD ELF HALFLING CLARINETS
Trombone 21 150 30 600 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL DWARF OGRE TROMBONES
Guitar 22 150 30 210 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HALFELF ELF GUITARS
Accordian 22 250 40 330 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD HALFLING ORGANS
Harmonica 23 50 10 200 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL HALFLING HARMONICAS
Contrabass Tuba 23 180 60 960 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL DWARF OGRE GNOME TUBAS
Saxophone 24 120 24 480 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL GNOME GOBLIN CLARINETS
Harpsicord 24 180 60 300 GenPiano 1 WOOD HUMAN PIANOS
Hydraulis 24 500 300 4000 GenPiano 4 METAL HALFELF GNOME GOBLIN ORGANS
Portable Organ 25 200 100 400 GenInstrument HELD&&WIELD WOOD GNOME GOBLIN ORGANS
Piano 30 200 200 600 GenPiano 2 WOOD PIANOS
Bass Trombone 35 180 40 760 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH METAL TROMBONES
Contrabassoon 40 120 22 164 GenInstrument HELD&&MOUTH WOOD OBOES
Organ 45 300 200 2600 GenPiano 3 METAL ORGANS

Revision as of 18:51, 23 May 2019

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This page has all of the current base Instrument Making recipes as of 5/14/2019.

Instrument Making Recipes

Level Title Type Resource Amount Resource Type * Wear Location Notes
1 a pair of Clappers Woods 2 Wood Held and Wield
1 Pan Pipe Flutes 2 Metal Held and Mouth
2 a pair of Cymbals Cymbals 3 Metal Held and Wield
2 a pair of Maracas Woods 4 Wood Held and Wield
2 Kazoo Clarinets 6 Wood Held and Mouth
3 Cowbell Cymbals 2 Metal Held and Wield
3 Fife Flutes 3 Wood Held and Mouth
3 Tambourine Drums 6 Wood Held and Wield
3 Lyre Harps 8 Wood Held and Wield
4 Hunting Horn Horns 6 Metal Held and Mouth
4 Shawm Oboes 6 Wood Held and Mouth
4 Triangle Cymbals 6 Metal Held and Wield
4 Trumsheit Guitars 12 Wood Held and Wield
5 Flageolet Flutes 4 Metal Held and Mouth
5 Ukulele Guitars 8 Wood Held and Wield
5 Drum Drums 10 Wood Held and Wield
6 Bongo Drums 6 Wood Held and Wield
6 Piccolo Flutes 6 Metal Held and Mouth
6 Crwth Guitars 14 Wood Held and Wield
7 Zurna Oboes 8 Wood Held and Mouth
7 Fiddle Violins 12 Wood Held and Wield
7 Timpani Drums 20 Wood Held and Wield
7 Tuba Tubas 50 Metal Held and Mouth
8 Flute Flutes 12 Metal Held and Mouth
8 Sackbut Trombones 20 Metal Held and Mouth
8 Bass Drum Drums 40 Wood Held and Wield
9 Lute Guitars 10 Wood Held and Wield
9 Oboe Oboes 10 Wood Held and Mouth
9 Bugle Trumpets 12 Metal Held and Mouth
9 Gong Cymbals 20 Metal Held and Wield
10 a pair of Castanets Woods 6 Wood Held and Wield
10 Recorder Flutes 6 Wood Held and Mouth
10 Sousaphone Tubas 38 Metal Held and Mouth
11 Basset Horn Clarinets 14 Wood Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Half Elf.
11 Harp Harps 20 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by an Elf.
11 Marimba Xylophones 40 Metal Sit on, seats 1 Can only be made by a Dwarf or Ogre.
12 Banjo Guitars 12 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Halfling.
12 Bagpipes Oboes 20 Wood Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Human, Dwarf, or Ogre.
12 Posuane Trombones 22 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Half Elf.
12 Carillon Xylophones 36 Metal Sit on, seats 1 Can only be made by a Gnome.
13 Cornet Trumpets 10 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Halfling.
13 a pair of Cymbals Cymbals 10 Metal Held and Wield Can only be made by a Dwarf or Ogre.
13 Cithara Guitars 20 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Human.
14 Violin Violins 16 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by an Elf.
14 Chimes Cymbals 18 Metal Held and Wield Can only be made by a Half Elf or Gnome.
15 Clarinet Clarinets 14 Wood Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Half Elf.
15 Celesta Xylophones 18 Metal Sit on, seats 1 Can only be made by an Elf.
15 Baritone Tubas 40 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Dwarf or Ogre.
15 Cello Violins 40 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Human.
16 Tenor Drums Drums 8 Metal Held and Wield Can only be made by an Elf.
16 French Horn Horns 20 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Half Elf.
16 Viola Violins 20 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Human or Halfling.
17 Basson Oboes 20 Wood Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Half Elf.
17 Double Bass Violins 30 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Human.
17 Helicon Tubas 40 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Gnome or Goblin.
18 Bass Clarinet Clarinets 16 Wood Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Half Elf.
18 Trumpet Trumpets 20 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Dwarf, Ogre, or Elf.
18 Dulcimer Pianos 24 Wood Sit on, seats 1 Can only be made by a Human or Halfling.
18 Glockenspiel Xylophones 60 Metal Sit on, seats 1 Can only be made by a Gnome or Goblin.
19 English Horn Oboes 16 Wood Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Human.
19 Snare Drum Drums 16 Metal Held and Wield Can only be made by a Dwarf, Ogre, Gnome, or Goblin.
19 Clavicord Pianos 30 Wood Sit on, seats 1 Can only be made by an Elf.
19 Euphonium Tubas 36 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Gnome or Goblin.
20 Mandolin Guitars 24 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Human.
20 Xylophone Xylophones 30 Metal Held and Wield Can only be made by a Gnome or Goblin.
21 Alto Clarinet Clarinets 12 Wood Held and Mouth Can only be made by an Elf or Halfling.
21 Trombone Trombones 30 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Dwarf or Ogre.
22 Guitar Guitars 30 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Half Elf or Elf.
22 Accordian Organs 40 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Halfling.
23 Harmonica Harmonicas 10 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Halfling.
23 Contrabass Tuba Tubas 60 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Dwarf, Ogre, or Gnome.
24 Saxophone Clarinets 24 Metal Held and Mouth Can only be made by a Gnome or Goblin.
24 Harpsicord Pianos 60 Wood Sit on, seats 1 Can only be made by a Human.
24 Hydraulis Organs 300 Metal Sit on, seats 4 Can only be made by a Half Elf, Gnome, or Goblin.
25 Portable Organ Organs 100 Wood Held and Wield Can only be made by a Gnome or Goblin.
30 Piano Pianos 200 Wood Sit on, seats 2
35 Bass Trombone Trombones 40 Metal Held and Mouth
40 Contrabassoon Oboes 22 Wood Held and Mouth
45 Organ Organs 200 Metal Sit on, seats 3


  • Any type of wood may be used for the instruments made from wood.