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===Useful Items===
===Useful Items===
* [[Mud School Graduation Gown(MudSchool)|a Mud School Graduation Gown]]
* [[Mud School Graduation Gown(MudSchool)|a Mud School Graduation Gown]]
* [[Simple Scroll(MudSchool) | Simple Scroll]]
* [[Sub Issue Bracer(MudSchool) | Sub Issue Bracer]]
* [[Sub Issue Boots(MudSchool) | Sub Issue Boots]]


Revision as of 14:40, 22 September 2017

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===Mud School===
Description: This area is a heavily modified stock area. It has been updated to provide a tutorial on how to play CoffeeMUD.
Author: Loki Currency: Alramian
Rooms: 66 Population: 30
LevelRange: 1-6 MedianLevel: 1
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral
Recommendation: Recommended for new players to explore slowly and get a Mud School Diploma. The cage rooms are also great for quickly leveling to level 6.

Useful Items


The Adept of Uurdin can provide the Collections quest for players who intend to start in Midgaard.

Connected Areas

