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*Midgaard Reception Office - This office is located above the Grunting Boar Inn. A variety of notes hang on the wall here, including a questing board to the various pub dweller random quests. There is also a Follower Location Service available free of charge in an attached office.
*Midgaard Reception Office - This office is located above the Grunting Boar Inn. A variety of notes hang on the wall here, including a questing board to the various pub dweller random quests. There is also a Follower Location Service available free of charge in an attached office.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="border: 1px solid #c6c9ff; border-collapse: collapse;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="1" width="100%"
! Type
! Shopkeeper Name
! Room
! Sample Inventory
! Notes
| Services
| Doz
| A quiet alcove
| Convert (to Paran), Bless, Cure Disease, Remove Curse, Heal, Restoration


Revision as of 19:28, 26 June 2023

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Description: Midgaard is a capitol city in the middle of the continent, towards the southern coast. Located on the Midgaard river, this popular city is home to adventurers of all sorts.
Author: Diku Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 166 Population: 95
LevelRange: 1-151 MedianLevel: 15
AvgAlign: good MedAlignment: pure goodness
Economy: Midgaardian shopkeepers offer fair prices to everyone, regardless of race or disposition.
Languages: Midgaardians primarily speak the common tongue for purposes of trade.
Recommendation: Midgaard is the recommended starting area for all new players except Delvers.

Midgaard Maps

A graphical map of the city of Midgaard without labels.
The City of Midgaard.

Useful Items


Pub Dwellers (Random Questgivers)

These questgivers will provide a quest periodically to quest in a specific area.

Name Location Target Quest Area Approximate Level
Ivarra The Grunting Boar Day Care 3
the sexton Park Cafe Graveyard 3
a haggard traveler Kate's Diner Haon Dor 3
Corgin The Bar (also in Andy's Pub) Sehaire 5
Erick Grubby Inn Hatchling Cove 6
a rugged traveler The Bar (in Andy's Pub) Miden'nir 6

Connected Areas


  • Midgaard Reception Office - This office is located above the Grunting Boar Inn. A variety of notes hang on the wall here, including a questing board to the various pub dweller random quests. There is also a Follower Location Service available free of charge in an attached office.
Type Shopkeeper Name Room Sample Inventory Notes
Services Doz A quiet alcove Convert (to Paran), Bless, Cure Disease, Remove Curse, Heal, Restoration


  • Mages
  • Fighters
  • Clerics
  • Bards
  • Druids
  • Thiefs
  • Commoners


  • Krafti, in the Temple of Paran, can provide directions to anywhere in the world.
    • Use SAYTO KRAFTI (room name or area name). Append words like noswim, noclimb, nofly, nolocks, noprivate, and nocrawl to narrow the focus.
  • Filch, in Andy's Pub, will tell you where some quests can be found if you SAYTO FILCH LETS TALK.