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*This area uses gold coins, regardless of where the tower is located, or where you are heading, so keep a stock of gold coin handy.
*This area uses gold coins, regardless of where the tower is located, or where you are heading, so keep a stock of gold coin handy.
*Giants will sometimes keep your token without transporting you.  This often happens if they are involved in some quest.  Waiting 15 minutes normally returns them to their duties.
*Giants will sometimes keep your token without transporting you.  This often happens if they are involved in some quest.  Waiting 15 minutes normally returns them to their duties.
**Giants are notorious for keeping things you hand to them.  Be careful with your GIVE command.  Players have turned over their titles to their homes to the giants in the past!
*Both Giants and Gnomes in every tower are protected from combat.
*Both Giants and Gnomes in every tower are protected from combat.

Revision as of 14:49, 6 April 2021

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===Thrystryn Transportation===
Description: The Thrystryn Transportation Association is the premier stop for your transportation needs. Locations include Alramus, Calinth, Elvenhame, Midgaard, New Thalos, and Nidenjord.
Author: Pulse Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 12 Population: 0
LevelRange: 0-0 MedianLevel: 0
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral
Economy: Gold coin is used here.
Languages: Common is spoken here.
Recommendation: Recommended for characters of all levels for quick and safe transport between capitol cities.

Useful Items


Connected Areas


There is a gnome at the base of each tower who sells tokens for transportation to any of the connected cities listed above.




  • This area uses gold coins, regardless of where the tower is located, or where you are heading, so keep a stock of gold coin handy.
  • Giants will sometimes keep your token without transporting you. This often happens if they are involved in some quest. Waiting 15 minutes normally returns them to their duties.
    • Giants are notorious for keeping things you hand to them. Be careful with your GIVE command. Players have turned over their titles to their homes to the giants in the past!
  • Both Giants and Gnomes in every tower are protected from combat.