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= CoffeeMud Version 5.9.6 =
= CoffeeMud Version 5.9.6 =
Release Dec 31, 2017
Release Dec 31, 2017

Latest revision as of 17:53, 10 August 2021

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CoffeeMud Version 5.9.6

Release Dec 31, 2017

  1. Sections in the default coffeemud.ini file were moved around. Don't be alarmed. :)
  2. Hunger and Thirst system can now be tweeked. See coffeemud.ini file
  3. Entering SHUTDOWN RESTART HARD will now attempt to run a restart.sh/restart.bat.
  4. GMODIFY now supports changing the CLASS of objects, including rooms.
  5. RESET RELEVEL tool added to refactor an areas level range.
  6. New skills: Studying, Labeling, Organizing, Dissertating, Shush, Titling
  7. Areas can now be unloaded. And then loaded back again. See UNLOAD and LOAD.
  8. New FORMULA_s in the coffeemud.ini for total and individual combat experience.
  9. Movement = weight/3 now required to push/pull, and the moves are consumed.
  10. Rooms with certain tree-fruit resources can now be chopped OR gathered.
  11. "STINK" is now a way to access Hygeine in prompt, stat, and scripting.
  12. New shopkeeper type: instrument seller
  13. Mineable dirt and drillable water added to several room types as resources.
  14. New spells: Portal Other, Minor Image, Lesser Image, Greater Image, Superior Image
  15. ShopKeepers now have an Item Buy mask to narrow further what they will buy.
  16. New MOB type: StdLibrarian, also GenLibrarian. For borrowing items.
  17. New Disease: Planar Instability
  18. Account menu now supports ANSI command.
  19. Players can now use KILL/ATTACK, with a weapon, to a fight a MOBEater stomach, but will lose.
  20. New input parser: RAW-INPUT-PROCESSOR, to capture char creation and prompt filtering
  21. New items: StdPlayerBook, and GenPlayerBook - a version of StdBook with data tied to players.
  22. New Properties: Prop_Unsellable, Prop_CloseCommand, Copyright
  23. New Languages: InvisibleInk, Encrypto -- random simplistic encryption (word and letter rot)
  24. New skills: Decipher Script, BookEdit, BookNaming, Transcribing, Secret Writing
  25. Siplet Web-Sockets are now optimized and great! Some js fixes, and new info in Web Server Guide.
  26. New skills: Honorary Degree skills: Fighter, Mage, Bard, Cleric, Commoner, Druid, and Thief.
  27. New skills: Cataloging, Attribute Training, Recollecting, Publishing, Encrypted Writing
  28. Rangers and Barbarians can now make Antidotes using Apothecary instead of poisons.
  29. Players can now eat from containers.
  30. New Item Type: StdPaper, a single-page, simple form of the Book, GenPaper also
  31. PaperMaking now supports special parameters for GenBook and GenPaper
  32. New skills: Planar Lore, Racial Lore, Surveying, Guildmaster, Lecturing
  33. New expertises for new skill Domains: Educating, and Legal Lore
  34. New commoner class: Scholar, with achievements to match
  35. New item type: StdDice and GenDice .. give them a THROW (or ROLL)
  36. , (comma) is now a way to specify a social precisely. e.g. ,smile
  37. New Property: Prop_WearOverride, for making gear for races that can't wear gear.
  38. New CommandJournal flags: ASSIGN, REPLYSELF, REPLYALL for assigning to people and categories.
  39. Locksmith can now label keys. Weavers can now label containers (bags, sacks, baskets..)
  40. New Property: Prop_OutfitContainer, for making gear sets you can swap in/out.
  41. List <journal>, <journal> review, and <journal> transfer now support to-name filters.
  42. Drow is no longer, by default, a selectable player race. It can still be enabled in the coffeemud.ini file.