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= CoffeeMud Version 5.9.7
= CoffeeMud Version 5.9.7 =
Released Aug 29th, 2018
Released Aug 29th, 2018
# Scholars gain XP from visiting bookstores, and can study dissertations.
# Scholars gain XP from visiting bookstores, and can study dissertations.
# A lot of the old static strings in rideables are now customizable by editors, Shipwright/Wainwright
# A lot of the old static strings in rideables are now customizable by editors, Shipwright/Wainwright

Revision as of 05:23, 12 April 2019

CoffeeMud Version 5.9.7

Released Aug 29th, 2018

  1. Scholars gain XP from visiting bookstores, and can study dissertations.
  2. A lot of the old static strings in rideables are now customizable by editors, Shipwright/Wainwright
  3. Small boats can TENDER themselves to large ships now, and be RAISEd and LOWERd.
  4. New Area field: Player Level, for overriding median level as a fake statistic.
  5. MUDGrinder Statistic Report now has Areas Report, just like command line did.
  6. New Command and Property: Gait - similar to mood or pose, for your walk-around.
  7. Can now retrieve lost password from player access menu.
  8. New Properties: Banishment, Prop_MoveRestrictor
  9. ROMGangMember behavior messages now customizable.
  10. Scavenger behavior now allows an item zappermask to limit types of items picked up.
  11. New Diseases: Writers Block, Apathy, Blindness, Anosmia, Deafness, Muteness
  12. New Skills: Hammering, Find Home, Find Ship, Food Preserving, Autoswim, Autocrawl
  13. Lassos are more farmer friendly now -- can be untied after throwing, no combat starting, etc.
  14. Wands and Staffs now have their max charges settable from common skill recipes.
  16. Shipwright has all new recipes with new wonders to behold.
  17. REPORT command can now report expertises and languages also.
  18. New Spells: Conjure Ammunition, Harden Bullets, Light Blindness, Mystic Loom
  19. ZapperMask now supports +-ACCOUNTS and +-LOCATION
  20. New Prayer: Mass Forgive
  21. New common skills: Legendary Weaponsmithing, Floristry, Master Herbology, WandMaking
  22. Prop_LocationBound is more flexible with ABSOLUTE, PLAYEROK, and TIMEOUT arguments
  23. Scriptable commands QUESTMOB, QUESTOBJ, and QUESTSCRIPTED can now scan ALL quests
  24. ShapeShift forms 6-11 added, and shapeshift now governed by skills/shapeshift.txt
  25. New Race flag: infatigueable -- prevents fatigue, given to undead and golems.
  26. New standard Races: Flesh Golem, Grizzly Bear, Polar Bear, Crab, SeaHorse, GiantCrab, GiantSeaHorse
  27. Light Sensitivity (Drow racial trait) is now less onerous.
  28. Siplet has better drag-move ability, resize ability from bottom bar, and font
  29. resize with ctrl-uparrow and ctrl-downarrow
  30. Siplet will now auto-populate the text area when editing room descriptions.
  31. New item type: GenBagOfEndlessness -- remember to set the capacity to 0
  32. Experience can now be gained from role playing, see RPAWARD in the INI file
  33. Experience can now be deferred for a later command, see EXPDEFER in the INI file
  34. LISTFILE now has "condition" msgs for armor and weapons, and entries are overridable.
  35. PROWESSOPTIOS and the LISTFILE can now be used to show skill proficiency as words.
  36. New LOGOUTMASK to limit when a player can logout of the game.
  37. New Archon Skill: Mark OOC -- to stop a player from receiving RolePlay XP.
  38. New Scriptable Command: MPRPEXP, for granting RolePlay xp through scripts.
  39. New Properties: Prop_UseEmoter and Prop_UseEmoter2, for quick and easy item emoting.
  40. New Faction Change Event: SOCIAL -- for triggering faction change from socials
  41. Faction Change Events can now trigger gains of XP or RolePlay XP, and have a % chance
  42. New common skills: Master Floristry, Ship Lore, Branding, Rodsmithing, Staffmaking
  43. New mob types: GenCow, Alligator, Snake, Dolphin, Walrus, Seal, Whale
  44. PROWESSOPTIOS and the LISTFILE can now be used to show char stats as words.
  45. Prop_ItemSlotFiller now supports ADDS argument for another way to add stuff.
  46. New skills: Autoclimb, High Jump, Grazing, Stigma, Adorable, Gore, Wild Tag Turf
  47. New skills: Smells Like Cherries, Throw Feces, Shoot Web, Blessing, Milkable
  48. New skills: Hamstring, Scavenge, Food Begging, Bear Foraging, Track Friend
  49. New skills: Racial Enemy, Combat Frenzy, Quills, Poisonous Bite, Boatwright
  50. New races: Orangutan, Millipede, Cricket, Porcupine, Beaver, Corn Snake
  51. New channel flags: REALNAMEOOC, and REALNAMEOOCNOADMIN
  52. ShapeShift.txt races have changed, and most got new racial abilities
  53. Prop_ItemSlot now supports LEVEL argument to affect the level of the item.
  54. Can now ignore an account, which seems obvious when I think about it.
  55. Most crafting expertises split-up and made more expensive -- backward comp.
  56. Can now disable showing experience in Score and in the Prompt using DISABLE cmd.
  57. New Property: Prop_UseAdjuster, mostly insane, but good for special potion effects.
  58. New Expertises: Vigorous cooking, Imbued Distilling, Fortified Baking, Adv Crafting
  59. New chants: Airy Aura (Mer)
  60. Achievements now includes social tracking.
  61. New common skills: Boatwright (is the OLD Shipwright), and Shipwright (large sailing ships)
  62. New skills: Familiarity_Axe/Sword/etc, Familiarity_Armor/Shield - for crafted items
  63. New common skills: Decorating, CargoLoading, GaolFood
  64. Artisan class has been re-imagined using a Skill Tree instead of the normal system.
  65. Socials can now have multi-word targeted variations for further specificity.
  66. New skills: Hard to Port, Hard to Stern, Tie Down, Abandon Ship, Play Instrument
  67. New spells: Greater Enchant Armor, Greater Enchant Weapon
  68. Fishing now has fishing.txt, with lots of expanded override fish-types.
  69. Smelting has been altered to work more like textiling, expanding its range of possibilities.
  70. Costuming and Master Costuming have been radically changed to be learn-only fake overlays.
  71. Hunting now has a hunting.txt, plus some water-based things to hunt
  72. New Expertises: Adv cooking
  73. Crafting expertise keywords can now be hidden from item name
  74. LongLook at food and drink now gives additional info.
  75. New PROMPT codes: %y and %Y, for showing common skill progress.
  76. Common skills now support dot-selection and list armor wear loc, list weapon class/type
  77. Building skills now support INFO, and xp to Artisans.
  78. Standardized email disclaimers, and there's now an unsubscribe link and account unsubscribe.
  79. New Property: Prop_Sounder, like Sounder behavior, but without tick triggers.
  80. New Archon Skills: Shame, with new Property: Shaming. Also Peacefully cmd.
  81. Laws now include banishment, public shaming, prison breaks -- see laws.ini
  82. New skills: Lobotomizing, Groin, Nippletwist, Prisoner Transfer, Prison Assignment
  83. Prop_*Resist* can now limit debuf durations.
  84. New Tech components: Inertial Dampeners, Gravity Generators
  85. Can now send misc JDBC properties using DBPARMS in ini file, and also DBTRANSACT is new.