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The term container generally means any item which can hold other items.  This can be a stand-alone container, such as a bookshelf, who's only purpose is to hold books, or it can be part of a GenArmor, such as a belt, that provides protection and can hold other items.
All containers have a capacity.  This capacity is the maximum final weight of the item when fully loaded with contents.  So that 2 pound GenArmor belt we talked about would have a capacity of 102 if it could hold up to 100 pounds of weapons.

==Container Contents==
==Container Contents==

Latest revision as of 12:59, 24 June 2019

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The term container generally means any item which can hold other items. This can be a stand-alone container, such as a bookshelf, who's only purpose is to hold books, or it can be part of a GenArmor, such as a belt, that provides protection and can hold other items.

All containers have a capacity. This capacity is the maximum final weight of the item when fully loaded with contents. So that 2 pound GenArmor belt we talked about would have a capacity of 102 if it could hold up to 100 pounds of weapons.

Container Contents

Containers can be restricted to hold a combination of the following item types

Mask Examples
ANYTHING Anything that fits under the maximum capacity.
LIQUID Liquids, such as water and oil.
COINS Various currencies from the economy system.
DRINKABLES Cups and other liquid containers
CLOTHES Anything worn in a location other than HELD or WIELD
SMOKEABLES Smoking materials such as pipeweed. Note: This is not to hold containers of smokeables, this parameter is to designate a reloadable smokeable, namely a pipe.
SS COMPONENTS Spaceship components, such as computers or warp drives

Special Containers


  • Spoons should be GenEmptyDrinks with capacity 1 and contain LIQUIDS only.
  • Ladles should be GenEmptyDrinks with capacity 2 and contain LIQUIDS only.
  • Bowls should be GenEmptyDrinks with capacity 6 and contain LIQUIDS|EATABLES.
  • Cups should be GenEmptyDrinks with capacity 5 (or more) and contain LIQUIDS only.
  • Plates should be GenContainers with capacity 5 and contain EATABLES only.
  • Coasters/Saucers should be GenContainers with capacity 5 and contain DRINKABLES only.
  • Pans should be GenContainers with capacity 10+ that contain EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS.
  • Pots should be GenContainers with capacity 10+ that contain LIQUIDS|EATABLES|RAWMATERIALS. Some may have LIDS.