Difference between revisions of "Properties(Builder)"

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(Created page with "{{CoffeeMUDWikiBuilderTOC}} Properties are modifiers to an Area, Room, Exit, Item or MOB that affect how the item interacts with players. Think of properties as modifying WHA...")
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*[[BadReputation|Bad Reputation]]
*[[Prop_AbilityImmunity|Ability Immunity]]
*[[Prop_AbsorbDamage|Absorb Damage]]
*[[Prop_AddDamage|Additional Damage]]
*[[Prop_Adjuster|Adjustments to stats]]
*[[Prop_AreaForSale|Putting an area up for sale]]
*[[Prop_AstralSpirit|Astral Spirit]]
*[[Prop_ClanEquipment|Clan Equipment]]
*[[Prop_Climbable|Room/Exit navigation limitation]]
*[[Prop_ClosedDayNight|Day/Night Visibility]]
*[[Prop_ClosedSeason|Contingent Visibility]]
*[[Prop_CombatAdjuster|Adjust combat stats]]
*[[Prop_CommonTwister|Common Twister]]
*[[Prop_Crawlspace|Room navigation limitation]]
*[[Prop_EnlargeRoom|Change a rooms movement requirements]]
*[[Prop_EnterAdjuster|Room entering adjuster]]
*[[Prop_Familiar|Find Familiar Property]]
*[[Prop_FightSpellCast|Casting spells when properly used during combat]]
*[[Prop_HaveAdjuster|Adjustments to stats when owned]]
*[[Prop_HaveEnabler|Granting skills when owned]]
*[[Prop_HaveResister|Resistance due to ownership]]
*[[Prop_HaveSpellCast|Casting spells when owned]]
*[[Prop_HaveZapper|Restrictions to ownership]]
*[[Prop_HereAdjuster|Adjustments to stats when here]]
*[[Prop_HereEnabler|Granting skills on arrival]]
*[[Prop_HereSpellCast|Casting spells when here]]
*[[Prop_Hidden|Persistant Hiddenness]]
*[[Prop_IceBox|Works like an ice box]]
*[[Prop_ImproveGather|Improve Gathering Skills]]
*[[Prop_InstantDeath|a Property]]
*[[Prop_Invisibility|Persistant Invisibility]]
*[[Prop_ItemBinder|Allows an item to be bound to player, account, or clan.]]
*[[Prop_ItemNoRuin|Prevents deletion/corruption from corpses]]
*[[Prop_ItemSlot|Has slots for enhancement items]]
*[[Prop_ItemSlotFiller|Provides for enhanced item slots.]]
*[[Prop_ItemTransporter|Item Transporter]]
*[[Prop_ItemTransReceiver|Item Transporter Receiver]]
*[[Prop_LangTranslator|Language Translator]]
*[[Prop_LanguageSpeaker|Forces language speaking]]
*[[Prop_LimitedItems|Limited Item]]
*[[Prop_LocationBound|Leave the specified area, or room]]
*[[Prop_LotForSale|Buy a room once, get all adjacent rooms free]]
*[[Prop_LotsForSale|Putting many rooms up for sale]]
*[[Prop_MagicFreedom|Magic Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_MOBEmoter|a Property]]
*[[Prop_ModExperience|Modifying Experience Gained]]
*[[Prop_ModFaction|Modifying Faction Gained]]
*[[Prop_NarrowLedge|The Narrow Ledge]]
*[[Prop_NoChannel|Channel Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_NoCharm|Charm Spell Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_NoCraftability|Not Learnable for Crafting]]
*[[Prop_NoDamage|No Damage]]
*[[Prop_NoOrdering|Group/Ordering Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_NoPKill|No Player Killing]]
*[[Prop_NoPurge|Prevents automatic purging]]
*[[Prop_NoRecall|Recall Neuralizing]]
*[[Prop_NoSummon|Summon Spell Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_NoTeleport|Teleport-INTO Spell Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_NoTeleportOut|Teleport OUT OF Spell Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_NoTelling|Tel Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_OpenCommand|Opening Command]]
*[[Prop_OpenPassword|Opening Password]]
*[[Prop_PeaceMaker|Strike Neuralizing]]
*[[Prop_PracticeDummy|Practice Dummy]]
*[[Prop_PrivateProperty|Physical Property]]
*[[Prop_ReqAlignments|Alignment Limitations]]
*[[Prop_ReqCapacity|Capacity Limitations]]
*[[Prop_ReqClasses|Class Limitations]]
*[[Prop_ReqEntry|All Room/Exit Limitations]]
*[[Prop_ReqHeight|Height Restrictions]]
*[[Prop_ReqLevels|Level Limitations]]
*[[Prop_ReqNoMOB|Monster Limitations]]
*[[Prop_ReqPKill|Playerkill ONLY Zone]]
*[[Prop_ReqRaces|Room/Exit Race Limitations]]
*[[Prop_ReqStat|Require stat values]]
*[[Prop_ReqTattoo|Tattoo Limitations]]
*[[Prop_ReRollStats|Re Roll Stats]]
*[[Prop_Resistance|Resistance to Stuff]]
*[[Prop_RestrictSkills|Specific Skill Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_RestrictSpells|Specific Spell Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_Retainable|Ability to set Price/Retainability of a pet.]]
*[[Prop_RideAdjuster|Adjustments to stats when ridden]]
*[[Prop_RideEnabler|Granting skills when ridden]]
*[[Prop_RideResister|Resistance due to riding]]
*[[Prop_RideSpellCast|Casting spells when ridden]]
*[[Prop_RideZapper|Restrictions to riding]]
*[[Prop_RoomDark|Darkening Property]]
*[[Prop_RoomForSale|Putting a room up for sale]]
*[[Prop_RoomLit|Lighting Property]]
*[[Prop_RoomPlusForSale|Putting an expandable room up for sale]]
*[[Prop_RoomsForSale|Putting a cluster of rooms up for sale]]
*[[Prop_RoomUnmappable|Unmappable Room/Area]]
*[[Prop_RoomView|Different Room View]]
*[[Prop_RoomWatch|Different Room Can Watch]]
*[[Prop_SafePet|Unattackable Pets]]
*[[Prop_ScrapExplode|Scrap Explode]]
*[[Prop_Smell|A Smell]]
*[[Prop_Socials|Local Social creating property]]
*[[Prop_SparringRoom|Player Death Neutralizing]]
*[[Prop_SpellAdder|Casting spells on oneself]]
*[[Prop_SpellReflecting|Spell reflecting property]]
*[[Prop_StatAdjuster|Char Stats Adjusted MOB]]
*[[Prop_StatTrainer|Good training MOB]]
*[[Prop_StayAboard|Stays on mounted thing]]
*[[Prop_Tattoo|A Tattoo]]
*[[Prop_TattooAdder|A TattooAdder]]
*[[Prop_TicketTaker|Ticket Taker]]
*[[Prop_Trainer|THE Training MOB]]
*[[Prop_Transporter|Room entering adjuster]]
*[[Prop_Trashcan|Auto purges items put into a container]]
*[[Prop_Uncampable|Can't be camped on]]
*[[Prop_UseSpellCast|Casting spells when used]]
*[[Prop_UseSpellCast2|Casting spells when used]]
*[[Prop_WeakBridge|Weak Rickity Bridge]]
*[[Prop_WeaponImmunity|Weapon Immunity]]
*[[Prop_WearAdjuster|Adjustments to stats when worn]]
*[[Prop_WearEnabler|Granting skills when worn/wielded]]
*[[Prop_WearResister|Resistance due to worn]]
*[[Prop_WearSpellCast|Casting spells when worn]]
*[[Prop_WearZapper|Restrictions to wielding/wearing/holding]]
*[[Prop_Weather|Weather Setter]]
*[[Prop_WizInvis|Wizard Invisibility]]
*[[Property|a Property]]
*[[SlowLearner|Slow Learner]]
*[[SoundEcho|Sound Echo]]
*[[TemporaryAffects|Temporary Affects]]
*[[TemporaryImmunity|Temporary Immunity]]
==Applying Properties, Affects and other Misc Abilities==
A property added to the Effects of a MOB, Item, Room, Area, or Exit will make that ability always active, within any parameters defined by the property.  When placing an effect on an entity, consider whether you want that effect always, or if you would rather have the mob make use of it.  For example, granting a mob Skill_Dodge means that the mob will make use of the skill...low level mobs will have a chance of success dependent upon their final skill value.  Placing the Skill_Dodge as an Effect means that it will always be active (and at 100%), which may not be the desired effect.
[[MiscAbilities(Builder)|Misc Abilities]] are special abilities that are not granted to classes.  They generally imply some sort of state change, or are racial abilities.  Pregnancy, Age, and Stink are prime examples miscellaneous abilities.

Latest revision as of 00:49, 17 December 2023

Administrator                                                  Builder                                                              Player
=CoffeeMUD Builder Information=
Basics Praetor     Player Support     Commands     Zapper Masks Advanced Races     Classes     Abilities     Socials     Scripting    
Building Behaviors     Properties     Areas     Rooms     Exits     Items     Mobs Systems Achievements     Crafting     Help Info     Ships     Planes of Existence     Quests     Triumphs    

Properties are modifiers to an Area, Room, Exit, Item or MOB that affect how the item interacts with players. Think of properties as modifying WHAT the object is. For example, a room that is the trunk of a tree may have a PROP_CLIMBABLE to denote that you can only cling to the tree to stay in that room. Or an item may have a PROP_WEARADJUSTER which modifies some of the wearers stats. This may be somewhat confusing at first, but the more practice you have with assigning behaviors and effects, the easier it will be to understand.


Applying Properties, Affects and other Misc Abilities

A property added to the Effects of a MOB, Item, Room, Area, or Exit will make that ability always active, within any parameters defined by the property. When placing an effect on an entity, consider whether you want that effect always, or if you would rather have the mob make use of it. For example, granting a mob Skill_Dodge means that the mob will make use of the skill...low level mobs will have a chance of success dependent upon their final skill value. Placing the Skill_Dodge as an Effect means that it will always be active (and at 100%), which may not be the desired effect.

Misc Abilities are special abilities that are not granted to classes. They generally imply some sort of state change, or are racial abilities. Pregnancy, Age, and Stink are prime examples miscellaneous abilities.