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Abilities are the generic name of the grouping of chants, prayers, skills, songs and spells.  If an ability hasn't been updated to the wiki, information can still be found on the [http://www.coffeemud.net:27744/ CoffeeMUD Player's Homepage].
==Gaining Abilities==
Characters primarily gain abilities through their class qualifications.  Some skills are automatically gained by a class, but most abilities are qualified by a class.  [[Clans(CoffeeMUD)|Clans]]
and [[PlayerRaces(CoffeeMUD)|Races]] may also impart abilities gains or qualifications for a character, and there are other methods of gaining abilities as well.
In order to learn an ability that is qualified for, a character must spend the assigned TRAINS or PRACTICES to learn it, and either use the GAIN command at a class guildmaster (who must know that skill) or have a friendly player use the TEACH command and confirm the skill is the one the player desires.

===Miracle Abilities===
Some abilities may be permanently gained outside of normal race or class qualification.  These abilities are known as Miracle abilities.  They will be generally assigned as a level 0 ability. Some common methods of gaining Miracle abilities include:
*Remort achievements - The Miracle ability is assigned at a specified level from the remort, but the ability still counts as a Miracle ability for all purposes.
*[[Spell_Wish|Wish]] - A character may gain abilities through a well-worded wish spell.
*[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan]] - Charlatans gain a Miracle ability every 2 levels, assuming they haven't received (level/2) Miracle abilities already.
*[[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle]] - Oracles gain a Miracle for each level above 30, assuming they haven't received (level-30) Miracle abilities already.

==Improving Abilities==
Abilities are the generic name of the grouping of chants, prayers, skills, songs and spells.  If an ability hasn't been updated to the wiki, information can still be found on the [http://www.coffeemud.net:27744/ CoffeeMUD Player's Homepage].
Skills improve gradually through use to a maximum of 100% [[:Category:Proficiency|proficiency]].  This gradual skill increase is limited to a maximum of 1% every 5 minutes (To be confirmed), with the probability of gaining a skill bump determined by the character's Intelligence and limited by the character's Maximum Intelligence.
====Gaining Abilities====
Characters primarily gain abilities through their class qualificationsSome skills are automatically gained by a class, but most abilities are qualified by a class.  [[Clans(CoffeeMUD)|Clans]] may also impart abilities gains or qualifications for a character, and there are other methods of gaining abilities as well.

In order to learn an ability that is qualified for, a character must spend the assigned TRAINS or PRACTICES to learn it, and either use the GAIN command at a class guildmaster (who must know that skill) or have a friendly player use the TEACH command and confirm the skill is the one the player desires.
Players may use the PRACTICE command with a guildmaster or player that has the skill to increase the skill to as high as 75% (or lower if the teacher has a lower [[:Category:Proficiency|proficiency]]).  Each PRACTICE will increase the skill by a significant amount, determined by the character's Intelligence and limited by the character's Maximum Intelligence.

====Improving Abilities====
==Losing Abilities==
Skills improve gradually through use to a maximum of 100% proficiency. This gradual skill increase is limited to a maximum of 1% every 5 minutes (To be confirmed), with the probability of gaining a skill bump determined by the character's Intelligence and limited by the character's Maximum Intelligence.
Once an ability is TRAINED, it cannot be untrained or unlearned.
*[[Spell_Wish|Wish]] can be used to make a party member unlearn an ability.

Players may use the PRACTICE command with a guildmaster or player that has the skill to increase the skill to as high as 75% (or lower if the teacher has a lower proficiency)Each PRACTICE will increase the skill by a significant amount, determined by the character's Intelligence and limited by the character's Maximum Intelligence.
Every ability belongs to a domain, or a grouping of abilities that rely upon similar characteristics.  [[Expertises(CoffeeMUD)|Expertises]] generally modify all skills within a given domain.  You can also list only abilities of a particular domain by adding the domain name after the ability command, such as SKILLS CRAFTING or WILLQUAL 30 DRUID NATURE_LOREFor domain names with a space, use underscore instead of a space in commanding.
=Types of Abilities=
Chants are druidic magic.  Chants call upon the power of the natural world to create accelerated events, like plant growth, storms or animal affinity.
Chants are druidic magic.  Chants call upon the power of the natural world to create accelerated events, like plant growth, storms or animal affinity.
*Chants require the caster to use the CHANT command followed by the chant name and any other parameters.
*Chants require the caster to maintain a mostly Neutral alignment and mostly Moderate inclination.

Languages are unique forms of communication within CoffeeMUD.  The SPEAK command is used to select the current language the character is delivering messages in.  Languages apply to the SAY and YELL commands, as well as all CHANNEL communications.  A character must deliver orders to followers in a language that the follower understands, and must converse in the same language as a shopkeeper to conduct trade.
*Use the [[SPEAK]] command followed by the desired language you wish to speak in.
Prayers are clerical magic.  Prayers call upon the power of a deity to affect the mortal world.
Prayers are clerical magic.  Prayers call upon the power of a deity to affect the mortal world.
*Prayers require the caster to use the PRAY command followed by the prayer name and any other parameters.
*Prayers have a required alignment or inclination.  The further away from the requirement, the more likely you are to fizzle that prayer.

Skills are innate or trained abilities that rely upon an individual's talent.  Skills work in anti-magic zones.
Skills are innate or trained abilities that rely upon an individual's talent.  Skills work in anti-magic zones.  There are 3 sub-types of skills:  Skills, Thief Skills, and Common Skills.
* Thief Skills - These are skills common to the [[Thief(Base)|thief]] classes, but sometimes appear on your qualifying list as Thief Skills.
*Skills - Skills are non-magical abilities. 
* Common Skills - Common skills are everyday skills that any player may learn, regardless of class.
*Thief Skills - These are skills common to the [[Thief(Base)|thief]] classes, but sometimes appear on your qualifying list as Thief Skills.
* Crafting Skills - Crafting skills are a special subset of common skills that enable a character to create items from raw materials.  Characters have a maximum number of crafting skills that they may learn (normally 2).  Starting your career as an [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice]] increases this limit by 1.  Other methods, such as REMORT [[Achievements(CoffeeMUD)|Achievements]] and Archon-run competitions may also provide increases to this limit.  The [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan]] class ignores this limit.
*Common Skills - Common skills are everyday skills that any player may learn, regardless of class.
* Non-Crafting Common Skills - Certain non-crafting common skills (primarily [[Gathering(Domain)|GATHERING]] skills) also have a limit (normally 5) to how many skills a character may accept.  The [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan]] class ignores this limit.
**Crafting Skills - Crafting skills are a special subset of common skills that enable a character to create items from raw materials.  Characters have a maximum number of crafting skills that they may learn (normally 2).  Starting your career as an [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice]] increases this limit by 1.  Other methods, such as REMORT [[Achievements(CoffeeMUD)|Achievements]] and Archon-run competitions may also provide increases to this limit.  The [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan]] class ignores this limit.
* Languages - Languages are unique forms of communication within CoffeeMUD.  The SPEAK command is used to select the current language the character is delivering messages in.  Languages apply to the SAY and YELL commands, as well as all CHANNEL communications.  A character must deliver orders to followers in a language that the follower understands, and must converse in the same language as a shopkeeper to conduct trade.
**Non-Crafting Common Skills - Certain non-crafting common skills (primarily [[Gathering(Domain)|GATHERING]] skills) also have a limit (normally 5) to how many skills a character may accept.  The [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan]] class ignores this limit.
*Skills use their ability name as the command word, followed by any additional parameters.

Songs are bardic magic.  They call upon the power of a bard to influence others.
Songs are bardic magic.  They call upon the power of a bard to influence others.  Songs generally affect the entire party, or everyone within hearing range.  There are three types of songs: Songs, Plays, and Dances.
*Songs require the caster to use the SING command followed by the song name and any other parameters. The singer must be able to use their mouth (nothing worn in the mouth location), must be able to make sounds, and the targets must be able to hear the sounds for the affects to be realized.
*Plays require the caster to use the PLAY command followed by the song name and any other parameters. The player must have an instrument worn. Certain plays may require specific instruments, or have different effects based on the instrument used. Targets must be able to hear the play for it to have effect.
*Dances require the caster to use the DANCE command followed by the song name and any other parameters. The dancer must be able to move in order to dance.

Spells are arcane magic.  They are powered by mystical formulas and rituals.
Spells are arcane magic.  They are powered by mystical formulas and rituals.
*Spells require the caster to use the CAST command followed by the spell name and any other parameters.
**Most spells require the caster to be able to move and/or make motions.

Every ability belongs to a domain, or a grouping of abilities that rely upon similar characteristics.  [[Expertises(CoffeeMUD)|Expertises]] generally modify all skills within a given domain.  You can also list only abilities of a particular domain by adding the domain name after the ability command, such as SKILLS CRAFTING or WILLQUAL 30 DRUID NATURE_LORE.  For domain names with a space, use underscore instead of a space in commanding.

Latest revision as of 19:21, 2 July 2020

Administrator                                                  Builder                                                              Player
=CoffeeMUD Player Information=
Basics Info     Commands     Socials     Combat     Groups Character Stats     Races     Classes     Abilities     Expertises     Achievements
World Deities     Areas     Property     Quests     Clans     Triumphs Items Items     Crafting     Ships
Chants                  Common Skills                  Languages                 Prayers                  Skills                  Songs                  Spells                  Thief Skills
Abjuration      Acrobatic      Alert      Alteration      Anatomy      Animal Affinity      Arcane Lore      Armor Use      Artistic      Binding      Blessing      Breeding      Building      Calligraphy      Combat Fluidity      Combat Lore      Communing      Conjuration      Corruption      Cosmology      Crafting      Creation      Criminal      Cursing      Dancing      Death Lore      Deceptive      Deep Magic      Dirty Fighting      Divination      Education Lore      Enchantment/Charm      Enduring      Epicurean      Evangelism      Evasive      Find/Remove Traps      Fitness      Foolishness      Gathering      Grappling      Healing      Holy Protection      Illusion      Influential      Invocation/Evocation      Kicking      Legal      Martial Lore      Moon Altering      Moon Summoning      Nature Lore      Neutralization      Plant Control      Plant Growth      Playing      Poisoning      Preserving      Punching      Racial Ability      Restoration      Rock Control      Sea Travel      Shape Shifting      Shield Use      Singing      Stealing      Stealthy      Street Smarts      Theatre      Transmutation      Trapping      Travel      Vexing      Warding      Water Control      Water Lore      Weapon Use      Weather Mastery


Abilities are the generic name of the grouping of chants, prayers, skills, songs and spells. If an ability hasn't been updated to the wiki, information can still be found on the CoffeeMUD Player's Homepage.

Gaining Abilities

Characters primarily gain abilities through their class qualifications. Some skills are automatically gained by a class, but most abilities are qualified by a class. Clans and Races may also impart abilities gains or qualifications for a character, and there are other methods of gaining abilities as well.

In order to learn an ability that is qualified for, a character must spend the assigned TRAINS or PRACTICES to learn it, and either use the GAIN command at a class guildmaster (who must know that skill) or have a friendly player use the TEACH command and confirm the skill is the one the player desires.

Miracle Abilities

Some abilities may be permanently gained outside of normal race or class qualification. These abilities are known as Miracle abilities. They will be generally assigned as a level 0 ability. Some common methods of gaining Miracle abilities include:

  • Remort achievements - The Miracle ability is assigned at a specified level from the remort, but the ability still counts as a Miracle ability for all purposes.
  • Wish - A character may gain abilities through a well-worded wish spell.
  • Charlatan - Charlatans gain a Miracle ability every 2 levels, assuming they haven't received (level/2) Miracle abilities already.
  • Oracle - Oracles gain a Miracle for each level above 30, assuming they haven't received (level-30) Miracle abilities already.

Improving Abilities

Skills improve gradually through use to a maximum of 100% proficiency. This gradual skill increase is limited to a maximum of 1% every 5 minutes (To be confirmed), with the probability of gaining a skill bump determined by the character's Intelligence and limited by the character's Maximum Intelligence.

Players may use the PRACTICE command with a guildmaster or player that has the skill to increase the skill to as high as 75% (or lower if the teacher has a lower proficiency). Each PRACTICE will increase the skill by a significant amount, determined by the character's Intelligence and limited by the character's Maximum Intelligence.

Losing Abilities

Once an ability is TRAINED, it cannot be untrained or unlearned.

  • Wish can be used to make a party member unlearn an ability.


Every ability belongs to a domain, or a grouping of abilities that rely upon similar characteristics. Expertises generally modify all skills within a given domain. You can also list only abilities of a particular domain by adding the domain name after the ability command, such as SKILLS CRAFTING or WILLQUAL 30 DRUID NATURE_LORE. For domain names with a space, use underscore instead of a space in commanding.

Types of Abilities


Chants are druidic magic. Chants call upon the power of the natural world to create accelerated events, like plant growth, storms or animal affinity.

  • Chants require the caster to use the CHANT command followed by the chant name and any other parameters.
  • Chants require the caster to maintain a mostly Neutral alignment and mostly Moderate inclination.


Languages are unique forms of communication within CoffeeMUD. The SPEAK command is used to select the current language the character is delivering messages in. Languages apply to the SAY and YELL commands, as well as all CHANNEL communications. A character must deliver orders to followers in a language that the follower understands, and must converse in the same language as a shopkeeper to conduct trade.

  • Use the SPEAK command followed by the desired language you wish to speak in.


Prayers are clerical magic. Prayers call upon the power of a deity to affect the mortal world.

  • Prayers require the caster to use the PRAY command followed by the prayer name and any other parameters.
  • Prayers have a required alignment or inclination. The further away from the requirement, the more likely you are to fizzle that prayer.


Skills are innate or trained abilities that rely upon an individual's talent. Skills work in anti-magic zones. There are 3 sub-types of skills: Skills, Thief Skills, and Common Skills.

  • Skills - Skills are non-magical abilities.
  • Thief Skills - These are skills common to the thief classes, but sometimes appear on your qualifying list as Thief Skills.
  • Common Skills - Common skills are everyday skills that any player may learn, regardless of class.
    • Crafting Skills - Crafting skills are a special subset of common skills that enable a character to create items from raw materials. Characters have a maximum number of crafting skills that they may learn (normally 2). Starting your career as an Apprentice increases this limit by 1. Other methods, such as REMORT Achievements and Archon-run competitions may also provide increases to this limit. The Artisan class ignores this limit.
    • Non-Crafting Common Skills - Certain non-crafting common skills (primarily GATHERING skills) also have a limit (normally 5) to how many skills a character may accept. The Artisan class ignores this limit.
  • Skills use their ability name as the command word, followed by any additional parameters.


Songs are bardic magic. They call upon the power of a bard to influence others. Songs generally affect the entire party, or everyone within hearing range. There are three types of songs: Songs, Plays, and Dances.

  • Songs require the caster to use the SING command followed by the song name and any other parameters. The singer must be able to use their mouth (nothing worn in the mouth location), must be able to make sounds, and the targets must be able to hear the sounds for the affects to be realized.
  • Plays require the caster to use the PLAY command followed by the song name and any other parameters. The player must have an instrument worn. Certain plays may require specific instruments, or have different effects based on the instrument used. Targets must be able to hear the play for it to have effect.
  • Dances require the caster to use the DANCE command followed by the song name and any other parameters. The dancer must be able to move in order to dance.


Spells are arcane magic. They are powered by mystical formulas and rituals.

  • Spells require the caster to use the CAST command followed by the spell name and any other parameters.
    • Most spells require the caster to be able to move and/or make motions.

