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{{ClassTemplate|Name=Necromancer|Description=Necromancers are the dark lovers of death and the dead, serving the gods in this special and little appreciated realm.  The Necromancer is an evil aligned class, meaning that he will always fumble on good
=How to Play=
prayers, and does not qualify for good prayers.  However, the Necromancer can use many dangerous edged weapons, any kind of armor, and gets numerous special prayers known only to the Necromancer, such
as the ability to animate all kinds of wicked undead, even at low levels. Eventually, the Necromancer may even become a Lich himself!

How to play: Unlike most clerics, the Necromancer is not a good group player. He does best alone with the friends he "makes" out of the dearly departed, so long as he is careful to keep them
=Necromancers in Alramidgardia=
magically Fed and Healed long enough to gain useful levels. The necromancer is hated in towns, and may even be arrested if he brings his undead "friends" to town for a visit. If the Necromancer keeps
There is a specialized necromancer guildmaster in [[Elvenhame]] that can provide alternative paths for necromancers. Currently, this guildmaster provides some directions to future implementations, as well as access to unique necromancer abilities that require increasing levels of [[Death_Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] expertise.
his charisma high, he can lead a truly formidable army before which all others will surely tremble.  |PrimeStat=Wisdom|Qualifications=Wisdom 9+, Constitution 9+|Practices=5 +(Wisdom/6)+2 per
level|Trains=3 +1 per level|Hitpoints=20 +(Con/3)+(1d10) per lvl|Mana=100 +(Int/4)+(1d4) /lvl|Movement=100 +10X(Str/18) per lvl|Attack=+(Wis/18) per level|Damage=+1 damage per 30
level(s)|MaxStat=Constitution (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)|Bonuses=Can sense deaths at Necromancer level 15, and becomes a Lich upon death at 30.  Undead followers will not drain
experience.|Weapons=Must use polearms, axes, swords, daggers, or edged weapons.|Armor=May wear any armor.|Limitations=Always fumbles good prayers.  Qualifies and receives evil prayers.  Using
non-aligned prayers introduces failure chance.|StartingEq=a short sword|Races=[[Centaur|Centaur]] [[Drow|Drow]] [[Duergar|Duergar]] [[Dwarf|Dwarf]] [[Elf|Elf]] [[Gnome|Gnome]] [[Goblin|Goblin]] [[Half
Elf|Half Elf]] [[Halfling|Halfling]] [[Human|Human]] [[Ogre|Ogre]] |Languages=|level1=[[Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Specialization]] [[Prayer_AnimateSkeleton|Animate Skeleton]]
([[Bandaging|Bandaging]]) [[Skill_Convert|Convert]] [[Skill_Revoke|Revoke]] [[Prayer_UndeadInvisibility|Invisibility to Undead]] ([[Skill_WandUse|Wands]]) ([[Prayer_Divorce|Divorce]])
[[Skill_ControlUndead|Control Undead]] [[Skill_Recall|Recall]] [[Skill_Write|Write]] ([[SmokeRings|Smoke Rings]]) ([[Skill_Swim|Swim]]) ([[Foraging|Foraging]]) ([[Digging|Gem Digging]])
([[Drilling|Drilling]]) ([[Fishing|Fishing]]) ([[Herbology|Herbology]]) ([[Hunting|Hunting]]) ([[Shearing|Shearing]]) |level2=([[Prayer_SenseLife|Sense Life]]) ([[Prayer_PreserveBody|Preserve Body]])
([[Lacquerring|Lacquering]]) ([[Embroidering|Embroidering]]) ([[Dyeing|Dyeing]]) ([[Butchering|Butchering]]) ([[Engraving|Engraving]]) ([[Cooking|Cooking]]) ([[Chopping|Wood Chopping]])
|level3=([[Prayer_FeedTheDead|Feed The Dead]]) [[FireBuilding|Fire Building]] [[Prayer_Desecrate|Desecrate]] ([[Blacksmithing|Blacksmithing]]) ([[ClanCrafting|Clan Crafting]])
([[Tailoring|Tailoring]]) ([[LeatherWorking|Leather Working]]) ([[Carpentry|Carpentry]]) |level4=[[Prayer_ProtUndead|Protection Undead]] ([[Searching|Searching]]) ([[Prayer_AnimateZombie|Animate
Zombie]]) ([[Mining|Mining]]) ([[Weaving|Weaving]]) ([[Pottery|Pottery]]) ([[Costuming|Costuming]]) ([[Sculpting|Sculpting]]) ([[Distilling|Distilling]]) |level5=([[Prayer_DarkSenses|Dark Senses]])
([[Prayer_Deafness|Deafness]]) ([[Painting|Painting]]) ([[FoodPrep|Food Prep]]) ([[Baking|Baking]]) ([[Armorsmithing|Armorsmithing]]) ([[Cobbling|Cobbling]]) ([[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]])
([[GlassBlowing|Glass Blowing]]) ([[Fletching|Fletching]]) ([[ScrimShaw|Scrimshawing]]) ([[PaperMaking|Paper Making]]) |level6=([[Prayer_CallUndead|Call Undead]]) ([[Prayer_AnimateGhoul|Animate
Ghoul]]) |level7=([[Prayer_CauseFatigue|Cause Fatigue]]) [[Prayer_Curse|Curse]] |level8=([[Prayer_ProtParalyzation|Protection Paralyzation]]) [[Prayer_Paralyze|Paralyze]]
|level9=([[Prayer_AnimateGhast|Animate Ghast]]) |level10=([[Prayer_Silence|Silent]]) ([[Prayer_SenseInvisible|Sense Invisible]]) [[Prayer_SenseMagic|Sense Magic]] ([[Wainwrighting|Wainwrighting]])
([[Masonry|Masonry]]) ([[JewelMaking|Jewel Making]]) ([[Construction|Construction]]) ([[Siegecraft|Siegecraft]]) ([[Shipwright|Ship Building]]) ([[LockSmith|Locksmithing]]) ([[Speculate|Speculating]])
([[Farming|Farming]]) ([[Smelting|Smelting]]) ([[Taxidermy|Taxidermy]]) |level11=([[Prayer_ProtPoison|Protection Poison]]) [[Prayer_Poison|Unholy Poison]] |level12=([[Prayer_ProtDisease|Protection
Disease]]) [[Prayer_Plague|Plague]] |level13=[[Prayer_BloodMoon|Blood Moon]] ([[Prayer_SenseHidden|Sense Hidden]]) |level14=([[Prayer_AnimateSpectre|Animate Spectre]]) ([[Prayer_HealUndead|Heal
Undead]]) |level15=[[Prayer_GreatCurse|Great Curse]] ([[Prayer_FeignLife|Feign Life]]) ([[Irrigation|Irrigation]]) ([[Landscaping|Landscaping]]) ([[Excavation|Excavation]])
|level16=[[Prayer_Anger|Anger]] ([[Prayer_AuraFear|Aura of Fear]]) |level17=[[Prayer_Blindness|Blindness]] ([[Skill_AttackHalf|Half Attack]]) ([[Prayer_Blindsight|Blindsight]])
|level18=([[Prayer_AnimateGhost|Animate Ghost]]) ([[Prayer_InfuseUnholiness|Infuse Unholiness]]) |level19=[[Prayer_Hellfire|Hellfire]] ([[Prayer_Designation|Designation]])
|level20=[[Prayer_MassParalyze|Mass Paralyze]] |level21=([[Prayer_AnimateMummy|Animate Mummy]]) ([[Prayer_Vampirism|Inflict Vampirism]]) |level22=([[Prayer_Disenchant|Neutralize Item]])
[[Prayer_CurseItem|Curse Item]] |level23=([[Prayer_CauseExhaustion|Cause Exhaustion]]) ([[Prayer_AnimateDead|Animate Dead]]) |level24=[[Prayer_UnholyWord|Unholy Word]]
([[Prayer_Nullification|Nullification]]) |level25=[[Prayer_Regeneration|Regeneration]] ([[Prayer_AnimateVampire|Animate Vampire]]) |level26=|level27=|level28=|level29=|level30=([[Prayer_MassGrave|Mass

===Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness===
=Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness=
Necromancers don't have many multi classing options.  Once you multi class (either out of Necromancer or INTO Necromancer), your undead minions become a liability.
* If you multi class out of Necromancer, then your minions will begin XP sharing with you, reducing the amount of XP gained per kill. 
* If you multi class into Necromancers, your animated undead will be considerably lower level than you.  You may still CONTROL higher level undead, however.
Templar and Doomsayers both are viable multi class combinations after becoming a Lich at level 30, but most all of your necromancer skills (aside from the very valuable [[Prayer_HealUndead|Heal Undead]]) will not be useful.
Multi classing into a Neutral or Good cleric class is highly detrimental to a Necromancer due to the failure chance from unaligned prayers. A Neutral Lich has difficulty healing oneself, and a good Lich can only be healed by potions of Heal Undead (or accepting a death).

*A necromancer's greatest strength is his army of undead.  When building an undead army, necromancers have the ability to create their own or control undead they find out in the world.  It is important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of both.
*Undead do not regain health through rest, so the necromancer will need to maintain his army's health with HEAL UNDEAD.  At low levels, the necromancer will either need to tank to avoid his undead from dying, or consider his undead as expendables and continuously reanimate his former enemies.
*Expertises are very important for animating undead close to the caster's level.  Death Lore and the appropriate undead lore (Bone Lore, Vampire Lore, etc) both affect the starting level of animated undead, once you qualify for both death lore and the appropriate undead lore.

Latest revision as of 16:26, 2 April 2024

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===CoffeeMUD Cleric Classes===
Cleric        Doomsayer        Healer        Missionary        Necromancer        Oracle        Purist        Shaman        Templar       
Description: Necromancers are the dark lovers of death and the dead, serving the gods in this special and little appreciated realm. The Necromancer is an evil aligned class but moderate inclined, and so will fumble good prayers. However, the Necromancer can use many dangerous edged weapons, any kind of armor, and gets numerous special prayers known only to the Necromancer, such as the ability to animate all kinds of wicked undead, even at low levels. Eventually, the Necromancer may even become a Lich himself!

How to play: Unlike most clerics, the Necromancer is not a good group player. He does best alone with the friends he "makes" out of the dearly departed, so long as he is careful to keep them magically Fed and Healed long enough to gain useful levels. The necromancer is hated in towns, and may even be arrested if he brings his undead "friends" to town for a visit. If the Necromancer keeps his charisma high, he can lead a truly formidable army before which all others will surely tremble.

Primary Stat: Wisdom
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Constitution 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+2 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/4)+(1d4)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Wis/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Constitution (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Can sense deaths at Necromancer level 15, and becomes a Lich upon death at 30. Undead followers will not drain experience.
Weapons: Must use polearms, axes, swords, daggers, or edged weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Always fumbles good prayers. Qualifies and receives evil prayers. Using non-aligned prayers introduces failure chance.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Write    Read Prayer    Control Undead    Revoke    Invisibility to Undead    Recall    Animate Skeleton    Convert    (Relics)    (Divorce)    (Play Instrument)    (Protection Bless)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Scroll Scribing)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Preserve Body)    (Sense Life)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Desecrate    (Feed The Dead)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Protection Undead    (Animate Zombie)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Deafness)    (Dark Senses)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 (Animate Ghoul)    (Call Undead)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Curse    (Cause Fatigue)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Paralyze    (Protection Paralyzation)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Animate Ghast)    
10 Sense Magic    (Silent)    (Sense Invisible)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Unholy Poison    (Protection Poison)    
12 Plague    (Protection Disease)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Blood Curse    (Sense Hidden)    
14 (Animate Spectre)    (Animate Limb)    (Heal Undead)    
15 Great Curse    (Feign Life)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Anger    (Aura of Fear)    
17 Blindness    (Infuse Moderation)    (Blindsight)    (Half Attack)    
18 (Infuse Unholiness)    (Animate Ghost)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Hellfire    (Designation)    
20 Mass Paralyze    (Branding)    
21 (Animate Mummy)    (Inflict Vampirism)    
22 Curse Item    (Neutralize Item)    
23 (Cause Exhaustion)    (Animate Dead)    
24 Unholy Word    (Nullification)    
25 Regeneration    (Animate Vampire)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 (Mass Grave)    

How to Play

Necromancers in Alramidgardia

There is a specialized necromancer guildmaster in Elvenhame that can provide alternative paths for necromancers. Currently, this guildmaster provides some directions to future implementations, as well as access to unique necromancer abilities that require increasing levels of Death Lore expertise.

Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness

Necromancers don't have many multi classing options. Once you multi class (either out of Necromancer or INTO Necromancer), your undead minions become a liability.

  • If you multi class out of Necromancer, then your minions will begin XP sharing with you, reducing the amount of XP gained per kill.
  • If you multi class into Necromancers, your animated undead will be considerably lower level than you. You may still CONTROL higher level undead, however.

Templar and Doomsayers both are viable multi class combinations after becoming a Lich at level 30, but most all of your necromancer skills (aside from the very valuable Heal Undead) will not be useful. Multi classing into a Neutral or Good cleric class is highly detrimental to a Necromancer due to the failure chance from unaligned prayers. A Neutral Lich has difficulty healing oneself, and a good Lich can only be healed by potions of Heal Undead (or accepting a death).


  • A necromancer's greatest strength is his army of undead. When building an undead army, necromancers have the ability to create their own or control undead they find out in the world. It is important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of both.
  • Undead do not regain health through rest, so the necromancer will need to maintain his army's health with HEAL UNDEAD. At low levels, the necromancer will either need to tank to avoid his undead from dying, or consider his undead as expendables and continuously reanimate his former enemies.
  • Expertises are very important for animating undead close to the caster's level. Death Lore and the appropriate undead lore (Bone Lore, Vampire Lore, etc) both affect the starting level of animated undead, once you qualify for both death lore and the appropriate undead lore.