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Latest revision as of 17:14, 13 May 2024

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=CoffeeMUD Regions=
Alramia       Calinthia       Dark Continent       Domhan Bol       Ofcollia       Otherworldly       Thalosia       Thera       Tyrithel       Unknown       Ven'rasyl      
Description: Recently remodelled by the new Warden of Greater Calinth, this city is a haven for shoppers and explorers of all kinds. Calinth`s strict laws are upheld by a handsome army of cavaliers, who split their time between their duties of maintaining the Warden`s tight bureaucratic control and pushing out the beggars and pirates that have been seeping in from New Calinth and the Calinth Docks.
Author: Kettle based on original work by Grehyton Hilgamar Currency: Copper
Rooms: 326 Population: 187
LevelRange: 12-91 MedianLevel: 35
AvgAlign: somewhat good MedAlignment: pure neutral
Economy: Calinth and the surrounding areas use COPPER BITS as the primary currency.
Languages: Common is spoken here.
Recommendation: Calinth and the surrounding areas use COPPER BITS as the primary currency.
A graphical map of the city of Calinth with room names.
The City of Calinth.

Useful Items


Pub Dwellers (Random Questgivers)

These questgivers will provide a quest periodically to quest in a specific area.

Name Location Target Quest Area Approximate Level

Connected Areas



