Difference between revisions of "LISTSKILLS"

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(12 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 21: Line 21:
*[[ArchonSkill|an Archon Skill]]
*[[ArchonSkill|an Archon Skill]]
*[[Ranger_AnimalFrenzy|Animal Frenzy]]
*[[Ranger_AnimalFrenzy|Animal Frenzy]]
*[[Vampire_AnimalFriendship|Animal Friendship]]
*[[Fighter_AnkleLock|Ankle Lock]]
*[[Druid_AquaticPass|Aquatic Pass]]
*[[Druid_AquaticPass|Aquatic Pass]]
*[[InstanceArea|Area Instancing Ability]]
*[[InstanceArea|Area Instancing Ability]]
*[[Fighter_ArmHold|Arm Hold]]
*[[Familiarity_Armor|Armor Familiarity]]
*[[Familiarity_Armor|Armor Familiarity]]
*[[Specialization_Armor|Armor Specialization]]
*[[Specialization_Armor|Armor Specialization]]
*[[Fighter_ArmorTweaking|Armor Tweaking]]
*[[Fighter_ArmorTweaking|Armor Tweaking]]
*[[Fighter_ArmoredVanity|Armored Vanity]]
*[[Skill_ArrestingSap|Arresting Sap]]
*[[Skill_ArrestingSap|Arresting Sap]]
*[[Fighter_AtemiStrike|Atemi Strike]]
*[[Fighter_AtemiStrike|Atemi Strike]]
*[[Vampire_AuraPerception|Aura Perception]]
Line 35: Line 40:
*[[Skill_AvoidCurrents|Avoid Currents]]
*[[Skill_AvoidCurrents|Avoid Currents]]
*[[Skill_AwaitClanShip|Await Clan Ship]]
*[[Skill_AwaitShip|Await Ship]]
*[[Skill_AwaitShip|Await Ship]]
*[[Fighter_AweMounts|Awe Mounts]]
*[[Fighter_AxKick|Ax Kick]]
*[[Fighter_AxKick|Ax Kick]]
*[[Familiarity_Axe|Axe Familiarity]]
*[[Familiarity_Axe|Axe Familiarity]]
Line 45: Line 52:
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeBard|Bard Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeBard|Bard Honorary Degree]]
*[[Fighter_Battlecry|Battle Cry]]
*[[Fighter_Battlecry|Battle Cry]]
*[[Drow_Bauthazhin|Bautha zhin]]
*[[Skill_BearForaging|Bear Foraging]]
*[[Skill_BearForaging|Bear Foraging]]
*[[Fighter_BearHug|Bear Hug]]
*[[Skill_BefoulShrine|Befoul Shrine]]
*[[Skill_BefoulShrine|Befoul Shrine]]
Line 58: Line 68:
*[[Fighter_BloodBrother|Blood Brother]]
*[[Fighter_BloodBrother|Blood Brother]]
*[[Undead_BloodFed|Blood Fed]]
*[[Familiarity_BluntWeapon|Blunt Weapon Familiarity]]
*[[Familiarity_BluntWeapon|Blunt Weapon Familiarity]]
*[[Proficiency_BluntWeapon|Blunt Weapon Proficiency]]
*[[Proficiency_BluntWeapon|Blunt Weapon Proficiency]]
Line 69: Line 80:
*[[Specialization_Bow|Bow Specialization]]
*[[Specialization_Bow|Bow Specialization]]
*[[Skill_BreakALeg|Break A Leg]]
*[[Skill_BreakALeg|Break A Leg]]
*[[Skill_BreakMount|Break Mount]]
*[[Paladin_Breakup|Breakup Fight]]
*[[Paladin_Breakup|Breakup Fight]]
*[[BrokenLimbs|Broken Limbs]]
*[[BrokenLimbs|Broken Limbs]]
*[[Skill_ResistBuck|Bronco Busting]]
*[[Skill_BurrowHide|Burrow Hide]]
*[[Skill_BurrowHide|Burrow Hide]]
*[[Paladin_SummonMount|Call Mount]]
*[[Paladin_SummonMount|Call Mount]]
*[[Fighter_CallSteed|Call Steed]]
*[[Fighter_CalledShot|Called Shot]]
*[[Fighter_CalledShot|Called Shot]]
*[[Fighter_CalledStrike|Called Strike]]
*[[Fighter_CalledStrike|Called Strike]]
*[[Fighter_CaravanCommander|Caravan Commander]]
*[[Fighter_CaravanTactics|Caravan Tactics]]
*[[Skill_CastBlocking|Cast Blocking]]
*[[Skill_CastBlocking|Cast Blocking]]
Line 86: Line 105:
*[[Skill_CenterOfAttention|Center of Attention]]
*[[Skill_CenterOfAttention|Center of Attention]]
*[[Paladin_ChaosRage|Chaos Rage]]
*[[Skill_ChildLabor|Child Labor]]
*[[Fighter_ChokeHold|Choke Hold]]
*[[Fighter_CircleParry|Circle Parry]]
*[[Fighter_CircleParry|Circle Parry]]
*[[Fighter_CircleTrip|Circle Trip]]
*[[Fighter_CircleTrip|Circle Trip]]
*[[Vampire_ClearMind|Clear Mind]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeCleric|Cleric Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeCleric|Cleric Honorary Degree]]
*[[Fighter_ClinchHold|Clinch Hold]]
*[[Vampire_CloakOfShadows|Cloak of Shadows]]
*[[Vampire_CloakTheGathering|Cloak the Gathering]]
*[[Ninja_CloneChakra|Clone Chakra]]
*[[Ninja_CloneChakra|Clone Chakra]]
*[[Undead_ColdTouch|Cold Touch]]
*[[Undead_ColdTouch|Cold Touch]]
Line 98: Line 124:
*[[CombatFrenzy|Combat Frenzy]]
*[[CombatFrenzy|Combat Frenzy]]
*[[Skill_CombatLog|Combat Log]]
*[[Skill_CombatLog|Combat Log]]
*[[Skill_CombatRecall|Combat Recall]]
*[[Archon_CRecord|Combat Record]]
*[[Archon_CRecord|Combat Record]]
*[[Skill_CombatRepairs|Combat Repairs]]
*[[Skill_CombatRepairs|Combat Repairs]]
*[[CombatSleep|Combat Sleep]]
*[[CombatSleep|Combat Sleep]]
*[[Paladin_CommandHorse|Command Horse]]
*[[Paladin_CommandHorse|Command Horse]]
*[[Fighter_CommandMount|Command Mount]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeCommoner|Commoner Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeCommoner|Commoner Honorary Degree]]
*[[Fighter_CompanionMount|Companion Mount]]
*[[Skill_Conduct|Conduct Symphony]]
*[[Skill_Conduct|Conduct Symphony]]
*[[Fighter_ConfidentVanity|Confident Vanity]]
*[[Skill_ConsumeCorpse|Consume Corpse]]
*[[Skill_ConsumeCorpse|Consume Corpse]]
*[[Skill_ControlUndead|Control Undead]]
*[[Skill_ControlUndead|Control Undead]]
Line 116: Line 147:
*[[Fighter_CritStrike|Critical Strike]]
*[[Fighter_CritStrike|Critical Strike]]
*[[Skill_CrowsNest|Crow's Nest]]
*[[Skill_CrowsNest|Crow's Nest]]
*[[Paladin_CrushingAura|Crushing Aura]]
*[[Skill_CulturalAdaptation|Cultural Adaptation]]
*[[Skill_CulturalAdaptation|Cultural Adaptation]]
*[[Skill_CurtainCall|Curtain Call]]
*[[Skill_CurtainCall|Curtain Call]]
Line 135: Line 167:
*[[Paladin_DiseaseImmunity|Disease Immunity]]
*[[Paladin_DiseaseImmunity|Disease Immunity]]
*[[Fighter_DismountingBlow|Dismounting Blow]]
*[[Fighter_DoubleArmHold|Double Arm Hold]]
*[[Drow_DraaVelve|Draa Velve]]
*[[Undead_DrinkBlood|Drain Blood]]
*[[Undead_DrainCorpse|Drain Corpse]]
*[[Undead_LifeDrain|Drain Life]]
*[[Undead_LifeDrain|Drain Life]]
*[[Vampire_DrawingOutTheBeast|Drawing Out the Beast]]
*[[Vampire_DreadGaze|Dread Gaze]]
*[[Ninja_DroneChakra|Drone Chakra]]
*[[Ninja_DroneChakra|Drone Chakra]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeDruid|Druid Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeDruid|Druid Honorary Degree]]
Line 145: Line 184:
*[[Skill_EagleEyes|Eagle Eyes]]
*[[Skill_EagleEyes|Eagle Eyes]]
*[[Protean_EarthMeld|Earth Meld]]
*[[Vampire_EarthMeld|Earth Meld]]
*[[Familiarity_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Familiarity]]
*[[Familiarity_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Familiarity]]
*[[Proficiency_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Proficiency]]
*[[Proficiency_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Proficiency]]
*[[Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Specialization]]
*[[Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Specialization]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift8|Eighth Totem]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift8|Eighth Totem]]
*[[Fighter_ElbowJab|Elbow Jab]]
*[[Fighter_ElbowLock|Elbow Lock]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift11|Eleventh Totem]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift11|Eleventh Totem]]
*[[Skill_EncryptedWriting|Encrypted Writing]]
*[[Skill_EncryptedWriting|Encrypted Writing]]
Line 156: Line 200:
*[[Skill_ExitStageLeft|Exit Stage Left]]
*[[Skill_ExitStageLeft|Exit Stage Left]]
*[[Paladin_ExploitingAura|Exploiting Aura]]
*[[Skill_Explosive|Explosive Touch]]
*[[Skill_Explosive|Explosive Touch]]
*[[Skill_ExtraVengeance|Extra Vengeance]]
*[[Skill_ExtraVengeance|Extra Vengeance]]
*[[Skill_ExtremeVengeance|Extreme Vengeance]]
*[[Skill_ExtremeVengeance|Extreme Vengeance]]
*[[Fighter_FaithfulMount|Faithful Mount]]
*[[Skill_FalseArrest|False Arrest]]
*[[Skill_FalseArrest|False Arrest]]
Line 167: Line 213:
*[[Ranger_Enemy3|Favored Enemy 3]]
*[[Ranger_Enemy3|Favored Enemy 3]]
*[[Ranger_Enemy4|Favored Enemy 4]]
*[[Ranger_Enemy4|Favored Enemy 4]]
*[[Fighter_FavoredMount|Favored Mount]]
*[[Fighter_FavoredMount2|Favored Mount 2]]
*[[Fighter_FavoredMount3|Favored Mount 3]]
*[[Fighter_FavoredMount4|Favored Mount 4]]
*[[Necromancer_FeedBlood|Feed Blood]]
*[[Vampire_FeelThoughts|Feel Thoughts]]
*[[Fighter_FieldTactics|Field Tactics]]
*[[Fighter_FieldTactics|Field Tactics]]
*[[Ranger_FierceCompanions|Fierce Companions]]
*[[Ranger_FierceCompanions|Fierce Companions]]
*[[Fighter_FierceMount|Fierce Mount]]
*[[Skill_FieryBite|Fiery Bite]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift5|Fifth Totem]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift5|Fifth Totem]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeFighter|Fighter Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeFighter|Fighter Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_FindClanHome|Find Clan Home]]
*[[Skill_FindClanHome|Find Clan Home]]
Line 178: Line 233:
*[[Skill_FindShip|Find Ship]]
*[[Skill_FindShip|Find Ship]]
*[[Ranger_FindWater|Find Water]]
*[[Ranger_FindWater|Find Water]]
*[[Fighter_FingerLock|Finger Lock]]
*[[Skill_FireBreathing|Fire Breathing]]
*[[Skill_FireBreathing|Fire Breathing]]
Line 187: Line 243:
*[[Fighter_FlyingKick|Flying Kick]]
*[[Fighter_FlyingKick|Flying Kick]]
*[[FoodBegging|Food Begging]]
*[[FoodBegging|Food Begging]]
*[[Fighter_ForearmBlock|Forearm Block]]
*[[Fighter_ForestTactics|Forest Tactics]]
*[[Fighter_ForestTactics|Forest Tactics]]
*[[Skill_FoulWeatherSailing|Foul Weather Sailing]]
*[[Skill_FoulWeatherSailing|Foul Weather Sailing]]
Line 196: Line 254:
*[[Ninja_TrainGenin|Genin Training]]
*[[Ninja_TrainGenin|Genin Training]]
*[[Ninja_GhostChakra|Ghost Chakra]]
*[[Ninja_GhostChakra|Ghost Chakra]]
*[[Vampire_GleamOfTheRedEyes|Gleam of the Red Eyes]]
*[[Necromancer_GluttonousDevouring|Gluttonous Devouring]]
*[[Druid_GolemForm|Golem Form]]
*[[Druid_GolemForm|Golem Form]]
*[[Fighter_GracefulDismount|Graceful Dismount]]
*[[Undead_GreaterBlightfire|Greater Blightfire]]
*[[Skill_AttackHalf|Half Attack]]
*[[Skill_AttackHalf|Half Attack]]
Line 212: Line 275:
*[[Skill_HardToPort|Hard to Port]]
*[[Skill_HardToPort|Hard to Port]]
*[[Skill_HardToStarboard|Hard to Starboard]]
*[[Skill_HardToStern|Hard to Stern]]
*[[Skill_HardToStern|Hard to Stern]]
*[[Vampire_HardenSkin|Harden Skin]]
*[[Undead_HardenedBones|Hardened Bones]]
*[[Paladin_HealingHands|Healing Hands]]
*[[Paladin_HealingHands|Healing Hands]]
*[[Vampire_HeightenPresence|Heighten Presence]]
*[[Vampire_HeightenSenses|Heighten Senses]]
*[[Vampire_HeightenSpeed|Heighten Speed]]
*[[Vampire_HeightenStrength|Heighten Strength]]
*[[Skill_HighJump|High Jump]]
*[[Skill_HighJump|High Jump]]
*[[Fighter_HillsTactics|Hills Tactics]]
*[[Fighter_HillsTactics|Hills Tactics]]
*[[Skill_HireCrewmember|Hire Crewmember]]
*[[Skill_HireCrewmember|Hire Crewmember]]
*[[Fighter_HoldTheLine|Hold The Line]]
*[[Paladin_HolyMount|Holy Mount]]
*[[Paladin_HolyStrike|Holy Strike]]
*[[Paladin_HolyStrike|Holy Strike]]
*[[Ranger_HuntersEndurance|Hunters Endurance]]
*[[Ranger_HuntersEndurance|Hunters Endurance]]
Line 225: Line 298:
*[[Skill_ImprovedRevoke|Improved Revoke]]
*[[Fighter_ImprovedShieldDefence|Improved Shield Defence]]
*[[Fighter_ImprovedShieldDefence|Improved Shield Defence]]
*[[Fighter_ImprovedThrowing|Improved Throwing]]
*[[Fighter_ImprovedThrowing|Improved Throwing]]
*[[Paladin_InciteFight|Incite Fight]]
*[[Skill_IndoorRiding|Indoor Riding]]
*[[Vampire_InduceSleep|Induce Sleep]]
*[[Vampire_InherentAnimalism|Inherent Animalism]]
*[[Archon_InstanceDisplay|Instance Display]]
*[[Archon_InstanceDisplay|Instance Display]]
Line 236: Line 314:
*[[Skill_JailKey|Jail Key]]
*[[Skill_JailKey|Jail Key]]
*[[Drow_JivvinGolhyrr|Jivvin Golhyrr]]
*[[Fighter_JungleTactics|Jungle Tactics]]
*[[Fighter_JungleTactics|Jungle Tactics]]
Line 242: Line 322:
*[[Fighter_KiStrike|Ki Strike]]
*[[Fighter_KiStrike|Ki Strike]]
*[[Fighter_KnifeHand|Knife Hand]]
*[[Fighter_KnifeHand|Knife Hand]]
*[[Druid_KnowPlants|Know Plants]]
*[[Druid_KnowPlants|Know Plants]]
*[[Drow_KyoneVeldrin|Kyone veldrin]]
*[[Drow_KyorlinPlynn|Kyorlin plynn]]
*[[Ninja_LavaChakra|Lava Chakra]]
*[[Ninja_LavaChakra|Lava Chakra]]
*[[Fighter_LegHold|Leg Hold]]
*[[Undead_LesserBlightfire|Lesser Blightfire]]
*[[Skill_LightPlacebo|Light Placebo]]
*[[Skill_LightPlacebo|Light Placebo]]
*[[Ninja_LightningChakra|Lightning Chakra]]
*[[Ninja_LightningChakra|Lightning Chakra]]
Line 254: Line 340:
*[[Skill_LongBreath|Long Breath]]
*[[Skill_LongBreath|Long Breath]]
*[[Skill_LongReach|Long Reach]]
*[[Fighter_LuckyVanity|Lucky Vanity]]
*[[Drow_LuthAlur|Luth alur]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeMage|Mage Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeMage|Mage Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_Map|Make Maps]]
*[[Skill_Map|Make Maps]]
Line 259: Line 348:
*[[Skill_MarkDisguise|Mark Disguise]]
*[[Skill_MarkDisguise|Mark Disguise]]
*[[Archon_MarkOOC|Mark OOC]]
*[[Archon_MarkOOC|Mark OOC]]
*[[Archon_MatrixPossess|Matrix Possess]]
*[[Archon_MatrixPossess|Matrix Possess]]
*[[Skill_MindSuck|Mind Suck]]
*[[Skill_MindSuck|Mind Suck]]
*[[Vampire_MistForm|Mist Form]]
*[[Undead_ModerateBlightfire|Moderate Blightfire]]
*[[Fighter_MonkeyGrip|Monkey Grip]]
*[[Fighter_MonkeyGrip|Monkey Grip]]
*[[Fighter_MonkeyPunch|Monkey Punch]]
*[[Fighter_MonkeyPunch|Monkey Punch]]
Line 273: Line 366:
*[[Paladin_MountedCharge|Mounted Charge]]
*[[Paladin_MountedCharge|Mounted Charge]]
*[[Skill_MountedCombat|Mounted Combat]]
*[[Skill_MountedCombat|Mounted Combat]]
*[[Skill_MountedLeap|Mounted Leap]]
*[[Fighter_MountedTactics|Mounted Tactics]]
*[[Druid_MyPlants|My Plants]]
*[[Druid_MyPlants|My Plants]]
Line 281: Line 376:
*[[Fighter_SizeOpponent|Opponent Knowledge]]
*[[Fighter_SizeOpponent|Opponent Knowledge]]
*[[Drow_OrbAlur|Orb Alur]]
*[[Druid_PackCall|Pack Call]]
*[[Druid_PackCall|Pack Call]]
*[[PaladinSkill|Paladin Skill]]
*[[PaladinSkill|Paladin Skill]]
*[[Paladin_Aura|Paladin's Aura]]
*[[Paladin_Aura|Paladin's Aura]]
*[[Paladin_Corruption|Paladin's Corruption]]
*[[Paladin_Courage|Paladin's Courage]]
*[[Paladin_Courage|Paladin's Courage]]
*[[Paladin_Fear|Paladin's Fear]]
*[[Paladin_Goodness|Paladin's Goodness]]
*[[Paladin_Goodness|Paladin's Goodness]]
*[[Paladin_PaladinsMount|Paladin's Mount]]
*[[Paladin_PaladinsMount|Paladin's Mount]]
*[[Paladin_Purity|Paladin's Purity]]
*[[Paladin_Purity|Paladin's Purity]]
*[[Paladin_ImprovedResists|Paladin's Resistance]]
*[[Paladin_ImprovedResists|Paladin's Resistance]]
*[[Paladin_Wickedness|Paladin's Wickedness]]
*[[Racial_ParalyzePrey|Paralyze Prey]]
*[[Racial_ParalyzePrey|Paralyze Prey]]
*[[Drow_PhindarStreeaka|Phindar streeaka]]
Line 299: Line 399:
*[[Ranger_PlanarEnemy|Planar Enemy]]
*[[Ranger_PlanarEnemy|Planar Enemy]]
*[[Skill_PlanarLore|Planar Lore]]
*[[Skill_PlanarLore|Planar Lore]]
*[[Fighter_PlanarMount|Planar Mount]]
*[[StdPlanarAbility|Planar Shifting Ability]]
*[[StdPlanarAbility|Planar Shifting Ability]]
*[[Fighter_PlanarTactics|Planar Tactics]]
*[[Fighter_PlanarTactics|Planar Tactics]]
Line 313: Line 414:
*[[Skill_PrisonAssignment|Prison Assignment]]
*[[Skill_PrisonAssignment|Prison Assignment]]
*[[Skill_PrisonerTransfer|Prisoner Transfer]]
*[[Skill_PrisonerTransfer|Prisoner Transfer]]
*[[Vampire_AstralProjection|Psychic Projection]]
Line 318: Line 420:
*[[Skill_RacialEnemy|Racial Enemy]]
*[[Skill_RacialEnemy|Racial Enemy]]
*[[Skill_RacialLore|Racial Lore]]
*[[Skill_RacialLore|Racial Lore]]
*[[Fighter_RacialMount|Racial Mount]]
*[[Familiarity_Natural|Racial Weapon Familiarity]]
*[[Familiarity_Natural|Racial Weapon Familiarity]]
*[[Fighter_Rallycry|Rally Cry]]
*[[Fighter_Rallycry|Rally Cry]]
Line 325: Line 428:
*[[Fighter_RapidShot|Rapid Shot]]
*[[Fighter_RapidShot|Rapid Shot]]
*[[Racial_RazorPinch|Razor Pinch]]
*[[Racial_RazorPinch|Razor Pinch]]
Line 337: Line 441:
*[[Fighter_ReturnProjectile|Return Projectile]]
*[[Fighter_ReturnProjectile|Return Projectile]]
*[[Skill_RevealText|Reveal Text]]
*[[Skill_RevealText|Reveal Text]]
*[[loki_returnform|Revert Form]]
*[[Vampire_RevertForm|Revert Form]]
*[[Fighter_RideToTheRescue|Ride To The Rescue]]
*[[Paladin_RighteousDefense|Righteous Defense]]
*[[Fighter_Roll|Roll With Blows]]
*[[Fighter_Roll|Roll With Blows]]
*[[Fighter_RopeDisarm|Rope Disarm]]
*[[Skill_RopeDismount|Rope Dismount]]
*[[Skill_RopeTricks|Rope Tricks]]
*[[Fighter_RopeTrip|Rope Trip]]
*[[Drow_SarghElgg|Sargh elgg]]
*[[Fighter_ScoutAhead|Scout Ahead]]
*[[Skill_SeaCharting|Sea Charting]]
*[[Skill_SeaCharting|Sea Charting]]
*[[Skill_SeaLegs|Sea Legs]]
*[[Skill_SeaLegs|Sea Legs]]
Line 352: Line 468:
*[[Skill_SecretWriting|Secret Writing]]
*[[Skill_SecretWriting|Secret Writing]]
*[[Ranger_SenseTraps|Sense Snares and Pits]]
*[[Ranger_SenseTraps|Sense Snares and Pits]]
*[[Fighter_SetPolearm|Set Polearm]]
*[[Ranger_SetSnare|Set Snare]]
*[[Ranger_SetSnare|Set Snare]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift7|Seventh Totem]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift7|Seventh Totem]]
*[[Vampire_ShadowOfTheBat|Shadow of the Bat]]
*[[Vampire_ShadowOfTheRat|Shadow of the Rat]]
*[[Vampire_ShadowOfTheWolf|Shadow of the Wolf]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift|Shape Shift]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift|Shape Shift]]
*[[Vampire_SharingOfSpirits|Sharing of Spirits]]
*[[Skill_Bash|Shield Bash]]
*[[Skill_Bash|Shield Bash]]
*[[Fighter_ShieldBlock|Shield Block]]
*[[Fighter_ShieldBlock|Shield Block]]
Line 372: Line 494:
*[[Fighter_SleeperHold|Sleeper Hold]]
*[[Proficiency_Sling|Sling Proficiency]]
*[[Proficiency_Sling|Sling Proficiency]]
Line 379: Line 502:
*[[Fighter_SnapKick|Snap Kick]]
*[[Fighter_SnapKick|Snap Kick]]
*[[Vampire_SongOfSerenity|Song of Serenity]]
*[[Skill_SongWrite|Song Write]]
*[[Skill_SongWrite|Song Write]]
*[[Fighter_SootheMount|Soothe Mount]]
*[[Skill_SpreadApathy|Spread Apathy]]
*[[Skill_SpreadHate|Spread Hate]]
*[[Fighter_Spring|Spring Attack]]
*[[Fighter_Spring|Spring Attack]]
*[[Skill_StableMount|Stable Mount]]
*[[Familiarity_Staff|Staff Familiarity]]
*[[Familiarity_Staff|Staff Familiarity]]
*[[Proficiency_Staff|Staff Proficiency]]
*[[Proficiency_Staff|Staff Proficiency]]
Line 391: Line 519:
*[[Fighter_Stonebody|Stone Body]]
*[[Fighter_Stonebody|Stone Body]]
*[[Ninja_StoneChakra|Stone Chakra]]
*[[Ninja_StoneChakra|Stone Chakra]]
Line 398: Line 527:
*[[Skill_SwampCamouflage|Swamp Camouflage]]
*[[Skill_SwampCamouflage|Swamp Camouflage]]
*[[Fighter_SwampTactics|Swamp Tactics]]
*[[Fighter_SwampTactics|Swamp Tactics]]
*[[Fighter_SweepingTrip|Sweeping Trip]]
*[[Vampire_SweetWhispers|Sweet Whispers]]
*[[Familiarity_Sword|Sword Familiarity]]
*[[Familiarity_Sword|Sword Familiarity]]
Line 406: Line 538:
*[[Specialization_Sword|Sword Specialization]]
*[[Specialization_Sword|Sword Specialization]]
*[[Skill_TailSwipe|Tail Swipe]]
*[[Skill_TailSwipe|Tail Swipe]]
*[[Vampire_Telepathy|Telepathic Scanning]]
*[[Fighter_TendMount|Tend Mount]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift10|Tenth Totem]]
*[[Druid_ShapeShift10|Tenth Totem]]
*[[Vampire_TheBeckoning|The Beckoning]]
*[[Vampire_TheSpiritsTouch|The Spirit Touch]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeThief|Thief Honorary Degree]]
*[[Skill_HonoraryDegreeThief|Thief Honorary Degree]]
Line 418: Line 554:
*[[Ranger_TrackAnimal|Track Animal]]
*[[Ranger_TrackAnimal|Track Animal]]
*[[Skill_TrackCriminal|Track Criminal]]
*[[Skill_TrackFriend|Track Friend]]
*[[Skill_TrackFriend|Track Friend]]
Line 430: Line 568:
*[[Skill_UndeadInvisibility|Undead Invisibility]]
*[[Skill_UndeadInvisibility|Undead Invisibility]]
*[[Skill_UnearthDemography|Unearth Demography]]
*[[Skill_UnearthDemography|Unearth Demography]]
*[[Paladin_UnholyMount|Unholy Mount]]
*[[Paladin_UnholyStrike|Unholy Strike]]
*[[Vampire_UnseenPresence|Unseen Presence]]
*[[Fighter_UnwaveringMark|Unwavering Mark]]
*[[Fighter_UrbanTactics|Urban Tactics]]
*[[Fighter_UrbanTactics|Urban Tactics]]
*[[Vampire_Awe|Vampiric Awe]]
*[[Vampire_VanishFromMindsEye|Vanish from Mind's Eye]]
*[[Skill_VengefulGlare|Vengeful Glare]]
*[[Skill_VengefulGlare|Vengeful Glare]]
*[[Skill_VengefulStrike|Vengeful Strike]]
*[[Skill_VengefulStrike|Vengeful Strike]]
Line 456: Line 601:
*[[Ninja_WindChakra|Wind Chakra]]
*[[Ninja_WindChakra|Wind Chakra]]
*[[WingFlying|Winged Flight]]
*[[WingFlying|Winged Flight]]
*[[Vampire_WolfClaws|Wolf Claws]]
*[[Ranger_WoodlandCreep|Woodland Creep]]
*[[Ranger_WoodlandCreep|Woodland Creep]]
*[[Ranger_Hide|Woodland Hide]]
*[[Ranger_Hide|Woodland Hide]]
Line 461: Line 607:
*[[Ranger_Sneak|Woodland Sneak]]
*[[Ranger_Sneak|Woodland Sneak]]
*[[Fighter_WristLock|Wrist Lock]]
*[[Drow_ZharThalack|Zhar thalack]]
*[[Drow_ZressAthalak|Zress a thalak]]

=Skill Help=
=Skill Help=
===A Bard Skill===
===A Bard Skill===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=BardSkill|Name=a Bard Skill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=BardSkill|Name=a Bard Skill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


===A Cure===
===A Cure===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=DiseaseCure|Name=A Cure|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=DiseaseCure|Name=A Cure|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


===Abandon Ship===
===Abandon Ship===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AbandonShip|Name=Abandon Ship|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(4)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ABANDONSHIP|Usage=ABANDONSHIP|Examples=abandonship
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AbandonShip|Name=Abandon Ship|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(4)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ABANDONSHIP|Usage=ABANDONSHIP|Examples=abandonship

|Description=During ship combat, the sailor can summon all his or her skill and training into a panicked rush of life-and-property-saving action.  The sailor will gather up any life boats on the ship, load them with as much cargo as they will hold, load them up with enough crew as skill allows, jump into a boat, launch the boats, and order the floatilla on a break-neck paced retreat. If the ship has no life boats, then the sailor will simply throw some number of crew overboard and then jump themselves.  The sailor will have no movement remaining afterwards.}}
|Description=During ship combat, the sailor can summon all his or her skill and training into a panicked rush of life-and-property-saving action.  The sailor will gather up any life boats on the ship, load them with as much cargo as they will hold, load them up with enough crew as skill allows, jump into a boat, launch the boats, and order the floatilla on a break-neck paced retreat. If the ship has no life boats, then the sailor will simply throw some number of crew overboard and then jump themselves.  The sailor will have no movement remaining afterwards.}}

===Abiding Aura===
===Abiding Aura===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_AbidingAura|Name=Abiding Aura|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(25)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_AbidingAura|Name=Abiding Aura|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(25)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This powerful paladin aura holds back the death of the paladin's nearby allies for a few seconds.  From the moment the aura prevents a death, that person has 10 seconds to get above 10 percent of their health before the delayed death finally occurs. In the meantime, so long as he or she remains in the paladin's presence, death will not occur.}}
|Description=This powerful paladin aura holds back the death of the paladin's nearby allies for a few seconds.  From the moment the aura prevents a death, that person has 10 seconds to get above 10 percent of their health before the delayed death finally occurs. In the meantime, so long as he or she remains in the paladin's presence, death will not occur.}}

===Above The Law===
===Above The Law===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AboveTheLaw|Name=Above The Law|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(25)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AboveTheLaw|Name=Above The Law|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(25)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Some people, Oracles for instance, are so beloved and respected in their home cities that they are instantly forgiven any crimes they might commit.}}
|Description=Some people, Oracles for instance, are so beloved and respected in their home cities that they are instantly forgiven any crimes they might commit.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Accuse|Name=Accuse|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=ACCUSE|Usage=ACCUSE "PLAYER NAME" "crime description" ("SENTENCE NUM") (!)|Examples=accuse gunther making me mad
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Accuse|Name=Accuse|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=ACCUSE|Usage=ACCUSE "PLAYER NAME" "crime description" ("SENTENCE NUM") (!)|Examples=accuse gunther making me mad
accuse joe of being joe 7 !
accuse joe of being joe 7 !

Line 497: Line 646:

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Acidbreath|Name=Acidbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Terranalist(Expertise)|Terranalist]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=ACIDBREATH|Usage=ACIDBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Acidbreath|Name=Acidbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Terranalist(Expertise)|Terranalist]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=ACIDBREATH|Usage=ACIDBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=

|Description=Example  : acidbreath bob}}
|Description=Example  : acidbreath bob}}

===Ad Lib===
===Ad Lib===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AdLib|Name=Ad Lib|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(22)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (36) Movement (36) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ADLIB|Usage=ADLIB "TARGET"|Examples=adlib bob
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AdLib|Name=Ad Lib|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(22)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (36) Movement (36) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ADLIB|Usage=ADLIB "TARGET"|Examples=adlib bob

|Description=The bard begins watching the target carefully.  If the target uses a skill that is unknown to the bard within the short time of this effect, even if it is not one the bard is capable of learning, the bard will immediately attempt to ad-lib the skill towards the exact same target, and at the same proficiency.  If either leaves the room, or the short time limit runs out, the effect just quietly ends.}}
|Description=The bard begins watching the target carefully.  If the target uses a skill that is unknown to the bard within the short time of this effect, even if it is not one the bard is capable of learning, the bard will immediately attempt to ad-lib the skill towards the exact same target, and at the same proficiency.  If either leaves the room, or the short time limit runs out, the effect just quietly ends.}}

===All Breathing===
===All Breathing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AllBreathing|Name=All Breathing|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AllBreathing|Name=All Breathing|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Params  :  
|Description=Params  :  
Line 518: Line 667:

===All Defence===
===All Defence===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Defend|Name=All Defence|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(22)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(11)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (61) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DEFENCE|Usage=DEFENCE|Examples=defence
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Defend|Name=All Defence|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(22)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(11)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=Good|UseCost=Movement (61) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DEFENCE|Usage=DEFENCE|Examples=defence

|Description=During combat, the Paladin can use this skill to stop attacking in favor of an all-out defensive posture.  Should the Paladin go two full rounds without being hit, the battle will end peacefully.}}
|Description=During combat, the Paladin can use this skill to stop attacking in favor of an all-out defensive posture.  Should the Paladin go two full rounds without being hit, the battle will end peacefully.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Amputation|Name=Amputation|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(30)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (40) Movement (40) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AMPUTATE|Usage=AMPUTATE "TARGET NAME" "PART"|Examples=amputate orc arm
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Amputation|Name=Amputation|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(30)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (40) Movement (40) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AMPUTATE|Usage=AMPUTATE "TARGET NAME" "PART"|Examples=amputate orc arm

|Description=This ability governs the careful removal of body parts as a punishment for crimes.  The target is, amazingly, not harmed during the procedure, but merely loses the specified limb.  The target must be lying on an operating table or bed, and bound.  Amputation can also be done to player followers, with their permission.}}
|Description=This ability governs the careful removal of body parts as a punishment for crimes, or from corpsesA non-corpse target is, amazingly, not harmed during the procedure, but merely loses the specified limb.  Unwilling targets must be lying on an operating table or bed, and bound.  Amputation can also be done to player followers, with their permission.}}

===an ability===
===an ability===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ExtAbility|Name=an ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ExtAbility|Name=an ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


===an ability===
===an ability===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=PresenceReaction|Name=an ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=PresenceReaction|Name=an ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


===an ability===
===an ability===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=StdAbility|Name=an ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=StdAbility|Name=an ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


===An Antidote===
===An Antidote===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Antidote|Name=An Antidote|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Antidote|Name=An Antidote|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


===an Archon Skill===
===an Archon Skill===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ArchonSkill|Name=an Archon Skill|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ArchonSkill|Name=an Archon Skill|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


===Animal Frenzy===
===Animal Frenzy===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_AnimalFrenzy|Name=Animal Frenzy|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(30)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_AnimalFrenzy|Name=Animal Frenzy|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(30)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=All animal followers of the ranger gain amazing attack feats, and up to quadruple damage bonuses.}}
|Description=All animal followers of the ranger gain amazing attack feats, and up to quadruple damage bonuses.}}
===Animal Friendship===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_AnimalFriendship|Name=Animal Friendship|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEFRIENDANIMAL|Usage=|Examples=
Example  : befriendanimal rat
This ability will cause some animal in the same room to immediately befriend the vampire.  The vampire will then have the animal as a follower who will fight alongside, and follow all ORDERs that the vampire gives.}}
===Ankle Lock===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AnkleLock|Name=Ankle Lock|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(23)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (73) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ANKLELOCK|Usage=ANKLELOCK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=anklelock orc
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter pulls back and locks the targets ankle.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't perform some actions.  It may even lead to breaking a foot. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}

===Aquatic Pass===
===Aquatic Pass===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_AquaticPass|Name=Aquatic Pass|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AQUAPASS, APASS|Usage=AQUAPASS "DIRECTION"|Examples=aquapass east
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_AquaticPass|Name=Aquatic Pass|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AQUAPASS, APASS|Usage=AQUAPASS "DIRECTION"|Examples=aquapass east

|Description=This skill allows the druid to move silently and almost invisibly from place to place while traveling in aquatic areas.  Moreover, this skill allows the Druid to pass into locked dwellings, if those dwellings are located in the watery domain.}}
|Description=This skill allows the druid to move silently and almost invisibly from place to place while traveling in aquatic areas.  Moreover, this skill allows the Druid to pass into locked dwellings, if those dwellings are located in the watery domain.}}

===Area Instancing Ability===
===Area Instancing Ability===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=InstanceArea|Name=Area Instancing Ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (966367641) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Mobs, Items, Area|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=TYPEID or instance modification arguments (see areainstancetypes.txt)|Examples=Triumph
{{SkillTemplate|ID=InstanceArea|Name=Area Instancing Ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (966367641) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Mobs, Items, Area|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=TYPEID or instance modification arguments (see areainstancetypes.txt)|Examples=Triumph
LIKE=Triumph AREAMATCH=Midgaard
LIKE=Triumph AREAMATCH=Midgaard
Line 572: Line 735:

When the property is applied to a player or item directly, then it will also require an AREAMATCH argument to specify which area(s) will be instanced when entering them.}}
When the property is applied to a player or item directly, then it will also require an AREAMATCH argument to specify which area(s) will be instanced when entering them.}}
===Arm Hold===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ArmHold|Name=Arm Hold|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(14)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(14)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(9)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ARMHOLD|Usage=ARMHOLD "TARGET NAME"|Examples=armhold orc
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs and pins the targets main weapon hand.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't make main hand attacks, or perform certain actions.  During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}

===Armor Familiarity===
===Armor Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Armor|Name=Armor Familiarity|Domain=[[armor_use(Domain)|Armor Use]]|Available=|Allows=[[Armor Optimizing(Expertise)|Armor Optimizing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Armor|Name=Armor Familiarity|Domain=[[armor_use(Domain)|Armor Use]]|Available=|Allows=[[Armor Optimizing(Expertise)|Armor Optimizing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with armor they have crafted themselves, gaining an armor bonus from wearing the product of their own hands.}}
|Description=The player is familiar with armor they have crafted themselves, gaining an armor bonus from wearing the product of their own hands.}}

===Armor Specialization===
===Armor Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Armor|Name=Armor Specialization|Domain=[[armor_use(Domain)|Armor Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Armor Optimizing(Expertise)|Armor Optimizing]] [[Armor Focus(Expertise)|Armor Focus]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Armor|Name=Armor Specialization|Domain=[[armor_use(Domain)|Armor Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Armor Optimizing(Expertise)|Armor Optimizing]] [[Armor Focus(Expertise)|Armor Focus]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is an expert at getting the most from armor. This allows a small bonus per piece of armor worn, and with the use of focus expertise, can permit higher level armor to be worn.}}
|Description=The player is an expert at getting the most from armor. This allows a small bonus per piece of armor worn, and with the use of focus expertise, can permit higher level armor to be worn.}}

===Armor Tweaking===
===Armor Tweaking===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ArmorTweaking|Name=Armor Tweaking|Domain=[[armor_use(Domain)|Armor Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(9)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(2)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(5)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(3)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(4)]] |Allows=[[Armor Optimizing(Expertise)|Armor Optimizing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ARMORTWEAK, TWEAK|Usage=TWEAK "ARMOR PIECE"|Examples=tweak leggings
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ArmorTweaking|Name=Armor Tweaking|Domain=[[armor_use(Domain)|Armor Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(9)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(4)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(2)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(5)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(3)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(4)]] |Allows=[[Armor Optimizing(Expertise)|Armor Optimizing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ARMORTWEAK, TWEAK|Usage=TWEAK "ARMOR PIECE"|Examples=tweak leggings

|Description=The fighter becomes familiar enough with his or her armor that he is able to properly arrange, tighten straps, twist, and otherwise tweak a worn armor piece to get maximum benefit from it. The result is a 10% benefit bonus from the armor. The benefits of the tweaking last as long as the armor is worn by the same wearer.}}
|Description=The fighter becomes familiar enough with his or her armor that he is able to properly arrange, tighten straps, twist, and otherwise tweak a worn armor piece to get maximum benefit from it. The result is a 10% benefit bonus from the armor. The benefits of the tweaking last as long as the armor is worn by the same wearer.}}
===Armored Vanity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ArmoredVanity|Name=Armored Vanity|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(17)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The foppish fighter gains added armor based upon the obvious value of his or her clothing, but only when in combat with someone who can see you.  Wearing exquisitely crafted armor provides additional armor bonuses.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Arrest|Name=Arrest|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(19)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (69) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ARREST|Usage=ARREST "TARGET NAME"|Examples=arrest orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Arrest|Name=Arrest|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(19)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (69) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ARREST|Usage=ARREST "TARGET NAME"|Examples=arrest orc

|Description=This powerful skill allows the player to automagically knock out the target, and instantly handcuff them for travel to the local judge for trial.  The Collect Bounty skill is required to turn the prisoner over to the judge. Otherwise, your other recourse is to turn the prisoner over to a cityguard.}}
|Description=This powerful skill allows the player to automagically knock out the target, and instantly handcuff them for travel to the local judge for trial.  The Collect Bounty skill is required to turn the prisoner over to the judge. Otherwise, your other recourse is to turn the prisoner over to a cityguard.}}

===Arresting Sap===
===Arresting Sap===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ArrestingSap|Name=Arresting Sap|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(12)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ASAP|Usage=ASAP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=asap orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ArrestingSap|Name=Arresting Sap|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(12)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ASAP|Usage=ASAP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=asap orc

|Description=If the target has warrants out in the area, this skill will knock them out so that they can be cuffed for transport to the judge for trial.  The Handcuff or Bind skill is required to cuff them, and the Collect Bounty skill is required to turn the prisoner over to the judge.  Otherwise, your other recourse is to turn the prisoner over to a cityguard.}}
|Description=If the target has warrants out in the area, this skill will knock them out so that they can be cuffed for transport to the judge for trial.  The Handcuff or Bind skill is required to cuff them, and the Collect Bounty skill is required to turn the prisoner over to the judge.  Otherwise, your other recourse is to turn the prisoner over to a cityguard.}}

===Atemi Strike===
===Atemi Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AtemiStrike|Name=Atemi Strike|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(30)]] |Allows=[[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ATEMI|Usage=ATEMI "TARGET NAME"|Examples=atemi orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AtemiStrike|Name=Atemi Strike|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(30)]] |Allows=[[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ATEMI|Usage=ATEMI "TARGET NAME"|Examples=atemi orc

|Description=The Monk delivers a lethal, deadly, and powerful strike to the target. Some time later, the target WILL die.}}
|Description=The Monk delivers a lethal, deadly, and powerful strike to the target. Some time later, the target WILL die.}}

===Aura Perception===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AutoBash|Name=AutoBash|Domain=[[shield_use(Domain)|Shield Use]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(20)]] |Allows=[[Shield Using(Expertise)|Shield Using]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (70) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOBASH|Usage=AUTOBASH|Examples=autobash
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_AuraPerception|Name=Aura Perception|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SEEAURAS|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Using this command will toggle Auto Shield Bashing on and off.  If the Fighter turns this feature on, and knows Shield Bashing, he will attempt a free shield bash attempt every combat round in which his autobash proficiency check is made.}}
|Description=You can see the auras of other beings and items, upon entering a new room, the colors of which indicate their moods, identities, dispositions and levels of power.

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Autoclimb|Name=AutoClimb|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(18)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(18)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(18)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(18)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(18)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(18)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(18)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(18)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(18)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(18)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(18)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(18)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(18)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(18)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(18)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(18)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(18)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(18)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(18)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(18)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(18)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(18)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(18)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(18)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(18)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(18)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(18)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(18)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(18)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(18)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(18)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(18)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(18)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(18)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(18)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(18)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(18)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(18)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(18)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(18)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(18)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(18)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(18)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(18)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(18)]] |Allows=[[Thief_StrategicRetreat|Strategic Retreat]] [[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOCLIMB|Usage=AUTOCLIMB|Examples=

|Description=The player begins climbing around whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for climbing.  Enter AUTOCLIMB again to turn it off.}}

Even the most shallow, transparent person usually has several different colors composing his aura. The aura may shift between the different colors in a predictable cycle, or it might shift completely at random. Each color indicates the presence of a mob or item of the appropriate trait:
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Autocrawl|Name=AutoCrawl|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(8)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(8)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(8)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(8)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(8)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(8)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(8)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(8)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(8)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(8)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(8)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(8)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(8)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(8)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(8)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(8)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(8)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(8)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(8)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(8)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(8)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(8)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(8)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(8)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(8)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(8)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(8)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(8)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(5)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(8)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(8)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(8)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(8)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(8)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(8)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(8)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(8)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(8)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(8)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(8)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(8)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(8)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(8)]] |Allows=[[Thief_StrategicRetreat|Strategic Retreat]] [[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOCRAWL|Usage=AUTOCRAWL|Examples=

|Description=The player begins crawling around whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for crawling.  Enter AUTOCRAWL again to turn it off.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AutoHammerRing|Name=AutoHammerRing|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(22)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOHAMMERRING|Usage=AUTOHAMMERRING|Examples=autohammerring

|Description=Using this command will toggle Auto HammerRinging on and off.  If the Fighter turns this feature on, and knows HammerRing, he will attempt a free hammer bash attempt every third combat round in which his autohammerring proficiency check is made.}}
Black - Something Undead

Red - Something evil
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Autoswim|Name=AutoSwim|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(8)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(8)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(8)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(8)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(8)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(8)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(8)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(8)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(8)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(8)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(8)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(8)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(8)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(8)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(8)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(8)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(8)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(8)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(8)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(8)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(8)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(8)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(8)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(8)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(8)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(8)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(8)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(8)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(5)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(8)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(8)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(8)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(8)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(8)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(8)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(8)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(8)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(8)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(8)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(8)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(8)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(8)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(8)]] |Allows=[[Thief_StrategicRetreat|Strategic Retreat]] [[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOSWIM|Usage=AUTOSWIM|Examples=

|Description=The player begins instinctively using their swimming skill whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for swimming.  Enter AUTOSWIM again to turn it off.}}
Blue - Something good

===Avoid Currents===
Green - A neutral creature
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AvoidCurrents|Name=Avoid Currents|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(7)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the sailor to guide their sailing ship around the tug of currents, putting the captain back in charge of the course.}}
Grey - Something metal or stone

===Await Ship===
Maroon - Something hidden
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AwaitShip|Name=Await Ship|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(25)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(25)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AWAITSHIP|Usage=AWAITSHIP|Examples=awaitship

|Description=While standing on a shore, this skill will cause the sailors nearest big sailing ship to be sailed to where the sailor is.}}
Yellow - Something invisible

===Ax Kick===
Brown - Something wooden
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AxKick|Name=Ax Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(8)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_FlyingKick|Flying Kick]] [[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AXKICK|Usage=AXKICK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=axkick orc

|Description=The Monk delivers swift and powerful kick to the target.}}
Orange - Something trapped

===Axe Familiarity===
White - Something lawful
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Axe|Name=Axe Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with axes they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
Purple - Something chaotic

===Axe Proficiency===
(Striped colors) - a single source of multiple colors
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Axe|Name=Axe Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_Axe|Axe Familiarity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with an axe, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
(Swirling colors) - multiple sources of multiple colors

===Axe Specialization===
(Dull colors) - highest level is below 15 levels below the caster
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Axe|Name=Axe Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(15)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(14)]] |Allows=[[Axe Slicing(Expertise)|Axe Slicing]] [[Axe Focus(Expertise)|Axe Focus]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Axe Piercing(Expertise)|Axe Piercing]] [[Axe Striking(Expertise)|Axe Striking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is an axe master, gaining bonuses to attack when using an axe in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level axes if the focus expertise is taken.}}
(Faded colors) - highest level is below 5 levels below the caster

===Back Hand===
(Bright colors) - highest level is between 5 and 15 levels above the caster
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BackHand|Name=Back Hand|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(9)]] |Allows=[[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, closed fist. This attack is only delivered to a combatant which the monk is not currently targeting, but with whom the monk is in melee combat all the same.}}
(Brilliant colors) - highest level is between 15 and 25 levels above the caster

(Dazzling colors) - highest level is 25 levels or more above the caster}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Bandaging|Name=Bandaging|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] [[AnimalHusbandry|Animal Husbandry]] [[Branding|Branding]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (5) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BANDAGE, BANDAGING|Usage=BANDAGE "MOB NAME"|Examples=bandage bob

|Description=This skill allows the player to use a small bit of raw cloth to bandage up any serious wounds.  This skill will stop bleeding, and protect extreme injuries, allowing the body to heal normally.  This skill also allows broken bones to be properly set, so that they will begin healing on their own. The skill allows a small amount of hit points to be restored during the process.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AutoBash|Name=AutoBash|Domain=[[shield_use(Domain)|Shield Use]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(20)]] |Allows=[[Shield Using(Expertise)|Shield Using]] |Requires='Shield Bash'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (70) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOBASH|Usage=AUTOBASH|Examples=autobash

|Description=Using this command will toggle Auto Shield Bashing on and off.  If the Fighter turns this feature on, and knows Shield Bashing, he will attempt a free shield bash attempt every combat round in which his autobash proficiency check is made.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Banish|Name=Banish|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=BANISH|Usage=BANISH "PLAYER NAME" ("MAP ROOM") (RL TIME)|Examples=banish gunther
banish gunther Midgaard#3001
banish gunther 3 hours
banish gunther 14 years

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can send the target mob/player to a prison from which they can not escape magically.  Use this skill again on the same player to release them.  The Archon can optionally specify a room on the map which this skill will copy and use as the jail.  The Archon can also optionally end the command with the number of seconds, ticks, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years in which to keep the player imprisoned.  It is up to the Archon to make sure there are no mundane ways out of the prison; Banish will take care of the magical ways of escape.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Autoclimb|Name=AutoClimb|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(18)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(18)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(18)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(18)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(18)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(18)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(18)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(18)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(18)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(18)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(18)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(18)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(18)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(18)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(18)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(18)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(18)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(18)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(18)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(18)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(18)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(18)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(18)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(18)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(18)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(18)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(18)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(18)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(18)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(18)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(18)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(18)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(18)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(18)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(18)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(18)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(18)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(18)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(18)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(18)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(18)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(18)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(18)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(18)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(18)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(18)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(18)]] |Allows=[[Thief_StrategicRetreat|Strategic Retreat]] [[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires='Climb'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOCLIMB|Usage=AUTOCLIMB|Examples=

===Bard Honorary Degree===
|Description=The player begins climbing around whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for climbing.  Enter AUTOCLIMB again to turn it off.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeBard|Name=Bard Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(16)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Bard', such as Bard, Dancer, Juggler, Minstrel, and Charlatan. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Autocrawl|Name=AutoCrawl|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(8)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(8)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(8)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(8)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(8)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(8)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(8)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(8)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(8)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(8)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(8)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(8)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(8)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(8)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(8)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(8)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(8)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(8)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(8)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(8)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(8)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(8)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(8)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(8)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(8)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(8)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(8)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(8)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(8)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(8)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(5)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(8)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(8)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(8)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(8)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(8)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(8)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(8)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(8)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(8)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(8)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(8)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(8)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(8)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(8)]] |Allows=[[Thief_StrategicRetreat|Strategic Retreat]] [[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOCRAWL|Usage=AUTOCRAWL|Examples=

===Battle Cry===
|Description=The player begins crawling around whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for crawling.  Enter AUTOCRAWL again to turn it off.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Battlecry|Name=Battle Cry|Domain=[[singing(Domain)|Singing]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(6)]] |Allows=[[Rejoicing Singing(Expertise)|Rejoicing Singing]] [[Resounding Singing(Expertise)|Resounding Singing]] [[Echoed Singing(Expertise)|Echoed Singing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BATTLECRY|Usage=BATTLECRY|Examples=battlecry

|Description=The Barbarian lets out a primal scream of battle, inspiring all group members to his or her banner.  Those under the affect of the cry will hit more frequently.  The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AutoHammerRing|Name=AutoHammerRing|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(22)]] |Allows=[[Hammer Bashing(Expertise)|Hammer Bashing]] |Requires='HammerRing'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOHAMMERRING|Usage=AUTOHAMMERRING|Examples=autohammerring

===Bear Foraging===
|Description=Using this command will toggle Auto HammerRinging on and off.  If the Fighter turns this feature on, and knows HammerRing, he will attempt a free hammer bash attempt every third combat round in which his autohammerring proficiency check is made.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BearForaging|Name=Bear Foraging|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BFORAGE, BEARFORAGE, BEARFORAGING|Usage=BEARFORAGE|Examples=bearforage

|Description=This instinctive skill allows the player to sniff out food nearby, even in containers, and even in the possession of others.  The target will be tracked until found, and then, if possible, pounced on and the food containers taken, emptied, and the food eaten.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Autoswim|Name=AutoSwim|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(8)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(8)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(8)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(8)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(8)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(8)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(8)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(8)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(8)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(8)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(8)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(8)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(8)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(8)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(8)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(8)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(8)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(8)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(8)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(8)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(8)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(8)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(8)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(8)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(8)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(8)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(8)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(8)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(8)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(8)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(5)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(8)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(8)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(8)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(8)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(8)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(8)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(8)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(8)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(8)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(8)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(8)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(8)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(8)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(8)]] |Allows=[[Thief_StrategicRetreat|Strategic Retreat]] [[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires='Swim'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AUTOSWIM|Usage=AUTOSWIM|Examples=

===Befoul Shrine===
|Description=The player begins instinctively using their swimming skill whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for swimming.  Enter AUTOSWIM again to turn it off.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BefoulShrine|Name=Befoul Shrine|Domain=[[criminal(Domain)|Criminal]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(23)]] |Allows=[[Criminal Deviousness(Expertise)|Criminal Deviousness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEFOULSHRINE|Usage=BEFOULSHRINE|Examples=befoulshrine

|Description=Befouling a shrine makes the infused sacred place unusuable for religious services until it is appropriately cleansed and purified.}}
===Avoid Currents===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AvoidCurrents|Name=Avoid Currents|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(7)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the sailor to guide their sailing ship around the tug of currents, putting the captain back in charge of the course.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Befriend|Name=Befriend|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEFRIEND|Usage=BEFRIEND "TARGET NAME"|Examples=befriend vagabond

|Description=This ability allows the bard to pick up new followers to join his or her adventures. The target must be a mobile npc mob, and must be the same racial category, and of a similar alignment.  The bard suffers penalties for trying to befriend mobs of higher or lower levels, though only 10% higher levels are forbidden entirely.}}
===Await Clan Ship===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AwaitClanShip|Name=Await Clan Ship|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=|Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AWAITCLANSHIP|Usage=AWAITCLANSHIP|Examples=awaitclanship

|Description=While standing on a shore, this skill will cause the sailors nearest big sailing ship belonging to their clan/guild to be sailed to where they are, provided there is no one aboard who could do it for them.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Behead|Name=Behead|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(20)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (70) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEHEAD|Usage=BEHEAD "TARGET NAME"|Examples=behead orc

|Description=This skill is an execution skill whereby the fighter rears back and beheads a target which has been bound and is lying prone.  The target must be wanted for a crime in the area for this skill to work.}}
===Await Ship===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AwaitShip|Name=Await Ship|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(25)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(25)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AWAITSHIP|Usage=AWAITSHIP|Examples=awaitship

===Belly Rolling===
|Description=While standing on a shore, this skill will cause the sailors nearest big sailing ship to be sailed to where the sailor is.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BellyRolling|Name=Belly Rolling|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=During combat, the fighter gains the ability to dodge attacks while sitting or on the floor.}}
===Awe Mounts===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AweMounts|Name=Awe Mounts|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(4)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (54) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The character is so skilled with mounts, especially his favored or racial mounts, that he or she can instill in such creatures a feeling of awe.  This will prevent any aggressive individuals from initiating combat against them or anyone in their group.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Berzerk|Name=Berzerk|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(21)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(22)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BERZERK|Usage=BERZERK|Examples=berzerk

|Description=Allows the fighter to gain some temporary bonus hit points, bonus attack points, and bonus damage, at the expense of a slightly lower armor score.}}
===Ax Kick===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_AxKick|Name=Ax Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(8)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_FlyingKick|Flying Kick]] [[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Kick'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=AXKICK|Usage=AXKICK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=axkick orc

|Description=The Monk delivers swift and powerful kick to the target.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_Bite|Name=Bite|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(7)]] |Allows=[[Unarmed Striking(Expertise)|Unarmed Striking]] [[Unarmed Piercing(Expertise)|Unarmed Piercing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BITE|Usage=BITE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bite orc

|Description=While in his or her animal form (see ShapeShift), the Druid gains the ability to deliver an especially powerful and piercing bite of damage.}}
===Axe Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Axe|Name=Axe Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=|Requires='Axe Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Blaze Chakra===
|Description=The player is familiar with axes they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_BlazeChakra|Name=Blaze Chakra|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(7)]] |Allows=[[Ninja_LavaChakra|Lava Chakra]] [[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "BLAZE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "blaze chakra"
foc "blaze chakra"

|Description=By focusing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to critically strike their opponent with their sword for a short while.  This chakra may only be used once per MUDhour.}}
===Axe Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Axe|Name=Axe Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_Axe|Axe Familiarity]] |Requires='Wood Chopping' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with an axe, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Bleeding|Name=Bleeding|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MAKEBLEED|Usage=|Examples=

===Axe Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Axe|Name=Axe Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(15)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(14)]] |Allows=[[Axe Slicing(Expertise)|Axe Slicing]] [[Axe Focus(Expertise)|Axe Focus]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Axe Piercing(Expertise)|Axe Piercing]] [[Axe Striking(Expertise)|Axe Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is an axe master, gaining bonuses to attack when using an axe in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level axes if the focus expertise is taken.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Blessing|Name=Blessing|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BLESSING|Usage=BLESSING "TARGET NAME"|Examples=blessing orc

|Description=The character bestows a mundane blessing upon the target.  This has the effect of making the target feel better and more confident, giving a small armor bonus and a good aura.  It also has the bizarre effect of removing Curses, which turned to be nothing more than illusions in the target's head to begin with.}}
===Back Hand===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BackHand|Name=Back Hand|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(9)]] |Allows=[[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Blind Fighting===
|Description=So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, closed fist. This attack is only delivered to a combatant which the monk is not currently targeting, but with whom the monk is in melee combat all the same.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BlindFighting|Name=Blind Fighting|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(15)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(17)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(10)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(23)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(11)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(12)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(23)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Negates the affects of not being able to see your opponent during combat.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Bandaging|Name=Bandaging|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] [[AnimalHusbandry|Animal Husbandry]] [[Branding|Branding]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (24) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BANDAGE, BANDAGING|Usage=BANDAGE "MOB NAME"|Examples=bandage bob

|Description=This skill allows the player to use a small bit of raw cloth to bandage up any serious wounds.  This skill will stop bleeding, and protect extreme injuries, allowing the body to heal normally.  This skill also allows broken bones to be properly set, so that they will begin healing on their own. The skill allows a small amount of hit points to be restored during the process.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Blinking|Name=Blinking|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch - Range 9|Commands=PHASE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Blink dogs innately control their blinking ability while they hunt their prey, randomly appearing at a distance from their target to confuse and charge them.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Banish|Name=Banish|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=BANISH|Usage=BANISH "PLAYER NAME" ("MAP ROOM") (RL TIME)|Examples=banish gunther
banish gunther Midgaard#3001
banish gunther 3 hours
banish gunther 14 years

===Blood Brother===
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can send the target mob/player to a prison from which they can not escape magically.  Use this skill again on the same player to release them.  The Archon can optionally specify a room on the map which this skill will copy and use as the jail.  The Archon can also optionally end the command with the number of seconds, ticks, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years in which to keep the player imprisoned.  It is up to the Archon to make sure there are no mundane ways out of the prison; Banish will take care of the magical ways of escape.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BloodBrother|Name=Blood Brother|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(10)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BLOODBROTHER, BROTHER|Usage=BLOODBROTHER "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bloodbrother bob

|Description=The fighter becomes blood brother to the target, sealing a bond of lifetime friendship.  Other than making the two family for the purposes of clan requirements, this skill has no other effect.}}
===Bard Honorary Degree===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeBard|Name=Bard Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(16)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires='Studying'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Blunt Weapon Familiarity===
|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Bard', such as Bard, Dancer, Juggler, Minstrel, and Charlatan. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_BluntWeapon|Name=Blunt Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with blunt weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
===Battle Cry===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Battlecry|Name=Battle Cry|Domain=[[singing(Domain)|Singing]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(6)]] |Allows=[[Rejoicing Singing(Expertise)|Rejoicing Singing]] [[Resounding Singing(Expertise)|Resounding Singing]] [[Echoed Singing(Expertise)|Echoed Singing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BATTLECRY|Usage=BATTLECRY|Examples=battlecry

===Blunt Weapon Proficiency===
|Description=The Barbarian lets out a primal scream of battle, inspiring all group members to his or her banner.  Those under the affect of the cry will hit more frequently.  The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_BluntWeapon|Name=Blunt Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_BluntWeapon|Blunt Weapon Familiarity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with blunt weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
===Bautha zhin===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_Bauthazhin|Name=Bautha zhin|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FLANK|Usage=|Examples=

===Blunt Weapon Specialization===
|Description=A drow fighting style based on evasion, and on flanking and surrounding a single enemy (usually a monster) with superior numbers and agility, favored by rogues and clerics. This ability's affect does not stack with the thief Flank ability.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_BluntWeapon|Name=Blunt Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(12)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(5)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] |Allows=[[Blunt Focus(Expertise)|Blunt Focus]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Blunt Striking(Expertise)|Blunt Striking]] [[Blunt Bashing(Expertise)|Blunt Bashing]] [[Blunt Piercing(Expertise)|Blunt Piercing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a master of blunt weapons, gaining bonuses to attack when using a blunt weapon in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}
===Bear Foraging===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BearForaging|Name=Bear Foraging|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BFORAGE, BEARFORAGE, BEARFORAGING|Usage=BEARFORAGE|Examples=bearforage

===Body Flip===
|Description=This instinctive skill allows the player to sniff out food nearby, even in containers, and even in the possession of others.  The target will be tracked until found, and then, if possible, pounced on and the food containers taken, emptied, and the food eaten.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BodyFlip|Name=Body Flip|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(10)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(10)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BODYFLIP|Usage=BODYFLIP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bodyflip orc

|Description=The Monk slips in and turns the target head over heels, dropping them to the ground stunned for a few moments.}}
===Bear Hug===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BearHug|Name=Bear Hug|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(4)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(23)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (54) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEARHUG|Usage=BEARHUG "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bearhug orc

===Body Shield===
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target and puts them in a strong bear hug.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and too occupied to fight, though the initiator gets a bit of protection.  During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BodyShield|Name=Body Shield|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(16)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows a fighter to use an opponent pinned using the PIN skill as a shield against weapon attacks.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Beastkin_Beastshape|Name=Beastshape|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEASTSHAPE|Usage=|Examples=

===Body Toss===
|Description=This ability allows the user to transform into their ancestral animal form. This form is chosen upon first use of the ability by adding the name of the Beastkin tribe as a parameter to the ability.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BodyToss|Name=Body Toss|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(9)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BODYTOSS|Usage=BODYTOSS "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bodytoss orc

|Description=The fighter picks up the target and tosses them away from himself, doing a bit of damage and putting them out of range.}}

===Boulder Throwing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BoulderThrowing|Name=Boulder Throwing|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the player to throw ammunition, especially siege weapon ammunition, from the deck of a sailing ship, at another sailing ship with which the player's ship is already in combat.}}
The three beastkin tribes are as follows:

===Bow Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Bow|Name=Bow Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with bows they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}

===Bow Proficiency===
Taguel - Out of all the beastkin, the taguel are the closest to extinction at the hands of humans, and thus are the most removed from the domains of humans. They are incredibly distrustful, and make their warrens in dark, hidden places, especially in forests. They tend to be distant, even to the other members of their tribe. Taguel transform into bunny-like creatures larger than the average man. They gain increased dexterity and darkvision.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Bow|Name=Bow Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with bows, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}

===Bow Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Bow|Name=Bow Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(2)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Ranged Focus(Expertise)|Ranged Focus]] [[Ranged Piercing(Expertise)|Ranged Piercing]] [[Ranged Bashing(Expertise)|Ranged Bashing]] [[Ranged Striking(Expertise)|Ranged Striking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a master with bows, gaining bonuses to attack when using a bow in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level bows if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks its bonuses on top of the more general ranged weapon specialization.}}
Wolfskin - The most open of the beastkin, wolfskin are amicable and curious by nature. They find beauty in the repulsive, such as human bones, bug corpses, rotten food and other supposed "refuse" which make collections of. A wolfskin tribe is much larger than either of the other beastkin's, and the bonds of trust are larger to match. They may be courteous to outsiders if they conduct themselves properly and do not prove themselves a threat, but they also hold a great thirst for blood that shows itself when the tribe is threatened. Wolfskin transform into large, bipedal wolf-like creatures, larger than any man, with increased strength, constitution and defense.

===Break A Leg===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BreakALeg|Name=Break A Leg|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(9)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (29) Movement (29) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BREAKALEG|Usage=BREAKALEG|Examples=breakaleg

|Description=The bard begins wishing everyone good luck (but especially his or her enemies), saying 'Break A Leg!'.  This will create a 5% chance per tick that everyone who heard him or her will actually break their leg.}}

===Breakup Fight===
Kitsune - Though not the most isolated of the beastkin, the kitsune are certainly the most well-hidden due to their talents in illusion magic. Their fur is very valuable, and humans often skin them to sell it in black markets. They hide their groves and forests with great care, so concerned of outsiders that they kill any trespassers who see through their spells on sight. This caution is mostly reached in the older generations of kitsune; the younger ones are very whimsical, almost impish. The kitsune take pride in appearances, both mundane and magical; a handsome kitsune elder is typically also a master of the arcane. Kitsune transform into lean foxes, and it's said that older and more experienced kitsune can transform into foxes with nine tails. While in this form, they have increased wisdom, charisma and gain some magical abilities.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Breakup|Name=Breakup Fight|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(15)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BREAKUP|Usage=BREAKUP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=breakup bob

|Description=If the Paladin is not fighting, he or she may use this skill to break up a fight between any two other creatures or players.}}

===Broken Limbs===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=BrokenLimbs|Name=Broken Limbs|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=|Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) Movement (25) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BREAKLIMB|Usage=BREAKLIMB "TARGET NAME" "PART"|Examples=breaklimb orc arm

|Description=This ability governs the careful breaking of body parts as a punishment for crimes.  The target is, amazingly, not harmed during the procedure, but merely breaks the specified limb.  The target must be bound.}}
Typing QUIT will revert them to their normal form.}}

===Befoul Shrine===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Buck|Name=Buck|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BUCK|Usage=BUCK|Examples=buck
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BefoulShrine|Name=Befoul Shrine|Domain=[[criminal(Domain)|Criminal]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(23)]] |Allows=[[Criminal Deviousness(Expertise)|Criminal Deviousness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEFOULSHRINE|Usage=BEFOULSHRINE|Examples=befoulshrine

|Description=The centaur, horse or other rideable attempts to buck off all his or her riders off of them.}}
|Description=Befouling a shrine makes the infused sacred place unusuable for religious services until it is appropriately cleansed and purified.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Buffoonery|Name=Buffoonery|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(30)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (80) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BUFFOONERY|Usage=BUFFOONERY "TARGET NAME" "ITEM NAME"|Examples=buffoonery orc banana
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Befriend|Name=Befriend|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEFRIEND|Usage=BEFRIEND "TARGET NAME"|Examples=befriend vagabond

|Description=This strange skill allows the player to swap out an existing worn or wielded item on the target with one of his or her own. The item must not be an effective weapon or piece of armor for the skill to work effectively.  This powerful skill overcomes curses and other inhibitions by the amazing power of silliness.}}
|Description=This ability allows the bard to pick up new followers to join his or her adventures. The target must be a mobile npc mob, and must be the same racial category, and of a similar alignment.  The bard suffers penalties for trying to befriend mobs of higher or lower levels, though only 10% higher levels are forbidden entirely.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BullRush|Name=Bullrush|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(23)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (73) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=BULLRUSH|Usage=BULLRUSH "TARGET NAME" "DIRECTION"|Examples=bullrush orc east
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Behead|Name=Behead|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(20)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (70) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEHEAD|Usage=BEHEAD "TARGET NAME"|Examples=behead orc

|Description=The fighter takes a strong charge at the target, and runs them into the next room or area in one mighty heroic move.}}
|Description=This skill is an execution skill whereby the fighter rears back and beheads a target which has been bound and is lying prone.  The target must be wanted for a crime in the area for this skill to work.}}

===Belly Rolling===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Burning|Name=Burning|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=[[Ignalist(Expertise)|Ignalist]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=CAST "BURNING HANDS" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=cast "burning hands" orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BellyRolling|Name=Belly Rolling|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=A fan of flames ignite before the casters hands, aimed at the target. This has the effect of hurting the target in many cases.}}
|Description=During combat, the fighter gains the ability to dodge attacks while sitting or on the floor.}}

===Burrow Hide===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BurrowHide|Name=Burrow Hide|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=|Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Berzerk|Name=Berzerk|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(21)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(22)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BERZERK|Usage=BERZERK|Examples=berzerk

|Description=Whenever the player is in an appropriate outdoor room with a burrowing creature, such as a serpent, rodent, or worm, the creature will alert the player to incoming danger from aggressive enemies.}}
|Description=Allows the fighter to gain some temporary bonus hit points, bonus attack points, and bonus damage, at the expense of a slightly lower armor score.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Cage|Name=Cage|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(21)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) Movement (25) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CAGE|Usage=CAGE "TARGET NAME" "CAGE ITEM"|Examples=cage rabbit wagon
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_Bite|Name=Bite|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(7)]] |Allows=[[Unarmed Striking(Expertise)|Unarmed Striking]] [[Unarmed Piercing(Expertise)|Unarmed Piercing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BITE|Usage=BITE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bite orc

|Description=The thief will attempt to get a sleeping or otherwise bound or subdued animal into a cage for safe keeping.  The cage door must be closed afterwards.  If the door to a cage is left open, the creatures inside may escape within a few minutes!}}
|Description=While in his or her animal form (see ShapeShift), the Druid gains the ability to deliver an especially powerful and piercing bite of damage.}}

===Call Mount===
===Blaze Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_SummonMount|Name=Call Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(5)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (55) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CALLMOUNT|Usage=CALLMOUNT|Examples=callmount
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_BlazeChakra|Name=Blaze Chakra|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(7)]] |Allows=[[Ninja_LavaChakra|Lava Chakra]] [[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Flare Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "BLAZE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "blaze chakra"
foc "blaze chakra"

|Description=Allows the Paladin to call upon a white steed which can bear him from place to place.}}
|Description=By focusing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to critically strike their opponent with their sword for a short while.  This chakra may only be used once per MUDhour.}}

===Called Shot===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CalledShot|Name=Called Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(25)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CALLEDSHOT|Usage=CALLEDSHOT ("TARGET NAME") "BODY PART"|Examples=calledshot left arm
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Bleeding|Name=Bleeding|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MAKEBLEED|Usage=|Examples=
calledshot orc left arm

|Description=The player calls out a body part on the target to destroy.  If the player manages to take more than 10% of the target's hit points on the next hit, the body part will be removed.  Requires the use of a ranged or thrown weapon.}}

===Called Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CalledStrike|Name=Called Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(24)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CALLEDSTRIKE|Usage=CALLEDSTRIKE ("TARGET NAME") "BODY PART"|Examples=calledstrike left arm
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Blessing|Name=Blessing|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BLESSING|Usage=BLESSING "TARGET NAME"|Examples=blessing orc
calledstrike orc left arm

|Description=The player calls out a body part on the target to destroyIf the player manages to take more than 10% of the target's hit points on the next hit, the body part will be removedRequires the use of a slashing melee weapon.}}
|Description=The character bestows a mundane blessing upon the target.  This has the effect of making the target feel better and more confident, giving a small armor bonus and a good auraIt also has the bizarre effect of removing Curses, which turned to be nothing more than illusions in the target's head to begin with.}}

===Blind Fighting===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Cartwheel|Name=Cartwheel|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(24)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(15)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(15)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(19)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CARTWHEEL|Usage=CARTWHEEL|Examples=cartwheel
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BlindFighting|Name=Blind Fighting|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(15)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(17)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(10)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(23)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(11)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(12)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(23)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The Monk jumps into a hands-over-heels cartwheel away from his or her opponent.  This can put the Monk as far as range 2 from enemies.}}
|Description=Negates the affects of not being able to see your opponent during combat.}}

===Cast Blocking===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CastBlocking|Name=Cast Blocking|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(7)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CASTBLOCKING|Usage=CASTBLOCKING|Examples=castblocking
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Blinking|Name=Blinking|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch - Range 9|Commands=PHASE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The bard carefully re-arranges all the people in the room who are in combat, possibly changing who they are fighting, and at what range.}}
|Description=Blink dogs innately control their blinking ability while they hunt their prey, randomly appearing at a distance from their target to confuse and charge them.}}

===Catch Projectile===
===Blood Brother===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CatchProjectile|Name=Catch Projectile|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(12)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(11)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BloodBrother|Name=Blood Brother|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(10)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BLOODBROTHER, BROTHER|Usage=BLOODBROTHER "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bloodbrother bob

|Description=The Monk gains the uncanny ability to catch arrows, spears, and other projectiles in mid flightThe Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.}}
|Description=The fighter becomes blood brother to the target, sealing a bond of lifetime friendshipOther than making the two family for the purposes of clan requirements, this skill has no other effect.}}

===Cave Tactics===
===Blood Fed===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CaveTactics|Name=Cave Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_BloodFed|Name=Blood Fed|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in caves. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
|Description=After a vampire or ghoul has feasted on fresh blood, they gain some physical potency. NOTE: Ghouls must be fed blood from a vampire in order to receive this boon.}}

===Center of Attention===
===Blunt Weapon Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CenterOfAttention|Name=Center of Attention|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(13)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (31) Movement (31) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CENTEROFATTENTION|Usage=CENTEROFATTENTION|Examples=centerofattention
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_BluntWeapon|Name=Blunt Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=|Requires='Blunt Weapon Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The bard begins performing loudly, flailing about dramatically.  The performance then causes all enemies in the room to stop fighting and freeze in place, watching the bard attentively.  This skill can only be used approximately twice every mud hour.}}
|Description=The player is familiar with blunt weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}

===Blunt Weapon Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Chantcraft|Name=Chantcraft|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(15)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(19)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (65) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_BluntWeapon|Name=Blunt Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_BluntWeapon|Blunt Weapon Familiarity]] |Requires='Sculpting' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is so knowledgable about druidic magic that he or she can identify chants cast in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.}}
|Description=The player is proficient with blunt weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}

===Blunt Weapon Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Charge|Name=Charge|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Range 1 - Range 2|Commands=CHARGE|Usage=CHARGE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=charge orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_BluntWeapon|Name=Blunt Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(12)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(5)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] |Allows=[[Blunt Focus(Expertise)|Blunt Focus]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Blunt Striking(Expertise)|Blunt Striking]] [[Blunt Bashing(Expertise)|Blunt Bashing]] [[Blunt Piercing(Expertise)|Blunt Piercing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The Barbarian runs at top speed at a target, delivering a deadly attack, but sacrificing armor.}}
|Description=The player is a master of blunt weapons, gaining bonuses to attack when using a blunt weapon in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}

===Body Flip===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Chirgury|Name=Chirgury|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(25)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CHIRGURY|Usage=CHIRGURY "BODY PART" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=chirgury heart corpse
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BodyFlip|Name=Body Flip|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(10)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(10)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BODYFLIP|Usage=BODYFLIP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bodyflip orc

|Description=The player is able to remove body parts from the dead, blood from the living or the dead, or an unborn fetus from the living.}}
|Description=The Monk slips in and turns the target head over heels, dropping them to the ground stunned for a few moments.}}

===Circle Parry===
===Body Shield===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CircleParry|Name=Circle Parry|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(17)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BodyShield|Name=Body Shield|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(16)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The Monk gains the skill to block and parry melee attacks while unarmed.}}
|Description=This skill allows a fighter to use an opponent who is being grappled as a shield against weapon attacks.}}

===Circle Trip===
===Body Toss===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CircleTrip|Name=Circle Trip|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(22)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(25)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CIRCLETRIP, CTRIP|Usage=CIRCLETRIP|Examples=circletrip
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BodyToss|Name=Body Toss|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(9)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BODYTOSS|Usage=BODYTOSS "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bodytoss orc

|Description=Short(s) : ctrip
|Description=The fighter picks up the target and tosses them away from himself, doing a bit of damage and putting them out of range.}}

The Monk becomes capable of swinging his foot along the floor, tripping all opponents in range.}}
===Boulder Throwing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BoulderThrowing|Name=Boulder Throwing|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the player to throw ammunition, especially siege weapon ammunition, from the deck of a sailing ship, at another sailing ship with which the player's ship is already in combat.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Cleave|Name=Cleave|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(23)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(6)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(6)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(5)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(15)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(10)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows a fighter who is in combat against more than one opponent to take an extra attack against the next opponent on the same round in which the first opponent is killed.}}
===Bow Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Bow|Name=Bow Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Cleric Honorary Degree===
|Description=The player is familiar with bows they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeCleric|Name=Cleric Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(24)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (74) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Cleric', such as Cleric, Doomsayer, Healer, Missionary, Necromancer, Oracle, Purist, Shaman, and Templar. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those prayers specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
===Bow Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Bow|Name=Bow Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with bows, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Climb|Name=Climb|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(15)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(15)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(15)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(3)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(3)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(15)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(15)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(15)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(15)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(15)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(15)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(3)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(15)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(2)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(15)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(3)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(15)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(15)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(15)]] |Allows=[[Thief_ImprovedBoarding|Improved Boarding]] [[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Skill_Autoclimb|AutoClimb]] [[Skill_CrowsNest|Crow's Nest]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CLIMB|Usage=CLIMB "DIRECTION"|Examples=climb up

|Description=In some places, one may be able (or required) to climb up or down a surface in order to get there safely.  Without using this skill, someone attempting the climb such a surface is certain to fall.}}
===Bow Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Bow|Name=Bow Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(2)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Ranged Focus(Expertise)|Ranged Focus]] [[Ranged Piercing(Expertise)|Ranged Piercing]] [[Ranged Bashing(Expertise)|Ranged Bashing]] [[Ranged Striking(Expertise)|Ranged Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Clone Chakra===
|Description=The player is a master with bows, gaining bonuses to attack when using a bow in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level bows if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks its bonuses on top of the more general ranged weapon specialization.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_CloneChakra|Name=Clone Chakra|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(12)]] |Allows=[[Ninja_DeathChakra|Death Chakra]] [[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "CLONE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "clone chakra"
foc "clone chakra"

|Description=Using the shadows to form clones of themselves, the ninja can cause illusionary shadow clones to follow him or her around. This misdirection makes the ninja's true form more difficult to determine in combat.  This Chakra requires an intense focus and can only be used once per MUDhour.}}
===Break A Leg===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BreakALeg|Name=Break A Leg|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(9)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (29) Movement (29) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BREAKALEG|Usage=BREAKALEG|Examples=breakaleg

===Cold Touch===
|Description=The bard begins wishing everyone good luck (but especially his or her enemies), saying 'Break A Leg!'.  This will create a 5% chance per tick that everyone who heard him or her will actually break their leg.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_ColdTouch|Name=Cold Touch|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COLDTOUCH|Usage=|Examples=

===Break Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BreakMount|Name=Break Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(20)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (70) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Collect Bounty===
|Description=The player is so capable with favored or racial mounts that he or she can attempt to mount them, even when that is normally impossible.  The creature will attempt to buck them, but if the player also succeeds at Bronco Busting, then the creature will remain a permanent mount.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CollectBounty|Name=Collect Bounty|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(18)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COLLECTBOUNTY, BOUNTY|Usage=COLLECTBOUNTY "TARGET NAME"|Examples=collectbounty orc

|Description=If the player is able to bring a legitimately wanted criminal up before a judge in the same area, the judge will pay the player a bounty on the criminal and bring in an authorized cityguard to complete the trial.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Breakout|Name=Breakout|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(14)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(10)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(10)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(10)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BREAKOUT|Usage=BREAKOUT|Examples=breakout

===Combat Frenzy===
|Description=The fighter uses a burst of strength to attempt to break out of bonds, webs, and similar holds.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=CombatFrenzy|Name=Combat Frenzy|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMBATFRENZY|Usage=COMBATFRENZY|Examples=combatfrenzy

|Description=This ability allows one to enter a state of blind combative frenzy.  Thus worked up to, the player gains temporary hit points, hits more often and does more damage in combat, but also becomes easier to hit.}}
===Breakup Fight===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Breakup|Name=Breakup Fight|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(15)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BREAKUP|Usage=BREAKUP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=breakup bob

===Combat Log===
|Description=If the Paladin is not fighting, he or she may use this skill to break up a fight between any two other creatures or players.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CombatLog|Name=Combat Log|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(3)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 20|Commands=COMBATLOG|Usage=COMBATLOG ("TARGET NAME"/"COMMAND" ("ARGUMENT"))
combatlog stop
combatlog report
combatlog write paper

|Description=This ability allows the player to assess key statistics about another character or creatures performance in a fight.  The player studiously notes all combat details and can report out the details at any time, so long as they are still observing.  The player is able to observe things like the resources they consume, and the challenges they overcome. The more lore Expertise the player has, the greater the number of insights and details they will be able to note using this skill. The player can then report on these details or even write them onto paper or into a book.  Stopping will clear the statistics, allowing the player to study a new target.}}
===Broken Limbs===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=BrokenLimbs|Name=Broken Limbs|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=|Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) Movement (25) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BREAKLIMB|Usage=BREAKLIMB "TARGET NAME" "PART"|Examples=breaklimb orc arm

===Combat Record===
|Description=This ability governs the careful breaking of body parts as a punishment for crimes. The target is, amazingly, not harmed during the procedure, but merely breaks the specified limb. The target must be bound.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_CRecord|Name=Combat Record|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=CRECORD|Usage=CRECORD LIST/START "MINS"/STOP/MINLEVEL "LEVEL"/...
.../ADD "PLAYER"/DEL "PLAYER"|Examples=crecord start 15

|Description=This tool automatically creates a combat log for a player when they gain a level, if they are above a minimum level, and if they gained the current level within a minimum number of minutes. It will continue to log until the next level is gained.  To activate the tool, enter CRECORD START (number of minutes). Players will then start being recorded automatically.  Combat recording can also be managed manually using ADD/DEL.  The default minimum level is 10, but can be modified with the MINLEVEL command.  Logs are kept in the dbfs directory '::/resources/clogs/'.}}
===Bronco Busting===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ResistBuck|Name=Bronco Busting|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(11)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(11)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(4)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(11)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (54) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Combat Repairs===
|Description=The character has learned to resist attempts at being Bucked from a mount.  If they manage to stay on the mount for a sufficient period, then the mount might even stay broken.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CombatRepairs|Name=Combat Repairs|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(18)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(18)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (34) Movement (34) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMBATREPAIR, COMBATREPAIRS|Usage=COMBATREPAIR|Examples=combatrepair

|Description=The sailor quickly runs around patching up holes and other ship damage with any materials on hand.  This may only be done while the ship is in combat and provides an amount of repair which depends on the sailors dexterity and expertise.  The repairs wear off once the ship leaves combat, but never falls below the damage level when repairs were made.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Buck|Name=Buck|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BUCK|Usage=BUCK|Examples=buck

===Combat Sleep===
|Description=The centaur, horse or other rideable attempts to buck off all his or her riders off of them.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=CombatSleep|Name=Combat Sleep|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMBATSLEEP|Usage=|Examples=

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Buffoonery|Name=Buffoonery|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(30)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (80) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BUFFOONERY|Usage=BUFFOONERY "TARGET NAME" "ITEM NAME"|Examples=buffoonery orc banana

===Command Horse===
|Description=This strange skill allows the player to swap out an existing worn or wielded item on the target with one of his or her own.  The item must not be an effective weapon or piece of armor for the skill to work effectively.  This powerful skill overcomes curses and other inhibitions by the amazing power of silliness.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_CommandHorse|Name=Command Horse|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(22)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (72) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMMANDHORSE|Usage=COMMANDHORSE "TARGET" "COMMAND"|Examples=commandhorse horse smile

|Description=The Paladin's affinity with horses has grown such that they have the natural ability to command equines of all sorts to do just about anything he wants.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Bulldog|Name=Bulldog|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BULLDOG|Usage=BULLDOG "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bulldog orc

===Commoner Honorary Degree===
|Description=The fighter pulls down a target in a headlock or chokehold, and runs them into the ground for a bit of damage, maintaining the hold.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeCommoner|Name=Commoner Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(12)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (62) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Commoner', such as Artisan, Sailor, Apprentice, Gaoler, or Scholar. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those common skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_BullRush|Name=Bullrush|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(23)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (73) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=BULLRUSH|Usage=BULLRUSH "TARGET NAME" "DIRECTION"|Examples=bullrush orc east

===Conduct Symphony===
|Description=The fighter takes a strong charge at the target, and runs them into the next room or area in one mighty heroic move.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Conduct|Name=Conduct Symphony|Domain=[[playing(Domain)|Playing]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(30)]] |Allows=[[Rhythmic Playing(Expertise)|Rhythmic Playing]] [[Resounding Playing(Expertise)|Resounding Playing]] [[Bold Playing(Expertise)|Bold Playing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 2|Commands=CONDUCT|Usage=CONDUCT|Examples=conduct

|Description=This powerful bard skill allows the bard to conduct their group as if it were a symphony.  If the bard's group all have instruments, and all are prepared to play them, then using this skill will grant them all the ability to play the magical "symphony" as per the bard song.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Burning|Name=Burning|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=[[Ignalist(Expertise)|Ignalist]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=CAST "BURNING HANDS" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=cast "burning hands" orc

===Consume Corpse===
|Description=A fan of flames ignite before the casters hands, aimed at the target. This has the effect of hurting the target in many cases.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ConsumeCorpse|Name=Consume Corpse|Domain=[[corruption(Domain)|Corruption]]|Available=|Allows=[[Corrupting(Expertise)|Corrupting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CONSUMECORPSE|Usage=CONSUMECORPSE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=consumecorpse body

|Description=This twisted semi-magical skill causes the mouth of the caster to grow large enough to consume a corpse in one gulp.  Doing so gives the caster back lots of health, mana, and movement, depending on the level of the corpse.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Burrow|Name=Burrow|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=BURROW "DIRECTION"|Examples=burrow down

===Control Undead===
|Description=The creature uses their claws to burrow a temporary hole in the ground that they can hide in for a time.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ControlUndead|Name=Control Undead|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=[[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(5)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] |Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CONTROL|Usage=CONTROL "TARGET NAME"|Examples=control skeleton

|Description=The evil or neutral priest attempts to frighten the heck out of an undead creature. Depending upon the level of the priest versus the level of the creature, the effect of the skill may be to either cause it to become submissive for a time, or come completely under the clerics control.}}
===Burrow Hide===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_BurrowHide|Name=Burrow Hide|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=|Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Whenever the player is in an appropriate outdoor room with a burrowing creature, such as a serpent, rodent, or worm, the creature will alert the player to incoming danger from aggressive enemies.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Convert|Name=Convert|Domain=[[evangelism(Domain)|Evangelism]]|Available=[[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] |Allows=[[Evangelising(Expertise)|Evangelising]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CONVERT|Usage=CONVERT "PLAYER NAME/DEITY NAME"|Examples=convert bob
convert odin

|Description=This skill allows Clerics to convert themselves or others to the worship of specific deities.  If a player is specified, the target player must not be worshiping another deity at the time, which means that to change deities, the player must first REBUKE their current deity.  If an npc mob is specified, then a failed conversion will be followed by a period of doubt where the npc may not be converted by anyone.  That is then followed by another longer period where the mob will be susceptible to conversion.  A converted npc mob will remain so for a period of time, but any religious services in the area attended by the mob will extend the period.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Cage|Name=Cage|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(21)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires='Animal Husbandry' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) Movement (25) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CAGE|Usage=CAGE "TARGET NAME" "CAGE ITEM"|Examples=cage rabbit wagon

|Description=The thief will attempt to get a sleeping or otherwise bound or subdued animal into a cage for safe keeping.  The cage door must be closed afterwards.  If the door to a cage is left open, the creatures inside may escape within a few minutes!}}

===Call Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_SummonMount|Name=Call Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(5)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] [[Summoning Mastery(Expertise)|Summoning Mastery]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (55) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CALLMOUNT|Usage=CALLMOUNT|Examples=callmount

A deity may be also be specified as a parameter, allowing the cleric to convert themselves to the worship of a deity.  Use the DEITIES command to list available deities.  See also the help entries for RELIGION, BLESSINGS, SERVICES, and RITUALS for more information.}}
|Description=Allows the Paladin to call upon a holy steed which can bear him from place to place.}}

===Cosmic Adaptation===
===Call Steed===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CosmicAdaptation|Name=Cosmic Adaptation|Domain=[[cosmology(Domain)|Cosmology]]|Available=|Allows=[[Planar Finessing(Expertise)|Planar Finessing]] [[Planar Empowering(Expertise)|Planar Empowering]] [[Planar Extending(Expertise)|Planar Extending]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CallSteed|Name=Call Steed|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(3)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] [[Summoning Mastery(Expertise)|Summoning Mastery]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CALLSTEED|Usage=CALLSTEED ("RACE"/LIST/DISMISS)|Examples=callsteed
callsteed horse
callsteed dismiss

|Description=Grants one the ability to breath an extraplanar atmosphere for a while, depending on proficiency, which is never absolutely perfect.}}
|Description=Allows the Fighter to call upon one of his or her steeds which can bear him from place to place.  Extra steeds become available from Favored and Racial mounts.  LIST will show steeds that can be switched-to, while DISMISS will shoo-away the current called steed.}}

===Called Shot===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CounterAttack|Name=Counter-Attack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(24)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CalledShot|Name=Called Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(25)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(25)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CALLEDSHOT|Usage=CALLEDSHOT ("TARGET NAME") "BODY PART"|Examples=calledshot left arm
calledshot orc left arm

|Description=This skill allows a fighter to position themselves for an extra attack following a successful Parry.}}
|Description=The player calls out a body part on the target to destroy.  If the player manages to take more than 10% of the target's hit points on the next hit, the body part will be removed.  Requires the use of a ranged or thrown weapon.}}

===Coup de Grace===
===Called Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CoupDeGrace|Name=Coup de Grace|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(30)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (150) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COUP, COUPDEGRACE|Usage=COUP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=coup orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CalledStrike|Name=Called Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(24)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CALLEDSTRIKE|Usage=CALLEDSTRIKE ("TARGET NAME") "BODY PART"|Examples=calledstrike left arm
calledstrike orc left arm

|Description=The fighter attempts to deliver a final fatal blow to the target which is very injured, below 25% of their hit points and completely prone (lying down)This is a difficult skill to use properly, so practice often!  The typical fighter must quickly whomp their target to the ground and coup-de-grace them before they come back to their senses.}}
|Description=The player calls out a body part on the target to destroy.  If the player manages to take more than 10% of the target's hit points on the next hit, the body part will be removedRequires the use of a slashing melee weapon.}}

===Cover Defence===
===Caravan Commander===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CoverDefence|Name=Cover Defence|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(23)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CaravanCommander|Name=Caravan Commander|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(25)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=During combat, the fighter will keep an eye out for defensive cover positions to take against missile weaponsWhen the moment is right, the fighter may take cover behind these positions, negating the missile attack.}}
|Description=This skill gives the fighter and his or her group an edge in attack and armor when fighting inside a caravan that the fighter is associated withIt also improves the attack potential of all siege weapons fired from the caravan while the commander is inside.}}

===Caravan Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Cowering|Name=Cowering|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COWERFROM|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CaravanTactics|Name=Caravan Tactics|Domain=[[travel(Domain)|Travel]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(21)]] |Allows=[[Reduced Traveling(Expertise)|Reduced Traveling]] [[Power Traveling(Expertise)|Power Traveling]] [[Ranged Traveling(Expertise)|Ranged Traveling]] [[Extended Traveling(Expertise)|Extended Traveling]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (71) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting inside a caravan. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

===Crescent Kick===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CrescentKick|Name=Crescent Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=|Allows=[[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Cartwheel|Name=Cartwheel|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(24)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(15)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(15)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(19)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CARTWHEEL|Usage=CARTWHEEL|Examples=cartwheel

|Description=So long as the fighter is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, sweeping crescent kick.}}
|Description=The Monk jumps into a hands-over-heels cartwheel away from his or her opponent.  This can put the Monk as far as range 2 from enemies.}}

===Critical Shot===
===Cast Blocking===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CriticalShot|Name=Critical Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(17)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(16)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(14)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(15)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CastBlocking|Name=Cast Blocking|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(7)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CASTBLOCKING|Usage=CASTBLOCKING|Examples=castblocking

|Description=Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when firing or throwing a ranged weapon in combat.}}
|Description=The bard carefully re-arranges all the people in the room who are in combat, possibly changing who they are fighting, and at what range.}}

===Critical Strike===
===Catch Projectile===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CritStrike|Name=Critical Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(11)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(9)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(20)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CatchProjectile|Name=Catch Projectile|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(12)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(11)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires='Deflect Projectile' at 100%|Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when using a weapon in melee combat.}}
|Description=The Monk gains the uncanny ability to catch arrows, spears, and other projectiles in mid flight.  The Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.}}

===Crow's Nest===
===Cave Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CrowsNest|Name=Crow's Nest|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(6)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CROWSNEST|Usage=crowsnest|Examples=crowsnest
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CaveTactics|Name=Cave Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Allows the sailor to attempt to climb up into the crows nest from the deck of their large sailing ship. From this small perch, the sailor can look around and see approaching people or objects or land from a greater distance, and take note of the direction. They can then yell down instructions to those on the deck below.  Looking in particular directions will allow them to make out some minor details in that direction.}}
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in caves. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

===Cultural Adaptation===
===Center of Attention===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CulturalAdaptation|Name=Cultural Adaptation|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=|Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CenterOfAttention|Name=Center of Attention|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(13)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (31) Movement (31) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CENTEROFATTENTION|Usage=CENTEROFATTENTION|Examples=centerofattention

|Description=The character is so good at adapting to other cultures that he or she automatically gains or loses 20% more faction than other characters.}}
|Description=The bard begins performing loudly, flailing about dramatically.  The performance then causes all enemies in the room to stop fighting and freeze in place, watching the bard attentively.  This skill can only be used approximately twice every mud hour.}}

===Curtain Call===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CurtainCall|Name=Curtain Call|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(19)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (34) Movement (34) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CURTAINCALL|Usage=CURTAINCALL|Examples=curtaincall
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Chantcraft|Name=Chantcraft|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(15)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(19)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (65) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The bard calls the curtain, making everyone in his or her group begin taking a bow until their health and mana is restored, at the cost of movement.}}
|Description=The player is so knowledgable about druidic magic that he or she can identify chants cast in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.}}

===Cyclone Chakra===
===Chaos Rage===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ninja_cyclonechakra|Name=Cyclone Chakra|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(23)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "CYCLONE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "cyclone chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_ChaosRage|Name=Chaos Rage|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(11)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CHAOSRAGE, RAGE|Usage=CHAOS RAGE|Examples=chaosrage
foc "cyclone chakra"

|Description=The ninja can focus her chakra to harness the power of a cyclone, striking multiple additional times before the effect wears off.  The ninja must wait a short while before they can summon this energy again.}}
|Description=Allows the paladin to gain some temporary bonus hit points, bonus attack points, and bonus damage, at the expense of a slightly lower armor score.}}

===Dagger Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Dagger|Name=Dagger Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Charge|Name=Charge|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Range 1 - Range 5|Commands=CHARGE|Usage=CHARGE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=charge orc

|Description=The player is familiar with daggers they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
|Description=The Barbarian runs at top speed at a target, delivering a deadly attack, but sacrificing armor.}}

===Dagger Proficiency===
===Child Labor===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Dagger|Name=Dagger Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ChildLabor|Name=Child Labor|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(12)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (62) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with daggers, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
|Description=This skill gives one the unique ability to organize and coerce small innocent children into helping with mundane crafting and gathering skills, up to double the speed to completion.  This must be done on private property with the owner present.}}

===Dagger Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Dagger|Name=Dagger Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(2)]] |Allows=[[Edged Focus(Expertise)|Edged Focus]] [[Edged Slashing(Expertise)|Edged Slashing]] [[Edged Piercing(Expertise)|Edged Piercing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Edged Striking(Expertise)|Edged Striking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Chirgury|Name=Chirgury|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(25)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires='Butchering'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CHIRGURY|Usage=CHIRGURY "BODY PART" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=chirgury heart corpse

|Description=The player is a master with daggers, gaining bonuses to attack when using a dagger in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level daggers if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks its bonuses on top of the more general edged weapon specialization.}}
|Description=The player is able to remove body parts from the dead, blood from the living or the dead, or an unborn fetus from the living.}}

===Dead Reckoning===
===Choke Hold===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_DeadReckoning|Name=Dead Reckoning|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(11)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(11)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (30) Movement (30) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DEADRECKON, DEADRECKONING|Usage=DEADRECKON|Examples=deadreckon
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ChokeHold|Name=Choke Hold|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(16)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(16)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CHOKEHOLD|Usage=CHOKEHOLD "TARGET NAME"|Examples=chokehold orc

|Description=From the deck of a boat or ship, the sailor can use their intuition and superior guesswork to determine which direction lies the path to the closest land.}}
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target about the neck from behind in a choke hold.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't do much of anything else.  During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}

===Death Chakra===
===Circle Parry===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_DeathChakra|Name=Death Chakra|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(14)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "DEATH CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "death chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CircleParry|Name=Circle Parry|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(17)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
foc "death chakra"

|Description=By slowing their heart chakra down to almost a stop, the ninja can become invisible while leaving a corpse resembling themselves at their feet.  This ability can only be used once every half-a-MUDhour.}}
|Description=The Monk gains the skill to block and parry melee attacks while unarmed.}}

===Decipher Script===
===Circle Trip===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_DecipherScript|Name=Decipher Script|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(8)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(8)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (8) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DECIPHER|Usage=DECIPHER "TARGET NAME" ("PAGE NUMBER")|Examples=decipher paper
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CircleTrip|Name=Circle Trip|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(22)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(25)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CIRCLETRIP, CTRIP|Usage=CIRCLETRIP|Examples=circletrip
decipher book 3

|Description=The player decodes any encryption on a book or document or other writing.  It can be used similar to the READ command to select different pages of a book as well.}}
|Description=Short(s) : ctrip

===Deep Breath===
The Monk becomes capable of swinging his foot along the floor, tripping all opponents in range.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_DeepBreath|Name=Deep Breath|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(17)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill grants the ability to hold ones breathe for a period, allowing one to forego damage when under water or otherwise unable to breathe. }}
===Clear Mind===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_ClearMind|Name=Clear Mind|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CLEARMIND|Usage=|Examples=

===Deflect Projectile===
|Description=A vampire may end all of their Auspex abilities early through the use of this ability.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DeflectProjectile|Name=Deflect Projectile|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(7)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(7)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The Monk gains the uncanny ability to block and deflect arrows, spears, and other projectiles in mid flight.  The Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Cleave|Name=Cleave|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(23)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(6)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(6)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(10)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(5)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(15)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(10)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Desert Tactics===
|Description=This skill allows a fighter who is in combat against more than one opponent to take an extra attack against the next opponent on the same round in which the first opponent is killed.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DesertTactics|Name=Desert Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(13)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in deserts. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
===Cleric Honorary Degree===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeCleric|Name=Cleric Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(24)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires='Studying'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (74) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Desperate Moves===
|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Cleric', such as Cleric, Doomsayer, Healer, Missionary, Necromancer, Oracle, Purist, Shaman, and Templar. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those prayers specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DesperateMoves|Name=Desperate Moves|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(17)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=When near death, the fighters desperation brings out their best evasive moves, cutting all damage in half when below 10% hit points.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Climb|Name=Climb|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(15)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(15)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(15)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(3)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(15)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(3)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(15)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(15)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(15)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(15)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(15)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(15)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(3)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(15)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(2)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(15)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(3)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(15)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(15)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(15)]] |Allows=[[Thief_ImprovedBoarding|Improved Boarding]] [[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Skill_Autoclimb|AutoClimb]] [[Skill_CrowsNest|Crow's Nest]] |Requires='Wood Chopping' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CLIMB|Usage=CLIMB "DIRECTION"|Examples=climb up

===Devour Corpse===
|Description=In some places, one may be able (or required) to climb up or down a surface in order to get there safely.  Without using this skill, someone attempting the climb such a surface is certain to fall.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_DevourCorpse|Name=Devour Corpse|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=EAT BODY|Examples=eat body

|Description=This skill grants the ability to eat the corpses of creatures up to those moderately larger than the character.  The corpse must be emptied of any equipment before doing so, and the corpses of other players may be restricted.}}
===Clinch Hold===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ClinchHold|Name=Clinch Hold|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(13)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(13)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(13)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(13)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(13)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CLINCHHOLD|Usage=CLINCHHOLD "TARGET NAME"|Examples=clinchhold orc

===Diamond Chakra===
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target about the shoulders and engages a clinch hold.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle can do little more than hit each other with fists or claws, or engage in another grappling maneuver.  During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use release to release the hold.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_DiamondChakra|Name=Diamond Chakra|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(17)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "DIAMOND CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "diamond chakra"
foc "diamond chakra"

|Description=This draining move covers the ninja's body in a glimmering layer of solidified chi as strong as diamond to make weapon attacks easier to shrug off.}}
===Cloak of Shadows===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_CloakOfShadows|Name=Cloak of Shadows|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CLOAKOFSHADOWS|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This fledgling OBFUSCATE ability allows the vampire to hide themselves behind some sort of cover or at least be in a position that eyes easily pass over anyway them. Most often, such cover is the shadows of an alley or a recessed door frame, but this power also works if you can interpose a tree or lamppost (no matter how narrow) between yourself and the ones from whom you hide.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Dirt|Name=Dirt|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(5)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(11)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(11)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(2)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(14)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(12)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(5)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (52) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=DIRT|Usage=DIRT "TARGET NAME"|Examples=dirt orc

|Description=The fighter attempts to kick dirt into the eyes of the target, making them temporarily blind.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Disarm|Name=Disarm|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(8)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(8)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(7)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(9)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(8)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(6)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(6)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(9)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(8)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(8)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(9)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(8)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(8)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DISARM|Usage=DISARM "TARGET NAME"|Examples=disarm orc

|Description=The fighter attempts use his or her weapon to disarm the target, hurling their weapon onto the floor and out of reach.  To succeed, the player must be armed, make their proficiency check, "hit" their opponent, and not be too underpowered compared to their opponent.}}
You may use the VISIBLE command to end this effect early.}}

===Disease Immunity===
===Cloak the Gathering===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_DiseaseImmunity|Name=Disease Immunity|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(7)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_CloakTheGathering|Name=Cloak the Gathering|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CLOAKTHEGATHERING|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the Paladin's proficiency grows, he or she becomes more and more immune to diseases and disease like spell affects.}}
|Description=This incredibly manipulative power allows you to extend any of your Obfuscate powers to those around you. Not only are you concealed, but so is everyone else with you whom you wish to conceal.

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Disguise|Name=Disguise|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(3)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DISGUISE|Usage=DISGUISE "ATTRIBUTE" "CHANGE DESCRIPTION"|Examples=disguise race orc
disguise class thief
disguise height 1000

|Description=This powerful ability allows the bard to disguise his or her appearance in numerous ways.  The disguise command, without any arguments, will list the attributes which may be changed.  Once a disguise has been put on, entering disguise again without any arguments will remove the disguise.}}

If one character compromises the disguise or invisibility, then only she is no longer under the protection of your powers. However, if you compromise the position, the Cloak drops completely and everyone may be seen.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Diving|Name=Diving|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(9)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (59) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill automatically turns falls into water from a great height into a graceful dive, which mitigates damage taken when the player hits water.}}
===Clone Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_CloneChakra|Name=Clone Chakra|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(12)]] |Allows=[[Ninja_DeathChakra|Death Chakra]] [[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires='Drone Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "CLONE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "clone chakra"
foc "clone chakra"

|Description=Using the shadows to form clones of themselves, the ninja can cause illusionary shadow clones to follow him or her around. This misdirection makes the ninja's true form more difficult to determine in combat.  This Chakra requires an intense focus and can only be used once per MUDhour.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Dodge|Name=Dodge|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(6)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(6)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(7)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(7)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(4)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(6)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(10)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(7)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(7)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(9)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(4)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(7)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(6)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(5)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(7)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(6)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(6)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=dodge

|Description=During combat, the character begins to dance around on their feet, making them harder to hit in combat.}}
===Cold Touch===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_ColdTouch|Name=Cold Touch|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COLDTOUCH|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Dragonbreath|Name=Dragonbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=DRAGONBREATH|Usage=|Examples=


===Drain Life===
===Collect Bounty===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_LifeDrain|Name=Drain Life|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAINLIFE|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CollectBounty|Name=Collect Bounty|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(18)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COLLECTBOUNTY, BOUNTY|Usage=COLLECTBOUNTY "TARGET NAME"|Examples=collectbounty orc

|Description=If the player is able to bring a legitimately wanted criminal up before a judge in the same area, the judge will pay the player a bounty on the criminal and bring in an authorized cityguard to complete the trial.}}

===Drone Chakra===
===Combat Frenzy===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_DroneChakra|Name=Drone Chakra|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] [[Ninja_CloneChakra|Clone Chakra]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "DRONE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "drone chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=CombatFrenzy|Name=Combat Frenzy|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMBATFRENZY|Usage=COMBATFRENZY|Examples=combatfrenzy
foc "drone chakra"

|Description=Using drab clothing and the surrounding shadows, ninjas can disguise themselves as an ordinary, non-descript individuals.}}
|Description=This ability allows one to enter a state of blind combative frenzy.  Thus worked up to, the player gains temporary hit points, hits more often and does more damage in combat, but also becomes easier to hit.}}

===Druid Honorary Degree===
===Combat Log===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeDruid|Name=Druid Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(22)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CombatLog|Name=Combat Log|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(3)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 20|Commands=COMBATLOG|Usage=COMBATLOG ("TARGET NAME"/"COMMAND" ("ARGUMENT"))
combatlog stop
combatlog report
combatlog write paper

|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Druid', such as Druid, Skywatcher, Gaian, Delver, Mer, and Beastmaster. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title. The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree titleWhen one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
|Description=This ability allows the player to assess key statistics about another character or creatures performance in a fight.  The player studiously notes all combat details and can report out the details at any time, so long as they are still observing.  The player is able to observe things like the resources they consume, and the challenges they overcome. The more lore Expertise the player has, the greater the number of insights and details they will be able to note using this skill. The player can then report on these details or even write them onto paper or into a bookStopping will clear the statistics, allowing the player to study a new target.}}

===Druidic Pass===
===Combat Recall===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_DruidicPass|Name=Druidic Pass|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PASS|Usage=PASS "DIRECTION"|Examples=pass east
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CombatRecall|Name=Combat Recall|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Bard(Bard)|Bard(6)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch - Range 20|Commands=COMBATRECALL|Usage=COMBATRECALL LIST/"#NUM"|Examples=combatrecall list

|Description=This skill allows the druid to move silently and almost invisibly from place to place while traveling in the wildMoreover, this skill allows the Druid to pass into locked dwellings, if those dwellings are located in the wild outdoorsy domain.}}
|Description=The player has the ability to perfectly recall fights and combat that he or she witnesses, and can review them at willThe number of fights that can be recalled goes up with expertise.}}

===Dual Parry===
===Combat Record===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DualParry|Name=Dual Parry|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(16)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(13)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_CRecord|Name=Combat Record|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=CRECORD|Usage=CRECORD LIST/START "MINS"/STOP/MINLEVEL "LEVEL"/...
.../ADD "PLAYER"/DEL "PLAYER"|Examples=crecord start 15

|Description=For players wielding two weapons, this skill allows the fighter to have an extra parry attempt using the off-hand weapon during combatA successful parry effectively cancels the attack.}}
|Description=This tool automatically creates a combat log for a player when they gain a level, if they are above a minimum level, and if they gained the current level within a minimum number of minutes. It will continue to log until the next level is gained.  To activate the tool, enter CRECORD START "number of minutes". Players will then start being recorded automatically.  Combat recording can also be managed manually using ADD/DEL.  The default minimum level is 10, but can be modified with the MINLEVEL commandLogs are kept in the dbfs directory '::/resources/clogs/'.}}

===Combat Repairs===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Dueler|Name=Dueler|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CombatRepairs|Name=Combat Repairs|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(18)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(18)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (34) Movement (34) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMBATREPAIR, COMBATREPAIRS|Usage=COMBATREPAIR|Examples=combatrepair

|Description=The sailor quickly runs around patching up holes and other ship damage with any materials on hand.  This may only be done while the ship is in combat and provides an amount of repair which depends on the sailors dexterity and expertise.  The repairs wear off once the ship leaves combat, but never falls below the damage level when repairs were made.}}

===Eagle Eyes===
===Combat Sleep===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_EagleEyes|Name=Eagle Eyes|Domain=[[alert(Domain)|Alert]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vigilantly(Expertise)|Vigilantly]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=CombatSleep|Name=Combat Sleep|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMBATSLEEP|Usage=|Examples=


===Edged Weapon Familiarity===
===Command Horse===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_EdgedWeapon|Name=Edged Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_CommandHorse|Name=Command Horse|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(22)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (72) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMMANDHORSE|Usage=COMMANDHORSE "TARGET" "COMMAND"|Examples=commandhorse horse smile

|Description=The player is familiar with edged weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
|Description=The Paladin's affinity with his holy mount has grown such that they have the natural ability to command him to do just about anything he wants.  This requires a holy mount be summoned as per the skill, which may be a horse, or whatever mount race your  deity prefers.}}

===Edged Weapon Proficiency===
===Command Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_EdgedWeapon|Name=Edged Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Familiarity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CommandMount|Name=Command Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(10)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (60) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMMANDMOUNT|Usage=COMMANDMOUNT "TARGET" "COMMAND"|Examples=commandmount horse smile

|Description=The player is proficient with sharp edged weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
|Description=The Fighter's affinity for his racial and favored mount races has grown such that he attains the ability to command them to do just about anything he wants.}}

===Edged Weapon Specialization===
===Commoner Honorary Degree===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Name=Edged Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(3)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] |Allows=[[Edged Focus(Expertise)|Edged Focus]] [[Edged Slashing(Expertise)|Edged Slashing]] [[Edged Piercing(Expertise)|Edged Piercing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Edged Striking(Expertise)|Edged Striking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeCommoner|Name=Commoner Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(12)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires='Studying'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (62) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a master of sharp edges, gaining bonuses to attack when using an edged weapon in combatCan also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}
|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Commoner', such as Artisan, Sailor, Apprentice, Gaoler, or Scholar. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those common skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree TitleThe scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}

===Eighth Totem===
===Companion Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift8|Name=Eighth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CompanionMount|Name=Companion Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(19)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (69) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take onBy specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new formJust like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
|Description=The fighter may build loyalty with their animal racial or favored mount over time. The mount will then become a loyal companion and follower of the fighter for as long as they pleaseThe animal will be more difficult to lose or become separated from during adventuring. This will also dispel any charm effects on the animal.  Expertise increases the number of possible loyal companion mounts.}}

===Eleventh Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift11|Name=Eleventh Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_Conditioning|Name=Conditioning|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CONDITIONING|Usage=|Examples=
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
|Description=Over time, an individual can be Conditioned so that she is thereafter unable to resist your Domination and is also more resistant to the Domination of others. Kindred often Condition their servants to ensure loyal retainers. The procedure works based on the fact that mortals who have been Dominated repeatedly have a harder time resisting future attempts.

===Encrypted Writing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_EncryptedWriting|Name=Encrypted Writing|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(21)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ENCRYPTEDWRITING, ENCRYPTWRITE, EWRITE, EWR|Usage=|Examples=


Conditioning is not something that is effective on the drop of a hat. It takes time to carefully cultivate the subject's mind (through use of the Command the Wearied Mind and Mesmerize abilities) for the kind of control you will exercise. Fully conditioning a subject can take weeks or even months.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Endurance|Name=Endurance|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(18)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(19)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(21)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(19)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (68) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Allows the fighter to recover hit points, mana, and movement more quickly when not in combat.}}

===Energize Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_EnergizeChakra|Name=Energize Chakra|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] |Allows=[[Ninja_LightningChakra|Lightning Chakra]] [[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "ENERGIZE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "energize chakra"
foc "energize chakra"

|Description=The ninja can use chi to improve their stamina, effectively converting some mana into movement.}}
Conditioned retainers have very little imagination, and tend to obey the orders given them quite literally. The conditioning actually destroys some of their free will, turning them into automatons.}}

===Energy Drain===
===Conduct Symphony===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_EnergyDrain|Name=Energy Drain|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAINENERGY|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Conduct|Name=Conduct Symphony|Domain=[[playing(Domain)|Playing]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(30)]] |Allows=[[Rhythmic Playing(Expertise)|Rhythmic Playing]] [[Resounding Playing(Expertise)|Resounding Playing]] [[Bold Playing(Expertise)|Bold Playing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 2|Commands=CONDUCT|Usage=CONDUCT|Examples=conduct

|Description=This powerful bard skill allows the bard to conduct their group as if it were a symphony.  If the bard's group all have instruments, and all are prepared to play them, then using this skill will grant them all the ability to play the magical "symphony" as per the bard song.}}

===Confident Vanity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Enslave|Name=Enslave|Domain=[[criminal(Domain)|Criminal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(23)]] |Allows=[[Criminal Deviousness(Expertise)|Criminal Deviousness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (73) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ENSLAVE|Usage=ENSLAVE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=enslave orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ConfidentVanity|Name=Confident Vanity|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(14)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the player to break down an intelligent mob and enslave them. Once enslaved, a mob can be sold to slave traders, brought to the players clan homes or personal homes to remain as permanent residents, ORDERed as vassals of the owner, and, of course, command them to perform tasks.  Tasks for the slave to perform must be directed to the slave with the SAY command, and must begin with the words "I command you to" or "I order you to"The slave will then wander around as in a GEAS trying to perform the task.  The slave can be released from the task by saying "cancel" to them.  Slaves are different from pets in that they require food and drink to survive.  If given the food and water, they will eat and drink as necessary from what they have been given.  Slaves eventually lose loyalty as well.  If they starve, or if they take damage for any reason, their loyalty will decrease, making them more and more likely to leave their masters homes, or attack their masters.}}
|Description=The foppish fighter gains added attack based upon the obvious value of his or her clothing, but only when in combat with someone who can see you.  Wearing exquisitely crafted armor provides additional attack bonuses.}}

===Exit Stage Left===
===Consume Corpse===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ExitStageLeft|Name=Exit Stage Left|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(16)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (33) Movement (33) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EXITSTAGELEFT|Usage=EXITSTAGELEFT|Examples=exitstageleft
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ConsumeCorpse|Name=Consume Corpse|Domain=[[corruption(Domain)|Corruption]]|Available=|Allows=[[Corrupting(Expertise)|Corrupting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CONSUMECORPSE|Usage=CONSUMECORPSE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=consumecorpse body

|Description=The bard calls the curtain and motions for his or her enemies to exit, stage left (West). The enemies will then flee or wander west for awhile, until they run out of west directions, or the effect wears off.  At that point, they will return quickly to their homes.}}
|Description=This twisted semi-magical skill causes the mouth of the caster to grow large enough to consume a corpse in one gulp.  Doing so gives the caster back lots of health, mana, and movement, depending on the level of the corpse.}}

===Explosive Touch===
===Control Undead===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Explosive|Name=Explosive Touch|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EXPLOTOUCH|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ControlUndead|Name=Control Undead|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=[[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(5)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] |Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CONTROL|Usage=CONTROL "TARGET NAME"|Examples=control skeleton

|Description=Params  :
|Description=The evil or neutral priest attempts to frighten the heck out of an undead creature. Depending upon the level of the priest versus the level of the creature, the effect of the skill may be to either cause it to become submissive for a time, or come completely under the clerics control.}}

Example  :
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Convert|Name=Convert|Domain=[[evangelism(Domain)|Evangelism]]|Available=[[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] |Allows=[[Evangelising(Expertise)|Evangelising]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CONVERT|Usage=CONVERT "PLAYER NAME/DEITY NAME"|Examples=convert bob
convert odin

Desc.   :
|Description=This skill allows Clerics to convert themselves or others to the worship of specific deities.  If a player is specified, the target player must not be worshiping another deity at the time, which means that to change deities, the player must first REBUKE their current deity.  If an npc mob is specified, then a failed conversion will be followed by a period of doubt where the npc may not be converted by anyone.  That is then followed by another period where the mob will be susceptible to conversion.  A converted npc mob will remain so for a period of time, but any religious services in the area attended by the mob will extend the period.

A high-damage skill.}}

===Extra Vengeance===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ExtraVengeance|Name=Extra Vengeance|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (5) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EVSTRIKE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Bonus damage from Vengeful Strike.}}
A deity may be also be specified as a parameter, allowing the cleric to convert themselves to the worship of a deity.  Use the DEITIES command to list available deities.  See also the help entries for RELIGION, BLESSINGS, SERVICES, and RITUALS for more information.}}

===Extreme Vengeance===
===Cosmic Adaptation===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ExtremeVengeance|Name=Extreme Vengeance|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (5) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=XVSTRIKE|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CosmicAdaptation|Name=Cosmic Adaptation|Domain=[[cosmology(Domain)|Cosmology]]|Available=|Allows=[[Planar Finessing(Expertise)|Planar Finessing]] [[Planar Empowering(Expertise)|Planar Empowering]] [[Planar Extending(Expertise)|Planar Extending]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Added bonus from a mortally wounded Vengeful Strike.}}
|Description=Grants one the ability to breath an extraplanar atmosphere for a while, depending on proficiency, which is never absolutely perfect.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Falling|Name=Falling|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CounterAttack|Name=Counter-Attack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(24)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows a fighter to position themselves for an extra attack following a successful Parry.}}

===False Arrest===
===Coup de Grace===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FalseArrest|Name=False Arrest|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(11)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FALSEARREST|Usage=FALSEARREST "CRIMINAL NAME"|Examples=falsearrest joe
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CoupDeGrace|Name=Coup de Grace|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(30)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (150) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COUP, COUPDEGRACE|Usage=COUP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=coup orc

|Description=This skill allows the player to act as a bounty hunter or arresting officer for any area which enforces lawThe target must be a player wanted for some crime in some area. The arresting player or the target player need not be in that area to use this skill.  However, unless both players are allowed by the mud rules to attack each other, certain aspects (such as hand-cuffing or subdueing) will fizzle out when the arresting player attempts them.}}
|Description=The fighter attempts to deliver a final fatal blow to the target which is very injured, below 25% of their hit points and completely prone (lying down)This is a difficult skill to use properly, so practice often! The typical fighter must quickly whomp their target to the ground and coup-de-grace them before they come back to their senses.}}

===Far Shot===
===Cover Defence===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FarShot|Name=Far Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(17)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CoverDefence|Name=Cover Defence|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(23)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires='Ranged Weapon Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows a fighter to use a ranged weapon, such as a bow and arrow, at extremely far ranges.}}
|Description=During combat, the fighter will keep an eye out for defensive cover positions to take against missile weapons.  When the moment is right, the fighter may take cover behind these positions, negating the missile attack.}}

===Fast Slinging===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FastSlinging|Name=Fast Slinging|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Cowering|Name=Cowering|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COWERFROM|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Fast Slinging is the ability to make extra attacks per round whenever using a ranged sling weapon that requires ammunition. The number of extra attacks will go up as the players level does.}}

===Favored Enemy 1===
===Crescent Kick===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Enemy1|Name=Favored Enemy 1|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(8)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CrescentKick|Name=Crescent Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=|Allows=[[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
|Description=So long as the fighter is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, sweeping crescent kick.}}

===Favored Enemy 2===
===Critical Shot===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Enemy2|Name=Favored Enemy 2|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(13)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CriticalShot|Name=Critical Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(17)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(15)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(16)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(14)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(15)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
|Description=Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when firing or throwing a ranged weapon in combat.}}

===Favored Enemy 3===
===Critical Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Enemy3|Name=Favored Enemy 3|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(18)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_CritStrike|Name=Critical Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(11)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(9)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(20)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
|Description=Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when using a weapon in melee combat.}}

===Favored Enemy 4===
===Crow's Nest===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Enemy4|Name=Favored Enemy 4|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(23)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (73) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CrowsNest|Name=Crow's Nest|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(6)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires='Climb' at 74%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CROWSNEST|Usage=crowsnest|Examples=crowsnest

|Description=As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
|Description=Allows the sailor to attempt to climb up into the crows nest from the deck of their large sailing ship. From this small perch, the sailor can look around and see approaching people or objects or land from a greater distance, and take note of the direction. They can then yell down instructions to those on the deck below.  Looking in particular directions will allow them to make out some minor details in that direction.}}

===Crushing Aura===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Feint|Name=Feint|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(22)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(20)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (70) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FEINT|Usage=FEINT|Examples=feint
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_CrushingAura|Name=Crushing Aura|Domain=[[vexing(Domain)|Vexing]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(25)]] |Allows=[[Vexing(Expertise)|Vexing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=During combat, the player feints a attack in order to put his or her opponent off balance.  The next attack then will have a much better chance of hitting.  The feinting skill of the player increases with level.}}
|Description=This paladin aura causes any combatant of any member of the paladin's group to face a saving throw or die when below 10% health, due to the aura crushing any remaining life out of them.}}

===Field Tactics===
===Cultural Adaptation===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FieldTactics|Name=Field Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CulturalAdaptation|Name=Cultural Adaptation|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=|Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the proper area type for the skill. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
|Description=The character is so good at adapting to other cultures that he or she automatically gains or loses 20% more faction than other characters.}}

===Fierce Companions===
===Curtain Call===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_FierceCompanions|Name=Fierce Companions|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(6)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_CurtainCall|Name=Curtain Call|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(19)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (34) Movement (34) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CURTAINCALL|Usage=CURTAINCALL|Examples=curtaincall

|Description=The ranger becomes an expert at fighting with animal companions. Whenever the ranger is in combat alongside an animal, the ranger gains attack and damage bonuses.}}
|Description=The bard calls the curtain, making everyone in his or her group begin taking a bow until their health and mana is restored, at the cost of movement.}}

===Fifth Totem===
===Cyclone Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift5|Name=Fifth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(21)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ninja_cyclonechakra|Name=Cyclone Chakra|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(23)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Lightning Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "CYCLONE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "cyclone chakra"
shapeshift lion
foc "cyclone chakra"
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new formJust like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
|Description=The ninja can focus her chakra to harness the power of a cyclone, striking multiple additional times before the effect wears offThe ninja must wait a short while before they can summon this energy again.}}

===Fighter Honorary Degree===
===Dagger Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeFighter|Name=Fighter Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(14)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Dagger|Name=Dagger Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Fighter', such as Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Paladin, and Monk. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
|Description=The player is familiar with daggers they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}

===Dagger Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=FighterSkill|Name=FighterSkill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Dagger|Name=Dagger Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with daggers, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}

===Find Clan Home===
===Dagger Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FindClanHome|Name=Find Clan Home|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDCLANHOME|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Dagger|Name=Dagger Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(2)]] |Allows=[[Edged Focus(Expertise)|Edged Focus]] [[Edged Slashing(Expertise)|Edged Slashing]] [[Edged Piercing(Expertise)|Edged Piercing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Edged Striking(Expertise)|Edged Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a master with daggers, gaining bonuses to attack when using a dagger in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level daggers if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks its bonuses on top of the more general edged weapon specialization.}}

===Find Clan Ship===
===Dead Reckoning===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FindClanShip|Name=Find Clan Ship|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDSHIP|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_DeadReckoning|Name=Dead Reckoning|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(11)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(11)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (30) Movement (30) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DEADRECKON, DEADRECKONING|Usage=DEADRECKON|Examples=deadreckon

|Description=From the deck of a boat or ship, the sailor can use their intuition and superior guesswork to determine which direction lies the path to the closest land.}}

===Find Home===
===Death Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FindHome|Name=Find Home|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(6)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(6)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(6)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(6)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(6)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(6)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(6)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(6)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(6)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(6)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(6)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(6)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(6)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(6)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(6)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(6)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(6)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(6)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(6)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(6)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(6)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(6)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(6)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(6)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(6)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(6)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(6)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(6)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(6)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(6)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(6)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(6)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(6)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(6)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(6)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(6)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(6)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(6)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(6)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(6)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(6)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(6)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(6)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(6)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(6)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDHOME|Usage=FINDHOME|Examples=findhome
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_DeathChakra|Name=Death Chakra|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(14)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires='Clone Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "DEATH CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "death chakra"
foc "death chakra"

|Description=The player uses their innate sense of direction to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to their nearest owned private property! When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
|Description=By slowing their heart chakra down to almost a stop, the ninja can become invisible while leaving a corpse resembling themselves at their feet. This ability can only be used once every half-a-MUDhour.}}

===Find Ship===
===Decipher Script===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FindShip|Name=Find Ship|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(12)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(12)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(12)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(12)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(12)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(12)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(12)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(12)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(12)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(12)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(12)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(12)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(12)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(12)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(12)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(12)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(12)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(12)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(12)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(12)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(12)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(12)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(12)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(12)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(12)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(12)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(12)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(12)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(12)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(12)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(12)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(12)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(6)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(12)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(12)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(12)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(12)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(6)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(12)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(12)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(12)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(12)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(12)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(12)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(12)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(12)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDSHIP|Usage=FINDSHIP|Examples=findship
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_DecipherScript|Name=Decipher Script|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(8)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(8)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DECIPHER|Usage=DECIPHER "TARGET NAME" ("PAGE NUMBER")|Examples=decipher paper
decipher book 3

|Description=The player uses their innate sense of direction to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to their nearest personally owned sailing ship!  When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
|Description=The player decodes any encryption on a book or document or other writing.  It can be used similar to the READ command to select different pages of a book as well.}}

===Find Water===
===Deep Breath===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_FindWater|Name=Find Water|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(4)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(2)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(4)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDWATER|Usage=FINDWATER|Examples=findwater
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_DeepBreath|Name=Deep Breath|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(17)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The ranger attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of a water source (not necessarily the closest)!  When walking around, the Ranger will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
|Description=This skill grants the ability to hold ones breathe for a period, allowing one to forego damage when under water or otherwise unable to breathe. }}

===Fire Breathing===
===Deflect Projectile===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FireBreathing|Name=Fire Breathing|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(9)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 5|Commands=FIREBREATHING, FIREBREATH|Usage=FIREBREATH "TARGET NAME"|Examples=firebreath orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DeflectProjectile|Name=Deflect Projectile|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(7)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(7)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=If the player has a torch, or other burning object in his or her hands, they can use it to breathe fire at a targetThis will destroy the torch.}}
|Description=The Monk gains the uncanny ability to block and deflect arrows, spears, and other projectiles in mid flightThe Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.}}

===Desert Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Firebreath|Name=Firebreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Ignalist(Expertise)|Ignalist]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=FIREBREATH, BREATHEFIRE, BREATHFIRE|Usage=FIREBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DesertTactics|Name=Desert Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(13)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Example  : firebreath bob}}
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in deserts. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

===Flailed Weapon Familiarity===
===Desperate Moves===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_FlailedWeapon|Name=Flailed Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DesperateMoves|Name=Desperate Moves|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(17)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with flailed weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
|Description=When near death, the fighters desperation brings out their best evasive moves, cutting all damage in half when below 10% hit points.}}

===Flailing Weapon Proficiency===
===Devour Corpse===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_FlailedWeapon|Name=Flailing Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_DevourCorpse|Name=Devour Corpse|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=EAT BODY|Examples=eat body

|Description=The player is proficient with flails, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
|Description=This skill grants the ability to eat the corpses of creatures up to those moderately larger than the character.  The corpse must be emptied of any equipment before doing so, and the corpses of other players may be restricted.}}

===Flailing Weapon Specialization===
===Diamond Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_FlailedWeapon|Name=Flailing Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(9)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(5)]] |Allows=[[Flailed Bashing(Expertise)|Flailed Bashing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Flailed Striking(Expertise)|Flailed Striking]] [[Flailed Slicing(Expertise)|Flailed Slicing]] [[Flailed Focus(Expertise)|Flailed Focus]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_DiamondChakra|Name=Diamond Chakra|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(17)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires='Iron Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "DIAMOND CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "diamond chakra"
foc "diamond chakra"

|Description=The player is a master of flails, gaining bonuses to attack when using a flailed weapon in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}
|Description=This draining move covers the ninja's body in a glimmering layer of solidified chi as strong as diamond to make weapon attacks easier to shrug off.}}

===Flare Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_FlareChakra|Name=Flare Chakra|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(3)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Ninja_BlazeChakra|Blaze Chakra]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "FLARE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "flare chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Dirt|Name=Dirt|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(5)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(11)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(11)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(2)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(14)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(12)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(5)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (52) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=DIRT|Usage=DIRT "TARGET NAME"|Examples=dirt orc
foc "flare chakra"

|Description=By focusing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to strike their opponent with their sword for a short while.  This chakra may only be used once per minute.}}
|Description=The fighter attempts to kick dirt into the eyes of the target, making them temporarily blind.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Flee|Name=Flee|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FLEE|Usage=FLEE ("DIRECTION")|Examples=flee
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Disarm|Name=Disarm|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(8)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(8)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(7)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(9)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(8)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(8)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(6)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(6)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(9)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(8)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(8)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(9)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(8)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(8)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DISARM|Usage=DISARM "TARGET NAME"|Examples=disarm orc

|Description=While in combat, your character may need to quickly disengage and flee the roomA direction may be specified, but if one is not specified, a direction will be chosen for you.  Fleeing from combat can cause you to lose experience points in many cases, so use this command sparingly.  If all of your opponents are asleep, paralyzed, or bound, however, no loss is recorded for using this command.}}
|Description=The fighter attempts to use his or her weapon to disarm the target, hurling their weapon onto the floor and out of reachTo succeed, the player must be armed, make their proficiency check, "hit" their opponent, and not be too underpowered compared to their opponent.}}

===Flying Kick===
===Disease Immunity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FlyingKick|Name=Flying Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(12)]] |Allows=[[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Range 1 - Range 5|Commands=FLYINGKICK, FLYKICK|Usage=FLYING KICK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=flying kick orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_DiseaseImmunity|Name=Disease Immunity|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(7)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=From a range of 1 or greater, the Monk uses this skill to leap high into the air and land a terrific kick on the target!}}
|Description=As the Paladin's proficiency grows, he or she becomes more and more immune to diseases and disease like spell affects.}}

===Food Begging===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=FoodBegging|Name=Food Begging|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEG4FOOD, BEGFORFOOD, FOODBEGGING|Usage=BEG4FOOD "TARGET"|Examples=beg4food joe
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Disguise|Name=Disguise|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(3)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DISGUISE|Usage=DISGUISE "ATTRIBUTE" "CHANGE DESCRIPTION"|Examples=disguise race orc
disguise class thief
disguise height 1000

|Description=This skill allows the character to begin making cute faces at the target, compelling them to give up any food they might have.}}
|Description=This powerful ability allows the bard to disguise his or her appearance in numerous ways.  The disguise command, without any arguments, will list the attributes which may be changed.  Once a disguise has been put on, entering disguise again without any arguments will remove the disguise.}}

===Forest Tactics===
===Dismounting Blow===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ForestTactics|Name=Forest Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(22)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DismountingBlow|Name=Dismounting Blow|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(5)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(6)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 5|Commands=FORCEDISMOUNT|Usage=FORCEDISMOUNT "TARGET"|Examples=forcedismount orc

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in forests. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
|Description=This fighting skill requires the use of a polearm-type weapon, and allows the fighter to whack or poke the target from their mounts, leaving them temporarily dazed.}}

===Foul Weather Sailing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FoulWeatherSailing|Name=Foul Weather Sailing|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(19)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(20)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (34) Movement (34) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOULWEATHERSAILING|Usage=FOULWEATHERSAILING|Examples=foulweathersailing
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Diving|Name=Diving|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(9)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (59) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the sailor to rig their ship for sailing in torrential storms and other foul weather, which will eliminate any related sailing problems.}}
|Description=This skill automatically turns falls into water from a great height into a graceful dive, which mitigates damage taken when the player hits water.}}

===Fourth Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift4|Name=Fourth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(16)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Dodge|Name=Dodge|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(6)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(6)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(7)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(7)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(4)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(6)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(7)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(10)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(7)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(6)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(7)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(9)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(4)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(7)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(6)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(5)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(7)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(6)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(6)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires='Natural Weapon Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=dodge
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
|Description=During combat, the character begins to dance around on their feet, making them harder to hit in combat.}}

===Double Arm Hold===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Fragmentation|Name=Fragmentation|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(24)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Striking(Expertise)|Ranged Striking]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DoubleArmHold|Name=Double Arm Hold|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ARMHOLD|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This awesome skill allows thrown items to be hurled with SUCH force, that they do TRIPLE their normal damage (depending upon proficiency). The downside is, however, that the weapon is destroyed on impact as the weapon fragments and splinters into the victim.}}

===Draa Velve===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Freeze|Name=Freeze|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=FREEZE|Usage=FREEZE "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=freeze gunther
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_DraaVelve|Name=Draa Velve|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAAVELVE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to move. Use this skill again on the same player to release them.  Magic won't help the player, though the TRANSFER Archon command will still work.}}
|Description= This Drow fighting style classically involves the use of two swords, but has been expanded to include any two-weapon fighting style. This style could only be mastered by those with talent and luxury to enjoy formal education. The benefits of this fighting style do not stack with the fighter Two Weapon Fighting skill.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Frostbreath|Name=Frostbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Aqualist(Expertise)|Aqualist]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=FROSTBREATH|Usage=FROSTBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Dragonbreath|Name=Dragonbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Terranalist(Expertise)|Terranalist]] [[Ignalist(Expertise)|Ignalist]] [[Airelist(Expertise)|Airelist]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=DRAGONBREATH|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Example  : frostbreath bob}}

===Drain Blood===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Gasbreath|Name=Gasbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Airelist(Expertise)|Airelist]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=GASBREATH|Usage=GASBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_DrinkBlood|Name=Drain Blood|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (10) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BLOODDRAIN|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Example  : gasbreath bob}}
|Description=This ability may only be used on a sleeping victim, draining them of some life while restoring your own. This ability does not work on certain bloodless creatures.}}

===Genin Training===
===Drain Corpse===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_TrainGenin|Name=Genin Training|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (all) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_DrainCorpse|Name=Drain Corpse|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAINCORPSE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Only the most dedicated of all ninja have the honor to recruit new beginning ninjas (or genin). This skill will allow a player to train a thief, or thief sub-class, into the ninja class.}}
|Description=This ability may only be used on a corpse, draining what little remaining blood it has while restoring your life force. This ability may only be used once per minute.}}

===Ghost Chakra===
===Drain Life===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_GhostChakra|Name=Ghost Chakra|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(8)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "GHOST CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "ghost chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_LifeDrain|Name=Drain Life|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAINLIFE|Usage=|Examples=
foc "ghost chakra"

|Description=By studying the moving of the shadows, the ninja can fade into nothing and may move around undetected. The chant will expire if the ninja enters combat. Use the VISIBLE command to revoke this chant from yourself.}}

===Golem Form===
===Drawing Out the Beast===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_GolemForm|Name=Golem Form|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Delver(Druid)|Delver(10)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (60) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GOLEMFORM|Usage=GOLEMFORM "LIST/FORM NAME"|Examples=golemform
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_DrawingOutTheBeast|Name=Drawing Out the Beast|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAWOUTBEAST|Usage=|Examples=
golemform list
golemform massive stone golem

|Description=The druid gains the ability, through this skill, to take on the form of a stone golem. The form progresses as the druid gains in level, he will gain access to more powerful forms, each more devastating than the last, though each also a bit slower on the move. Golems are also unable to speak or chant.}}
|Description=You have attained a deep understanding of the mysteries of man's wild cousins. Armed with this knowledge, you are better able to deal with the Beast within. You may draw out the Beast in a target living creature, causing them to enter a state of frenzy. While in this state, they will fight with reckless abandon, dealing more damage but at the cost of reduced armor. They may become aggressive to others (except initiating vampire, but not other members in their group), or behave more erratically in other fashions.}}

===Dread Gaze===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Gore|Name=Gore|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_DreadGaze|Name=Dread Gaze|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DREADGAZE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This ability makes the character especially deadly with natural piercing weapons, dealing considerably more damage.}}
|Description=The exhibition of your full vampiric powers can cause great fear and loathing in mortals. This is usually accomplished by baring teeth and claws while hissing loudly. While most vampires can performing this action, you are exceptionally adept at it, and are capable of driving mortals insane with fear, or frightening them into submission or flight with the merest snarl. The subjects are cowed by your appearance and will do anything to avoid incurring your wrath.

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Gouge|Name=Gouge|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(21)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(25)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GOUGE|Usage=GOUGE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=gouge orc

|Description=The Fighter gouges at the eyes of the target, blinding them for a short time, and possibly taking out an eye in the process.}}

This ability is best used to cause enemies in combat to retreat from combat. Dread Gaze will also stop progress on any crafting or building activities.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=GravityFloat|Name=GravityFloat|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Drone Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_DroneChakra|Name=Drone Chakra|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] [[Ninja_CloneChakra|Clone Chakra]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "DRONE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "drone chakra"
foc "drone chakra"

|Description=Using drab clothing and the surrounding shadows, ninjas can disguise themselves as an ordinary, non-descript individuals.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Grazing|Name=Grazing|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GRAZE|Usage=GRAZE|Examples=graze

|Description=The player is able to feast off the land of the open plains to satiate his or her hunger.  And when continuing to graze even after, can fill additional stomachs, allowing him or her to "chew their cud" to satiate hunger without eating in the future.}}
===Druid Honorary Degree===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeDruid|Name=Druid Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(22)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires='Studying'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Druid', such as Druid, Skywatcher, Gaian, Delver, Mer, and Beastmaster. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Groin|Name=Groin|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(3)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (53) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GROIN|Usage=GROIN "TARGET NAME"|Examples=groin orc

|Description=The player delivers a dirty rotten kick to the groin, causing the target to take a bit of damage, feel a horrible amount of pain, and for males, to be dazed for a time.  The target will be wary of the second kick, though.  Groin is also unique in that, while it may hurt a lot, it can never kill the target.}}
===Druidic Pass===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_DruidicPass|Name=Druidic Pass|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PASS|Usage=PASS "DIRECTION"|Examples=pass east

|Description=This skill allows the druid to move silently and almost invisibly from place to place while traveling in the wild.  Moreover, this skill allows the Druid to pass into locked dwellings, if those dwellings are located in the wild outdoorsy domain.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Guildmaster|Name=Guildmaster|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(30)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the character to inspire the awe of pompous and self-assured competency to anyone of the same base class as the character, or the same base class of the characters exposed/honorary class.  The awe will prevent any aggressive action from being taken against the character, unless the character has already started the fight.}}
===Dual Parry===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_DualParry|Name=Dual Parry|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(16)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(13)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=For players wielding two weapons, this skill allows the fighter to have an extra parry attempt using the off-hand weapon during combat.  A successful parry effectively cancels the attack.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Haggle|Name=Haggle|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(10)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HAGGLE|Usage=HAGGLE BUY/SELL "ITEM NAME" ("SHOPKEEPER NAME")|Examples=haggle buy sword
haggle sell sword

|Description=This skill allows the user to get better rates on buying and selling items by haggling with the shopkeeper over the price.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Dueler|Name=Dueler|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Half Attack===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AttackHalf|Name=Half Attack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(16)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(20)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(22)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(20)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(17)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(17)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(20)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(22)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(17)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(18)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(17)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(17)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(20)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(24)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(17)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(20)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(17)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(11)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(20)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(22)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Allows the affected character to deliver a second attack during every other combat round.  These attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.}}
===Eagle Eyes===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_EagleEyes|Name=Eagle Eyes|Domain=[[alert(Domain)|Alert]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vigilantly(Expertise)|Vigilantly]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Hammer Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Hammer|Name=Hammer Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_HammerRing|HammerRing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with hammers they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Earbox|Name=Earbox|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EARBOX|Usage=EARBOX "TARGET NAME"|Examples=earbox orc

===Hammer Proficiency===
|Description=If the Fighter has their target in a close grapple, they slam either side of their opponents head for a bit of damage, deafening the target for a brief time.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Hammer|Name=Hammer Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_Hammer|Hammer Familiarity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with hammers, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
===Earth Meld===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Protean_EarthMeld|Name=Earth Meld|Domain=[[rock_control(Domain)|Rock Control]]|Available=|Allows=[[Rock Controlling(Expertise)|Rock Controlling]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EARTHMELD, EMELD|Usage=|Examples=

===Hammer Specialization===
|Description=This ability is not yet documented.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Hammer|Name=Hammer Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(17)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(9)]] |Allows=[[Hammer Striking(Expertise)|Hammer Striking]] [[Hammer Bashing(Expertise)|Hammer Bashing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Hammer Focus(Expertise)|Hammer Focus]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a master of hammers, gaining bonuses to attack when using a hammer in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level hammers if the focus expertise is taken.}}
===Earth Meld===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_EarthMeld|Name=Earth Meld|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EARTHMELD, EMELD|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=One of the most prized powers that a vampire can possess, Earth Meld has saved the lives of countless vampires through the ages. This power enables you to make the earth part of yourself and thus merge with it. Others viewing your use of earth meld will simply see you sink into the ground.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_HammerRing|Name=HammerRing|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(8)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Fighter_AutoHammerRing|AutoHammerRing]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HAMMERRING, HAMMERING|Usage=HAMMERRING "TARGET NAME"|Examples=hammerring orc

|Description=The player uses a hammer to whack the target over the head, dazing them for a short while and exiting combat.  This is ineffective against golems, undead, and things without a head.}}
You can only sink into earth. It is absolutely impossible to meld into earth through another substance. For example, while there may be earth underneath it, a linoleum floor completely prohibits the use of this power.

===Hand to hand combat===
Earth Meld is a great way to find cover when outdoors. Being one with the earth prevents contact with sunlight and also provides a way to sleep away the centuries. Many ancient vampires use Earth Meld to rest in safety, and thereby gain strength and power. Some whisper that thousands of Ancients sleep within the ground and will awaken on the night of Gehenna.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Natural|Name=Hand to hand combat|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(7)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(15)]] |Allows=[[Unarmed Bashing(Expertise)|Unarmed Bashing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Unarmed Striking(Expertise)|Unarmed Striking]] [[Unarmed Slicing(Expertise)|Unarmed Slicing]] [[Unarmed Piercing(Expertise)|Unarmed Piercing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player becomes so specialized at hand to hand combat that they gain bonuses to attack when fighting unarmed.  Can also allow the use of higher level natural weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HandCuff|Name=Handcuff|Domain=[[binding(Domain)|Binding]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(13)]] |Allows=[[Rope Use(Expertise)|Rope Use]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HANDCUFF, CUFF|Usage=HANDCUFF "TARGET NAME"|Examples=cuff orc

|Description=Allows the player to bind another mob that is sitting or lying down, and force them to follow them around.  This skill also makes the prisoner temporarily not-assist in combat.  This skill can only be used if the target has a warrant out for their arrest.  See Arresting Sap for more information.}}
The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.}}

===Hard to Port===
===Edged Weapon Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HardToPort|Name=Hard to Port|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(17)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HARDTOPORT|Usage=HARDTOPORT|Examples=hardtoport
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_EdgedWeapon|Name=Edged Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=|Requires='Edged Weapon Proficiency' at 75%, and 'Drilling' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=During combat on a ship, the player can put his ship and rigging at risk by putting the ship into an immediate hard turn to port.  This will turn the ship counter-clockwise and, for a very brief time, give the ship at least a 25% chance of being missed by any ship siege weapons fired at it.  You must let the ship integrity recover for several minutes afterwards before you can try again, however. Failed attempts can also put a strain on the ship if tried too frequently, causing another waiting period to ensue.}}
|Description=The player is familiar with edged weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands. Edged weapons include small bladed weapons on hilts, shafts or pivots that do not fit into the sword, axe or pole-arm categories, such as daggers, sickles and shears.}}

===Hard to Stern===
===Edged Weapon Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HardToStern|Name=Hard to Stern|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(20)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HARDTOSTERN|Usage=HARDTOSTERN|Examples=hardtostern
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_EdgedWeapon|Name=Edged Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Familiarity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=During combat on a ship, the player can put his ship and rigging at risk by putting the ship into an immediate hard turn to stern. This will turn the ship clockwise and, for a very brief time, give the ship at least a 25% chance of being missed by any ship siege weapons fired at it.  You must let the ship integrity recover for several minutes afterwards before you can try again, however. Failed attempts can also put a strain on the ship if tried too frequently, causing another waiting period to ensue.}}
|Description=The player is proficient with sharp edged weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally. Edged weapons include small bladed weapons on hilts, shafts or pivots that do not fit into the sword, axe or pole-arm categories, such as daggers, sickles and shears.}}

===Edged Weapon Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Hardiness|Name=Hardiness|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=|Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Name=Edged Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(3)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] |Allows=[[Edged Focus(Expertise)|Edged Focus]] [[Edged Slashing(Expertise)|Edged Slashing]] [[Edged Piercing(Expertise)|Edged Piercing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Edged Striking(Expertise)|Edged Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This ability makes the player more hardy, giving them extra movement points.}}
|Description=The player is a master of sharp edges, gaining bonuses to attack when using an edged weapon in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken. Edged weapons include small bladed weapons on hilts, shafts or pivots that do not fit into the sword, axe or pole-arm categories, such as daggers, sickles and shears.}}

===Healing Hands===
===Eighth Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_HealingHands|Name=Healing Hands|Domain=[[healing(Domain)|Healing]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] |Allows=[[Healing(Expertise)|Healing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HANDS|Usage=HANDS "TARGET NAME"|Examples=hands orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift8|Name=Eighth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=The Paladin becomes a vessel for the healing power of his or her god.}}
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}

===Elbow Jab===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Heroism|Name=Heroism|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(25)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ElbowJab|Name=Elbow Jab|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(15)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(16)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ELBOWJAB|Usage=ELBOWJAB "TARGET NAME"|Examples=elbowjab orc

|Description=As the power and noteriety of the fighter grows, his or her ability to resist certain demeaning blows (such as  Coup De Graces, kicks, whomps, bashes, dirt kicks, trips, etc..) grows.}}
|Description=If the Fighter has their target in a close grapple, they can use their elbow to deal an extra bit of unarmed damage.}}

===High Jump===
===Elbow Lock===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HighJump|Name=High Jump|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HIGHJUMP|Usage=HIGHJUMP ("DIRECTION")|Examples=highjump
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ElbowLock|Name=Elbow Lock|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(15)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ELBOWLOCK|Usage=ELBOWLOCK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=elbowlock orc

|Description=Allows the character to leap into another room, where gravity will take it from thereThe higher the players expertise, the more air rooms the character will jump through, allowing them to jump to great heightsHowever, after jumping, inevitably comes the falling...}}
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs and hyper-flexes the targets elbowFor a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't make main hand attacks, cast somatic spells, or perform certain actions.  It may even lead to breaking an arm. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attackThe initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}

===Hills Tactics===
===Eleventh Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_HillsTactics|Name=Hills Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(17)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift11|Name=Eleventh Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in hilly areas. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}

===Hire Crewmember===
===Encrypted Writing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HireCrewmember|Name=Hire Crewmember|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(30)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HIRECREWMEMBER, HIRECREW|Usage=HIRECREW|Examples=hirecrew
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_EncryptedWriting|Name=Encrypted Writing|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(21)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ENCRYPTEDWRITING, ENCRYPTWRITE, EWRITE, EWR|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=From inside a pub or bar near the shore, the player can hire a local patron to man his or her ship.  The hireling will be 5-10 levels below the player, and will take on one of the crew roles when they are brought aboard the ship.  Roles include Captain (navigates the ship at random during peace), Tactician (navigates the ship during combat), Repairer (fixes battle damage), Defender (defends the ship when boarded), and Trawler (brings in fish). Hiring a sailor costs more money as the player goes up in level. Once the sailor is aboard ship and dismissed from following the player (see NOFOLLOW), they will make that room their home room and begin their duties.}}

===Holy Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_HolyStrike|Name=Holy Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(4)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HOLYSTRIKE|Usage=HOLYSTRIKE "TARGET"|Examples=holystrike
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Endurance|Name=Endurance|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(18)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(19)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(21)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(19)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (68) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Wielding his trusty sword, the paladin calls down the power of his or her god into a mighty sword swing for devastating damage on evil targets}}
|Description=Allows the fighter to recover hit points, mana, and movement more quickly when not in combat.}}

===Hunters Endurance===
===Energize Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_HuntersEndurance|Name=Hunters Endurance|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(11)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_EnergizeChakra|Name=Energize Chakra|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] |Allows=[[Ninja_LightningChakra|Lightning Chakra]] [[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "ENERGIZE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "energize chakra"
foc "energize chakra"

|Description=Whenever the ranger is tracking, all fatigue, hunger, and thirst disappears. Also, all movement is instantly and constantly restored.  When tracking concludes, or combat begins, the rangers previous state resumes.}}
|Description=The ninja can use chi to improve their stamina, effectively converting some mana into movement.}}

===Energy Drain===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Hush|Name=Hush|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=HUSH|Usage=HUSH "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=hush gunther
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_EnergyDrain|Name=Energy Drain|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAINENERGY|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to communicate on any channels, or use the tell command.  Use this skill again on the same player to release them.}}

===Identify Poison===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_IdentifyPoison|Name=Identify Poison|Domain=[[poisoning(Domain)|Poisoning]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(7)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(4)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(19)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(7)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(2)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(7)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(7)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(7)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(7)]] |Allows=[[Poisoning(Expertise)|Poisoning]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=IDPOISON, IDENTIFYPOISON|Usage=IDPOISON "ITEM NAME"|Examples=idpoison orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Enslave|Name=Enslave|Domain=[[criminal(Domain)|Criminal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(23)]] |Allows=[[Criminal Deviousness(Expertise)|Criminal Deviousness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (73) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ENSLAVE|Usage=ENSLAVE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=enslave orc

|Description=This skill allows the player to sniff and taste a potentially poisoned item (like a drink, or a sword) and tell what kind of poison (if any) is on the item.}}
|Description=This skill allows the player to break down an intelligent mob and enslave them. Once enslaved, a mob can be sold to slave traders, brought to the players clan homes or personal homes to remain as permanent residents, ORDERed as vassals of the owner, and, of course, command them to perform tasks.  Tasks for the slave to perform must be directed to the slave with the SAY command, and must begin with the words "I command you to" or "I order you to".  The slave will then wander around as in a GEAS trying to perform the task.  The slave can be released from the task by saying "cancel" to them.  Slaves are different from pets in that they require food and drink to survive.  If given the food and water, they will eat and drink as necessary from what they have been given.  Slaves eventually lose loyalty as well.  If they starve, or if they take damage for any reason, their loyalty will decrease, making them more and more likely to leave their masters homes, or attack their masters.}}

===Exit Stage Left===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Imitation|Name=Imitate|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(7)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=IMITATE|Usage=IMITATE "SPELL NAME" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=imitate Fireball Orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ExitStageLeft|Name=Exit Stage Left|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(16)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (33) Movement (33) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EXITSTAGELEFT|Usage=EXITSTAGELEFT|Examples=exitstageleft

|Description=This strange pseudo-magical skill allows spells, prayers, songs, and chants learned through Spellcraft, Prayercraft, etc to be faked at a later time. The spell or skill will not yield any actual results (no damage or benefits from casting), but will enable the character to deceive others into believing that he can use that type of magic.}}
|Description=The bard calls the curtain and motions for his or her enemies to exit, stage left (West). The enemies will then flee or wander west for awhile, until they run out of west directions, or the effect wears off.  At that point, they will return quickly to their homes.}}

===Exploiting Aura===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Immunities|Name=Immunities|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_ExploitingAura|Name=Exploiting Aura|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(21)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Whenever a wicked Paladin, or any other member of their group takes damage, a small part of that damage will be mitigated, and instead double taken by another group member who is more than a couple of levels lower, so long as the damage would not actually kill them.}}

===Improved Shield Defence===
===Explosive Touch===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ImprovedShieldDefence|Name=Improved Shield Defence|Domain=[[shield_use(Domain)|Shield Use]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(22)]] |Allows=[[Shield Using(Expertise)|Shield Using]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Explosive|Name=Explosive Touch|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EXPLOTOUCH|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the fighter gains proficiency with shield use, he becomes better able to use a shield to enhance his armor.}}
|Description=Params  :

===Improved Throwing===
Example  :
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ImprovedThrowing|Name=Improved Throwing|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(14)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(13)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Striking(Expertise)|Ranged Striking]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the fighter gains proficiency in this skill, he or she hits more accurately with thrown weapons, and does up to double damage.}}
Desc.   :

A high-damage skill.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Infect|Name=Infect|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=INFECT|Usage=INFECT "PLAYER/MOB NAME" "DISEASE NAME"|Examples=infect gunther flu

|Description=The player with this skill can cause the target to become infected with a given disease.}}
===Extra Vengeance===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ExtraVengeance|Name=Extra Vengeance|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=EVSTRIKE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Bonus damage from Vengeful Strike.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Injure|Name=Injure|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=INJURE|Usage=INJURE "PLAYER NAME" "body part"|Examples=injure gunther left hand

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can cause the target to have one of their body parts instantly injured by 20%.}}
===Extreme Vengeance===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ExtremeVengeance|Name=Extreme Vengeance|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=XVSTRIKE|Usage=|Examples=

===Instance Display===
|Description=Added bonus from a mortally wounded Vengeful Strike.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_InstanceDisplay|Name=Instance Display|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=INSTANCEDISPLAY|Usage=INSTANCEDISPLAY "INSTANCEID" "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=instancedisplay triumph bob

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can determine some information about the specific instance that would be selected for the given player.}}
===Faithful Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FaithfulMount|Name=Faithful Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(19)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (69) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Instrument Bash===
|Description=The fighter's mount is loyal enough that, should the fighter die, the mount will scoop up his or her corpse and carry it to where the fighter presently is to deposit it.  The fighter will either know that the mount is on the way, or silently realize that they were never able to properly convince the mount of this important role.  Expertise will decrease the delay between death and the corpse arrival.  Leaving the game during this period is not advised.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_InstrumentBash|Name=Instrument Bash|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(10)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INSTRUMENTBASH, IBASH|Usage=IBASH "TARGET NAME"|Examples=ibash orc

|Description=The bard uses their instrument as a weapon, delivering an otherwise additional blow to the target in combat.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Falling|Name=Falling|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Intercept Ship===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_InterceptShip|Name=Intercept Ship|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(23)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(23)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (536870912) Movement (536870912) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INTERCEPT, INTERCEPTSHIP|Usage=INTERCEPT "SHIP NAME"|Examples=intercept pirate

|Description=This powerful skill allows the sailor to use their superior sailing ability to quickly intercept a potential enemy ship of the given name.  The sailor's ship or boat's speed is enhanced while following the interception course.}}
===False Arrest===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FalseArrest|Name=False Arrest|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(11)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FALSEARREST|Usage=FALSEARREST "CRIMINAL NAME"|Examples=falsearrest joe

|Description=This skill allows the player to act as a bounty hunter or arresting officer for any area which enforces law.  The target must be a player wanted for some crime in some area.  The arresting player or the target player need not be in that area to use this skill.  However, unless both players are allowed by the mud rules to attack each other, certain aspects (such as hand-cuffing or subdueing) will fizzle out when the arresting player attempts them.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Intimidate|Name=Intimidation|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(12)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(10)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(4)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(9)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (54) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill makes the player naturally intimidating to lower level creatures, making them less likely to be able to initiate an attack.}}
===Far Shot===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FarShot|Name=Far Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(17)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(17)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Iron Chakra===
|Description=This skill allows a fighter to use a ranged weapon, such as a bow and arrow, at extremely far ranges.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_IronChakra|Name=Iron Chakra|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(10)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Ninja_DiamondChakra|Diamond Chakra]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "IRON CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "iron chakra"
foc "iron chakra"

|Description=A Ninja can harden their chakras, solidifying them to help shrug off damage, thus becoming extremely difficult to score a hit on.}}
===Fast Slinging===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FastSlinging|Name=Fast Slinging|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Fast Slinging is the ability to make extra attacks per round whenever using a ranged sling weapon that requires ammunition. The number of extra attacks will go up as the players level does.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ItemRejuv|Name=ItemRejuv|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Favored Enemy 1===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Enemy1|Name=Favored Enemy 1|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(8)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Jail Key===
|Description=As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_JailKey|Name=Jail Key|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(24)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (37) Movement (37) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Exits |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=JAILKEY, JKEY|Usage=JAILKEY "DIRECTION"|Examples=jailkey north

|Description=Allows the player to lock or unlock any door to a jail room in the area.}}
===Favored Enemy 2===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Enemy2|Name=Favored Enemy 2|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(13)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Joke|Name=Joke|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(10)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (60) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=JOKE|Usage=JOKE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=joke orc

|Description=This will cause the player to tell a random joke to the target. The joke has a 75% chance of giving the target the giggles, and a 25% chance of putting them under the spell of Laughter.}}
===Favored Enemy 3===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Enemy3|Name=Favored Enemy 3|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(18)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Juggle|Name=Juggle|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=JUGGLE|Usage=JUGGLE "ITEM NAME"|Examples=juggle all
juggle dagger

|Description=This will cause the player to begin juggling one or more items.  The number of items the player may juggle is limited by level.  Entering juggle without an item name will stop juggling.  GETting an item being juggled will also remove that item from the juggle list.  During combat, the juggler will be able to throw one item per 5 levels per combat round for a little extra damage.}}
===Favored Enemy 4===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Enemy4|Name=Favored Enemy 4|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(23)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (73) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Jungle Tactics===
|Description=As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_JungleTactics|Name=Jungle Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(11)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (61) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in jungles. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
===Favored Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FavoredMount|Name=Favored Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(8)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player has developed favor for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures.  When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Keenvision|Name=Keenvision|Domain=[[alert(Domain)|Alert]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vigilantly(Expertise)|Vigilantly]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the player a chance, when in the wild, to spot hidden or trapped items or exits.  It also grants a bonus when using a ranged weapon.}}
===Favored Mount 2===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FavoredMount2|Name=Favored Mount 2|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(13)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Ki Strike===
|Description=The player has developed favor for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures.  When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_KiStrike|Name=Ki Strike|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(17)]] |Allows=[[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KISTRIKE, KI|Usage=KISTRIKE|Examples=kistrike

|Description=Short(s) : ki
===Favored Mount 3===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FavoredMount3|Name=Favored Mount 3|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(18)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

The Monk summons up his or her inner power and focuses it into a single, terrifying attackThis skill will allow the next blow that lands to have that little, extra, well, KI.}}
|Description=The player has developed favor for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creaturesWhen riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations.}}

===Favored Mount 4===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Kick|Name=Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(2)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(2)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(2)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(2)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(3)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_AxKick|Ax Kick]] [[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KICK|Usage=KICK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=kick orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FavoredMount4|Name=Favored Mount 4|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(23)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (73) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The fighter uses his or her feet to deliver an extra bit of pain in combat.}}
|Description=The player has developed favor for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures.  When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations.}}

===Knife Hand===
===Feed Blood===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_KnifeHand|Name=Knife Hand|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(7)]] |Allows=[[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Necromancer_FeedBlood|Name=Feed Blood|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FEED|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a pointed, swift strike.}}
|Description=The vampire gives some of their own blood to heal another vampire or ghoul.}}

===Know Plants===
===Feel Thoughts===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_KnowPlants|Name=Know Plants|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(7)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(7)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(7)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KNOWPLANT|Usage=KNOWPLANT "ITEM NAME"|Examples=knowplant flowers
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_FeelThoughts|Name=Feel Thoughts|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FEELTHOUGHTS|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows a player to gain knowledge about a plant, or an item made from plant material.  If the plant was summoned by a druid, it will give the name of the druid who summoned it as well.}}
|Description=This mentalist ability allows a vampire to hear thoughts of nearby beings. This may provide some knowledge on surrounding inhabitants and some of their capabilities and motivations.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_Krakenform|Name=Krakenform|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (85) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KRAKENFORM|Usage=KRAKENFORM|Examples=krakenform
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Feint|Name=Feint|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(22)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(20)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (70) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FEINT|Usage=FEINT|Examples=feint

|Description=Allows the druid to turn themselves into a mighty kraken of the sea. The normal compass direction commands (north, south..) can be used to swim around.  Ship commands, such as TARGET, AIM, COURSE, and STEER also work as described in HELP SHIP COMBAT.
|Description=During combat, the player feints a attack in order to put his or her opponent off balance.  The next attack then will have a much better chance of hitting. The feinting skill of the player increases with level.}}

===Field Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FieldTactics|Name=Field Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the proper area type for the skill. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

During combat, you must use the AIM command to aim your tentacles by entering AIM TENTACLE.1 (AMOUNT) and AIM TENTACLE.2 (AMOUNT). Being 'sunk' in Krakenform will kill the druid.
===Fierce Companions===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_FierceCompanions|Name=Fierce Companions|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(6)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The ranger becomes an expert at fighting with animal companions. Whenever the ranger is in combat alongside an animal, the ranger gains attack and damage bonuses.}}

===Fierce Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FierceMount|Name=Fierce Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(16)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

Use KRAKENFORM command again to revert to normal form.}}
|Description=This skill gives the fighter's mount an edge in attack and damage when fighting while the fighter is mounted.}}

===Lava Chakra===
===Fiery Bite===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_LavaChakra|Name=Lava Chakra|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(19)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "LAVA CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "lava chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FieryBite|Name=Fiery Bite|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Ignalist(Expertise)|Ignalist]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FIERYBITE|Usage=|Examples=
foc "lava chakra"

|Description=By intensely compressing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to damage their opponent with their sword for a short while.  This chakra may only be used once per MUDhour.}}
|Description=A deep painful bite that is infused with scorching flames.}}

===Fifth Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Leeching|Name=Leeching|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(17)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (67) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LEECH, LEECHING|Usage=LEECHING "TARGET NAME"|Examples=leech Sophie
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift5|Name=Fifth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(21)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=The player is able to apply leeches to the targetThe target will be unable to heal, but will have any poisons removed for the duration of the leeches presence.}}
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new formJust like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}

===Light Placebo===
===Fighter Honorary Degree===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_LightPlacebo|Name=Light Placebo|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(5)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LIGHTPLACEBO|Usage=LIGHTPLACEBO "TARGET NAME"|Examples=lightplacebo Sophie
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeFighter|Name=Fighter Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(14)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires='Studying'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Through the power of prayer, the rougue can make the target feel like they've received a boost in health (which will vanish if they are damaged again)!}}
|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Fighter', such as Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Paladin, and Monk. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}

===Lightning Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_LightningChakra|Name=Lightning Chakra|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(18)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[ninja_cyclonechakra|Cyclone Chakra]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "LIGHTNING CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "lightning chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=FighterGrappleSkill|Name=FighterGrappleSkill|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
foc "lightning chakra"

|Description=By expending a burst of chi energy the ninja can move like lightning to make a quick attack then instantly disappearing and reappearing just out of close combat range.}}

===Lightning Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_LightningStrike|Name=Lightning Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(24)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LIGHTNINGSTRIKE, LSTRIKE|Usage=LIGHTNINGSTRIKE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=lightningstrike orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=FighterSkill|Name=FighterSkill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Short(s) : lstrike

This most powerful of Monk abilities allows him or her to deliver as many unarmed blows in a single round as he or she has Monk levels.  After this exhausting exchange, the Monk will collapse for many rounds of needed rest.}}
===Find Clan Home===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FindClanHome|Name=Find Clan Home|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDCLANHOME|Usage=|Examples=

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Lighteningbreath|Name=Lightningbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Energist(Expertise)|Energist]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=LIGHTNINGBREATH|Usage=LIGHTENINGBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=

|Description=Example  : lighteningbreath bob}}
===Find Clan Ship===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FindClanShip|Name=Find Clan Ship|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDSHIP|Usage=|Examples=

===Lingering Spirit===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_LingeringSpirit|Name=Lingering Spirit|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (5) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LINGER|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Some undead linger in the mortal realm until a particular task is completed, traveling from host to host to accomplish their task.}}
===Find Home===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FindHome|Name=Find Home|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(6)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(6)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(6)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(6)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(6)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(6)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(6)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(6)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(6)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(6)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(6)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(6)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(6)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(6)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(6)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(6)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(6)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(6)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(6)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(6)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(6)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(6)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(6)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(6)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(6)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(6)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(6)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(6)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(6)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(6)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(6)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(6)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(6)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(6)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(6)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(6)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(6)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(6)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(6)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(6)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(6)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(6)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(6)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(6)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(6)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(6)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(6)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(6)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDHOME|Usage=FINDHOME|Examples=findhome

|Description=The player uses their innate sense of direction to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to their nearest owned private property!  When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Lobotomizing|Name=Lobotomizing|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(22)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (72) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LOBOTOMIZE, LOBOTOMIZING|Usage=LOBOTOMIZE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=lobotomize Sophie

|Description=The player is able to use delicate tools to scrape away unnecessary brain tissue from the target by going up the nose holes.  This can only be done on a cooperative target, such as a follower, or one bound or prone.  The effect of the lobotomy is not only horrible screams of pain, but the removal of any aggressive behaviors, mind altering diseases and effects, and will actually make the target a slightly better person.  Unfortunately, it may also affect some skill proficiency.}}
===Find Ship===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FindShip|Name=Find Ship|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(12)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(12)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(12)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(12)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(12)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(12)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(12)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(12)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(12)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(12)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(12)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(12)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(12)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(12)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(12)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(12)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(12)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(12)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(12)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(12)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(12)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(12)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(12)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(12)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(12)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(12)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(12)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(12)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(12)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(12)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(12)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(12)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(12)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(12)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(6)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(12)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(12)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(12)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(12)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(6)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(12)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(12)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(12)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(12)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(12)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(12)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(12)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(12)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDSHIP|Usage=FINDSHIP|Examples=findship

===Long Breath===
|Description=The player uses their innate sense of direction to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to their nearest personally owned sailing ship!  When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_LongBreath|Name=Long Breath|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=|Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill grants the ability to hold ones breathe for a period, allowing one to forego damage when under water or otherwise unable to breathe. }}
===Find Water===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_FindWater|Name=Find Water|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(4)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(2)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(4)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINDWATER|Usage=FINDWATER|Examples=findwater

===Mage Honorary Degree===
|Description=The ranger attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of a water source (not necessarily the closest)!  When walking around, the Ranger will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeMage|Name=Mage Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(20)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (70) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Mage', such as Mage, Abjurer, Alterer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, and Transmuter. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those spells specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
===Finger Lock===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FingerLock|Name=Finger Lock|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(25)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FINGERLOCK|Usage=FINGERLOCK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=fingerlock orc

===Make Maps===
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter pulls back the targets fingers.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't make main hand attacks, cast somatic spells, or perform certain actions.  It may even lead to breaking a finger. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Map|Name=Make Maps|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(13)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(13)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(18)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(13)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(13)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(13)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MAP|Usage=MAP "PAPER NAME"|Examples=map parchment

|Description=Allows you to begin mapping on the targeted piece of paper.  As you walk around the parchment will be filled with a pictoral map of the rooms you walk through.}}
===Fire Breathing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FireBreathing|Name=Fire Breathing|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(9)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 5|Commands=FIREBREATHING, FIREBREATH|Usage=FIREBREATH "TARGET NAME"|Examples=firebreath orc

===Make Sea Maps===
|Description=If the player has a torch, or other burning object in his or her hands, they can use it to breathe fire at a target.  This will destroy the torch.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaMapping|Name=Make Sea Maps|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(8)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SEAMAPPING, SEAMAP|Usage=SEAMAP "PAPER NAME"|Examples=seamap parchment

|Description=Allows you to begin mapping the seas on the targeted piece of paper.  As you sail around the parchment will be filled with a map of the waves you sail over.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Firebreath|Name=Firebreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Ignalist(Expertise)|Ignalist]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=FIREBREATH, BREATHEFIRE, BREATHFIRE|Usage=FIREBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=

===Mark Disguise===
|Description=Example  : firebreath bob}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MarkDisguise|Name=Mark Disguise|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(25)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MARKDISGUISE|Usage=MARKDISGUISE (!)|Examples=markdisguise
markdisguise !

|Description=This powerful ability allows the bard to disguise him or herself to be identical to his or her mark.  The bard must first mark a target using the Mark skill.  After that, the bard must observe the mark from a hidden position for an amount of time.  After sufficient time, the bard may use this skill to take on the apperance of the mark through disguise.  Entering the command word again will remove the disguise.  The optional ! parameter may be given for the bard to disguise him or herself as the same person they did before, regardless of whether they are presently marked.}}
===Flailed Weapon Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_FlailedWeapon|Name=Flailed Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Mark OOC===
|Description=The player is familiar with flailed weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_MarkOOC|Name=Mark OOC|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=MARKOOC|Usage=MARKOOC "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=MARKOOC gunther

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to receive any further RolePlay experience.  Use this skill again on the same player to release them.}}
===Flailing Weapon Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_FlailedWeapon|Name=Flailing Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Matrix Possess===
|Description=The player is proficient with flails, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_MatrixPossess|Name=Matrix Possess|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MPOSSESS|Usage=MPOSSESS "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=mpossess bob

|Description=This skill will allow you automatically possess a new mob in the same room as the target player whenever the target moves to a new room.  Just like possess, use QUIT to shut it down.}}
===Flailing Weapon Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_FlailedWeapon|Name=Flailing Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(9)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(5)]] |Allows=[[Flailed Bashing(Expertise)|Flailed Bashing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Flailed Striking(Expertise)|Flailed Striking]] [[Flailed Slicing(Expertise)|Flailed Slicing]] [[Flailed Focus(Expertise)|Flailed Focus]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a master of flails, gaining bonuses to attack when using a flailed weapon in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Meditation|Name=Meditation|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(16)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(16)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(16)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(16)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(16)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(16)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(16)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(16)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(23)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(22)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(16)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(16)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MEDITATE|Usage=MEDITATE|Examples=meditate

|Description=If the mage is in a quiet, sitting position, this skill will allow him or her to gain mana back at an accelerated rate.}}
===Flare Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_FlareChakra|Name=Flare Chakra|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(3)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Ninja_BlazeChakra|Blaze Chakra]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "FLARE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "flare chakra"
foc "flare chakra"

|Description=By focusing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to strike their opponent with their sword for a short while.  This chakra may only be used once per minute.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ScrollCopy|Name=Memorize|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (5) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MEMORIZE|Usage=MEMORIZE "SPELL NAME" "SCROLL SOURCE NAME"|Examples=memorize magic missile scroll

|Description=By spending the necessary practice points or trains, a Mage may use this command to gain the ability to learn some spell that is written on a scroll.  If the memorization is successful, the spell may be practiced and cast as normal, and the mage will gain experience based on the level of himself and the spell learned.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Flee|Name=Flee|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=|Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FLEE|Usage=FLEE ("DIRECTION")|Examples=flee

|Description=While in combat, your character may need to quickly disengage and flee the room.  A direction may be specified, but if one is not specified, a direction will be chosen for you.  Fleeing from combat can cause you to lose experience points in many cases, so use this command sparingly. If all of your opponents are asleep, paralyzed, or bound, however, no loss is recorded for using this command.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Metacraft|Name=Metacrafting|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=METACRAFT|Usage=METACRAFT (EVERY) "ITEM NAME" ("MATERIAL NAME") (TO SELF/HERE/FILE "FILENAME")
metacraft wagon
metacraft "every sword" bronze
metacraft "every sword"
metacraft "every sword" iron to file /items.cmare
metacraft "all carpentry"

|Description=This skill will allow you to create any item that is craftable from the numerous common skills.  The item created may be made of a material specified, or automatically crafted by a random material valid to the appropriate skill.  You can also specify the destination of the items, whether it be the room, your inventory, or an xml file.}}
===Flying Kick===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_FlyingKick|Name=Flying Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(12)]] |Allows=[[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Ax Kick'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Range 1 - Range 5|Commands=FLYINGKICK, FLYKICK|Usage=FLYING KICK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=flying kick orc

|Description=From a range of 1 or greater, the Monk uses this skill to leap high into the air and land a terrific kick on the target!}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Mimicry|Name=Mimicry|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(5)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (55) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MIMICRY, MIMIC|Usage=MIMICRY "TARGET NAME"|Examples=mimcry orc

|Description=The player begins to mimic the actions of the target, thus annoying them.}}
===Food Begging===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=FoodBegging|Name=Food Begging|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BEG4FOOD, BEGFORFOOD, FOODBEGGING|Usage=BEG4FOOD "TARGET"|Examples=beg4food joe

===Mind Suck===
|Description=This skill allows the character to begin making cute faces at the target, compelling them to give up any food they might have.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MindSuck|Name=Mind Suck|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MINDSUCK|Usage=MINDSUCK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=mindsuck orc

|Description=The character begins to suck the brain out of the target for nourishment. If the target is following the character, or is otherwise bound or asleep, and can remain so, the character can begin to suck at the targets brain. After a short strain, the killing act is completed, and the character is relieved of any hunger.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Forceback|Name=Forceback|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(8)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(17)]] |Allows=[[Polearm Striking(Expertise)|Polearm Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FORCEBACK|Usage=FORCEBACK|Examples=forceback

===Monkey Grip===
|Description=During combat, this skill allows the fighter to use a long polearm-class weapon and a burst of fury to force their current opponent back to a longer range.  It can only be done once per minute, however.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_MonkeyGrip|Name=Monkey Grip|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(35)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MONKEYGRIP, MGRIP|Usage=MONKEYGRIP "WEAPON NAME"|Examples=monkeygrip supersword

|Description=Short(s): MGRIP
===Forearm Block===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ForearmBlock|Name=Forearm Block|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(2)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

This skill allows the fighter to wield two two-handed weapons as if they were one-handed.  Dual Wielding skill would still be required in order to actually use the second weapon in combat.  Wielding a two-handed weapon this way will cause severe loss of attack and damage bonuses, but those losses are in turn mitigated by proficiency and expertise.}}
|Description=This skill allows the fighter a chance to block a single unarmed attack every round.}}

===Monkey Punch===
===Forest Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_MonkeyPunch|Name=Monkey Punch|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_KnifeHand|Knife Hand]] [[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ForestTactics|Name=Forest Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(22)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, closed fist.}}
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in forests. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

===Foul Weather Sailing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=MonkSkill|Name=MonkSkill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_FoulWeatherSailing|Name=Foul Weather Sailing|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(19)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(20)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (34) Movement (34) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOULWEATHERSAILING|Usage=FOULWEATHERSAILING|Examples=foulweathersailing

|Description=This skill allows the sailor to rig their ship for sailing in torrential storms and other foul weather, which will eliminate any related sailing problems.}}

===Fourth Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Monologue|Name=Monologue|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(20)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (35) Movement (35) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MONOLOGUE|Usage=MONOLOGUE|Examples=monologue
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift4|Name=Fourth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(16)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=The bard begins a dramatic monologue, causing everyone, friend and foe alike, to suspend all activity (including spell effects), until the bard is done. To maintain the monologue, the bard MUST say something at least every 4 seconds. If the bard leaves the room, or stops speaking, then the effect will end.}}
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}

===Morse Code===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MorseCode|Name=Morse Code|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(6)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(6)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MORSECODE, MORSE|Usage="MORSECODE" "MESSAGE"|Examples=morsecode I'm here at on my boat!
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Fragmentation|Name=Fragmentation|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(24)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Striking(Expertise)|Ranged Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill can be used to either tap on walls or flash a held light source in order to send morse code signals. The distance that the signals can be detected increase with expertise.  Only someone else with the morse code skill can interpret them.}}
|Description=This awesome skill allows thrown items to be hurled with SUCH force, that they do TRIPLE their normal damage (depending upon proficiency). The downside is, however, that the weapon is destroyed on impact as the weapon fragments and splinters into the victim.}}

===Mountain Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_MountainTactics|Name=Mountain Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(14)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Freeze|Name=Freeze|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=FREEZE|Usage=FREEZE "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=freeze gunther

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the mountains. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to move. Use this skill again on the same player to release them.  Magic won't help the player, though the TRANSFER Archon command will still work.}}

===Mounted Charge===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_MountedCharge|Name=Mounted Charge|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(16)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Range 1 - Range 99|Commands=MOUNTEDCHARGE, MCHARGE|Usage=MCHARGE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=mcharge orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Frostbreath|Name=Frostbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Aqualist(Expertise)|Aqualist]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=FROSTBREATH|Usage=FROSTBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=

|Description=The Paladin, from the back of a mount, rides at top speed at a target, delivering a deadly attack, but sacrificing armor.}}
|Description=Example  : frostbreath bob}}

===Mounted Combat===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MountedCombat|Name=Mounted Combat|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(17)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(11)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(11)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(11)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Gasbreath|Name=Gasbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Airelist(Expertise)|Airelist]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=GASBREATH|Usage=GASBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=

|Description=This skill helps negate the bad consequences of fighting from horseback or from a boat or other vehicle.}}
|Description=Example  : gasbreath bob}}

===Genin Training===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Multiwatch|Name=Multiwatch|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MULTIWATCH|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_TrainGenin|Name=Genin Training|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (all) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Only the most dedicated of all ninja have the honor to recruit new beginning ninjas (or genin). This skill will allow a player to train a thief, or thief sub-class, into the ninja class.}}

===My Plants===
===Ghost Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_MyPlants|Name=My Plants|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MYPLANTS, PLANTS|Usage=MYPLANTS|Examples=myplants
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_GhostChakra|Name=Ghost Chakra|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(8)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires='Wind Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "GHOST CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "ghost chakra"
foc "ghost chakra"

|Description=A druid can, at will, become attuned to the plants which he or she has created through druidic magic. This ability allows the druid to perceive all of his or her magical plants still alive, and where they are.
|Description=By studying the moving of the shadows, the ninja can fade into nothing and may move around undetected. The chant will expire if the ninja enters combat. Use the VISIBLE command to revoke this chant from yourself.}}

===Gleam of the Red Eyes===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_GleamOfTheRedEyes|Name=Gleam of the Red Eyes|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GLEAMINGEYES|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This basic Protean discipline power provides the ability to see good auras around especially righteous individuals. When this power is activated, your eyes glow an eerie red.}}

This skill is most useful for Plant Pass and for creating a druidic connection to an area.  A druid in a rural area has placed one of his or her plants in at least 50% of the rooms in an area will create a druidic connection to the area. See also Druidic Connection for more information on this phenomenon.
===Gluttonous Devouring===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Necromancer_GluttonousDevouring|Name=Gluttonous Devouring|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DEVOUR|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The ghoul devours a corpse or baby whole, restoring health and gaining additional damage bonuses in combat for a while. The body must be in the ghoul?s possession to devour it. This ability may only be used out of combat, and your target must be held for you to consume it.}}

===Golem Form===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_GolemForm|Name=Golem Form|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Delver(Druid)|Delver(10)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (60) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GOLEMFORM|Usage=GOLEMFORM "LIST/FORM NAME"|Examples=golemform
golemform list
golemform massive stone golem

Druids also gain experience for placing their plants inside areas classified as citiesA certain number of plants per city per mud-month can be summoned for experience in this way.}}
|Description=The druid gains the ability, through this skill, to take on the form of a stone golem.  The form progresses as the druid gains in level, he will gain access to more powerful forms, each more devastating than the last, though each also a bit slower on the moveGolems are also unable to speak or chant.}}

===Natural Weapon Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Natural|Name=Natural Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Skill_Dodge|Dodge]] [[Fighter_Kick|Kick]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Gore|Name=Gore|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with certain natural weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
|Description=This ability makes the character especially deadly with natural piercing weapons, dealing considerably more damage.}}

===Naval Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_NavalTactics|Name=Naval Tactics|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(21)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=NAVALTACTICS, NTACTICS|Usage=NAVALTACTICS "TACTIC"|Examples=ntactics follow
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Gouge|Name=Gouge|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(21)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(25)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GOUGE|Usage=GOUGE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=gouge orc

|Description=From the deck of a big sailing ship, and during ship combat, the sailor can automatically set a course on his or her ship according to a particular combat tactic. The tactics include:
|Description=The Fighter gouges at the eyes of the target, blinding them for a short time, and possibly taking out an eye in the process.}}

FOLLOW - Maintain a distance from the enemy ship equal to the current distance.
===Graceful Dismount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_GracefulDismount|Name=Graceful Dismount|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(11)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(11)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(7)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(12)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(17)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

RETREAT - Maintain a distance just outside the enemy ships gun range.
|Description=The Fighter is so good with his or her mounts that any forced dismount that might put a normal rider on the ground will be handled gracefully by the fighter.}}

FLEE - Flee from combat by sailing towards the closest escape route.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=GravityFloat|Name=GravityFloat|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

APPROACH - Get as close as possible to the enemy ship.}}

===Ninth Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift9|Name=Ninth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Grazing|Name=Grazing|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GRAZE|Usage=GRAZE|Examples=graze
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new formJust like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
|Description=The player is able to feast off the land of the open plains to satiate his or her hungerAnd when continuing to graze even after, can fill additional stomachs, allowing him or her to "chew their cud" to satiate hunger without eating in the future.}}

===Nipple Twist===
===Greater Blightfire===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Nippletwist|Name=Nipple Twist|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(5)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=NIPPLETWIST|Usage=NIPPLETWIST "TARGET NAME"|Examples=nippletwist orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_GreaterBlightfire|Name=Greater Blightfire|Domain=[[vexing(Domain)|Vexing]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vexing(Expertise)|Vexing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INFLICT|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player grabs the targets nipples and gives them a twist, causing the target to take a bit of damage, and feel a horrible amount of pain.  Nipple Twist is also unique in that, while it may hurt a lot, it can never kill the target.}}
|Description=Blightfire is a negative energy attack that saps the target of vitality.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Power_OctoGrapple|Name=Octo-Grapple|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GRAPPLE|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Groin|Name=Groin|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(3)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (53) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GROIN|Usage=GROIN "TARGET NAME"|Examples=groin orc

|Description=The player delivers a dirty rotten kick to the groin, causing the target to take a bit of damage, feel a horrible amount of pain, and for males, to be dazed for a time.  The target will be wary of the second kick, though.  Groin is also unique in that, while it may hurt a lot, it can never kill the target.}}

===Opponent Knowledge===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SizeOpponent|Name=Opponent Knowledge|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(21)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (71) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SIZEUP, OPPONENT|Usage=SIZEUP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=sizeup orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Guildmaster|Name=Guildmaster|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(30)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The fighter's experience is used to determine a more accurate survey of a target's health, combat prowess, and defensive capability.}}
|Description=This skill allows the character to inspire the awe of pompous and self-assured competency to anyone of the same base class as the character, or the same base class of the characters exposed/honorary class.  The awe will prevent any aggressive action from being taken against the character, unless the character has already started the fight.}}

===Pack Call===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_PackCall|Name=Pack Call|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(30)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PACKCALL|Usage=PACKCALL|Examples=packcall
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Gutbuster|Name=Gutbuster|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(8)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GUTBUSTER|Usage=GUTBUSTER "TARGET NAME"|Examples=gutbuster orc

|Description=This powerful skill allows the druid, while in their animal form, to call on the aid of like animals during combat.  The combat aid will always arrive in the form of animals one-step below the druids current animal form, and always in numbers reflective of their level and skill, as well as reflective of the druids leadership abilities. These animals are able to rescue the druid from his or her enemies on commandTo do this, the druid needs only to order them to 'rescue'. Like many druid abilities, the druid must be out in the wild for this skill to work.}}
|Description=The fighter drops down on a prone target and knees them in the gutThis can do serious damage if the hit is especially good.}}

===Paladin Skill===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=PaladinSkill|Name=Paladin Skill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Haggle|Name=Haggle|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(10)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(10)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires='Marketeering' at 75%, and 'Appraise' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HAGGLE|Usage=HAGGLE BUY/SELL "ITEM NAME" ("SHOPKEEPER NAME")|Examples=haggle buy sword
haggle sell sword

|Description=This skill allows the user to get better rates on buying and selling items by haggling with the shopkeeper over the price.}}

===Paladin's Aura===
===Half Attack===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Aura|Name=Paladin's Aura|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(19)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (69) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_AttackHalf|Name=Half Attack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(16)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(20)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(22)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(20)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(20)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(17)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(17)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(20)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(22)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(17)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(18)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(17)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(17)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(20)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(24)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(17)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(20)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(17)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(11)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(20)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(22)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Sword Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=When the Paladin's Aura begins to exude, it will act as the cleric spell Protection From Evil for the paladin's group.  Evil and Undead spells and affects will be repelled by the auraAny evil players or creatures in the paladin's group will be hurt by the aura.}}
|Description=Allows the affected character to deliver a second attack during every other combat roundThese attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.}}

===Paladin's Courage===
===Hammer Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Courage|Name=Paladin's Courage|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(13)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Hammer|Name=Hammer Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_HammerRing|HammerRing]] |Requires='Hammer Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=When the Paladin's aura of Courage begins to exude, the paladin and other non-evil group members become immune to the Fear spells "Spook", "Nightmare", and "Fear".}}
|Description=The player is familiar with hammers they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}

===Paladin's Goodness===
===Hammer Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Goodness|Name=Paladin's Goodness|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(24)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (74) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Hammer|Name=Hammer Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_Hammer|Hammer Familiarity]] |Requires='Blacksmithing' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=When the Paladin's aura of Goodness begins to exude, it becomes almost impossible for evil to approach the paladin.  Any evil group members or creatures within melee range will take severe damage from the aura of goodness, which grows more powerful as the Paladin gains levels.}}
|Description=The player is proficient with hammers, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}

===Paladin's Mount===
===Hammer Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_PaladinsMount|Name=Paladin's Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(7)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Hammer|Name=Hammer Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(17)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(9)]] |Allows=[[Hammer Striking(Expertise)|Hammer Striking]] [[Hammer Bashing(Expertise)|Hammer Bashing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Hammer Focus(Expertise)|Hammer Focus]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The paladin extends his holy protection to his or her mountWhen mounted on a horse or equine, the mount has enhanced saving throws, especially against disease and poison, immunity to fear attacks, and protection from evil prayers.}}
|Description=The player is a master of hammers, gaining bonuses to attack when using a hammer in combatCan also allow the use of higher level hammers if the focus expertise is taken.}}

===Paladin's Purity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Purity|Name=Paladin's Purity|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(14)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (64) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_HammerRing|Name=HammerRing|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(8)]] |Allows=[[Hammer Bashing(Expertise)|Hammer Bashing]] [[Fighter_AutoHammerRing|AutoHammerRing]] |Requires='Hammer Familiarity' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HAMMERRING, HAMMERING|Usage=HAMMERRING "TARGET NAME"|Examples=hammerring orc

|Description=The Paladins goodness becomes capable of warding off any influence over his goodness that originates from an external source, such as wicked magicThe Paladin must remain good for the purity to endure, and the purity will not protect him or her from intentional acts of wickedness.}}
|Description=The player uses a hammer to whack the target over the head, dazing them for a short while and exiting combatThis is ineffective against golems, undead, and things without a head.}}

===Paladin's Resistance===
===Hand to hand combat===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_ImprovedResists|Name=Paladin's Resistance|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(2)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Natural|Name=Hand to hand combat|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(7)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(15)]] |Allows=[[Unarmed Bashing(Expertise)|Unarmed Bashing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Unarmed Striking(Expertise)|Unarmed Striking]] [[Unarmed Slicing(Expertise)|Unarmed Slicing]] [[Unarmed Piercing(Expertise)|Unarmed Piercing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the Paladin gains in levels, he or she becomes more and more resistant to magical, poisonous, disease, and other magical and non-magical attacks against him.}}
|Description=The player becomes so specialized at hand to hand combat that they gain bonuses to attack when fighting unarmed.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paralysis|Name=Paralysis|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PARALYZE|Usage=PRAY "REMOVE PARALYSIS" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=pray "remove paralysis" bob
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HandCuff|Name=Handcuff|Domain=[[binding(Domain)|Binding]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(13)]] |Allows=[[Rope Use(Expertise)|Rope Use]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HANDCUFF, CUFF|Usage=HANDCUFF "TARGET NAME"|Examples=cuff orc

|Description=Removes any unholy paralysis from the target.}}
|Description=Allows the player to bind another mob that is sitting or lying down, and force them to follow them around.  This skill also makes the prisoner temporarily not-assist in combat.  This skill can only be used if the target has a warrant out for their arrest.  See also help on ARRESTING SAP and BOUND for more information.}}

===Paralyze Prey===
===Hard to Port===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Racial_ParalyzePrey|Name=Paralyze Prey|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PARALYZE|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HardToPort|Name=Hard to Port|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(17)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HARDTOPORT|Usage=HARDTOPORT|Examples=hardtoport

|Description=A Chuul that successfully pinches its opponent with a claw attack may attempt to paralyze its prey for a short time with its paralytic tentacles.}}
|Description=During combat on a ship, the player can put his ship and rigging at risk by putting the ship into an immediate hard turn to port.  This will turn the ship counter-clockwise and, for a very brief time, give the ship at least a 25% chance of being missed by any ship siege weapons fired at it.  You must let the ship integrity recover for several minutes afterwards before you can try again, however. Failed attempts can also put a strain on the ship if tried too frequently, causing another waiting period to ensue.}}

===Hard to Starboard===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Parry|Name=Parry|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(9)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(9)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(3)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(22)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(3)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(14)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(3)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(9)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(3)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(9)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(3)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(6)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(9)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(11)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HardToStarboard|Name=Hard to Starboard|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=|Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (100) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HARDTOSTARBOARD|Usage=HARDTOSTARBOARD|Examples=hardtostarboard

|Description=Parrying is the ability to cancel an armed attack by an opponent using your own weaponThe character with this skill will parry the attacks of his or her armed opponents whenever possible.}}
|Description=During combat on a ship, the player can put his ship and rigging at risk by putting the ship into an immediate hard turn to sternThis will turn the ship clockwise and, for a very brief time, give the ship at least a 25% chance of being missed by any ship siege weapons fired at it.  You must let the ship integrity recover for several minutes afterwards before you can try again, however. Failed attempts can also put a strain on the ship if tried too frequently, causing another waiting period to ensue.}}

===Hard to Stern===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Peacefully|Name=Peacefully|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=PEACEFULLY|Usage=PEACEFULLY "COMMAND"|Examples=peacefully kill bob
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HardToStern|Name=Hard to Stern|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(23)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (200) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HARDTOSTERN|Usage=HARDTOSTERN|Examples=hardtostern

|Description=Allows the player to issue a command that would start combat, but then immediately end combat before things get out of control.}}
|Description=During combat on a ship, the player can put his ship and rigging at risk by putting the ship into an immediate hard turn to stern.  This will turn the ship clockwise twiece and, for a very brief time, give the ship a small chance of being missed by any ship siege weapons fired at it.  You must let the ship integrity recover for several minutes afterwards before you can try again, however. Failed attempts can also put a strain on the ship if tried too frequently, causing another waiting period to ensue.}}

===Harden Skin===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Pin|Name=Pin|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(12)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(13)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(20)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PIN|Usage=PIN "TARGET NAME"|Examples=pin orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_HardenSkin|Name=Harden Skin|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HARDENSKIN|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The fighter grabs the target and wrestles them to the ground in a strong, solid pin maneuver.  For a short, period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and too occupied to fight.}}
|Description=All vampires have a powerful constitution, and are able to shrug off most injuries, but those with a high expertise in Fortitude are even less likely to be harmed by physical or elemental blows. }}

===Hardened Bones===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Placebo|Name=Placebo|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(15)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (32) Movement (32) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PLACEBO|Usage=PLACEBO "TARGET NAME"|Examples=placebo Sophie
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_HardenedBones|Name=Hardened Bones|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PRAY, PR, P|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Through the power of prayer, the rougue can make the target feel like they've received a strong boost in health (which will vanish if they are damaged again)!}}
|Description=This creature's bones are harder than most, either through magical or natural means. This makes them more able to take hits, given time and experience.}}

===Plains Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PlainsTactics|Name=Plains Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(24)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Hardiness|Name=Hardiness|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=|Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting on the plains. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
|Description=This ability makes the player more hardy, giving them extra movement points.}}

===Planar Defiance===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_PlanarDefiance|Name=Planar Defiance|Domain=[[cosmology(Domain)|Cosmology]]|Available=|Allows=[[Planar Finessing(Expertise)|Planar Finessing]] [[Planar Empowering(Expertise)|Planar Empowering]] [[Planar Extending(Expertise)|Planar Extending]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (85) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Headlock|Name=Headlock|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(10)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(10)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(10)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(15)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(5)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(10)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(10)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HEADLOCK|Usage=HEADLOCK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=headlock orc

|Description=The players connection to reality is so strong that they create an aura around themselves and their group which is divinely defiant of damage absorbing effects on other planes of existence.}}
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target about the neck from behind in a headlock.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't do much of anything else.  During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}

===Planar Enemy===
===Healing Hands===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_PlanarEnemy|Name=Planar Enemy|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_HealingHands|Name=Healing Hands|Domain=[[healing(Domain)|Healing]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] |Allows=[[Healing(Expertise)|Healing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HANDS|Usage=HANDS "TARGET NAME"|Examples=hands orc

|Description=A specific and instinctive hatred towards creatures from a particular plane of existence, granting an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
|Description=The Paladin becomes a vessel for the power of his or her god, either healing or harming depending on their heart.}}

===Planar Lore===
===Heighten Presence===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_PlanarLore|Name=Planar Lore|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(21)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PLANARLORE, PLORE|Usage=PLANARLORE "LIST/PLANE NAME" (REPORT)|Examples=planarlore list
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_HeightenPresence|Name=Heighten Presence|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PRESENCE|Usage=|Examples=
plore astral
plore astral report

|Description=Through extensive education, the player is able to recall a random bit of information about one of the planes of existence. Each level of expertise enlarges the types of information that can be recalled, though only one piece of information is recalled at a time. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however.  The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud.}}
|Description=This Discipline is why vampires are exceptionally attractive and appealing to others. People want to be around the vampire, to bask in the brilliant light he sheds. He need not make any sort of overt or deliberate action, for Presence is a natural aspect of one?s personality. Presence is a powerful, if subtle, Discipline that increases effectiveness with expertise.}}

===Planar Shifting Ability===
===Heighten Senses===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=StdPlanarAbility|Name=Planar Shifting Ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (966367641) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_HeightenSenses|Name=Heighten Senses|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HEIGHTENSENSES|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=You can sharpen all five of your senses to an extraordinary degree. This ability allows the Kindred to see hidden objects and creatures normally. With increased access to the Auspex Discipline, this grows allows you to double your normal ranges of sight (when issuing a LONGLOOK "direction" command), detect potential ambushes, see unnaturally invisible items and creatures, and pierce through disguises at a glance. Your other senses become equally useful; with increased olfactory sensitivity, you can detect other creatures even in absolute darkness (and may learn to track) and identify nearby sounds. You are also occasionally alerted to impending danger with unsettling premonitions. These premonitions are typically confusing, but can be invaluable.}}

===Planar Tactics===
===Heighten Speed===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PlanarTactics|Name=Planar Tactics|Domain=[[cosmology(Domain)|Cosmology]]|Available=|Allows=[[Planar Finessing(Expertise)|Planar Finessing]] [[Planar Empowering(Expertise)|Planar Empowering]] [[Planar Extending(Expertise)|Planar Extending]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_HeightenSpeed|Name=Heighten Speed|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CELERITY|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting on another plane of existence. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
|Description=This Discipline explains the superior quickness of vampires. As expertise in Celerity increase, the vampire can move extremely quickly in times of stress and take multiple actions in a single turn.}}

===Planar Veteran===
===Heighten Strength===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PlanarVeteran|Name=Planar Veteran|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_HeightenStrength|Name=Heighten Strength|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=POTENCE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Being a veteran of planar battle has taught the fighter many new tricks. Revisiting the planes periodically keeps him sharp in the ways of warfare.  For each plane of existence the fighter has visited recently, he or she gains combat bonuses unique to each type of plane.}}
|Description=This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires possess. This additional physical might allows great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform. As expertise in Potence increases, the vampire can lift greater weights and inflict greater harm upon objects and individuals when they are punched or hit.}}

===Plant Form===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_PlantForm|Name=Plant Form|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(10)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (60) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PLANTFORM|Usage=PLANTFORM "LIST/FORM NAME"|Examples=plantform
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Heroism|Name=Heroism|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(25)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
plantform list
plantform flower

|Description=The druid gains the ability, through this skill, to take on the form of a plant. The plant form progresses as the druid gains in level.}}
|Description=As the power and noteriety of the fighter grows, his or her ability to resist certain demeaning blows (such as  Coup De Graces, kicks, whomps, bashes, dirt kicks, trips, etc..) grows.}}

===Point Blank Shot===
===High Jump===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PointBlank|Name=Point Blank Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(19)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(12)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HighJump|Name=High Jump|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HIGHJUMP|Usage=HIGHJUMP ("DIRECTION")|Examples=highjump

|Description=This skill allows a fighter to use a ranged weapon, such as a bow and arrow, at very close range.}}
|Description=Allows the character to leap into another room, where gravity will take it from there.  The higher the players expertise, the more air rooms the character will jump through, allowing them to jump to great heights.  However, after jumping, inevitably comes the falling...}}

===Poison Immunity===
===Hills Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_PoisonImmunity|Name=Poison Immunity|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(17)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (67) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_HillsTactics|Name=Hills Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(17)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the Paladin's proficiency grows, he or she becomes more and more immune to poison and poisonous affects.}}
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in hilly areas. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

===Poisonous Bite===
===Hire Crewmember===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=PoisonousBite|Name=Poisonous Bite|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BITE|Usage=PBITE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=pbite orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HireCrewmember|Name=Hire Crewmember|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(30)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HIRECREWMEMBER, HIRECREW|Usage=HIRECREW|Examples=hirecrew

|Description=This ability allows one to deliver a vicious mundane bite that does a bit of damage, but will also sometimes inflict a poison.}}
|Description=From inside a pub or bar near the shore, the player can hire a local patron to man his or her ship.  The hireling will be 5-10 levels below the player, and will take on one of the crew roles when they are brought aboard the ship.  Roles include Captain (navigates the ship at random during peace), Tactician (navigates the ship during combat), Repairer (fixes battle damage), Defender (defends the ship when boarded), and Trawler (brings in fish). Hiring a sailor costs more money as the player goes up in level. Once the sailor is aboard ship and dismissed from following the player (see NOFOLLOW), they will make that room their home room and begin their duties.}}

===Polearm Familiarity===
===Hold The Line===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Polearm|Name=Polearm Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_HoldTheLine|Name=Hold The Line|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(19)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(19)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(19)]] |Allows=[[Polearm Striking(Expertise)|Polearm Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (69) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch - Range 5|Commands=HOLDTHELINE|Usage="HOLDTHELINE"|Examples="holdtheline"

|Description=The player is familiar with polearms they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
|Description=Using a two-handed polearm type weapon with reach, the fighter can prevent opponents from advancing for a very brief time.  During this period, the fighter can not make their first attack.}}

===Polearm Proficiency===
===Holy Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Polearm|Name=Polearm Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_HolyMount|Name=Holy Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(16)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with polearms, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
|Description=This skill gives the fighter's mount an edge in attack, armor, and damage when fighting an unholy target while the fighter is mounted.}}

===Polearm Specialization===
===Holy Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Polearm|Name=Polearm Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(19)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(8)]] |Allows=[[Polearm Striking(Expertise)|Polearm Striking]] [[Polearm Focus(Expertise)|Polearm Focus]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Polearm Slicing(Expertise)|Polearm Slicing]] [[Polearm Piercing(Expertise)|Polearm Piercing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_HolyStrike|Name=Holy Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(4)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=Good|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=HOLYSTRIKE|Usage=HOLYSTRIKE "TARGET"|Examples=holystrike

|Description=The player is a polearm master, gaining bonuses to attack when using a polearm in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level polearms if the focus expertise is taken.}}
|Description=Wielding a melee weapon, the paladin calls down the power of his or her god into a mighty attack for devastating damage on evil targets.}}

===Hunters Endurance===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Prayercraft|Name=Prayercraft|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(18)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(8)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(7)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(17)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_HuntersEndurance|Name=Hunters Endurance|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(11)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(11)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is so knowledgable about divine magic that he or she can identify prayers cast in his or her presence by nameThe players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.
|Description=Whenever the ranger is tracking, all fatigue, hunger, and thirst disappears. Also, all movement is instantly and constantly restoredWhen tracking concludes, or combat begins, the rangers previous state resumes.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Hush|Name=Hush|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=HUSH|Usage=HUSH "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=hush gunther

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to communicate on any channels, or use the tell command.  Use this skill again on the same player to release them.}}

Reliquists have the ability to remember how to cast a number of prayers (based on level) learned through this skill.}}
===Identify Poison===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_IdentifyPoison|Name=Identify Poison|Domain=[[poisoning(Domain)|Poisoning]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(7)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(4)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(19)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(7)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(2)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(7)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(7)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(7)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(7)]] |Allows=[[Poisoning(Expertise)|Poisoning]] |Requires='Apothecary'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=IDPOISON, IDENTIFYPOISON|Usage=IDPOISON "ITEM NAME"|Examples=idpoison orc

===Pressure Points===
|Description=This skill allows the player to sniff and taste a potentially poisoned item (like a drink, or a sword) and tell what kind of poison (if any) is on the item.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PressurePoints|Name=Pressure Points|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(11)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (61) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when fighting unarmed in melee.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Imitation|Name=Imitate|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(7)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=IMITATE|Usage=IMITATE "SPELL NAME" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=imitate Fireball Orc

===Prison Assignment===
|Description=This strange pseudo-magical skill allows spells, prayers, songs, and chants learned through Spellcraft, Prayercraft, etc to be faked at a later time. The spell or skill will not yield any actual results (no damage or benefits from casting), but will enable the character to deceive others into believing that he can use that type of magic.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_PrisonAssignment|Name=Prison Assignment|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(8)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PRISONASSIGNMENT, PASSIGN|Usage=PRISONASSIGNMENT SETPRISON

|Description=This skill allows the player to convince the target officer to take a prisoner otherwise bound for an official jail cell to instead take the prisoner to a cell of the players prior designation.  The convincing is done by paying the officer a sum, and the bribe will last for at least a full day, but will need to be renewed after each move.  Before talking to the officer, the player should designate a room with a locked door as a prison cell by using SETPRISON.  This does not legally make the room into an official jail cell for other purposes.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Immunities|Name=Immunities|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Prisoner Transfer===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_PrisonerTransfer|Name=Prisoner Transfer|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(13)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PRISONERTRANFER, PTRANSFER|Usage=PRISONERTRANSFER "TARGET OFFICER"|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the player to convince a targeted law enforcement officer to take the next bound prisoner to the player's location instead of to the intended judge. The convincing is done by paying the officer a sum of money, which will last for at least a full day or until a prisoner is transferred to the player, whichever happens first.}}
===Improved Revoke===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ImprovedRevoke|Name=Improved Revoke|Domain=[[neutralization(Domain)|Neutralization]]|Available=[[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(10)]] |Allows=[[Neutralizing(Expertise)|Neutralizing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (60) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=IMPROVEDREVOKE, IREVOKE|Usage=IREVOKE "EFFECT NAME" "TARGET" (QUIETLY)|Examples=IREVOKE "SLEEP" BOB

|Description=Users of magic can revoke specific or multiple magical effects using the improved revoke command.  The revocation can also optionally be done quietly, so no one in the room knows you did it.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Puppeteer|Name=Puppeteer|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(25)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PUPPETEER, PUPPET|Usage=PUPPETEER "ITEM NAME"|Examples=puppeteer [item name]

|Description=This skill allows the player to animate one or more puppets.  While animated, the puppets will fight for the player.  However, the player is unable to attack or perform many other actions while animating the puppets.  Puppets may be created with the carpentry skill.  To stop animating a puppet, the player need only pick it up.}}
===Improved Shield Defence===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ImprovedShieldDefence|Name=Improved Shield Defence|Domain=[[shield_use(Domain)|Shield Use]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(22)]] |Allows=[[Shield Using(Expertise)|Shield Using]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the fighter gains proficiency with shield use, he becomes better able to use a shield to enhance his armor.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_QuickChange|Name=QuickChange|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(3)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=QUICKCHANGE|Usage=QUICKCHANGE|Examples=quickchange

|Description=The bard is so adept at costume changes that he can seemingly instantly remove all of his gear (putting it who knows where), retrieve another costume (from who knows where) and put it on. This skill will swap what the bard is currently wearing with whatever gear the bard was wearing the last time a quick change was done.  The gear currently worn when a quick change is done is magically stored away, no longer consuming bag space or encumbrance weight.  Even cursed items can be stored in this way.}}
===Improved Throwing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ImprovedThrowing|Name=Improved Throwing|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(14)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(13)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Striking(Expertise)|Ranged Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=As the fighter gains proficiency in this skill, he or she hits more accurately with thrown weapons, and does up to double damage.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Quills|Name=Quills|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=QUILLS|Usage=QUILLS "TARGET"|Examples=quills orc

|Description=Being covered in sharp quills, this ability will automatically harm an attacker who gets in range.  It can also be used to project quills at a nearby enemy for extra piercing damage.}}
===Incite Fight===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_InciteFight|Name=Incite Fight|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(15)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INCITEFIGHT, INCITE|Usage=INCITE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=incite org

===Racial Enemy===
|Description=The Paladin incites the target to aggression, even against neighbors they would normally ignore.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RacialEnemy|Name=Racial Enemy|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=A specific and instinctive hatred towards a particular kind of creature, granting an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
===Indoor Riding===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_IndoorRiding|Name=Indoor Riding|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(9)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (59) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Racial Lore===
|Description=The player has such control over their over-sized mount that they can navigate them through indoor rooms, at the cost of greatly increased movement usage.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RacialLore|Name=Racial Lore|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(12)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (62) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RACIALLORE, RLORE|Usage=RACIALLORE "LIST/RACE NAME" (REPORT)|Examples=raciallore list
rlore dragon
rlore dragon report

|Description=Through extensive education, the player is able to recall random bits of information about one of the many races.  Each level of expertise enlarges the number of factoids recalled per attempt. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however.  The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud.}}
===Induce Sleep===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_InduceSleep|Name=Induce Sleep|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INDUCESLEEP|Usage=INDUCESLEEP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=inducesleep Jill

===Racial Weapon Familiarity===
|Description=Using their power to dominate minds, a vampire may induce sleep in a victim for a short while. Damaging the victim may cause them to wake up. This ability may only be used once every 20 seconds.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Natural|Name=Racial Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with natural racial weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Infect|Name=Infect|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=INFECT|Usage=INFECT "PLAYER/MOB NAME" "DISEASE NAME"|Examples=infect gunther flu

===Rally Cry===
|Description=The player with this skill can cause the target to become infected with a given disease.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Rallycry|Name=Rally Cry|Domain=[[singing(Domain)|Singing]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(16)]] |Allows=[[Rejoicing Singing(Expertise)|Rejoicing Singing]] [[Resounding Singing(Expertise)|Resounding Singing]] [[Echoed Singing(Expertise)|Echoed Singing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RALLYCRY|Usage=RALLYCRY|Examples=rallycry

|Description=The Barbarian lets out a primal call to rally, inspiring all group members to draw from their inner strength.  Those under the affect of the cry will be able to take more hits.  The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.}}
===Inherent Animalism===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_InherentAnimalism|Name=Inherent Animalism|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Ranged Weapon Familiarity===
|Description=Animalism allows empathy with and power over the animal world, as well as the animal within, and embodies the Beast which lurks within the soul of every Vampire. At the most basic level, this prevents hostile thoughts of animals towards the vampire.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Ranged|Name=Ranged Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with ranged weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Injure|Name=Injure|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=INJURE|Usage=INJURE "PLAYER NAME" "body part"|Examples=injure gunther left hand

===Ranged Weapon Proficiency===
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can cause the target to have one of their body parts instantly injured by 20%.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Ranged|Name=Ranged Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_CoverDefence|Cover Defence]] [[Familiarity_Ranged|Ranged Weapon Familiarity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with thrown and ranged weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
===Instance Display===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_InstanceDisplay|Name=Instance Display|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=INSTANCEDISPLAY|Usage=INSTANCEDISPLAY "INSTANCEID" "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=instancedisplay triumph bob

===Ranged Weapon Specialization===
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can determine some information about the specific instance that would be selected for the given player.  The INSTANCEID is the type of instance that would be created, such as 'triumph'.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Ranged|Name=Ranged Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(2)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(10)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Fletching|Fletching]] [[Ranged Focus(Expertise)|Ranged Focus]] [[Ranged Piercing(Expertise)|Ranged Piercing]] [[Ranged Bashing(Expertise)|Ranged Bashing]] [[Ranged Striking(Expertise)|Ranged Striking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player becomes so specialized at thrown and ranged combat that they gain bonuses to attack when fighting from afar.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}
===Instrument Bash===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_InstrumentBash|Name=Instrument Bash|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(10)]] |Allows=[[Blunt Striking(Expertise)|Blunt Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INSTRUMENTBASH, IBASH|Usage=IBASH "TARGET NAME"|Examples=ibash orc

===Rapid Shot===
|Description=The bard uses their instrument as a weapon, delivering an otherwise additional blow to the target in combat.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_RapidShot|Name=Rapid Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(14)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(7)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(7)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(14)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Rapid shot is the ability to make extra attacks per round whenever using a ranged weapon that requires ammunition, such as a bow or crossbow. The number of extra attacks will go up as the players level does.}}
===Intercept Ship===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_InterceptShip|Name=Intercept Ship|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(23)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(23)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires='Sea Charting'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (536870912) Movement (536870912) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INTERCEPT, INTERCEPTSHIP|Usage=INTERCEPT "SHIP NAME"|Examples=intercept pirate

===Razor Pinch===
|Description=This powerful skill allows the sailor to use their superior sailing ability to quickly intercept a potential enemy ship of the given name.  The sailor's ship or boat's speed is enhanced while following the interception course.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Racial_RazorPinch|Name=Razor Pinch|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PINCH|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This ability allows a clawed creature to pinch and tear an opponent, causing pain to persist briefly after the initial attack.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Intimidate|Name=Intimidation|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(12)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(10)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(4)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(9)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (54) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill makes the player naturally intimidating to lower level creatures, making them less likely to be able to initiate an attack.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Recall|Name=Recall|Domain=[[conjuration(Domain)|Conjuration]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Reduced Conjuring(Expertise)|Reduced Conjuring]] [[Power Conjuring(Expertise)|Power Conjuring]] [[Extended Conjuring(Expertise)|Extended Conjuring]] [[Ranged Conjuring(Expertise)|Ranged Conjuring]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RECALL, /|Usage=RECALL|Examples=recall

|Description=The player calls upon the power of the gods to return to his or her place of origin, along with any npc group members present with him or her.  Normal fleeing penalties apply during combat.}}
===Iron Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_IronChakra|Name=Iron Chakra|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(10)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Ninja_DiamondChakra|Diamond Chakra]] |Requires='Stone Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "IRON CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "iron chakra"
foc "iron chakra"

|Description=A Ninja can harden their chakras, solidifying them to help shrug off damage, thus becoming extremely difficult to score a hit on.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Record|Name=Record|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=RECORD|Usage=RECORD "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=record gunther

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can begin recording all activity of the target to a file in the local file system as if they were snooping them.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ItemRejuv|Name=ItemRejuv|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Recover Voice===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_RecoverVoice|Name=Recover Voice|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(16)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=VRECOVER, RECOVERVOICE|Usage=RECOVERVOICE|Examples=recovervoice

|Description=Short(s) : vrecover
===Jail Key===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_JailKey|Name=Jail Key|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(24)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (37) Movement (37) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Exits |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=JAILKEY, JKEY|Usage=JAILKEY "DIRECTION"|Examples=jailkey north

This skill allows the druid to "shake off" any magical or other affects which may be preventing him or her from speaking and thus chanting.}}
|Description=Allows the player to lock or unlock any door to a jail room in the area.  It will also release anyone on the other side of the door from a prisoner's geas.}}

===Regional Awareness===
===Jivvin Golhyrr===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RegionalAwareness|Name=Regional Awareness|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(24)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (24) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REGION, REGIONALAWARENESS|Usage=REGIONAL|Examples=regional
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_JivvinGolhyrr|Name=Jivvin Golhyrr|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=|Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=JIVVIN|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player scans the horizon, getting a rough estimate of the lay of the wilderness around him or her. The depth of the map expands as the player gains levels.  The key to the map is as follows:
|Description=A fighting style used by Drow to force enemies into humiliating positions.}}

~ water
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Joke|Name=Joke|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(10)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (60) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=JOKE|Usage=JOKE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=joke orc

T forest
|Description=This will cause the player to tell a random joke to the target. The joke has a 75% chance of giving the target the giggles, and a 25% chance of putting them under the spell of Laughter.}}

: rocks/badlands
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Jousting|Name=Jousting|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(15)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Range 1 - Range 99|Commands=JOUST, JOUSTING|Usage=JOUST ("TARGET NAME")|Examples=joust orc

J jungle
|Description=If the warrior is mounted and wielding a melee weapon with range, and are at least one range out of the max range of their weapon, then the warrior can charge the target and joust.  Upon arrival, the warrior makes attack(s) with bonus damage, and then will automatically ride-through their targets position on the following round.}}

= city/street
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Juggle|Name=Juggle|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=JUGGLE|Usage=JUGGLE "ITEM NAME"|Examples=juggle all
juggle dagger

M mountains
|Description=This will cause the player to begin juggling one or more items.  The number of items the player may juggle is limited by level.  Entering juggle without an item name will stop juggling.  GETting an item being juggled will also remove that item from the juggle list.  During combat, the juggler will be able to throw one item per 5 levels per combat round for a little extra damage.}}

_ plains
===Jungle Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_JungleTactics|Name=Jungle Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(11)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (61) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

. desert
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in jungles. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

* here
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Keenvision|Name=Keenvision|Domain=[[alert(Domain)|Alert]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vigilantly(Expertise)|Vigilantly]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

x swamp
|Description=This skill allows the player a chance, when in the wild, to spot hidden or trapped items or exits.  It also grants a bonus when using a ranged weapon.}}

h hills}}
===Ki Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_KiStrike|Name=Ki Strike|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(17)]] |Allows=[[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KISTRIKE, KI|Usage=KISTRIKE|Examples=kistrike

|Description=Short(s) : ki
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RelicUse|Name=Relics|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(8)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(5)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(7)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(3)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

The Monk summons up his or her inner power and focuses it into a single, terrifying attack.  This skill will allow the next blow that lands to have that little, extra, well, KI.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_Rend|Name=Rend|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(25)]] |Allows=[[Unarmed Striking(Expertise)|Unarmed Striking]] [[Unarmed Piercing(Expertise)|Unarmed Piercing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REND|Usage=REND "TARGET NAME"|Examples=rend orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Kick|Name=Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(2)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(2)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(2)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(2)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(3)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_AxKick|Ax Kick]] [[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Natural Weapon Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KICK|Usage=KICK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=kick orc

|Description=While in his or her animal form (see ShapeShift), the Druid gains the ability to kick their way out of a pin, or rip open a target prone on the ground with his or her legs.}}
|Description=The fighter uses his or her feet to deliver an extra bit of pain in combat.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Rescue|Name=Rescue|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(5)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(5)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(8)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(5)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(2)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(2)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (52) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RESCUE, RES|Usage=RESCUE "GROUP MEMBER"|Examples=rescue bob
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Knee|Name=Knee|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(12)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(6)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KNEE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Allows the fighter to step forward and take all damage from an opponent, when fighting in a group.  The person taking the opponents damage during combat is commonly called the "tank".}}
|Description=Uage    : KNEE "TARGETNAME"

===Research Item===
Example  : knee orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ResearchItem|Name=Research Item|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(15)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(15)]] |Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (32) Movement (32) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RESEARCHITEM|Usage=RESSEARCHITEM "ITEM NAME"|Examples=researchitem excalibur

|Description=Inside a library or similar room full of books, the player attempts to research the location of some sought-after item.}}
If the Fighter has their target in a close standing grapple, they can lift their knee to deal an extra bit of unarmed damage. }}

===Research Region Map===
===Knife Hand===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ResearchRegionMap|Name=Research Region Map|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(14)]] |Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (32) Movement (32) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RESEARCHREGIONS, RESEARCHREGIONMAP|Usage=RESSEARCHREGIONMAP "AREA NAME"|Examples=researchregionmap midgaard
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_KnifeHand|Name=Knife Hand|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(7)]] |Allows=[[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Monkey Punch'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Inside a library or similar room full of books, the player attempts to research the location of some distant area, and find rare overland region maps showing the relative locations of the areas along the way.}}
|Description=So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a pointed, swift strike.}}

===Know Plants===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Resistance|Name=Resistance|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_KnowPlants|Name=Know Plants|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(7)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(7)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(7)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KNOWPLANT|Usage=KNOWPLANT "ITEM NAME"|Examples=knowplant flowers
|Description=This skill allows a player to gain knowledge about a plant, or an item made from plant material.  If the plant was summoned by a druid, it will give the name of the druid who summoned it as well.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_Krakenform|Name=Krakenform|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (85) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KRAKENFORM|Usage=KRAKENFORM|Examples=krakenform

|Description=Params  : see Prop_HaveResister
|Description=Allows the druid to turn themselves into a mighty kraken of the sea. The normal compass direction commands (north, south..) can be used to swim around.  Ship commands, such as TARGET, AIM, COURSE, and STEER also work as described in HELP SHIP COMBAT.

Example  : see Prop_HaveResister

Desc.    :

Gives the mob skill-based resistances and immunities. }}
During combat, you must use the AIM command to aim your tentacles by entering AIM TENTACLE.1 "AMOUNT" and AIM TENTACLE.2 "AMOUNT". Being 'sunk' in Krakenform will kill the druid.

===Return Projectile===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ReturnProjectile|Name=Return Projectile|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(25)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The Monk gains the amazing ability to catch arrows, spears, and other projectile attacks in mid flight, and then return them right back to his or her opponent.  The Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.}}

===Reveal Text===
Use KRAKENFORM command again to revert to normal form.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RevealText|Name=Reveal Text|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(13)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (8) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REVEALTEXT|Usage=REVEALTEXT "TARGET NAME" ("PAGE NUMBER")|Examples=revealtext paper
revealtext book 3

|Description=The player reveals any invisible writing on a book or document or other writing.  It can be used similar to the READ command to select different pages of a book as well.}}
===Kyone veldrin===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_KyoneVeldrin|Name=Kyone veldrin|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KYONE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description= A Drow fighting style that emphasized the use of the darkness ability, allowing the user to gain combat advantages over their foes while under the effect of a Darkness Globe.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Revoke|Name=Revoke|Domain=[[neutralization(Domain)|Neutralization]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(5)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(2)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(6)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(6)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(5)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Neutralizing(Expertise)|Neutralizing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=REVOKE|Usage=REVOKE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=revoke bob

|Description=Mages, Clerics, and at later levels, Rangers and Paladins can revoke their magical abilities using the revoke command.  Only one spell or prayer is revoked using this skill, usually the most recent spell.}}
===Kyorlin plynn===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_KyorlinPlynn|Name=Kyorlin plynn|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=|Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=KYORLIN|Usage=|Examples=

===Roll With Blows===
|Description= Used to capture opponents alive, this Drow fighting style was favored by conservative fighters and priestesses of Lolth alike, but for completely different reasons.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Roll|Name=Roll With Blows|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(21)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(16)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(25)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(21)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=While in combat, this skill trims off some of the damage from normal melee hits.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Lassoing|Name=Lassoing|Domain=[[binding(Domain)|Binding]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(14)]] |Allows=[[Rope Use(Expertise)|Rope Use]] [[Skill_RopeDismount|Rope Dismount]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (64) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LASSO|Usage=LASSO "TARGET NAME"|Examples=lasso Sophie

|Description=If the player has a suitable rope, this will attempt to throw the rope at the target and, if hit, will bind the target for a short period. The target may be mounted, or even exposed in a nearby Ship or Caravan. This will not start combat with animals on private property.  The ropes can be manually untied with the GET command.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Satire|Name=Satire|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(19)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (69) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SATIRE|Usage=SATIRE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=satire cityguard

|Description=This ability allows the bard to playfully mock and shame an officer of the law satirically, to his face.  Any group members (other than him or herself) wanted for a crime in that area may be forgiven one warrant if the satire is successful. Unsuccessful satire will get the bard in trouble with the law.  Even successful satire will occasionally cause trouble for the bard, depending on the bard's charisma.}}
See also help on ROPE DISMOUNT and BOUND.}}

===Lava Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Scalp|Name=Scalping|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(5)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (5) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SCALP, SCALPING|Usage=SCALP "TARGET BODY"|Examples=scalp body
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_LavaChakra|Name=Lava Chakra|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(19)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Blaze Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "LAVA CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "lava chakra"
foc "lava chakra"

|Description=With this common skill, a dead body can be scalped, removing the top part of its head.}}
|Description=By intensely compressing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to damage their opponent with their sword for a short while.  This chakra may only be used once per MUDhour.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Scarring|Name=Scarring|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=|Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) Movement (25) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SCAR|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Leeching|Name=Leeching|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(17)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (67) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LEECH, LEECHING|Usage=LEECHING "TARGET NAME"|Examples=leech Sophie

|Description=The player is able to apply leeches to the target.  The target will be unable to heal, but will have any poisons removed for the duration of the leeches presence.}}

===Leg Hold===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Scavenge|Name=Scavenge|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SCAVENGE|Usage=SCAVENGE "TARGET BODY"|Examples=scavenge body
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_LegHold|Name=Leg Hold|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(9)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(9)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(11)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LEGHOLD|Usage=LEGHOLD "TARGET NAME"|Examples=leghold orc

|Description=With this skill, a dead body can be scavanged for parts, especially the last bits of meat.}}
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the targets leg and pulls them down.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't perform certain actions.  During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}

===Sea Charting===
===Lesser Blightfire===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaCharting|Name=Sea Charting|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(10)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(10)]] |Allows=[[Skill_InterceptShip|Intercept Ship]] [[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Skill_SeaNavigation|Sea Navigation]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (30) Movement (30) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SEACHARTING, SEACHART|Usage=SEACHART ADD/LIST/REMOVE "NUMBER"/DISTANCE "NUMBER"|Examples=seachart add
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_LesserBlightfire|Name=Lesser Blightfire|Domain=[[vexing(Domain)|Vexing]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vexing(Expertise)|Vexing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INFLICT|Usage=|Examples=
seachart remove 1
seachart list
seachart distance 2

|Description=This skill allows the player to keep track of various points of the sea on his or her nautical charts, from within a boat or sailing ship.  Use the ADD command to add your ships current location to the list of charted points.  Use LIST to list all previous places added.  Use REMOVE followed by one of the numbers from the LIST to remove an old point. Use DISTANCE followed by one of the numbers from the LIST to see the number of sea rooms between the ships current location and that nautical chart point.}}
|Description=Blightfire is a negative energy attack that saps the target of vitality.}}

===Sea Legs===
===Light Placebo===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaLegs|Name=Sea Legs|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(4)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(2)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_LightPlacebo|Name=Light Placebo|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(5)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LIGHTPLACEBO|Usage=LIGHTPLACEBO "TARGET NAME"|Examples=lightplacebo Sophie

|Description=This skill allows the player to remain on his or her feet despite certain magical or physical attempts to get them off their feel while on the deck of their ship.  It also provides immunity to sea sickness. }}
|Description=Through the power of prayer, the rougue can make the target feel like they've received a boost in health (which will vanish if they are damaged again)!}}

===Sea Lore===
===Lightning Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_SeaLore|Name=Sea Lore|Domain=[[water_lore(Domain)|Water Lore]]|Available=[[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] |Allows=[[Water Lore(Expertise)|Water Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=automatic|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_LightningChakra|Name=Lightning Chakra|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(18)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[ninja_cyclonechakra|Cyclone Chakra]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Energize Chakra' at 80%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "LIGHTNING CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "lightning chakra"
foc "lightning chakra"

|Description=So long as the Druid is in the water, he or she will have a advantage in attack, damage, and armor adjustements.}}
|Description=By expending a burst of chi energy the ninja can move like lightning to make a quick attack then instantly disappearing and reappearing just out of close combat range.}}

===Sea Maneuvers===
===Lightning Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaManeuvers|Name=Sea Maneuvers|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(14)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_LightningStrike|Name=Lightning Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(24)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LIGHTNINGSTRIKE, LSTRIKE|Usage=LIGHTNINGSTRIKE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=lightningstrike orc

|Description=During ship combat, this skill will allow the player who passes their proficiency check to make sharper turns with their ship, even to going in an opposite direction at the end of a round.  This allows the ship to make more maneuvers per combat round when changing directions.}}
|Description=Short(s) : lstrike

===Sea Navigation===
This most powerful of Monk abilities allows him or her to deliver as many unarmed blows in a single round as he or she has Monk levels.  After this exhausting exchange, the Monk will collapse for many rounds of needed rest.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaNavigation|Name=Sea Navigation|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(12)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(12)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (31) Movement (31) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SEANAVIGATION, SEANAVIGATE|Usage=SEANAVIGATE "NUMBER"|Examples=seanavigate 3

|Description=This skill works with the charts created with the Sea Charting skill to find the direction the player must steer their ship in order to reach a charted location.  If the sailor has the authority and ability to set a course on a large ship, that will be done automatically.  Otherwise, the directions from the current boat location will be given.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Lighteningbreath|Name=Lightningbreath|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=[[Energist(Expertise)|Energist]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=LIGHTNINGBREATH|Usage=LIGHTENINGBREATH "TARGET"|Examples=

===Second Attack===
|Description=Example  : lighteningbreath bob}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Attack2|Name=Second Attack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(17)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(15)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(9)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(17)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(12)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(17)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(17)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(8)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(17)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(17)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(9)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(17)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(17)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(9)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(17)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(21)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(17)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(17)]] |Allows=[[Skill_Attack3|Third Attack]] [[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Allows the affected character to deliver a second attack during their round.  These attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.}}
===Lingering Spirit===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_LingeringSpirit|Name=Lingering Spirit|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LINGER|Usage=|Examples=

===Second Totem===
|Description=Some undead linger in the mortal realm until a particular task is completed, traveling from host to host to accomplish their task.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift2|Name=Second Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(6)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(17)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Lobotomizing|Name=Lobotomizing|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(22)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (72) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LOBOTOMIZE, LOBOTOMIZING|Usage=LOBOTOMIZE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=lobotomize Sophie

===Secret Writing===
|Description=The player is able to use delicate tools to scrape away unnecessary brain tissue from the target by going up the nose holes.  This can only be done on a cooperative target, such as a follower, or one bound or prone.  The effect of the lobotomy is not only horrible screams of pain, but the removal of any aggressive behaviors, mind altering diseases and effects, and will actually make the target a slightly better person.  Unfortunately, it may also affect some skill proficiency.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SecretWriting|Name=Secret Writing|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(11)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SECRETWRITING, SECRETWRITE, SWRITE, SWR|Usage=|Examples=

===Long Breath===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_LongBreath|Name=Long Breath|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=|Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Sense Snares and Pits===
|Description=This skill grants the ability to hold ones breathe for a period, allowing one to forego damage when under water or otherwise unable to breathe. }}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_SenseTraps|Name=Sense Snares and Pits|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(20)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (70) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The Ranger has the natural ability to sense snares, pits, and other kinds of traps while roaming around outdoors.}}
===Long Reach===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_LongReach|Name=Long Reach|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Set Snare===
|Description=This skill grants the ability to use a melee weapon at a slightly longer range.  }}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_SetSnare|Name=Set Snare|Domain=[[trapping(Domain)|Trapping]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(12)]] |Allows=[[Trapping(Expertise)|Trapping]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (31) Movement (31) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SETSNARE|Usage=SETSNARE|Examples=setsnare

|Description=The ranger carefully sets a snare on the outdoor room, tripping up and binding anyone who runs into it.  Snares will be permanent on owned property.}}
===Lucky Vanity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_LuckyVanity|Name=Lucky Vanity|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(21)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (71) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Seventh Totem===
|Description=The foppish fighter gains bonuses to saves vs mind, poison, paralysis, disease, and traps based upon the obvious value of his or her clothing.  However, it only works when there is someone present to see the fighter.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift7|Name=Seventh Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
===Luth alur===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_LuthAlur|Name=Luth alur|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description= This Drow fighting style teaches the use of all ranged weapons regardless of class restrictions, and provides a bonus chance to score a critical strike with ranged weapons.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Shame|Name=Shame|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=SHAME|Usage=SHAME "PLAYER NAME" (RL TIME)|Examples=shame gunther
shame gunther 3 hours

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can shame the target mob/player making them unable to effectively interact with shopkeepers or to be spoken to or about.}}
===Mage Honorary Degree===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeMage|Name=Mage Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(20)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires='Studying'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (70) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Shape Shift===
|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Mage', such as Mage, Abjurer, Alterer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, and Transmuter. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those spells specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift|Name=Shape Shift|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SHAPESHIFT|Usage=SHAPESHIFT (FORM)|Examples=shapeshift
shapeshift list
shapeshift cub

|Description=Throughout his or her life, a Druid will have a particular creature which he or she may change to and from at will.  By entering into this chant in any shape, the druid may change to their special animal form.  The animal form will progress as the Druid gains in levels.  Entering the command again allows the druid to revert to human form. A higher level druid may optionally specify a lower version of their form to assume that form instead. Use shapeshift list to see all available forms.}}
===Make Maps===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Map|Name=Make Maps|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(13)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(13)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(18)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(13)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(13)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(13)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MAP|Usage=MAP "PAPER NAME"|Examples=map parchment

|Description=Allows you to begin mapping on the targeted piece of paper.  As you walk around the parchment will be filled with a pictoral map of the rooms you walk through.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ShardUse|Name=Shards|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(5)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(5)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Make Sea Maps===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaMapping|Name=Make Sea Maps|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(8)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SEAMAPPING, SEAMAP|Usage=SEAMAP "PAPER NAME"|Examples=seamap parchment

===Shield Bash===
|Description=Allows you to begin mapping the seas on the targeted piece of paper.  As you sail around the parchment will be filled with a map of the waves you sail over.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Bash|Name=Shield Bash|Domain=[[shield_use(Domain)|Shield Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(4)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(4)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(4)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(4)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(6)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(14)]] |Allows=[[Shield Using(Expertise)|Shield Using]] [[Fighter_AutoBash|AutoBash]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (54) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BASH|Usage=BASH "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bash orc

|Description=The fighter uses their shield as a weapon, delivering an otherwise additional blow to the target in combat.}}
===Mark Disguise===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MarkDisguise|Name=Mark Disguise|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(25)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MARKDISGUISE|Usage=MARKDISGUISE (!)|Examples=markdisguise
markdisguise !

===Shield Block===
|Description=This powerful ability allows the bard to disguise him or herself to be identical to his or her mark.  The bard must first mark a target using the Mark skill.  After that, the bard must observe the mark from a hidden position for an amount of time.  After sufficient time, the bard may use this skill to take on the apperance of the mark through disguise.  Entering the command word again will remove the disguise.  The optional ! parameter may be given for the bard to disguise him or herself as the same person they did before, regardless of whether they are presently marked.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ShieldBlock|Name=Shield Block|Domain=[[shield_use(Domain)|Shield Use]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(9)]] |Allows=[[Shield Using(Expertise)|Shield Using]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=So long as the Fighter is holding a shield, he has a chance to totally block weapon attacks coming at him or her.}}
===Mark OOC===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_MarkOOC|Name=Mark OOC|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=MARKOOC|Usage=MARKOOC "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=MARKOOC gunther

===Shield Familiarity===
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to receive any further RolePlay experience.  Use this skill again on the same player to release them.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Shield|Name=Shield Familiarity|Domain=[[armor_use(Domain)|Armor Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Armor Optimizing(Expertise)|Armor Optimizing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with shields they have crafted themselves, gaining an armor bonus from using the product of their own hands.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Math|Name=Math|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MATH|Usage=MATH "FORMULA"|Examples=math 10+3

===Shield Specialization===
|Description=Calculates the solution to a math problem.  Use +, -, / (for divide) or * (for multiply).}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Shield|Name=Shield Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] |Allows=[[Shield Striking(Expertise)|Shield Striking]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Shield Focus(Expertise)|Shield Focus]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is adept with a shield, gaining bonuses to attack and damage when using a shield as a weapon in combat (such as Shield Bash).  Can also allow the use of higher level shields if the focus expertise is taken.}}
===Matrix Possess===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_MatrixPossess|Name=Matrix Possess|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MPOSSESS|Usage=MPOSSESS "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=mpossess bob

===Ship Lore===
|Description=This skill will allow you automatically possess a new mob in the same room as the target player whenever the target moves to a new room.  Just like possess, use QUIT to shut it down.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ShipLore|Name=Ship Lore|Domain=[[water_lore(Domain)|Water Lore]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(9)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(9)]] |Allows=[[Water Lore(Expertise)|Water Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SHIPLORE, SLORE|Usage=SHIPLORE "SHIP NAME" (REPORT)|Examples=shiplore list
slore raging dragon
slore "raging dragon" report

|Description=Through extensive education, the player is able to recall random bits of information about a ship they can see.  Each level of expertise enlarges the number of factoids recalled per attempt. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however.  The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud. An attempt to recall information about a ship you cannot presently see will reduce or eliminate your chances of remembering, depending on expertise.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Meditation|Name=Meditation|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(16)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(16)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(16)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(16)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(16)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(16)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(16)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(16)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(23)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(22)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(16)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(16)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MEDITATE|Usage=MEDITATE|Examples=meditate

===Shoot Web===
|Description=If the mage is in a quiet, sitting position, this skill will allow him or her to gain mana back at an accelerated rate.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ShootWeb|Name=Shoot Web|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 5|Commands=SHOOTWEB|Usage=SHOOTWEB "TARGET"|Examples=shootweb orc

|Description=This spell will cause a glob of sticky web-like material to assault the target.  The target will be unable to move until they can break free.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ScrollCopy|Name=Memorize|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MEMORIZE|Usage=MEMORIZE "SPELL NAME" "SCROLL SOURCE NAME"|Examples=memorize magic missile scroll

===Shrug Off===
|Description=By spending the necessary practice points or trains, a Mage may use this command to gain the ability to learn some spell that is written on a scroll.  If the memorization is successful, the spell may be practiced and cast as normal, and the mage will gain experience based on the level of himself and the spell learned.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Shrug|Name=Shrug Off|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(30)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (80) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BRACE|Usage=BRACE|Examples=shrugoff

|Description=The Barbarian braces him or herself for the next blow, allowing that blow to be shrugged off without any damage.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_Mesmerize|Name=Mesmerize|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MESMERIZE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=USAGE    : MESMERIZE ""Target Name"" ""Task to perform"".
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Shuffle|Name=Shuffle|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(16)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SHUFFLE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This strange but very useful skill allows the player to rearrange the order of the people in the room by running around and bumping into them.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Shush|Name=Shush|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(17)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (33) Movement (33) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=SHUSH|Usage=SHUSH "TARGET"|Examples=shush orc

|Description=The player is so intimidatingly adept at keeping others quiet, that he or she can give the universal SHUSH to a target and often make them agree to whisper and refrain from loud noises like spell casting for a time. This skill is limited outside of libraries and book stores, but more powerful inside them.}}
With a domineering presence, the vampire forces the target to perform a specific task.}}

===Side Kick===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SideKick|Name=Side Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(16)]] |Allows=[[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Metacraft|Name=Metacrafting|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=METACRAFT|Usage=METACRAFT (EVERY) "ITEM NAME" ("MATERIAL NAME") (TO SELF/HERE/FILE "FILENAME")
metacraft wagon
metacraft "every sword" bronze
metacraft "every sword"
metacraft "every sword" iron to file /items.cmare
metacraft "all carpentry"

|Description=So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift side kick. This attack is only delivered to a combatant which the monk is not currently targeting, but with whom the monk is in melee combat all the same.}}
|Description=This skill will allow you to create any item that is craftable from the numerous common skills.  The item created may be made of a material specified, or automatically crafted by a random material valid to the appropriate skill. You can also specify the destination of the items, whether it be the room, your inventory, or an xml file.}}

===Siege Weapon Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_SiegeWeapon|Name=Siege Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(16)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Siege Bashing(Expertise)|Siege Bashing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Mimicry|Name=Mimicry|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(5)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (55) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MIMICRY, MIMIC|Usage=MIMICRY "TARGET NAME"|Examples=mimcry orc

|Description=The player is a siege weapon master, gaining bonuses to damage when used during combat.}}
|Description=The player begins to mimic the actions of the target, thus annoying them.}}

===Mind Suck===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Sinking|Name=Sinking|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MindSuck|Name=Mind Suck|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MINDSUCK|Usage=MINDSUCK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=mindsuck orc

|Description=The character begins to suck the brain out of the target for nourishment. If the target is following the character, or is otherwise bound or asleep, and can remain so, the character can begin to suck at the targets brain. After a short strain, the killing act is completed, and the character is relieved of any hunger.}}

===Sixth Totem===
===Mist Form===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift6|Name=Sixth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_MistForm|Name=Mist Form|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MISTFORM|Usage=|Examples=
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
|Description=You may transform into a mist. While in this form, you may not hold or manipulate items, perform certain actions or gain experience. However, you do gain the ability to fly and to move through closed doors that are not perfectly sealed. You also become impervious to most attacks.

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Skillcraft|Name=Skillcraft|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(12)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(11)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is so knowledgable about uncommon skills that he or she can identify skills in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful skills will go up in level as he or she does.}}

The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Slapstick|Name=Slapstick|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(4)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (54) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SLAPSTICK|Usage=SLAPSTICK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=slapstick orc

|Description=This will cause the player to perform some random slapstick comedy to or for the target.  The result will be a loss of mana, which the target will not even feel.}}
===Moderate Blightfire===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_ModerateBlightfire|Name=Moderate Blightfire|Domain=[[vexing(Domain)|Vexing]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vexing(Expertise)|Vexing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=INFLICT|Usage=|Examples=

===Sling Proficiency===
|Description=Blightfire is a negative energy attack that saps the target of vitality.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Sling|Name=Sling Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with slings, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
===Monkey Grip===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_MonkeyGrip|Name=Monkey Grip|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(35)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MONKEYGRIP, MGRIP|Usage=MONKEYGRIP "WEAPON NAME"|Examples=monkeygrip supersword

|Description=Short(s): MGRIP
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Slip|Name=Slip|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SLIPPIFY|Usage=SLIP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=slip orc

|Description=This skill causes the target to slip and fall.}}
This skill allows the fighter to wield two two-handed weapons as if they were one-handed.  Dual Wielding skill would still be required in order to actually use the second weapon in combat.  Wielding a two-handed weapon this way will cause severe loss of attack and damage bonuses, but those losses are in turn mitigated by proficiency and expertise.}}

===Slow Fall===
===Monkey Punch===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SlowFall|Name=Slow Fall|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(12)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (62) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_MonkeyPunch|Name=Monkey Punch|Domain=[[punching(Domain)|Punching]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_KnifeHand|Knife Hand]] [[Iron Punching(Expertise)|Iron Punching]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=If the proficiency check is made, this player does not fall from high places, but floats instead.}}
|Description=So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, closed fist.}}

===Smoke Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_SmokeChakra|Name=Smoke Chakra|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(20)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "SMOKE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "smoke chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=MonkSkill|Name=MonkSkill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
foc "smoke chakra"

|Description=The ninja surrounds themself with an ethereal smoke, causing any thrown or physical ranged attack weapons in the room to slow in flight and do only half damage to the ninja.}}

===Smoke Signals===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SmokeSignals|Name=Smoke Signals|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(5)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(5)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SMOKESIGNALS, SMOKESIGNAL|Usage="SMOKESIGNALS" "MESSAGE"|Examples=smokesignals I'm here at the temple!
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Monologue|Name=Monologue|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(20)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (35) Movement (35) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MONOLOGUE|Usage=MONOLOGUE|Examples=monologue

|Description=This skill requires a fire to be built in the area, and it must be performed outdoors.  This skill sends a smoke signal viewable throughout the entire area by those outside. Those with the smoke signal skill will be able to read the message in the signal.}}
|Description=The bard begins a dramatic monologue, causing everyone, friend and foe alike, to suspend all activity (including spell effects), until the bard is done. To maintain the monologue, the bard MUST say something at least every 4 seconds. If the bard leaves the room, or stops speaking, then the effect will end.}}

===Snap Kick===
===Morse Code===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SnapKick|Name=Snap Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=|Allows=[[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MorseCode|Name=Morse Code|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(6)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(6)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MORSECODE, MORSE|Usage="MORSECODE" "MESSAGE"|Examples=morsecode I'm here at on my boat!

|Description=So long as the fighter is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, forward kick.}}
|Description=This skill can be used to either tap on walls or flash a held light source in order to send morse code signals.  The distance that the signals can be detected increase with expertise.  Only someone else with the morse code skill can interpret them.}}

===Mountain Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Soiled|Name=Soiled|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SOIL|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_MountainTactics|Name=Mountain Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(14)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the mountains. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}

===Song Write===
===Mounted Charge===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SongWrite|Name=Song Write|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Bard(Bard)|Bard(15)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] [[Wise Crafting(Expertise)|Wise Crafting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (65) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SONGWRITE|Usage=SONGWRITE "SPELL NAME" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=songwrite "rage" scroll
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_MountedCharge|Name=Mounted Charge|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(16)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(16)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Range 1 - Range 99|Commands=MOUNTEDCHARGE, MCHARGE|Usage=MCHARGE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=mcharge orc

|Description=This skill allows the bard to place any song he or she knows onto a scroll. Once placed on the scroll, the song may be sung off it.  Song Writing is very  draining on the bard however.  The bard will lose some experience points for using this skill.  Song Writing also requires that the caster be at full mana.}}
|Description=The fighter, from the back of a mount, rides at top speed at a target, delivering a deadly attack, but sacrificing armor.}}

===Mounted Combat===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Songcraft|Name=Songcraft|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(6)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(13)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MountedCombat|Name=Mounted Combat|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(17)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(2)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(11)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(11)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(11)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] [[Herding|Herding]] |Requires='Animal Husbandry' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is so knowledgable about bardic magic that he or she can identify magical songs sung in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.}}
|Description=This skill helps negate the bad consequences of fighting from horseback or from a boat or other vehicle.}}

===Mounted Leap===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Spellcraft|Name=Spellcraft|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(8)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(8)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(7)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(12)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(8)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(4)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(8)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(8)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(7)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(15)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(8)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_MountedLeap|Name=Mounted Leap|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(18)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (68) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MLEAP|Usage=MLEAP "DIRECTION"|Examples=mountedleap east

|Description=The player is so knowledgable about arcane magic that he or she can identify spells cast in his or her presence by nameThe players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.   
|Description=This skill allows either a mount, or a skilled rider of a mount to get the mount to leap through the air when entering the next roomWhile in the air, many traps will be avoidableExpertise increases the distance traveled.}}

===Mounted Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_MountedTactics|Name=Mounted Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(12)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(12)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(12)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting while mounted on a racial or favored mount.}}

Arcanists have the ability to remember how to cast a number of spells (based on level) learned through this skill.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Multiwatch|Name=Multiwatch|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MULTIWATCH|Usage=|Examples=

===Spring Attack===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Spring|Name=Spring Attack|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(10)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(11)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SPRINGATTACK, SPRING, SATTACK|Usage=SPRINGATTACK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=sattack orc

|Description=Short(s) : spring, sattack
===My Plants===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_MyPlants|Name=My Plants|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=MYPLANTS, PLANTS|Usage=MYPLANTS|Examples=myplants

The Barbarian delivers a quick damaging blow, then leaps backwards to a further position of range 1 or 2.}}
|Description=A druid can, at will, become attuned to the plants which he or she has created through druidic magic.  This ability allows the druid to perceive all of his or her magical plants still alive, and where they are.

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Stability|Name=Stability|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(20)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(16)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(16)]] |Allows=[[MasterTrawling|Master Trawling]] [[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Skill_Autocrawl|AutoCrawl]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the player to remain on his or her feet despite certain magical or physical attempts to get them on the ground.}}

===Staff Familiarity===
This skill is most useful for Plant Pass and for creating a druidic connection to an area.  A druid in a rural area has placed one of his or her plants in at least 50% of the rooms in an area will create a druidic connection to the area. See also Druidic Connection for more information on this phenomenon.
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Staff|Name=Staff Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[StaffMaking|Staff Making]] [[Skill_Trip|Trip]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with staffs they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}

===Staff Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Staff|Name=Staff Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_Staff|Staff Familiarity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with staffs, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
Druids also gain experience for placing their plants inside areas classified as cities.  A certain number of plants per city per mud-month can be summoned for experience in this way.}}

===Staff Specialization===
===Natural Weapon Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Staff|Name=Staff Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Natural|Name=Natural Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Skill_Dodge|Dodge]] [[Fighter_Kick|Kick]] |Requires='Animal Husbandry' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with staffs, gaining bonuses to attack when using a staff in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level staffs if the focus expertise is taken.}}
|Description=The player is proficient with certain natural weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}

===Naval Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Stance|Name=Stance|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(13)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STANCE|Usage=STANCE OFFENSIVE/DEFENSIVE/WILD/NONE|Examples=stance offensive
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_NavalTactics|Name=Naval Tactics|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(21)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=NAVALTACTICS, NTACTICS|Usage=NAVALTACTICS "TACTIC"|Examples=ntactics follow
|Description=From the deck of a big sailing ship, and during ship combat, the sailor can automatically set a course on his or her ship according to a particular combat tactic.  The tactics include:

|Description=During combat, the fighter takes on one of the fighting stances he or she has been trained in. Each stance offers a small bonus to combat stats, but is also counterable by another stance:
FOLLOW - Maintain a distance from the enemy ship equal to the current distance.

Offensive : +attack, -armor, countered by Defensive
RETREAT - Maintain a distance just outside the enemy ships gun range.

Defensive : +armor -attack, countered by Wild
FLEE - Flee from combat by sailing towards the closest escape route.

Wild      : +damage, -attack, -armor, countered by Offensive
APPROACH - Get as close as possible to the enemy ship.}}

None      : cancels your fighter stance.
===Ninth Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift9|Name=Ninth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}

===Nipple Twist===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Nippletwist|Name=Nipple Twist|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(5)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=NIPPLETWIST|Usage=NIPPLETWIST "TARGET NAME"|Examples=nippletwist orc

The fighting stance of your opponent, if any, can be seen only when combat has started.}}
|Description=The player grabs the targets nipples and gives them a twist, causing the target to take a bit of damage, and feel a horrible amount of pain.  Nipple Twist is also unique in that, while it may hurt a lot, it can never kill the target.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=StdSkill|Name=StdSkill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Power_OctoGrapple|Name=Octo-Grapple|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=GRAPPLE|Usage=|Examples=


===Opponent Knowledge===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Stigma|Name=Stigma|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SizeOpponent|Name=Opponent Knowledge|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(21)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (71) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SIZEUP, OPPONENT|Usage=SIZEUP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=sizeup orc

|Description=The characters reputation always precedes them in an exaggerated fashion. For all of their factions, the world will react both normally, AND as if they are at one extreme or the other, depending on current leanings. }}
|Description=The fighter's experience is used to determine a more accurate survey of a target's health, combat prowess, and defensive capability.}}

===Orb Alur===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Stinkify|Name=Stinkify|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=STINKIFY|Usage=STINKIFY "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=stinkify gunther
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_OrbAlur|Name=Orb Alur|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SWEEP|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can cause the target to become 1 level stinkier than they were before.}}
|Description=This Drow fighting style focused on striking many opponents with one strike. Its users were valued and granted special privileges.}}

===Stone Body===
===Pack Call===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Stonebody|Name=Stone Body|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(25)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_PackCall|Name=Pack Call|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(30)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PACKCALL|Usage=PACKCALL|Examples=packcall

|Description=The Barbarian has become so hardened to battle that he or she ignores 2 points from every damage roll taken.}}
|Description=This powerful skill allows the druid, while in their animal form, to call on the aid of like animals during combat.  The combat aid will always arrive in the form of animals one-step below the druids current animal form, and always in numbers reflective of their level and skill, as well as reflective of the druids leadership abilities. These animals are able to rescue the druid from his or her enemies on command.  To do this, the druid needs only to order them to 'rescue'. Like many druid abilities, the druid must be out in the wild for this skill to work.}}

===Stone Chakra===
===Paladin Skill===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_StoneChakra|Name=Stone Chakra|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(2)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Ninja_IronChakra|Iron Chakra]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "STONE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "stone chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=PaladinSkill|Name=Paladin Skill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
foc "stone chakra"

|Description=By calling on the energy of the earth beneath them the ninja can take a stance as solid as rock, becoming immune to any attack that would knock them off their feet.}}

===Paladin's Aura===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Stonecunning|Name=Stonecunning|Domain=[[alert(Domain)|Alert]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vigilantly(Expertise)|Vigilantly]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Aura|Name=Paladin's Aura|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(19)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (69) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the player a chance, when in mountains, caves, or stone rooms, to spot hidden or trapped items or exits.}}
|Description=When the Paladin's Aura begins to exude, it will act as the cleric spell Protection From Good/Evil for the paladin's group.  Malicious spells and affects opposed to the Paladin's alignment will be repelled by the aura.  Any anti-aligned players or creatures in the paladin's group will also be hurt by the aura.}}

===Paladin's Corruption===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Stowaway|Name=Stowaway|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(4)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STOWAWAY|Usage=STOWAWAY ("DESTINATION"/"CHART INDEX")|Examples=stowaway
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Corruption|Name=Paladin's Corruption|Domain=[[corruption(Domain)|Corruption]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(14)]] |Allows=[[Corrupting(Expertise)|Corrupting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (64) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
stowaway new thalos docks
stowaway 3

|Description=The sailor packs himself into a shipping crate bound for overseas travel, and, after a long sea voyage, emerges on a different shoreIf the sailor knows Sea Charting, he or she may be able to select the destination from his or her charts.  Shorter voyages to more distant locations can be obtained through expertise. A failed skill check will seem to work fine, but the sailor will not end up where their charts said they would.}}
|Description=The Paladins wickedness becomes capable of enhancing any influence over his chaotic evilness that originates from an external source, such as holy magicThe Paladin must remain wicked for the corruption to endure, and the corruption will not enhance any intentional acts of wickedness.}}

===Strike The Set===
===Paladin's Courage===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_StrikeTheSet|Name=Strike The Set|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(5)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STRIKETHESET, STRIKESET|Usage=STRIKETHESET
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Courage|Name=Paladin's Courage|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(13)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=Good|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The bard strikes the set of the room, making any and all items in the room appear to be gone, and the room empty.}}
|Description=When the Paladin's aura of Courage begins to exude, the paladin and other good group members become immune to the Fear spells like "Spook", "Nightmare", and "Fear", and "Paladin's Fear".}}

===Paladin's Fear===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Struggle|Name=Struggle|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(6)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(18)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STRUGGLE|Usage=STRUGGLE|Examples=struggle
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Fear|Name=Paladin's Fear|Domain=[[communing(Domain)|Communing]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(13)]] |Allows=[[Communing(Expertise)|Communing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player wriggles and pulls to escape from bonds holding him or her. This skill can be used to more quickly become released from ropes, webs, nets, and other bindings.}}
|Description=When the Paladin's aura of Fear begins to exude, nearby non-evil non-group member creatures will periodically react to it in various ways, such as Fear, Spook, and bouts of cringing.}}

===Paladin's Goodness===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Subdue|Name=Subdue|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(6)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SUBDUE|Usage=SUBDUE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=subdue orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Goodness|Name=Paladin's Goodness|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(24)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=Good|UseCost=Mana (74) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The fighter uses finesse to avoid killing the target by making more strategic hits on the target.  The actual damage will be minimal, but in reality the fighters damage will count towards subdueing damage. If carried through to the end, it will end up knocking the target cold instead of killing themDuring combat, a smart fighter can examine his or her target and tell how close they are to being fully subdued despite the apparent actual damage done.  Once knocked out, the target can not be killed until consciousness is regained.
|Description=When the Paladin's aura of Goodness begins to exude, it becomes almost impossible for evil to approach the paladinAny evil group members or creatures within melee range will take severe damage from the aura of goodness, which grows more powerful as the Paladin gains levels.}}

===Paladin's Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_PaladinsMount|Name=Paladin's Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(7)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The paladin extends his protection to his or her holy summoned mount.  When mounted on a mount, the mount has enhanced saving throws, especially against disease and poison, immunity to fear attacks, and protection from opposed prayers.}}

Enter SUBDUE again to cancel this effect.}}
===Paladin's Purity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Purity|Name=Paladin's Purity|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(14)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (64) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Swamp Camouflage===
|Description=The Paladins goodness becomes capable of warding off any influence over his goodness that originates from an external source, such as wicked magic.  The Paladin must remain good for the purity to endure, and the purity will not protect him or her from intentional acts of wickedness.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SwampCamouflage|Name=Swamp Camouflage|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This ability is not yet documented.}}
===Paladin's Resistance===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_ImprovedResists|Name=Paladin's Resistance|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(2)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Swamp Tactics===
|Description=As the Paladin gains in levels, he or she becomes more and more resistant to magical, poisonous, disease, and other magical and non-magical attacks against him.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SwampTactics|Name=Swamp Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(12)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in swamps. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
===Paladin's Wickedness===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_Wickedness|Name=Paladin's Wickedness|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(24)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (74) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=When the Paladin's aura of Wickedness begins to exude, it becomes almost impossible for good to approach the paladin.  Any good group members or creatures within melee range will take severe damage from the aura of wickedness, which grows more powerful as the Paladin gains levels.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Sweep|Name=Sweep|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(16)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(15)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(15)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(23)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(18)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SWEEP|Usage=SWEEP|Examples=

|Description=Allows the fighter wielding a slashing weapon to rear back and take a free whack at all opponents within range.  Attack ability on such an attack is one half less and damage is one third normal.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paralysis|Name=Paralysis|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PARALYZE|Usage=PRAY "REMOVE PARALYSIS" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=pray "remove paralysis" bob

|Description=Removes any unholy paralysis from the target.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Swim|Name=Swim|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Skill_Autoswim|AutoSwim]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SWIM|Usage=|Examples=

===Paralyze Prey===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Racial_ParalyzePrey|Name=Paralyze Prey|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PARALYZE|Usage=|Examples=

===Sword Familiarity===
|Description=A Chuul that successfully pinches its opponent with a claw attack may attempt to paralyze its prey for a short time with its paralytic tentacles.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Sword|Name=Sword Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[MasterWeaponsmithing|Master Weaponsmithing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with swords they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Parry|Name=Parry|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(9)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(9)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(3)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(3)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(22)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(3)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(9)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(14)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(3)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(9)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(3)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(9)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(3)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(6)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(9)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(11)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires='Sword Proficiency' at 100%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Sword Proficiency===
|Description=Parrying is the ability to cancel an armed attack by an opponent using your own weapon.  The character with this skill will parry the attacks of his or her armed opponents whenever possible.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Sword|Name=Sword Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Skill_Parry|Parry]] [[Skill_AttackHalf|Half Attack]] [[Familiarity_Sword|Sword Familiarity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with sword, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Peacefully|Name=Peacefully|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=PEACEFULLY|Usage=PEACEFULLY "COMMAND"|Examples=peacefully kill bob

===Sword Specialization===
|Description=Allows the player to issue a command that would start combat, but then immediately end combat before things get out of control.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Sword|Name=Sword Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] |Allows=[[Sword Piercing(Expertise)|Sword Piercing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Sword Slicing(Expertise)|Sword Slicing]] [[Paladin_CraftHolyAvenger|Craft Holy Avenger]] [[Sword Striking(Expertise)|Sword Striking]] [[Sword Focus(Expertise)|Sword Focus]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a sword master, gaining bonuses to attack when using a sword in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level swords if the focus expertise is taken.}}
===Phindar streeaka===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_PhindarStreeaka|Name=Phindar streeaka|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BERZERK|Usage=|Examples=

===Tail Swipe===
|Description= This chaotic Drow fighting style is also a catch-all term for mindless violence used for battle. It is used by Drow berserkers, and disdained by most Drow captains.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TailSwipe|Name=Tail Swipe|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TAILSWIPE|Usage=TAILSWIPE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=tailswipe orc

|Description=The character uses their tail to make a powerful swipe at the legs of his or her enemies with their tail.  This will result in some damage, and possibly tripping them.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Pin|Name=Pin|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(12)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(13)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(20)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PIN|Usage=PIN "TARGET NAME"|Examples=pin orc

===Tenth Totem===
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target and wrestles them to the ground in a strong, solid pin maneuver.  For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and too occupied to fight.  During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift10|Name=Tenth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Placebo|Name=Placebo|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(15)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (32) Movement (32) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PLACEBO|Usage=PLACEBO "TARGET NAME"|Examples=placebo Sophie

===Thief Honorary Degree===
|Description=Through the power of prayer, the rougue can make the target feel like they've received a strong boost in health (which will vanish if they are damaged again)!}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeThief|Name=Thief Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(18)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
===Plains Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PlainsTactics|Name=Plains Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(24)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(24)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (74) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting on the plains. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
===Planar Defiance===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_PlanarDefiance|Name=Planar Defiance|Domain=[[cosmology(Domain)|Cosmology]]|Available=|Allows=[[Planar Finessing(Expertise)|Planar Finessing]] [[Planar Empowering(Expertise)|Planar Empowering]] [[Planar Extending(Expertise)|Planar Extending]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (85) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The players connection to reality is so strong that they create an aura around themselves and their group which is divinely defiant of damage absorbing effects on other planes of existence.}}
===Planar Enemy===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_PlanarEnemy|Name=Planar Enemy|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=A specific and instinctive hatred towards creatures from a particular plane of existence, granting an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
===Planar Lore===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_PlanarLore|Name=Planar Lore|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(21)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PLANARLORE, PLORE|Usage=PLANARLORE "LIST/PLANE NAME" (REPORT)|Examples=planarlore list
plore astral
plore astral report
|Description=Through extensive education, the player is able to recall a random bit of information about one of the planes of existence.  Each level of expertise enlarges the types of information that can be recalled, though only one piece of information is recalled at a time. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however.  The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud.}}
===Planar Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PlanarMount|Name=Planar Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=|Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is so capable with favored or racial mount races that he or she can attempt to mount them on other planes of existence, even when that is normally impossible, and even when they aren't technically animals.  The mount will attempt to buck them, but if the player also succeeds at Bronco Busting, then the creature will remain a permanent mount.}}
===Planar Shifting Ability===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=StdPlanarAbility|Name=Planar Shifting Ability|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (966367641) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
===Planar Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PlanarTactics|Name=Planar Tactics|Domain=[[cosmology(Domain)|Cosmology]]|Available=|Allows=[[Planar Finessing(Expertise)|Planar Finessing]] [[Planar Empowering(Expertise)|Planar Empowering]] [[Planar Extending(Expertise)|Planar Extending]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting on another plane of existence. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
===Planar Veteran===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PlanarVeteran|Name=Planar Veteran|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (85) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Being a veteran of planar battle has taught the fighter many new tricks.  Revisiting the planes periodically keeps him sharp in the ways of warfare.  For each plane of existence the fighter has visited recently, he or she gains combat bonuses unique to each type of plane.}}
===Plant Form===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_PlantForm|Name=Plant Form|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(10)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (60) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PLANTFORM|Usage=PLANTFORM "LIST/FORM NAME"|Examples=plantform
plantform list
plantform flower
|Description=The druid gains the ability, through this skill, to take on the form of a plant.  The plant form progresses as the druid gains in level.}}
===Point Blank Shot===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PointBlank|Name=Point Blank Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(12)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(19)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(12)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This skill allows a fighter to use a ranged weapon, such as a bow and arrow, at very close range.}}
===Poison Immunity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_PoisonImmunity|Name=Poison Immunity|Domain=[[holy_protection(Domain)|Holy Protection]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(17)]] |Allows=[[Protecting(Expertise)|Protecting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (67) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=As the Paladin's proficiency grows, he or she becomes more and more immune to poison and poisonous affects.}}
===Poisonous Bite===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=PoisonousBite|Name=Poisonous Bite|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BITE|Usage=PBITE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=pbite orc
|Description=This ability allows one to deliver a vicious mundane bite that does a bit of damage, but will also sometimes inflict a poison.}}
===Polearm Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Polearm|Name=Polearm Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is familiar with polearms they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
===Polearm Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Polearm|Name=Polearm Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is proficient with polearms, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
===Polearm Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Polearm|Name=Polearm Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(19)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(8)]] |Allows=[[Polearm Striking(Expertise)|Polearm Striking]] [[Polearm Focus(Expertise)|Polearm Focus]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Polearm Slicing(Expertise)|Polearm Slicing]] [[Polearm Piercing(Expertise)|Polearm Piercing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is a polearm master, gaining bonuses to attack when using a polearm in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level polearms if the focus expertise is taken.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Prayercraft|Name=Prayercraft|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(18)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(8)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(7)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(17)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (57) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is so knowledgable about divine magic that he or she can identify prayers cast in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does. 
Reliquists have the ability to remember how to cast a number of prayers (based on level) learned through this skill.}}
===Pressure Points===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_PressurePoints|Name=Pressure Points|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(11)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (61) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when fighting unarmed in melee.}}
===Prison Assignment===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_PrisonAssignment|Name=Prison Assignment|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(8)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PRISONASSIGNMENT, PASSIGN|Usage=PRISONASSIGNMENT SETPRISON
|Description=This skill allows the player to convince the target officer to take a prisoner otherwise bound for an official jail cell to instead take the prisoner to a cell of the players prior designation.  The convincing is done by paying the officer a sum, and the bribe will last for at least a full day, but will need to be renewed after each move.  Before talking to the officer, the player should designate a room with a locked door as a prison cell by using SETPRISON.  This does not legally make the room into an official jail cell for other purposes.}}
===Prisoner Transfer===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_PrisonerTransfer|Name=Prisoner Transfer|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(13)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (63) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PRISONERTRANFER, PTRANSFER|Usage=PRISONERTRANSFER "TARGET OFFICER"|Examples=
|Description=This skill allows the player to convince a targeted law enforcement officer to take the next bound prisoner to the player's location instead of to the intended judge. The convincing is done by paying the officer a sum of money, which will last for at least a full day or until a prisoner is transferred to the player, whichever happens first.}}
===Psychic Projection===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_AstralProjection|Name=Psychic Projection|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PSYCHICPROJECT|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=You arc able to expand your consciousness to such a degree that you can separate your mind from your body. While in this state you can travel without the use of your body, journeying nearly anywhere on Earth. However, as your astral self reaches the outermost point of the Moon's orbit, you will encounter what has been referred to as the Limit of the Lunar Sphere - an impassable barrier.
The physical body left behind lies as motionless as if it were in torpor. Your mind stays with the astral self, and you have no way of knowing what is going on around or in your body. Indeed, for all you know, your body is in flames.
A silver cord, a diaphanous line grounding your consciousness to your body, connects your astral self to your real body. As long as this cord is not severed, you may enter QUIT to return quickly to your body. If this cord is severed during an astral mishap, you become completely lost and fully enter the astral plane, the realm of ghosts and shades. Finding one's body again requires an arduous and terrifying journey.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Puppeteer|Name=Puppeteer|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(25)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (75) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PUPPETEER, PUPPET|Usage=PUPPETEER "ITEM NAME"|Examples=puppeteer [item name]
|Description=This skill allows the player to animate one or more puppets.  While animated, the puppets will fight for the player.  However, the player is unable to attack or perform many other actions while animating the puppets.  Puppets may be created with the carpentry skill.  To stop animating a puppet, the player need only pick it up.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_QuickChange|Name=QuickChange|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(3)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=QUICKCHANGE|Usage=QUICKCHANGE|Examples=quickchange
|Description=The bard is so adept at costume changes that he can seemingly instantly remove all of his gear (putting it who knows where), retrieve another costume (from who knows where) and put it on. This skill will swap what the bard is currently wearing with whatever gear the bard was wearing the last time a quick change was done.  The gear currently worn when a quick change is done is magically stored away, no longer consuming bag space or encumbrance weight.  Even cursed items can be stored in this way.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Quills|Name=Quills|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=QUILLS|Usage=QUILLS "TARGET"|Examples=quills orc
|Description=Being covered in sharp quills, this ability will automatically harm an attacker who gets in range.  It can also be used to project quills at a nearby enemy for extra piercing damage.}}
===Racial Enemy===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RacialEnemy|Name=Racial Enemy|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=A specific and instinctive hatred towards a particular kind of creature, granting an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.}}
===Racial Lore===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RacialLore|Name=Racial Lore|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(12)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (62) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RACIALLORE, RLORE|Usage=RACIALLORE "LIST/RACE NAME" (REPORT)|Examples=raciallore list
rlore dragon
rlore dragon report
|Description=Through extensive education, the player is able to recall random bits of information about one of the many races.  Each level of expertise enlarges the number of factoids recalled per attempt. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however.  The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud.}}
===Racial Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_RacialMount|Name=Racial Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player has an innate natural affinity for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures.  When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations..}}
===Racial Weapon Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Natural|Name=Racial Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is familiar with natural racial weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
===Rally Cry===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Rallycry|Name=Rally Cry|Domain=[[singing(Domain)|Singing]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(16)]] |Allows=[[Rejoicing Singing(Expertise)|Rejoicing Singing]] [[Resounding Singing(Expertise)|Resounding Singing]] [[Echoed Singing(Expertise)|Echoed Singing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RALLYCRY|Usage=RALLYCRY|Examples=rallycry
|Description=The Barbarian lets out a primal call to rally, inspiring all group members to draw from their inner strength.  Those under the affect of the cry will be able to take more hits.  The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.}}
===Ranged Weapon Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Ranged|Name=Ranged Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=|Requires='Ranged Weapon Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is familiar with ranged weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
===Ranged Weapon Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Ranged|Name=Ranged Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Fighter_CoverDefence|Cover Defence]] [[Familiarity_Ranged|Ranged Weapon Familiarity]] |Requires='Fletching' at 100%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is proficient with thrown and ranged weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
===Ranged Weapon Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Ranged|Name=Ranged Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(2)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(10)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Fletching|Fletching]] [[Ranged Focus(Expertise)|Ranged Focus]] [[Ranged Piercing(Expertise)|Ranged Piercing]] [[Ranged Bashing(Expertise)|Ranged Bashing]] [[Ranged Striking(Expertise)|Ranged Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player becomes so specialized at thrown and ranged combat that they gain bonuses to attack when fighting from afar.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}
===Rapid Shot===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_RapidShot|Name=Rapid Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(14)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(7)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(7)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(7)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(14)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Rapid shot is the ability to make extra attacks per round whenever using a ranged weapon that requires ammunition, such as a bow or crossbow. The number of extra attacks will go up as the players level does.}}
===Razor Pinch===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Racial_RazorPinch|Name=Razor Pinch|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=PINCH|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This ability allows a clawed creature to pinch and tear an opponent, causing pain to persist briefly after the initial attack.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_RearGuard|Name=Rearguard|Domain=[[travel(Domain)|Travel]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(8)]] |Allows=[[Reduced Traveling(Expertise)|Reduced Traveling]] [[Power Traveling(Expertise)|Power Traveling]] [[Ranged Traveling(Expertise)|Ranged Traveling]] [[Extended Traveling(Expertise)|Extended Traveling]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (58) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REARGUARD|Usage=REARGUARD "CARAVAN NAME" (STOP)|Examples=rearguard caravan
|Description=The fighter volunteers to be a mounted rearguard for the given wagon or caravan. During this period, the fighter will automatically follow at a distance depending on expertise (the lowest being to stay in the same room).  Should the caravan come under attack, the fighter will ride to their aid, and will have a small chance of automatically disrupting certain missile and siege attacks while present for the attack.  The fighter can extend their rearguard duty by re-applying from time-to-time, or use STOP to end service.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Recall|Name=Recall|Domain=[[conjuration(Domain)|Conjuration]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Reduced Conjuring(Expertise)|Reduced Conjuring]] [[Power Conjuring(Expertise)|Power Conjuring]] [[Extended Conjuring(Expertise)|Extended Conjuring]] [[Ranged Conjuring(Expertise)|Ranged Conjuring]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RECALL, /|Usage=RECALL|Examples=recall
|Description=The player calls upon the power of the gods to return to his or her place of origin, along with any npc group members present with him or her.  Normal fleeing penalties apply during combat.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Record|Name=Record|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=RECORD|Usage=RECORD "PLAYER NAME"
RECORD SET "VARIABLE" "VALUE"|Examples=record gunther
record set filename /resources/users/bob/file.txt
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can begin recording all activity of the target to a file in the local file system as if they were snooping them.  You can set variables for the Next recording using the SET argument.  Variables include:
filename  - file to be written to
stripsnoop - whether to strip the target players name from line headers
stripcrlf  - whether to strip all linefeeds from lines}}
===Recover Voice===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_RecoverVoice|Name=Recover Voice|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(16)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=VRECOVER, RECOVERVOICE|Usage=RECOVERVOICE|Examples=recovervoice
|Description=Short(s) : vrecover
This skill allows the druid to "shake off" any magical or other affects which may be preventing him or her from speaking and thus chanting.}}
===Regional Awareness===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RegionalAwareness|Name=Regional Awareness|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(24)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(24)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (24) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REGION, REGIONALAWARENESS|Usage=REGIONAL|Examples=regional
|Description=The player scans the horizon, getting a rough estimate of the lay of the wilderness around him or her.  The depth of the map expands as the player gains levels.  The key to the map is as follows:
~ water
T forest
: rocks/badlands
J jungle
= city/street
M mountains
_ plains
. desert
* here
x swamp
h hills}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RelicUse|Name=Relics|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(8)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(5)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(7)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(3)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Skill    : Relics
Example  :
A magic relic is a holdable item that can be used to create divine magical prayer affects.
This skill allows one to effectively use a clerical "wand" or "staff"-like relic or scepter.  To invoke a relic, it must first be held.  Then the magic word is spoken to the target.  For instance, if the magic word is 'zuy', you would enter the following to invoke your relic: sayto orc zuy.  Using SAYTO instead of SAY is important because SAY might target the wrong person or thing.  You can also use SAYTO NOBODY (magic word) to make sure you aren't targeting anyone.
If the prayer on the relic requires extra parameters, then you can include those after the magic words.
Relics generally require a small amount of mana to use, and less if the relic user is capable of learning the prayer cast by the relic.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_Rend|Name=Rend|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(25)]] |Allows=[[Unarmed Striking(Expertise)|Unarmed Striking]] [[Unarmed Piercing(Expertise)|Unarmed Piercing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REND|Usage=REND "TARGET NAME"|Examples=rend orc
|Description=While in his or her animal form (see ShapeShift), the Druid gains the ability to kick their way out of a pin, or rip open a target prone on the ground with his or her legs.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Rescue|Name=Rescue|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(8)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(2)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(5)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(5)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(8)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(5)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(2)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(2)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (52) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RESCUE, RES|Usage=RESCUE "GROUP MEMBER"|Examples=rescue bob
|Description=Allows the fighter to step forward and encourage enemies targeting a group member to attack the fighter instead.  The person taking the opponents damage during combat is commonly called the "tank".}}
===Research Item===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ResearchItem|Name=Research Item|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(15)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(15)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (32) Movement (32) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RESEARCHITEM|Usage=RESSEARCHITEM "ITEM NAME"|Examples=researchitem excalibur
|Description=Inside a library or similar room full of books, the player attempts to research the location of some sought-after item.}}
===Research Region Map===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ResearchRegionMap|Name=Research Region Map|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(14)]] |Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (32) Movement (32) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RESEARCHREGIONS, RESEARCHREGIONMAP|Usage=RESSEARCHREGIONMAP "AREA NAME"|Examples=researchregionmap midgaard
|Description=Inside a library or similar room full of books, the player attempts to research the location of some distant area, and find rare overland region maps showing the relative locations of the areas along the way.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Resistance|Name=Resistance|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Params  : see Prop_HaveResister
Example  : see Prop_HaveResister
Desc.    :
Gives the mob skill-based resistances and immunities. }}
===Return Projectile===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ReturnProjectile|Name=Return Projectile|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(25)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The Monk gains the amazing ability to catch arrows, spears, and other projectile attacks in mid flight, and then return them right back to his or her opponent.  The Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.}}
===Reveal Text===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RevealText|Name=Reveal Text|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(13)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(8)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REVEALTEXT|Usage=REVEALTEXT "TARGET NAME" ("PAGE NUMBER")|Examples=revealtext paper
revealtext book 3
|Description=The player reveals any invisible writing on a book or document or other writing.  It can be used similar to the READ command to select different pages of a book as well.}}
===Revert Form===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=loki_returnform|Name=Revert Form|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REVERT|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This ability is not yet documented.}}
===Revert Form===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_RevertForm|Name=Revert Form|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=REVERT|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=A vampire may end all of their Protean abilities early through the use of this ability.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Revoke|Name=Revoke|Domain=[[neutralization(Domain)|Neutralization]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(5)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(2)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(6)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(6)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(5)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Neutralizing(Expertise)|Neutralizing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items Creatures Exits Rooms |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=REVOKE|Usage=REVOKE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=revoke bob
|Description=Mages, Clerics, and at later levels, Rangers and Paladins can revoke their magical abilities using the revoke command.  Only one spell or prayer is revoked using this skill, usually the most recent spell.}}
===Ride To The Rescue===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_RideToTheRescue|Name=Ride To The Rescue|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(22)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(22)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RRESCUE|Usage=RRESCUE "TARGET"|Examples=rrescue bob
|Description=When mounted, the fighter can swoop in to rescue a group member that is in combat, scooping them onto his or her mount and ending combat for that group member.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Ridethrough|Name=Ridethrough|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(13)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch - Range 99|Commands=RIDETHROUGH|Usage=RIDETHROUGH|Examples=ridethrough
|Description=When in mounted combat with an unmounted opponent in melee range, the fighter shows control of the field by riding through and past his or her enemy to a father range.}}
===Righteous Defense===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_RighteousDefense|Name=Righteous Defense|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(21)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=Good|UseCost=Mana (71) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=If a Paladin witnesses well aligned creature being aggressed upon, the Paladin will instantly jump to its defense, taking the blows as per the 'Rescue' ability.  This also automatically improves the Paladins alignment.}}
===Roll With Blows===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Roll|Name=Roll With Blows|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(21)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(16)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(25)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(21)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=While in combat, this skill trims off some of the damage from normal melee hits.}}
===Rope Disarm===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_RopeDisarm|Name=Rope Disarm|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(16)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(16)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(15)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=RDISARM, ROPEDISARM|Usage=ropedisarm ("TARGET NAME")|Examples=ropedisarm orc
|Description=Short(s) : rdisarm
The fighter attempts to use a help or wielded rope to hook and disarm the target, slinging their weapon onto the floor and out of reach.  To succeed, the player must be holding or wielding a rope, make their proficiency check, "hit" their opponent, and not be too underpowered compared to their opponent.  When used against a slashing weapon, there is a chance of damaging the rope.}}
===Rope Dismount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RopeDismount|Name=Rope Dismount|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(23)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Lassoing'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (73) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ROPEDISMOUNT|Usage=ROPEDISMOUNT ("TARGET")|Examples=ropedismount orc
|Description=If the fighter has successfully managed to lasso a mounted target, this command will let them dig-in and dismount the target as well.
See also LASSOING.}}
===Rope Tricks===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_RopeTricks|Name=Rope Tricks|Domain=[[binding(Domain)|Binding]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(3)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(3)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(8)]] |Allows=[[Rope Use(Expertise)|Rope Use]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (26) Movement (26) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=ROPETRICKS|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Using this skill, a player can use a held or wielded rope or lasso to perform amazing ticks, which might cause an observer to throw the player a coin.}}
===Rope Trip===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_RopeTrip|Name=Rope Trip|Domain=[[binding(Domain)|Binding]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(15)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(9)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(9)]] |Allows=[[Rope Use(Expertise)|Rope Use]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 2|Commands=ROPETRIP, RTRIP|Usage=ropetrip ("TARGET NAME")|Examples=ropetrip orc
|Description=Using this skill, a player can use a held or wielded rope or lasso to trip the target from several range units away.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Runover|Name=Runover|Domain=[[travel(Domain)|Travel]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(23)]] |Allows=[[Reduced Traveling(Expertise)|Reduced Traveling]] [[Power Traveling(Expertise)|Power Traveling]] [[Ranged Traveling(Expertise)|Ranged Traveling]] [[Extended Traveling(Expertise)|Extended Traveling]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (73) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RUNOVER|Usage=RUNOVER "TARGET"|Examples=runover orc
|Description=While driving a caravan or similar large land wagon, this command can be used to aim the team at the given target mob in the same room as the caravan.  When done, the next move from one room to another will potentially damage the target horribly under the wheels and hooves of the pulling team.}}
===Sargh elgg===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_SarghElgg|Name=Sargh elgg|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SARGH|Usage=|Examples=
|Description= A Drow fighting style that focused on making use of the Drow race's natural agility, and on the use of one single light weapon. This was the only style open for the poor who lacked education options, but was also used by various clerics.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Satire|Name=Satire|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(19)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (69) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SATIRE|Usage=SATIRE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=satire cityguard
|Description=This ability allows the bard to playfully mock and shame an officer of the law satirically, to his face.  Any group members (other than him or herself) wanted for a crime in that area may be forgiven one warrant if the satire is successful. Unsuccessful satire will get the bard in trouble with the law.  Even successful satire will occasionally cause trouble for the bard, depending on the bard's charisma.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Scalp|Name=Scalping|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(5)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (24) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SCALP, SCALPING|Usage=SCALP "TARGET BODY"|Examples=scalp body
|Description=With this common skill, a dead body can be scalped, removing the top part of its head.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Scarring|Name=Scarring|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=|Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) Movement (25) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SCAR|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Scavenge|Name=Scavenge|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SCAVENGE|Usage=SCAVENGE "TARGET BODY"|Examples=scavenge body
|Description=With this skill, a dead body can be scavanged for parts, especially the last bits of meat.}}
===Scout Ahead===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ScoutAhead|Name=Scout Ahead|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(9)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SCOUT|Usage=SCOUT "DIRECTION" ...|Examples=scout east
|Description=This skill allows the mounted rider to quickly and sneakily move through rooms and return back from where they came without being attacked.  Expertise increases the number of rooms that can be moved through in one jaunt, but remember that speed and movement is also a limit on the success of making it back.}}
===Sea Charting===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaCharting|Name=Sea Charting|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(10)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(10)]] |Allows=[[Skill_InterceptShip|Intercept Ship]] [[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Skill_SeaNavigation|Sea Navigation]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (30) Movement (30) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SEACHARTING, SEACHART|Usage=SEACHART ADD/LIST/REMOVE "NUMBER"/DISTANCE "NUMBER"|Examples=seachart add
seachart remove 1
seachart list
seachart distance 2
|Description=This skill allows the player to keep track of various points of the sea on his or her nautical charts, from within a boat or sailing ship.  Use the ADD command to add your ships current location to the list of charted points.  Use LIST to list all previous places added.  Use REMOVE followed by one of the numbers from the LIST to remove an old point. Use DISTANCE followed by one of the numbers from the LIST to see the number of sea rooms between the ships current location and that nautical chart point.}}
===Sea Legs===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaLegs|Name=Sea Legs|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(4)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(2)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (52) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This skill allows the player to remain on his or her feet despite certain magical or physical attempts to get them off their feel while on the deck of their ship.  It also provides immunity to sea sickness. }}
===Sea Lore===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_SeaLore|Name=Sea Lore|Domain=[[water_lore(Domain)|Water Lore]]|Available=[[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] |Allows=[[Water Lore(Expertise)|Water Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=automatic|Examples=
|Description=So long as the Druid is in the water, he or she will have a advantage in attack, damage, and armor adjustements.}}
===Sea Maneuvers===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaManeuvers|Name=Sea Maneuvers|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(14)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=During ship combat, this skill will allow the player who passes their proficiency check to make sharper turns with their ship, even to going in an opposite direction at the end of a round.  This allows the ship to make more maneuvers per combat round when changing directions.}}
===Sea Navigation===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SeaNavigation|Name=Sea Navigation|Domain=[[sea_travel(Domain)|Sea Travel]]|Available=[[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(12)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(12)]] |Allows=[[Ranged Sailing(Expertise)|Ranged Sailing]] [[Reduced Sailing(Expertise)|Reduced Sailing]] [[Power Sailing(Expertise)|Power Sailing]] [[Extended Sailing(Expertise)|Extended Sailing]] |Requires='Sea Charting'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (31) Movement (31) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SEANAVIGATION, SEANAVIGATE|Usage=SEANAVIGATE "NUMBER"|Examples=seanavigate 3
|Description=This skill works with the charts created with the Sea Charting skill to find the direction the player must steer their ship in order to reach a charted location.  If the sailor has the authority and ability to set a course on a large ship, that will be done automatically.  Otherwise, the directions from the current boat location will be given.}}
===Second Attack===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Attack2|Name=Second Attack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(17)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(15)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(9)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(17)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(12)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(17)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(9)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(17)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(8)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(17)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(17)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(17)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(9)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(17)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(17)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(9)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(17)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(21)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(17)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(17)]] |Allows=[[Skill_Attack3|Third Attack]] [[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (58) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Allows the affected character to deliver a second attack during their round.  These attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.}}
===Second Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift2|Name=Second Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(6)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(17)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
===Secret Writing===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SecretWriting|Name=Secret Writing|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(11)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SECRETWRITING, SECRETWRITE, SWRITE, SWR|Usage=|Examples=
===Sense Snares and Pits===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_SenseTraps|Name=Sense Snares and Pits|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(20)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (70) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The Ranger has the natural ability to sense snares, pits, and other kinds of traps while roaming around outdoors.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_Servitude|Name=Servitude|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This ability is not yet documented.}}
===Set Polearm===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SetPolearm|Name=Set Polearm|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(5)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(5)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(5)]] |Allows=[[Polearm Striking(Expertise)|Polearm Striking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SETPOLEARM|Usage=SETPOLEARM|Examples=setpolearm
|Description=This fighting skill requires the use of a polearm-type weapon with maximum reach of at least 1. While set, the foot soldier will not advance or retreat in combat. Any attacks made against a mounted opponent will deal increased damage.  Additionally, when a mounted opponent first enters into weapon range, the foot soldier will automatically attempt to dismount the rider.  This skill cannot be used while mounted.
Entering the command a second time, dropping the polearm, sheathing the polearm or wielding an inappropriate weapon will unset the polearm, allowing the fighter to advance in combat once more.}}
===Set Snare===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_SetSnare|Name=Set Snare|Domain=[[trapping(Domain)|Trapping]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(12)]] |Allows=[[Trapping(Expertise)|Trapping]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (31) Movement (31) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SETSNARE|Usage=SETSNARE|Examples=setsnare
|Description=The ranger carefully sets a snare on the outdoor room, tripping up and binding anyone who runs into it.  Snares will be permanent on owned property.}}
===Seventh Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift7|Name=Seventh Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
===Shadow of the Bat===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_ShadowOfTheBat|Name=Shadow of the Bat|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BATFORM|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=You may transform into a bat. When in this form, you benefit from all of the obvious advantages, such as the bat?s ability to fly.
The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.}}
===Shadow of the Rat===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_ShadowOfTheRat|Name=Shadow of the Rat|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=RATFORM|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=You may transform into a rat. When in this form, you benefit from all of the obvious advantages, such as the rat's small size.
The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.}}
===Shadow of the Wolf===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_ShadowOfTheWolf|Name=Shadow of the Wolf|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WOLFFORM|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=You may transform into a wolf. When in this form, you benefit from all of the obvious advantages, such as the wolf's ability to track.
The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Shame|Name=Shame|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=SHAME|Usage=SHAME "PLAYER NAME" (RL TIME)|Examples=shame gunther
shame gunther 3 hours
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can shame the target mob/player making them unable to effectively interact with shopkeepers or to be spoken to or about.}}
===Shape Shift===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift|Name=Shape Shift|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SHAPESHIFT|Usage=SHAPESHIFT (FORM)|Examples=shapeshift
shapeshift list
shapeshift cub
|Description=Throughout his or her life, a Druid will have a particular creature which he or she may change to and from at will.  By entering into this chant in any shape, the druid may change to their special animal form.  The animal form will progress as the Druid gains in levels.  Entering the command again allows the druid to revert to human form. A higher level druid may optionally specify a lower version of their form to assume that form instead. Use shapeshift list to see all available forms.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ShardUse|Name=Shards|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(5)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(3)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(5)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
===Sharing of Spirits===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_SharingOfSpirits|Name=Sharing of Spirits|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SHARESPIRIT|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=By staring into the eyes of an animal in your party, your spirit or conscious mind moves within the animal and possesses it. This allows you to control the actions of the animal and see through its eyes. To direct the animal's actions, simply say a command (e.g SAY NORTH) and the animal will attempt to perform that action, regardless of how distant the animal is from you. You may continue to perform actions while sharing your spirit with your animal.}}
===Shield Bash===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Bash|Name=Shield Bash|Domain=[[shield_use(Domain)|Shield Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(4)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(4)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(4)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(4)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(4)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(6)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(14)]] |Allows=[[Shield Using(Expertise)|Shield Using]] [[Fighter_AutoBash|AutoBash]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (54) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BASH|Usage=BASH "TARGET NAME"|Examples=bash orc
|Description=The fighter uses their shield as a weapon, delivering an otherwise additional blow to the target in combat.}}
===Shield Block===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ShieldBlock|Name=Shield Block|Domain=[[shield_use(Domain)|Shield Use]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(9)]] |Allows=[[Shield Using(Expertise)|Shield Using]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (59) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=So long as the Fighter is holding a shield, he has a chance to totally block weapon attacks coming at him or her.}}
===Shield Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Shield|Name=Shield Familiarity|Domain=[[armor_use(Domain)|Armor Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Armor Optimizing(Expertise)|Armor Optimizing]] |Requires='Carpentry' at 75%, and 'Blacksmithing' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is familiar with shields they have crafted themselves, gaining an armor bonus from using the product of their own hands.}}
===Shield Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Shield|Name=Shield Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] |Allows=[[Shield Striking(Expertise)|Shield Striking]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Shield Focus(Expertise)|Shield Focus]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is adept with a shield, gaining bonuses to attack and damage when using a shield as a weapon in combat (such as Shield Bash).  Can also allow the use of higher level shields if the focus expertise is taken.}}
===Ship Lore===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_ShipLore|Name=Ship Lore|Domain=[[water_lore(Domain)|Water Lore]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(9)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(9)]] |Allows=[[Water Lore(Expertise)|Water Lore]] |Requires='Ship Building' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SHIPLORE, SLORE|Usage=SHIPLORE "SHIP NAME" (REPORT)|Examples=shiplore list
slore raging dragon
slore "raging dragon" report
|Description=Through extensive education, the player is able to recall random bits of information about a ship they can see.  Each level of expertise enlarges the number of factoids recalled per attempt. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however.  The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud. An attempt to recall information about a ship you cannot presently see will reduce or eliminate your chances of remembering, depending on expertise.}}
===Shoot Web===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ShootWeb|Name=Shoot Web|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 5|Commands=SHOOTWEB|Usage=SHOOTWEB "TARGET"|Examples=shootweb orc
|Description=This spell will cause a glob of sticky web-like material to assault the target.  The target will be unable to move until they can break free.}}
===Shrug Off===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Shrug|Name=Shrug Off|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(30)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (80) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BRACE|Usage=BRACE|Examples=shrugoff
|Description=The Barbarian braces him or herself for the next blow, allowing that blow to be shrugged off without any damage.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Shuffle|Name=Shuffle|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(16)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SHUFFLE|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This strange but very useful skill allows the player to rearrange the order of the people in the room by running around and bumping into them.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Shush|Name=Shush|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(17)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (33) Movement (33) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=SHUSH|Usage=SHUSH "TARGET"|Examples=shush orc
|Description=The player is so intimidatingly adept at keeping others quiet, that he or she can give the universal SHUSH to a target and often make them agree to whisper and refrain from loud noises like spell casting for a time. This skill is limited outside of libraries and book stores, but more powerful inside them.}}
===Side Kick===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SideKick|Name=Side Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(16)]] |Allows=[[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift side kick. This attack is only delivered to a combatant which the monk is not currently targeting, but with whom the monk is in melee combat all the same.}}
===Siege Weapon Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_SiegeWeapon|Name=Siege Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(16)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Siege Bashing(Expertise)|Siege Bashing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is a siege weapon master, gaining bonuses to damage when used during combat.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Sinking|Name=Sinking|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
===Sixth Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift6|Name=Sixth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Skillcraft|Name=Skillcraft|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(12)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(11)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is so knowledgable about uncommon skills that he or she can identify skills in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful skills will go up in level as he or she does.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Slapstick|Name=Slapstick|Domain=[[foolishness(Domain)|Foolishness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(4)]] |Allows=[[Foolmaking(Expertise)|Foolmaking]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (54) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SLAPSTICK|Usage=SLAPSTICK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=slapstick orc
|Description=This will cause the player to perform some random slapstick comedy to or for the target.  The result will be a loss of mana, which the target will not even feel.}}
===Sleeper Hold===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SleeperHold|Name=Sleeper Hold|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SLEEPERHOLD|Usage=SLEEPERHOLD "TARGET NAME"|Examples=sleeperhold orc
|Description=On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target about the neck from behind in a sleeper hold, which may cause the victim to fall asleep for a short time.  For a period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't do much of anything else.  During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack.  The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.}}
===Sling Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Sling|Name=Sling Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is proficient with slings, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Slip|Name=Slip|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SLIPPIFY|Usage=SLIP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=slip orc
|Description=This skill causes the target to slip and fall.}}
===Slow Fall===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SlowFall|Name=Slow Fall|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(12)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (62) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=If the proficiency check is made, this player does not fall from high places, but floats instead.}}
===Smoke Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_SmokeChakra|Name=Smoke Chakra|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(20)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires='Wind Chakra' at 100%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "SMOKE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "smoke chakra"
foc "smoke chakra"
|Description=The ninja surrounds themself with an ethereal smoke, causing any thrown or physical ranged attack weapons in the room to slow in flight and do only half damage to the ninja.}}
===Smoke Signals===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SmokeSignals|Name=Smoke Signals|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(5)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(5)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SMOKESIGNALS, SMOKESIGNAL|Usage="SMOKESIGNALS" "MESSAGE"|Examples=smokesignals I'm here at the temple!
|Description=This skill requires a fire to be built in the area, and it must be performed outdoors.  This skill sends a smoke signal viewable throughout the entire area by those outside.  Those with the smoke signal skill will be able to read the message in the signal.}}
===Snap Kick===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SnapKick|Name=Snap Kick|Domain=[[kicking(Domain)|Kicking]]|Available=|Allows=[[Iron Kicking(Expertise)|Iron Kicking]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=So long as the fighter is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, forward kick.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Soiled|Name=Soiled|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SOIL|Usage=|Examples=
===Song of Serenity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_SongOfSerenity|Name=Song of Serenity|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SINGSERENITY|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This power allows you to expel the savagery from an animal or mortal, causing the target to become passive and listless. Simply by singing a song of comfort and solace to the Beast within, you can take from him that which gives him the fire of individuality and creativity.
When the Beast has been removed from an individual, he loses the will to fight or struggle. He cannot use or regain Willpower, nor can he resist any sort of attack upon him. Kindred are immune to this power.
Mortals and creatures who lack a Beast are prone to accept nearly anything which occurs to them in this state as completely normal and natural, evincing no reaction to it. Later they might wonder why they had no reaction, but often they avoid thinking about the situation at all.}}
===Song Write===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SongWrite|Name=Song Write|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Bard(Bard)|Bard(15)]] |Allows=[[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] [[Wise Crafting(Expertise)|Wise Crafting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (65) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SONGWRITE|Usage=SONGWRITE "SPELL NAME" "TARGET NAME"|Examples=songwrite "rage" scroll
|Description=This skill allows the bard to place any song he or she knows onto a scroll. Once placed on the scroll, the song may be sung off it.  Song Writing is very  draining on the bard however.  The bard will lose some experience points for using this skill.  Song Writing also requires that the caster be at full mana.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Songcraft|Name=Songcraft|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(6)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(13)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is so knowledgable about bardic magic that he or she can identify magical songs sung in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.}}
===Soothe Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SootheMount|Name=Soothe Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(6)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SOOTHE, SOOTHEMOUNT|Usage=SOOTHEMOUNT "TARGET MOUNT"|Examples=soothemount horse
|Description=This skill allows the character to cause a mount in combat, especially favored and racial mount creatures, to cease its hostilities.  If the creature is naturally hostile, it will remain soothed for a brief period of time as well.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Spellcraft|Name=Spellcraft|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(8)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(8)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(7)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(12)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(8)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(4)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(8)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(8)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(7)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(8)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(15)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(8)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is so knowledgable about arcane magic that he or she can identify spells cast in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does. 
Arcanists have the ability to remember how to cast a number of spells (based on level) learned through this skill.}}
===Spread Apathy===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SpreadApathy|Name=Spread Apathy|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(19)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (69) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SPREADAPATHY, SAPATHY|Usage=SAPATHY|Examples=spreadapathy
|Description=The character toggles whether they are in an aggressive state of apathy.  In this state, they will be as under the effects of the Apathy disease, while also being immune to the real disease.  As when diseased, however, speaking to others has a chance to spread the illness.}}
===Spread Hate===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SpreadHate|Name=Spread Hate|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(16)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SPREADHATE, SHATE|Usage=SHATE|Examples=spreadhate
|Description=The character toggles whether they are in an aggressive state of hatred.  In this state, they will behave in an angry, mean, or grumpy mood.  Speaking to others about a particular race or gender, however, has a chance to give the hearer a disease of hatred of that group.}}
===Spring Attack===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Spring|Name=Spring Attack|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(10)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(11)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SPRINGATTACK, SPRING, SATTACK|Usage=SPRINGATTACK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=sattack orc
|Description=Short(s) : spring, sattack
The Barbarian delivers a quick damaging blow, then leaps backwards to a further position of range 1 or 2.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Stability|Name=Stability|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(20)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(16)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(16)]] |Allows=[[MasterTrawling|Master Trawling]] [[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Skill_Autocrawl|AutoCrawl]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Trawling' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This skill allows the player to remain on his or her feet despite certain magical or physical attempts to get them on the ground.}}
===Stable Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_StableMount|Name=Stable Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(30)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (80) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STABLEMOUNT, STABLE|Usage=STABLE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=stable horse
stable list
|Description=This skill allows the player, while either in a city, or a personal or clan home, to call for a stable boy to either take a mount away to a stable, or retrieve a mount from a local stable.  The list argument can be used to show mounts stabled in that area.}}
===Staff Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Staff|Name=Staff Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[StaffMaking|Staff Making]] [[Skill_Trip|Trip]] |Requires='Staff Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is familiar with staffs they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
===Staff Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Staff|Name=Staff Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Familiarity_Staff|Staff Familiarity]] |Requires='Fishing' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is proficient with staffs, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
===Staff Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Staff|Name=Staff Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is proficient with staffs, gaining bonuses to attack when using a staff in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level staffs if the blunt focus expertise is taken.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Stance|Name=Stance|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(13)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STANCE|Usage=STANCE OFFENSIVE/DEFENSIVE/WILD/NONE|Examples=stance offensive
|Description=During combat, the fighter takes on one of the fighting stances he or she has been trained in.  Each stance offers a small bonus to combat stats, but is also counterable by another stance:
Offensive : +attack, -armor, countered by Defensive
Defensive : +armor -attack, countered by Wild
Wild      : +damage, -attack, -armor, countered by Offensive
None      : cancels your fighter stance.
The fighting stance of your opponent, if any, can be seen only when combat has started.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=StdSkill|Name=StdSkill|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Stigma|Name=Stigma|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The characters reputation always precedes them in an exaggerated fashion. For all of their factions, the world will react both normally, AND as if they are at one extreme or the other, depending on current leanings.  }}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Stinkify|Name=Stinkify|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=STINKIFY|Usage=STINKIFY "PLAYER NAME"|Examples=stinkify gunther
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can cause the target to become 1 level stinkier than they were before.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Stoicism|Name=Stoicism|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(4)]] |Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (54) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Having extreme discipline and control over his or her emotions, the character becomes immune to many mood altering expressions and effects.}}
===Stone Body===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Stonebody|Name=Stone Body|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(25)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (75) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The Barbarian has become so hardened to battle that he or she ignores 2 points from every damage roll taken.}}
===Stone Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_StoneChakra|Name=Stone Chakra|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(2)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Ninja_IronChakra|Iron Chakra]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "STONE CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "stone chakra"
foc "stone chakra"
|Description=By calling on the energy of the earth beneath them the ninja can take a stance as solid as rock, becoming immune to any attack that would knock them off their feet.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Stonecunning|Name=Stonecunning|Domain=[[alert(Domain)|Alert]]|Available=|Allows=[[Vigilantly(Expertise)|Vigilantly]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This skill allows the player a chance, when in mountains, caves, or stone rooms, to spot hidden or trapped items or exits.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Stowaway|Name=Stowaway|Domain=[[deceptive(Domain)|Deceptive]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(4)]] |Allows=[[Deceptive(Expertise)|Deceptive]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STOWAWAY|Usage=STOWAWAY ("DESTINATION"/"CHART INDEX")|Examples=stowaway
stowaway new thalos docks
stowaway 3
|Description=The sailor packs himself into a shipping crate bound for overseas travel, and, after a long sea voyage, emerges on a different shore.  If the sailor knows Sea Charting, he or she may be able to select the destination from his or her charts.  Shorter voyages to more distant locations can be obtained through expertise. A failed skill check will seem to work fine, but the sailor will not end up where their charts said they would.}}
===Strike The Set===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_StrikeTheSet|Name=Strike The Set|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(5)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STRIKETHESET, STRIKESET|Usage=STRIKETHESET
|Description=The bard strikes the set of the room, making any and all items in the room appear to be gone, and the room empty.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Struggle|Name=Struggle|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Jester(Bard)|Jester(6)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(18)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (56) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=STRUGGLE|Usage=STRUGGLE|Examples=struggle
|Description=The player wriggles and pulls to escape from bonds holding him or her. This skill can be used to more quickly become released from ropes, webs, nets, and other bindings. See also help on BOUND.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Subdue|Name=Subdue|Domain=[[evasive(Domain)|Evasive]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(6)]] |Allows=[[Evasively(Expertise)|Evasively]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (56) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SUBDUE|Usage=SUBDUE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=subdue orc
|Description=The fighter uses finesse to avoid killing the target by making more strategic hits on the target.  The actual damage will be minimal, but in reality the fighters damage will count towards subdueing damage. If carried through to the end, it will end up knocking the target cold instead of killing them.  During combat, a smart fighter can examine his or her target and tell how close they are to being fully subdued despite the apparent actual damage done.  Once knocked out, the target can not be killed until consciousness is regained.
Enter SUBDUE again to cancel this effect.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_Summon|Name=Summon|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SUMMON|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=With this power, you may call a person from a very great distance and that person will come to attend your desires. The subject of the Summons may not know exactly why he is walking across the room toward the cloaked stranger, but the Kindred?s powerful aura will completely entrance the subject.}}
===Swamp Camouflage===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_SwampCamouflage|Name=Swamp Camouflage|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This ability is not yet documented.}}
===Swamp Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SwampTactics|Name=Swamp Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(12)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in swamps. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Sweep|Name=Sweep|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(16)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(18)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(15)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(15)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(23)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(18)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SWEEP|Usage=SWEEP|Examples=
|Description=Allows the fighter wielding a slashing weapon to rear back and take a free whack at all opponents within range.  Attack ability on such an attack is one half less and damage is one third normal.}}
===Sweeping Trip===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_SweepingTrip|Name=Sweeping Trip|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(22)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(22)]] |Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (72) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SWTRIP, SWEEPINGTRIP|Usage=SWEEPING TRIP|Examples=SWTRIP
|Description=Allows the fighter wielding a melee weapon with range to sweep low at all opponents within range, potentially tripping them.}}
===Sweet Whispers===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_SweetWhispers|Name=Sweet Whispers|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=COMMUNE|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=As a vampire gains expertise in Animalism, they may gain this ability to communicate with animals.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Swim|Name=Swim|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Skill_Autoswim|AutoSwim]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SWIM|Usage=|Examples=
===Sword Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Sword|Name=Sword Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[MasterWeaponsmithing|Master Weaponsmithing]] |Requires='Sword Proficiency' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is familiar with swords they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
===Sword Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Sword|Name=Sword Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] |Allows=[[Skill_Parry|Parry]] [[Skill_AttackHalf|Half Attack]] [[Familiarity_Sword|Sword Familiarity]] |Requires='Weaponsmithing' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is proficient with sword, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.}}
===Sword Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Sword|Name=Sword Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] |Allows=[[Sword Piercing(Expertise)|Sword Piercing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Sword Slicing(Expertise)|Sword Slicing]] [[Paladin_CraftHolyAvenger|Craft Holy Avenger]] [[Sword Striking(Expertise)|Sword Striking]] [[Sword Focus(Expertise)|Sword Focus]] [[Paladin_CraftUnholyReaver|Craft Unholy Reaver]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is a sword master, gaining bonuses to attack when using a sword in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level swords if the focus expertise is taken.}}
===Tail Swipe===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TailSwipe|Name=Tail Swipe|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TAILSWIPE|Usage=TAILSWIPE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=tailswipe orc
|Description=The character uses their tail to make a powerful swipe at the legs of his or her enemies with their tail.  This will result in some damage, and possibly tripping them.}}
===Telepathic Scanning===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_Telepathy|Name=Telepathic Scanning|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SCANMIND|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=You can probe the surface thoughts of any nearby subject and listen to them as you would listen to that person speak. Given enough time, you can learn nearly anything about the subject. For instance, you might be able to divine the sire of another vampire through telepathic scanning.}}
===Tend Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_TendMount|Name=Tend Mount|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(7)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TENDMOUNT|Usage=TENDMOUNT "TARGET"|Examples=tendmount horse
|Description=The character uses his knowledge of mount creatures, especially those favored or racial mounts, to attempt to heal them of poisons, diseases, bleeding, and other damage.  Each session the character will do their very best for a period of time.}}
===Tenth Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift10|Name=Tenth Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
===The Beckoning===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_TheBeckoning|Name=The Beckoning|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=[[Summoning Mastery(Expertise)|Summoning Mastery]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=BECKON|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The essence of the animal has grown strong in you, and now animals respond when you call to them. You are now able to summon nearly any species of animal, drawing them to you. The primary limitation is that you may not call animals of a specific species.
Animals called in this way are under immediate obligation to heed your commands, and using this ability will also confer the ability to speak with animals.}}
===The Spirit Touch===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_TheSpiritsTouch|Name=The Spirit Touch|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (25) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SPIRITTOUCH|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=With this power you may pick up an object and gain impressions of the object. This object reading is usually limited to a ?snapshot? of the tableau, but sometimes such things as the value, function and material. The Spirit's Touch can also reveal how the owner came to possess the item, or reveal what went on during the last moments the subject held the object. Due to the nature of the increased sensitivity, the Vampire may wish to wear gloves for the duration of this ability, to avoid being overloaded by sensations from the item's past, and remove the gloves when seeking to learn more about an item held.}}
===Thief Honorary Degree===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_HonoraryDegreeThief|Name=Thief Honorary Degree|Domain=[[education_lore(Domain)|Education Lore]]|Available=[[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(18)]] |Allows=[[Educating(Expertise)|Educating]] |Requires='Studying'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Thief', such as Thief, Assassin, Burglar, Arcanist, Pirate, and Trapper. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Thiefcraft|Name=Thiefcraft|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(16)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(16)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=The player is so knowledgable about thief skills that he or she can identify skills in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful skills will go up in level as he or she does.  }}
===Third Attack===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Attack3|Name=Third Attack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(18)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Second Attack'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Allows the character to deliver a third attack during their round.  These attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.}}
===Third Totem===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift3|Name=Third Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(11)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4
|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
===Throw Feces===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ThrowFeces|Name=Throw Feces|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=THROWFECES|Usage=THROWFECES "TARGET"|Examples=THROWFECES Orc
|Description=The player with this skill is able to reach around and produce feces on demand and then instantly throw it at the target.  The feces wont do much damage, but has a chance of giving a disease, and soiling the victim.}}
===Tie Down===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TieDown|Name=Tie Down|Domain=[[binding(Domain)|Binding]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(7)]] |Allows=[[Rope Use(Expertise)|Rope Use]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TIEDOWN|Usage=TIEDOWN (UNTIE) "BOAT/SHIP NAME"|Examples=tiedown ship
tiedown untie ship
|Description=The sailor uses special knots to tie down a boat or large sailing ship at an official boat dock.  The knots can be easily removed by the original sailor using either this skill or Unbinding.  However, anyone else will find it more difficult to figure out the knots.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Toughness|Name=Toughness|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(10)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Fighter_Toughness2|Toughness II]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints.}}
===Toughness II===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Toughness2|Name=Toughness II|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(14)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Fighter_Toughness3|Toughness III]] |Requires='Toughness'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints.  The hit points stack with those gained from Toughness.}}
===Toughness III===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Toughness3|Name=Toughness III|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(18)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Requires='Toughness II'|Align=|UseCost=Movement (68) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints.  The hit points stack with those gained from Toughness and Toughness II.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Track|Name=Track|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(12)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(12)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TRACK|Usage=TRACK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=track orc
|Description=The ranger attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated target (not necessarily the closest)!  When walking around, the Ranger will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
===Track Animal===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_TrackAnimal|Name=Track Animal|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(3)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (53) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TRACKANIMAL|Usage=TRACK ANIMAL|Examples=trackanimal
|Description=The ranger, being a skilled hunter, may use this skill to track down the nearest unintelligent animal in the area.}}
===Track Criminal===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TrackCriminal|Name=Track Criminal|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(18)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (68) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CTRACK, TRACKCRIMINAL, CRIMINALTRACK|Usage=CTRACK "CRMININAL NAME"|Examples=ctrack bob
|Description=The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated wanted criminal.  When walking around, the player will become gather clues to which direction seems best.  The number of adjacent areas is increased with expertise.}}
===Track Friend===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TrackFriend|Name=Track Friend|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FTRACK, TRACKFRIEND, FRIENDTRACK|Usage=FTRACK "FRIEND NAME"|Examples=ftrack bob
|Description=The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated friend, which is a group or clan member!  When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Track|Name=Tracking|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TRACKTO|Usage=CTRACK "CRMININAL NAME"|Examples=ctrack bob
|Description=The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated wanted criminal.  When walking around, the player will become gather clues to which direction seems best.  The number of adjacent areas is increased with expertise.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Trample|Name=Trample|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(18)]] |Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (68) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=TRAMPLE|Usage=TRAMPLE "TARGET"|Examples=trample
|Description=A larger creature, from at least a small range, can charge and trample a smaller one, ending up at a similar range.  This will hurt the target, and leave them tripped.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Trip|Name=Trip|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(11)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(11)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(13)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(8)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(17)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(13)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(14)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(13)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(8)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(8)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(18)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(11)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(13)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(17)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(11)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(11)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Staff Familiarity' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TRIP|Usage=TRIP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=trip orc
|Description=The fighter attempts to trip the target, putting them on the floor for a short time.  During that time, the tripped target is much easier to hit.}}

|Description=The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Thief', such as Thief, Assassin, Burglar, Arcanist, Pirate, and Trapper. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title.  The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title.  When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Truce|Name=Truce|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DECLARETRUCE|Usage=|Examples=

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Thiefcraft|Name=Thiefcraft|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(16)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(16)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is so knowledgable about thief skills that he or she can identify skills in his or her presence by name.  The players ability to identify more powerful skills will go up in level as he or she does.  }}
===True Shot===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_TrueShot|Name=True Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(15)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(7)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(8)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(7)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(11)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Third Attack===
|Description=Gives the fighter an enormous boost to attack rating when using a ranged or thrown weapon in ranged combat.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Attack3|Name=Third Attack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(18)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (68) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Allows the character to deliver a third attack during their round.  These attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Tumble|Name=Tumble|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(24)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(23)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(20)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(18)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(19)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(15)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TUMBLE|Usage=TUMBLE|Examples=tumble

===Third Totem===
|Description=Allows the fighter to avoid a couple of potentially painful hits in combat by tumbling around.  This comes at the cost of some attack and damage capability, however.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_ShapeShift3|Name=Third Totem|Domain=[[shape_shifting(Domain)|Shape Shifting]]|Available=[[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(11)]] |Allows=[[Shapeshifting(Expertise)|Shapeshifting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (61) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=SHAPESHIFT "TOTEM NUMBER"/(FORM)|Examples=shapeshift 2
shapeshift lion
shapeshift cub
shapeshift 3
shapeshift 4

|Description=As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on.  By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form.  Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.}}
===Tune Instrument===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TuneInstrument|Name=Tune Instrument|Domain=[[artistic(Domain)|Artistic]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(5)]] |Allows=[[Artsy(Expertise)|Artsy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (55) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TUNEINSTRUMENT, TUNE|Usage=TUNE|Examples=

===Throw Feces===
|Description=The Bard tunes their instrument, which can provide bonuses to many songs which are played with it.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=ThrowFeces|Name=Throw Feces|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 10|Commands=THROWFECES|Usage=THROWFECES "TARGET"|Examples=THROWFECES Orc

|Description=The player with this skill is able to reach around and produce feces on demand and then instantly throw it at the target.  The feces wont do much damage, but has a chance of giving a disease, and soiling the victim.}}
===Turn Undead===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TurnUndead|Name=Turn Undead|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=[[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(5)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(5)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] |Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TURN|Usage=TURN "TARGET NAME"|Examples=turn skeleton

===Tie Down===
|Description=The good or neutral priest attempts to frighten the heck out of an undead creature. Depending upon the level of the priest versus the level of the creature, the effect of the skill may be to either frighten the creature away or cause it to be completely destroyed}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TieDown|Name=Tie Down|Domain=[[binding(Domain)|Binding]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(7)]] |Allows=[[Rope Use(Expertise)|Rope Use]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TIEDOWN|Usage=TIEDOWN (UNTIE) "BOAT/SHIP NAME"|Examples=tiedown ship
tiedown untie ship

|Description=The sailor uses special knots to tie down a boat or large sailing ship at an official boat dock.  The knots can be easily removed by the original sailor using either this skill or Unbinding.  However, anyone else will find it more difficult to figure out the knots.}}
===Two Dagger Fighting===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TwoDaggerFighting|Name=Two Dagger Fighting|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(19)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires='Two Weapon Fighting'|Align=|UseCost=Mana (69) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=While in combat, this skill allows the player to attack with a second dagger in the hold position, assuming the player is in range for the second weapon. This skill also allows more frequent attacks when wielding two daggers. If the player also has two weapon fighting, then they will find they no longer suffer quite as much attack and damage penalty when using two daggers.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Toughness|Name=Toughness|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(10)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Fighter_Toughness2|Toughness II]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints.}}
===Two Weapon Fighting===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TwoWeaponFighting|Name=Two Weapon Fighting|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(12)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(3)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(14)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(3)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(3)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(12)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(14)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(4)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(12)]] |Allows=[[Skill_TwoDaggerFighting|Two Dagger Fighting]] [[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Toughness II===
|Description=While in combat, this skill allows the fighter to attack with a second weapon in the hold position, assuming the fighter is in range for the second weapon. The fighter suffers a small attack and a tiny damage penalty for using 2 weapons.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Toughness2|Name=Toughness II|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(14)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] [[Fighter_Toughness3|Toughness III]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (64) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints.  The hit points stack with those gained from Toughness.}}
===Undead Invisibility===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_UndeadInvisibility|Name=Undead Invisibility|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Toughness III===
|Description=Allows the priest or paladin to walk among the undead without being assaulted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Toughness3|Name=Toughness III|Domain=[[fitness(Domain)|Fitness]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(18)]] |Allows=[[Fitness(Expertise)|Fitness]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (68) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints.  The hit points stack with those gained from Toughness and Toughness II.}}
===Unearth Demography===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_UnearthDemography|Name=Unearth Demography|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(7)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=UNEARTHDEMOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHY|Usage=UNEARTHDEMOGRAPHY START/STOP/("AREANAME")|Examples=unearthdemography start
unearthdemography stop

|Description=By finding scraps and tracks, the demographer can make some determination of the types of inhabitants within the local area.  The number of different types and information about each increases with level and expertise.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Track|Name=Track|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(12)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(12)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TRACK|Usage=TRACK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=track orc

|Description=The ranger attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated target (not necessarily the closest)!  When walking around, the Ranger will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
===Unholy Mount===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_UnholyMount|Name=Unholy Mount|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(16)]] |Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=Good|UseCost=Mana (66) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===Track Animal===
|Description=This skill gives the fighter's mount an edge in attack, armor, and damage when fighting a holy target while the fighter is mounted.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_TrackAnimal|Name=Track Animal|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(3)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (53) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TRACKANIMAL|Usage=TRACK ANIMAL|Examples=trackanimal

|Description=The ranger, being a skilled hunter, may use this skill to track down the nearest unintelligent animal in the area.}}
===Unholy Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Paladin_UnholyStrike|Name=Unholy Strike|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(4)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=UNHOLYSTRIKE|Usage=UNHOLYSTRIKE "TARGET"|Examples=unholystrike

===Track Friend===
|Description=Wielding a melee weapon, the paladin calls down the power of the gods into a mighty attack for devastating damage on good targets.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TrackFriend|Name=Track Friend|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FTRACK, TRACKFRIEND, FRIENDTRACK|Usage=FTRACK "FRIEND NAME"|Examples=ftrack bob

|Description=The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated friend, which is a group or clan member!  When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
===Unseen Presence===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_UnseenPresence|Name=Unseen Presence|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (10) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=UNSEENPRESENCE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Your powers of remaining unseen have become so potent that you can effectively cause yourself to disappear indefinitely and remain hidden even if you walk around.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Track|Name=Tracking|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures Rooms |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TRACKTO|Usage=FTRACK "FRIEND NAME"|Examples=ftrack bob

|Description=The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated friend, which is a group or clan member!  When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.}}
===Unwavering Mark===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_UnwaveringMark|Name=Unwavering Mark|Domain=[[combat_lore(Domain)|Combat Lore]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(11)]] |Allows=[[Combat Lore(Expertise)|Combat Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (61) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=UMARK|Usage=UMARK "TARGET"|Examples=umark orc

|Description=This skill allows the fighter to issue a powerful challenge to the target, infuriating them.  Any time the target attacks someone other than the fighter, the fighter will get an immediate counter-attack, and there is a chance the target will switch their combat focus to the fighter.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Trip|Name=Trip|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(11)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(11)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(13)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(8)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(13)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(14)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(13)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(8)]] [[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(8)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(18)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(11)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(13)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(17)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(11)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(11)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TRIP|Usage=TRIP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=trip orc

|Description=The fighter attempts to trip the target, putting them on the floor for a short time.  During that time, the tripped target is much easier to hit.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Upstage|Name=Upstage|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(14)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (32) Movement (32) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=UPSTAGE|Usage=UPSTAGE|Examples=upstage

|Description=The bard upstages his or her enemies, making them stop fighting who they were fighting, target the bard, and cross the room to reach him or her.  The effect ends when they hit the bard, at which point they returning immediately to their previous target and range.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Truce|Name=Truce|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DECLARETRUCE|Usage=|Examples=

===Urban Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_UrbanTactics|Name=Urban Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(21)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (71) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

===True Shot===
|Description=This skill gives one an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in urban areas. They  can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_TrueShot|Name=True Shot|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(15)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(8)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(7)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(11)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (57) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Gives the fighter an enormous boost to attack rating when using a ranged or thrown weapon in ranged combat.}}
===Vampiric Awe===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_Awe|Name=Vampiric Awe|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=VAMPIRICAWE, VAWE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=When you employ this power, everyone near you becomes intensely attracted to you. They will do nearly anything to be close to you, although their fascination is not so complete that they will endanger themselves. The effects last for a while, but everyone will view you more favorably while they persist.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Tumble|Name=Tumble|Domain=[[acrobatic(Domain)|Acrobatic]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(24)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(23)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(20)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(18)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(19)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(15)]] |Allows=[[Acrobatic(Expertise)|Acrobatic]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (65) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TUMBLE|Usage=TUMBLE|Examples=tumble

|Description=Allows the fighter to avoid a couple of potentially painful hits in combat by tumbling around.  This comes at the cost of some attack and damage capability, however.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Vanguard|Name=Vanguard|Domain=[[travel(Domain)|Travel]]|Available=[[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(13)]] |Allows=[[Reduced Traveling(Expertise)|Reduced Traveling]] [[Power Traveling(Expertise)|Power Traveling]] [[Ranged Traveling(Expertise)|Ranged Traveling]] [[Extended Traveling(Expertise)|Extended Traveling]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=VANGUARD|Usage=VANGUARD "CARAVAN NAME" (STOP)|Examples=vanguard caravan

===Tune Instrument===
|Description=The fighter volunteers to be a mounted vanguard for the given wagon or caravan. During this period, the caravan will automatically follow at a distance depending on expertise (the lowest being just a room or two ahead).  Should the caravan come under attack, the fighter will ride to their aid, and will have a small chance of automatically disrupting certain missile and siege attacks while present for the attack.  The fighter can extend their vanguard duty by re-applying from time-to-time, or use STOP to end service.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TuneInstrument|Name=Tune Instrument|Domain=[[artistic(Domain)|Artistic]]|Available=[[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(5)]] |Allows=[[Artsy(Expertise)|Artsy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (55) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TUNEINSTRUMENT, TUNE|Usage=TUNE|Examples=

|Description=The Bard tunes their instrument, which can provide bonuses to many songs which are played with it.}}
===Vanish from Mind's Eye===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_VanishFromMindsEye|Name=Vanish from Mind's Eye|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=VANISH|Usage=|Examples=

===Turn Undead===
|Description=Your power has advanced to such a degree that you may actually disappear from plain view. Even if you are standing face to face with a mortal, you may exercise this power and simply vanish. Those who witness such a disappearing act, especially mortals, are normally stunned with indecision for a turn. One member of a large group might be able to react (such as to fire into the space where the character vanished), but this is the exception. Moreover, mortals with low strength of will may actually forget that they every saw you at all.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TurnUndead|Name=Turn Undead|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=[[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(5)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(5)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] |Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=TURN|Usage=TURN "TARGET NAME"|Examples=turn skeleton

|Description=The good or neutral priest attempts to frighten the heck out of an undead creature. Depending upon the level of the priest versus the level of the creature, the effect of the skill may be to either frighten the creature away or cause it to be completely destroyed}}
===Vengeful Glare===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_VengefulGlare|Name=Vengeful Glare|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=|Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 2|Commands=VGLARE, VENGEFULGLARE|Usage=|Examples=
===Two Dagger Fighting===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TwoDaggerFighting|Name=Two Dagger Fighting|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(19)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (69) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=While in combat, this skill allows the player to attack with a second dagger in the hold position, assuming the player is in range for the second weapon. This skill also allows more frequent attacks when wielding two daggers. If the player also has two weapon fighting, then they will find they no longer suffer quite as much attack and damage penalty when using two daggers.}}
===Two Weapon Fighting===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_TwoWeaponFighting|Name=Two Weapon Fighting|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(12)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(3)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(14)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(3)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(3)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(12)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(14)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(4)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(12)]] |Allows=[[Skill_TwoDaggerFighting|Two Dagger Fighting]] [[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (53) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=While in combat, this skill allows the fighter to attack with a second weapon in the hold position, assuming the fighter is in range for the second weapon. The fighter suffers a small attack and a tiny damage penalty for using 2 weapons.}}
===Undead Invisibility===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_UndeadInvisibility|Name=Undead Invisibility|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Allows the priest or paladin to walk among the undead without being assaulted.}}
===Unearth Demography===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_UnearthDemography|Name=Unearth Demography|Domain=[[street_smarts(Domain)|Street Smarts]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(7)]] |Allows=[[Street Lore(Expertise)|Street Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=UNEARTHDEMOGRAPHY, DEMOGRAPHY|Usage=UNEARTHDEMOGRAPHY START/STOP/("AREANAME")|Examples=unearthdemography start
unearthdemography stop
|Description=By finding scraps and tracks, the demographer can make some determination of the types of inhabitants within the local area.  The number of different types and information about each increases with level and expertise.}}
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Upstage|Name=Upstage|Domain=[[theatre(Domain)|Theatre]]|Available=[[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(14)]] |Allows=[[Acting(Expertise)|Acting]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (32) Movement (32) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=UPSTAGE|Usage=UPSTAGE|Examples=upstage
|Description=The bard upstages his or her enemies, making them stop fighting who they were fighting, target the bard, and cross the room to reach him or her.  The effect ends when they hit the bard, at which point they returning immediately to their previous target and range.}}
===Urban Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_UrbanTactics|Name=Urban Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(21)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (71) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=This skill gives one an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in urban areas. They  can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.}}
===Vengeful Glare===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_VengefulGlare|Name=Vengeful Glare|Domain=[[influential(Domain)|Influential]]|Available=|Allows=[[Influencing(Expertise)|Influencing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 2|Commands=VGLARE, VENGEFULGLARE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This ability is not yet documented.}}
|Description=This ability is not yet documented.}}

===Vengeful Strike===
===Vengeful Strike===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_VengefulStrike|Name=Vengeful Strike|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) Movement (25) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=VENGEFULSTRIKE, VSTRIKE|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_VengefulStrike|Name=Vengeful Strike|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=|Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (25) Movement (25) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=VENGEFULSTRIKE, VSTRIKE|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Driven by blood, this powerful attack can only be used by someone who is currently bleeding.}}
|Description=Driven by blood, this powerful attack can only be used by someone who is currently bleeding.}}

===Vicious Blow===
===Vicious Blow===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ViciousBlow|Name=Vicious Blow|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=|Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_ViciousBlow|Name=Vicious Blow|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=|Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The warrior is capable of more crippling blows due to growing up in a culture that encourages sadistic experimentation.  Critical hits scored by this character do considerably more damage than normal.  }}
|Description=The warrior is capable of more crippling blows due to growing up in a culture that encourages sadistic experimentation.  Critical hits scored by this character do considerably more damage than normal.  }}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=WanderHomeLater|Name=WanderHomeLater|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=WanderHomeLater|Name=WanderHomeLater|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_WandUse|Name=Wands|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(3)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(3)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(5)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(5)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(11)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] [[Rodsmithing|Rodsmithing]] [[WandMaking|Wand Making]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_WandUse|Name=Wands|Domain=[[arcane_lore(Domain)|Arcane Lore]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(3)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(3)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(5)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(5)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(11)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Arcane Lore(Expertise)|Arcane Lore]] [[Rodsmithing|Rodsmithing]] [[WandMaking|Wand Making]] |Requires='Speculating' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=


===War Cry===
===War Cry===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Warcry|Name=War Cry|Domain=[[singing(Domain)|Singing]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(13)]] |Allows=[[Rejoicing Singing(Expertise)|Rejoicing Singing]] [[Resounding Singing(Expertise)|Resounding Singing]] [[Echoed Singing(Expertise)|Echoed Singing]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WARCRY|Usage=WARCRY|Examples=warcry
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Warcry|Name=War Cry|Domain=[[singing(Domain)|Singing]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(13)]] |Allows=[[Rejoicing Singing(Expertise)|Rejoicing Singing]] [[Resounding Singing(Expertise)|Resounding Singing]] [[Echoed Singing(Expertise)|Echoed Singing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (63) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WARCRY|Usage=WARCRY|Examples=warcry

|Description=The Barbarian lets out a primal call to war, inspiring all group members to follow his or her banner.  Those under the affect of the cry will deliver more damaging blows.  The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.}}
|Description=The Barbarian lets out a primal call to war, inspiring all group members to follow his or her banner.  Those under the affect of the cry will deliver more damaging blows.  The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Warrants|Name=Warrants|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(9)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(9)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(23)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WARRANTS|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Warrants|Name=Warrants|Domain=[[legal(Domain)|Legal]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(9)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(9)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(23)]] |Allows=[[Legal Lore(Expertise)|Legal Lore]] |Requires='Distilling' at 75%, and 'Painting' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WARRANTS|Usage=WARRANTS ("NAME")|Examples=warrants

|Description=The player, using nothing more than local contacts and charismatic persuasion, gathers information about all warrants and wanted criminals.}}
|Description=The player, using nothing more than local contacts and charismatic persuasion, gathers information about all warrants and wanted criminals. A filter name may be given.}}

===Water Cover===
===Water Cover===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_WaterCover|Name=Water Cover|Domain=[[water_lore(Domain)|Water Lore]]|Available=[[Mer(Druid)|Mer(7)]] |Allows=[[Water Lore(Expertise)|Water Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WCOVER|Usage=WCOVER|Examples=wcover
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Druid_WaterCover|Name=Water Cover|Domain=[[water_lore(Domain)|Water Lore]]|Available=[[Mer(Druid)|Mer(7)]] |Allows=[[Water Lore(Expertise)|Water Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (28) Movement (28) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WCOVER|Usage=WCOVER|Examples=wcover

|Description=The druid slinks into the water, taking cover behind reed, seaweed, or simply blending in with the waves, all while remaining perfectly still.  Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the room.  Making any moves or sounds will negate the hidden advantage.  The druid must be in or on the water for this skill to work.  You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.}}
|Description=The druid slinks into the water, taking cover behind reed, seaweed, or simply blending in with the waves, all while remaining perfectly still.  Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the room.  Making any moves or sounds will negate the hidden advantage.  The druid must be in or on the water for this skill to work.  You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.}}

===Water Tactics===
===Water Tactics===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WaterTactics|Name=Water Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(16)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WaterTactics|Name=Water Tactics|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(16)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (66) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the water. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by resting in the water and staying still for a few mins.}}
|Description=This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the water. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by resting in the water and staying still for a few mins.}}

===Weak Energy Drain===
===Weak Energy Drain===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_WeakEnergyDrain|Name=Weak Energy Drain|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAINWEAKENERGY|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Undead_WeakEnergyDrain|Name=Weak Energy Drain|Domain=[[death_lore(Domain)|Death Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Death Lore(Expertise)|Death Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=DRAINWEAKENERGY|Usage=|Examples=


===Weak Paralysis===
===Weak Paralysis===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=WeakParalysis|Name=Weak Paralysis|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WPARALYZE|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=WeakParalysis|Name=Weak Paralysis|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WPARALYZE|Usage=|Examples=


===Weapon Break===
===Weapon Break===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WeaponBreak|Name=Weapon Break|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(15)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(12)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(13)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=BREAK|Usage=BREAK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=break orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WeaponBreak|Name=Weapon Break|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(15)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(12)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(13)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (62) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=BREAK|Usage=BREAK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=break orc

|Description=The fighter will attempt the difficult maneuver of breaking the weapon of the target.  See also help on SONG BREAK.}}
|Description=The fighter will attempt the difficult maneuver of breaking the weapon of the target.  See also help on SONG BREAK.}}

===Weapon Catch===
===Weapon Catch===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WeaponCatch|Name=Weapon Catch|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(23)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (73) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WeaponCatch|Name=Weapon Catch|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(23)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (73) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=This skill allows the fighter to thwart disarm attempts by catching his as it flies out of his hand.}}
|Description=This skill allows the fighter to thwart disarm attempts by catching his as it flies out of his hand.}}

===Weapon Familiarity===
===Weapon Familiarity===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Weapon|Name=Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Familiarity_Weapon|Name=Weapon Familiarity|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is familiar with weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}
|Description=The player is familiar with weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.}}

===Weapon Proficiency===
===Weapon Proficiency===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Weapon|Name=Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Proficiency_Weapon|Name=Weapon Proficiency|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is proficient with all weapons, which negates any diggiculties presented by class training that would normally not allow particular weapons to be used.}}
|Description=The player is proficient with all weapons, which negates any difficulties presented by class training that would normally not allow particular weapons to be used.}}

===Weapon Sharpening===
===Weapon Sharpening===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WeaponSharpening|Name=Weapon Sharpening|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(4)]] |Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (54) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WEAPONSHARPENING, SHARPEN|Usage=SHARPEN "WEAPON NAME"|Examples=sharpen sword
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WeaponSharpening|Name=Weapon Sharpening|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(4)]] |Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (54) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WEAPONSHARPENING, SHARPEN|Usage=SHARPEN "WEAPON NAME"|Examples=sharpen sword

|Description=The fighter sharpens the slashing or piercing weapon so that it will give a slight damage bonus during use.  The weapon will remain sharp until it takes too much wear damage in combat.}}
|Description=The fighter sharpens the slashing or piercing weapon so that it will give a slight damage bonus during use.  The weapon will remain sharp until it takes too much wear damage in combat.}}

===Weapon Specialization===
===Weapon Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Weapon|Name=Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Weapon|Name=Weapon Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=|Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a weapon master, gaining bonuses to attack when armed.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}
|Description=The player is a weapon master, gaining bonuses to attack when armed.  Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.}}

===Well Dressed===
===Well Dressed===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Spell_WellDressed|Name=Well Dressed|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CAST|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Spell_WellDressed|Name=Well Dressed|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=CAST|Usage=|Examples=


===Whip Specialization===
===Whip Specialization===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Whip|Name=Whip Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] |Allows=[[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Specialization_Whip|Name=Whip Specialization|Domain=[[weapon_use(Domain)|Weapon Use]]|Available=[[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] |Allows=[[Flailed Bashing(Expertise)|Flailed Bashing]] [[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]] [[Flailed Striking(Expertise)|Flailed Striking]] [[Flailed Slicing(Expertise)|Flailed Slicing]] [[Flailed Focus(Expertise)|Flailed Focus]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=The player is a master of whips, gaining bonuses to attack when using a whip in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level whips if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks with flailed specialization.}}
|Description=The player is a master of whips, gaining bonuses to attack when using a whip in combat.  Can also allow the use of higher level whips if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks with flailed specialization.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Whipsmack|Name=Whipsmack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(5)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(5)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(15)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WHIPSMACK|Usage=WHIPSMACK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=whipsmack orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Whipsmack|Name=Whipsmack|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(5)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(5)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(15)]] |Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (55) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WHIPSMACK|Usage=WHIPSMACK "TARGET NAME"|Examples=whipsmack orc

|Description=When using a leather flailed weapon in combat, this skill will deliver a punishing blunt smack across the target's body, doing damage.}}
|Description=When using a leather flailed weapon in combat, this skill will deliver a punishing blunt smack across the target's body, doing damage.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Whomp|Name=Whomp|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(17)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WHOMP|Usage=WHOMP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=whomp orc
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_Whomp|Name=Whomp|Domain=[[dirty_fighting(Domain)|Dirty Fighting]]|Available=[[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(17)]] |Allows=[[Dirty Fighting(Expertise)|Dirty Fighting]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WHOMP|Usage=WHOMP "TARGET NAME"|Examples=whomp orc

|Description=The fighter attempts to deliver a massive blow to the target, causing them to instantly to fall unconscious for a time.}}
|Description=The fighter attempts to deliver a massive blow to the target, causing them to instantly to fall unconscious for a time.}}

===Wilderness Lore===
===Wilderness Lore===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_WildernessLore|Name=Wilderness Lore|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(9)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(9)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(13)]] |Allows=[[Floristry|Floristry]] [[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] [[Weaving|Weaving]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WILDERNESSLORE, WLORE|Usage=WLORE (REPORT)|Examples=wlore
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_WildernessLore|Name=Wilderness Lore|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(9)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(9)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(13)]] |Allows=[[Floristry|Floristry]] [[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] [[Weaving|Weaving]] |Requires='Searching' at 75%, and 'Foraging' at 75%|Align=|UseCost=Mana (51) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WILDERNESSLORE, WLORE|Usage=WLORE (REPORT)|Examples=wlore
wlore report
wlore report

Line 2,930: Line 3,979:

===Wind Chakra===
===Wind Chakra===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_WindChakra|Name=Wind Chakra|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(4)]] |Allows=[[Ninja_SmokeChakra|Smoke Chakra]] [[Ninja_GhostChakra|Ghost Chakra]] [[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "WIND CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "wind chakra"
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ninja_WindChakra|Name=Wind Chakra|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ninja(Thief)|Ninja(4)]] |Allows=[[Ninja_SmokeChakra|Smoke Chakra]] [[Ninja_GhostChakra|Ghost Chakra]] [[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (50) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FOCUS, FOC|Usage=FOCUS "WIND CHAKRA"|Examples=focus "wind chakra"
foc "wind chakra"
foc "wind chakra"

Line 2,936: Line 3,985:

===Winged Flight===
===Winged Flight===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=WingFlying|Name=Winged Flight|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FLAP|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=WingFlying|Name=Winged Flight|Domain=[[racial_ability(Domain)|Racial Ability]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=FLAP|Usage=|Examples=

===Wolf Claws===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Vampire_WolfClaws|Name=Wolf Claws|Domain=[[nothing(Domain)|Nothing]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Hit Points (50) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WOLFCLAWS|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=You are able to grow an inch-long claw on each finger. These claws make excellent weapons in combat and can be used in many attacks. Wounds caused by the claws are especially vicious.}}

===Woodland Creep===
===Woodland Creep===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_WoodlandCreep|Name=Woodland Creep|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(24)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (37) Movement (37) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WCREEP|Usage=WCREEP|Examples=wcreep
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_WoodlandCreep|Name=Woodland Creep|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(24)]] |Allows=[[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (37) Movement (37) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WCREEP|Usage=WCREEP|Examples=wcreep

|Description=The ranger creep slowly from bush to tree, remaining especially hard to spot.  Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the area.  The ranger must be in the wild for this skill to work.  You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.}}
|Description=The ranger creep slowly from bush to tree, remaining especially hard to spot.  Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the area.  The ranger must be in the wild for this skill to work.  You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.}}

===Woodland Hide===
===Woodland Hide===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Hide|Name=Woodland Hide|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(7)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(14)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(5)]] |Allows=[[Ranger_Camouflage|Camouflage]] [[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WHIDE|Usage=WHIDE|Examples=whide
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Hide|Name=Woodland Hide|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(7)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(14)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(5)]] |Allows=[[Ranger_Camouflage|Camouflage]] [[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (27) Movement (27) |Quality=Sometimes Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WHIDE|Usage=WHIDE|Examples=whide

|Description=The ranger attempts to creep behind a rock, or into a bush and remain perfectly still.  Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the room.  Making any moves or sounds will negate the hidden advantage.  The ranger must be in the wild for this skill to work.  You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.}}
|Description=The ranger attempts to creep behind a rock, or into a bush and remain perfectly still.  Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the room.  Making any moves or sounds will negate the hidden advantage.  The ranger must be in the wild for this skill to work.  You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.}}

===Woodland Lore===
===Woodland Lore===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_WoodlandLore|Name=Woodland Lore|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(15)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (65) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=automatic|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_WoodlandLore|Name=Woodland Lore|Domain=[[nature_lore(Domain)|Nature Lore]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(15)]] |Allows=[[Nature Lore(Expertise)|Nature Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (65) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=automatic|Examples=

|Description=So long as the Ranger is in the wild, he or she will have gain a advantage in attack, damage, and armor adjustements.}}
|Description=So long as the Ranger is in the wild, he or she will have gain a advantage in attack, damage, and armor adjustements.}}

===Woodland Sneak===
===Woodland Sneak===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Sneak|Name=Woodland Sneak|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(10)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(10)]] |Allows=[[Thief_Autosneak|AutoSneak]] [[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WSNEAK|Usage=WSNEAK "DIRECTION"|Examples=wsneak e
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Ranger_Sneak|Name=Woodland Sneak|Domain=[[stealthy(Domain)|Stealthy]]|Available=[[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(10)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(10)]] |Allows=[[Thief_Autosneak|AutoSneak]] [[Stealthy(Expertise)|Stealthy]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (60) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WSNEAK|Usage=WSNEAK "DIRECTION"|Examples=wsneak e

|Description=So long as the Ranger is in the wild, he or she can use this skill to attempt to sneak in the indicated direction. If successful, he or she will not be seen when entering the room.  Also, a sneak attempt automatically invokes a woodland hide attempt.  The success of a sneak attempt can depend on the level of the mobs in the room the ranger is trying to sneak into, and on the rangers stealth expertise.}}
|Description=So long as the Ranger is in the wild, he or she can use this skill to attempt to sneak in the indicated direction. If successful, he or she will not be seen when entering the room.  Also, a sneak attempt automatically invokes a woodland hide attempt.  The success of a sneak attempt can depend on the level of the mobs in the room the ranger is trying to sneak into, and on the rangers stealth expertise.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Wrath|Name=Wrath|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=WRATH|Usage=WRATH "PLAYER NAME" (!)|Examples=wrath gunther
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Archon_Wrath|Name=Wrath|Domain=[[archon(Domain)|Archon]]|Available=|Allows=|Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (50) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch - Range 1|Commands=WRATH|Usage=WRATH "PLAYER NAME" (!)|Examples=wrath gunther
wrath gunther !
wrath gunther !

|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can immediately knock another mob out of their shoes, depriving them of half of their hit points, mana, and movement in the process. If the "!" flag is added, an announcement of the wrath will also be made.}}
|Description=From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can immediately knock another mob out of their shoes, depriving them of half of their hit points, mana, and movement in the process. If the "!" flag is added, an announcement of the wrath will also be made.}}
===Wrist Lock===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Fighter_WristLock|Name=Wrist Lock|Domain=[[grappling(Domain)|Grappling]]|Available=[[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(17)]] |Allows=[[Vice-Gripping(Expertise)|Vice-Gripping]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Movement (67) |Quality=Malicious|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WRISTLOCK|Usage=|Examples=
|Description=Skill    : WRISTLOCK
Example  : wristlock orc
The fighter grabs ahold of his enemy s hand, immobilizing them. The pain from the wristlock is so intense, the victim may not use certain types of magic while the wristlock is held. For a short, period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and too occupied to fight, other than performing grappling or dirty fighting maneuvers.}}

{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Write|Name=Write|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Embroidering|Embroidering]] [[Engraving|Engraving]] [[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] [[Thief_Lore|Lore]] |Align=|UseCost=Mana (5) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WRITE, WR|Usage=|Examples=
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Write|Name=Write|Domain=[[calligraphy(Domain)|Calligraphy]]|Available=[[Abjurer(Mage)|Abjurer(1)]] [[Alterer(Mage)|Alterer(1)]] [[Apprentice(Commoner)|Apprentice(1)]] [[Arcanist(Thief)|Arcanist(1)]] [[Artisan(Commoner)|Artisan(1)]] [[Assassin(Thief)|Assassin(1)]] [[Barbarian(Fighter)|Barbarian(1)]] [[Bard(Bard)|Bard(1)]] [[Beastmaster(Druid)|Beastmaster(1)]] [[Burglar(Thief)|Burglar(1)]] [[Cavalier(Fighter)|Cavalier(1)]] [[Charlatan(Bard)|Charlatan(1)]] [[Cleric(Cleric)|Cleric(1)]] [[Conjurer(Mage)|Conjurer(1)]] [[Delver(Druid)|Delver(1)]] [[Diviner(Mage)|Diviner(1)]] [[Doomsayer(Cleric)|Doomsayer(1)]] [[Druid(Druid)|Druid(1)]] [[Enchanter(Mage)|Enchanter(1)]] [[Evoker(Mage)|Evoker(1)]] [[Fighter(Fighter)|Fighter(1)]] [[Gaian(Druid)|Gaian(1)]] [[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(1)]] [[Gypsy(Thief)|Gypsy(1)]] [[Healer(Cleric)|Healer(1)]] [[Illusionist(Mage)|Illusionist(1)]] [[Jester(Bard)|Jester(1)]] [[Mage(Mage)|Mage(1)]] [[Mer(Druid)|Mer(1)]] [[Minstrel(Bard)|Minstrel(1)]] [[Missionary(Cleric)|Missionary(1)]] [[Monk(Fighter)|Monk(1)]] [[Necromancer(Cleric)|Necromancer(1)]] [[Oracle(Cleric)|Oracle(1)]] [[Paladin(Fighter)|Paladin(1)]] [[Pirate(Thief)|Pirate(1)]] [[Dancer(Bard)|Dancer(1)]] [[Purist(Cleric)|Purist(1)]] [[Ranger(Fighter)|Ranger(1)]] [[Reliquist(Thief)|Reliquist(1)]] [[Sailor(Commoner)|Sailor(1)]] [[Scholar(Commoner)|Scholar(1)]] [[Shaman(Cleric)|Shaman(1)]] [[SkyWatcher(Druid)|SkyWatcher(1)]] [[Templar(Cleric)|Templar(1)]] [[Thief(Thief)|Thief(1)]] [[Transmuter(Mage)|Transmuter(1)]] [[Trapper(Thief)|Trapper(1)]] [[Wizard(Mage)|Wizard(1)]] |Allows=[[Embroidering|Embroidering]] [[Engraving|Engraving]] [[Fine Calligraphy(Expertise)|Fine Calligraphy]] [[Thief_Lore|Lore]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Items |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=WRITE, WR|Usage=|Examples=

|Description=Skill    : WRITE
|Description=Skill    : WRITE


Available: ALL
Available: ALL
Line 2,982: Line 4,047:

When writing on a journal, you need not specify any parameters when using this command.}}
When writing on a journal, you need not specify any parameters when using this command.}}
===Zhar thalack===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_ZharThalack|Name=Zhar thalack|Domain=[[animal_affinity(Domain)|Animal Affinity]]|Available=|Allows=[[Animal Affinity(Expertise)|Animal Affinity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description= A Drow mounted combat style, used by the cavalry.}}
===Zress a thalak===
{{SkillTemplate|ID=Drow_ZressAthalak|Name=Zress a thalak|Domain=[[martial_lore(Domain)|Martial Lore]]|Available=|Allows=[[Martial Lore(Expertise)|Martial Lore]] [[Combat Fluidity(Expertise)|Combat Fluidity]] |Requires=|Align=|UseCost=Mana (10) |Quality=Always Beneficial|Targets=Caster only|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=|Usage=|Examples=
|Description= A Drow fighting style that put emphasis on physical strength over accuracy.}}

Latest revision as of 14:54, 22 August 2024

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Skill Help

A Bard Skill

===a Bard Skill===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

A Cure

===A Cure===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Abandon Ship

===Abandon Ship===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Sailor(4)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Movement (100)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: abandonship
Description: During ship combat, the sailor can summon all his or her skill and training into a panicked rush of life-and-property-saving action. The sailor will gather up any life boats on the ship, load them with as much cargo as they will hold, load them up with enough crew as skill allows, jump into a boat, launch the boats, and order the floatilla on a break-neck paced retreat. If the ship has no life boats, then the sailor will simply throw some number of crew overboard and then jump themselves. The sailor will have no movement remaining afterwards.

Abiding Aura

===Abiding Aura===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(25)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (75)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This powerful paladin aura holds back the death of the paladin's nearby allies for a few seconds. From the moment the aura prevents a death, that person has 10 seconds to get above 10 percent of their health before the delayed death finally occurs. In the meantime, so long as he or she remains in the paladin's presence, death will not occur.

Above The Law

===Above The Law===
Domain: Legal
Available: Oracle(25)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Mana (75)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Some people, Oracles for instance, are so beloved and respected in their home cities that they are instantly forgiven any crimes they might commit.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: ACCUSE
Usage: ACCUSE "PLAYER NAME" "crime description" ("SENTENCE NUM") (!)
Examples: accuse gunther making me mad

accuse joe of being joe 7 !

Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can cause the target player to be accused of a crime in either the area they are currently in, their starting area, or the area the accuser is in, depending on what's available when the skill is used. This will cause the law in that area to go after the target player. The default sentence is prison time, but this can be lowered or raised by specifying a number from 0 (warning) to 10 (death) at the end. An exclamation mark may be optionally also added to do a worldwide announcement.


Domain: Racial Ability
Allows: Terranalist
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 10
Description: Example  : acidbreath bob

Ad Lib

===Ad Lib===
Domain: Theatre
Available: Charlatan(22)
Allows: Acting
UseCost: Mana (36) Movement (36)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ADLIB
Examples: adlib bob
Description: The bard begins watching the target carefully. If the target uses a skill that is unknown to the bard within the short time of this effect, even if it is not one the bard is capable of learning, the bard will immediately attempt to ad-lib the skill towards the exact same target, and at the same proficiency. If either leaves the room, or the short time limit runs out, the effect just quietly ends.

All Breathing

===All Breathing===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Params  :

Example  :

Desc.  :

Allows the mob to breath in any conditions or environments. Great for golems and other non-breathing creatures.

All Defence

===All Defence===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Minstrel(22) Paladin(11)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (61)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: DEFENCE
Examples: defence
Description: During combat, the Paladin can use this skill to stop attacking in favor of an all-out defensive posture. Should the Paladin go two full rounds without being hit, the battle will end peacefully.


Domain: Anatomy
Available: Gaoler(30)
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Mana (40) Movement (40)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: AMPUTATE
Examples: amputate orc arm
Description: This ability governs the careful removal of body parts as a punishment for crimes, or from corpses. A non-corpse target is, amazingly, not harmed during the procedure, but merely loses the specified limb. Unwilling targets must be lying on an operating table or bed, and bound. Amputation can also be done to player followers, with their permission.

an ability

===an ability===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures Exits Rooms
Range: Touch, or not applicable

an ability

===an ability===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

an ability

===an ability===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures Exits Rooms
Range: Touch, or not applicable

An Antidote

===An Antidote===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

an Archon Skill

===an Archon Skill===
Domain: Archon
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Animal Frenzy

===Animal Frenzy===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Ranger(30)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (80)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: All animal followers of the ranger gain amazing attack feats, and up to quadruple damage bonuses.

Animal Friendship

===Animal Friendship===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Example  : befriendanimal rat

This ability will cause some animal in the same room to immediately befriend the vampire. The vampire will then have the animal as a follower who will fight alongside, and follow all ORDERs that the vampire gives.

Ankle Lock

===Ankle Lock===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Monk(23)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (73)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: anklelock orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter pulls back and locks the targets ankle. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't perform some actions. It may even lead to breaking a foot. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.

Aquatic Pass

===Aquatic Pass===
Domain: Stealthy
Available: Mer(1)
Allows: Stealthy
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: aquapass east
Description: This skill allows the druid to move silently and almost invisibly from place to place while traveling in aquatic areas. Moreover, this skill allows the Druid to pass into locked dwellings, if those dwellings are located in the watery domain.

Area Instancing Ability

===Area Instancing Ability===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (966367641)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Mobs, Items, Area
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Usage: TYPEID or instance modification arguments (see areainstancetypes.txt)
Examples: Triumph


Description: This misc property, when applied to an area, will put anyone who enters the area into a group instance of the area, as per StdThinInstance. Modifications to the mobs, items, and levels of the area will be applied according to a TYPEID given in the arguments, which matches a type from resources/skills/areainstancetypes.txt. If no modifications are desired, then at least an ID= parameter is required.

When the property is applied to a player or item directly, then it will also require an AREAMATCH argument to specify which area(s) will be instanced when entering them.

Arm Hold

===Arm Hold===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Cavalier(14) Gaoler(14) Monk(9)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (59)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ARMHOLD
Examples: armhold orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs and pins the targets main weapon hand. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't make main hand attacks, or perform certain actions. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.

Armor Familiarity

===Armor Familiarity===
Domain: Armor Use
Allows: Armor Optimizing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with armor they have crafted themselves, gaining an armor bonus from wearing the product of their own hands.

Armor Specialization

===Armor Specialization===
Domain: Armor Use
Available: Barbarian(1) Cavalier(1) Fighter(1) Monk(1) Paladin(1) Ranger(1)
Allows: Weaponsmithing Armor Optimizing Armor Focus
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is an expert at getting the most from armor. This allows a small bonus per piece of armor worn, and with the use of focus expertise, can permit higher level armor to be worn.

Armor Tweaking

===Armor Tweaking===
Domain: Armor Use
Available: Barbarian(9) Cavalier(4) Fighter(2) Monk(5) Paladin(3) Ranger(4)
Allows: Armor Optimizing
UseCost: Mana (52)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: tweak leggings
Description: The fighter becomes familiar enough with his or her armor that he is able to properly arrange, tighten straps, twist, and otherwise tweak a worn armor piece to get maximum benefit from it. The result is a 10% benefit bonus from the armor. The benefits of the tweaking last as long as the armor is worn by the same wearer.

Armored Vanity

===Armored Vanity===
Domain: Influential
Available: Cavalier(17)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Movement (67)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The foppish fighter gains added armor based upon the obvious value of his or her clothing, but only when in combat with someone who can see you. Wearing exquisitely crafted armor provides additional armor bonuses.


Domain: Legal
Available: Gaoler(19)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Movement (69)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ARREST
Examples: arrest orc
Description: This powerful skill allows the player to automagically knock out the target, and instantly handcuff them for travel to the local judge for trial. The Collect Bounty skill is required to turn the prisoner over to the judge. Otherwise, your other recourse is to turn the prisoner over to a cityguard.

Arresting Sap

===Arresting Sap===
Domain: Legal
Available: Gaoler(12)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Movement (62)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ASAP
Examples: asap orc
Description: If the target has warrants out in the area, this skill will knock them out so that they can be cuffed for transport to the judge for trial. The Handcuff or Bind skill is required to cuff them, and the Collect Bounty skill is required to turn the prisoner over to the judge. Otherwise, your other recourse is to turn the prisoner over to a cityguard.

Atemi Strike

===Atemi Strike===
Domain: Punching
Available: Monk(30)
Allows: Iron Punching Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (100)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ATEMI
Examples: atemi orc
Description: The Monk delivers a lethal, deadly, and powerful strike to the target. Some time later, the target WILL die.

Aura Perception

===Aura Perception===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SEEAURAS
Description: You can see the auras of other beings and items, upon entering a new room, the colors of which indicate their moods, identities, dispositions and levels of power.

Even the most shallow, transparent person usually has several different colors composing his aura. The aura may shift between the different colors in a predictable cycle, or it might shift completely at random. Each color indicates the presence of a mob or item of the appropriate trait:

Black - Something Undead

Red - Something evil

Blue - Something good

Green - A neutral creature

Grey - Something metal or stone

Maroon - Something hidden

Yellow - Something invisible

Brown - Something wooden

Orange - Something trapped

White - Something lawful

Purple - Something chaotic

(Striped colors) - a single source of multiple colors

(Swirling colors) - multiple sources of multiple colors

(Dull colors) - highest level is below 15 levels below the caster

(Faded colors) - highest level is below 5 levels below the caster

(Bright colors) - highest level is between 5 and 15 levels above the caster

(Brilliant colors) - highest level is between 15 and 25 levels above the caster

(Dazzling colors) - highest level is 25 levels or more above the caster


Domain: Shield Use
Available: Fighter(20)
Allows: Shield Using
UseCost: Movement (70)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: AUTOBASH
Examples: autobash
Description: Using this command will toggle Auto Shield Bashing on and off. If the Fighter turns this feature on, and knows Shield Bashing, he will attempt a free shield bash attempt every combat round in which his autobash proficiency check is made.


Domain: Fitness
Available: Abjurer(18) Alterer(18) Arcanist(18) Artisan(1) Assassin(18) Barbarian(18) Bard(18) Beastmaster(18) Burglar(18) Cavalier(18) Charlatan(18) Cleric(18) Conjurer(18) Delver(18) Diviner(18) Doomsayer(18) Druid(18) Enchanter(18) Evoker(18) Fighter(18) Gaian(18) Gaoler(18) Gypsy(18) Healer(18) Illusionist(18) Jester(18) Mage(18) Mer(18) Minstrel(18) Missionary(18) Monk(18) Necromancer(18) Ninja(6) Oracle(18) Paladin(18) Pirate(18) Dancer(18) Purist(18) Ranger(18) Reliquist(18) Sailor(18) Scholar(18) Shaman(18) SkyWatcher(18) Templar(18) Thief(18) Transmuter(18) Trapper(18) Wizard(18)
Allows: Strategic Retreat Fitness
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player begins climbing around whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for climbing. Enter AUTOCLIMB again to turn it off.


Domain: Fitness
Available: Abjurer(8) Alterer(8) Arcanist(8) Artisan(1) Assassin(8) Barbarian(8) Bard(8) Beastmaster(8) Burglar(8) Cavalier(8) Charlatan(8) Cleric(8) Conjurer(8) Delver(8) Diviner(8) Doomsayer(8) Druid(8) Enchanter(8) Evoker(8) Fighter(8) Gaian(8) Gaoler(8) Gypsy(8) Healer(8) Illusionist(8) Jester(8) Mage(8) Mer(8) Minstrel(8) Missionary(8) Monk(8) Necromancer(8) Ninja(5) Oracle(8) Paladin(8) Pirate(8) Dancer(8) Purist(8) Ranger(8) Reliquist(8) Sailor(8) Scholar(8) Shaman(8) SkyWatcher(8) Templar(8) Thief(8) Transmuter(8) Trapper(8) Wizard(8)
Allows: Strategic Retreat Fitness
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player begins crawling around whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for crawling. Enter AUTOCRAWL again to turn it off.


Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Reliquist(22)
Allows: Hammer Bashing
UseCost: Movement (72)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: autohammerring
Description: Using this command will toggle Auto HammerRinging on and off. If the Fighter turns this feature on, and knows HammerRing, he will attempt a free hammer bash attempt every third combat round in which his autohammerring proficiency check is made.


Domain: Fitness
Available: Abjurer(8) Alterer(8) Arcanist(8) Artisan(1) Assassin(8) Barbarian(8) Bard(8) Beastmaster(8) Burglar(8) Cavalier(8) Charlatan(8) Cleric(8) Conjurer(8) Delver(8) Diviner(8) Doomsayer(8) Druid(8) Enchanter(8) Evoker(8) Fighter(8) Gaian(8) Gaoler(8) Gypsy(8) Healer(8) Illusionist(8) Jester(8) Mage(8) Mer(8) Minstrel(8) Missionary(8) Monk(8) Necromancer(8) Ninja(5) Oracle(8) Paladin(8) Pirate(8) Dancer(8) Purist(8) Ranger(8) Reliquist(8) Sailor(8) Scholar(8) Shaman(8) SkyWatcher(8) Templar(8) Thief(8) Transmuter(8) Trapper(8) Wizard(8)
Allows: Strategic Retreat Fitness
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: AUTOSWIM
Description: The player begins instinctively using their swimming skill whenever they move. By turning this on, the player uses half their normal movement cost for swimming. Enter AUTOSWIM again to turn it off.

Avoid Currents

===Avoid Currents===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Sailor(7)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (28) Movement (28)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the sailor to guide their sailing ship around the tug of currents, putting the captain back in charge of the course.

Await Clan Ship

===Await Clan Ship===
Domain: Sea Travel
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: awaitclanship
Description: While standing on a shore, this skill will cause the sailors nearest big sailing ship belonging to their clan/guild to be sailed to where they are, provided there is no one aboard who could do it for them.

Await Ship

===Await Ship===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(25) Sailor(25)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (75)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: awaitship
Description: While standing on a shore, this skill will cause the sailors nearest big sailing ship to be sailed to where the sailor is.

Awe Mounts

===Awe Mounts===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(4)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Movement (54)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The character is so skilled with mounts, especially his favored or racial mounts, that he or she can instill in such creatures a feeling of awe. This will prevent any aggressive individuals from initiating combat against them or anyone in their group.

Ax Kick

===Ax Kick===
Domain: Kicking
Available: Monk(8)
Allows: Flying Kick Iron Kicking Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (58)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: AXKICK
Examples: axkick orc
Description: The Monk delivers swift and powerful kick to the target.

Axe Familiarity

===Axe Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with axes they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Axe Proficiency

===Axe Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Axe Familiarity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with an axe, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Axe Specialization

===Axe Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Assassin(15) Barbarian(1) Cavalier(1) Fighter(1) Monk(1) Paladin(1) Ranger(1) Templar(14)
Allows: Axe Slicing Axe Focus Weaponsmithing Axe Piercing Axe Striking
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is an axe master, gaining bonuses to attack when using an axe in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level axes if the focus expertise is taken.

Back Hand

===Back Hand===
Domain: Punching
Available: Monk(9)
Allows: Iron Punching Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (59)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, closed fist. This attack is only delivered to a combatant which the monk is not currently targeting, but with whom the monk is in melee combat all the same.


Domain: Anatomy
Available: Abjurer(1) Alterer(1) Apprentice(1) Arcanist(1) Artisan(1) Assassin(1) Barbarian(1) Bard(1) Beastmaster(1) Burglar(1) Cavalier(1) Charlatan(1) Cleric(1) Conjurer(1) Delver(1) Diviner(1) Doomsayer(1) Druid(1) Enchanter(1) Evoker(1) Fighter(1) Gaian(1) Gaoler(1) Gypsy(1) Healer(1) Illusionist(1) Jester(1) Mage(1) Mer(1) Minstrel(1) Missionary(1) Monk(1) Necromancer(1) Ninja(1) Oracle(1) Paladin(1) Pirate(1) Dancer(1) Purist(1) Ranger(1) Reliquist(1) Sailor(1) Scholar(1) Shaman(1) SkyWatcher(1) Templar(1) Thief(1) Transmuter(1) Trapper(1) Wizard(1)
Allows: Anatomy Animal Husbandry Branding
UseCost: Movement (24)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: bandage bob
Description: This skill allows the player to use a small bit of raw cloth to bandage up any serious wounds. This skill will stop bleeding, and protect extreme injuries, allowing the body to heal normally. This skill also allows broken bones to be properly set, so that they will begin healing on their own. The skill allows a small amount of hit points to be restored during the process.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: BANISH
Examples: banish gunther

banish gunther Midgaard#3001 banish gunther 3 hours banish gunther 14 years

Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can send the target mob/player to a prison from which they can not escape magically. Use this skill again on the same player to release them. The Archon can optionally specify a room on the map which this skill will copy and use as the jail. The Archon can also optionally end the command with the number of seconds, ticks, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years in which to keep the player imprisoned. It is up to the Archon to make sure there are no mundane ways out of the prison; Banish will take care of the magical ways of escape.

Bard Honorary Degree

===Bard Honorary Degree===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(16)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Bard', such as Bard, Dancer, Juggler, Minstrel, and Charlatan. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title. The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title. When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.

Battle Cry

===Battle Cry===
Domain: Singing
Available: Barbarian(6)
Allows: Rejoicing Singing Resounding Singing Echoed Singing
UseCost: Movement (56)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: battlecry
Description: The Barbarian lets out a primal scream of battle, inspiring all group members to his or her banner. Those under the affect of the cry will hit more frequently. The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.

Bautha zhin

===Bautha zhin===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FLANK
Description: A drow fighting style based on evasion, and on flanking and surrounding a single enemy (usually a monster) with superior numbers and agility, favored by rogues and clerics. This ability's affect does not stack with the thief Flank ability.

Bear Foraging

===Bear Foraging===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: bearforage
Description: This instinctive skill allows the player to sniff out food nearby, even in containers, and even in the possession of others. The target will be tracked until found, and then, if possible, pounced on and the food containers taken, emptied, and the food eaten.

Bear Hug

===Bear Hug===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Barbarian(4) Beastmaster(23)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (54)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BEARHUG
Examples: bearhug orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target and puts them in a strong bear hug. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and too occupied to fight, though the initiator gets a bit of protection. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability allows the user to transform into their ancestral animal form. This form is chosen upon first use of the ability by adding the name of the Beastkin tribe as a parameter to the ability.

The three beastkin tribes are as follows:

Taguel - Out of all the beastkin, the taguel are the closest to extinction at the hands of humans, and thus are the most removed from the domains of humans. They are incredibly distrustful, and make their warrens in dark, hidden places, especially in forests. They tend to be distant, even to the other members of their tribe. Taguel transform into bunny-like creatures larger than the average man. They gain increased dexterity and darkvision.

Wolfskin - The most open of the beastkin, wolfskin are amicable and curious by nature. They find beauty in the repulsive, such as human bones, bug corpses, rotten food and other supposed "refuse" which make collections of. A wolfskin tribe is much larger than either of the other beastkin's, and the bonds of trust are larger to match. They may be courteous to outsiders if they conduct themselves properly and do not prove themselves a threat, but they also hold a great thirst for blood that shows itself when the tribe is threatened. Wolfskin transform into large, bipedal wolf-like creatures, larger than any man, with increased strength, constitution and defense.

Kitsune - Though not the most isolated of the beastkin, the kitsune are certainly the most well-hidden due to their talents in illusion magic. Their fur is very valuable, and humans often skin them to sell it in black markets. They hide their groves and forests with great care, so concerned of outsiders that they kill any trespassers who see through their spells on sight. This caution is mostly reached in the older generations of kitsune; the younger ones are very whimsical, almost impish. The kitsune take pride in appearances, both mundane and magical; a handsome kitsune elder is typically also a master of the arcane. Kitsune transform into lean foxes, and it's said that older and more experienced kitsune can transform into foxes with nine tails. While in this form, they have increased wisdom, charisma and gain some magical abilities.

Typing QUIT will revert them to their normal form.

Befoul Shrine

===Befoul Shrine===
Domain: Criminal
Available: Reliquist(23)
Allows: Criminal Deviousness
UseCost: Mana (50) Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: befoulshrine
Description: Befouling a shrine makes the infused sacred place unusuable for religious services until it is appropriately cleansed and purified.


Domain: Influential
Available: Bard(1) Charlatan(1) Jester(1) Minstrel(1) Dancer(1)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BEFRIEND
Examples: befriend vagabond
Description: This ability allows the bard to pick up new followers to join his or her adventures. The target must be a mobile npc mob, and must be the same racial category, and of a similar alignment. The bard suffers penalties for trying to befriend mobs of higher or lower levels, though only 10% higher levels are forbidden entirely.


Domain: Anatomy
Available: Gaoler(20)
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Movement (70)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BEHEAD
Examples: behead orc
Description: This skill is an execution skill whereby the fighter rears back and beheads a target which has been bound and is lying prone. The target must be wanted for a crime in the area for this skill to work.

Belly Rolling

===Belly Rolling===
Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(1)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: During combat, the fighter gains the ability to dodge attacks while sitting or on the floor.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Barbarian(8) Beastmaster(21) Fighter(22)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (58)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BERZERK
Examples: berzerk
Description: Allows the fighter to gain some temporary bonus hit points, bonus attack points, and bonus damage, at the expense of a slightly lower armor score.


Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Beastmaster(7)
Allows: Unarmed Striking Unarmed Piercing
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BITE
Examples: bite orc
Description: While in his or her animal form (see ShapeShift), the Druid gains the ability to deliver an especially powerful and piercing bite of damage.

Blaze Chakra

===Blaze Chakra===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Ninja(7)
Allows: Lava Chakra Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "blaze chakra"

foc "blaze chakra"

Description: By focusing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to critically strike their opponent with their sword for a short while. This chakra may only be used once per MUDhour.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BLESSING
Examples: blessing orc
Description: The character bestows a mundane blessing upon the target. This has the effect of making the target feel better and more confident, giving a small armor bonus and a good aura. It also has the bizarre effect of removing Curses, which turned to be nothing more than illusions in the target's head to begin with.

Blind Fighting

===Blind Fighting===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Beastmaster(15) Burglar(17) Fighter(10) Jester(23) Monk(11) Paladin(12) Dancer(23)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (60)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Negates the affects of not being able to see your opponent during combat.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch - Range 9
Commands: PHASE
Description: Blink dogs innately control their blinking ability while they hunt their prey, randomly appearing at a distance from their target to confuse and charge them.

Blood Brother

===Blood Brother===
Domain: Influential
Available: Barbarian(8) Ninja(10)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Movement (58)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: bloodbrother bob
Description: The fighter becomes blood brother to the target, sealing a bond of lifetime friendship. Other than making the two family for the purposes of clan requirements, this skill has no other effect.

Blood Fed

===Blood Fed===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: After a vampire or ghoul has feasted on fresh blood, they gain some physical potency. NOTE: Ghouls must be fed blood from a vampire in order to receive this boon.

Blunt Weapon Familiarity

===Blunt Weapon Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with blunt weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Blunt Weapon Proficiency

===Blunt Weapon Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Blunt Weapon Familiarity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with blunt weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Blunt Weapon Specialization

===Blunt Weapon Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Assassin(12) Barbarian(1) Burglar(1) Cavalier(1) Fighter(1) Gaian(5) Gypsy(1) Monk(1) Paladin(1) Ranger(1) Shaman(1) Templar(1)
Allows: Blunt Focus Weaponsmithing Blunt Striking Blunt Bashing Blunt Piercing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a master of blunt weapons, gaining bonuses to attack when using a blunt weapon in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.

Body Flip

===Body Flip===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Monk(10) Dancer(10)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (60)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BODYFLIP
Examples: bodyflip orc
Description: The Monk slips in and turns the target head over heels, dropping them to the ground stunned for a few moments.

Body Shield

===Body Shield===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Monk(16)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows a fighter to use an opponent who is being grappled as a shield against weapon attacks.

Body Toss

===Body Toss===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Monk(9)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (59)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BODYTOSS
Examples: bodytoss orc
Description: The fighter picks up the target and tosses them away from himself, doing a bit of damage and putting them out of range.

Boulder Throwing

===Boulder Throwing===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the player to throw ammunition, especially siege weapon ammunition, from the deck of a sailing ship, at another sailing ship with which the player's ship is already in combat.

Bow Familiarity

===Bow Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with bows they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Bow Proficiency

===Bow Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with bows, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Bow Specialization

===Bow Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Ranger(2)
Allows: Weaponsmithing Ranged Focus Ranged Piercing Ranged Bashing Ranged Striking
UseCost: Mana (52)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a master with bows, gaining bonuses to attack when using a bow in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level bows if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks its bonuses on top of the more general ranged weapon specialization.

Break A Leg

===Break A Leg===
Domain: Theatre
Available: Charlatan(9)
Allows: Acting
UseCost: Mana (29) Movement (29)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: breakaleg
Description: The bard begins wishing everyone good luck (but especially his or her enemies), saying 'Break A Leg!'. This will create a 5% chance per tick that everyone who heard him or her will actually break their leg.

Break Mount

===Break Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(20)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (70)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is so capable with favored or racial mounts that he or she can attempt to mount them, even when that is normally impossible. The creature will attempt to buck them, but if the player also succeeds at Bronco Busting, then the creature will remain a permanent mount.


Domain: Grappling
Available: Barbarian(14) Jester(10) Dancer(10) Sailor(10)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (60)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BREAKOUT
Examples: breakout
Description: The fighter uses a burst of strength to attempt to break out of bonds, webs, and similar holds.

Breakup Fight

===Breakup Fight===
Domain: Legal
Available: Paladin(15)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BREAKUP
Examples: breakup bob
Description: If the Paladin is not fighting, he or she may use this skill to break up a fight between any two other creatures or players.

Broken Limbs

===Broken Limbs===
Domain: Anatomy
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Mana (25) Movement (25)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: breaklimb orc arm
Description: This ability governs the careful breaking of body parts as a punishment for crimes. The target is, amazingly, not harmed during the procedure, but merely breaks the specified limb. The target must be bound.

Bronco Busting

===Bronco Busting===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Barbarian(11) Beastmaster(11) Cavalier(4) Trapper(11)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (54)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The character has learned to resist attempts at being Bucked from a mount. If they manage to stay on the mount for a sufficient period, then the mount might even stay broken.


Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BUCK
Usage: BUCK
Examples: buck
Description: The centaur, horse or other rideable attempts to buck off all his or her riders off of them.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(30)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Movement (80)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: buffoonery orc banana
Description: This strange skill allows the player to swap out an existing worn or wielded item on the target with one of his or her own. The item must not be an effective weapon or piece of armor for the skill to work effectively. This powerful skill overcomes curses and other inhibitions by the amazing power of silliness.


Domain: Grappling
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BULLDOG
Examples: bulldog orc
Description: The fighter pulls down a target in a headlock or chokehold, and runs them into the ground for a bit of damage, maintaining the hold.


Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Barbarian(23)
Allows: Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (73)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: BULLRUSH
Examples: bullrush orc east
Description: The fighter takes a strong charge at the target, and runs them into the next room or area in one mighty heroic move.


Domain: Nothing
Allows: Ignalist
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: cast "burning hands" orc
Description: A fan of flames ignite before the casters hands, aimed at the target. This has the effect of hurting the target in many cases.


Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: burrow down
Description: The creature uses their claws to burrow a temporary hole in the ground that they can hide in for a time.

Burrow Hide

===Burrow Hide===
Domain: Stealthy
Allows: Stealthy
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Whenever the player is in an appropriate outdoor room with a burrowing creature, such as a serpent, rodent, or worm, the creature will alert the player to incoming danger from aggressive enemies.


Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Artisan(1) Trapper(21)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (25) Movement (25)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CAGE
Examples: cage rabbit wagon
Description: The thief will attempt to get a sleeping or otherwise bound or subdued animal into a cage for safe keeping. The cage door must be closed afterwards. If the door to a cage is left open, the creatures inside may escape within a few minutes!

Call Mount

===Call Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Paladin(5)
Allows: Animal Affinity Summoning Mastery
UseCost: Mana (55)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: callmount
Description: Allows the Paladin to call upon a holy steed which can bear him from place to place.

Call Steed

===Call Steed===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(3)
Allows: Animal Affinity Summoning Mastery
UseCost: Mana (53)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: callsteed

callsteed horse callsteed dismiss

Description: Allows the Fighter to call upon one of his or her steeds which can bear him from place to place. Extra steeds become available from Favored and Racial mounts. LIST will show steeds that can be switched-to, while DISMISS will shoo-away the current called steed.

Called Shot

===Called Shot===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Cavalier(25) Ranger(25)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (75)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: calledshot left arm

calledshot orc left arm

Description: The player calls out a body part on the target to destroy. If the player manages to take more than 10% of the target's hit points on the next hit, the body part will be removed. Requires the use of a ranged or thrown weapon.

Called Strike

===Called Strike===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Fighter(24)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (74)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: calledstrike left arm

calledstrike orc left arm

Description: The player calls out a body part on the target to destroy. If the player manages to take more than 10% of the target's hit points on the next hit, the body part will be removed. Requires the use of a slashing melee weapon.

Caravan Commander

===Caravan Commander===
Domain: Combat Lore
Available: Cavalier(25)
Allows: Combat Lore
UseCost: Movement (75)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter and his or her group an edge in attack and armor when fighting inside a caravan that the fighter is associated with. It also improves the attack potential of all siege weapons fired from the caravan while the commander is inside.

Caravan Tactics

===Caravan Tactics===
Domain: Travel
Available: Cavalier(21)
Allows: Reduced Traveling Power Traveling Ranged Traveling Extended Traveling
UseCost: Movement (71)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting inside a caravan. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.


Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Jester(24) Monk(15) Ninja(15) Dancer(19)
Allows: Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: cartwheel
Description: The Monk jumps into a hands-over-heels cartwheel away from his or her opponent. This can put the Monk as far as range 2 from enemies.

Cast Blocking

===Cast Blocking===
Domain: Theatre
Available: Charlatan(7)
Allows: Acting
UseCost: Mana (28) Movement (28)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: castblocking
Description: The bard carefully re-arranges all the people in the room who are in combat, possibly changing who they are fighting, and at what range.

Catch Projectile

===Catch Projectile===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Monk(12) Ninja(11)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (62)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Monk gains the uncanny ability to catch arrows, spears, and other projectiles in mid flight. The Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.

Cave Tactics

===Cave Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in caves. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Center of Attention

===Center of Attention===
Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(13)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Mana (31) Movement (31)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: centerofattention
Description: The bard begins performing loudly, flailing about dramatically. The performance then causes all enemies in the room to stop fighting and freeze in place, watching the bard attentively. This skill can only be used approximately twice every mud hour.


Domain: Arcane Lore
Available: Charlatan(15) Scholar(19)
Allows: Arcane Lore
UseCost: Mana (65)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is so knowledgable about druidic magic that he or she can identify chants cast in his or her presence by name. The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.

Chaos Rage

===Chaos Rage===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Paladin(11)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (61)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: chaosrage
Description: Allows the paladin to gain some temporary bonus hit points, bonus attack points, and bonus damage, at the expense of a slightly lower armor score.


Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Barbarian(1)
Allows: Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Range 1 - Range 5
Commands: CHARGE
Examples: charge orc
Description: The Barbarian runs at top speed at a target, delivering a deadly attack, but sacrificing armor.

Child Labor

===Child Labor===
Domain: Legal
Available: Gaoler(12)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Mana (62)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives one the unique ability to organize and coerce small innocent children into helping with mundane crafting and gathering skills, up to double the speed to completion. This must be done on private property with the owner present.


Domain: Anatomy
Available: Gaoler(25)
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Mana (75)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CHIRGURY
Examples: chirgury heart corpse
Description: The player is able to remove body parts from the dead, blood from the living or the dead, or an unborn fetus from the living.

Choke Hold

===Choke Hold===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Assassin(16) Fighter(16)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: chokehold orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target about the neck from behind in a choke hold. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't do much of anything else. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.

Circle Parry

===Circle Parry===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Monk(17)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (67)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Monk gains the skill to block and parry melee attacks while unarmed.

Circle Trip

===Circle Trip===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Monk(22) Dancer(25)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (72)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: circletrip
Description: Short(s) : ctrip

The Monk becomes capable of swinging his foot along the floor, tripping all opponents in range.

Clear Mind

===Clear Mind===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: A vampire may end all of their Auspex abilities early through the use of this ability.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Assassin(23) Barbarian(6) Beastmaster(6) Cavalier(10) Fighter(5) Paladin(15) Ranger(10)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (55)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows a fighter who is in combat against more than one opponent to take an extra attack against the next opponent on the same round in which the first opponent is killed.

Cleric Honorary Degree

===Cleric Honorary Degree===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(24)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (74)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Cleric', such as Cleric, Doomsayer, Healer, Missionary, Necromancer, Oracle, Purist, Shaman, and Templar. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those prayers specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title. The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title. When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.


Domain: Fitness
Available: Abjurer(15) Alterer(15) Apprentice(1) Arcanist(1) Artisan(1) Assassin(1) Barbarian(15) Bard(3) Beastmaster(1) Burglar(1) Cavalier(15) Charlatan(3) Conjurer(15) Delver(1) Diviner(15) Druid(1) Enchanter(15) Evoker(15) Fighter(15) Gaian(1) Gaoler(1) Gypsy(1) Illusionist(15) Jester(3) Mage(15) Mer(1) Minstrel(1) Monk(2) Paladin(15) Pirate(1) Dancer(3) Ranger(15) Reliquist(1) Sailor(1) SkyWatcher(1) Thief(1) Transmuter(15) Trapper(1) Wizard(15)
Allows: Improved Boarding Fitness AutoClimb Crow's Nest
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CLIMB
Examples: climb up
Description: In some places, one may be able (or required) to climb up or down a surface in order to get there safely. Without using this skill, someone attempting the climb such a surface is certain to fall.

Clinch Hold

===Clinch Hold===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Barbarian(13) Fighter(13) Monk(13) Paladin(13) Ranger(13)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (63)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: clinchhold orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target about the shoulders and engages a clinch hold. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle can do little more than hit each other with fists or claws, or engage in another grappling maneuver. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use release to release the hold.

Cloak of Shadows

===Cloak of Shadows===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This fledgling OBFUSCATE ability allows the vampire to hide themselves behind some sort of cover or at least be in a position that eyes easily pass over anyway them. Most often, such cover is the shadows of an alley or a recessed door frame, but this power also works if you can interpose a tree or lamppost (no matter how narrow) between yourself and the ones from whom you hide.

You may use the VISIBLE command to end this effect early.

Cloak the Gathering

===Cloak the Gathering===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This incredibly manipulative power allows you to extend any of your Obfuscate powers to those around you. Not only are you concealed, but so is everyone else with you whom you wish to conceal.

If one character compromises the disguise or invisibility, then only she is no longer under the protection of your powers. However, if you compromise the position, the Cloak drops completely and everyone may be seen.

Clone Chakra

===Clone Chakra===
Domain: Deceptive
Available: Ninja(12)
Allows: Death Chakra Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "clone chakra"

foc "clone chakra"

Description: Using the shadows to form clones of themselves, the ninja can cause illusionary shadow clones to follow him or her around. This misdirection makes the ninja's true form more difficult to determine in combat. This Chakra requires an intense focus and can only be used once per MUDhour.

Cold Touch

===Cold Touch===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Collect Bounty

===Collect Bounty===
Domain: Legal
Available: Gaoler(18)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Mana (68)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: collectbounty orc
Description: If the player is able to bring a legitimately wanted criminal up before a judge in the same area, the judge will pay the player a bounty on the criminal and bring in an authorized cityguard to complete the trial.

Combat Frenzy

===Combat Frenzy===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: combatfrenzy
Description: This ability allows one to enter a state of blind combative frenzy. Thus worked up to, the player gains temporary hit points, hits more often and does more damage in combat, but also becomes easier to hit.

Combat Log

===Combat Log===
Domain: Combat Lore
Available: Scholar(3)
Allows: Combat Lore
UseCost: Mana (53)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 20


Examples: combatlog rabbit

combatlog stop combatlog report combatlog write paper

Description: This ability allows the player to assess key statistics about another character or creatures performance in a fight. The player studiously notes all combat details and can report out the details at any time, so long as they are still observing. The player is able to observe things like the resources they consume, and the challenges they overcome. The more lore Expertise the player has, the greater the number of insights and details they will be able to note using this skill. The player can then report on these details or even write them onto paper or into a book. Stopping will clear the statistics, allowing the player to study a new target.

Combat Recall

===Combat Recall===
Domain: Combat Lore
Available: Bard(6)
Allows: Combat Lore
UseCost: Mana (56)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch - Range 20
Examples: combatrecall list
Description: The player has the ability to perfectly recall fights and combat that he or she witnesses, and can review them at will. The number of fights that can be recalled goes up with expertise.

Combat Record

===Combat Record===
Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: CRECORD


Examples: crecord start 15
Description: This tool automatically creates a combat log for a player when they gain a level, if they are above a minimum level, and if they gained the current level within a minimum number of minutes. It will continue to log until the next level is gained. To activate the tool, enter CRECORD START "number of minutes". Players will then start being recorded automatically. Combat recording can also be managed manually using ADD/DEL. The default minimum level is 10, but can be modified with the MINLEVEL command. Logs are kept in the dbfs directory '::/resources/clogs/'.

Combat Repairs

===Combat Repairs===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(18) Sailor(18)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (34) Movement (34)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: combatrepair
Description: The sailor quickly runs around patching up holes and other ship damage with any materials on hand. This may only be done while the ship is in combat and provides an amount of repair which depends on the sailors dexterity and expertise. The repairs wear off once the ship leaves combat, but never falls below the damage level when repairs were made.

Combat Sleep

===Combat Sleep===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Command Horse

===Command Horse===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Paladin(22)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (72)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: commandhorse horse smile
Description: The Paladin's affinity with his holy mount has grown such that they have the natural ability to command him to do just about anything he wants. This requires a holy mount be summoned as per the skill, which may be a horse, or whatever mount race your deity prefers.

Command Mount

===Command Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(10)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (60)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: commandmount horse smile
Description: The Fighter's affinity for his racial and favored mount races has grown such that he attains the ability to command them to do just about anything he wants.

Commoner Honorary Degree

===Commoner Honorary Degree===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(12)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (62)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Commoner', such as Artisan, Sailor, Apprentice, Gaoler, or Scholar. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those common skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title. The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title. When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.

Companion Mount

===Companion Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(19)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Movement (69)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The fighter may build loyalty with their animal racial or favored mount over time. The mount will then become a loyal companion and follower of the fighter for as long as they please. The animal will be more difficult to lose or become separated from during adventuring. This will also dispel any charm effects on the animal. Expertise increases the number of possible loyal companion mounts.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Over time, an individual can be Conditioned so that she is thereafter unable to resist your Domination and is also more resistant to the Domination of others. Kindred often Condition their servants to ensure loyal retainers. The procedure works based on the fact that mortals who have been Dominated repeatedly have a harder time resisting future attempts.

Conditioning is not something that is effective on the drop of a hat. It takes time to carefully cultivate the subject's mind (through use of the Command the Wearied Mind and Mesmerize abilities) for the kind of control you will exercise. Fully conditioning a subject can take weeks or even months.

Conditioned retainers have very little imagination, and tend to obey the orders given them quite literally. The conditioning actually destroys some of their free will, turning them into automatons.

Conduct Symphony

===Conduct Symphony===
Domain: Playing
Available: Minstrel(30)
Allows: Rhythmic Playing Resounding Playing Bold Playing
UseCost: Mana (80)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 2
Commands: CONDUCT
Examples: conduct
Description: This powerful bard skill allows the bard to conduct their group as if it were a symphony. If the bard's group all have instruments, and all are prepared to play them, then using this skill will grant them all the ability to play the magical "symphony" as per the bard song.

Confident Vanity

===Confident Vanity===
Domain: Influential
Available: Cavalier(14)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Movement (64)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The foppish fighter gains added attack based upon the obvious value of his or her clothing, but only when in combat with someone who can see you. Wearing exquisitely crafted armor provides additional attack bonuses.

Consume Corpse

===Consume Corpse===
Domain: Corruption
Allows: Corrupting
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: consumecorpse body
Description: This twisted semi-magical skill causes the mouth of the caster to grow large enough to consume a corpse in one gulp. Doing so gives the caster back lots of health, mana, and movement, depending on the level of the corpse.

Control Undead

===Control Undead===
Domain: Death Lore
Available: Cleric(5) Necromancer(1)
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CONTROL
Examples: control skeleton
Description: The evil or neutral priest attempts to frighten the heck out of an undead creature. Depending upon the level of the priest versus the level of the creature, the effect of the skill may be to either cause it to become submissive for a time, or come completely under the clerics control.


Domain: Evangelism
Available: Cleric(1) Doomsayer(1) Healer(1) Missionary(1) Necromancer(1) Oracle(1) Purist(1) Shaman(1) Templar(1)
Allows: Evangelising
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CONVERT
Examples: convert bob

convert odin

Description: This skill allows Clerics to convert themselves or others to the worship of specific deities. If a player is specified, the target player must not be worshiping another deity at the time, which means that to change deities, the player must first REBUKE their current deity. If an npc mob is specified, then a failed conversion will be followed by a period of doubt where the npc may not be converted by anyone. That is then followed by another period where the mob will be susceptible to conversion. A converted npc mob will remain so for a period of time, but any religious services in the area attended by the mob will extend the period.

A deity may be also be specified as a parameter, allowing the cleric to convert themselves to the worship of a deity. Use the DEITIES command to list available deities. See also the help entries for RELIGION, BLESSINGS, SERVICES, and RITUALS for more information.

Cosmic Adaptation

===Cosmic Adaptation===
Domain: Cosmology
Allows: Planar Finessing Planar Empowering Planar Extending
UseCost: Movement (85)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Grants one the ability to breath an extraplanar atmosphere for a while, depending on proficiency, which is never absolutely perfect.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Fighter(24)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (74)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows a fighter to position themselves for an extra attack following a successful Parry.

Coup de Grace

===Coup de Grace===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Fighter(30)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (150)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: coup orc
Description: The fighter attempts to deliver a final fatal blow to the target which is very injured, below 25% of their hit points and completely prone (lying down). This is a difficult skill to use properly, so practice often! The typical fighter must quickly whomp their target to the ground and coup-de-grace them before they come back to their senses.

Cover Defence

===Cover Defence===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Artisan(1) Fighter(23)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: During combat, the fighter will keep an eye out for defensive cover positions to take against missile weapons. When the moment is right, the fighter may take cover behind these positions, negating the missile attack.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Crescent Kick

===Crescent Kick===
Domain: Kicking
Allows: Iron Kicking Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: So long as the fighter is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, sweeping crescent kick.

Critical Shot

===Critical Shot===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Assassin(17) Cavalier(15) Fighter(16) Jester(14) Ranger(15)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (64)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when firing or throwing a ranged weapon in combat.

Critical Strike

===Critical Strike===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Assassin(11) Fighter(9) Jester(20)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (59)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when using a weapon in melee combat.

Crow's Nest

===Crow's Nest===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Sailor(6)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (28) Movement (28)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Usage: crowsnest
Examples: crowsnest
Description: Allows the sailor to attempt to climb up into the crows nest from the deck of their large sailing ship. From this small perch, the sailor can look around and see approaching people or objects or land from a greater distance, and take note of the direction. They can then yell down instructions to those on the deck below. Looking in particular directions will allow them to make out some minor details in that direction.

Crushing Aura

===Crushing Aura===
Domain: Vexing
Available: Paladin(25)
Allows: Vexing
UseCost: Mana (75)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This paladin aura causes any combatant of any member of the paladin's group to face a saving throw or die when below 10% health, due to the aura crushing any remaining life out of them.

Cultural Adaptation

===Cultural Adaptation===
Domain: Influential
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The character is so good at adapting to other cultures that he or she automatically gains or loses 20% more faction than other characters.

Curtain Call

===Curtain Call===
Domain: Theatre
Available: Charlatan(19)
Allows: Acting
UseCost: Mana (34) Movement (34)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: curtaincall
Description: The bard calls the curtain, making everyone in his or her group begin taking a bow until their health and mana is restored, at the cost of movement.

Cyclone Chakra

===Cyclone Chakra===
Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Ninja(23)
Allows: Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "cyclone chakra"

foc "cyclone chakra"

Description: The ninja can focus her chakra to harness the power of a cyclone, striking multiple additional times before the effect wears off. The ninja must wait a short while before they can summon this energy again.

Dagger Familiarity

===Dagger Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with daggers they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Dagger Proficiency

===Dagger Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with daggers, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Dagger Specialization

===Dagger Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Assassin(2)
Allows: Edged Focus Edged Slashing Edged Piercing Weaponsmithing Edged Striking
UseCost: Mana (52)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a master with daggers, gaining bonuses to attack when using a dagger in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level daggers if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks its bonuses on top of the more general edged weapon specialization.

Dead Reckoning

===Dead Reckoning===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(11) Sailor(11)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (30) Movement (30)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: deadreckon
Description: From the deck of a boat or ship, the sailor can use their intuition and superior guesswork to determine which direction lies the path to the closest land.

Death Chakra

===Death Chakra===
Domain: Deceptive
Available: Ninja(14)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "death chakra"

foc "death chakra"

Description: By slowing their heart chakra down to almost a stop, the ninja can become invisible while leaving a corpse resembling themselves at their feet. This ability can only be used once every half-a-MUDhour.

Decipher Script

===Decipher Script===
Domain: Street Smarts
Available: Charlatan(8) Reliquist(8) Scholar(8) Thief(8)
Allows: Street Lore
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: DECIPHER
Examples: decipher paper

decipher book 3

Description: The player decodes any encryption on a book or document or other writing. It can be used similar to the READ command to select different pages of a book as well.

Deep Breath

===Deep Breath===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Sailor(17)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (67)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill grants the ability to hold ones breathe for a period, allowing one to forego damage when under water or otherwise unable to breathe.

Deflect Projectile

===Deflect Projectile===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Monk(7) Ninja(7)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Monk gains the uncanny ability to block and deflect arrows, spears, and other projectiles in mid flight. The Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.

Desert Tactics

===Desert Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(13)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (63)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in deserts. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Desperate Moves

===Desperate Moves===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Fighter(17)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (67)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: When near death, the fighters desperation brings out their best evasive moves, cutting all damage in half when below 10% hit points.

Devour Corpse

===Devour Corpse===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: eat body
Description: This skill grants the ability to eat the corpses of creatures up to those moderately larger than the character. The corpse must be emptied of any equipment before doing so, and the corpses of other players may be restricted.

Diamond Chakra

===Diamond Chakra===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Ninja(17)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "diamond chakra"

foc "diamond chakra"

Description: This draining move covers the ninja's body in a glimmering layer of solidified chi as strong as diamond to make weapon attacks easier to shrug off.


Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Assassin(5) Barbarian(11) Fighter(11) Minstrel(2) Monk(14) Ninja(6) SkyWatcher(12) Thief(5)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (52)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: DIRT
Examples: dirt orc
Description: The fighter attempts to kick dirt into the eyes of the target, making them temporarily blind.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Arcanist(8) Assassin(8) Barbarian(7) Beastmaster(9) Burglar(8) Cavalier(8) Fighter(6) Monk(6) Ninja(9) Paladin(8) Pirate(8) Dancer(9) Ranger(8) Thief(8)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (56)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: DISARM
Examples: disarm orc
Description: The fighter attempts to use his or her weapon to disarm the target, hurling their weapon onto the floor and out of reach. To succeed, the player must be armed, make their proficiency check, "hit" their opponent, and not be too underpowered compared to their opponent.

Disease Immunity

===Disease Immunity===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(7)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (57)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the Paladin's proficiency grows, he or she becomes more and more immune to diseases and disease like spell affects.


Domain: Deceptive
Available: Charlatan(3)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (53)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: DISGUISE
Examples: disguise race orc

disguise class thief disguise height 1000

Description: This powerful ability allows the bard to disguise his or her appearance in numerous ways. The disguise command, without any arguments, will list the attributes which may be changed. Once a disguise has been put on, entering disguise again without any arguments will remove the disguise.

Dismounting Blow

===Dismounting Blow===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Cavalier(5) Fighter(6)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (55)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 5
Examples: forcedismount orc
Description: This fighting skill requires the use of a polearm-type weapon, and allows the fighter to whack or poke the target from their mounts, leaving them temporarily dazed.


Domain: Fitness
Available: Sailor(9)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (59)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill automatically turns falls into water from a great height into a graceful dive, which mitigates damage taken when the player hits water.


Domain: Evasive
Available: Arcanist(6) Artisan(1) Assassin(6) Barbarian(7) Bard(7) Beastmaster(4) Burglar(6) Cavalier(7) Charlatan(10) Fighter(7) Gypsy(6) Jester(7) Minstrel(9) Monk(4) Ninja(6) Paladin(7) Pirate(6) Dancer(5) Ranger(7) Thief(6) Trapper(6)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch - Range 10
Examples: dodge
Description: During combat, the character begins to dance around on their feet, making them harder to hit in combat.

Double Arm Hold

===Double Arm Hold===
Domain: Grappling
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ARMHOLD

Draa Velve

===Draa Velve===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This Drow fighting style classically involves the use of two swords, but has been expanded to include any two-weapon fighting style. This style could only be mastered by those with talent and luxury to enjoy formal education. The benefits of this fighting style do not stack with the fighter Two Weapon Fighting skill.


Domain: Racial Ability
Allows: Terranalist Ignalist Airelist
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 10

Drain Blood

===Drain Blood===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Movement (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability may only be used on a sleeping victim, draining them of some life while restoring your own. This ability does not work on certain bloodless creatures.

Drain Corpse

===Drain Corpse===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability may only be used on a corpse, draining what little remaining blood it has while restoring your life force. This ability may only be used once per minute.

Drain Life

===Drain Life===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Drawing Out the Beast

===Drawing Out the Beast===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: You have attained a deep understanding of the mysteries of man's wild cousins. Armed with this knowledge, you are better able to deal with the Beast within. You may draw out the Beast in a target living creature, causing them to enter a state of frenzy. While in this state, they will fight with reckless abandon, dealing more damage but at the cost of reduced armor. They may become aggressive to others (except initiating vampire, but not other members in their group), or behave more erratically in other fashions.

Dread Gaze

===Dread Gaze===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The exhibition of your full vampiric powers can cause great fear and loathing in mortals. This is usually accomplished by baring teeth and claws while hissing loudly. While most vampires can performing this action, you are exceptionally adept at it, and are capable of driving mortals insane with fear, or frightening them into submission or flight with the merest snarl. The subjects are cowed by your appearance and will do anything to avoid incurring your wrath.

This ability is best used to cause enemies in combat to retreat from combat. Dread Gaze will also stop progress on any crafting or building activities.

Drone Chakra

===Drone Chakra===
Domain: Deceptive
Available: Ninja(6)
Allows: Deceptive Clone Chakra
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "drone chakra"

foc "drone chakra"

Description: Using drab clothing and the surrounding shadows, ninjas can disguise themselves as an ordinary, non-descript individuals.

Druid Honorary Degree

===Druid Honorary Degree===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(22)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (72)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Druid', such as Druid, Skywatcher, Gaian, Delver, Mer, and Beastmaster. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title. The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title. When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.

Druidic Pass

===Druidic Pass===
Domain: Stealthy
Available: Beastmaster(1) Druid(1) Gaian(1) SkyWatcher(1)
Allows: Stealthy
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PASS
Examples: pass east
Description: This skill allows the druid to move silently and almost invisibly from place to place while traveling in the wild. Moreover, this skill allows the Druid to pass into locked dwellings, if those dwellings are located in the wild outdoorsy domain.

Dual Parry

===Dual Parry===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Assassin(16) Fighter(13)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (63)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: For players wielding two weapons, this skill allows the fighter to have an extra parry attempt using the off-hand weapon during combat. A successful parry effectively cancels the attack.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Eagle Eyes

===Eagle Eyes===
Domain: Alert
Allows: Vigilantly
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Grappling
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: EARBOX
Examples: earbox orc
Description: If the Fighter has their target in a close grapple, they slam either side of their opponents head for a bit of damage, deafening the target for a brief time.

Earth Meld

===Earth Meld===
Domain: Rock Control
Allows: Rock Controlling
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability is not yet documented.

Earth Meld

===Earth Meld===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: One of the most prized powers that a vampire can possess, Earth Meld has saved the lives of countless vampires through the ages. This power enables you to make the earth part of yourself and thus merge with it. Others viewing your use of earth meld will simply see you sink into the ground.

You can only sink into earth. It is absolutely impossible to meld into earth through another substance. For example, while there may be earth underneath it, a linoleum floor completely prohibits the use of this power.

Earth Meld is a great way to find cover when outdoors. Being one with the earth prevents contact with sunlight and also provides a way to sleep away the centuries. Many ancient vampires use Earth Meld to rest in safety, and thereby gain strength and power. Some whisper that thousands of Ancients sleep within the ground and will awaken on the night of Gehenna.

The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.

Edged Weapon Familiarity

===Edged Weapon Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with edged weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands. Edged weapons include small bladed weapons on hilts, shafts or pivots that do not fit into the sword, axe or pole-arm categories, such as daggers, sickles and shears.

Edged Weapon Proficiency

===Edged Weapon Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Edged Weapon Familiarity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with sharp edged weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally. Edged weapons include small bladed weapons on hilts, shafts or pivots that do not fit into the sword, axe or pole-arm categories, such as daggers, sickles and shears.

Edged Weapon Specialization

===Edged Weapon Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Arcanist(1) Assassin(1) Barbarian(1) Bard(1) Burglar(1) Charlatan(1) Fighter(1) Gypsy(1) Jester(1) Monk(1) Necromancer(1) Paladin(1) Pirate(1) Ranger(1) Templar(3) Thief(1) Trapper(1)
Allows: Edged Focus Edged Slashing Edged Piercing Weaponsmithing Edged Striking
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a master of sharp edges, gaining bonuses to attack when using an edged weapon in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken. Edged weapons include small bladed weapons on hilts, shafts or pivots that do not fit into the sword, axe or pole-arm categories, such as daggers, sickles and shears.

Eighth Totem

===Eighth Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.

Elbow Jab

===Elbow Jab===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Fighter(15) Monk(16)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ELBOWJAB
Examples: elbowjab orc
Description: If the Fighter has their target in a close grapple, they can use their elbow to deal an extra bit of unarmed damage.

Elbow Lock

===Elbow Lock===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Monk(15)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: elbowlock orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs and hyper-flexes the targets elbow. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't make main hand attacks, cast somatic spells, or perform certain actions. It may even lead to breaking an arm. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.

Eleventh Totem

===Eleventh Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.

Encrypted Writing

===Encrypted Writing===
Domain: Calligraphy
Available: Scholar(21)
Allows: Fine Calligraphy
UseCost: Mana (71)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Fitness
Available: Barbarian(18) Fighter(19) Monk(21) Dancer(19)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Movement (68)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Allows the fighter to recover hit points, mana, and movement more quickly when not in combat.

Energize Chakra

===Energize Chakra===
Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Ninja(1)
Allows: Lightning Chakra Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "energize chakra"

foc "energize chakra"

Description: The ninja can use chi to improve their stamina, effectively converting some mana into movement.

Energy Drain

===Energy Drain===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Criminal
Available: Gaoler(23)
Allows: Criminal Deviousness
UseCost: Mana (73)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: ENSLAVE
Examples: enslave orc
Description: This skill allows the player to break down an intelligent mob and enslave them. Once enslaved, a mob can be sold to slave traders, brought to the players clan homes or personal homes to remain as permanent residents, ORDERed as vassals of the owner, and, of course, command them to perform tasks. Tasks for the slave to perform must be directed to the slave with the SAY command, and must begin with the words "I command you to" or "I order you to". The slave will then wander around as in a GEAS trying to perform the task. The slave can be released from the task by saying "cancel" to them. Slaves are different from pets in that they require food and drink to survive. If given the food and water, they will eat and drink as necessary from what they have been given. Slaves eventually lose loyalty as well. If they starve, or if they take damage for any reason, their loyalty will decrease, making them more and more likely to leave their masters homes, or attack their masters.

Exit Stage Left

===Exit Stage Left===
Domain: Theatre
Available: Charlatan(16)
Allows: Acting
UseCost: Mana (33) Movement (33)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: exitstageleft
Description: The bard calls the curtain and motions for his or her enemies to exit, stage left (West). The enemies will then flee or wander west for awhile, until they run out of west directions, or the effect wears off. At that point, they will return quickly to their homes.

Exploiting Aura

===Exploiting Aura===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Paladin(21)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (71)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Whenever a wicked Paladin, or any other member of their group takes damage, a small part of that damage will be mitigated, and instead double taken by another group member who is more than a couple of levels lower, so long as the damage would not actually kill them.

Explosive Touch

===Explosive Touch===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Params  :

Example  :

Desc.  :

A high-damage skill.

Extra Vengeance

===Extra Vengeance===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: EVSTRIKE
Description: Bonus damage from Vengeful Strike.

Extreme Vengeance

===Extreme Vengeance===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: XVSTRIKE
Description: Added bonus from a mortally wounded Vengeful Strike.

Faithful Mount

===Faithful Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(19)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Movement (69)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The fighter's mount is loyal enough that, should the fighter die, the mount will scoop up his or her corpse and carry it to where the fighter presently is to deposit it. The fighter will either know that the mount is on the way, or silently realize that they were never able to properly convince the mount of this important role. Expertise will decrease the delay between death and the corpse arrival. Leaving the game during this period is not advised.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable

False Arrest

===False Arrest===
Domain: Deceptive
Available: Charlatan(11)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: falsearrest joe
Description: This skill allows the player to act as a bounty hunter or arresting officer for any area which enforces law. The target must be a player wanted for some crime in some area. The arresting player or the target player need not be in that area to use this skill. However, unless both players are allowed by the mud rules to attack each other, certain aspects (such as hand-cuffing or subdueing) will fizzle out when the arresting player attempts them.

Far Shot

===Far Shot===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Cavalier(17) Ranger(17)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (67)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows a fighter to use a ranged weapon, such as a bow and arrow, at extremely far ranges.

Fast Slinging

===Fast Slinging===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Fast Slinging is the ability to make extra attacks per round whenever using a ranged sling weapon that requires ammunition. The number of extra attacks will go up as the players level does.

Favored Enemy 1

===Favored Enemy 1===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Ranger(8)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (58)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.

Favored Enemy 2

===Favored Enemy 2===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Ranger(13)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (63)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.

Favored Enemy 3

===Favored Enemy 3===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Ranger(18)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (68)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.

Favored Enemy 4

===Favored Enemy 4===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Ranger(23)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (73)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the Ranger gains knowledge of the creatures of the realm, he or she will gain a specific hatred and thus, an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.

Favored Mount

===Favored Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(8)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (58)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player has developed favor for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures. When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations.

Favored Mount 2

===Favored Mount 2===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(13)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (63)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player has developed favor for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures. When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations.

Favored Mount 3

===Favored Mount 3===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(18)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (68)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player has developed favor for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures. When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations.

Favored Mount 4

===Favored Mount 4===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(23)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (73)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player has developed favor for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures. When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations.

Feed Blood

===Feed Blood===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FEED
Description: The vampire gives some of their own blood to heal another vampire or ghoul.

Feel Thoughts

===Feel Thoughts===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This mentalist ability allows a vampire to hear thoughts of nearby beings. This may provide some knowledge on surrounding inhabitants and some of their capabilities and motivations.


Domain: Evasive
Available: Jester(22) Minstrel(20)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (70)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FEINT
Usage: FEINT
Examples: feint
Description: During combat, the player feints a attack in order to put his or her opponent off balance. The next attack then will have a much better chance of hitting. The feinting skill of the player increases with level.

Field Tactics

===Field Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the proper area type for the skill. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Fierce Companions

===Fierce Companions===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Ranger(6)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (56)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The ranger becomes an expert at fighting with animal companions. Whenever the ranger is in combat alongside an animal, the ranger gains attack and damage bonuses.

Fierce Mount

===Fierce Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(16)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter's mount an edge in attack and damage when fighting while the fighter is mounted.

Fiery Bite

===Fiery Bite===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Allows: Dirty Fighting Ignalist Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: A deep painful bite that is infused with scorching flames.

Fifth Totem

===Fifth Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Available: Beastmaster(21)
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (71)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.

Fighter Honorary Degree

===Fighter Honorary Degree===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(14)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (64)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Fighter', such as Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger, Paladin, and Monk. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title. The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title. When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.


Domain: Grappling
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Find Clan Home

===Find Clan Home===
Domain: Nature Lore
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Find Clan Ship

===Find Clan Ship===
Domain: Nature Lore
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FINDSHIP

Find Home

===Find Home===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Abjurer(6) Alterer(6) Arcanist(6) Artisan(1) Assassin(6) Barbarian(6) Bard(6) Beastmaster(6) Burglar(6) Cavalier(6) Charlatan(6) Cleric(6) Conjurer(6) Delver(6) Diviner(6) Doomsayer(6) Druid(6) Enchanter(6) Evoker(6) Fighter(6) Gaian(6) Gaoler(6) Gypsy(6) Healer(6) Illusionist(6) Jester(6) Mage(6) Mer(6) Minstrel(6) Missionary(6) Monk(6) Necromancer(6) Ninja(6) Oracle(6) Paladin(6) Pirate(6) Dancer(6) Purist(6) Ranger(6) Reliquist(6) Sailor(6) Scholar(6) Shaman(6) SkyWatcher(6) Templar(6) Thief(6) Transmuter(6) Trapper(6) Wizard(6)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FINDHOME
Examples: findhome
Description: The player uses their innate sense of direction to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to their nearest owned private property! When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.

Find Ship

===Find Ship===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Abjurer(12) Alterer(12) Arcanist(12) Artisan(1) Assassin(12) Barbarian(12) Bard(12) Beastmaster(12) Burglar(12) Cavalier(12) Charlatan(12) Cleric(12) Conjurer(12) Delver(12) Diviner(12) Doomsayer(12) Druid(12) Enchanter(12) Evoker(12) Fighter(12) Gaian(12) Gaoler(12) Gypsy(12) Healer(12) Illusionist(12) Jester(12) Mage(12) Mer(12) Minstrel(12) Missionary(12) Monk(12) Necromancer(12) Ninja(12) Oracle(12) Paladin(12) Pirate(6) Dancer(12) Purist(12) Ranger(12) Reliquist(12) Sailor(6) Scholar(12) Shaman(12) SkyWatcher(12) Templar(12) Thief(12) Transmuter(12) Trapper(12) Wizard(12)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FINDSHIP
Examples: findship
Description: The player uses their innate sense of direction to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to their nearest personally owned sailing ship! When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.

Find Water

===Find Water===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Minstrel(4) Ranger(2) Trapper(4)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (52)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: findwater
Description: The ranger attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of a water source (not necessarily the closest)! When walking around, the Ranger will become aware of which direction seems best.

Finger Lock

===Finger Lock===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Monk(25)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (75)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: fingerlock orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter pulls back the targets fingers. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't make main hand attacks, cast somatic spells, or perform certain actions. It may even lead to breaking a finger. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.

Fire Breathing

===Fire Breathing===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Jester(9)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (59)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 5
Examples: firebreath orc
Description: If the player has a torch, or other burning object in his or her hands, they can use it to breathe fire at a target. This will destroy the torch.


Domain: Racial Ability
Allows: Ignalist
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 10
Description: Example  : firebreath bob

Flailed Weapon Familiarity

===Flailed Weapon Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with flailed weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Flailing Weapon Proficiency

===Flailing Weapon Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with flails, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Flailing Weapon Specialization

===Flailing Weapon Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Assassin(9) Barbarian(1) Burglar(1) Cavalier(1) Fighter(1) Gaoler(1) Monk(1) Oracle(1) Paladin(1) Ranger(1) Reliquist(1) Templar(5)
Allows: Flailed Bashing Weaponsmithing Flailed Striking Flailed Slicing Flailed Focus
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a master of flails, gaining bonuses to attack when using a flailed weapon in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.

Flare Chakra

===Flare Chakra===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Ninja(3)
Allows: Martial Lore Blaze Chakra Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "flare chakra"

foc "flare chakra"

Description: By focusing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to strike their opponent with their sword for a short while. This chakra may only be used once per minute.


Domain: Evasive
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FLEE
Examples: flee
Description: While in combat, your character may need to quickly disengage and flee the room. A direction may be specified, but if one is not specified, a direction will be chosen for you. Fleeing from combat can cause you to lose experience points in many cases, so use this command sparingly. If all of your opponents are asleep, paralyzed, or bound, however, no loss is recorded for using this command.

Flying Kick

===Flying Kick===
Domain: Kicking
Available: Monk(12)
Allows: Iron Kicking Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (62)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Range 1 - Range 5
Examples: flying kick orc
Description: From a range of 1 or greater, the Monk uses this skill to leap high into the air and land a terrific kick on the target!

Food Begging

===Food Begging===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: beg4food joe
Description: This skill allows the character to begin making cute faces at the target, compelling them to give up any food they might have.


Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Cavalier(8) Fighter(17)
Allows: Polearm Striking
UseCost: Movement (58)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: forceback
Description: During combat, this skill allows the fighter to use a long polearm-class weapon and a burst of fury to force their current opponent back to a longer range. It can only be done once per minute, however.

Forearm Block

===Forearm Block===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Monk(2)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (52)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the fighter a chance to block a single unarmed attack every round.

Forest Tactics

===Forest Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(22)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (72)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in forests. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Foul Weather Sailing

===Foul Weather Sailing===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(19) Sailor(20)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (34) Movement (34)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: foulweathersailing
Description: This skill allows the sailor to rig their ship for sailing in torrential storms and other foul weather, which will eliminate any related sailing problems.

Fourth Totem

===Fourth Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Available: Beastmaster(16)
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.


Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Barbarian(24)
Allows: Ranged Striking
UseCost: Movement (74)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This awesome skill allows thrown items to be hurled with SUCH force, that they do TRIPLE their normal damage (depending upon proficiency). The downside is, however, that the weapon is destroyed on impact as the weapon fragments and splinters into the victim.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: FREEZE
Examples: freeze gunther
Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to move. Use this skill again on the same player to release them. Magic won't help the player, though the TRANSFER Archon command will still work.


Domain: Racial Ability
Allows: Aqualist
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 10
Description: Example  : frostbreath bob


Domain: Racial Ability
Allows: Airelist
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 10
Description: Example  : gasbreath bob

Genin Training

===Genin Training===
Domain: Education Lore
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (all)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Description: Only the most dedicated of all ninja have the honor to recruit new beginning ninjas (or genin). This skill will allow a player to train a thief, or thief sub-class, into the ninja class.

Ghost Chakra

===Ghost Chakra===
Domain: Stealthy
Available: Ninja(8)
Allows: Stealthy
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "ghost chakra"

foc "ghost chakra"

Description: By studying the moving of the shadows, the ninja can fade into nothing and may move around undetected. The chant will expire if the ninja enters combat. Use the VISIBLE command to revoke this chant from yourself.

Gleam of the Red Eyes

===Gleam of the Red Eyes===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This basic Protean discipline power provides the ability to see good auras around especially righteous individuals. When this power is activated, your eyes glow an eerie red.

Gluttonous Devouring

===Gluttonous Devouring===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: DEVOUR
Description: The ghoul devours a corpse or baby whole, restoring health and gaining additional damage bonuses in combat for a while. The body must be in the ghoul?s possession to devour it. This ability may only be used out of combat, and your target must be held for you to consume it.

Golem Form

===Golem Form===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Available: Delver(10)
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (60)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: golemform

golemform list golemform massive stone golem

Description: The druid gains the ability, through this skill, to take on the form of a stone golem. The form progresses as the druid gains in level, he will gain access to more powerful forms, each more devastating than the last, though each also a bit slower on the move. Golems are also unable to speak or chant.


Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability makes the character especially deadly with natural piercing weapons, dealing considerably more damage.


Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Monk(21) Ninja(25)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (100)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: GOUGE
Examples: gouge orc
Description: The Fighter gouges at the eyes of the target, blinding them for a short time, and possibly taking out an eye in the process.

Graceful Dismount

===Graceful Dismount===
Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Barbarian(11) Cavalier(11) Jester(7) Paladin(12) Templar(17)
Allows: Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Fighter is so good with his or her mounts that any forced dismount that might put a normal rider on the ground will be handled gracefully by the fighter.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: GRAZE
Usage: GRAZE
Examples: graze
Description: The player is able to feast off the land of the open plains to satiate his or her hunger. And when continuing to graze even after, can fill additional stomachs, allowing him or her to "chew their cud" to satiate hunger without eating in the future.

Greater Blightfire

===Greater Blightfire===
Domain: Vexing
Allows: Vexing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: INFLICT
Description: Blightfire is a negative energy attack that saps the target of vitality.


Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Gaoler(3)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (53)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: GROIN
Examples: groin orc
Description: The player delivers a dirty rotten kick to the groin, causing the target to take a bit of damage, feel a horrible amount of pain, and for males, to be dazed for a time. The target will be wary of the second kick, though. Groin is also unique in that, while it may hurt a lot, it can never kill the target.


Domain: Influential
Available: Scholar(30)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (80)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the character to inspire the awe of pompous and self-assured competency to anyone of the same base class as the character, or the same base class of the characters exposed/honorary class. The awe will prevent any aggressive action from being taken against the character, unless the character has already started the fight.


Domain: Grappling
Available: Gaoler(8)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (58)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: gutbuster orc
Description: The fighter drops down on a prone target and knees them in the gut. This can do serious damage if the hit is especially good.


Domain: Influential
Available: Artisan(1) Bard(1) Charlatan(1) Gypsy(10) Jester(1) Thief(10)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: HAGGLE
Examples: haggle buy sword

haggle sell sword

Description: This skill allows the user to get better rates on buying and selling items by haggling with the shopkeeper over the price.

Half Attack

===Half Attack===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Artisan(1) Assassin(16) Barbarian(20) Beastmaster(22) Burglar(20) Cavalier(20) Cleric(17) Doomsayer(17) Healer(20) Mer(22) Missionary(17) Monk(18) Necromancer(17) Oracle(17) Paladin(20) Pirate(24) Purist(17) Ranger(20) Shaman(17) Templar(11) Thief(20) Trapper(22)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Allows the affected character to deliver a second attack during every other combat round. These attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.

Hammer Familiarity

===Hammer Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: HammerRing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with hammers they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Hammer Proficiency

===Hammer Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Hammer Familiarity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with hammers, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Hammer Specialization

===Hammer Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Assassin(17) Barbarian(1) Cavalier(1) Fighter(1) Monk(1) Paladin(1) Purist(1) Ranger(1) Reliquist(1) Templar(9)
Allows: Hammer Striking Hammer Bashing Weaponsmithing Hammer Focus
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a master of hammers, gaining bonuses to attack when using a hammer in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level hammers if the focus expertise is taken.


Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1) Reliquist(8)
Allows: Hammer Bashing AutoHammerRing
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: hammerring orc
Description: The player uses a hammer to whack the target over the head, dazing them for a short while and exiting combat. This is ineffective against golems, undead, and things without a head.

Hand to hand combat

===Hand to hand combat===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Apprentice(1) Assassin(7) Barbarian(1) Bard(1) Beastmaster(1) Charlatan(1) Druid(1) Fighter(1) Gaian(1) Gaoler(1) Healer(1) Mer(1) Minstrel(1) Monk(1) Paladin(1) Dancer(1) Ranger(1) Sailor(1) SkyWatcher(1) Templar(15)
Allows: Unarmed Bashing Weaponsmithing Unarmed Striking Unarmed Slicing Unarmed Piercing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player becomes so specialized at hand to hand combat that they gain bonuses to attack when fighting unarmed.


Domain: Binding
Available: Gaoler(13)
Allows: Rope Use
UseCost: Movement (63)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: cuff orc
Description: Allows the player to bind another mob that is sitting or lying down, and force them to follow them around. This skill also makes the prisoner temporarily not-assist in combat. This skill can only be used if the target has a warrant out for their arrest. See also help on ARRESTING SAP and BOUND for more information.

Hard to Port

===Hard to Port===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Sailor(17)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Movement (100)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: hardtoport
Description: During combat on a ship, the player can put his ship and rigging at risk by putting the ship into an immediate hard turn to port. This will turn the ship counter-clockwise and, for a very brief time, give the ship at least a 25% chance of being missed by any ship siege weapons fired at it. You must let the ship integrity recover for several minutes afterwards before you can try again, however. Failed attempts can also put a strain on the ship if tried too frequently, causing another waiting period to ensue.

Hard to Starboard

===Hard to Starboard===
Domain: Sea Travel
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Movement (100)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: hardtostarboard
Description: During combat on a ship, the player can put his ship and rigging at risk by putting the ship into an immediate hard turn to stern. This will turn the ship clockwise and, for a very brief time, give the ship at least a 25% chance of being missed by any ship siege weapons fired at it. You must let the ship integrity recover for several minutes afterwards before you can try again, however. Failed attempts can also put a strain on the ship if tried too frequently, causing another waiting period to ensue.

Hard to Stern

===Hard to Stern===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Sailor(23)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Movement (200)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: hardtostern
Description: During combat on a ship, the player can put his ship and rigging at risk by putting the ship into an immediate hard turn to stern. This will turn the ship clockwise twiece and, for a very brief time, give the ship a small chance of being missed by any ship siege weapons fired at it. You must let the ship integrity recover for several minutes afterwards before you can try again, however. Failed attempts can also put a strain on the ship if tried too frequently, causing another waiting period to ensue.

Harden Skin

===Harden Skin===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: All vampires have a powerful constitution, and are able to shrug off most injuries, but those with a high expertise in Fortitude are even less likely to be harmed by physical or elemental blows.

Hardened Bones

===Hardened Bones===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PRAY, PR, P
Description: This creature's bones are harder than most, either through magical or natural means. This makes them more able to take hits, given time and experience.


Domain: Fitness
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability makes the player more hardy, giving them extra movement points.


Domain: Grappling
Available: Barbarian(10) Cavalier(10) Fighter(10) Gaoler(15) Monk(5) Paladin(10) Ranger(10)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (55)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: HEADLOCK
Examples: headlock orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target about the neck from behind in a headlock. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't do much of anything else. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.

Healing Hands

===Healing Hands===
Domain: Healing
Available: Paladin(1)
Allows: Healing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: HANDS
Examples: hands orc
Description: The Paladin becomes a vessel for the power of his or her god, either healing or harming depending on their heart.

Heighten Presence

===Heighten Presence===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PRESENCE
Description: This Discipline is why vampires are exceptionally attractive and appealing to others. People want to be around the vampire, to bask in the brilliant light he sheds. He need not make any sort of overt or deliberate action, for Presence is a natural aspect of one?s personality. Presence is a powerful, if subtle, Discipline that increases effectiveness with expertise.

Heighten Senses

===Heighten Senses===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: You can sharpen all five of your senses to an extraordinary degree. This ability allows the Kindred to see hidden objects and creatures normally. With increased access to the Auspex Discipline, this grows allows you to double your normal ranges of sight (when issuing a LONGLOOK "direction" command), detect potential ambushes, see unnaturally invisible items and creatures, and pierce through disguises at a glance. Your other senses become equally useful; with increased olfactory sensitivity, you can detect other creatures even in absolute darkness (and may learn to track) and identify nearby sounds. You are also occasionally alerted to impending danger with unsettling premonitions. These premonitions are typically confusing, but can be invaluable.

Heighten Speed

===Heighten Speed===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CELERITY
Description: This Discipline explains the superior quickness of vampires. As expertise in Celerity increase, the vampire can move extremely quickly in times of stress and take multiple actions in a single turn.

Heighten Strength

===Heighten Strength===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: POTENCE
Description: This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires possess. This additional physical might allows great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform. As expertise in Potence increases, the vampire can lift greater weights and inflict greater harm upon objects and individuals when they are punched or hit.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Fighter(25)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (75)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the power and noteriety of the fighter grows, his or her ability to resist certain demeaning blows (such as Coup De Graces, kicks, whomps, bashes, dirt kicks, trips, etc..) grows.

High Jump

===High Jump===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: HIGHJUMP
Examples: highjump
Description: Allows the character to leap into another room, where gravity will take it from there. The higher the players expertise, the more air rooms the character will jump through, allowing them to jump to great heights. However, after jumping, inevitably comes the falling...

Hills Tactics

===Hills Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(17)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (67)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in hilly areas. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Hire Crewmember

===Hire Crewmember===
Domain: Influential
Available: Sailor(30)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (80)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: hirecrew
Description: From inside a pub or bar near the shore, the player can hire a local patron to man his or her ship. The hireling will be 5-10 levels below the player, and will take on one of the crew roles when they are brought aboard the ship. Roles include Captain (navigates the ship at random during peace), Tactician (navigates the ship during combat), Repairer (fixes battle damage), Defender (defends the ship when boarded), and Trawler (brings in fish). Hiring a sailor costs more money as the player goes up in level. Once the sailor is aboard ship and dismissed from following the player (see NOFOLLOW), they will make that room their home room and begin their duties.

Hold The Line

===Hold The Line===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Cavalier(19) Fighter(19) Paladin(19)
Allows: Polearm Striking
UseCost: Movement (69)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch - Range 5
Examples: "holdtheline"
Description: Using a two-handed polearm type weapon with reach, the fighter can prevent opponents from advancing for a very brief time. During this period, the fighter can not make their first attack.

Holy Mount

===Holy Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Paladin(16)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter's mount an edge in attack, armor, and damage when fighting an unholy target while the fighter is mounted.

Holy Strike

===Holy Strike===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Paladin(4)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (27) Movement (27)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: holystrike
Description: Wielding a melee weapon, the paladin calls down the power of his or her god into a mighty attack for devastating damage on evil targets.

Hunters Endurance

===Hunters Endurance===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Cavalier(11) Ranger(11)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (61)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Whenever the ranger is tracking, all fatigue, hunger, and thirst disappears. Also, all movement is instantly and constantly restored. When tracking concludes, or combat begins, the rangers previous state resumes.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: HUSH
Examples: hush gunther
Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to communicate on any channels, or use the tell command. Use this skill again on the same player to release them.

Identify Poison

===Identify Poison===
Domain: Poisoning
Available: Arcanist(7) Assassin(4) Barbarian(19) Beastmaster(7) Jester(2) Ranger(7) Scholar(7) Thief(7) Trapper(7)
Allows: Poisoning
UseCost: Mana (52)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: idpoison orc
Description: This skill allows the player to sniff and taste a potentially poisoned item (like a drink, or a sword) and tell what kind of poison (if any) is on the item.


Domain: Deceptive
Available: Charlatan(7)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: IMITATE
Examples: imitate Fireball Orc
Description: This strange pseudo-magical skill allows spells, prayers, songs, and chants learned through Spellcraft, Prayercraft, etc to be faked at a later time. The spell or skill will not yield any actual results (no damage or benefits from casting), but will enable the character to deceive others into believing that he can use that type of magic.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Improved Revoke

===Improved Revoke===
Domain: Neutralization
Available: Wizard(10)
Allows: Neutralizing
UseCost: Mana (60)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures Exits Rooms
Range: Touch - Range 10


Description: Users of magic can revoke specific or multiple magical effects using the improved revoke command. The revocation can also optionally be done quietly, so no one in the room knows you did it.

Improved Shield Defence

===Improved Shield Defence===
Domain: Shield Use
Available: Fighter(22)
Allows: Shield Using
UseCost: Movement (72)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the fighter gains proficiency with shield use, he becomes better able to use a shield to enhance his armor.

Improved Throwing

===Improved Throwing===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Barbarian(14) Ninja(13)
Allows: Ranged Striking
UseCost: Movement (64)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the fighter gains proficiency in this skill, he or she hits more accurately with thrown weapons, and does up to double damage.

Incite Fight

===Incite Fight===
Domain: Influential
Available: Paladin(15)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: incite org
Description: The Paladin incites the target to aggression, even against neighbors they would normally ignore.

Indoor Riding

===Indoor Riding===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(9)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (59)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player has such control over their over-sized mount that they can navigate them through indoor rooms, at the cost of greatly increased movement usage.

Induce Sleep

===Induce Sleep===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: inducesleep Jill
Description: Using their power to dominate minds, a vampire may induce sleep in a victim for a short while. Damaging the victim may cause them to wake up. This ability may only be used once every 20 seconds.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: INFECT
Examples: infect gunther flu
Description: The player with this skill can cause the target to become infected with a given disease.

Inherent Animalism

===Inherent Animalism===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Animalism allows empathy with and power over the animal world, as well as the animal within, and embodies the Beast which lurks within the soul of every Vampire. At the most basic level, this prevents hostile thoughts of animals towards the vampire.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: INJURE
Usage: INJURE "PLAYER NAME" "body part"
Examples: injure gunther left hand
Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can cause the target to have one of their body parts instantly injured by 20%.

Instance Display

===Instance Display===
Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Examples: instancedisplay triumph bob
Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can determine some information about the specific instance that would be selected for the given player. The INSTANCEID is the type of instance that would be created, such as 'triumph'.

Instrument Bash

===Instrument Bash===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Minstrel(10)
Allows: Blunt Striking
UseCost: Movement (60)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: ibash orc
Description: The bard uses their instrument as a weapon, delivering an otherwise additional blow to the target in combat.

Intercept Ship

===Intercept Ship===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(23) Sailor(23)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (536870912) Movement (536870912)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: intercept pirate
Description: This powerful skill allows the sailor to use their superior sailing ability to quickly intercept a potential enemy ship of the given name. The sailor's ship or boat's speed is enhanced while following the interception course.


Domain: Influential
Available: Barbarian(12) Beastmaster(10) Burglar(4) Doomsayer(9)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Movement (54)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill makes the player naturally intimidating to lower level creatures, making them less likely to be able to initiate an attack.

Iron Chakra

===Iron Chakra===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Ninja(10)
Allows: Fitness Diamond Chakra
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "iron chakra"

foc "iron chakra"

Description: A Ninja can harden their chakras, solidifying them to help shrug off damage, thus becoming extremely difficult to score a hit on.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Jail Key

===Jail Key===
Domain: Legal
Available: Gaoler(24)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Mana (37) Movement (37)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Exits
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: jailkey north
Description: Allows the player to lock or unlock any door to a jail room in the area. It will also release anyone on the other side of the door from a prisoner's geas.

Jivvin Golhyrr

===Jivvin Golhyrr===
Domain: Influential
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: JIVVIN
Description: A fighting style used by Drow to force enemies into humiliating positions.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(10)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Mana (60)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: JOKE
Examples: joke orc
Description: This will cause the player to tell a random joke to the target. The joke has a 75% chance of giving the target the giggles, and a 25% chance of putting them under the spell of Laughter.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Cavalier(15)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Range 1 - Range 99
Examples: joust orc
Description: If the warrior is mounted and wielding a melee weapon with range, and are at least one range out of the max range of their weapon, then the warrior can charge the target and joust. Upon arrival, the warrior makes attack(s) with bonus damage, and then will automatically ride-through their targets position on the following round.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(1)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: JUGGLE
Examples: juggle all

juggle dagger juggle

Description: This will cause the player to begin juggling one or more items. The number of items the player may juggle is limited by level. Entering juggle without an item name will stop juggling. GETting an item being juggled will also remove that item from the juggle list. During combat, the juggler will be able to throw one item per 5 levels per combat round for a little extra damage.

Jungle Tactics

===Jungle Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(11)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (61)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in jungles. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.


Domain: Alert
Allows: Vigilantly
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the player a chance, when in the wild, to spot hidden or trapped items or exits. It also grants a bonus when using a ranged weapon.

Ki Strike

===Ki Strike===
Domain: Punching
Available: Monk(17)
Allows: Iron Punching Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (67)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: KISTRIKE, KI
Examples: kistrike
Description: Short(s) : ki

The Monk summons up his or her inner power and focuses it into a single, terrifying attack. This skill will allow the next blow that lands to have that little, extra, well, KI.


Domain: Kicking
Available: Artisan(1) Assassin(2) Barbarian(2) Beastmaster(2) Fighter(2) Monk(1) Ninja(1) Dancer(3)
Allows: Ax Kick Iron Kicking Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: KICK
Examples: kick orc
Description: The fighter uses his or her feet to deliver an extra bit of pain in combat.


Domain: Grappling
Available: Fighter(12) Monk(6)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (56)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: KNEE
Description: Uage  : KNEE "TARGETNAME"

Example  : knee orc

If the Fighter has their target in a close standing grapple, they can lift their knee to deal an extra bit of unarmed damage.

Knife Hand

===Knife Hand===
Domain: Punching
Available: Monk(7)
Allows: Iron Punching Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a pointed, swift strike.

Know Plants

===Know Plants===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Gaian(7) Mer(7) Scholar(7)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (57)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: knowplant flowers
Description: This skill allows a player to gain knowledge about a plant, or an item made from plant material. If the plant was summoned by a druid, it will give the name of the druid who summoned it as well.


Domain: Shape Shifting
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (85)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: krakenform
Description: Allows the druid to turn themselves into a mighty kraken of the sea. The normal compass direction commands (north, south..) can be used to swim around. Ship commands, such as TARGET, AIM, COURSE, and STEER also work as described in HELP SHIP COMBAT.

During combat, you must use the AIM command to aim your tentacles by entering AIM TENTACLE.1 "AMOUNT" and AIM TENTACLE.2 "AMOUNT". Being 'sunk' in Krakenform will kill the druid.

Use KRAKENFORM command again to revert to normal form.

Kyone veldrin

===Kyone veldrin===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: KYONE
Description: A Drow fighting style that emphasized the use of the darkness ability, allowing the user to gain combat advantages over their foes while under the effect of a Darkness Globe.

Kyorlin plynn

===Kyorlin plynn===
Domain: Evasive
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: KYORLIN
Description: Used to capture opponents alive, this Drow fighting style was favored by conservative fighters and priestesses of Lolth alike, but for completely different reasons.


Domain: Binding
Available: Cavalier(14)
Allows: Rope Use Rope Dismount
UseCost: Mana (64)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: LASSO
Examples: lasso Sophie
Description: If the player has a suitable rope, this will attempt to throw the rope at the target and, if hit, will bind the target for a short period. The target may be mounted, or even exposed in a nearby Ship or Caravan. This will not start combat with animals on private property. The ropes can be manually untied with the GET command.

See also help on ROPE DISMOUNT and BOUND.

Lava Chakra

===Lava Chakra===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Ninja(19)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "lava chakra"

foc "lava chakra"

Description: By intensely compressing their chi, the ninja may greatly increase their chance to damage their opponent with their sword for a short while. This chakra may only be used once per MUDhour.


Domain: Anatomy
Available: Gaoler(17)
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Mana (67)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: leech Sophie
Description: The player is able to apply leeches to the target. The target will be unable to heal, but will have any poisons removed for the duration of the leeches presence.

Leg Hold

===Leg Hold===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Barbarian(9) Fighter(9) Gaoler(11)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (59)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: LEGHOLD
Examples: leghold orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the targets leg and pulls them down. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't perform certain actions. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.

Lesser Blightfire

===Lesser Blightfire===
Domain: Vexing
Allows: Vexing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: INFLICT
Description: Blightfire is a negative energy attack that saps the target of vitality.

Light Placebo

===Light Placebo===
Domain: Deceptive
Available: Charlatan(5)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (27) Movement (27)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: lightplacebo Sophie
Description: Through the power of prayer, the rougue can make the target feel like they've received a boost in health (which will vanish if they are damaged again)!

Lightning Chakra

===Lightning Chakra===
Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Ninja(18)
Allows: Acrobatic Cyclone Chakra Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "lightning chakra"

foc "lightning chakra"

Description: By expending a burst of chi energy the ninja can move like lightning to make a quick attack then instantly disappearing and reappearing just out of close combat range.

Lightning Strike

===Lightning Strike===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Monk(24)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (74)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: lightningstrike orc
Description: Short(s) : lstrike

This most powerful of Monk abilities allows him or her to deliver as many unarmed blows in a single round as he or she has Monk levels. After this exhausting exchange, the Monk will collapse for many rounds of needed rest.


Domain: Racial Ability
Allows: Energist
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 10
Description: Example  : lighteningbreath bob

Lingering Spirit

===Lingering Spirit===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: LINGER
Description: Some undead linger in the mortal realm until a particular task is completed, traveling from host to host to accomplish their task.


Domain: Anatomy
Available: Gaoler(22)
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Mana (72)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: lobotomize Sophie
Description: The player is able to use delicate tools to scrape away unnecessary brain tissue from the target by going up the nose holes. This can only be done on a cooperative target, such as a follower, or one bound or prone. The effect of the lobotomy is not only horrible screams of pain, but the removal of any aggressive behaviors, mind altering diseases and effects, and will actually make the target a slightly better person. Unfortunately, it may also affect some skill proficiency.

Long Breath

===Long Breath===
Domain: Fitness
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill grants the ability to hold ones breathe for a period, allowing one to forego damage when under water or otherwise unable to breathe.

Long Reach

===Long Reach===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill grants the ability to use a melee weapon at a slightly longer range.

Lucky Vanity

===Lucky Vanity===
Domain: Influential
Available: Cavalier(21)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Movement (71)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The foppish fighter gains bonuses to saves vs mind, poison, paralysis, disease, and traps based upon the obvious value of his or her clothing. However, it only works when there is someone present to see the fighter.

Luth alur

===Luth alur===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This Drow fighting style teaches the use of all ranged weapons regardless of class restrictions, and provides a bonus chance to score a critical strike with ranged weapons.

Mage Honorary Degree

===Mage Honorary Degree===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(20)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (70)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Mage', such as Mage, Abjurer, Alterer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, and Transmuter. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those spells specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title. The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title. When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.

Make Maps

===Make Maps===
Domain: Calligraphy
Available: Arcanist(13) Bard(13) Burglar(18) Charlatan(13) Reliquist(13) Scholar(13)
Allows: Fine Calligraphy
UseCost: Mana (63)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MAP
Examples: map parchment
Description: Allows you to begin mapping on the targeted piece of paper. As you walk around the parchment will be filled with a pictoral map of the rooms you walk through.

Make Sea Maps

===Make Sea Maps===
Domain: Calligraphy
Available: Pirate(8) Sailor(8) Scholar(8)
Allows: Fine Calligraphy
UseCost: Mana (58)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: seamap parchment
Description: Allows you to begin mapping the seas on the targeted piece of paper. As you sail around the parchment will be filled with a map of the waves you sail over.

Mark Disguise

===Mark Disguise===
Domain: Deceptive
Available: Charlatan(25)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (75)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: markdisguise

markdisguise !

Description: This powerful ability allows the bard to disguise him or herself to be identical to his or her mark. The bard must first mark a target using the Mark skill. After that, the bard must observe the mark from a hidden position for an amount of time. After sufficient time, the bard may use this skill to take on the apperance of the mark through disguise. Entering the command word again will remove the disguise. The optional ! parameter may be given for the bard to disguise him or herself as the same person they did before, regardless of whether they are presently marked.

Mark OOC

===Mark OOC===
Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: MARKOOC
Examples: MARKOOC gunther
Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can render the target mob/player unable to receive any further RolePlay experience. Use this skill again on the same player to release them.


Domain: Education Lore
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MATH
Examples: math 10+3
Description: Calculates the solution to a math problem. Use +, -, / (for divide) or * (for multiply).

Matrix Possess

===Matrix Possess===
Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MPOSSESS
Examples: mpossess bob
Description: This skill will allow you automatically possess a new mob in the same room as the target player whenever the target moves to a new room. Just like possess, use QUIT to shut it down.


Domain: Fitness
Available: Abjurer(16) Alterer(16) Conjurer(16) Diviner(16) Enchanter(16) Evoker(16) Illusionist(16) Mage(16) Shaman(23) SkyWatcher(22) Transmuter(16) Wizard(16)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MEDITATE
Examples: meditate
Description: If the mage is in a quiet, sitting position, this skill will allow him or her to gain mana back at an accelerated rate.


Domain: Calligraphy
Available: Abjurer(1) Alterer(1) Conjurer(1) Diviner(1) Enchanter(1) Evoker(1) Illusionist(1) Mage(1) Transmuter(1) Wizard(1)
Allows: Fine Calligraphy
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MEMORIZE
Examples: memorize magic missile scroll
Description: By spending the necessary practice points or trains, a Mage may use this command to gain the ability to learn some spell that is written on a scroll. If the memorization is successful, the spell may be practiced and cast as normal, and the mage will gain experience based on the level of himself and the spell learned.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: USAGE  : MESMERIZE ""Target Name"" ""Task to perform"".

With a domineering presence, the vampire forces the target to perform a specific task.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Examples: metacraft wagon oak

metacraft wagon metacraft "every sword" bronze metacraft "every sword" metacraft "every sword" iron to file /items.cmare metacraft "all carpentry"

Description: This skill will allow you to create any item that is craftable from the numerous common skills. The item created may be made of a material specified, or automatically crafted by a random material valid to the appropriate skill. You can also specify the destination of the items, whether it be the room, your inventory, or an xml file.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(5)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Mana (55)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: mimcry orc
Description: The player begins to mimic the actions of the target, thus annoying them.

Mind Suck

===Mind Suck===
Domain: Grappling
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MINDSUCK
Examples: mindsuck orc
Description: The character begins to suck the brain out of the target for nourishment. If the target is following the character, or is otherwise bound or asleep, and can remain so, the character can begin to suck at the targets brain. After a short strain, the killing act is completed, and the character is relieved of any hunger.

Mist Form

===Mist Form===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MISTFORM
Description: You may transform into a mist. While in this form, you may not hold or manipulate items, perform certain actions or gain experience. However, you do gain the ability to fly and to move through closed doors that are not perfectly sealed. You also become impervious to most attacks.

The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.

Moderate Blightfire

===Moderate Blightfire===
Domain: Vexing
Allows: Vexing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: INFLICT
Description: Blightfire is a negative energy attack that saps the target of vitality.

Monkey Grip

===Monkey Grip===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Barbarian(35)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (85)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: monkeygrip supersword
Description: Short(s): MGRIP

This skill allows the fighter to wield two two-handed weapons as if they were one-handed. Dual Wielding skill would still be required in order to actually use the second weapon in combat. Wielding a two-handed weapon this way will cause severe loss of attack and damage bonuses, but those losses are in turn mitigated by proficiency and expertise.

Monkey Punch

===Monkey Punch===
Domain: Punching
Available: Monk(1)
Allows: Knife Hand Iron Punching Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, closed fist.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Theatre
Available: Charlatan(20)
Allows: Acting
UseCost: Mana (35) Movement (35)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: monologue
Description: The bard begins a dramatic monologue, causing everyone, friend and foe alike, to suspend all activity (including spell effects), until the bard is done. To maintain the monologue, the bard MUST say something at least every 4 seconds. If the bard leaves the room, or stops speaking, then the effect will end.

Morse Code

===Morse Code===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Sailor(6) Scholar(6)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Movement (56)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: morsecode I'm here at on my boat!
Description: This skill can be used to either tap on walls or flash a held light source in order to send morse code signals. The distance that the signals can be detected increase with expertise. Only someone else with the morse code skill can interpret them.

Mountain Tactics

===Mountain Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(14)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (64)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the mountains. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Mounted Charge

===Mounted Charge===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(16) Paladin(16)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Range 1 - Range 99
Examples: mcharge orc
Description: The fighter, from the back of a mount, rides at top speed at a target, delivering a deadly attack, but sacrificing armor.

Mounted Combat

===Mounted Combat===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Artisan(1) Barbarian(17) Cavalier(2) Fighter(11) Paladin(11) Ranger(11)
Allows: Animal Affinity Herding
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill helps negate the bad consequences of fighting from horseback or from a boat or other vehicle.

Mounted Leap

===Mounted Leap===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(18)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Movement (68)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: MLEAP
Examples: mountedleap east
Description: This skill allows either a mount, or a skilled rider of a mount to get the mount to leap through the air when entering the next room. While in the air, many traps will be avoidable. Expertise increases the distance traveled.

Mounted Tactics

===Mounted Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(12) Cavalier(12) Paladin(12)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (62)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting while mounted on a racial or favored mount.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable

My Plants

===My Plants===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Delver(1) Druid(1) Gaian(1) Mer(1)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: myplants
Description: A druid can, at will, become attuned to the plants which he or she has created through druidic magic. This ability allows the druid to perceive all of his or her magical plants still alive, and where they are.

This skill is most useful for Plant Pass and for creating a druidic connection to an area. A druid in a rural area has placed one of his or her plants in at least 50% of the rooms in an area will create a druidic connection to the area. See also Druidic Connection for more information on this phenomenon.

Druids also gain experience for placing their plants inside areas classified as cities. A certain number of plants per city per mud-month can be summoned for experience in this way.

Natural Weapon Proficiency

===Natural Weapon Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Dodge Kick
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with certain natural weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Naval Tactics

===Naval Tactics===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Sailor(21)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (71)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: ntactics follow
Description: From the deck of a big sailing ship, and during ship combat, the sailor can automatically set a course on his or her ship according to a particular combat tactic. The tactics include:

FOLLOW - Maintain a distance from the enemy ship equal to the current distance.

RETREAT - Maintain a distance just outside the enemy ships gun range.

FLEE - Flee from combat by sailing towards the closest escape route.

APPROACH - Get as close as possible to the enemy ship.

Ninth Totem

===Ninth Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.

Nipple Twist

===Nipple Twist===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Gaoler(5)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (55)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: nippletwist orc
Description: The player grabs the targets nipples and gives them a twist, causing the target to take a bit of damage, and feel a horrible amount of pain. Nipple Twist is also unique in that, while it may hurt a lot, it can never kill the target.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: GRAPPLE

Opponent Knowledge

===Opponent Knowledge===
Domain: Combat Lore
Available: Fighter(21)
Allows: Combat Lore
UseCost: Movement (71)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: sizeup orc
Description: The fighter's experience is used to determine a more accurate survey of a target's health, combat prowess, and defensive capability.

Orb Alur

===Orb Alur===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SWEEP
Description: This Drow fighting style focused on striking many opponents with one strike. Its users were valued and granted special privileges.

Pack Call

===Pack Call===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Beastmaster(30)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (80)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PACKCALL
Examples: packcall
Description: This powerful skill allows the druid, while in their animal form, to call on the aid of like animals during combat. The combat aid will always arrive in the form of animals one-step below the druids current animal form, and always in numbers reflective of their level and skill, as well as reflective of the druids leadership abilities. These animals are able to rescue the druid from his or her enemies on command. To do this, the druid needs only to order them to 'rescue'. Like many druid abilities, the druid must be out in the wild for this skill to work.

Paladin Skill

===Paladin Skill===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Paladin's Aura

===Paladin's Aura===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(19)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (69)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: When the Paladin's Aura begins to exude, it will act as the cleric spell Protection From Good/Evil for the paladin's group. Malicious spells and affects opposed to the Paladin's alignment will be repelled by the aura. Any anti-aligned players or creatures in the paladin's group will also be hurt by the aura.

Paladin's Corruption

===Paladin's Corruption===
Domain: Corruption
Available: Paladin(14)
Allows: Corrupting
UseCost: Mana (64)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Paladins wickedness becomes capable of enhancing any influence over his chaotic evilness that originates from an external source, such as holy magic. The Paladin must remain wicked for the corruption to endure, and the corruption will not enhance any intentional acts of wickedness.

Paladin's Courage

===Paladin's Courage===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(13)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (63)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: When the Paladin's aura of Courage begins to exude, the paladin and other good group members become immune to the Fear spells like "Spook", "Nightmare", and "Fear", and "Paladin's Fear".

Paladin's Fear

===Paladin's Fear===
Domain: Communing
Available: Paladin(13)
Allows: Communing
UseCost: Mana (63)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: When the Paladin's aura of Fear begins to exude, nearby non-evil non-group member creatures will periodically react to it in various ways, such as Fear, Spook, and bouts of cringing.

Paladin's Goodness

===Paladin's Goodness===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(24)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (74)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: When the Paladin's aura of Goodness begins to exude, it becomes almost impossible for evil to approach the paladin. Any evil group members or creatures within melee range will take severe damage from the aura of goodness, which grows more powerful as the Paladin gains levels.

Paladin's Mount

===Paladin's Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Paladin(7)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (57)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The paladin extends his protection to his or her holy summoned mount. When mounted on a mount, the mount has enhanced saving throws, especially against disease and poison, immunity to fear attacks, and protection from opposed prayers.

Paladin's Purity

===Paladin's Purity===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(14)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (64)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Paladins goodness becomes capable of warding off any influence over his goodness that originates from an external source, such as wicked magic. The Paladin must remain good for the purity to endure, and the purity will not protect him or her from intentional acts of wickedness.

Paladin's Resistance

===Paladin's Resistance===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(2)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (52)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the Paladin gains in levels, he or she becomes more and more resistant to magical, poisonous, disease, and other magical and non-magical attacks against him.

Paladin's Wickedness

===Paladin's Wickedness===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(24)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (74)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: When the Paladin's aura of Wickedness begins to exude, it becomes almost impossible for good to approach the paladin. Any good group members or creatures within melee range will take severe damage from the aura of wickedness, which grows more powerful as the Paladin gains levels.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PARALYZE
Examples: pray "remove paralysis" bob
Description: Removes any unholy paralysis from the target.

Paralyze Prey

===Paralyze Prey===
Domain: Grappling
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PARALYZE
Description: A Chuul that successfully pinches its opponent with a claw attack may attempt to paralyze its prey for a short time with its paralytic tentacles.


Domain: Evasive
Available: Arcanist(9) Artisan(1) Assassin(9) Barbarian(3) Cavalier(3) Charlatan(22) Fighter(3) Gypsy(9) Minstrel(14) Monk(3) Ninja(9) Paladin(3) Pirate(9) Ranger(3) Templar(6) Thief(9) Trapper(11)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Parrying is the ability to cancel an armed attack by an opponent using your own weapon. The character with this skill will parry the attacks of his or her armed opponents whenever possible.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch - Range 10
Examples: peacefully kill bob
Description: Allows the player to issue a command that would start combat, but then immediately end combat before things get out of control.

Phindar streeaka

===Phindar streeaka===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BERZERK
Description: This chaotic Drow fighting style is also a catch-all term for mindless violence used for battle. It is used by Drow berserkers, and disdained by most Drow captains.


Domain: Grappling
Available: Beastmaster(12) Monk(13) Trapper(20)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (62)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PIN
Examples: pin orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target and wrestles them to the ground in a strong, solid pin maneuver. For a short period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and too occupied to fight. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.


Domain: Deceptive
Available: Charlatan(15)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (32) Movement (32)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PLACEBO
Examples: placebo Sophie
Description: Through the power of prayer, the rougue can make the target feel like they've received a strong boost in health (which will vanish if they are damaged again)!

Plains Tactics

===Plains Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(24) Cavalier(24)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (74)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting on the plains. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Planar Defiance

===Planar Defiance===
Domain: Cosmology
Allows: Planar Finessing Planar Empowering Planar Extending
UseCost: Mana (85)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The players connection to reality is so strong that they create an aura around themselves and their group which is divinely defiant of damage absorbing effects on other planes of existence.

Planar Enemy

===Planar Enemy===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (85)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: A specific and instinctive hatred towards creatures from a particular plane of existence, granting an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.

Planar Lore

===Planar Lore===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(21)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (71)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: planarlore list

plore astral plore astral report

Description: Through extensive education, the player is able to recall a random bit of information about one of the planes of existence. Each level of expertise enlarges the types of information that can be recalled, though only one piece of information is recalled at a time. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however. The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud.

Planar Mount

===Planar Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Movement (85)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is so capable with favored or racial mount races that he or she can attempt to mount them on other planes of existence, even when that is normally impossible, and even when they aren't technically animals. The mount will attempt to buck them, but if the player also succeeds at Bronco Busting, then the creature will remain a permanent mount.

Planar Shifting Ability

===Planar Shifting Ability===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (966367641)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Planar Tactics

===Planar Tactics===
Domain: Cosmology
Allows: Planar Finessing Planar Empowering Planar Extending
UseCost: Movement (85)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting on another plane of existence. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Planar Veteran

===Planar Veteran===
Domain: Nature Lore
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (85)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Being a veteran of planar battle has taught the fighter many new tricks. Revisiting the planes periodically keeps him sharp in the ways of warfare. For each plane of existence the fighter has visited recently, he or she gains combat bonuses unique to each type of plane.

Plant Form

===Plant Form===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Available: Gaian(10)
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (60)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: plantform

plantform list plantform flower

Description: The druid gains the ability, through this skill, to take on the form of a plant. The plant form progresses as the druid gains in level.

Point Blank Shot

===Point Blank Shot===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Cavalier(12) Fighter(19) Ranger(12)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (62)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows a fighter to use a ranged weapon, such as a bow and arrow, at very close range.

Poison Immunity

===Poison Immunity===
Domain: Holy Protection
Available: Paladin(17)
Allows: Protecting
UseCost: Mana (67)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: As the Paladin's proficiency grows, he or she becomes more and more immune to poison and poisonous affects.

Poisonous Bite

===Poisonous Bite===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BITE
Examples: pbite orc
Description: This ability allows one to deliver a vicious mundane bite that does a bit of damage, but will also sometimes inflict a poison.

Polearm Familiarity

===Polearm Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with polearms they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Polearm Proficiency

===Polearm Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with polearms, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Polearm Specialization

===Polearm Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Assassin(19) Barbarian(1) Cavalier(1) Doomsayer(1) Fighter(1) Mer(1) Monk(1) Paladin(1) Ranger(1) Reliquist(1) Templar(8)
Allows: Polearm Striking Polearm Focus Weaponsmithing Polearm Slicing Polearm Piercing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a polearm master, gaining bonuses to attack when using a polearm in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level polearms if the focus expertise is taken.


Domain: Arcane Lore
Available: Charlatan(18) Oracle(8) Reliquist(7) Scholar(17)
Allows: Arcane Lore
UseCost: Mana (57)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is so knowledgable about divine magic that he or she can identify prayers cast in his or her presence by name. The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.

Reliquists have the ability to remember how to cast a number of prayers (based on level) learned through this skill.

Pressure Points

===Pressure Points===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Monk(11)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (61)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Gives the fighter a bonus to all damage during combat when fighting unarmed in melee.

Prison Assignment

===Prison Assignment===
Domain: Legal
Available: Gaoler(8)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Mana (58)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Description: This skill allows the player to convince the target officer to take a prisoner otherwise bound for an official jail cell to instead take the prisoner to a cell of the players prior designation. The convincing is done by paying the officer a sum, and the bribe will last for at least a full day, but will need to be renewed after each move. Before talking to the officer, the player should designate a room with a locked door as a prison cell by using SETPRISON. This does not legally make the room into an official jail cell for other purposes.

Prisoner Transfer

===Prisoner Transfer===
Domain: Legal
Available: Gaoler(13)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Mana (63)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the player to convince a targeted law enforcement officer to take the next bound prisoner to the player's location instead of to the intended judge. The convincing is done by paying the officer a sum of money, which will last for at least a full day or until a prisoner is transferred to the player, whichever happens first.

Psychic Projection

===Psychic Projection===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: You arc able to expand your consciousness to such a degree that you can separate your mind from your body. While in this state you can travel without the use of your body, journeying nearly anywhere on Earth. However, as your astral self reaches the outermost point of the Moon's orbit, you will encounter what has been referred to as the Limit of the Lunar Sphere - an impassable barrier.

The physical body left behind lies as motionless as if it were in torpor. Your mind stays with the astral self, and you have no way of knowing what is going on around or in your body. Indeed, for all you know, your body is in flames.

A silver cord, a diaphanous line grounding your consciousness to your body, connects your astral self to your real body. As long as this cord is not severed, you may enter QUIT to return quickly to your body. If this cord is severed during an astral mishap, you become completely lost and fully enter the astral plane, the realm of ghosts and shades. Finding one's body again requires an arduous and terrifying journey.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(25)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Mana (75)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: puppeteer [item name]
Description: This skill allows the player to animate one or more puppets. While animated, the puppets will fight for the player. However, the player is unable to attack or perform many other actions while animating the puppets. Puppets may be created with the carpentry skill. To stop animating a puppet, the player need only pick it up.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(3)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Mana (53)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: quickchange
Description: The bard is so adept at costume changes that he can seemingly instantly remove all of his gear (putting it who knows where), retrieve another costume (from who knows where) and put it on. This skill will swap what the bard is currently wearing with whatever gear the bard was wearing the last time a quick change was done. The gear currently worn when a quick change is done is magically stored away, no longer consuming bag space or encumbrance weight. Even cursed items can be stored in this way.


Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: QUILLS
Examples: quills orc
Description: Being covered in sharp quills, this ability will automatically harm an attacker who gets in range. It can also be used to project quills at a nearby enemy for extra piercing damage.

Racial Enemy

===Racial Enemy===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: A specific and instinctive hatred towards a particular kind of creature, granting an attack and damage bonus advantage against those creatures.

Racial Lore

===Racial Lore===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(12)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (62)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: raciallore list

rlore dragon rlore dragon report

Description: Through extensive education, the player is able to recall random bits of information about one of the many races. Each level of expertise enlarges the number of factoids recalled per attempt. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however. The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud.

Racial Mount

===Racial Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(1)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player has an innate natural affinity for certain mounts, and gains knowledge handling and riding those creatures. When riding such creatures, they move more quickly when on long trips, and can give and get items from horseback in some situations..

Racial Weapon Familiarity

===Racial Weapon Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with natural racial weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Rally Cry

===Rally Cry===
Domain: Singing
Available: Barbarian(16)
Allows: Rejoicing Singing Resounding Singing Echoed Singing
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: RALLYCRY
Examples: rallycry
Description: The Barbarian lets out a primal call to rally, inspiring all group members to draw from their inner strength. Those under the affect of the cry will be able to take more hits. The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.

Ranged Weapon Familiarity

===Ranged Weapon Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with ranged weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Ranged Weapon Proficiency

===Ranged Weapon Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Cover Defence Ranged Weapon Familiarity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with thrown and ranged weapons, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Ranged Weapon Specialization

===Ranged Weapon Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Assassin(1) Barbarian(1) Bard(1) Cavalier(1) Charlatan(1) Fighter(1) Jester(1) Minstrel(1) Missionary(1) Monk(1) Ninja(2) Paladin(1) Pirate(1) Dancer(1) Ranger(1) Templar(10) Thief(1) Trapper(1)
Allows: Weaponsmithing Fletching Ranged Focus Ranged Piercing Ranged Bashing Ranged Striking
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player becomes so specialized at thrown and ranged combat that they gain bonuses to attack when fighting from afar. Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.

Rapid Shot

===Rapid Shot===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Arcanist(14) Cavalier(7) Fighter(7) Ranger(7) Thief(14)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Rapid shot is the ability to make extra attacks per round whenever using a ranged weapon that requires ammunition, such as a bow or crossbow. The number of extra attacks will go up as the players level does.

Razor Pinch

===Razor Pinch===
Domain: Grappling
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: PINCH
Description: This ability allows a clawed creature to pinch and tear an opponent, causing pain to persist briefly after the initial attack.


Domain: Travel
Available: Cavalier(8)
Allows: Reduced Traveling Power Traveling Ranged Traveling Extended Traveling
UseCost: Movement (58)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: rearguard caravan
Description: The fighter volunteers to be a mounted rearguard for the given wagon or caravan. During this period, the fighter will automatically follow at a distance depending on expertise (the lowest being to stay in the same room). Should the caravan come under attack, the fighter will ride to their aid, and will have a small chance of automatically disrupting certain missile and siege attacks while present for the attack. The fighter can extend their rearguard duty by re-applying from time-to-time, or use STOP to end service.


Domain: Conjuration
Available: Abjurer(1) Alterer(1) Apprentice(1) Arcanist(1) Artisan(1) Assassin(1) Barbarian(1) Bard(1) Beastmaster(1) Burglar(1) Cavalier(1) Charlatan(1) Cleric(1) Conjurer(1) Delver(1) Diviner(1) Doomsayer(1) Druid(1) Enchanter(1) Evoker(1) Fighter(1) Gaian(1) Gaoler(1) Gypsy(1) Healer(1) Illusionist(1) Jester(1) Mage(1) Mer(1) Minstrel(1) Missionary(1) Monk(1) Necromancer(1) Oracle(1) Paladin(1) Pirate(1) Dancer(1) Purist(1) Ranger(1) Reliquist(1) Sailor(1) Scholar(1) Shaman(1) SkyWatcher(1) Templar(1) Thief(1) Transmuter(1) Trapper(1) Wizard(1)
Allows: Reduced Conjuring Power Conjuring Extended Conjuring Ranged Conjuring
UseCost: Mana (25)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: RECALL, /
Examples: recall
Description: The player calls upon the power of the gods to return to his or her place of origin, along with any npc group members present with him or her. Normal fleeing penalties apply during combat.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: RECORD


Examples: record gunther

record set filename /resources/users/bob/file.txt

Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can begin recording all activity of the target to a file in the local file system as if they were snooping them. You can set variables for the Next recording using the SET argument. Variables include:

filename - file to be written to

stripsnoop - whether to strip the target players name from line headers

stripcrlf - whether to strip all linefeeds from lines

Recover Voice

===Recover Voice===
Domain: Fitness
Available: SkyWatcher(16)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: recovervoice
Description: Short(s) : vrecover

This skill allows the druid to "shake off" any magical or other affects which may be preventing him or her from speaking and thus chanting.

Regional Awareness

===Regional Awareness===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Cavalier(24) Ranger(24)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (24)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: regional
Description: The player scans the horizon, getting a rough estimate of the lay of the wilderness around him or her. The depth of the map expands as the player gains levels. The key to the map is as follows:

~ water

T forest


J jungle

= city/street

M mountains

_ plains

. desert

  • here

x swamp

h hills


Domain: Arcane Lore
Available: Charlatan(8) Cleric(1) Doomsayer(1) Healer(1) Minstrel(5) Missionary(1) Necromancer(1) Oracle(1) Paladin(7) Purist(1) Reliquist(3) Shaman(1) Templar(1)
Allows: Arcane Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Skill  : Relics

Example  :

A magic relic is a holdable item that can be used to create divine magical prayer affects.

This skill allows one to effectively use a clerical "wand" or "staff"-like relic or scepter. To invoke a relic, it must first be held. Then the magic word is spoken to the target. For instance, if the magic word is 'zuy', you would enter the following to invoke your relic: sayto orc zuy. Using SAYTO instead of SAY is important because SAY might target the wrong person or thing. You can also use SAYTO NOBODY (magic word) to make sure you aren't targeting anyone.

If the prayer on the relic requires extra parameters, then you can include those after the magic words.

Relics generally require a small amount of mana to use, and less if the relic user is capable of learning the prayer cast by the relic.


Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Beastmaster(25)
Allows: Unarmed Striking Unarmed Piercing
UseCost: Movement (75)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: REND
Examples: rend orc
Description: While in his or her animal form (see ShapeShift), the Druid gains the ability to kick their way out of a pin, or rip open a target prone on the ground with his or her legs.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Barbarian(8) Cavalier(2) Charlatan(5) Fighter(5) Minstrel(8) Monk(5) Paladin(2) Ranger(2)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (52)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: RESCUE, RES
Examples: rescue bob
Description: Allows the fighter to step forward and encourage enemies targeting a group member to attack the fighter instead. The person taking the opponents damage during combat is commonly called the "tank".

Research Item

===Research Item===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Reliquist(15) Scholar(15)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (32) Movement (32)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: researchitem excalibur
Description: Inside a library or similar room full of books, the player attempts to research the location of some sought-after item.

Research Region Map

===Research Region Map===
Domain: Nothing
Available: Reliquist(14)
UseCost: Mana (32) Movement (32)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: researchregionmap midgaard
Description: Inside a library or similar room full of books, the player attempts to research the location of some distant area, and find rare overland region maps showing the relative locations of the areas along the way.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Params  : see Prop_HaveResister

Example  : see Prop_HaveResister

Desc.  :

Gives the mob skill-based resistances and immunities.

Return Projectile

===Return Projectile===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Monk(25)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (75)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Monk gains the amazing ability to catch arrows, spears, and other projectile attacks in mid flight, and then return them right back to his or her opponent. The Monk requires a free hand to perform this skill.

Reveal Text

===Reveal Text===
Domain: Street Smarts
Available: Reliquist(13) Scholar(8)
Allows: Street Lore
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: revealtext paper

revealtext book 3

Description: The player reveals any invisible writing on a book or document or other writing. It can be used similar to the READ command to select different pages of a book as well.

Revert Form

===Revert Form===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: REVERT
Description: This ability is not yet documented.

Revert Form

===Revert Form===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: REVERT
Description: A vampire may end all of their Protean abilities early through the use of this ability.


Domain: Neutralization
Available: Abjurer(1) Alterer(1) Arcanist(5) Beastmaster(1) Charlatan(2) Cleric(1) Conjurer(1) Delver(1) Diviner(1) Doomsayer(1) Druid(1) Enchanter(1) Evoker(1) Gaian(1) Healer(1) Illusionist(1) Mage(1) Mer(1) Missionary(1) Necromancer(1) Ninja(1) Oracle(1) Paladin(6) Purist(1) Ranger(6) Reliquist(5) Shaman(1) SkyWatcher(1) Templar(1) Transmuter(1) Wizard(1)
Allows: Neutralizing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Creatures Exits Rooms
Range: Touch - Range 10
Commands: REVOKE
Examples: revoke bob
Description: Mages, Clerics, and at later levels, Rangers and Paladins can revoke their magical abilities using the revoke command. Only one spell or prayer is revoked using this skill, usually the most recent spell.

Ride To The Rescue

===Ride To The Rescue===
Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Cavalier(22) Paladin(22)
Allows: Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (72)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: RRESCUE
Examples: rrescue bob
Description: When mounted, the fighter can swoop in to rescue a group member that is in combat, scooping them onto his or her mount and ending combat for that group member.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Cavalier(13)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (63)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch - Range 99
Examples: ridethrough
Description: When in mounted combat with an unmounted opponent in melee range, the fighter shows control of the field by riding through and past his or her enemy to a father range.

Righteous Defense

===Righteous Defense===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Paladin(21)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (71)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: If a Paladin witnesses well aligned creature being aggressed upon, the Paladin will instantly jump to its defense, taking the blows as per the 'Rescue' ability. This also automatically improves the Paladins alignment.

Roll With Blows

===Roll With Blows===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Barbarian(21) Fighter(16) Jester(25) Dancer(21)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: While in combat, this skill trims off some of the damage from normal melee hits.

Rope Disarm

===Rope Disarm===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Burglar(16) Cavalier(16) Jester(15)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Usage: ropedisarm ("TARGET NAME")
Examples: ropedisarm orc
Description: Short(s) : rdisarm

The fighter attempts to use a help or wielded rope to hook and disarm the target, slinging their weapon onto the floor and out of reach. To succeed, the player must be holding or wielding a rope, make their proficiency check, "hit" their opponent, and not be too underpowered compared to their opponent. When used against a slashing weapon, there is a chance of damaging the rope.

Rope Dismount

===Rope Dismount===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Cavalier(23)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (73)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: ropedismount orc


Description: If the fighter has successfully managed to lasso a mounted target, this command will let them dig-in and dismount the target as well.

See also LASSOING.

Rope Tricks

===Rope Tricks===
Domain: Binding
Available: Cavalier(3) Jester(3) Trapper(8)
Allows: Rope Use
UseCost: Mana (26) Movement (26)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Using this skill, a player can use a held or wielded rope or lasso to perform amazing ticks, which might cause an observer to throw the player a coin.

Rope Trip

===Rope Trip===
Domain: Binding
Available: Cavalier(15) Jester(9) Trapper(9)
Allows: Rope Use
UseCost: Movement (59)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 2
Usage: ropetrip ("TARGET NAME")
Examples: ropetrip orc
Description: Using this skill, a player can use a held or wielded rope or lasso to trip the target from several range units away.


Domain: Travel
Available: Cavalier(23)
Allows: Reduced Traveling Power Traveling Ranged Traveling Extended Traveling
UseCost: Movement (73)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: RUNOVER
Examples: runover orc
Description: While driving a caravan or similar large land wagon, this command can be used to aim the team at the given target mob in the same room as the caravan. When done, the next move from one room to another will potentially damage the target horribly under the wheels and hooves of the pulling team.

Sargh elgg

===Sargh elgg===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SARGH
Description: A Drow fighting style that focused on making use of the Drow race's natural agility, and on the use of one single light weapon. This was the only style open for the poor who lacked education options, but was also used by various clerics.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(19)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Mana (69)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SATIRE
Examples: satire cityguard
Description: This ability allows the bard to playfully mock and shame an officer of the law satirically, to his face. Any group members (other than him or herself) wanted for a crime in that area may be forgiven one warrant if the satire is successful. Unsuccessful satire will get the bard in trouble with the law. Even successful satire will occasionally cause trouble for the bard, depending on the bard's charisma.


Domain: Anatomy
Available: Barbarian(5)
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Movement (24)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: scalp body
Description: With this common skill, a dead body can be scalped, removing the top part of its head.


Domain: Anatomy
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Mana (25) Movement (25)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SCAR


Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SCAVENGE
Examples: scavenge body
Description: With this skill, a dead body can be scavanged for parts, especially the last bits of meat.

Scout Ahead

===Scout Ahead===
Domain: Evasive
Available: Cavalier(9)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (59)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SCOUT
Examples: scout east
Description: This skill allows the mounted rider to quickly and sneakily move through rooms and return back from where they came without being attacked. Expertise increases the number of rooms that can be moved through in one jaunt, but remember that speed and movement is also a limit on the success of making it back.

Sea Charting

===Sea Charting===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(10) Sailor(10)
Allows: Intercept Ship Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Sea Navigation Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (30) Movement (30)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: seachart add

seachart remove 1 seachart list seachart distance 2

Description: This skill allows the player to keep track of various points of the sea on his or her nautical charts, from within a boat or sailing ship. Use the ADD command to add your ships current location to the list of charted points. Use LIST to list all previous places added. Use REMOVE followed by one of the numbers from the LIST to remove an old point. Use DISTANCE followed by one of the numbers from the LIST to see the number of sea rooms between the ships current location and that nautical chart point.

Sea Legs

===Sea Legs===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(4) Sailor(2)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (52)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the player to remain on his or her feet despite certain magical or physical attempts to get them off their feel while on the deck of their ship. It also provides immunity to sea sickness.

Sea Lore

===Sea Lore===
Domain: Water Lore
Available: Mer(1)
Allows: Water Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Usage: automatic
Description: So long as the Druid is in the water, he or she will have a advantage in attack, damage, and armor adjustements.

Sea Maneuvers

===Sea Maneuvers===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Sailor(14)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (64)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: During ship combat, this skill will allow the player who passes their proficiency check to make sharper turns with their ship, even to going in an opposite direction at the end of a round. This allows the ship to make more maneuvers per combat round when changing directions.

Sea Navigation

===Sea Navigation===
Domain: Sea Travel
Available: Pirate(12) Sailor(12)
Allows: Ranged Sailing Reduced Sailing Power Sailing Extended Sailing
UseCost: Mana (31) Movement (31)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: seanavigate 3
Description: This skill works with the charts created with the Sea Charting skill to find the direction the player must steer their ship in order to reach a charted location. If the sailor has the authority and ability to set a course on a large ship, that will be done automatically. Otherwise, the directions from the current boat location will be given.

Second Attack

===Second Attack===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Arcanist(17) Assassin(15) Barbarian(9) Bard(17) Beastmaster(12) Burglar(17) Cavalier(9) Charlatan(17) Fighter(8) Gypsy(17) Jester(17) Minstrel(17) Paladin(9) Pirate(17) Dancer(17) Ranger(9) Reliquist(17) Templar(21) Thief(17) Trapper(17)
Allows: Third Attack Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (58)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Allows the affected character to deliver a second attack during their round. These attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.

Second Totem

===Second Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Available: Beastmaster(6) Mer(17)
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (56)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.

Secret Writing

===Secret Writing===
Domain: Calligraphy
Available: Scholar(11)
Allows: Fine Calligraphy
UseCost: Mana (61)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Sense Snares and Pits

===Sense Snares and Pits===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Ranger(20)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (70)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Ranger has the natural ability to sense snares, pits, and other kinds of traps while roaming around outdoors.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability is not yet documented.

Set Polearm

===Set Polearm===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Cavalier(5) Fighter(5) Paladin(5)
Allows: Polearm Striking
UseCost: Movement (55)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: setpolearm
Description: This fighting skill requires the use of a polearm-type weapon with maximum reach of at least 1. While set, the foot soldier will not advance or retreat in combat. Any attacks made against a mounted opponent will deal increased damage. Additionally, when a mounted opponent first enters into weapon range, the foot soldier will automatically attempt to dismount the rider. This skill cannot be used while mounted.

Entering the command a second time, dropping the polearm, sheathing the polearm or wielding an inappropriate weapon will unset the polearm, allowing the fighter to advance in combat once more.

Set Snare

===Set Snare===
Domain: Trapping
Available: Ranger(12)
Allows: Trapping
UseCost: Mana (31) Movement (31)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Rooms
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SETSNARE
Examples: setsnare
Description: The ranger carefully sets a snare on the outdoor room, tripping up and binding anyone who runs into it. Snares will be permanent on owned property.

Seventh Totem

===Seventh Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.

Shadow of the Bat

===Shadow of the Bat===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BATFORM
Description: You may transform into a bat. When in this form, you benefit from all of the obvious advantages, such as the bat?s ability to fly.

The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.

Shadow of the Rat

===Shadow of the Rat===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: RATFORM
Description: You may transform into a rat. When in this form, you benefit from all of the obvious advantages, such as the rat's small size.

The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.

Shadow of the Wolf

===Shadow of the Wolf===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WOLFFORM
Description: You may transform into a wolf. When in this form, you benefit from all of the obvious advantages, such as the wolf's ability to track.

The Revert Form ability is required to return to your normal form prior to the normal duration.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: SHAME
Examples: shame gunther

shame gunther 3 hours

Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can shame the target mob/player making them unable to effectively interact with shopkeepers or to be spoken to or about.

Shape Shift

===Shape Shift===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Available: Beastmaster(1) Druid(1) Mer(1)
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift

shapeshift list shapeshift cub

Description: Throughout his or her life, a Druid will have a particular creature which he or she may change to and from at will. By entering into this chant in any shape, the druid may change to their special animal form. The animal form will progress as the Druid gains in levels. Entering the command again allows the druid to revert to human form. A higher level druid may optionally specify a lower version of their form to assume that form instead. Use shapeshift list to see all available forms.


Domain: Arcane Lore
Available: Beastmaster(1) Delver(5) Druid(1) Gaian(1) Gypsy(3) Mer(1) Ranger(5) SkyWatcher(1)
Allows: Arcane Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Sharing of Spirits

===Sharing of Spirits===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: By staring into the eyes of an animal in your party, your spirit or conscious mind moves within the animal and possesses it. This allows you to control the actions of the animal and see through its eyes. To direct the animal's actions, simply say a command (e.g SAY NORTH) and the animal will attempt to perform that action, regardless of how distant the animal is from you. You may continue to perform actions while sharing your spirit with your animal.

Shield Bash

===Shield Bash===
Domain: Shield Use
Available: Barbarian(4) Cavalier(4) Fighter(4) Paladin(4) Ranger(4) Reliquist(6) Templar(14)
Allows: Shield Using AutoBash
UseCost: Movement (54)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BASH
Examples: bash orc
Description: The fighter uses their shield as a weapon, delivering an otherwise additional blow to the target in combat.

Shield Block

===Shield Block===
Domain: Shield Use
Available: Fighter(9)
Allows: Shield Using
UseCost: Movement (59)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: So long as the Fighter is holding a shield, he has a chance to totally block weapon attacks coming at him or her.

Shield Familiarity

===Shield Familiarity===
Domain: Armor Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Armor Optimizing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with shields they have crafted themselves, gaining an armor bonus from using the product of their own hands.

Shield Specialization

===Shield Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Barbarian(1) Cavalier(1) Fighter(1) Monk(1) Paladin(1) Ranger(1)
Allows: Shield Striking Weaponsmithing Shield Focus
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is adept with a shield, gaining bonuses to attack and damage when using a shield as a weapon in combat (such as Shield Bash). Can also allow the use of higher level shields if the focus expertise is taken.

Ship Lore

===Ship Lore===
Domain: Water Lore
Available: Artisan(1) Pirate(9) Sailor(9)
Allows: Water Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shiplore list

slore raging dragon slore "raging dragon" report

Description: Through extensive education, the player is able to recall random bits of information about a ship they can see. Each level of expertise enlarges the number of factoids recalled per attempt. Failing a proficiency check requires a few extra seconds of remembering, however. The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud. An attempt to recall information about a ship you cannot presently see will reduce or eliminate your chances of remembering, depending on expertise.

Shoot Web

===Shoot Web===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 5
Commands: SHOOTWEB
Examples: shootweb orc
Description: This spell will cause a glob of sticky web-like material to assault the target. The target will be unable to move until they can break free.

Shrug Off

===Shrug Off===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Barbarian(30)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Movement (80)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BRACE
Usage: BRACE
Examples: shrugoff
Description: The Barbarian braces him or herself for the next blow, allowing that blow to be shrugged off without any damage.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Charlatan(16)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SHUFFLE
Description: This strange but very useful skill allows the player to rearrange the order of the people in the room by running around and bumping into them.


Domain: Influential
Available: Scholar(17)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (33) Movement (33)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: SHUSH
Examples: shush orc
Description: The player is so intimidatingly adept at keeping others quiet, that he or she can give the universal SHUSH to a target and often make them agree to whisper and refrain from loud noises like spell casting for a time. This skill is limited outside of libraries and book stores, but more powerful inside them.

Side Kick

===Side Kick===
Domain: Kicking
Available: Monk(16)
Allows: Iron Kicking Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: So long as the Monk is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift side kick. This attack is only delivered to a combatant which the monk is not currently targeting, but with whom the monk is in melee combat all the same.

Siege Weapon Specialization

===Siege Weapon Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Sailor(16)
Allows: Weaponsmithing Siege Bashing
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a siege weapon master, gaining bonuses to damage when used during combat.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Sixth Totem

===Sixth Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.


Domain: Street Smarts
Available: Oracle(12) Scholar(11)
Allows: Street Lore
UseCost: Mana (61)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is so knowledgable about uncommon skills that he or she can identify skills in his or her presence by name. The players ability to identify more powerful skills will go up in level as he or she does.


Domain: Foolishness
Available: Jester(4)
Allows: Foolmaking
UseCost: Movement (54)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: slapstick orc
Description: This will cause the player to perform some random slapstick comedy to or for the target. The result will be a loss of mana, which the target will not even feel.

Sleeper Hold

===Sleeper Hold===
Domain: Grappling
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: sleeperhold orc
Description: On a successful attack, the fighter grabs the target about the neck from behind in a sleeper hold, which may cause the victim to fall asleep for a short time. For a period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and can't do much of anything else. During combat, attempting this move may allow your opponent a quick attack. The initiator can use "release" to release the hold.

Sling Proficiency

===Sling Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with slings, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.


Domain: Dirty Fighting
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SLIPPIFY
Examples: slip orc
Description: This skill causes the target to slip and fall.

Slow Fall

===Slow Fall===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Jester(12)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Mana (62)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: If the proficiency check is made, this player does not fall from high places, but floats instead.

Smoke Chakra

===Smoke Chakra===
Domain: Stealthy
Available: Ninja(20)
Allows: Stealthy
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "smoke chakra"

foc "smoke chakra"

Description: The ninja surrounds themself with an ethereal smoke, causing any thrown or physical ranged attack weapons in the room to slow in flight and do only half damage to the ninja.

Smoke Signals

===Smoke Signals===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(5) Scholar(5)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (55)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: smokesignals I'm here at the temple!
Description: This skill requires a fire to be built in the area, and it must be performed outdoors. This skill sends a smoke signal viewable throughout the entire area by those outside. Those with the smoke signal skill will be able to read the message in the signal.

Snap Kick

===Snap Kick===
Domain: Kicking
Allows: Iron Kicking Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: So long as the fighter is unarmed, he or she has this ability to deliver an extra attack per round using a swift, forward kick.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SOIL

Song of Serenity

===Song of Serenity===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This power allows you to expel the savagery from an animal or mortal, causing the target to become passive and listless. Simply by singing a song of comfort and solace to the Beast within, you can take from him that which gives him the fire of individuality and creativity.

When the Beast has been removed from an individual, he loses the will to fight or struggle. He cannot use or regain Willpower, nor can he resist any sort of attack upon him. Kindred are immune to this power.

Mortals and creatures who lack a Beast are prone to accept nearly anything which occurs to them in this state as completely normal and natural, evincing no reaction to it. Later they might wonder why they had no reaction, but often they avoid thinking about the situation at all.

Song Write

===Song Write===
Domain: Calligraphy
Available: Bard(15)
Allows: Fine Calligraphy Wise Crafting
UseCost: Mana (65)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: songwrite "rage" scroll
Description: This skill allows the bard to place any song he or she knows onto a scroll. Once placed on the scroll, the song may be sung off it. Song Writing is very draining on the bard however. The bard will lose some experience points for using this skill. Song Writing also requires that the caster be at full mana.


Domain: Arcane Lore
Available: Charlatan(6) Scholar(13)
Allows: Arcane Lore
UseCost: Mana (56)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is so knowledgable about bardic magic that he or she can identify magical songs sung in his or her presence by name. The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.

Soothe Mount

===Soothe Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(6)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Movement (56)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: soothemount horse
Description: This skill allows the character to cause a mount in combat, especially favored and racial mount creatures, to cease its hostilities. If the creature is naturally hostile, it will remain soothed for a brief period of time as well.


Domain: Arcane Lore
Available: Abjurer(8) Alterer(8) Arcanist(7) Charlatan(12) Conjurer(8) Diviner(4) Enchanter(8) Evoker(8) Illusionist(7) Mage(8) Scholar(15) Transmuter(8) Wizard(1)
Allows: Arcane Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is so knowledgable about arcane magic that he or she can identify spells cast in his or her presence by name. The players ability to identify more powerful magic will go up in level as he or she does.

Arcanists have the ability to remember how to cast a number of spells (based on level) learned through this skill.

Spread Apathy

===Spread Apathy===
Domain: Influential
Available: Gaoler(19)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (69)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: spreadapathy
Description: The character toggles whether they are in an aggressive state of apathy. In this state, they will be as under the effects of the Apathy disease, while also being immune to the real disease. As when diseased, however, speaking to others has a chance to spread the illness.

Spread Hate

===Spread Hate===
Domain: Influential
Available: Gaoler(16)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Usage: SHATE
Examples: spreadhate
Description: The character toggles whether they are in an aggressive state of hatred. In this state, they will behave in an angry, mean, or grumpy mood. Speaking to others about a particular race or gender, however, has a chance to give the hearer a disease of hatred of that group.

Spring Attack

===Spring Attack===
Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Barbarian(10) Dancer(11)
Allows: Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (60)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: sattack orc
Description: Short(s) : spring, sattack

The Barbarian delivers a quick damaging blow, then leaps backwards to a further position of range 1 or 2.


Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Artisan(1) Assassin(20) Jester(16) Pirate(16)
Allows: Master Trawling Acrobatic AutoCrawl Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the player to remain on his or her feet despite certain magical or physical attempts to get them on the ground.

Stable Mount

===Stable Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Cavalier(30)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (80)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: stable horse

stable list

Description: This skill allows the player, while either in a city, or a personal or clan home, to call for a stable boy to either take a mount away to a stable, or retrieve a mount from a local stable. The list argument can be used to show mounts stabled in that area.

Staff Familiarity

===Staff Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Staff Making Trip
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with staffs they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Staff Proficiency

===Staff Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Staff Familiarity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with staffs, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Staff Specialization

===Staff Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Druid(1) Gypsy(1) Reliquist(1)
Allows: Weaponsmithing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with staffs, gaining bonuses to attack when using a staff in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level staffs if the blunt focus expertise is taken.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Fighter(13)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (63)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: STANCE
Examples: stance offensive
Description: During combat, the fighter takes on one of the fighting stances he or she has been trained in. Each stance offers a small bonus to combat stats, but is also counterable by another stance:

Offensive : +attack, -armor, countered by Defensive

Defensive : +armor -attack, countered by Wild

Wild  : +damage, -attack, -armor, countered by Offensive

None  : cancels your fighter stance.

The fighting stance of your opponent, if any, can be seen only when combat has started.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The characters reputation always precedes them in an exaggerated fashion. For all of their factions, the world will react both normally, AND as if they are at one extreme or the other, depending on current leanings.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: STINKIFY
Examples: stinkify gunther
Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can cause the target to become 1 level stinkier than they were before.


Domain: Influential
Available: Monk(4)
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (54)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Having extreme discipline and control over his or her emotions, the character becomes immune to many mood altering expressions and effects.

Stone Body

===Stone Body===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Barbarian(25)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Movement (75)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The Barbarian has become so hardened to battle that he or she ignores 2 points from every damage roll taken.

Stone Chakra

===Stone Chakra===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Ninja(2)
Allows: Fitness Iron Chakra
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "stone chakra"

foc "stone chakra"

Description: By calling on the energy of the earth beneath them the ninja can take a stance as solid as rock, becoming immune to any attack that would knock them off their feet.


Domain: Alert
Allows: Vigilantly
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the player a chance, when in mountains, caves, or stone rooms, to spot hidden or trapped items or exits.


Domain: Deceptive
Available: Sailor(4)
Allows: Deceptive
UseCost: Mana (27) Movement (27)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: STOWAWAY
Examples: stowaway

stowaway new thalos docks stowaway 3

Description: The sailor packs himself into a shipping crate bound for overseas travel, and, after a long sea voyage, emerges on a different shore. If the sailor knows Sea Charting, he or she may be able to select the destination from his or her charts. Shorter voyages to more distant locations can be obtained through expertise. A failed skill check will seem to work fine, but the sailor will not end up where their charts said they would.

Strike The Set

===Strike The Set===
Domain: Theatre
Available: Charlatan(5)
Allows: Acting
UseCost: Movement (55)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Examples: striketheset
Description: The bard strikes the set of the room, making any and all items in the room appear to be gone, and the room empty.


Domain: Evasive
Available: Jester(6) Minstrel(18)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Mana (56)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: STRUGGLE
Examples: struggle
Description: The player wriggles and pulls to escape from bonds holding him or her. This skill can be used to more quickly become released from ropes, webs, nets, and other bindings. See also help on BOUND.


Domain: Evasive
Available: Fighter(6)
Allows: Evasively
UseCost: Movement (56)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SUBDUE
Examples: subdue orc
Description: The fighter uses finesse to avoid killing the target by making more strategic hits on the target. The actual damage will be minimal, but in reality the fighters damage will count towards subdueing damage. If carried through to the end, it will end up knocking the target cold instead of killing them. During combat, a smart fighter can examine his or her target and tell how close they are to being fully subdued despite the apparent actual damage done. Once knocked out, the target can not be killed until consciousness is regained.

Enter SUBDUE again to cancel this effect.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SUMMON
Description: With this power, you may call a person from a very great distance and that person will come to attend your desires. The subject of the Summons may not know exactly why he is walking across the room toward the cloaked stranger, but the Kindred?s powerful aura will completely entrance the subject.

Swamp Camouflage

===Swamp Camouflage===
Domain: Nature Lore
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability is not yet documented.

Swamp Tactics

===Swamp Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Barbarian(12)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (62)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in swamps. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Barbarian(16) Cavalier(18) Fighter(15) Monk(15) Paladin(23) Ranger(18)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SWEEP
Usage: SWEEP
Description: Allows the fighter wielding a slashing weapon to rear back and take a free whack at all opponents within range. Attack ability on such an attack is one half less and damage is one third normal.

Sweeping Trip

===Sweeping Trip===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Cavalier(22) Monk(22)
UseCost: Movement (72)
Quality: Malicious
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: SWTRIP
Description: Allows the fighter wielding a melee weapon with range to sweep low at all opponents within range, potentially tripping them.

Sweet Whispers

===Sweet Whispers===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: COMMUNE
Description: As a vampire gains expertise in Animalism, they may gain this ability to communicate with animals.


Domain: Fitness
Available: Abjurer(1) Alterer(1) Apprentice(1) Arcanist(1) Artisan(1) Assassin(1) Barbarian(1) Bard(1) Beastmaster(1) Burglar(1) Cavalier(1) Charlatan(1) Cleric(1) Conjurer(1) Delver(1) Diviner(1) Doomsayer(1) Druid(1) Enchanter(1) Evoker(1) Fighter(1) Gaian(1) Gaoler(1) Gypsy(1) Healer(1) Illusionist(1) Jester(1) Mage(1) Mer(1) Minstrel(1) Missionary(1) Monk(1) Necromancer(1) Oracle(1) Paladin(1) Pirate(1) Dancer(1) Purist(1) Ranger(1) Reliquist(1) Sailor(1) Scholar(1) Shaman(1) SkyWatcher(1) Templar(1) Thief(1) Transmuter(1) Trapper(1) Wizard(1)
Allows: Fitness AutoSwim
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SWIM

Sword Familiarity

===Sword Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Master Weaponsmithing
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with swords they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Sword Proficiency

===Sword Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Artisan(1)
Allows: Parry Half Attack Sword Familiarity
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with sword, gaining the ability to use them even if their current class training would not make it feasible normally.

Sword Specialization

===Sword Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Assassin(1) Barbarian(1) Bard(1) Cavalier(1) Charlatan(1) Fighter(1) Jester(1) Minstrel(1) Monk(1) Ninja(1) Paladin(1) Pirate(1) Dancer(1) Ranger(1) Templar(1) Thief(1) Trapper(1)
Allows: Sword Piercing Weaponsmithing Sword Slicing Craft Holy Avenger Sword Striking Sword Focus Craft Unholy Reaver
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a sword master, gaining bonuses to attack when using a sword in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level swords if the focus expertise is taken.

Tail Swipe

===Tail Swipe===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: tailswipe orc
Description: The character uses their tail to make a powerful swipe at the legs of his or her enemies with their tail. This will result in some damage, and possibly tripping them.

Telepathic Scanning

===Telepathic Scanning===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: SCANMIND
Description: You can probe the surface thoughts of any nearby subject and listen to them as you would listen to that person speak. Given enough time, you can learn nearly anything about the subject. For instance, you might be able to divine the sire of another vampire through telepathic scanning.

Tend Mount

===Tend Mount===
Domain: Anatomy
Available: Cavalier(7)
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: tendmount horse
Description: The character uses his knowledge of mount creatures, especially those favored or racial mounts, to attempt to heal them of poisons, diseases, bleeding, and other damage. Each session the character will do their very best for a period of time.

Tenth Totem

===Tenth Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.

The Beckoning

===The Beckoning===
Domain: Nothing
Allows: Summoning Mastery
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: BECKON
Description: The essence of the animal has grown strong in you, and now animals respond when you call to them. You are now able to summon nearly any species of animal, drawing them to you. The primary limitation is that you may not call animals of a specific species.

Animals called in this way are under immediate obligation to heed your commands, and using this ability will also confer the ability to speak with animals.

The Spirit Touch

===The Spirit Touch===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (25)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: With this power you may pick up an object and gain impressions of the object. This object reading is usually limited to a ?snapshot? of the tableau, but sometimes such things as the value, function and material. The Spirit's Touch can also reveal how the owner came to possess the item, or reveal what went on during the last moments the subject held the object. Due to the nature of the increased sensitivity, the Vampire may wish to wear gloves for the duration of this ability, to avoid being overloaded by sensations from the item's past, and remove the gloves when seeking to learn more about an item held.

Thief Honorary Degree

===Thief Honorary Degree===
Domain: Education Lore
Available: Scholar(18)
Allows: Educating
UseCost: Mana (68)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The scholar can activate an honorary degree in one of the classes whose base class is 'Thief', such as Thief, Assassin, Burglar, Arcanist, Pirate, and Trapper. When the scholar has Studied at least 4 skills qualified for by at least one of the qualifying classes, including those skills specified by the class, then the scholar will receive access to an honorary degree Title. The scholar can then use the TITLE command to select and use the honorary degree title. When one of these titles is in use, the scholar is permitted to enter areas normally only allowed to those of the qualifying class, and also gains the ability to pick up and equip items which would normally fly away from the scholars hands if normally attempted.


Domain: Street Smarts
Available: Charlatan(16) Oracle(16)
Allows: Street Lore
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is so knowledgable about thief skills that he or she can identify skills in his or her presence by name. The players ability to identify more powerful skills will go up in level as he or she does.

Third Attack

===Third Attack===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Fighter(18)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (68)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Allows the character to deliver a third attack during their round. These attacks will be slightly less effective than primary attacks.

Third Totem

===Third Totem===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Available: Beastmaster(11)
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (61)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: shapeshift 2

shapeshift lion shapeshift cub shapeshift 3 shapeshift 4

Description: As certain Druids gain in experience and skill, they may acquire new totems or animal forms which they may take on. By specifying the totem number or the name of the animal form, the druid may take on the new form. Just like the normal ShapeShift (see HELP SHAPESHIFT), the animal form will progress in power as the druid gains levels.

Throw Feces

===Throw Feces===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 10
Examples: THROWFECES Orc
Description: The player with this skill is able to reach around and produce feces on demand and then instantly throw it at the target. The feces wont do much damage, but has a chance of giving a disease, and soiling the victim.

Tie Down

===Tie Down===
Domain: Binding
Available: Sailor(7)
Allows: Rope Use
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: TIEDOWN
Examples: tiedown ship

tiedown untie ship

Description: The sailor uses special knots to tie down a boat or large sailing ship at an official boat dock. The knots can be easily removed by the original sailor using either this skill or Unbinding. However, anyone else will find it more difficult to figure out the knots.


Domain: Fitness
Available: Fighter(10)
Allows: Fitness Toughness II
UseCost: Movement (60)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints.

Toughness II

===Toughness II===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Fighter(14)
Allows: Fitness Toughness III
UseCost: Movement (64)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints. The hit points stack with those gained from Toughness.

Toughness III

===Toughness III===
Domain: Fitness
Available: Fighter(18)
Allows: Fitness
UseCost: Movement (68)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This ability toughens up the fighter, giving them extra hitpoints. The hit points stack with those gained from Toughness and Toughness II.


Domain: Combat Lore
Available: Charlatan(12) Ranger(1) Trapper(12)
Allows: Combat Lore
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: TRACK
Examples: track orc
Description: The ranger attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated target (not necessarily the closest)! When walking around, the Ranger will become aware of which direction seems best.

Track Animal

===Track Animal===
Domain: Combat Lore
Available: Ranger(3)
Allows: Combat Lore
UseCost: Movement (53)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: trackanimal
Description: The ranger, being a skilled hunter, may use this skill to track down the nearest unintelligent animal in the area.

Track Criminal

===Track Criminal===
Domain: Legal
Available: Gaoler(18)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Movement (68)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: ctrack bob
Description: The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated wanted criminal. When walking around, the player will become gather clues to which direction seems best. The number of adjacent areas is increased with expertise.

Track Friend

===Track Friend===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: ftrack bob
Description: The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated friend, which is a group or clan member! When walking around, the player will become aware of which direction seems best.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures Rooms
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: TRACKTO
Examples: ctrack bob
Description: The player attempts to find a trail leading from where he or she is at present, to the location of the indicated wanted criminal. When walking around, the player will become gather clues to which direction seems best. The number of adjacent areas is increased with expertise.


Domain: Racial Ability
Available: Barbarian(18)
UseCost: Movement (68)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 10
Commands: TRAMPLE
Examples: trample
Description: A larger creature, from at least a small range, can charge and trample a smaller one, ending up at a similar range. This will hurt the target, and leave them tripped.


Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Arcanist(11) Artisan(1) Assassin(11) Bard(13) Beastmaster(8) Cavalier(17) Charlatan(13) Fighter(14) Jester(13) Monk(8) Ninja(8) Paladin(18) Pirate(11) Dancer(13) Ranger(17) Reliquist(11) Thief(11)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (51)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: TRIP
Examples: trip orc
Description: The fighter attempts to trip the target, putting them on the floor for a short time. During that time, the tripped target is much easier to hit.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

True Shot

===True Shot===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Assassin(15) Cavalier(7) Fighter(8) Ranger(7) Trapper(11)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (57)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Gives the fighter an enormous boost to attack rating when using a ranged or thrown weapon in ranged combat.


Domain: Acrobatic
Available: Assassin(24) Burglar(23) Fighter(20) Jester(18) Monk(19) Dancer(15)
Allows: Acrobatic Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (65)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: TUMBLE
Examples: tumble
Description: Allows the fighter to avoid a couple of potentially painful hits in combat by tumbling around. This comes at the cost of some attack and damage capability, however.

Tune Instrument

===Tune Instrument===
Domain: Artistic
Available: Minstrel(5)
Allows: Artsy
UseCost: Mana (55)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Usage: TUNE
Description: The Bard tunes their instrument, which can provide bonuses to many songs which are played with it.

Turn Undead

===Turn Undead===
Domain: Death Lore
Available: Cleric(5) Healer(1) Oracle(5) Purist(1)
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: TURN
Examples: turn skeleton
Description: The good or neutral priest attempts to frighten the heck out of an undead creature. Depending upon the level of the priest versus the level of the creature, the effect of the skill may be to either frighten the creature away or cause it to be completely destroyed

Two Dagger Fighting

===Two Dagger Fighting===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Assassin(19)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (69)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: While in combat, this skill allows the player to attack with a second dagger in the hold position, assuming the player is in range for the second weapon. This skill also allows more frequent attacks when wielding two daggers. If the player also has two weapon fighting, then they will find they no longer suffer quite as much attack and damage penalty when using two daggers.

Two Weapon Fighting

===Two Weapon Fighting===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Assassin(12) Barbarian(3) Bard(14) Fighter(3) Monk(3) Pirate(12) Dancer(14) Ranger(4) Thief(12)
Allows: Two Dagger Fighting Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (53)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: While in combat, this skill allows the fighter to attack with a second weapon in the hold position, assuming the fighter is in range for the second weapon. The fighter suffers a small attack and a tiny damage penalty for using 2 weapons.

Undead Invisibility

===Undead Invisibility===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Allows the priest or paladin to walk among the undead without being assaulted.

Unearth Demography

===Unearth Demography===
Domain: Street Smarts
Available: Reliquist(7)
Allows: Street Lore
UseCost: Mana (28) Movement (28)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: unearthdemography start

unearthdemography stop unearthdemography

Description: By finding scraps and tracks, the demographer can make some determination of the types of inhabitants within the local area. The number of different types and information about each increases with level and expertise.

Unholy Mount

===Unholy Mount===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Available: Paladin(16)
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (66)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter's mount an edge in attack, armor, and damage when fighting a holy target while the fighter is mounted.

Unholy Strike

===Unholy Strike===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Paladin(4)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (27) Movement (27)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: unholystrike
Description: Wielding a melee weapon, the paladin calls down the power of the gods into a mighty attack for devastating damage on good targets.

Unseen Presence

===Unseen Presence===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (10)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Your powers of remaining unseen have become so potent that you can effectively cause yourself to disappear indefinitely and remain hidden even if you walk around.

Unwavering Mark

===Unwavering Mark===
Domain: Combat Lore
Available: Cavalier(11)
Allows: Combat Lore
UseCost: Movement (61)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: UMARK
Examples: umark orc
Description: This skill allows the fighter to issue a powerful challenge to the target, infuriating them. Any time the target attacks someone other than the fighter, the fighter will get an immediate counter-attack, and there is a chance the target will switch their combat focus to the fighter.


Domain: Theatre
Available: Charlatan(14)
Allows: Acting
UseCost: Mana (32) Movement (32)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: UPSTAGE
Examples: upstage
Description: The bard upstages his or her enemies, making them stop fighting who they were fighting, target the bard, and cross the room to reach him or her. The effect ends when they hit the bard, at which point they returning immediately to their previous target and range.

Urban Tactics

===Urban Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Fighter(21)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (71)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives one an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in urban areas. They can also hide themselves simply by sitting down on the ground and staying still for a few mins.

Vampiric Awe

===Vampiric Awe===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: When you employ this power, everyone near you becomes intensely attracted to you. They will do nearly anything to be close to you, although their fascination is not so complete that they will endanger themselves. The effects last for a while, but everyone will view you more favorably while they persist.


Domain: Travel
Available: Cavalier(13)
Allows: Reduced Traveling Power Traveling Ranged Traveling Extended Traveling
UseCost: Movement (63)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: VANGUARD
Examples: vanguard caravan
Description: The fighter volunteers to be a mounted vanguard for the given wagon or caravan. During this period, the caravan will automatically follow at a distance depending on expertise (the lowest being just a room or two ahead). Should the caravan come under attack, the fighter will ride to their aid, and will have a small chance of automatically disrupting certain missile and siege attacks while present for the attack. The fighter can extend their vanguard duty by re-applying from time-to-time, or use STOP to end service.

Vanish from Mind's Eye

===Vanish from Mind's Eye===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: VANISH
Description: Your power has advanced to such a degree that you may actually disappear from plain view. Even if you are standing face to face with a mortal, you may exercise this power and simply vanish. Those who witness such a disappearing act, especially mortals, are normally stunned with indecision for a turn. One member of a large group might be able to react (such as to fire into the space where the character vanished), but this is the exception. Moreover, mortals with low strength of will may actually forget that they every saw you at all.

Vengeful Glare

===Vengeful Glare===
Domain: Influential
Allows: Influencing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 2
Description: This ability is not yet documented.

Vengeful Strike

===Vengeful Strike===
Domain: Dirty Fighting
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (25) Movement (25)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Driven by blood, this powerful attack can only be used by someone who is currently bleeding.

Vicious Blow

===Vicious Blow===
Domain: Anatomy
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The warrior is capable of more crippling blows due to growing up in a culture that encourages sadistic experimentation. Critical hits scored by this character do considerably more damage than normal.


Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable


Domain: Arcane Lore
Available: Abjurer(1) Alterer(1) Arcanist(3) Artisan(1) Bard(3) Conjurer(1) Diviner(1) Enchanter(1) Evoker(1) Illusionist(1) Jester(5) Mage(1) Scholar(5) Thief(11) Transmuter(1) Wizard(1)
Allows: Arcane Lore Rodsmithing Wand Making
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable

War Cry

===War Cry===
Domain: Singing
Available: Barbarian(13)
Allows: Rejoicing Singing Resounding Singing Echoed Singing
UseCost: Movement (63)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WARCRY
Examples: warcry
Description: The Barbarian lets out a primal call to war, inspiring all group members to follow his or her banner. Those under the affect of the cry will deliver more damaging blows. The affect wears off when battle is concluded, or if battle is not joined swiftly enough after the cry is made.


Domain: Legal
Available: Artisan(1) Charlatan(9) Gaoler(9) Thief(23)
Allows: Legal Lore
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WARRANTS
Examples: warrants
Description: The player, using nothing more than local contacts and charismatic persuasion, gathers information about all warrants and wanted criminals. A filter name may be given.

Water Cover

===Water Cover===
Domain: Water Lore
Available: Mer(7)
Allows: Water Lore
UseCost: Mana (28) Movement (28)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WCOVER
Examples: wcover
Description: The druid slinks into the water, taking cover behind reed, seaweed, or simply blending in with the waves, all while remaining perfectly still. Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the room. Making any moves or sounds will negate the hidden advantage. The druid must be in or on the water for this skill to work. You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.

Water Tactics

===Water Tactics===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Sailor(16)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Movement (66)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill gives the fighter an edge in attack, defence, and damage when fighting in the water. The fighter can also hide themselves simply by resting in the water and staying still for a few mins.

Weak Energy Drain

===Weak Energy Drain===
Domain: Death Lore
Allows: Death Lore
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Weak Paralysis

===Weak Paralysis===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable

Weapon Break

===Weapon Break===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Barbarian(15) Fighter(12) Monk(13)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (62)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: BREAK
Examples: break orc
Description: The fighter will attempt the difficult maneuver of breaking the weapon of the target. See also help on SONG BREAK.

Weapon Catch

===Weapon Catch===
Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Fighter(23)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (73)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: This skill allows the fighter to thwart disarm attempts by catching his as it flies out of his hand.

Weapon Familiarity

===Weapon Familiarity===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is familiar with weapons they have crafted themselves, gaining an attack bonus from wielding the product of their own hands.

Weapon Proficiency

===Weapon Proficiency===
Domain: Weapon Use
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is proficient with all weapons, which negates any difficulties presented by class training that would normally not allow particular weapons to be used.

Weapon Sharpening

===Weapon Sharpening===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Fighter(4)
UseCost: Mana (54)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: sharpen sword
Description: The fighter sharpens the slashing or piercing weapon so that it will give a slight damage bonus during use. The weapon will remain sharp until it takes too much wear damage in combat.

Weapon Specialization

===Weapon Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Allows: Weaponsmithing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a weapon master, gaining bonuses to attack when armed. Can also allow the use of higher level weapons if the focus expertise is taken.

Well Dressed

===Well Dressed===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CAST

Whip Specialization

===Whip Specialization===
Domain: Weapon Use
Available: Reliquist(1)
Allows: Flailed Bashing Weaponsmithing Flailed Striking Flailed Slicing Flailed Focus
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: The player is a master of whips, gaining bonuses to attack when using a whip in combat. Can also allow the use of higher level whips if the focus expertise is taken. This specialization stacks with flailed specialization.


Domain: Martial Lore
Available: Fighter(5) Gaoler(5) Reliquist(15)
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (55)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: whipsmack orc
Description: When using a leather flailed weapon in combat, this skill will deliver a punishing blunt smack across the target's body, doing damage.


Domain: Dirty Fighting
Available: Fighter(17)
Allows: Dirty Fighting Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (67)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WHOMP
Examples: whomp orc
Description: The fighter attempts to deliver a massive blow to the target, causing them to instantly to fall unconscious for a time.

Wilderness Lore

===Wilderness Lore===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Artisan(1) Barbarian(1) Beastmaster(1) Delver(1) Druid(1) Gaian(1) Oracle(9) Scholar(9) Trapper(13)
Allows: Floristry Nature Lore Weaving
UseCost: Mana (51)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: wlore

wlore report

Description: Tells you what type of terrain you are presently in or on, and something about the climate. As expertise increases, you'll also be able to recognize the types of resources that places like this might provide. The REPORT argument will cause the results to be recited out loud.

Wind Chakra

===Wind Chakra===
Domain: Stealthy
Available: Ninja(4)
Allows: Smoke Chakra Ghost Chakra Stealthy
UseCost: Mana (50)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FOCUS, FOC
Examples: focus "wind chakra"

foc "wind chakra"

Description: By focusing chi, the ninja can speed up their chakras and increase the vibration of their physical body to become out of focus with the world, making them harder to land hits on.

Winged Flight

===Winged Flight===
Domain: Racial Ability
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: FLAP

Wolf Claws

===Wolf Claws===
Domain: Nothing
UseCost: Hit Points (50)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: You are able to grow an inch-long claw on each finger. These claws make excellent weapons in combat and can be used in many attacks. Wounds caused by the claws are especially vicious.

Woodland Creep

===Woodland Creep===
Domain: Stealthy
Available: Ranger(24)
Allows: Stealthy
UseCost: Mana (37) Movement (37)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WCREEP
Examples: wcreep
Description: The ranger creep slowly from bush to tree, remaining especially hard to spot. Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the area. The ranger must be in the wild for this skill to work. You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.

Woodland Hide

===Woodland Hide===
Domain: Stealthy
Available: Gaian(7) Ranger(14) SkyWatcher(5)
Allows: Camouflage Stealthy
UseCost: Mana (27) Movement (27)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WHIDE
Usage: WHIDE
Examples: whide
Description: The ranger attempts to creep behind a rock, or into a bush and remain perfectly still. Doing this makes them invisible to any other creatures in the room. Making any moves or sounds will negate the hidden advantage. The ranger must be in the wild for this skill to work. You can use the VISIBLE command to make yourself visible again.

Woodland Lore

===Woodland Lore===
Domain: Nature Lore
Available: Ranger(15)
Allows: Nature Lore
UseCost: Mana (65)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Usage: automatic
Description: So long as the Ranger is in the wild, he or she will have gain a advantage in attack, damage, and armor adjustements.

Woodland Sneak

===Woodland Sneak===
Domain: Stealthy
Available: Ranger(10) SkyWatcher(10)
Allows: AutoSneak Stealthy
UseCost: Movement (60)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WSNEAK
Examples: wsneak e
Description: So long as the Ranger is in the wild, he or she can use this skill to attempt to sneak in the indicated direction. If successful, he or she will not be seen when entering the room. Also, a sneak attempt automatically invokes a woodland hide attempt. The success of a sneak attempt can depend on the level of the mobs in the room the ranger is trying to sneak into, and on the rangers stealth expertise.


Domain: Archon
UseCost: Movement (50)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch - Range 1
Commands: WRATH
Examples: wrath gunther

wrath gunther !

Description: From anywhere on the map, the player with this skill can immediately knock another mob out of their shoes, depriving them of half of their hit points, mana, and movement in the process. If the "!" flag is added, an announcement of the wrath will also be made.

Wrist Lock

===Wrist Lock===
Domain: Grappling
Available: Monk(17)
Allows: Vice-Gripping Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Movement (67)
Quality: Malicious
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: Skill  : WRISTLOCK


Example  : wristlock orc

The fighter grabs ahold of his enemy s hand, immobilizing them. The pain from the wristlock is so intense, the victim may not use certain types of magic while the wristlock is held. For a short, period, both the fighter and the target are locked in struggle and too occupied to fight, other than performing grappling or dirty fighting maneuvers.


Domain: Calligraphy
Available: Abjurer(1) Alterer(1) Apprentice(1) Arcanist(1) Artisan(1) Assassin(1) Barbarian(1) Bard(1) Beastmaster(1) Burglar(1) Cavalier(1) Charlatan(1) Cleric(1) Conjurer(1) Delver(1) Diviner(1) Doomsayer(1) Druid(1) Enchanter(1) Evoker(1) Fighter(1) Gaian(1) Gaoler(1) Gypsy(1) Healer(1) Illusionist(1) Jester(1) Mage(1) Mer(1) Minstrel(1) Missionary(1) Monk(1) Necromancer(1) Oracle(1) Paladin(1) Pirate(1) Dancer(1) Purist(1) Ranger(1) Reliquist(1) Sailor(1) Scholar(1) Shaman(1) SkyWatcher(1) Templar(1) Thief(1) Transmuter(1) Trapper(1) Wizard(1)
Allows: Embroidering Engraving Fine Calligraphy Lore
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: WRITE, WR
Description: Skill  : WRITE


Available: ALL

Example  : write parchment From recall, go nseeseenwesee

This skill allows one to write ordinary messages onto ordinary paper, parchments, and similar writing material. The language the player will write in will depend on which language the player is currently SPEAKing.

When writing on a journal, you need not specify any parameters when using this command.

Zhar thalack

===Zhar thalack===
Domain: Animal Affinity
Allows: Animal Affinity
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: A Drow mounted combat style, used by the cavalry.

Zress a thalak

===Zress a thalak===
Domain: Martial Lore
Allows: Martial Lore Combat Fluidity
UseCost: Mana (10)
Quality: Always Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Description: A Drow fighting style that put emphasis on physical strength over accuracy.