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==Polearm Weapons==
==Polearm Weapons==
Polearms, or pole weapons, are generally metal heads mounted to the end of a long pole.  As such, these weapons often have a reach value.  Some polearms, such as pikes, may also have a minimum range in which the weapon can be used, meaning that they cannot be used in melee (range 0) range.  Pole weapons are ideal for party members in formation behind a party leader, allowing the party leader to tank the damage, while the pole user fights over their shoulders.
[[Category:Weapons by Weapon Type]]
[[Category:Weapons by Weapon Type]]

Latest revision as of 03:59, 20 April 2018

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Polearm Weapons

Polearms, or pole weapons, are generally metal heads mounted to the end of a long pole. As such, these weapons often have a reach value. Some polearms, such as pikes, may also have a minimum range in which the weapon can be used, meaning that they cannot be used in melee (range 0) range. Pole weapons are ideal for party members in formation behind a party leader, allowing the party leader to tank the damage, while the pole user fights over their shoulders.