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Revision as of 12:44, 27 September 2017

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===Adventurer's Guidebook to Health and Nutrition===
Type: Other Item Level: 1
Readable Text: Personal Health and Fitness

When you are going into battle, always remember to have eaten and drank. If you go into battle HUNGRY and THIRSTY, your hit and damage ability will be severely reduced. If you don't believe me, go fight while you're hungry and thirsty, then eat and drink something while you're fighting. Notice the difference? Exactly. Oh, and always keep in mind where you are. In a hot place? Well it'll dry you out and you'll get thirsty faster, etc. You can starve to death, too. Hehe.

What? Empty water container AND you're out of food? Blasphemy! It's useful to have the FORAGE and DRILLING skills. You can FORAGE for a quick snack, and you can DRILL for water to put into your container. It's as simple as that. You won't always be in an area where you can snag a quick pot pie...

On the notion of physical health, every now and then I recommend you take five and SLEEP. You don't want to get fatigued and start yawning. It is contagious and may aggravate people who are in the same room as you. SLEEPing is also the fastest way to recover lost HIT POINTS,MANA and MOVEMENT. If you have an available bed or sleeping bag, you will regain points even faster when SLEEPing in it. SITting or RESTing is the next best way to recover lost points, while still maintaining awareness of your surroundings. Be sure to STAND after SITting for a while, otherwise you will suffer penalties in combat, and CRAWL from room to room.


Weight: 1 Material: Paper
Base Value: 5 gold coins Area: Mud School
Is Magical (Y/N)?: N Magic Level:
Is Invisible (Y/N)? N Is Hidden (Y/N)?: N
Is Glowing (Y/N)?: N Is a Light Source (Y/N)?: N
Other Affects: Has the following magical properties:

A Prize

Is Crafting Learnable (Y/N)?: N Crafting Skill/Level: