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The Praetor Class is the path of the Immortal.  It starts when a player is accepted by an Archon as worthy of Immortal status.  As an Immortal, your character can no longer die, and gains build powers based on the level of the Immortal.  Immmortal levels are gained by completing [[ArchonicFeats|Archonic Feats]].
{| style="border: 1px solid #c6c9ff; border-collapse: collapse;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="1" width="100%" <div class="left" style="width: auto; Margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
! colspan="3" style="background:#CC9933"|  ===Praetor===
| Description:
| colspan="2"| The Praetor Class is the path of the Immortal.  It starts when a player is accepted by an Archon as worthy of Immortal status.  As an Immortal, your character can no longer die, and gains build powers based on the level of the Immortal.  Immmortal levels are gained by completing [[ArchonicFeats|Archonic Feats]].
! Total Level /
Praetor Level
! Class Display
! Available Commands
| 91/0
| Praetor
| Specific powers assigned by Archon mentor.
Can't build items higher than their areas levels.

((Loki is still developing this page))
Can't staff areas above level 70 to a Mortal Builder.
91: Mortal Builder
| 92/1
Can't build items higher than their areas levels.
| Champion
Can't staff areas above level 70 to a Mortal Builder
| abovelaw &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ahelp &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; sysmsgs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; immort &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; mxptags &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; where &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area copyitems &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area copyrooms &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area copymobs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area GOTO &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area purge &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area reset &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area cmdrooms &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area cmdmobs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area cmditems &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area reset &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area cmdexits
92: Champion
area copyitems
area copyrooms
area copymobs
area GOTO
area purge
area reset
area cmdrooms
area cmdmobs
area cmditems
area reset
area cmdexits
(Assignment of 1 or more areas as Staff)
(Assignment of 1 or more areas as Staff)
93: Guardian  
| 93/2
| Guardian  
| announce &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; dumpfile &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; hush &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; listadmin &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; possess &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; chargen
| 94/3
| Arbiter  
| banish &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; goto &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; metacraft &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; transfer &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; stat
94: Arbiter  
| 95/4
| Quaestor  
| cmdquests &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; area order &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; restring &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; trailto &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; loadunload
| 96/5
| Creator
| at &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; order &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; killbugs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; killideas &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; killtypos &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; killtasks &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; killassist &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; archon_wrath &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cmdrooms &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cmditems &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cmdmobs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; copyitems &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; copyrooms &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; copymobs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; reset &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cmdexits
95: Quaestor  
| 97/6
area order
| Executor
| beacon &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; carryall &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; boot &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; sessions
| 98/7
| Implementor
96: Creator
| cmdsocials &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; snoop &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; killdead &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; superskill &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cloak &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; journals
| 99/8
| Avatar
| cmdraces &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ban &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; after &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cmdareas &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; cmdclans &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; importitems &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; importmobs &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; export &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exportfile
97: Executor
98: Implementor
99: Avatar


Revision as of 04:50, 26 April 2017

Administrator                                                  Builder                                                              Player
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Description: The Praetor Class is the path of the Immortal. It starts when a player is accepted by an Archon as worthy of Immortal status. As an Immortal, your character can no longer die, and gains build powers based on the level of the Immortal. Immmortal levels are gained by completing Archonic Feats.
Total Level /

Praetor Level

Class Display Available Commands
91/0 Praetor Specific powers assigned by Archon mentor.

Can't build items higher than their areas levels.

Can't staff areas above level 70 to a Mortal Builder.

92/1 Champion abovelaw      ahelp      sysmsgs      immort      mxptags      where      area copyitems      area copyrooms      area copymobs      area GOTO      area purge      area reset      area cmdrooms      area cmdmobs      area cmditems      area reset      area cmdexits

(Assignment of 1 or more areas as Staff)

93/2 Guardian announce      dumpfile      hush      listadmin      possess      chargen
94/3 Arbiter banish      goto      metacraft      transfer      stat
95/4 Quaestor cmdquests      area order      restring      trailto      loadunload
96/5 Creator at      order      killbugs      killideas      killtypos      killtasks      killassist      archon_wrath      cmdrooms      cmditems      cmdmobs      copyitems      copyrooms      copymobs      reset      cmdexits
97/6 Executor beacon      carryall      boot      sessions
98/7 Implementor cmdsocials      snoop      killdead      superskill      cloak      journals
99/8 Avatar cmdraces      ban      after      cmdareas      cmdclans      importitems      importmobs      export      exportfile

Advancement Mortal Builder: 1 Archon gives player AREA SUBOP flag. 91->92 Majority Vote of the Archons 92->93 Complete 3 Archonic Feats, convince 1 Archon and 5 Players to attend a ceremony of promotion (1 Week pre-list of attendees) 93->94 Complete 3 more Archonic Feats 94->95 Complete 3 more Archonic Feats 95->96 Complete 4 more Archonic Feats 96->97 Complete 4 more Archonic Feats 97->98 Complete 5 more Archonic Feats 98->99 Complete 6 more Archonic Feats 99->A! After 6 months, a vote to promote is held by Archons. If the vote fails, the player is demoted to 91 subject to the no-voting Archons discression.

Archonic Feats - Completion of all feats is subject to approval of at least 1 Archon, - who will record the feat completed and the date in the Journal of Feats - Definitions: "player" == human being, "character" == unique login name 1 Handling a troublemaker to an Archons satisfaction 2 Making an original 10 room or larger area. 3 Coffeemudifying an existing area of up to 50 rooms. 4 Making an original 50 room or larger area 5 Making an original 100 room or larger area. - Area is subject to approval of 2 Archons. 6 Making an area larger than 100 rooms. - Area is subject to approval of 2 Archons. 7 Coffeemudifying an existing area of over 50 rooms. - Area is subject to approval of 2 Archons. 8 Writing a MOBPROG to give personality to a mob 9 Writing at least a 1 page book for the mud. 10 1 year anniversary as an admin. 11 Creating a timed Quest and a scripted quest 12 Creating 2 scripted Quests and 2 timed Quests 13 Running a manual quest of at least 5 players - An Archon must be present to confirm the interaction. 14 Using possess to animate a mob to directly interact with a player for an - hour -- role playing! An Archon must be present to confirm the interaction. 15 Submitting an idea for a new quest reward item to buy with quest points. 16 Logging in for 30 days in a row and helping newbies for at least 30 minutes per visit. - socializing, answering questions, teaching, for at least 5 hours 17 Correcting 10 tasks/typos - Tasks/Typos must be submitted to an Archon in email for confirmation. 18 Correcting 25 tasks/typos (see 17) - Tasks/Typos must be submitted to an Archon in email for confirmation. 19 Exposing a major exploit (repeatable) 20 Recruiting 3 players to level 15 21 Having a party of at least 10 people, and entertaining them for that time. 22 Reaching 2000th char hour 23 Feat for reaching level 30 in a subclass (Fighter, Barbar, etc) - that has not been played before. This feat may be repeated. - Each subclass may be on the same or different characters. - Multiplaying subclasses to complete this feat is not allowed. 24 Making a MUDCHAT.DAT type file for one or more mobs in the game 25 Logging in for 60 days in a row and helping newbies for at least 30 minutes per visit. - socializing, answering questions, teaching, for at least 5 hours 26 Finding 10 new MSP sounds for things currently silent 27 Finding 25 new MSP sounds for things currently silent 28 Finding 50 new MSP sounds for things currently silent 29 Utilizing some new coded builder feature in the mud 30 5 ideas get submitted and eventually coded 31 10 bugs fixes or code typos get submitted and eventually fixed - For credit, the list must be submitted via email to an Archon - after they are in production. The list should mention the date of - original submission (this means you should keep a private list of your - submissions). 32 10 ideas get submitted and eventually coded - For credit, the list must be submitted via email to an Archon - after they are in production. The list should mention the date of - original submission (this means you should keep a private list of your - submissions). 33 20 bug fixes or code typos get submitted and eventually fixed - For credit, the list must be submitted via email to an Archon - after they are in production. The list should mention the date of - original submission (this means you should keep a private list of your - submissions). 35 Recruiting 10 players (not characters -- PLAYERS) to level 15 36 Coffeemudifying 5 existing areas of up to 50 rooms. 37 Coffeemudifying 3 existing areas of 50 rooms or more. 38 Coffeemudifying 10 existing areas of up to 50 rooms. 39 Coffeemudifying 6 existing areas of 50 rooms or more. 40 Creating 3 timed Quests 41 Creating 3 scripted Quests 42 Running 5 manual quests of at least 5 players - An Archon must be present for all to confirm the interaction. 43 Coffeemudifying 25 existing areas of up to 50 rooms. 44 Coffeemudifying 12 existing areas of 50 rooms or more. 45 Creating 10 timed Quests 46 Creating 10 scripted Quests 47 Running 25 manual quests of at least 5 players - An Archon must be present for all to confirm the interaction. 48 Finding 15 new MXP images (70x70) for things currently blank OR default 49 Finding 30 new MXP images (70x70) for things currently blank OR default 50 Finding 60 new MXP images (70x70) for things currently blank OR default 51 Completing any task devised by an Archon which two Archons deem feat-worthy. 52 20 ideas get submitted and eventually coded - For credit, the list must be submitted via email to an Archon - after they are in production. The list should mention the date of - original submission (this means you should keep a private list of your - submissions). 53 Correcting 50 tasks/typos (see 17) - Tasks/Typos must be submitted to an Archon in email for confirmation.