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Latest revision as of 06:58, 10 November 2014

AHELP This is the command that Archons will use to get help on all of the commands in this section, on various administrative topics, and on all of the various building "tools" discussed elsewhere in this document, including such things as behaviors and properties. The atopics command can give you a comprehensive list of all the topics you can get help on with ahelp.

ANNOUNCE If there is some message you wish to give to everyone presently on your mud, this is the surest way to make sure they receive it.

AFTER This command lets the Archon do things after an elapsed time, or even periodically.

AS This command lets the Archon do anything as another player.

AT This command lets the Archon do anything anywhere, regardless of where he is!

BAN Deadly, but necessary, this command allows you to specify player names, or partial player names, or IP addresses or IP ranges that you wish to keep OUT of your mud.

BEACON The beacon command is used to change the unique home, start room, or recall room of either the Archon, or some targeted player. Rarely used, it is typically invoked only as reward for a player or perhaps a lesser admin.

BOOT If a player becomes troublesome, or you just want them to go away, you will use this power to knock them temporarily out of your mud, regardless of where they are in your world. To make them STAY away, you will have to investigate commands such as destroy or ban.

CATALOG This is a powerful command for managing templates for your customized mobs and items. This is discussed in more depth below in a section just before Appendix A.

CHARGEN This little tool accepts a character class name and a level, and it shows you the stats of an "average" player of that class and level. Although it's not a vital administration tool, CharGen can be a helpful aid in the construction of monsters, perhaps.

CLOAK This command makes the player unlisted in commands like who, chanwho, and on web player lists.

COPY Depending on the argument, this command can make copies of almost anything in your mud, from rooms to monsters and items. The thing you want to copy must exist somewhere in the world for you to properly copy it. You can even specify how many things you wish to copy, for those moments when one pot pie just won't do.