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*This area creates a random city instance upon entering the area. MOBs in this instance will be level-appropriate to the first person of the group who entered.  Each group will spawn their own instance.  Instances automatically reset after about 15 minutes of inactivity, or can be manually reset by going to the first room (entry room) of the instance and issuing the command SAY RESET INSTANCE.

Latest revision as of 18:58, 14 November 2023

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===Southern City of Mystery===
Description: Nomadic cities pop-up overnight in the Sands of Sorrow. Travellers can find rare, exotic goods in these locations from time to time. (This instance scales for levels 10-18 characters.)
Author: Loki Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: Varies Population: Varies
LevelRange: Varies MedianLevel: Varies
AvgAlign: pure neutral MedAlignment: pure neutral
Recommendation: Recommended for level 10-18 characters who enjoy a city setting!

Useful Items


Connected Areas




  • This area creates a random city instance upon entering the area. MOBs in this instance will be level-appropriate to the first person of the group who entered. Each group will spawn their own instance. Instances automatically reset after about 15 minutes of inactivity, or can be manually reset by going to the first room (entry room) of the instance and issuing the command SAY RESET INSTANCE.