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(Created page with "{{AreaTemplate|Name=Valley of the Titans|Description=The Valley of the Titans is home to a huge Giant civilization. The moated capitol city sits deep within the pristine valle...")
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*The altar of the Temple of Titans Valley has been infused with goodness of [[Paran(Deity)|Paran]], while the entrance to the Temple of Titans Valley has been infused with the evilness of [[Paran(Deity)|Paran]].


Revision as of 15:19, 14 November 2023

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===Valley of the Titans===
Description: The Valley of the Titans is home to a huge Giant civilization. The moated capitol city sits deep within the pristine valley.
Author: Xavier Currency: Alramian
Rooms: 139 Population: 114
LevelRange: 28-36 MedianLevel: 31
AvgAlign: evil MedAlignment: pure evil
Economy: The shopkeepers use Alramian Crowns as currency.
Languages: GIGANTIC is the language of the land, although some shopkeepers speak common, and there are inhabitants of many races.
Recommendation: Recommended for level 30-34 city-dwelling adventurers.

Useful Items


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  • The altar of the Temple of Titans Valley has been infused with goodness of Paran, while the entrance to the Temple of Titans Valley has been infused with the evilness of Paran.


