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Latest revision as of 20:22, 11 July 2023

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===The Summoning Tower Apex===
Description: The apex of the summoning tower can only be reached by those few who have unravelled the challeges of its lower core levels. Hanging platforms and walkways extend into the unknown darkness within the apex. Intense indoor storms rage at pivotal points on these platforms. These points of power are where the greatest summoners are able to summon what should not be allowed. A reason exists for the natural limitations that the summoners defy. They assuredly regret their transgressions. But the tower cares not. It observes at a distance, as it always has.
Author: Din Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 107 Population: 51
LevelRange: 74-80 MedianLevel: 78
AvgAlign: somewhat evil MedAlignment: evil
Recommendation: Recommended for levels 77 through 80.

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