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{{ClassTemplate|Name=Paladin|Description=Paladins are holy fighters, possessing many of the traits of both Fighters and Clerics, though in less intensity than either class alone. They may learn Cleric
=How to Play=
spells at higher levels, and possess numerous fighting techniques. Their weapons and armor choices are unlimited, but Paladins are restricted to a good alignment.
Paladins need to carefully control their alignment and inclination. A paladin that is no longer Lawful Good will become a Fallen Paladin until they return to Lawful Good or become an Anti-Paladin at Chaotic Evil. Many paladin abilities are exceptionally powerful to make up for this impediment to game play.

How to play: Paladin's have the potential of being the most powerful of classes, and the most desired of group members.  Their powerful combat skills and auras of power make them the perfect tanks
Paladins should choose a deity befitting their beliefs. A high level paladin can create a holy avenger, a weapon of the same type as their [[Deities(CoffeeMUD)|deity]], that is exceptionally powerful, so the exact weapon type may play into deity selection.
for groups, especially since their Cleric healing abilities can allow them to fill this gap in a group.  Alone, they can also flourish, vanquishing evil with the efficiency of the fighter.

The only weakness of the Paladin is his reliance on goodness.  In most muds, this limits his adventuring choices greatly.  However, his strengths for lasting and winning in combat are so broad, he
=Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness=
will quickly advance.
|PrimeStat=Strength|Qualifications=Wisdom 9+, Strength 9+|Practices=3 +(Wisdom/6) per level|Trains=4 +1 per level|Hitpoints=20 +(Con/2)+(2d6) per lvl|Mana=100 +(Int/8)+(1d3) /lvl|Movement=100
+12X(Str/18) per lvl|Attack=+(Str/18) per level|Damage=+1 damage per 30 level(s)|MaxStat=Strength (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)|Bonuses=Receives bonus conquest and duel experience.|Weapons=May use
any weapons.|Armor=May wear any armor.|Limitations=Must remain good to avoid spell/skill failure chance.|StartingEq=a short sword|Races=[[Human|Human]]
|Languages=|level1=([[Specialization_Polearm|Polearm Specialization]]) ([[Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Specialization]]) ([[Specialization_Axe|Axe Specialization]])
*You must have a lawful inclination and good alignment to train into Paladin.
([[Specialization_Ranged|Ranged Weapon Specialization]]) [[Specialization_Armor|Armor Specialization]] ([[Specialization_Natural|Hand to hand combat]]) ([[Specialization_Hammer|Hammer
Specialization]]) [[Skill_Write|Write]] [[Paladin_HealingHands|Healing Hands]] ([[Skill_Swim|Swim]]) [[Specialization_Sword|Sword Specialization]] [[Specialization_Shield|Shield Specialization]]
([[Specialization_FlailedWeapon|Flailing Weapon Specialization]]) ([[Bandaging|Bandaging]]) ([[SmokeRings|Smoke Rings]]) [[Skill_Recall|Recall]] ([[Specialization_BluntWeapon|Blunt Weapon
Specialization]]) ([[Foraging|Foraging]]) ([[Digging|Gem Digging]]) ([[Drilling|Drilling]]) ([[Fishing|Fishing]]) ([[Herbology|Herbology]]) ([[Hunting|Hunting]]) ([[Shearing|Shearing]])
|level2=([[Fighter_Rescue|Rescue]]) ([[Paladin_ImprovedResists|Paladin's Resistance]]) ([[Lacquerring|Lacquering]]) ([[Embroidering|Embroidering]]) ([[Dyeing|Dyeing]]) ([[Butchering|Butchering]])
([[Engraving|Engraving]]) ([[Cooking|Cooking]]) ([[Chopping|Wood Chopping]]) |level3=([[Fighter_ArmorTweaking|Armor Tweaking]]) [[Skill_Parry|Parry]] [[FireBuilding|Fire Building]]
([[Blacksmithing|Blacksmithing]]) ([[ClanCrafting|Clan Crafting]]) ([[Tailoring|Tailoring]]) ([[LeatherWorking|Leather Working]]) ([[Carpentry|Carpentry]]) |level4=([[Skill_Bash|Shield Bash]])
([[Searching|Searching]]) ([[Paladin_HolyStrike|Holy Strike]]) ([[Mining|Mining]]) ([[Weaving|Weaving]]) ([[Pottery|Pottery]]) ([[Costuming|Costuming]]) ([[Sculpting|Sculpting]])
([[Distilling|Distilling]]) |level5=([[Paladin_SummonMount|Call Mount]]) ([[Prayer_CureLight|Cure Light Wounds]]) ([[Painting|Painting]]) ([[FoodPrep|Food Prep]]) ([[Baking|Baking]])
([[Armorsmithing|Armorsmithing]]) ([[Cobbling|Cobbling]]) ([[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]]) ([[GlassBlowing|Glass Blowing]]) ([[Fletching|Fletching]]) ([[ScrimShaw|Scrimshawing]])
([[PaperMaking|Paper Making]]) |level6=[[Prayer_SenseEvil|Sense Evil]] ([[Skill_Revoke|Revoke]]) |level7=[[Paladin_DiseaseImmunity|Disease Immunity]] ([[Skill_WandUse|Wands]]) ([[Skill_Dodge|Dodge]])
([[Paladin_PaladinsMount|Paladin's Mount]]) |level8=([[Prayer_ProtEvil|Protection Evil]]) ([[Skill_Disarm|Disarm]]) |level9=([[Prayer_CureDeafness|Cure Deafness]]) [[Skill_Attack2|Second Attack]]
|level10=([[Prayer_CureSerious|Cure Serious Wounds]]) ([[Prayer_HealMount|Heal Mount]]) ([[Wainwrighting|Wainwrighting]]) ([[Masonry|Masonry]]) ([[JewelMaking|Jewel Making]])
([[Construction|Construction]]) ([[Siegecraft|Siegecraft]]) ([[Shipwright|Ship Building]]) ([[LockSmith|Locksmithing]]) ([[Speculate|Speculating]]) ([[Farming|Farming]]) ([[Smelting|Smelting]])
([[Taxidermy|Taxidermy]]) |level11=[[Paladin_Defend|All Defence]] ([[Skill_MountedCombat|Mounted Combat]]) ([[Prayer_Bless|Bless]]) |level12=([[Prayer_Freedom|Freedom]]) ([[Fighter_BlindFighting|Blind
Fighting]]) |level13=[[Paladin_Courage|Paladin's Courage]] ([[Prayer_DispelEvil|Dispel Evil]]) |level14=([[Paladin_Purity|Paladin's Purity]]) ([[Prayer_RestoreVoice|Restore Voice]])
|level15=[[Paladin_Breakup|Breakup Fight]] ([[Skill_Climb|Climb]]) ([[Prayer_RemovePoison|Remove Poison]]) ([[Fighter_Cleave|Cleave]]) ([[Irrigation|Irrigation]]) ([[Landscaping|Landscaping]])
([[Excavation|Excavation]]) |level16=([[Paladin_MountedCharge|Mounted Charge]]) ([[Prayer_CureDisease|Cure Disease]]) |level17=([[Prayer_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]]) [[Paladin_PoisonImmunity|Poison
Immunity]] |level18=([[Skill_Trip|Trip]]) ([[Prayer_CureCritical|Cure Critical Wounds]]) |level19=[[Paladin_Aura|Paladin's Aura]] ([[Prayer_HolyAura|Holy Aura]]) |level20=([[Prayer_Calm|Calm]])
([[Skill_AttackHalf|Half Attack]]) |level21=([[Prayer_ResurrectMount|Resurrect Mount]]) [[Prayer_CureBlindness|Cure Blindness]] |level22=([[Prayer_BladeBarrier|Blade Barrier]])
([[Prayer_CureFatigue|Cure Fatigue]]) ([[Paladin_CommandHorse|Command Horse]]) |level23=[[Fighter_Sweep|Sweep]] ([[Prayer_LightHammer|Hammer of Light]]) |level24=([[Prayer_MassFreedom|Mass Freedom]])
([[Paladin_Goodness|Paladin's Goodness]]) |level25=([[Prayer_Heal|Heal]]) ([[Paladin_AbidingAura|Abiding Aura]]) |level26=|level27=|level28=|level29=|level30=[[Paladin_CraftHolyAvenger|Craft Holy

Latest revision as of 13:29, 13 June 2023

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==CoffeeMUD Classes==
Bard        Cleric        Commoner        Druid        Fighter        Mage        Thief       
===CoffeeMUD Fighter Classes===
Barbarian        Cavalier        Fighter        Monk        Paladin        Ranger       
Description: Paladins are holy fighters, possessing many of the traits of both Fighters and Clerics, though in less intensity than either class alone. They may learn Cleric spells at higher levels, and possess numerous fighting techniques. Their weapons and armor choices are unlimited, but Paladins are restricted to a good and lawful alignment. A Paladin that is no longer lawful/good is known as a Fallen Paladin, and loses access to many of his paladin abilities and prayers. Fallen Paladins that fully embrace their vile darkness become Anti-Paladins, gaining access to harmful divine magic and abilities.

How to play: Paladins have the potential of being the most powerful of classes, and the most desired of group members. Their powerful combat skills and auras of power make them the perfect tanks for groups, especially since their Cleric healing abilities can allow them to fill this gap in a group. Alone, they can also flourish, vanquishing evil with the efficiency of the fighter. Fallen Paladins must rely upon their martial prowess and equipment (including relics and scrolls) for survival. Anti-Paladins use powerful evil prayers in combat, in addition to corrupted versions of their paladin abilities.

The only weakness of the Paladin is his reliance on purity. In most muds, this limits his adventuring choices greatly. However, his strengths for lasting and winning in combat are so broad, he will quickly advance.

Fallen Paladins struggle with survivability and damage, and should seek atonement or embrace their darker side to attain power.

The only weakness of the Anti-Paladin is his reliance on wickedness. In most muds, this limits his adventuring choices greatly. However, his strengths for winning in combat quickly are so broad, he will quickly advance.

Primary Stat: Strength
Qualifications: Wisdom 9+, Strength 9+
Practices: 3 +[(Wisdom/6) per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 4 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/2)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/8)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[7X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Str/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 30 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Strength (22), Wisdom (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives bonus conquest and duel experience.
Weapons: May use any weapons.
Armor: May wear any armor.
Limitations: Must remain lawful/good or chaotic/evil to avoid prayer/skill failure chance.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Githyanki Human
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Write    Armor Specialization    Healing Hands    Recall    Sword Specialization    Shield Specialization    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Hand to hand combat)    (Blunt Weapon Specialization)    (Axe Specialization)    (Polearm Specialization)    (Flailing Weapon Specialization)    (Swim)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Hammer Specialization)    (Bandaging)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 (Rescue)    (Paladin's Resistance)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Parry    Fire Building    (Armor Tweaking)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Searching)    (Holy Strike)    (Shield Bash)    (Unholy Strike)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 (Set Polearm)    (Cure Light Wounds)    (Cause Light Wounds)    (Call Mount)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Sense Evil    Sense Good    (Revoke)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Read Prayer    Disease Immunity    (Relics)    (Dodge)    (Paladin's Mount)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Protection Good)    (Disarm)    (Protection Law)    (Protection Chaos)    (Protection Evil)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Second Attack    (Sense Chaos)    (Sense Law)    (Deafness)    (Cure Deafness)    
10 (Headlock)    (Heal Mount)    (Cure Serious Wounds)    (Cause Serious Wounds)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Chaos Rage    All Defence    (Bless)    (Curse)    (Mounted Combat)    
12 (Blind Fighting)    (Paralyze)    (Freedom)    (Mounted Tactics)    (Graceful Dismount)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Paladin's Fear    Paladin's Courage    (Clinch Hold)    (Dispel Law)    (Dispel Chaos)    (Dispel Evil)    (Dispel Good)    
14 (Paladin's Purity)    (Restore Voice)    (Paladin's Corruption)    
15 Incite Fight    Breakup Fight    (Cleave)    (Climb)    (Unholy Poison)    (Remove Poison)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 (Unholy Mount)    (Cure Disease)    (Holy Mount)    (Mounted Charge)    
17 Poison Immunity    (Sanctuary)    
18 (Trip)    (Cure Critical Wounds)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Paladin's Aura    (Holy Aura)    (Hold The Line)    
20 (Half Attack)    (Calm)    (Branding)    
21 Cure Blindness    (Resurrect Mount)    (Exploiting Aura)    (Righteous Defense)    
22 (Cure Fatigue)    (Blade Barrier)    (Ride To The Rescue)    (Command Horse)    
23 Sweep    (Hammer of Darkness)    (Hammer of Light)    
24 (Paladin's Goodness)    (Paladin's Wickedness)    (Mass Freedom)    
25 (Heal)    (Crushing Aura)    (Abiding Aura)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Craft Unholy Reaver    Craft Holy Avenger    

How to Play

Paladins need to carefully control their alignment and inclination. A paladin that is no longer Lawful Good will become a Fallen Paladin until they return to Lawful Good or become an Anti-Paladin at Chaotic Evil. Many paladin abilities are exceptionally powerful to make up for this impediment to game play.

Paladins should choose a deity befitting their beliefs. A high level paladin can create a holy avenger, a weapon of the same type as their deity, that is exceptionally powerful, so the exact weapon type may play into deity selection.

Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness


  • You must have a lawful inclination and good alignment to train into Paladin.
