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{{ClassTemplate|Name=Pirate|Description=The Pirate
is a rogue and scourge of the high seas, a master of ship combat, and ruthless to those who refuse to surrender their booty. The Pirate is most suited for combat from the deck of huge sailing ships,
being able to get the most out of their ship, their weapons, and their landlubber contacts.  Their brutal lifestyle even gives them combat bonuses with fake limbs.  However, Pirates also get harsher
treatment from the law, and are so greedy for gold that they can literally be paid to walk away from combat.
=How to Play=
The Pirate lacks the Sailor's Shipbuilding skill and thus has no way to do permanent repairs on their own. Pirates should avoid using slow ships as ship damage can drop the speed from 2 to 0 potentially stranding the ship at sea. If someone else loses their ship you can locate it with Make Pub Contacts.

=Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness=

How to play: The Pirate is a middlin' fair rogue on the land, and can survive well enough among landlubbers, but absolutely excels in command of a ship in pursuit of weak seabound targets.  Clans
would do well to keep a former-independent Pirate around to captain their ships for when the real ones come calling.|PrimeStat=Dexterity|Qualifications=Dexterity 5+, Charisma 5+|Practices=5
+(Wisdom/6)+1 per level|Trains=3 +1 per level|Hitpoints=20 +(Con/3)+(1d10) per lvl|Mana=100 +(Int/6)+(1d3) /lvl|Movement=100 +10X(Str/18) per lvl|Attack=+(Dex/18) per level|Damage=+1 damage per 5
level(s)|MaxStat=Dexterity (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)|Bonuses=Bonus XP in ship combat, and combat bonus for each fake limb.|Weapons=Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged
weapons.|Armor=Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.|Limitations=Get less leniency from the law, and can be paid to leave combat.|StartingEq=a short sword|Races=[[Drow|Drow]]
[[Duergar|Duergar]] [[Dwarf|Dwarf]] [[Elf|Elf]] [[Gnome|Gnome]] [[Goblin|Goblin]] [[Half Elf|Half Elf]] [[Halfling|Halfling]] [[Human|Human]] [[Ogre|Ogre]]
|Languages=|level1=[[Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Specialization]] [[Specialization_Ranged|Ranged Weapon Specialization]] ([[Thief_ImprovedBoarding|Improved Boarding]])
([[Skill_Climb|Climb]]) ([[Thief_RopeSwing|Rope Swing]]) [[Skill_Write|Write]] ([[Skill_Swim|Swim]]) ([[Specialization_Sword|Sword Specialization]]) [[Thief_Superstition|Superstition]]
([[Bandaging|Bandaging]]) ([[SmokeRings|Smoke Rings]]) [[Skill_Recall|Recall]] ([[Foraging|Foraging]]) ([[Digging|Gem Digging]]) ([[Drilling|Drilling]]) ([[Fishing|Fishing]]) ([[Herbology|Herbology]])
([[Hunting|Hunting]]) ([[Shearing|Shearing]]) |level2=([[Thief_HoldYourLiquor|Hold Your Liquor]]) [[Thief_LocateAlcohol|Locate Alcohol]] ([[Lacquerring|Lacquering]]) ([[Embroidering|Embroidering]])
([[Dyeing|Dyeing]]) ([[Butchering|Butchering]]) ([[Engraving|Engraving]]) ([[Cooking|Cooking]]) ([[Chopping|Wood Chopping]]) |level3=[[Thief_Belay|Belay]] [[FireBuilding|Fire Building]]
([[Thief_Hide|Hide]]) ([[Blacksmithing|Blacksmithing]]) ([[ClanCrafting|Clan Crafting]]) ([[Tailoring|Tailoring]]) ([[LeatherWorking|Leather Working]]) ([[Carpentry|Carpentry]])
|level4=([[Thief_RideTheRigging|Ride The Rigging]]) ([[Skill_SeaLegs|Sea Legs]]) ([[Thief_Sneak|Sneak]]) ([[Searching|Searching]]) ([[Mining|Mining]]) ([[Weaving|Weaving]]) ([[Pottery|Pottery]])
([[Costuming|Costuming]]) ([[Sculpting|Sculpting]]) ([[Distilling|Distilling]]) |level5=([[Skill_WandUse|Wands]]) [[Thief_BuriedTreasure|Buried Treasure]] ([[Painting|Painting]]) ([[FoodPrep|Food
Prep]]) ([[Baking|Baking]]) ([[Armorsmithing|Armorsmithing]]) ([[Cobbling|Cobbling]]) ([[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]]) ([[GlassBlowing|Glass Blowing]]) ([[Fletching|Fletching]])
([[ScrimShaw|Scrimshawing]]) ([[PaperMaking|Paper Making]]) |level6=([[Skill_Dodge|Dodge]]) [[Thief_Wenching|Wenching]] |level7=([[Thief_Peek|Peek]]) [[Thief_TreasureMap|Draw Treasure Map]]
|level8=([[Skill_SeaMapping|Make Sea Maps]]) ([[Skill_Disarm|Disarm]]) ([[Thief_WalkThePlank|Walk The Plank]]) |level9=([[Skill_Parry|Parry]]) [[Thief_Plunder|Plunder]]
|level10=([[Skill_SeaCharting|Sea Charting]]) ([[Thief_BackStab|Back Stab]]) ([[Wainwrighting|Wainwrighting]]) ([[Masonry|Masonry]]) ([[JewelMaking|Jewel Making]]) ([[Construction|Construction]])
([[Siegecraft|Siegecraft]]) ([[Shipwright|Ship Building]]) ([[LockSmith|Locksmithing]]) ([[Speculate|Speculating]]) ([[Farming|Farming]]) ([[Smelting|Smelting]]) ([[Taxidermy|Taxidermy]])
|level11=([[Thief_Steal|Steal]]) [[Skill_DeadReckoning|Dead Reckoning]] ([[Skill_Trip|Trip]]) |level12=([[Thief_Listen|Listen]]) ([[Skill_SeaNavigation|Sea Navigation]]) ([[Skill_TwoWeaponFighting|Two
Weapon Fighting]]) |level13=([[Thief_FenceLoot|Fence Loot]]) ([[Thief_Bind|Bind]]) [[Thief_Scuttle|Scuttle]] |level14=([[Song_PirateShanty|Pirate Shanty]]) ([[Prayer_Curse|Curse]])
([[Thief_PiecesOfEight|Pieces of Eight]]) |level15=([[Thief_ConcealItem|Conceal Item]]) ([[Thief_PirateFamiliar|Call Pirate Familiar]]) ([[Irrigation|Irrigation]]) ([[Landscaping|Landscaping]])
([[Excavation|Excavation]]) |level16=[[Thief_PubContacts|Make Pub Contacts]] ([[Skill_Stability|Stability]]) |level17=([[Thief_PetSpy|Pet Spy]]) ([[Skill_Attack2|Second Attack]])
|level18=([[Skill_CombatRepairs|Combat Repairs]]) ([[Thief_SilentLoot|Silent AutoLoot]]) [[Thief_WarningShot|Warning Shot]] |level19=([[Skill_FoulWeatherSailing|Foul Weather Sailing]])
([[Thief_PayOff|Pay Off]]) ([[Thief_Distract|Distract]]) |level20=([[Thief_Alertness|Alertness]]) ([[Thief_PetSteal|Pet Steal]]) |level21=([[Thief_Articles|Articles]]) [[Thief_MerchantFlag|Fly
Merchant Flag]] |level22=([[Thief_RammingSpeed|Rig Ramming Speed]]) ([[Thief_SmugglersHold|Smugglers Hold]]) |level23=([[Skill_InterceptShip|Intercept Ship]]) ([[Thief_MastShot|Mast Shot]])
|level24=([[Thief_HideShip|Hide Ship]]) ([[Skill_AttackHalf|Half Attack]]) |level25=([[Skill_AwaitShip|Await Ship]]) |level26=|level27=|level28=|level29=|level30=[[Thief_SilentRunning|Silent Running]]

Latest revision as of 23:29, 29 May 2022

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==CoffeeMUD Classes==
Bard        Cleric        Commoner        Druid        Fighter        Mage        Thief       
===CoffeeMUD Thief Classes===
Arcanist        Assassin        Burglar        Pirate        Reliquist        Thief        Trapper       
Description: The Pirate is a rogue and scourge of the high seas, a master of ship combat, and ruthless to those who refuse to surrender their booty. The Pirate is most suited for combat from the deck of huge sailing ships, being able to get the most out of their ship, their weapons, and their landlubber contacts. Their brutal lifestyle even gives them combat bonuses with fake limbs. However, Pirates also get harsher treatment from the law, and are so greedy for gold that they can literally be paid to walk away from combat.

How to play: The Pirate is a middlin' fair rogue on the land, and can survive well enough among landlubbers, but absolutely excels in command of a ship in pursuit of weak seabound targets. Clans would do well to keep a former-independent Pirate around to captain their ships for when the real ones come calling.

Primary Stat: Dexterity
Qualifications: Dexterity 5+, Charisma 5+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(1d10) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[6X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Dex/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 5 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Bonus XP in ship combat, and combat bonus for each fake limb.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear leather, cloth, or vegetation based armor.
Limitations: Get less leniency from the law, no limb recovery after death, and can be paid to leave combat.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Gnoll Gnome Goblin Half Elf Halfling Human Lizard Man Merfolk Mindflayer Ogre Orc Pixie Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Write    Ranged Weapon Specialization    Recall    Superstition    (Climb)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Improved Boarding)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Rope Swing)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Locate Alcohol    (Hold Your Liquor)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Belay    (Hide)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 (Sea Legs)    (Searching)    (Ride The Rigging)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Buried Treasure    (Sneak)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Wenching    (Dodge)    (Find Ship)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Draw Treasure Map    (Peek)    (Meat Curing)    
8 (Make Sea Maps)    (Walk The Plank)    (Disarm)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Plunder    (Ship Lore)    (Parry)    
10 (Sea Charting)    (Back Stab)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Dead Reckoning    (Trip)    (Steal)    
12 (Listen)    (Sea Navigation)    (Two Weapon Fighting)    (Gardening)    
13 Scuttle    (Bind)    (Fence Loot)    
14 (Nothing)    (Pirate Shanty)    (Pieces of Eight)    (Curse)    
15 (Conceal Item)    (Call Pirate Familiar)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Make Pub Contacts    (Letter of Marque)    (Stability)    
17 (Pet Spy)    (Second Attack)    
18 Warning Shot    (Silent AutoLoot)    (Combat Repairs)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Salvaging)    (Foul Weather Sailing)    (Distract)    (Pay Off)    
20 (Pet Steal)    (Alertness)    (Branding)    
21 Fly Merchant Flag    (Articles)    
22 (Rig Ramming Speed)    (Smugglers Hold)    
23 (Intercept Ship)    (Mast Shot)    
24 (Half Attack)    (Hide Ship)    
25 (Await Ship)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Silent Running    

How to Play

The Pirate lacks the Sailor's Shipbuilding skill and thus has no way to do permanent repairs on their own. Pirates should avoid using slow ships as ship damage can drop the speed from 2 to 0 potentially stranding the ship at sea. If someone else loses their ship you can locate it with Make Pub Contacts.

Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness

