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*To exclude drow from elf +race -drow -race +elf
*To exclude drow from elf +race -drow -race +elf
*Achievement Zappersmasks: For player achievements, use TATTOOS for your zapper mask.  For account achievements, use ACCCHIEVES as your zappermask.
*Achievement Zappermasks: For player achievements, use TATTOOS for your zapper mask.  For account achievements, use ACCCHIEVES as your zappermask.
*For a field that has spaces in it, put double quotes around the operand AND the field data.  For example, to make the mask only affect "a mangy mutt":  -NAME "+a mangy mutt"
*For a field that has spaces in it, put double quotes around the operand AND the field data.  For example, to make the mask only affect "a mangy mutt":  -NAME "+a mangy mutt"
*-DAYOFYEAR "+1st 5" can be used to specify specific groups of days within a year (weeks?).  The example text is read "no days of the year except the 1st group of 5 days each year".  "+2 of5" would give you the 2nd day of every 5 day grouping.
*-DAYOFYEAR "+1st 5" can be used to specify specific groups of days within a year (weeks?).  The example text is read "no days of the year except the 1st group of 5 days each year".  "+2 of5" would give you the 2nd day of every 5 day grouping.
*Since Inclination is just a glorified faction with extra ability support, you may use the +/-FACTION zappermask to restrict inclinations.
*Since Inclination is just a glorified faction with extra ability support, you may use the +/-FACTION zappermask to restrict inclinations.

Revision as of 21:42, 27 January 2022

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Zapper Masks are a way of setting limits on certain properties or commands.

How to use Zapper Masks

Zapper Masks accept multiple primary flags and each primary flag can accept multiple parameters. All of the primary flags are ANDed together, and each of the parameters within a primary flag is ORed together. Some examples:

  • -RACE +Orc +Goblin -CLASS +Fighter
    • This is read (Exclude All races (except Orc or Goblins))AND(Exclude All classes (Except Fighter))
    • Or NOT RACE (except Orc or Goblin) AND NOT CLASS (except fighter)
    • Or RACE (Orc or Goblin) AND CLASS (Fighter)
      • This flag will prevent the target affect/behavior/property from working on all targets that are not ORC or GOBLIN race which are also FIGHTER class.
      • or This flag will will only work on ORC FIGHTERs OR GOBLIN FIGHTERs.

List of Zapper Mask Settings

  • +SYSOP (allow archons to bypass the rules), -SYSOP (disallow archons)
  • +SUBOP (allow local area staff to bypass the rules), -SUBOP (disallow)
  • -PLAYER (disallow all players), -MOB (disallow all mobs/npcs)
  • -CHANCE 50 (disallow the given % of the time)
  • -JAVACLASS "+GENMOB" etc.. (disallow only objects of +java class)
  • +JAVACLASS "-GENITEM" etc.. (Do not disallow objs of -classes)
  • -CLASS +thief +mage +ranger (disallow all but excepted char classes)
  • +CLASS -thief -mage -ranger (disallow only listed classes)
  • -BASECLASS +thief +mage (disallow all but excepted base char classes)
  • +BASECLASS -thief -mage -ranger (disallow only listed base char classes)
  • -RACE +elf +dwarf (disallow all but excepted races)
  • +RACE -elf -dwarf -human -half -gnome (disallow only listed races)
  • -RACECAT +elf +insect +humanoid (disallow all but listed racial categories)
  • +RACECAT -elf -humanoid (disallow only listed racial categories)
  • -ALIGNMENT +evil +neutral +good (disallow all but excepted alignments)
  • +ALIGNMENT -evil -good -neutral (disallow only listed alignments)
  • -GENDER (disallow genders), -GENDER +male +neuter (create exceptions)
  • +GENDER -male -female -neuter (disallow only listed genders)
  • -FACTION (disallow all faction and values, even a lack of faction)
  • -FACTION +myfactionrange +faction.rangecode (create exceptions)
  • +FACTION -rangecode -faction.rangecode (disallow only faction range code)
  • -NAMES +bob "+my name" (disallow all except those with given names)
  • +NAMES -bob "-my name" (disallow only those with one of the given names)
  • -SUBNAMES +*ending +*inside* (disallow all except those with partial name)
  • +SUBNAMES -*ending -*insid* (disallow only those with partial name mask)
  • -ACCOUNTS +bob "+my name" (disallow all except those in the given accts)
  • +ACCOUNTS -bob "-my name" (disallow only those with one of the given accts)
  • -TATTOOS +mytatto +thistattoo (disallow all but those with excepted tatts)
  • +TATTOOS -mytatt -anytattoo, (disallow only those with a listed tattoo)
  • -EXPERTISES +myedu +thisedu (disallow all but those with listed expertise)
  • +EXPERTISES -myedu -anyedu (disallow those with a listed expertise)
  • -LEVEL +=1 +>5 +>=7 +<13 +<=20 (disallow all but those player level ranges)
  • -=1 ->5 ->=7 -<13 -<=20 (disallow only listed levels range)
  • -CLASSLEVEL +=1 +>5 +<=20 (disallow all except those with current class lvl)
  • -MAXCLASSLEVEL +=1 +<13 (disallow only those with current class level range)
  • +ANYCLASS -thief -mage (disallow only those with a listed multi-class)
  • -ANYCLASSLEVEL +thief +>5 +mage +<10 (disallow all except multi-class lvl)
  • +ANYCLASSLEVEL -thief ->5 -mage -<10 (disallow only these multi-class lvls)
  • -SECURITY +cmdrooms +area cmditems (disallow all but listed security flags)
  • +SECURITY -cmdrooms +area cmditems,(disallow only those with listed flags)
  • -MOOD +grumpy +normal (disallow all except those with given moods)
  • +MOOD -grumpy -normal (disallow only those with subtracted moods)
  • -CLAN +Killers "+The Avengers" (disallow all except those in listed clan)
  • +CLAN -Killers "-Avengers" (disallow only those in a listed clan)
  • -DEITY +Apollo "+Grothon" (disallow all except worshippers of listed deity)
  • +DEITY -God "-Rothon 1" (disallow only worshippers of a listed deity)
  • -ANYCLASS +thief +ranger (disallow all except those with a multi-class)
  • -STR X (disallow those with strength greater than X)
  • +STR X (disallow those with strength less than X)
  • -INT, -WIS, -CON, -CHA, -DEX (Same as -STR, for other current stats)
  • +INT, +WIS, +CON, +CHA, +DEX (Same as +STR, for other current stats)
  • +-ADJSTR...ADJCON (Same as above, but uses current values)
  • -GROUPSIZE X (disallow those in groups larger than X)
  • +GROUPSIZE X (disallow those in groups smaller than X)
  • -AREA +thatarea "+my areaname" (disallow all except those in listed area)
  • +AREA -thatarea "-my areaname" (disallow only those in listed area)
  • -HOME "+area name" (disallow all except those from listed home/beacon area)
  • +HOME "-my areaname" (disallow only those from listed home/beacon area)
  • -ISHOME (disallow all npcs not currently in their home/beacon areas)
  • +ISHOME (disallow all npcs unless they are in their home/beacon areas)
  • -ITEM "+item name" etc... (disallow only those with an item name)
  • -WORN "+item name" etc... (disallow only those wearing item name)
  • -MATERIAL "+WOODEN" etc.. (disallow only items of added materials)
  • +MATERIAL "-WOODEN" etc.. (Do not disallow items of -materials)
  • -RESOURCES "+OAK" etc.. (disallow only items of added resources)
  • +RESOURCES "-OAK" etc.. (Do not disallow items of -resources)
  • -IF <CONDITION> (disallow, unless they meet Scriptable conditions)
  • +IF <CONDITION> (never disallow anyone who meets Scriptable cond)
  • -IFSTAT +STAT=VALUE +STAT=VALUE (disallow, unless a stat value is true)
  • +IF -STAT=VALUE -STAT=VALUE (disallow those with a stat value)
  • -VALUE X (disallow those with value or money less than X)
  • +VALUE X (disallow those with value or money greater than X)
  • -WEIGHT X (disallow those weighing less than X)
  • +WEIGHT X (disallow those weighing more than X)
  • -ARMOR/-DAMAGE/-ATTACK X (disallow armor/damage/attack bonus less than X)
  • +ARMOR/+DAMAGE/+ATTACK X (disallow armor/damage/attack bonus more than X)
  • +-WEAPONTYPE, +-WEAPONCLASS, and +-WEAPONAMMO for wielded weaponchecks
  • -WORNON "+TORSO" etc.. (disallow only items wearable on +locations)
  • +WORNON "-NECK" etc.. (Do not disallow items wearable on -locations)
  • -DISPOSITION "+ISHIDDEN" etc.. (disallow only with +dispositions)
  • +DISPOSITION "-ISHIDDEN" etc.. (Do not disallow only with sub disp)
  • -SENSES "+CANSEEDARK" etc.. (disallow only those with +senses)
  • +SENSES "-CANSEEDARK" etc.. (Do not disallow those with -senses)
  • -ABILITY X (disallow those with magical ability less than X)
  • +ABILITY X (disallow those with magical ability greater than X)
  • -HOUR/-MONTH/-DAY +X (disallow always, unless the hour/month/day is X)
  • +HOUR/+MONTH/+DAY -X (disallow those only when the hour/month/day is X)
  • -SEASON +FALL (disallow those only when season is FALL)
  • +SEASON -SPRING (disallow those whenever the season is SPRING)
  • -WEATHER +DROUGHT (disallow those only when weather is DROUGHT)
  • +WEATHER -BLIZZARD (disallow those whenever the weather is BLIZZARD)
  • -QUESTWIN "+MY QUEST" (disallow those who have not my MY QUEST)
  • +QUESTWIN "-MY QUEST" (disallow those who have won MY QUEST)
  • -EFFECTS +Sleep "+Wood Chopping" (disallow all except those with effects)
  • +EFFECTS -Sleep "-Wood Chopping" (disallow only those with listed effect)
  • -SKILLS +Spell_Sleep(75) (disallow all except those with skill proficiency)
  • +SKILLS -Spell_Sleep(75) (disallow only those with skill proficiency)
  • -SKILLFLAG +ENCHANTMENT etc.. (disallow all except those with skillflag)
  • +SKILLFLAG -ENCHANTMENT etc.. (disallow only those with listed skillflag)
  • -ACCCHIEVES +mytatto etc.. (disallow all except those with achievements)
  • +ACCCHIEVES -mytattoo etc.. (disallow only those with listed achievements)
  • -PLANE "+SPECIFIC PLANE" (disallow all except on the specified plane)
  • +PLANE "-SPECIFIC PLANE" (disallow only on the specified plane)


  • To exclude drow from elf +race -drow -race +elf
  • Achievement Zappermasks: For player achievements, use TATTOOS for your zapper mask. For account achievements, use ACCCHIEVES as your zappermask.
  • For a field that has spaces in it, put double quotes around the operand AND the field data. For example, to make the mask only affect "a mangy mutt": -NAME "+a mangy mutt"
  • -DAYOFYEAR "+1st 5" can be used to specify specific groups of days within a year (weeks?). The example text is read "no days of the year except the 1st group of 5 days each year". "+2 of5" would give you the 2nd day of every 5 day grouping.
  • Since Inclination is just a glorified faction with extra ability support, you may use the +/-FACTION zappermask to restrict inclinations.