Difference between revisions of "Prop Hidden"

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(Created page with "{{PropertyTemplate|ID=Prop_Hidden|Name=Persistant Hiddenness|Domain=Nothing|Available=|Allows=|UseCost=None|Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=MOB, ITEMS, AREA...")
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Revision as of 20:17, 13 April 2021

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Effect: Persistant Hiddenness
Parameters: (UNLOCATABLE)
Examples: unlocatable
Description: An alternative to setting a mob permanently hidden, this will keep the MOB hidden until the mob performs some act which would normally un-hide the mob. After that, a period of time must elapse before the property reengages and makes the mob hidden again.

Optional flags include:

Unlocatable - makes the item unlocatable by spells, or an area unrecommended by the WHERE command.

