Difference between revisions of "Alramus"

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Line 70: Line 70:
| Mage, Alterer, Abjurer,  
| Mage, Alterer, Abjurer,  
Conjurer, Diviner, Evoker,  
Conjurer, Diviner, Evoker,  
Illusionist, Transmuter, Enchanter
Illusionist, Transmuter, Enchanter
| Garnedalani
| Garnedalani
Line 88: Line 87:
| The Chapel of the Hearth
| The Chapel of the Hearth
| 45
| 45
| Will sell conversion to Cygnus
| Missionary
| Missionary
Line 94: Line 93:
| The Chapel of the Word
| The Chapel of the Word
| 45
| 45
| Will sell conversion to Lorti
| Templar
| Templar
Line 100: Line 99:
| The Chapel of Swords
| The Chapel of Swords
| 45
| 45
| Will sell conversion to Paran
| Oracle, Scholar
| Oracle, Scholar
Line 106: Line 105:
| The Chapel of Books
| The Chapel of Books
| 45
| 45
| Will sell conversion to Bella
| Necromancer
| Necromancer
Line 112: Line 111:
| The Chapel of Bones
| The Chapel of Bones
| 45
| 45
| Will sell conversion to Kortamus
| Healer
| Healer
Line 118: Line 117:
| The Chapel of Life
| The Chapel of Life
| 45
| 45
| Will sell conversion to Malla
| Doomsayer
| Doomsayer
Line 124: Line 123:
| The Chapel of Flames
| The Chapel of Flames
| 45
| 45
| Will sell conversion to Kortamus
| Purist
| Purist
Line 130: Line 129:
| The Chapel of Cleansing
| The Chapel of Cleansing
| 45
| 45
| Will sell conversion to Malla
| Cleric
| Cleric
Line 136: Line 135:
| The Chapel of the Word
| The Chapel of the Word
| 91
| 91
| Will sell conversion to Alram
| Gaoler
| Gaoler

Revision as of 01:37, 29 September 2020

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=CoffeeMUD Regions=
Alramia       Calinthia       Dark Continent       Domhan Bol       Ofcollia       Otherworldly       Thalosia       Thera       Tyrithel       Unknown       Ven'rasyl      
Description: This city was founded in honor of the god Alram. The city was designed based on the principles of order and benevolence. It is located on the west coast of the continent and has a vibrant sea port.
Author: Loki Currency: Alramian
Rooms: 516 Population: 280
LevelRange: 0-200 MedianLevel: 15
AvgAlign: good MedAlignment: pure goodness
Economy: The shopkeepers in Alramus are known racists, charging non-humans higher prices for goods.
Languages: Alramians speak Common for all monetary transactions.
Recommendation: This city is recommended for advanced players who need access to more shopkeepers than the smaller cities.
A low resolution map of the city of Alramus.
The City of Alramus.
A map with street names
The Streets of Alramus.

Useful Items


Connected Areas


  • Aethos' Money Exchange - Located on the Northeast corner of Empire and Merchant. He will exchange your currency to Gold Crowns.


The city of Alramus is not friendly towards Rangers, Barbarians, Druids, Mages or Thieves, and those classes may find it difficult to get to their respective guildmasters. Aside from the artisan guildmaster, the guildmasters in Alramus do not train common skills. However, a variety of citizens throughout Alramus will sell common skills, and purchasing skills from these individuals will result in a higher proficiency than training at a guildmaster (normally 20% higher).


Most guildmasters in Alramus are human.

Class Guildmaster Room Max Level per Class Notes
Fighter Sterdo Alramus Fighter Trainers 10 Must already be some fighter or commoner class to enter.
Monk Elissa Alramus Fighter Trainers 10 Must already be some fighter or commoner class to enter.
Paladin Ragnarg the Bold Alramus Fighter Trainers 10 Must already be some fighter or commoner class to enter.
Paladin Gerorgon Paladin Guildmaster 100 Must already be a Paladin to enter.
Monk Sem Monk Guildmaster 100 Must already be a Monk to enter.
Fighter Sebastio Fighter Guildmaster 100 Must already be a Fighter to enter.
Mage, Alterer, Abjurer,

Conjurer, Diviner, Evoker, Illusionist, Transmuter, Enchanter

Garnedalani Alramus Mage Trainer 11 Must already be some mage class to enter
Thief, Burglar, Assassin,

Trapper, Arcanist, Pirate

a master thief Alramus Thief Trainer 15 Must already be some thief class to enter.
Shaman Geraldina The Chapel of the Hearth 45 Will sell conversion to Cygnus
Missionary Aftareena The Chapel of the Word 45 Will sell conversion to Lorti
Templar Geredenious The Chapel of Swords 45 Will sell conversion to Paran
Oracle, Scholar Dessica The Chapel of Books 45 Will sell conversion to Bella
Necromancer Linestus The Chapel of Bones 45 Will sell conversion to Kortamus
Healer Anthelia The Chapel of Life 45 Will sell conversion to Malla
Doomsayer Restarius The Chapel of Flames 45 Will sell conversion to Kortamus
Purist Abrastus The Chapel of Cleansing 45 Will sell conversion to Malla
Cleric High Pontiff Urlun The Chapel of the Word 91 Will sell conversion to Alram
Gaoler the gatekeeper Alramus Gaoler Trainer 30 Can be found in the Alramus Prison.
Artisan Christoff The Artisan's Delight 100 Must be some commoner class to enter.
Minstrel Maestro Milnak The Orchestra Box 100 Must be some bard or commoner class to enter.
Jester Master Seidnak The Performer's Area 100 Must be some bard or commoner class to enter.
Bard Master Finlye The Bardic Area 100 Must be some bard or commoner class to enter.
Dancer Mistress Elanzara The Dancer's Studio 100 Must be some bard or commoner class to enter.
Charlatan Trentarn The Changing Room 100 Must be some bard or commoner class to enter.

Skill Vendors

Buying skills from an Alramus vendor still costs the appropriate Train or Practice cost, as well as an addition cost in crowns, but will provide the ability at a 20% increase over learning it from a guildmaster. You must still qualify for the skill from one of your classes in order to learn the ability.

Skills Sold Name Room Notes
Fishing, Trawling, MeatCuring,

Master Fishing, Master Trawling

a Fisherman Docks
Safecracking, Remove Traps,

Locksmithing, Pick Locks

Sidnacin The Masterlocksmith's room Also sells a very nice key ring for a quest point.
Cooking, Foraging, Herbology, Firebuilding,

Master Cooking, Master Foraging, Master Herbology

Erdanas Pony and Prancer Pub
Leatherworking, Embroidery, Dyeing, Tanning,

Master Leatherworking, Master Dyeing

Tecxonil The leather workshop
Dyeing, Lacquering, Painting,

Master Dyeing, Master Lacquering

Penelope Penelope's Paints and Dyes
Construction, Carpentry, Engraging,

Wood Chopping, Master Wood Chopping

Sarafina The carpenter's workshop
Distilling Nethon The wine cellar
Engraving, Masonry, Sculpting, Mining,

Master Mining

Jokab The mason's workshop
Fire Building, Smelting, Blacksmithing Berek Berek's Forge
Fire Building, Weaponsmithing,

Master Weaponsmithing, Legendary Weaponsmithing

Berenor A Forge


  • Northern end of the Temple of Alram is a holy (Good) infused room devoted to Alram.
  • Each of the chapels in the Alramus Cleric Trainers' hall are holy places to the trainer's respective deity, and the clerics there will convert you to their respective deities for a price.
    • Chapel of the Hearth is a neutral holy place of Cygnus.
    • Chapel of the Word is a neutral holy place of Lorti.
    • Chapel of Bones and Flames are evil (un)holy places of Kortamus.
    • Chapel of Swords is an evil (un)holy place of Paran.
    • Chapel of Life and Cleansing are good holy places of Malla.
    • Chapel of Books is a good holy place of Bella.
    • There are three private alcoves surrounding the High Pontiff of Alram that are good, neutral and evil holy places of Alram.


Alramus is a huge metropolis, and may be difficult to navigate at first.