Difference between revisions of "Engraving"

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*Adding text to an item may make the item non-enchantable until the item is first disenchanted.  Consider performing this skill after all magical enhancements have been made.
*Adding text to an item may make the item non-enchantable.  Consider performing this skill after all magical enhancements have been made.
[[Category:Expertise(Fine Calligraphy)]]
[[Category:Expertise(Fine Calligraphy)]]
[[Category:Expertise(Quick Working)]]
[[Category:Expertise(Quick Working)]]
[[Category:Expertise(Quick Worker)]]
[[Category:Expertise(Quick Worker)]]

Latest revision as of 13:48, 1 May 2020

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Domain: Calligraphy
Available: Abjurer(2) Alterer(2) Arcanist(2) Artisan(1) Assassin(2) Barbarian(2) Bard(2) Beastmaster(2) Burglar(2) Cavalier(2) Charlatan(2) Cleric(2) Conjurer(2) Delver(2) Diviner(2) Doomsayer(2) Druid(2) Enchanter(2) Evoker(2) Fighter(2) Gaian(2) Healer(2) Illusionist(2) Jester(2) Mage(2) Mer(2) Minstrel(2) Missionary(2) Monk(2) Necromancer(2) Ninja(2) Oracle(2) Paladin(2) Pirate(2) Dancer(2) Purist(2) Ranger(2) Reliquist(2) Scholar(2) Shaman(2) SkyWatcher(2) Templar(2) Thief(2) Transmuter(2) Trapper(2) Wizard(2)
Allows: Fine Calligraphy Marketeering Quick Working Quick Worker
UseCost: Movement (27)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: engrave sword the deathmaster
Description: This skill allows the player to engrave a unique message onto a qualifying metal, stone, or wooden item. To read the message, one need only LOOK at the item. Engraving requires proficiency in both this skill and in the WRITEing skill.


  • Adding text to an item may make the item non-enchantable. Consider performing this skill after all magical enhancements have been made.