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(Created page with "{{CoffeeMUDWikiTOC}} {{CoffeeMUDAbilitiesTOC}} __NOTOC__ {{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Lobotomizing|Name=Lobotomizing|Domain=Anatomy|Available=Gaoler(Commoner...")
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{{SkillTemplate|ID=Skill_Lobotomizing|Name=Lobotomizing|Domain=[[anatomy(Domain)|Anatomy]]|Available=[[Gaoler(Commoner)|Gaoler(22)]] |Allows=[[Anatomy(Expertise)|Anatomy]] |UseCost=Mana (72) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures |Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=LOBOTOMIZE, LOBOTOMIZING|Usage=LOBOTOMIZE "TARGET NAME"|Examples=lobotomize Sophie

|Description=The player is able to use delicate tools to scrape away unnecessary brain tissue from the target by going up the nose holes.  This can only be done on a cooperative target, such as a follower, or one bound or prone.  The effect of the lobotomy is not only horrible screams of pain, but the removal of any aggressive behaviors, mind altering diseases and effects, and will actually make the target a slightly better person.  Unfortunately, it may also affect some skill proficiency.}}

Revision as of 17:09, 26 March 2020

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Domain: Anatomy
Available: Gaoler(22)
Allows: Anatomy
UseCost: Mana (72)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Creatures
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: lobotomize Sophie
Description: The player is able to use delicate tools to scrape away unnecessary brain tissue from the target by going up the nose holes. This can only be done on a cooperative target, such as a follower, or one bound or prone. The effect of the lobotomy is not only horrible screams of pain, but the removal of any aggressive behaviors, mind altering diseases and effects, and will actually make the target a slightly better person. Unfortunately, it may also affect some skill proficiency.

