Difference between revisions of "Thief Squatting"

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{{SkillTemplate|Name=Squatting|Domain=[[criminal(Domain)|Criminal]]|Available=[[Thief(Thief)|Thief(25)]] |Allows=|UseCost=Mana (37) Movement (37) |Quality=Circumstantial|Targets=Creatures
|Range=Touch, or not applicable|Commands=SQUAT, SQUATTING|Usage=SQUATTING|Examples=squat|Description=To use this skill, the player must be sitting on a piece of property that is, or was once for sale. If it is owned by another player or clan, then an owner must be online when squatting begins.  After a mud month of continuous sitting, the property will change ownershipProperty belonging to
another player will go back on the market.  Property on the market will belong to the squatter.}}
*Property that hasn't been used in a while will have a thick layer of dustSquatting these properties are much less likely to upset other players.
[[Category:Expertise(Criminal Deviousness)]]

Latest revision as of 01:07, 22 March 2020

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Domain: Criminal
Available: Thief(25)
Allows: Criminal Deviousness
UseCost: Mana (37) Movement (37)
Quality: Circumstantial
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: squat
Description: To use this skill, the player must be sitting on a piece of property that is, or was once for sale. If it is owned by another player or clan, then an owner must be online when squatting begins, and must have either their PK flag set, or be in a clan war. After a mud month of continuous sitting, the property will change ownership. Property belonging to another player will go back on the market. Property on the market will belong to the squatter.


  • Property that hasn't been used in a while will have a thick layer of dust. Squatting these properties are much less likely to upset other players.