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{{ClassTemplate|Name=Bard|Description=Bards are
=How to Play=
traveling singers, whose "songs" can possess powerful magic. They are highly desired group members for the inspiration they bring to their team members, and the great stings they provide to their
The Bard is a class of pure vocal perfection. They can weave a melody to solve almost any problem they encounter. They are proficient in the sword, dagger, and ranged weapons, which is where most of their direct damage comes from. Since they are unable to wear metal armor, keeping away from direct damage is also a good idea.
enemies.  They possess the same weapon and armor restrictions as thieves, but also qualify for many thief skills.

Bard is the basis for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain levels in at any time.  These sub-classes include the Charlatan, Dancer, Minstrel, and the Jester.
Early in your adventuring career you'll want to take advantage of the exploration and pub-finding experience. Traveling to new areas, fully exploring areas, and finding pubs, can give a great head start on leveling. It's also a great way to find fellow karaoke enthusiasts. Just be wary of aggressive monsters and dangerous zones!

How to play: The great strength of the bard is in his wide assortment of skills, and in his powerful songs.  The bard may try his hand as the lonesome traveler, but will find his skills still put him
While Bards aren't made for the front lines, they are very keen at chatting up strangers and creating lasting friendships with the [[Skill_Befriend|BEFRIEND]] skill. While it is much more fulfilling to make real player allies, any NPC that is your same race, and walks around, can be made into a best friend, given you have enough [[Stats#Charisma|CHARISMA]]. These new pals can charge into battle with you, and sometimes take the focus off of you. This could, of course, lead to your friendship being cut short by an untimely death. But the bard who learns to run away, lives to fight another day!
behind his peers. It is in the company of other, more powerful classes, that the bard will flourish. And because of the unique nature of his magic, and how his skills will always affect groups, that
groups will always want to have a bard along.

Bards are as weak as thieves in combat, and lack their general sneakiness, so in the company of others must the bard find his path to greatness, filling any skill gaps in almost any group with the
Bards are masters at creating magic with their voice. One only needs to think of a song they've learned, and [[SING|SING]] it. Early in your music career, a simple tune of [[Song_Valor|VALOR]] can give you and your group the ability to hit harder and more often with your weapons. If you ever find yourself in trouble, belting out a song of [[Song_Serenity|SERENITY]] will make everyone stop fighting and listen. Keeping this song active while wandering in unfamiliar territory might even help save you from being the target of an unwarranted attack. As your voice matures, you will gain access to songs that will have people clamoring to be a part of your entourage. The song of [[Song_Mana|MANA]] will imbue your group with constant [[Attributes#Mana|MANA]] regeneration, allowing for faster casting of [[Spells(Abilities)|SPELLS]], [[Chants(Abilities)|CHANTS]], and [[Prayers(Abilities)|PRAYERS]]. Using songs like [[Song_Quickness|QUICKNESS]] and [[Song_Blasting|BLASTING]] will take physical attackers to the next level, letting them hit more often, and much harder, with your support. When you master your craft, you can even control the powers of [[Song_Death|DEATH]] and [[Song_Rebirth|REBIRTH]] with your melodies. It is important to keep in mind that any songs used to hurt or entice enemies will hit everyone in the room that isn't in your group, so make sure you know who your target audience is.
appropriate magic or ability.
|PrimeStat=Charisma|Qualifications=Charisma 9+|Practices=5 +(Wisdom/6)+1 per level|Trains=3 +1 per level|Hitpoints=20 +(Con/3)+(2d6) per lvl|Mana=100 +(Int/6)+(1d2) /lvl|Movement=100 +10X(Str/18) per
Being a bard will also give you access to an assortment of skills usually reserved for stalkers and thieves. You can keep yourself safe from prying eyes with HIDE, or learn to [[Skill_Dodge|DODGE]] attacks during battle. Appraising the value of your weapons, armor, and items is easy when using [[Thief_Lore|LORE]]. Even learn to [[Thief_Steal|STEAL]] something that doesn't belong to you, and hopefully not get caught.
lvl|Attack=+(Cha/18) per level|Damage=+1 damage per 10 level(s)|MaxStat=Charisma (25), Others (18)|Bonuses=Receives group bonus combat experience when in an intelligent group, and more for a group
with players.  Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.|Weapons=Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.|Armor=Must wear non-metal
With your wide range of skills, you can become a stealthy vocalist, living by the edge of your sword. But with your melodic ability to buff and charm your audience, it might be safer living in the limelight.
armor.|Limitations=|StartingEq=a short sword|Races=[[Centaur|Centaur]] [[Drow|Drow]] [[Duergar|Duergar]] [[Dwarf|Dwarf]] [[Elf|Elf]] [[Half Elf|Half Elf]] [[Halfling|Halfling]] [[Human|Human]]
|Languages=|level1=[[Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Specialization]] ([[Bandaging|Bandaging]]) ([[Specialization_Sword|Sword Specialization]]) [[Skill_Befriend|Befriend]]
=Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness=
([[Specialization_Natural|Hand to hand combat]]) [[Skill_Haggle|Haggle]] [[Song_Detection|Awareness]] [[Skill_Recall|Recall]] [[Song_Nothing|Nothing]] [[Skill_Write|Write]] ([[SmokeRings|Smoke
Rings]]) ([[Specialization_Ranged|Ranged Weapon Specialization]]) ([[Skill_Swim|Swim]]) ([[Foraging|Foraging]]) ([[Digging|Gem Digging]]) ([[Drilling|Drilling]]) ([[Fishing|Fishing]])
([[Herbology|Herbology]]) ([[Hunting|Hunting]]) ([[Shearing|Shearing]]) |level2=([[Thief_Lore|Lore]]) [[Song_Seeing|Seeing]] ([[Lacquerring|Lacquering]]) ([[Embroidering|Embroidering]])
([[Dyeing|Dyeing]]) ([[Butchering|Butchering]]) ([[Engraving|Engraving]]) ([[Cooking|Cooking]]) ([[Chopping|Wood Chopping]]) |level3=([[Skill_Climb|Climb]]) [[FireBuilding|Fire Building]]
([[Skill_WandUse|Wands]]) ([[Thief_Hide|Hide]]) [[Song_Valor|Valor]] ([[Blacksmithing|Blacksmithing]]) ([[ClanCrafting|Clan Crafting]]) ([[Tailoring|Tailoring]]) ([[LeatherWorking|Leather Working]])
([[Carpentry|Carpentry]]) |level4=[[Song_Charm|Suave]] ([[Thief_Appraise|Appraise]]) ([[Searching|Searching]]) ([[Mining|Mining]]) ([[Weaving|Weaving]]) ([[Pottery|Pottery]]) ([[Costuming|Costuming]])
([[Sculpting|Sculpting]]) ([[Distilling|Distilling]]) |level5=[[Song_Armor|Armor]] [[Song_Babble|Babble]] ([[Painting|Painting]]) ([[FoodPrep|Food Prep]]) ([[Baking|Baking]])
([[Armorsmithing|Armorsmithing]]) ([[Cobbling|Cobbling]]) ([[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]]) ([[GlassBlowing|Glass Blowing]]) ([[Fletching|Fletching]]) ([[ScrimShaw|Scrimshawing]])
([[PaperMaking|Paper Making]]) |level6=[[Song_Clumsiness|Clumsiness]] |level7=[[Song_Rage|Rage]] ([[Skill_Dodge|Dodge]]) |level8=[[Song_Mute|Muting]] ([[Thief_Distract|Distract]])
|level9=[[Song_Serenity|Serenity]] ([[Thief_Peek|Peek]]) |level10=([[Unbinding|Unbinding]]) [[Song_Friendship|Friendship]] [[Song_Revelation|Revelation]] ([[Wainwrighting|Wainwrighting]])
([[Masonry|Masonry]]) ([[JewelMaking|Jewel Making]]) ([[Construction|Construction]]) ([[Siegecraft|Siegecraft]]) ([[Shipwright|Ship Building]]) ([[LockSmith|Locksmithing]]) ([[Speculate|Speculating]])
([[Farming|Farming]]) ([[Smelting|Smelting]]) ([[Taxidermy|Taxidermy]]) |level11=[[Song_Inebriation|Drunkenness]] [[Song_Comprehension|Comprehension]] |level12=[[Song_Mercy|Mercy]]
[[Song_Health|Health]] |level13=[[Skill_Map|Make Maps]] [[Song_Silence|Silencing]] ([[Skill_Trip|Trip]]) |level14=([[Skill_TwoWeaponFighting|Two Weapon Fighting]]) [[Song_Dexterity|Dexterity]]
|level15=[[Song_Protection|Protection]] ([[Thief_DetectTraps|Detect Traps]]) ([[Skill_SongWrite|Song Write]]) ([[Irrigation|Irrigation]]) ([[Landscaping|Landscaping]]) ([[Excavation|Excavation]])
|level16=([[Spell_ReadMagic|Read Magic]]) [[Song_Mana|Mana]] |level17=([[Skill_Attack2|Second Attack]]) [[Song_Quickness|Quickness]] |level18=[[Song_Flight|Flight]] [[Song_Lethargy|Lethargy]]
|level19=[[Song_Knowledge|Knowledge]] ([[Thief_Swipe|Swipe gold]]) |level20=[[Song_Blasting|Blasting]] |level21=[[Song_Strength|Strength]] [[Song_Thanks|Thanks]]
|level22=[[Song_Distraction|Distraction]] [[Song_Lullibye|Lullaby]] |level23=[[Song_Flying|Flying]] ([[Thief_Steal|Steal]]) |level24=[[Song_Death|Death]] [[Song_Disgust|Disgust]]
|level25=[[Song_Rebirth|Rebirth]] |level26=|level27=|level28=|level29=|level30=[[Song_Ode|Ode]]

Latest revision as of 18:56, 18 February 2020

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==CoffeeMUD Classes==
Bard        Cleric        Commoner        Druid        Fighter        Mage        Thief       
===CoffeeMUD Bard Classes===
Bard        Charlatan        Dancer        Jester        Minstrel       
Description: Bards are traveling singers, whose "songs" can possess powerful magic. They are highly desired group members for the inspiration they bring to their team members, and the great stings they provide to their enemies. They possess the same weapon and armor restrictions as thieves, but also qualify for many thief skills.

Bard is the basis for numerous sub-classes which the player may choose to gain levels in at any time. These sub-classes include the Charlatan, Dancer, Minstrel, and the Jester.

How to play: The great strength of the bard is in his wide assortment of skills, and in his powerful songs. The bard may try his hand as the lonesome traveler, but will find his skills still put him behind his peers. It is in the company of other, more powerful classes, that the bard will flourish. And because of the unique nature of his magic, and how his skills will always affect groups, that groups will always want to have a bard along.

Bards are as weak as thieves in combat, and lack their general sneakiness, so in the company of others must the bard find his path to greatness, filling any skill gaps in almost any group with the appropriate magic or ability.

Primary Stat: Charisma
Qualifications: Charisma 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d2)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[5X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Cha/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Charisma (25), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives group bonus combat experience when in an intelligent group, and more for a group with players. Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Aarakocran Beastkin Centaur Drow Duergar Dwarf Elf Githyanki Half Elf Halfling Human Merfolk Svirfneblin Tiefling
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Edged Weapon Specialization    Write    Nothing    Recall    Haggle    Befriend    Awareness    (Hand to hand combat)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Sword Specialization)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Seeing    (Lore)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    Valor    (Climb)    (Hide)    (Wands)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Suave    (Appraise)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Armor    Babble    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Clumsiness    (Combat Recall)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 Rage    (Dodge)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Muting    (Distract)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 Serenity    (Peek)    
10 Friendship    Revelation    (Unbinding)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 Drunkenness    Comprehension    
12 Health    Mercy    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 Make Maps    Silencing    (Trip)    
14 Dexterity    (Two Weapon Fighting)    
15 Protection    (Song Write)    (Detect Traps)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Mana    (Read Magic)    
17 Quickness    (Second Attack)    
18 Lethargy    Flight    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 Knowledge    (Swipe gold)    
20 Blasting    (Branding)    
21 Thanks    Strength    
22 Lullaby    Distraction    
23 Flying    (Steal)    
24 Death    Disgust    
25 Rebirth    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Ode    

How to Play

The Bard is a class of pure vocal perfection. They can weave a melody to solve almost any problem they encounter. They are proficient in the sword, dagger, and ranged weapons, which is where most of their direct damage comes from. Since they are unable to wear metal armor, keeping away from direct damage is also a good idea.

Early in your adventuring career you'll want to take advantage of the exploration and pub-finding experience. Traveling to new areas, fully exploring areas, and finding pubs, can give a great head start on leveling. It's also a great way to find fellow karaoke enthusiasts. Just be wary of aggressive monsters and dangerous zones!

While Bards aren't made for the front lines, they are very keen at chatting up strangers and creating lasting friendships with the BEFRIEND skill. While it is much more fulfilling to make real player allies, any NPC that is your same race, and walks around, can be made into a best friend, given you have enough CHARISMA. These new pals can charge into battle with you, and sometimes take the focus off of you. This could, of course, lead to your friendship being cut short by an untimely death. But the bard who learns to run away, lives to fight another day!

Bards are masters at creating magic with their voice. One only needs to think of a song they've learned, and SING it. Early in your music career, a simple tune of VALOR can give you and your group the ability to hit harder and more often with your weapons. If you ever find yourself in trouble, belting out a song of SERENITY will make everyone stop fighting and listen. Keeping this song active while wandering in unfamiliar territory might even help save you from being the target of an unwarranted attack. As your voice matures, you will gain access to songs that will have people clamoring to be a part of your entourage. The song of MANA will imbue your group with constant MANA regeneration, allowing for faster casting of SPELLS, CHANTS, and PRAYERS. Using songs like QUICKNESS and BLASTING will take physical attackers to the next level, letting them hit more often, and much harder, with your support. When you master your craft, you can even control the powers of DEATH and REBIRTH with your melodies. It is important to keep in mind that any songs used to hurt or entice enemies will hit everyone in the room that isn't in your group, so make sure you know who your target audience is.

Being a bard will also give you access to an assortment of skills usually reserved for stalkers and thieves. You can keep yourself safe from prying eyes with HIDE, or learn to DODGE attacks during battle. Appraising the value of your weapons, armor, and items is easy when using LORE. Even learn to STEAL something that doesn't belong to you, and hopefully not get caught.

With your wide range of skills, you can become a stealthy vocalist, living by the edge of your sword. But with your melodic ability to buff and charm your audience, it might be safer living in the limelight.

Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness

