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(Replaced content with "{{CoffeeMUDWikiTOC}} {{CoffeeMUDClassesTOC}} {{CoffeeMUDBardClassesTOC}} {{#section-h:WikiHelpClasses|Jester}} __NOTOC__ =How to Play= =Multi-Classing Options and Effecti...")
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{{ClassTemplate|Name=Jester|Description=The Jester is the joking, annoying, and sneaky fellow that few Bards like to claim.  Like the Charlatan, they remain associated with Bards due to their highly social nature and their charismatic attitudes.  The Jester is also amazingly dextrous and slippery, due to the slapstick style of maneuvers he practices and specializes in. 
=How to Play=

How to play: As the levels progress, however, few could argue the seriousness of the Jesters power, should his goofy smile, for some reason, be turned around. The Jester is still, clearly, a group player.  He needs the strong tanking of fighters, and other support classes to flourish, though he can still hold his own if he manages not to take life too
=Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness=
seriously.|PrimeStat=Charisma|Qualifications=Charisma 9+, Dexterity 9+|Practices=5 +(Wisdom/6)+1 per level|Trains=3 +1 per level|Hitpoints=20 +(Con/3)+(2d6) per lvl|Mana=100 +(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl|Movement=100 +16X(Str/18) per lvl|Attack=+(Cha/18) per level|Damage=+1 damage per 10 level(s)|MaxStat=Dexterity (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)|Bonuses=Receives 2%/level bonus to saves versus poison.  Receives extra natural damaging skill. Receives group bonus combat experience when in an intelligent group, and more for a group of players.  Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.|Weapons=Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.|Armor=Must wear non-metal armor.|Limitations=|StartingEq=a short sword|Races=[[Gnome|Gnome]] [[Half Elf|Half Elf]]
[[Halfling|Halfling]] [[Human|Human]] |Languages=|level1=([[Specialization_EdgedWeapon|Edged Weapon Specialization]]) [[Skill_Haggle|Haggle]] [[Song_Clumsiness|Clumsiness]] [[Skill_BellyRolling|Belly
Rolling]] ([[Specialization_Ranged|Ranged Weapon Specialization]]) [[Skill_Befriend|Befriend]] [[Skill_Write|Write]] ([[Skill_Swim|Swim]]) [[Specialization_Sword|Sword Specialization]]
[[Skill_Juggle|Juggle]] ([[Alchemy|Alchemy]]) ([[Bandaging|Bandaging]]) ([[SmokeRings|Smoke Rings]]) [[Skill_Recall|Recall]] [[Song_Nothing|Nothing]] ([[Foraging|Foraging]]) ([[Digging|Gem Digging]])
([[Drilling|Drilling]]) ([[Fishing|Fishing]]) ([[Herbology|Herbology]]) ([[Hunting|Hunting]]) ([[Shearing|Shearing]]) |level2=[[Skill_IdentifyPoison|Identify Poison]]
([[Song_Inebriation|Drunkenness]]) ([[Lacquerring|Lacquering]]) ([[Embroidering|Embroidering]]) ([[Dyeing|Dyeing]]) ([[Butchering|Butchering]]) ([[Engraving|Engraving]]) ([[Cooking|Cooking]])
([[Chopping|Wood Chopping]]) |level3=[[Skill_QuickChange|QuickChange]] ([[Skill_Climb|Climb]]) [[FireBuilding|Fire Building]] ([[Thief_Hide|Hide]]) ([[Blacksmithing|Blacksmithing]])
([[ClanCrafting|Clan Crafting]]) ([[Tailoring|Tailoring]]) ([[LeatherWorking|Leather Working]]) ([[Carpentry|Carpentry]]) |level4=[[Skill_Slapstick|Slapstick]] ([[Song_Babble|Babble]])
([[Searching|Searching]]) ([[Mining|Mining]]) ([[Weaving|Weaving]]) ([[Pottery|Pottery]]) ([[Costuming|Costuming]]) ([[Sculpting|Sculpting]]) ([[Distilling|Distilling]]) ([[Tanning|Tanning]])
|level5=[[Skill_Mimicry|Mimicry]] ([[Skill_WandUse|Wands]]) ([[Painting|Painting]]) ([[FoodPrep|Food Prep]]) ([[Baking|Baking]]) ([[Armorsmithing|Armorsmithing]]) ([[Cobbling|Cobbling]])
([[Weaponsmithing|Weaponsmithing]]) ([[GlassBlowing|Glass Blowing]]) ([[Fletching|Fletching]]) ([[ScrimShaw|Scrimshawing]]) ([[PaperMaking|Paper Making]])
([[Thief_MinorTrap|Lay Minor Traps]]) [[Song_Detection|Awareness]] |level7=([[Skill_Dodge|Dodge]]) |level8=([[Song_Rage|Rage]]) [[Thief_UsePoison|Use Poison]] ([[Thief_Distract|Distract]])
|level9=([[Thief_Peek|Peek]]) ([[Skill_FireBreathing|Fire Breathing]])
|level10=[[Skill_Joke|Joke]] ([[Song_Distraction|Distraction]]) ([[Thief_Sneak|Sneak]]) ([[Wainwrighting|Wainwrighting]])
([[Masonry|Masonry]]) ([[JewelMaking|Jewel Making]]) ([[Construction|Construction]]) ([[Siegecraft|Siegecraft]]) ([[Shipwright|Ship Building]]) ([[LockSmith|Locksmithing]]) ([[Speculate|Speculating]])
([[Farming|Farming]]) ([[Smelting|Smelting]]) ([[Taxidermy|Taxidermy]]) |level11=([[Thief_Bind|Bind]]) ([[Song_Lightness|Lightness]]) |level12=([[Song_Seeing|Seeing]]) [[Skill_SlowFall|Slow Fall]]
|level13=([[Skill_Trip|Trip]]) ([[Skill_CenterOfAttention|Center of Attention]])
|level14=([[Fighter_CriticalShot|Critical Shot]]) ([[Song_Mercy|Mercy]]) [[Dance_Clog|Clog Dance]] [[Dance_Stop|Stop]]
|level15=([[Thief_DetectTraps|Detect Traps]]) ([[Irrigation|Irrigation]]) ([[Landscaping|Landscaping]]) ([[Excavation|Excavation]]) ([[Composting|Composting]])
|level16=([[Spell_ReadMagic|Read Magic]]) ([[Song_Charm|Suave]])
|level17=([[Skill_Attack2|Second Attack]]) |level18=[[Fighter_Tumble|Tumble]] ([[Song_Thanks|Thanks]]) |level19=([[Skill_Satire|Satire]]) ([[Thief_Swipe|Swipe gold]])
|level20=([[Song_Mute|Muting]]) ([[Fighter_CritStrike|Critical Strike]]) [[Thief_AvoidTraps|Avoid Traps]] |level21=([[Thief_Steal|Steal]]) |level22=[[Skill_Feint|Feint]] ([[Song_Quickness|Quickness]])
|level23=([[Song_SingleMindedness|Single Mindedness]]) ([[Fighter_BlindFighting|Blind Fighting]]) |level24=[[Fighter_Cartwheel|Cartwheel]] ([[Song_Disgust|Disgust]]) |level25=([[Fighter_Roll|Roll With
Blows]]) [[Skill_Puppeteer|Puppeteer]] |level26=|level27=|level28=|level29=|level30=[[Skill_Buffoonery|Buffoonery]]

===Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness===



Revision as of 16:19, 7 February 2020

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==CoffeeMUD Classes==
Bard        Cleric        Commoner        Druid        Fighter        Mage        Thief       
===CoffeeMUD Bard Classes===
Bard        Charlatan        Dancer        Jester        Minstrel       
Description: The Jester is the joking, annoying, and sneaky fellow that few Bards like to claim. Like the Charlatan, they remain associated with Bards due to their highly social nature and their charismatic attitudes. The Jester is also amazingly dextrous and slippery, due to the slapstick style of maneuvers he practices and specializes in.

How to play: As the levels progress, however, few could argue the seriousness of the Jesters power, should his goofy smile, for some reason, be turned around. The Jester is still, clearly, a group player. He needs the strong tanking of fighters, and other support classes to flourish, though he can still hold his own if he manages not to take life too seriously.

Primary Stat: Charisma
Qualifications: Charisma 9+, Dexterity 9+
Practices: 5 +[(Wisdom/6)+1 per lvl]. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the Wisdom/X+Y number.
Trains: 3 +1 per level. Note: The first number is the number gained at 1st level. Subsequent levels gain the number preceding the "per level".
Hit Points: 20 +[(Con/3)+(2d6) /lvl].
Mana: 100 +[(Int/6)+(1d3)/lvl].
Movement: 100 +[7X(Str/18) /lvl].
Attack: +(Cha/18) per level.
Damage: +1 damage per 10 level(s).
Maximum Stat Values: Dexterity (22), Charisma (22), Others (18)
Bonuses: Receives 2%/level bonus to saves versus poison. Receives extra natural damaging skill. Receives group bonus combat experience when in an intelligent group, and more for a group of players. Receives exploration and pub-finding experience based on danger level.
Weapons: Must use swords, daggers, natural, or ranged weapons.
Armor: Must wear non-metal armor.
Starting Equipment: a short sword
Races: Githyanki Gnome Half Elf Halfling Human Merfolk Svirfneblin
Level Class Skills (Skills in parenthesis must be trained for at a trainer or by another player.)
1 Belly Rolling    Write    Juggle    Clumsiness    Nothing    Recall    Haggle    Befriend    Sword Specialization    (Edged Weapon Specialization)    (Ranged Weapon Specialization)    (Play Instrument)    (Bandaging)    (Apothecary)    (Swim)    (Smoke Rings)    (Caravan Building)    (Foraging)    (Herbology)    (Floristry)    (Fishing)    (Gem Digging)    (Drilling)    (Hunting)    (Shearing)    
2 Identify Poison    (Drunkenness)    (Cooking)    (Wood Chopping)    (Butchering)    (Lacquering)    (Dyeing)    (Embroidering)    (Engraving)    
3 Fire Building    QuickChange    (Climb)    (Hide)    (Rope Tricks)    (Blacksmithing)    (Carpentry)    (Leather Working)    (Tailoring)    
4 Slapstick    (Babble)    (Searching)    (Distilling)    (Mining)    (Sculpting)    (Pottery)    (Tanning)    (Costuming)    (Weaving)    
5 Mimicry    (Wands)    (Glass Blowing)    (Scrimshawing)    (Armorsmithing)    (Weaponsmithing)    (Paper Making)    (Food Prep)    (Fletching)    (Cobbling)    (Baking)    (Painting)    
6 Awareness    (Lay Minor Traps)    (Struggle)    (Find Home)    (Shepherding)    
7 (Prestidigitation)    (Dodge)    (Graceful Dismount)    (Meat Curing)    
8 Use Poison    (Rage)    (Distract)    (AutoSwim)    (AutoCrawl)    
9 (Fire Breathing)    (Rope Trip)    (Peek)    
10 Joke    (Distraction)    (Sneak)    (Breakout)    (Smelting)    (Construction)    (Siegecrafting)    (Boatwrighting)    (Locksmithing)    (Speculating)    (Farming)    (Jewel Making)    (Wainwrighting)    (Masonry)    (Taxidermy)    (Shrooming)    
11 (Bind)    (Lightness)    
12 Slow Fall    (Seeing)    (Find Ship)    (Gardening)    
13 (Center of Attention)    (Trip)    
14 Clog Dance    Stop    (Mercy)    (Critical Shot)    
15 (Rope Disarm)    (Detect Traps)    (Composting)    (Irrigation)    (Landscaping)    (Excavation)    
16 Stability    (Read Magic)    (Suave)    
17 (Second Attack)    
18 Tumble    (Thanks)    (AutoClimb)    (Food Preserving)    
19 (Swipe gold)    (Satire)    
20 Avoid Traps    (Critical Strike)    (Muting)    (Branding)    
21 (Steal)    
22 Feint    (Quickness)    
23 (Single Mindedness)    (Blind Fighting)    
24 Cartwheel    (Disgust)    
25 Puppeteer    (Roll With Blows)    
29 (Master Floristry)    (Master Herbology)    (Master Mycology)    
30 Buffoonery    

How to Play

Multi-Classing Options and Effectiveness

