Difference between revisions of "Wainwrighting(Recipes)"

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Line 190: Line 190:
| 100
| 100
| 1
| 1
| Inhabitants get Speed+1.
| Inhabitants get Speed+1 (an additional attack).
| 26
| 26
Line 286: Line 286:
| 500
| 500
| 3
| 3
| Inhabitants get Speed+1.
| Inhabitants get Speed+1 (an additional attack).
| 48
| 48
Line 350: Line 350:
| 100
| 100
| 1
| 1
| Inhabitants get Speed+1 and Armor+50.
| Inhabitants get Speed+1 (an additional attack) and Armor+50.
| 64
| 64
Line 366: Line 366:
| 500
| 500
| 3
| 3
| Inhabitants get Speed+1 and Armor+50.
| Inhabitants get Speed+1 (an additional attack) and Armor+50.
| 68
| 68

Latest revision as of 00:59, 31 May 2019

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This page has all of the current base Wainwrighting recipes as of 5/14/2019.

Wainwrighting Recipes

Level Title Wood Amount Mount on Horse Container Capacity Rider Capacity Notes
1 travois 10 No 200 Has terrain restrictions.
2 sled 15 Yes 0 1 Has terrain restrictions.
3 hand wagon 20 No 300 Has terrain restrictions.
4 hand trolley 25 No 100 Has terrain restrictions.
5 dog sled 30 Yes 100 1 Has terrain restrictions.
6 wheel barrow 35 No 500 Has terrain restrictions.
7 baby carriage 10 No 20 Has terrain restrictions.
8 tobaggon 20 Yes 0 2 Has terrain restrictions.
9 cabriolet 60 Yes 0 3
10 small coach 60 Yes 100 4 Closeable storage area.
11 medium coach 80 Yes 200 6 Closeable storage area.
12 large coach 100 Yes 300 8 Closeable storage area.
13 small unsprung cart 50 Yes 1000 0
14 small carriage 75 Yes 500 4
15 small sprung cart 80 Yes 500 2
16 small storage cart 100 Yes 1000 0 Lockable storage area.
17 small lantern wagon 120 Yes 1000 2 Provides a light source.
18 small wagon 150 Yes 1000 2
19 small covered wagon 175 Yes 1000 2 Closeable storage area.
20 small storage wagon 200 Yes 1000 2 Lockable storage area.
22 medium carriage 125 Yes 1000 6
24 small chariot 225 Yes 100 1 Inhabitants get Speed+1 (an additional attack).
26 large carriage 175 Yes 1500 8
28 sleigh 250 Yes 2000 6
30 medium unsprung cart 130 Yes 3000 0
32 medium wagon 200 Yes 2500 2
34 medium covered wagon 225 Yes 2500 2 Closeable storage area.
36 medium storage cart 250 Yes 3000 0 Lockable storage area.
37 all-terrain baby carriage 15 No 30
38 food cart 150 Yes 500 0 Closeable storage area, holds eatables and works as an ice box.
40 medium lantern wagon 175 Yes 2500 2 Provides a light source.
42 medium sprung cart 130 Yes 2000 4
44 medium storage wagon 300 Yes 2500 2 Lockable storage area.
46 large chariot 450 Yes 500 3 Inhabitants get Speed+1 (an additional attack).
48 large unsprung cart 230 Yes 9000 0
50 large wagon 300 Yes 7500 2
52 large covered wagon 325 Yes 7500 2 Closeable storage area.
54 large storage cart 500 Yes 9000 0 Lockable storage area.
56 large lantern wagon 275 Yes 7500 2 Provides a light source.
58 large sprung cart 250 Yes 7000 6
60 large storage wagon 450 Yes 7500 2 Lockable storage area.
62 small war chariot 650 Yes 100 1 Inhabitants get Speed+1 (an additional attack) and Armor+50.
64 huge unsprung cart 430 Yes 30000 0
66 large war chariot 750 Yes 500 3 Inhabitants get Speed+1 (an additional attack) and Armor+50.
68 huge wagon 500 Yes 25000 2
70 chuck wagon 450 Yes 2500 2 Closeable, holds eatables and works as an ice box.
72 trolley 650 Yes 25000 2 Lockable storage area.
74 plow 100 Yes 0 1 Inhabitants are granted the ability to use the Fertilization chant.
76 portable forge 800 Yes 1000 0 Closeable and provides a heat source.
78 seige tower 500 Yes 2000 16 Inhabitants are granted the Mounted Combat ability.
80 fur-lined sleigh 350 Yes 2000 6 Inhabitants are granted the Protection from Cold effect.
82 portable aquarium 1000 Yes 0 4 Inhabitants are granted Land Lungs.
84 signal tower 350 Yes 0 1 Inhabitants are granted the ability to use Smoke Signals if a fire is built within.
86 portable tower 150 Yes 0 1 Inhabitants are granted the Regional Awareness effect.
88 prairie schooner 750 Yes 20000 12 Lockable storage area and persists in the world even if left unattended.


  • Unless is are mounted upon one of these items, one can pull them item to move with it (for example, pull cart east).
  • If not mounted upon the item, pushing it in an available direction will result in the item being moved but not oneself.
  • If mounted upon the item and one pushes it, one moves with the item.
  • If the item is mounted on a horse and one mounts the item, one can use the direction alone to move.