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===Golem Form===
Domain: Shape Shifting
Available: Delver(10)
Allows: Shapeshifting
UseCost: Mana (60)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Examples: golemform

golemform list

golemform massive stone golem

Description: The druid gains the ability, through this skill, to take on the form of a stone golem. The form progresses as the druid gains in level, he will gain access to more powerful forms, each more devastating than the last, though each also a bit slower on the move. Golems are also unable to speak or chant.

Shapeshift Forms

Below is a listing of the various forms each type of druid may change into. The Relative Level is how many levels above qualifying level you need to get this form..

Racial Category Race Benefit Relative Level
Metal Golem Steel Golem 1
Stone Golem Quartz Golem 5
Metal Golem Mithril Golem 10
Stone Golem Diamond Golem 15
Metal Golem Adamantite Golem 25

Combat Bonuses

Each form provides some additional combat bonuses, which increase with level. A relative scale is provide below. Superior is better than High. High is better than Good, Good is better than Improved, and Improved is better than Slight. Slight is better than your normal form.

Form Attack Damage Armor Combat Speed
Steel Slight Slight Slight Bad
Quartz Improved Improved Improved Very Bad
Mithril Good Good Good Worse
Diamond High High High Very Worse
Adamantite Superior Superior Superior Worst

